METHODS: Plasma SPM were measured in samples obtained from two double-blind controlled interventions. The first, included 51 women mean age 53 ± 1.5 years, undergoing breast surgery allocated to either intravenous saline, or dexamethasone (4 mg or 8 mg) after induction of anaesthesia. The second study included 31 women of mean age 44 ± 0.5 years undergoing laparoscopic gynecological surgery that were allocated to either saline, or dexamethasone (4 mg). SPM (18-HEPE, 17-HDHA, RvE2, RvD1 17R-RvD1 and RvD2) were measured in plasma collected prior to induction of anaesthesia and at 24 h, and 6 weeks post-surgery. Pain was assessed using a verbal analogue scale at discharge from the post-anaesthesia recovery unit. The data from each study was combined to examine the effect of dexamethasone on plasma SPM. The relationship between pain score and SPM was examined using ordinal logistic regression.
RESULTS: The SPM 18-HEPE, 17-HDHA, RvE2, RvD1 17R-RvD1 and RvD2 were detectable in all plasma samples. There was no significant difference in any SPM due to dexamethasone over the duration of the study. There was a fall in 17-HDHA between baseline and 24 h in both the dexamethasone and saline groups (P = 0.003) but no change in the downstream SPM (RvD1, 17R-RvD1 and RvD2) or 18-HEPE and RvE2. Pain score was negatively related to levels of RvE2 measured prior to induction of anaesthesia (rho = -0.2991, P = 0.006) and positively related to BMI (rho = 0.279, P = 0.011). In ordinal logistic regression the odds ratio for RvE2 was 0.931 (CI 0.880, 0.986; P = 0.014); after adjusting for the effect of BMI indicating that an increase in RvE2 of 1 pg/ml would result in a 6.9 % fall in pain score. Allocation to a dexamethasone group did not influence the pain score or the relationship between RvE2 and pain score.
CONCLUSION: Dexamethasone administered as an anti-emetic does not affect plasma SPM levels. An elevated RvE2 level prior to surgery is predictive of a lower perceived pain score post-anaesthesia.
METHODS: Data was collected from the web-based MOH CSR. All consecutive cataract surgery patients from 1st June 2008 to 31st December 2014 were identified. Exclusion criteria were traumatic cataract or previous ocular surgery. Demographic data, ocular co-morbidities, intraoperative details and postoperative visual acuity (VA) at final ophthalmological follow-up were noted. All eyes were taken for analysis. Subjects with POE were compared against subjects with no POE for risk factor assessment using multiple logistic regressions.
RESULTS: A total of 163 503 subjects were screened. The incidence of POE was 0.08% (131/163 503). Demographic POE risk factors included male gender (OR: 2.121, 95%CI: 1.464-3.015) and renal disease (OR: 2.867, 95%CI: 1.503-5.467). POE risk increased with secondary causes of cataract (OR: 3.562, 95%CI: 1.740-7.288), uveitis (OR: 11.663, 95%CI: 4.292-31.693) and diabetic retinopathy (OR: 1.720, 95%CI: 1.078-2.744). Intraoperative factors reducing POE were shorter surgical time (OR: 2.114, 95%CI: 1.473-3.032), topical or intracameral anaesthesia (OR: 1.823, 95%CI: 1.278-2.602), posterior chamber intraocular lens (PCIOL; OR: 4.992, 95%CI: 2.689-9.266) and foldable IOL (OR: 2.276, 95%CI: 1.498-3.457). POE risk increased with posterior capsule rupture (OR: 3.773, 95%CI: 1.915-7.432) and vitreous loss (OR: 3.907, 95%CI: 1.720-8.873). Postoperative VA of 6/12 or better was achieved in 15.27% (20/131) subjects with POE.
CONCLUSION: This study concurs with other studies regarding POE risk factors. Further strengthening of MOH CSR data collection process will enable deeper analysis and optimization of POE treatment.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 58 patients who underwent elective surgery under general anaesthesia were randomised to two ETT groups, the PFT group (n = 29) and the UFR group (n = 29), for OFI in simulated difficult intubation patients using a rigid cervical collar. After successful standardised induction and relaxation, OFI and railroading of selected ETT were subsequently performed by a similarly experienced practitioner. Ease of insertion, degree of manipulation, time to successful intubation, post-intubation complications and haemodynamic changes were recorded for both groups.
RESULTS: he percentage of easy intubation was comparable between both groups with a slightly higher percentage in the UFR group than the PFT group (69.0% vs. 62.0%; P = 0.599). Degree of manipulation was also comparable between the two groups; the percentage of cases in which manipulation was not required was slightly higher in the UFR group than the PFT group (69.0% vs. 62.1%; P = 0.849). Time to successful intubation was also comparable between the groups, although the time was slightly shorter for the UFR group than the PFT group (56.9 s ± 39.7 s vs. 63.9 s ± 36.9 s; P = 0.488). There were also no significant differences in other parameters.
CONCLUSIONS: The Parker flex tip ETT was comparable to the unoflex reinforced ETT for OFI in simulated difficult airway patients.
Methods: A total of 110 severe TBI patients, aged 18-60, who underwent emergency brain surgery were randomised into Group T (TCI) (n = 55) and Group S (sevoflurane) (n = 55). Anaesthesia was maintained in Group T with propofol target plasma concentration of 3-6 μg/mL and in Group S with minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of sevoflurane 1.0-1.5. Both groups received TCI remifentanil 2-8 ng/mL for analgesia. After the surgery, patients were managed in the intensive care unit and were followed up until discharge for the outcome parameters.
Results: Demographic characteristics were comparable in both groups. Differences in Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) score at discharge were not significant between Group T and Group S (P = 0.25): the percentages of mortality (GOS 1) [27.3% versus 16.4%], vegetative and severe disability (GOS 2-3) [29.1% versus 41.8%] and good outcome (GOS 4-5) [43.6% versus 41.8%] were comparable in both groups. There were no significant differences in other outcome parameters.
Conclusion: TCI propofol and sevoflurane anaesthesia were comparable in the outcomes of TBI patients after emergency surgery.