Great apes are threatened with extinction, but precise information about the distribution and size of most populations is currently lacking. We conducted orangutan nest counts in the Malaysian state of Sabah (North Borneo), using a combination of ground and helicopter surveys, and provided a way to estimate the current distribution and size of the populations living throughout the entire state. We show that the number of nests detected during aerial surveys is directly related to the estimated true animal density and that a helicopter is an efficient tool to provide robust estimates of orangutan numbers. Our results reveal that with a total estimated population size of about 11,000 individuals, Sabah is one of the main strongholds for orangutans in North Borneo. More than 60% of orangutans living in the state occur outside protected areas, in production forests that have been through several rounds of logging extraction and are still exploited for timber. The role of exploited forests clearly merits further investigation for orangutan conservation in Sabah.
Arboreal animals negotiate a highly three-dimensional world that is discontinuous on many spatial scales. As the scale of substrate discontinuity increases, many arboreal animals rely on leaping or gliding locomotion between distant supports. In order to successfully move through their habitat, gliding animals must actively modulate both propulsive and aerodynamic forces. Here we examined the take-off and landing kinetics of a free-ranging gliding mammal, the Malayan colugo (Galeopterus variegatus) using a custom-designed three-dimensional accelerometry system. We found that colugos increase the propulsive impulse to affect longer glides. However, we also found that landing forces are negatively associated with glide distance. Landing forces decrease rapidly as glide distance increases from the shortest glides, then level off, suggesting that the ability to reorient the aerodynamic forces prior to landing is an important mechanism to reduce velocity and thus landing forces. This ability to substantially alter the aerodynamic forces acting on the patagial wing in order to reorient the body is a key to the transition between leaping and gliding and allows gliding mammals to travel long distances between trees with reduced risk of injury. Longer glides may increase the access to distributed resources and reduce the exposure to predators in the canopy or on the forest floor.
Introduction: Most of the recent publications on malaria in Malaysia were conducted in Sabah focusing on the emer-gence of Plasmodium knowlesi. This analysis aims to look into the incidence, mortality, and case fatality rate (CFR) of malaria caused by all Plasmodium species in the whole of Malaysia and to compare the different malaria char-acteristics and trends between Peninsular Malaysia (PM) and Sabah & Sarawak. Methods: This is a secondary data review of all malaria confirmed cases notified to the Ministry of Health, Malaysia from January 2013 to December 2017. Results: From 2013 to 2017, a total of 16,500 malaria cases were notified in Malaysia. The cases were mainly contributed from Sabah (7,150; 43.3%) and Sarawak (5,684; 34.4%). Plasmodium knowlesi was the commonest species in Sabah and Sarawak (9,902; 77.1%), while there were more Plasmodium vivax cases (1,548; 42.2%) in PM. The overall average incidence rates (IR), mortality rate (MR) and CFR for malaria in Malaysia were 0.106/1,000, 0.030/100,000 and 0.27%, respectively. Sarawak reported the highest average IR of 0.420/1,000 followed by Sabah (0.383/1,000). Other states in PM reported below the national average IR with
Today sport and tourism are among the developed worlds’ most sought after leisure experiences and are becoming very important reflecting the hos t venue both socially and culturally. In this new era, many challenges were even more significant for Malaysia as she is not yet developed like other countries. Therefore, a careful selection of a potential place as a host venue for sports’ event is import an t. In line with that notion, this study aims to examine residents’ perception towards social and cultural impacts on hosting World Kite Festival in Pasir Gudang, Johor. A self administered questionnaire was developed. A total of 461 residents were succes sf ully surveyed and their perceptions towards social and cultural impacts were assessed by utilizing Scale of Perceived Social Impact (SPSI). All obtained data were further analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). In order to achiev e the research objectives, descriptive statistic was used for assessing the percentages, mean, rank and standard deviation. While independent t Test was used to investigate the gender differences among residents at World Kite Festival. The finding indicate s that there was a positive impact of hosting a sports’ event to the resident at Pasir Gudang although some negative impacts were witnessed. Thus, some improvement is needed.
Medical professionals work in a constantly stressful environment. The nature of the profession requires routine extended working hours, but little is known about the effect of long working hours on selective physiological measures. A cross-sectional feasibility study was conducted from 1 October 2017 until 30 April 2018 on medical doctors in a tertiary health centre in northwest Malaysia. There was a total of 55 study participants recruited. The overall systolic blood pressure (SBP) was highest after working 24-hour stretch (p=0.006) and the overall diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were highest after working for 33 hours in a single stretch, at the end of on call rotation (p
Alphabetic knowledge and phonological awareness are essential skills in learning to read. This research examined the level of acquisition on alphabetic knowledge and phonological awareness among 60 preschoolers from private and public preschools in Kuching, Sarawak. The mean age of the children was 5.58. The children were administered letter name and sound knowledge, and letter naming fluency tests to examine their alphabetic knowledge; Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing and Yopp-Singer Phoneme Segmentation Test to examine their phonological awareness. Higher achievement in alphabetic knowledge and phonological awareness was found among preschoolers from private preschools compared to those from public preschools. This study discusses the implications for practice and ways teachers could explicitly foster alphabetic knowledge and phonological awareness skills in classroom.
Introduction: Thalassaemia is an autosomal recessive disorder affecting 5 percent of the Malaysian population. The state of Sabah has the highest number of transfusion dependent thalassaemia and β-thalassaemia carrier in Malay-sia. For Malaysia to be successful in the prevention of thalassaemia, Sabah needs to be focused on the preventive activities in areas with high prevalence of β-thalassaemia carriers. Thus, identifying the mapping of β-thalassaemia is crucial for planning for prevention activities. The objective of this study was to identify the prevalence of β-thalas-saemia by districts and ethnic groups in Sabah. Methods: This study used data from Form 4 Thalassaemia Screening Records in 2017. The data were cleaned and analysed using Excel spreadsheet to calculate for the national and state specific prevalence of β-thalassaemia carrier. Subsequently, the data was used for mapping of high-risk districts and ethnic groups in Sabah. Results: A total of 31,655 Form 4 students from 242 secondary schools were screened in Sa-bah in 2017 and 1150 (3.6%) were diagnosed as β-thalassemia carrier. The prevalence of β thalassaemia carrier was higher in the West Coast of Sabah which include Kota Marudi District (11.1%), Nabawan (9.0%), Tambunan (8%), Tongod (7.5%), Ranau (7.0%), Kota Belud (5.0%), Kudat (4.6%), Tenom (4.1%) and Tuaran (4.0%). In the East Coast of Sabah, there was only the Beluran District (5.0%) had prevalence that higher than the state average. β-thalassae-mia carriers were more likely to be of Dusun, Kadazan Dusun followed by Bajau, Murut and Rungus ethnic group. Conclusion: The distribution of β-thalassaemia carrier in Sabah was concentrated in the West Coast of Sabah and more common among the Dusun, Kadazan Dusun followed by Bajau, Murut and Rungus ethnic group. Thus, the thalassaemia prevention activities should be focuses in these areas and ethnic groups.
Forests and agricultural lands are the main resources on the earth's surface and important indicators of regional ecological environments. In this paper, Landsat images from 1990 and 2017 were used to extract information on forests in Malaysia based on a remote-sensing classification method. The spatial-temporal changes of forests and agricultural lands in Malaysia between 1990 and 2017 were analyzed. The results showed that the natural forests in Malaysia decreased by 441 Mha, a reduction of 21%. The natural forests were mainly converted into plantations in Peninsular Malaysia and plantations and secondary forests in East Malaysia. The area of agricultural lands in Malaysia increased by 55.7%, in which paddy fields increased by 1.1% and plantations increased by 98.2%. Paddy fields in Peninsular Malaysia are mainly distributed in the north-central coast and the Kelantan Delta. The agricultural land in East Malaysia is dominated by plantations, which are mainly distributed in coastal areas. The predictable areas of possible expansion for paddy fields in Peninsular Malaysia's Kelantan (45.2%) and Kedah (16.8%) areas in the future are large, and in addition, the plantations in Sarawak (44.7%) and Sabah (29.6%) of East Malaysia have large areas for expansion. The contradiction between agricultural development and protecting the ecological environment is increasingly prominent. The demand for agriculture is expected to increase further and result in greater pressures on tropical forests. Governments also need to encourage farmers to carry out existing land development, land recultivation, or cooperative development to improve agricultural efficiency and reduce the damage to natural forests.
The dataset contains tree height data collected in 200 mangrove and non-mangrove trees sampled in various sites in Malaysia. Different height measurement methods were performed, including visual measurements (stick, thumb rule) and precision field instruments (clinometer, laser rangefinder and altimeter), which were compared against benchmark values obtained using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and a Leica distometer. The core data have been analysed and interpreted in the paper by Saliu et al. ''An accuracy analysis of mangrove tree height mensuration using forestry techniques, hypsometers and UAVs '' [1], in which the accuracy of each method for tree height measurement was discussed.