Displaying publications 321 - 340 of 949 in total

  1. Liew YJM, Lee YK, Khalid N, Rahman NA, Tan BC
    PeerJ, 2020;8:e9094.
    PMID: 32391211 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.9094
    Flavonoids and prenylated flavonoids are active components in medicinal plant extracts which exhibit beneficial effects on human health. Prenylated flavonoids consist of a flavonoid core with a prenyl group attached to it. This prenylation process is catalyzed by prenyltranferases (PTs). At present, only a few flavonoid-related PT genes have been identified. In this study, we aimed to investigate the roles of PT in flavonoid production. We isolated a putative PT gene (designated as BrPT2) from a medicinal ginger, Boesenbergia rotunda. The deduced protein sequence shared highest gene sequence homology (81%) with the predicted homogentisate phytyltransferase 2 chloroplastic isoform X1 from Musa acuminata subsp. Malaccensis. We then cloned the BrPT2 into pRI vector and expressed in B. rotunda cell suspension cultures via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The BrPT2-expressing cells were fed with substrate, pinostrobin chalcone, and their products were analyzed by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry. We found that the amount of flavonoids, namely alpinetin, pinostrobin, naringenin and pinocembrin, in BrPT2-expressing cells was higher than those obtained from the wild type cells. However, we were unable to detect any targeted prenylated flavonoids. Further in-vitro assay revealed that the reaction containing the BrPT2 protein produced the highest accumulation of pinostrobin from the substrate pinostrobin chalcone compared to the reaction without BrPT2 protein, suggesting that BrPT2 was able to accelerate the enzymatic reaction. The finding of this study implied that the isolated BrPT2 may not be involved in the prenylation of pinostrobin chalcone but resulted in high yield and production of other flavonoids, which is likely related to enzyme promiscuous activities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plants, Medicinal
  2. Dwivedi MK, Shukla R, Sharma NK, Manhas A, Srivastava K, Kumar N, et al.
    J Ethnopharmacol, 2021 Jul 15;275:114076.
    PMID: 33789139 DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2021.114076
    ETHANOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: Limited drugs, rise in drug resistance against frontline anti-malarial drugs, non-availability of efficacious vaccines and high cost of drug development hinders malaria intervention programs. Search for safe, effective and affordable plant based anti-malarial agents, thus becomes crucial and vital in the current scenario. The Vitex negundo L. is medicinal plant possessing a variety of pharmaceutically important compounds. The plant is used traditionally worldwide for the treatment of malaria including India and Malaysia by the indigenous tribes. In vitro studies have reported the anti-malarial use of the plant in traditional medicinal systems.

    AIM OF THE STUDY: The aim of the current study is to evaluate the traditionally used medicinal plants for in vitro anti-malarial activity against human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum and profiling secondary metabolite using spectroscopic and chromatographic methods. Chemical profiling of active secondary metabolites in the extracts was undertaken using LC-MS.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Based on the ethno-botanical data V. negundo L. was selected for in vitro anti-malarial activity against P. falciparum chloroquine-sensitive (3D7) and multidrug resistant (K1) strains using SYBR Green-I based fluorescence assay. Cytotoxicity of extracts was evaluated in VERO cell line using the MTT assay. Haemolysis assay was performed using human red blood cells. Secondary metabolites profiling was undertaken using chromatographic and spectroscopic analysis. Liquid chromatography analysis was performed using a C18, 150 X 2.1, 2.6 μm column with gradient mobile phase Solvent A: 95% (H2O: ACN), Solvent B: Acetonitrile, Solvent C: Methanol, Solvent D: 5 mM NH4 in 95:5 (H2O: ACN) at a constant flow rate of 0.250 ml/min. The LC-MS spectra were acquired in both positive and negative ion modes with electrospray ionization (ESI) source.

    RESULTS: The anti-malarial active extract of V. negundo L. leaf exhibited potent anti-malarial activity with IC50 values of 7.21 μg/ml and 7.43 μg/ml against 3D7 and K1 strains, respectively with no evidence of significant cytotoxicity against mammalian cell line (VERO) and no toxicity as observed in haemolysis assay. The HPLC-LC-MS analysis of the extract led to identification of 73 compounds. We report for the first time the presence of Sabinene hydrate acetate, 5-Hydroxyoxindole, 2(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-6, 7-dimethoxychromen-4-one, Cyclotetracosa-1, 13-diene and 5, 7-Dimethoxyflavanone in the anti-malarial active extract of V. negundo L. leaf. Agnuside, Behenic acid and Globulol are some of the novel compounds with no reports of anti-malarial activity so far and require further evaluation in pure form for the development of potent anti-malarial compounds.

    CONCLUSIONS: The result report and scientifically validate the traditional use of V. negundo L. for the treatment of malaria providing new avenues for anti-malarial drug development. Several novel and unknown compounds were identified that need to be further characterized for anti-malarial potential.

    Matched MeSH terms: Plants, Medicinal/metabolism; Plants, Medicinal/toxicity; Plants, Medicinal/chemistry
  3. Tewari D, Mocan A, Parvanov ED, Sah AN, Nabavi SM, Huminiecki L, et al.
    Front Pharmacol, 2017;8:519.
    PMID: 28848436 DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2017.00519
    In many developing countries, jaundice is the common symptom of hepatic diseases which are a major cause of mortality. The use of natural product-based therapies is very popular for such hepatic disorders. A great number of medicinal plants have been utilized for this purpose and some facilitated the discovery of active compounds which helped the development of new synthetic drugs against jaundice. However, more epidemiological studies and clinical trials are required for the practical implementation of the plant pharmacotherapy of jaundice. The focus of this second part of our review is on several of the most prominent plants used against jaundice identified in the analysis performed in the first part of the review viz. Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Nees, Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn., Terminalia chebula Retz., Glycyrrhiza glabra L. and some species of genus Phyllanthus. Furthermore, we discuss their physiological effects, biologically active ingredients, and the potential mechanisms of action. Some of the most important active ingredients were silybin (also recommended by German commission), phyllanthin and andrographolide, whose action leads to bilirubin reduction and normalization of the levels of relevant serum enzymes indicative for the pathophysiological status of the liver.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plants, Medicinal
  4. Peng Y, Fornara DA, Wu Q, Heděnec P, Yuan J, Yuan C, et al.
    Sci Total Environ, 2023 Jan 20;857(Pt 3):159686.
    PMID: 36302428 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159686
    Plant litter decomposition is not only the major source of soil carbon and macronutrients, but also an important process for the biogeochemical cycling of trace elements such as iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu). The concentrations of plant litter trace elements can influence litter decomposition and element cycling across the plant and soil systems. Yet, a global perspective of the patterns and driving factors of trace elements in plant litter is missing. To bridge this knowledge gap, we quantitatively assessed the concentrations of four common trace elements, namely Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu, of freshly fallen plant litter with 1411 observations extracted from 175 publications across the globe. Results showed that (1) the median of the average concentrations of litter Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu were 0.200, 0.555, 0.032, and 0.006 g/kg, respectively, across litter types; (2) litter concentrations of Fe, Zn, and Cu were generally stable regardless of variations in multiple biotic and abiotic factors (e.g., plant taxonomy, climate, and soil properties); and (3) litter Mn concentration was more sensitive to environmental conditions and influenced by multiple factors, but mycorrhizal association and soil pH and nitrogen concentration were the most important ones. Overall, our study provides a clear global picture of plant litter Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu concentrations and their driving factors, which is important for improving our understanding on their biogeochemical cycling along with litter decomposition processes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plants
  5. Ma S, Mohd Raffi AN, Rosli MA, Mohd Zain NA, Ibrahim MH, Karsani SA, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2023 Jan 05;13(1):182.
    PMID: 36604574 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-26745-3
    Due to their sessile nature, plants are exposed to various environmental stressors such as exposure to high levels of harmful ultraviolet (UV), ionizing, and non-ionizing radiations. This exposure may result in various damages, ranging from DNA and chromosomal aberrations to phenotypic abnormalities. As an adaptation, plants have evolved efficient DNA repair mechanisms to detect and repair any damage caused by exposure to these harmful stressors to ensure their survival. In this study, the effects of gamma radiation (as a source of ionizing radiation) on clonal Ananas comosus var. MD2 was evaluated. The morphology and physiology of the clonal plantlets before and after exposure to gamma radiation were monitored at specific time intervals. The degree of genetic variation between the samples pre- and post-irradiation was also analyzed by using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. The resulting data revealed that the heights of the irradiated plantlets were significantly reduced (compared to control), but improved with the recovery period. Irradiated samples also exhibited relatively good photosynthetic efficiency that further improved as the plantlets recover. These observations were supported by the ISSR analysis, where the genetic dissimilarities between the irradiated samples and control were reduced by 0.1017, after 4 weeks of recovery. Overall, our findings suggested that the phenotype recovery of the clonal A. comosus var. MD2 plantlets was contributed by their ability to detect and repair the DNA lesions (as exemplified by the reduction in genetic dissimilarity after 4 weeks) and hence allow the plantlets to undergo phenotype reversion to normal plant stature.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plants
  6. Khan AM, Bakar NKA, Bakar AFA, Ashraf MA
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2017 Oct;24(29):22764-22789.
    PMID: 27722986 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-016-7427-1
    Rare earths (RE), chemically uniform group of elements due to similar physicochemical behavior, are termed as lanthanides. Natural occurrence depends on the geological circumstances and has been of long interest for geologist as tools for further scientific research into the region of ores, rocks, and oceanic water. The review paper mainly focuses to provide scientific literature about rare earth elements (REEs) with potential environmental and health effects in understanding the research. This is the initial review of RE speciation and bioavailability with current initiative toward development needs and research perceptive. In this paper, we have also discussed mineralogy, extraction, geochemistry, analytical methods of rare earth elements. In this study, REEs with their transformation and vertical distribution in different environments such as fresh and seawater, sediments, soil, weathering, transport, and solubility have been reported with most recent literature along key methods of findings. Speciation and bioavailability have been discussed in detail with special emphasis on soil, plant, and aquatic ecosystems and their impacts on the environment. This review shows that REE gained more importance in last few years due to their detrimental effects on living organisms, so their speciation, bioavailability, and composition are much more important to evaluate their health risks and are discussed thoroughly as well.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plants
  7. Som AM, Ramlee AA, Puasa SW, Hamid HAA
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2023 Feb;30(7):17108-17121.
    PMID: 34841489 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-17633-w
    In exploring the application of natural coagulants in industrial wastewater treatment, plant-based coagulants have been gaining more interests due to their potential such as biodegradability and easy availability. Hylocereus undatus foliage as a plant-based coagulant has been proven to be efficient during the coagulation-flocculation process; however, limited research has been reported focusing only on palm oil mill effluent (POME) and latex concentrate wastewater. In addition, no previous study has been carried out to determine the performance evaluation of Hylocereus undatus foliage in treating different types of wastewater incorporating different operating conditions using optimization techniques. Hence, this study employed response surface methodology (RSM) in an attempt to determine the performance evaluation of the coagulant in paint wastewater treatment. Four independent factors such as the pH value, coagulant dosage, rapid mixing speed and temperature were chosen as the operating conditions. Three water parameters such as turbidity, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and suspended solids (SS) were chosen as responses in this study. Results revealed that through central composite design (CCD) via Design Expert software, the optimum conditions were achieved at pH 5, coagulant dosage of 300 mg/L, rapid mixing speed of 120 rpm and temperature at 30 °C. The experimental data was observed to be close to the model predictions with the optimum turbidity, COD and SS removal efficiencies found to be at 62.81%, 59.57% and 57.23%, respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plants
  8. Jhonson P, Goh HW, Chan DJC, Juiani SF, Zakaria NA
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2023 Feb;30(9):24562-24574.
    PMID: 36336739 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-022-23605-5
    Bioretention systems are among the most popular stormwater best management practices (BMPs) for urban runoff treatment. Studies on plant performance using bioretention systems have been conducted, especially in developed countries with a temperate climate, such as the USA and Australia. However, these results might not be applicable in developing countries with tropical climates due to the different rainfall regimes and the strength of runoff pollutants. Thus, this study focuses on the performance of tropical plants in treating urban runoff polluted with greywater using a bioretention system. Ten different tropical plant species were triplicated and planted in 30 mesocosms with two control mesocosms without vegetation. One-way ANOVA was used to analyze the performance of plants, which were then ranked based on their performance in removing pollutants using the total score obtained for each water quality test. Results showed that vetiver topped the table with 86.4% of total nitrogen (TN) removal, 93.5% of total phosphorus (TP) removal, 89.8% of biological oxygen demand (BOD) removal, 90% of total suspended solids (TSS) removal, and 92.5% of chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal followed by blue porterweed, Hibiscus, golden trumpet, and tall sedge which can be recommended to be employed in future bioretention studies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plants
  9. Hashim S, Beh HK, Hamil MS, Ismail Z, Majid AM
    Pharmacognosy Res, 2016 Oct-Dec;8(4):238-243.
    PMID: 27695261
    CONTEXT: Orthosiphon stamineus is a medicinal herb widely grown in Southeast Asia and tropical countries. It has been used traditionally as a diuretic, abdominal pain, kidney and bladder inflammation, gout, and hypertension.
    AIMS: This study aims to develop and validate the high-performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) method for quantification of rosmarinic acid (RA), 3'-hydroxy-5,6,7,4'-tetramethoxyflavone (TMF), sinensitin (SIN) and eupatorin (EUP) found in ethanol, 50% ethanol and water extract of O. stamineus leaves.
    MATERIALS AND METHODS: HPTLC method was conducted using an HPTLC system with a developed mobile phase system of toluene: ethyl acetate: formic acid (3:7:0.1) performed on precoated silica gel 60 F254 TLC plates. The method was validated based on linearity, accuracy, precision, limit of detection, limit of quantification (LOQ), and specificity, respectively. The detection of spots was observed at ultraviolet 254 nm and 366 nm.
    RESULTS: The linearity of RA, TMF, SIN, and EUP were obtained between 10 and 100 ng/spot with high correlation coefficient value (R2) of more than 0.986. The limit of detection was found to be 122.47 ± 3.95 (RA), 43.38 ± 0.79 (SIN), 17.26 ± 1.16 (TMF), and 46.80 ± 1.33 ng/spot (EUP), respectively. Whereas the LOQ was found to be 376.44 ± 6.70 (RA), 131.45 ± 2.39 (SIN), 52.30 ± 2.01 (TMF), and 141.82 ± 1.58 ng/spot (EUP), respectively.
    CONCLUSION: The proposed method showed good linearity, precision, accuracy, and high sensitivity. Hence, it may be applied in a routine quantification of RA, SIN, TMF, and EUP found in ethanol, 50% of ethanol and water extract of O. stamineus leaves.
    SUMMARY: HPTLC method provides rapid estimation of the marker compound for routine quality control analysis.The established HPTLC method is rapid for qualitative and quantitative fingerprinting of Orthosiphon stamineus extract used for commercial product.Four identified markers (RA, SIN, EUP and TMF) found in three a different type of O. stamineus extracts specifically ethanol, 50% ethanol and water extract were successfully quantified using HPTLC method. Abbreviations Used: HPTLC: High-performance thin layer chromatography; RA: Rosmarinic acid; TMF: 3'-hydroxy-5,6,7,4'-tetramethoxyflavone; SIN: Sinensitin; EUP: Eupatorin; E: Ethanol; EW: 50% ethanol; W: Water; BK: Batu Kurau; KB: Kepala Batas; S: Sik; CJ: Changkat Jering; SB: Sungai Buloh.
    KEYWORDS: rosmarinic acid; Eupatorin; Orthosiphon stamineus; high-performance thin-layer chromatography; sinensitin; validation
    Matched MeSH terms: Plants, Medicinal
  10. Saidan NH, Aisha AF, Hamil MS, Majid AM, Ismail Z
    Pharmacognosy Res, 2015 Jan-Mar;7(1):23-31.
    PMID: 25598631 DOI: 10.4103/0974-8490.147195
    Orthosiphon stamineus Benth. (Lamiaceae) is a traditional medicinal plant which has been used in treating various ailments such as kidney diseases, bladder inflammation, arthritis and diabetes. The leaves contain high concentration of phenolic compounds, thus, rosmarinic acid (RA), 3'-hydroxy-5, 6, 7, 4'-tetramethoxyflavone (TMF), sinensetin (SIN) and eupatorin (EUP) were chosen as a marker compounds for standardization of various O. stamineus leaf extracts.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plants, Medicinal
  11. Wang C, Lin X, Zhang X, Show PL
    Environ Pollut, 2024 May 01;348:123860.
    PMID: 38537803 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2024.123860
    Algae, comprising microalgae and macroalgae, have emerged as a promising feedstock for the production of functional biochar. Recently, the application of algal biochar in environmental remediation gains increasing attention. This review summarizes research advancements in the synthesis and application of algal biochar, a versatile and sustainable material for environmental remediation ranging from wastewater treatment to soil improvement. Algal biochar can be prepared by pyrolysis, microwave-assisted pyrolysis, and hydrothermal carbonization. Physical and chemical modifications have proven to be effective for improving biochar properties. Algal biochar is promising for removing diverse pollutants including heavy metals, organic pollutants, and microplastics. The role in soil improvement signifies a sustainable approach to enhancing soil structure, nutrient retention, and microbial activity. Research gaps are identified based on current understanding, necessitating further exploration into variations in biochar characteristics, the performance improvement, large-scale applications, and the long-term evaluation for environmental application. This review provides a better understanding of algal biochar as a sustainable and effective tool in environmental remediation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plants
  12. Parasuraman S, Thing GS, Dhanaraj SA
    Pharmacogn Rev, 2014 Jul;8(16):73-80.
    PMID: 25125878 DOI: 10.4103/0973-7847.134229
    Ayurveda is one of the traditional medicinal systems of Indian. The philosophy behind Ayurveda is preventing unnecessary suffering and living a long healthy life. Ayurveda involves the use of natural elements to eliminate the root cause of the disease by restoring balance, at the same time create a healthy life-style to prevent the recurrence of imbalance. Herbal medicines have existed world-wide with long recorded history and they were used in ancient Chinese, Greek, Egyptian and Indian medicine for various therapies purposes. World Health Organization estimated that 80% of the word's inhabitants still rely mainly on traditional medicines for their health care. The subcontinent of India is well-known to be one of the major biodiversity centers with about 45,000 plant species. In India, about 15,000 medicinal plants have been recorded, in which the communities used 7,000-7,500 plants for curing different diseases. In Ayurveda, single or multiple herbs (polyherbal) are used for the treatment. The Ayurvedic literature Sarangdhar Samhita' highlighted the concept of polyherbalism to achieve greater therapeutic efficacy. The active phytochemical constituents of individual plants are insufficient to achieve the desirable therapeutic effects. When combining the multiple herbs in a particular ratio, it will give a better therapeutic effect and reduce the toxicity. This review mainly focuses on important of the polyherbalism and its clinical significance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plants, Medicinal
  13. Sani I, Jamian S, Saad N, Abdullah S, Mohd Hata E, Jalinas J, et al.
    PLoS One, 2023;18(5):e0285666.
    PMID: 37216342 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0285666
    Entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) are natural enemies which affect insect population and have long been recognized as biological control agents against many insect pests. Some isolates have also been established as endophytes, benefiting their host plants without causing any symptoms or negative effects. Here we demonstrated two entomopathogenic fungal species, Isariajavanica (Frieder. & Bally) Samson & Hywel-jone 2005 and Purpureocillium lilacinum (Thom) Luangsa-ard, Hou-braken, Hywel-Jones & Samson (2011) as endophytes in tomato plants by using the seed inoculation method and examined their effect on plant growth, B. tabaci mortality, and adult emergence. Our study indicated that tomato seeds treated with a fungal suspension of I. javanica and P. lilacinum enabled their recovery from plant tissues (root, stem and leaf) up to 60 days after inoculation (DAI). Both endophytic isolates also caused significant mortality of adult B. tabaci on seedlings inoculated with, I. javanica (51.92±4.78%), and P. lilacinum (45.32±0.20%) compared to the control treatment (19.29±2.35). Adult emergence rates were significantly high in the control treatments (57.50±2.66%) compared to I. javanica (15.00±1.47%) and P. lilacinum (28.75±4.78%) treatments. This study provides evidence that endophytic isolates of I. javanica and P. lilacinum have a biocontrol potentials for used against whiteflies and could also explored as plant growth promoters.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plants
  14. Wong FC, Yong AL, Ting EP, Khoo SC, Ong HC, Chai TT
    Iran J Pharm Res, 2014;13(4):1409-15.
    PMID: 25587331
    The purpose of this investigation was to determine the antioxidant potentials and anti-glucosidase activities of six tropical medicinal plants. The levels of phenolic constituents in these medicinal plants were also quantified and compared. Antioxidation potentials were determined colorimetrically for scavenging activities against DPPH and NO radicals. Metal chelating assay was based on the measurement of iron-ferrozine absorbance at 562 nm. Anti-diabetic potentials were measured by using α-glucosidase as target enzyme. Medicinal plants' total phenolic, total flavonoid and hydroxycinnamic acid contents were determined using spectrophotometric methods, by comparison to standard plots prepared using gallic acid, quercetin and caffeic acid standards, respectively. Radical scavenging and metal chelating activities were detected in all medicinal plants, in concentration-dependent manners. Among the six plants tested, C. nutans, C. formosana and H. diffusa were found to possess α-glucosidase inhibitory activities. Spectrophotometric analysis indicated that the total phenolic, total flavonoid and hydroxycinnamic acid contents ranged from 12.13-21.39 mg GAE per g of dry sample, 1.83-9.86 mg QE per g of dry sample, and 0.91-2.74 mg CAE per g of dry sample, respectively. Our results suggested that C. nutans and C. formosana could potentially be used for the isolation of potent antioxidants and anti-diabetic compounds. To the best of our knowledge, this study represents the first time that C. nutans (Acanthaceae family) was reported in literature with glucosidase inhibition activity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plants, Medicinal
  15. Sabran SF, Mohamed M, Abu Bakar MF
    PMID: 26881002 DOI: 10.1155/2016/2850845
    This study documented ethnomedical knowledge of plants used for the treatment of tuberculosis (TB) and its related symptoms as practiced by the Jakun community of Kampung Peta, situated in Endau Rompin Johor National Park, Johor, Malaysia. Eight key informants were selected by snowball sampling technique and data about medicinal plants were collected by semistructured interviews, participatory observations, and focus group. Qualitative analysis was undertaken using thematic analysis. There were 23 species of plants (22 genera, 20 families) documented and herbarium specimens were deposited at the UTHM Herbarium. Dipterocarpus sublamellatus was recorded for the first time with ethnomedical uses while other species were previously reported. The qualitative approach employed in this study demonstrates the emic perspective in terms of perceptions on traditional herbal medicine, transfer of knowledge, significant taboos related with medicinal plants, and their conservation efforts. Local and biomedical terminology in treatment of TB showed substantial correspondence. The outcomes obtained in the study are worth being further investigated for conservation strategies and are worthy of verifying their ethnomedical claims scientifically.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plants, Medicinal
  16. Behboodian B, Mohd Ali Z, Ismail I, Zainal Z
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2012;2012:439870.
    PMID: 22919320 DOI: 10.1100/2012/439870
    The plant hormone, ethylene, is an important regulator which involved in regulating fruit ripening and flower senescence. In this study, RNA interference (RNAi) technology was employed to silence the genes involved in ethylene biosynthetic pathway. This was achieved by blocking the expression of specific gene encoding the ACC oxidase. Initially, cDNA corresponding to ACO1 of lowland tomato cultivar (MT1), which has high identity with ACO1 of Solanum lycopersicum in GenBank, was cloned through RT-PCR. Using a partial coding region of ACO1, one hpRNAi transformation vector was constructed and expressed ectopically under the 35S promoter. Results showed that transgenic lines harboring the hpRNA-ACO1 construct had lower ethylene production and a longer shelf life of 32 days as compared to 10 days for wild-type fruits. Changes in cell wall degrading enzyme activities were also investigated in cases where the transgenic fruits exhibited reduced rates of firmness loss, which can be associated with a decrease in pectin methylesterase (PME) and polygalacturonase (PG) activities. However, no significant change was detected in both transgenic and wild-type fruits in terms of β-galactosidase (β-Gal) activity and levels of total soluble solid, titratable acid and ascorbic acid.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plants, Genetically Modified/enzymology; Plants, Genetically Modified/genetics; Plants, Genetically Modified/chemistry*
  17. Barrett RL
    Ann Bot, 2013 Apr;111(4):499-529.
    PMID: 23378523 DOI: 10.1093/aob/mct008
    BACKGROUND: Sedges (Cyperaceae) form an important ecological component of many ecosystems around the world. Sword and rapier sedges (genus Lepidosperma) are common and widespread components of the southern Australian and New Zealand floras, also occurring in New Caledonia, West Papua, Borneo, Malaysia and southern China. Sedge ecology is seldom studied and no comprehensive review of sedge ecology exists. Lepidosperma is unusual in the Cyperaceae with the majority of species occurring in dryland habitats.

    SCOPE: Extensive review of ecological literature and field observations shows Lepidosperma species to be important components of many ecosystems, often dominating understorey and sedge-rich communities. For the first time, a detailed ecological review of a Cyperaceae genus is presented.

    CONCLUSIONS: Lepidosperma species are long-lived perennials with significant abundance and persistence in the landscape. Speciation patterns in the genus are of considerable interest due to complex biogeographical patterns and a high degree of habitat specificity. Potential benefits exist for medicinal products identified from several Lepidosperma species. Over 178 organisms, including 26 mammals, 42 birds, six reptiles, five amphibians, eight arachnids, 75 insects, three crustaceans and 13 fungi, are found to be dependent on, or making use of, Lepidosperma species. A significant relationship exists between Lepidosperma species and the moth genus Elachista. Implications for the conservation and ecology of both sedges and associated species are discussed.

    Matched MeSH terms: Plants, Medicinal
  18. Chen Y, McConkey KR, Fan P
    Oecologia, 2023 Aug;202(4):715-727.
    PMID: 37553533 DOI: 10.1007/s00442-023-05430-w
    Mutualistic and antagonistic plant-animal interactions differentially contribute to the maintenance of species diversity in ecological communities. Although both seed dispersal and predation by fruit-eating animals are recognized as important drivers of plant population dynamics, the mechanisms underlying how seed dispersers and predators jointly affect plant diversity remain largely unexplored. Based on mediating roles of seed size and species abundance, we investigated the effects of seed dispersal and predation by two sympatric primates (Nomascus concolor and Trachypithecus crepusculus) on local plant recruitment in a subtropical forest of China. Over a 26 month period, we confirmed that these primates were functionally distinct: gibbons were legitimate seed dispersers who dispersed seeds of 44 plant species, while langurs were primarily seed predators who destroyed seeds of 48 plant species. Gibbons dispersed medium-seeded species more effectively than small- and large-seeded species, and dispersed more seeds of rare species than common and dominant species. Langurs showed a similar predation rate across different sizes of seeds, but destroyed a large number of seeds from common species. Due to gut passage effects, gibbons significantly shortened the duration of seed germination for 58% of the dispersed species; however, for 54% of species, seed germination rates were reduced significantly. Our study underlined the contrasting contributions of two primate species to local plant recruitment processes. By dispersing rare species and destroying the seeds of common species, both primates might jointly maintain plant species diversity. To maintain healthy ecosystems, the conservation of mammals that play critical functional roles needs to receive further attention.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plants
  19. Lim JY, Teng SY, How BS, Loy ACM, Heo S, Jansen J, et al.
    Environ Pollut, 2023 Oct 15;335:122335.
    PMID: 37558197 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2023.122335
    Conventional fossil fuels are relied on heavily to meet the ever-increasing demand for energy required by human activities. However, their usage generates significant air pollutant emissions, such as NOx, SOx, and particulate matter. As a result, a complete air pollutant control system is necessary. However, the intensive operation of such systems is expected to cause deterioration and reduce their efficiency. Therefore, this study evaluates the current air pollutant control configuration of a coal-powered plant and proposes an upgraded system. Using a year-long dataset of air pollutants collected at 30-min intervals from the plant's telemonitoring system, untreated flue gas was reconstructed with a variational autoencoder. Subsequently, a superstructure model with various technology options for treating NOx, SOx, and particulate matter was developed. The most sustainable configuration, which included reburning, desulfurization with seawater, and dry electrostatic precipitator, was identified using an artificial intelligence (AI) model to meet economic, environmental, and reliability targets. Finally, the proposed system was evaluated using a Monte Carlo simulation to assess various scenarios with tightened discharge limits. The untreated flue gas was then evaluated using the most sustainable air pollutant control configuration, which demonstrated a total annual cost, environmental quality index, and reliability indices of 44.1 × 106 USD/year, 0.67, and 0.87, respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Power Plants
  20. Bostan N, Ilyas N, Akhtar N, Mehmood S, Saman RU, Sayyed RZ, et al.
    Environ Res, 2023 Oct 01;234:116523.
    PMID: 37422115 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2023.116523
    Plastic is now considered part and parcel of daily life due to its extensive usage. Microplastic (MP) pollution is becoming a growing worry and has been ranked as the second most critical scientific problem in the realm of ecology and the environment. Microplastics are smaller in size than the plastic and are more harmful to biotic and as well as abiotic environments. The toxicity of microplastic depends upon its shape and size and increases with an increase in its adsorption capacity and their toxicity. The reason behind their harmful nature is their small size and their large surface area-to-volume ratio. Microplastic can get inside fruits, vegetables, seeds, roots, culms, and leaves. Hence microplastic enters into the food chain. There are different entry points for microplastic to enter into the food chain. Such sources can include polluted food, beverages, spices, plastic toys, and household (packing, cooking, etc.). The concentration of microplastic in terrestrial environments is increasing day by day. Microplastic causes the destruction of soil structure; destroys soil microbiota, cause depletion of nutrients in the soil, and their absorption by plants decreases plant growth. Apart from other environmental problems caused by microplastic, human health is also badly affected by microplastic pollution present in the terrestrial environment. The presence of microplastics in the human body has been confirmed. Microplastic enters into the body of humans in different possible ways. According to their way of entering the body, microplastics cause different diseases in humans. MPs also cause negative effects on the human endocrine system. At the ecosystem level, the impacts of microplastic are interconnected and can disrupt ecological processes. Although recently different papers have been published on several aspects of the microplastic present in the terrestrial environment but there is no complete overview that focus on the interrelationship of MPs in plants, and soil and their effect on higher animals like a human. This review provides a completely detailed overview of existing knowledge about sources, occurrences, transport, and effects of microplastic on the food chain and soil quality and their ecotoxicological effects on plants and humans.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plants
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