Displaying publications 341 - 360 of 1069 in total

  1. Mohd Adam Bin Mohd Zaed, Noor Munirah Binti Awang Abu Bakar, Mohd Zaki Awg. Isa
    Introduction: Dry eye syndrome (DES) is an ocular condition characterized in decreasing of Tears Break-up Time (TBUT) leads to ocular irritation and loss of cornea integrity. Lubricants are the first-line treatment for various causes of ocular irritation, particularly dry eye. This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of Systane Hydration Lubricant (SHL) Eye Drops and Optive Fusion Lubricant (OFL) Eye Drops, the over-the-counter (OTC) artificial tears in treating DES. Materials and Methods: Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) questionnaire and TBUT assessment (pre-treatment) were used to determine DES of the subject prior to their involvement in the study. The subjects then divided into two groups which were prescribed with either SHL or OFL. All subjects were instructed to instill two drops of eye drops twice a day for a duration of one week, after which the TBUT (post-treatment) was re-assessed again. Results: A total of forty (40) eyes involved in this study with the mean age was 22.65 (SD: 3.09) years old, OSDI was 29.91 (SD:19.75) and TBUT (pre-treatment) was 3.35 (SD:1.03) second and TBUT (post treatment) was 4.18 (SD0.98) second respectively. There was no significant difference in TBUT (post-treatment) between SHL and OFL Eye Drops (U = 181, p = 0.58). However, a significant difference was found between pre-treatment TBUT and post-treatment TBUT in both groups (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Systane Hydration Lubricant Eye Drops and Optive Fusion Lubricant Eye Drops are equally effective in treating DES by improving the TBUT among the subjects. Therefore, optometrists are recommended to prescribe OTC artificial tears to patients with DES.
  2. Nor Kalsum Mohd Isa, Albahori, Ainul Samihah, Kamarul Ismail, Anuar Alias
    Execution of the green building project specifically among the housing developers in Malaysia is still at its infancy. As of August 2016, there are only 16 housing projects certified by the Green Building Index (GBI) under the category of Residential New Construction (RNC) since the assessment systems established in 2010. The authors address this issue in the context of the factors affecting the execution of the green building project among the housing developers in Klang Valley. A pilot study by using questionnaire survey was conducted among 30 housing developers from 10 different zones divided by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Malaysia. This paper aimed to report the results of the reliability test of the designed questionnaire. The results based on the Cronbach’s Alpha analysis showed that the items used in the questionnaire were reliable and obtained an acceptable level of internal consistency, which were relevant for the main study. The pilot study revealed that only 9 out of 30 respondents had the completed or ongoing green building projects. The findings exposed the level of knowledge, emotion, value, attitude, behavior and the potential factors affecting the execution of the green building projects among the housing developers in Klang Valley.
  3. Intan Elya Suka, Nur Farhana Roslan, Zamri Zainal, Nurulhikma Md Isa, Bee LC
    Sains Malaysiana, 2018;47:1465-1471.
    Gen Proteolisis 6 (PRT6) merupakan gen yang memainkan peranan penting dalam tapak jalan N-end rule dan berfungsi
    sebagai enzim E3 ligase. PRT6 berperanan dalam pengenalan protein sasaran bagi proses degradasi. Objektif utama kajian
    ini adalah untuk mentransformasi konstruk RNAi PRT6 ke dalam tomato berperantarakan Agrobacterium tumefaciens.
    Ini bertujuan untuk memahami peranan tapak jalan N-end rule semasa proses pemasakan buah. Beberapa faktor yang
    memberi kesan kepada transformasi seperti masa ko-penanaman dan juga kepekatan antibiotik yang digunakan telah
    dioptimumkan. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan pengeraman kotiledon selama 48 jam pada medium ko-penanaman dapat
    meningkatkan penghasilan kalus sebanyak 61% manakala penggunaan 500 mg/L antibiotik karbenisilin dalam medium
    regenerasi pucuk dapat mengurangkan kontaminasi A. tumefaciens sehingga 5.2%. Selain itu, strain A. tumefaciens
    C58 merupakan strain A. tumefaciens yang paling sesuai digunakan sebagai perantara dalam kajian ini. Tindak balas
    berantai polimerase (PCR) telah dijalankan pada pucuk yang terhasil untuk mengesahkan integrasi fragmen PRT6 ke dalam
    genom tomato. Berdasarkan analisis PCR, kesemua tujuh pucuk putatif transgenik adalah merupakan transforman positif.
  4. Chin WC, Nadira Mohamed Isa, Nadira Mohamed Isa, Lee MC, Poo KH
    Sains Malaysiana, 2017;46:107-116.
    The heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) models are used in modeling high frequency multipower realized volatility of the
    S&P 500 index. Extended from the standard realized volatility, the multipower realized volatility representations have
    the advantage of handling the possible abrupt jumps by smoothing the consecutive volatility. In order to accommodate
    clustering volatility and asymmetric of multipower realized volatility, the HAR model is extended by the threshold
    autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (GJR-GARCH) component. In addition, the innovations of the multipower realized
    volatility are characterized by the skewed student-t distributions. The extended model provides the best performing insample
    and out-of-sample forecast evaluations.
  5. Huzaimah Husin, Zaleha Md Isa, Khalib Abd Latif, Rosemawati Ariffin, Suriati Abd Rahman, Hasanain Faisal Ghazi
    Maternal self-efficacy in breastfeeding is one of the potential modifiable factors which is consistently linked with positive breastfeeding outcomes. This study aimed to develop a Malay translation of the original English BSES-SF and to conduct a validity and reliability assessment on both antenatal and postnatal questionnaires among 101 pregnant women in their third trimester and 104 women on their first week postpartum. The Malay translation of the English BSES-SF was conducted by using back-to-back translation processes, followed by validity and reliability evaluation. The validated Malay version of the questionnaire BSES-SF was then administered on the respondents. The questionnaire comprised of socio-demographic, antenatal, and breastfeeding information. Furthermore, data on infant feeding method were collected via telephone call made to the respondents at four weeks postpartum. The Cronbach’s Alpha value for antenatal BSES-SF questionnaire was0.94, while the value for postnatal BSES-SF questionnaire was 0.95. The factor analysis identified a one-dimensional structure which able to explain 59.02% of the variance for antenatal questionnaire and 60.43% of the variance for postnatal questionnaire. In addition, high antenatal and postnatal breastfeeding self-efficacy scores were significantly associated with the practice of exclusive breastfeeding at four weeks postpartum. As a conclusion, Both Malay versions of the antenatal and postnatal BSES-SF questionnaires are valid and reliable tools to assess breastfeeding self-efficacy among Malaysian mothers.
  6. M. Sulaiman M. Johari, Norizan Ahmat, Aisyah S. Kamarozaman, M. Hamizan M. Isa
    Scientific Research Journal, 2019;16(1):29-40.
    The genus Macaranga comes from the family of Euphorbiaceae and it is the only genus in the subtribe Macaranginae that have a large genus with 300 species of which 27 species were found in Peninsular Malaysia. This plant grows as shrubs or trees that can grow up to 15 m tall and known for their mutual associations with ants. Fresh or dried leaves of some Macaranga species were used by traditional healers to treat swellings, cuts, sores, boils and bruises. The isolation of chemical constituent from this genus has been shown to produce numerous results of phenolic compounds, such as flavonoids and stilbenoids. In this paper, we report the isolation of a prenylated flavonol, glyasperin A (1), together with a simple flavone apigenin (2) from the methanolic extract of the leaves of Macaranga gigantea. The structure of both compounds has been elucidated based on its spectroscopic data, including mass spectroscopy (MS), infrared (IR), ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis), 1D and 2D nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra and comparison with the previous literature.
  7. Chong, Guey Yong, Noor Zahila Mat Isa, Norimah Abdul Karim, Nik Shanita Safii
    Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia, 2019;17(1):107-113.
    The assessment of exclusive breastfeeding is important to invest the efforts to promote and support breastfeeding practices. Hence this study was carried out to compare breastfeeding practices among mothers using deuterium dose to mother technique with maternal recall breastfeeding practice. A total of 30 mother-infant pairs from a university hospital and government health clinics in Klang Valley participated and completed the study. Mother-infant pairs were recruited into the study when infants were aged 3 months ± 1 week. Anthropometric measurements (height, weight, waist circumference for mother; length and weight for infant) were carried out. Socio-demographic questionnaire was self-administered while breastfeeding practices were interview administered using maternal recall breastfeeding practice questionnaire (MRBF). This was followed by baseline saliva collection of mother-infant pairs before dose and 6 days after mothers were given 30 ± 0.01 g of D2 O. The post dose saliva sample of mother-infant pairs were collected 6 times at day 1,2,3,4,13 and 14.The results showed that majority of mothers (57%) were university graduates but majority were stay at home mothers. Meanwhile, mothers had BMI with mean 25 ± 4 kg/m2 . The results from MRBF questionnaire showed that all mothers were practicing exclusive breastfeeding and their infant never received any water sources other than their breast milk. However, the deuterium dose to mother technique revealed only 3% of mothers were actually practicing exclusive breastfeeding. From the isotopic data, the calculated mean intake of milk was 721 ± 243 g/day while the mean non-milk oral intake of 122 ± 22 g/ day. In contrast exclusive breastfeeding infants received only 10 g/day non milk oral intake, demonstrating exclusive breastfeeding practice of mothers. There were different breastfeeding practice reported from mother using deuterium oxide dose to mother technique with maternal recall breastfeeding practice.
  8. Mohamad Helmy Jaafar, Normalina Alias, Afzan Mat Yusof, Muhammad Lokman Md. Isa
    Introduction: This study was conducted to determine the association between knowledge, attitude and practice among Kuantan community towards anti-smoking campaign. An anti-smoking campaign can be referred to as a series of ads programs that are introduced through various objective approaches to give awareness to people on the negative impacts of smoking behavior. The objectives of this study are (i) to investigate the association between so- cio-demographic data (gender, income, education level) and level of knowledge towards anti-smoking campaign; (ii) to find out the association between socio-demographic data (gender, income, education level) and level of attitude against anti-smoking campaigns; (iii) to study the association between socio-demographic data (gender, income, education level) and level of practice towards anti-smoking campaigns; and (iv) to find out the correlation between level of knowledge with level of attitude, level of knowledge with level of practice, and level of attitude with level of practice towards anti-smoking campaigns. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among adult Kuantan community and convenience sampling was used to collect the data. A validated questionnaire was used to collect data. Statistical analysis of the data was carried out using SPSS and association of variables was an- alysed using Chi-square test. Results: This study found that level of knowledge did not affect the attitude level of the community. However, level of knowledge did affect the level of practice towards the anti-smoking campaign. Conclusion: It revealed that respondents with high level of knowledge also had good level of practice towards an- ti-smoking campaign.
  9. Roselina Mokhtar, Hazariah Abd Halim, Mohd Hanif Zailani, Afendi Isa, Nor Farah Mohamad Fauzi
    Walking 10,000 steps daily is associated with beneficial health outcomes. Recent systematic reviews have suggested that pedometers may be an effective motivational tool to promote walking. The aim of this study was to study the effectiveness of a 10-week, pedometer-based walking intervention to improve physical activity, body composition and metabolic health indices in a sample of suburban community-dwelling adults not meeting current physical activity recommendations. After screening, 34 overweight/obese individuals (mean age: 46 ± 8 years, mean BMI: 28.3 ± 4.2 kg/m2) were accepted into the walking program conducted by the Health Promotion Community Centre, Bangi. Subjects were instructed to increase their steps by 3000 steps daily above their baseline values for 10 weeks. Daily step count, body weight, BMI, waist circumference, as well as blood pressure, fasting glucose and lipids were evaluated at baseline and following the 10-week intervention. Thirty-one participants completed the program with 100% adherence. The average daily steps recorded during the 10-week intervention was 9693 ± 2196 steps per day. Mean daily steps increased from 8679 ± 2567 steps in Week 1 to 10,766 ± 3200 steps in Week 10 (p = 0.040). Overall, there were reductions in body weight (-1.13%, p = 0.010), waist circumference (-3.5%, p = 0.001) and BMI (-1.41%, p = 0.008) as well as fasting blood glucose (-8.5%, p = 0.003) and systolic blood pressure (-4.8%, p = 0.007) following the intervention. The findings of this study demonstrated that a goal-driven, pedometer-based walking intervention for 10 weeks resulted in a modest reduction in body weight and improved metabolic health outcomes in overweight/obese, community-dwelling adults.
  10. Muhamad, N.A.R., Tuan Hairulnizam, T.K., Jessie, D.H., Rashidi, A., Jeewadas, B., Isa, A.Z., et al.
    Flying feather is a traditional street weapon, which is believed to be originated from Philippine. It is a famous weapon in Tawau, Sabah, shot within short distance and being used with the aim to debilitate the victims. Some may even apply poison at the tip of the weapon. We report two cases of severe chest injuries in resulting from flying feathers. Case 1, a 25-year old man sustained left sided hemothorax with anterior right ventricle injury. He underwent thoracotomy and was discharged well. Case 2, a 40-year old man, presented to emergency department with no signs of life, sustained penetrating injury to the left second intercostal muscle, the pericardium and the anterior wall of the right ventricle adjacent to the interventricular septum. These cases highlight the severity spectrum of cardiac injury resulting from flying feathers.
  11. Noor Sazarina Mad Isa @ Yahya, Baba Md Deros, Ahmad Rasdan Ismail, Mazrura Sahani
    Int J Public Health Res, 2014;4(1):412-418.
    Introduction It is well known that low back pain among working population is a global
    problem throughout the world. However, the current situation of occupational
    low back pain in Malaysia is still vague due to limited number of studies
    conducted locally.

    Objective A cross sectional study was conducted among three automotive industry
    workers in Selangor, Malaysia from October 2010 to April 2011.
    Methods This study aims to determine the prevalence and risk factors of low back pain
    among automotive industry workers performing manual material handling
    tasks using self-administered questionnaire survey.

    Results A modified Standardised Nordic Questionnaire was used to assess low back
    pain problem, to obtain personal and psychosocial risk factors information.
    The prevalence of low back pain showed increment in the point prevalence of
    57.9%, 49.5%, and 35.1 % for 12 months, one month, and of 7 days
    respectively. Working hour, frequency of overtime, stress at work, work
    pace, and faster movement were found to be significantly associated with the
    12 months prevalence for low back pain.

    Conclusions This finding indicates that psychosocial risk factors are associated to the
    occurrence of low back pain.
  12. Nik Norziehana Che Isa, Yusairie Mohd, Mohammad Hafizudden Mohd Zaki, Sharifah Aminah Syed Mohamad
    Non antimicrobial touch surface materials such as stainless steel can act as a medium for transmitting
    microbes, leading to the increase of hospital-acquired infections and antibiotic-resistant microbes.
    Copper can be used to replace the current non-antimicrobial touch surfaces, however, the high cost of
    solid copper hampers copper from being the ideal choice. Therefore, stainless steel touch surfaces coated
    with copper can become the option for a low cost yet effective alternative. In this study, electrodeposition
    technique was used to coat copper on 304 stainless steel surface using 0.01 M CuSO4 solution, at pH 1.
    The electrodeposition process was done using chronoamperometry by applying –0.25 V vs. Ag/AgCl for
    15 min. Morphological observation revealed that 304 stainless steel surface was uniformly coated with
    compact and dense copper. EDAX analysis showed the composition of copper of 98.9 wt. %, ranging
    in diameter from 60-90 nm grain size. Thickness of the coating was approximately 105.8 nm. The
    antibacterial property of copper coating was analysed by both Gram negative E. coli and Gram positive
    S. aureus. Results indicated that copper coating has excellent antibacterial behaviour in destroying both
    bacteria. E. coli was more sensitive to the biocidal action of the copper coating of which 100 % reduction
    was observed within 5 min of exposure. As for S. aureus, a 100% reduction was achieved only after 10
    min of exposure.
  13. Siti Munira Yasin, Khairul Mizan Taib, Mohd Rodi Isa, Mohd Ariff Fadzil, Mohd Razilan Abdul Kadir
    This study aimed to examine the association between second-hand smoke (SHS) exposure and psychological distress amongst non-smoking pregnant women. A cross-sectional study was used to obtain a representative sample of non-smoking pregnant women attending health clinics (n = 661) across six states in Malaysia. The duration of SHS exposure inside and outside the house was recorded from the participants. Psychological distress was assessed via General Health Questionnaire (GHQ12). The analyses were conducted using a logistic regression adjusted for demographic variables and other variables. Amongst non-smoking pregnant women, the prevalence of global SHS exposure and psychological distress was 80.4% and 64.2%, respectively. In the multivariate adjusted odds ratio (OR) models for psychological distress and the duration of SHS exposures, there was an OR of 1.04 (95% CI: 0.61-1.77) for individuals with SHS exposure of 1-4 hours/week, 0.44 (95% CI: 0.23-0.81) for SHS exposure of 5-14 hours/week and 0.84 (95% CI: 0.32-2.22) for exposures of >15 hours/week compared to those with no SHS exposure outside the home. Meanwhile, SHS exposure outside the house with the duration of 5-14 hours might have temporary calming effects against psychological distress. Nonetheless, more research is needed to ascertain this.
  14. Che Isa, I.N., Md Dom, S., Abdul Razak, H.R., Hashim, U.F.
    The use of prenatal ultrasound has become controversial as it is increasingly being performed for business
    and social interests rather than for medical use. This nonmedical use of the modality has violated the
    US FDA guideline. Ultrasound scans have been proven to increase temperature in insonated tissue and
    their effects have been investigated via phantom and animal experiments. Absorption coefficient of the
    bone is the highest compared with any other structure. Thus, exposure to ultrasound, especially during
    osteogenesis, can cause significant damage to developing foetus. Twenty-two pregnant does of known
    gestation were enrolled in the control and experimental groups. No exposure was given to the control
    group while the experimental groups were exposed accordingly to the prenatal ultrasound in the 1st,
    2nd and 3rd stage for 30, 60 and 90 minutes respectively. A total of 142 subjects aged between 1 and 5
    months were analysed for bone strength. The Tb.Th of the experimental group was reduced significantly
    as compared to the control group. Po, TMD and empty lacunae were higher in the experimental group.
    It is thus concluded that one-time prenatal ultrasound can affect bone strength in young subjects.
  15. Leong YH, Isa ASM, Mohamed Mahmood M, Moey CEJ, Utar Z, Soon YI, et al.
    Regul Toxicol Pharmacol, 2018 Jun;95:280-288.
    PMID: 29567329 DOI: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2018.03.011
    This study aimed to investigate the oral acute and subacute toxicity of Poly [3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate], P(3HB-co-4HB) in the form of nanoparticles in Sprague-Dawley rats. Acute oral administration of P(3HB-co-4HB) nanoparticles was performed as a single dose up to 2000 mg/kg in six female rats for 14 days. Subacute toxicity study via oral administration for 28 days at doses of 0 (control), 500, 1000 and 2000 mg/kg in rats (10 rats in each group, female:male = 1:1) was conducted. The estimated lethal dose (LD50) of P(3HB-co-4HB) nanoparticles was >2000 mg/kg. No mortality, unusual changes in behaviour, adverse clinical signs, abnormal changes in body weights or food consumption were observed on all animals treated with P(3HB-co-4HB) nanoparticles during 14 days of the acute toxicity study. In the subacute test, there was no mortality and toxicologically significant changes in clinical signs, body weights, food consumption, hematology, clinical biochemistry, urinalysis, macroscopic findings, organ weights as well as histopathological examination were observed.
  16. Yusof MFM, Hamid PNKA, Tajuddin AA, Hashim R, Bauk S, Isa NM, et al.
    Radiol Phys Technol, 2017 Sep;10(3):331-339.
    PMID: 28718054 DOI: 10.1007/s12194-017-0408-3
    The aim of this study was to determine the suitability of tannin-added Rhizophora spp. particleboards as phantom materials in the application of low- and high-energy photons. The tannin-added Rhizophora spp. particleboards and density plug phantoms were created with a target density of 1.0 g/cm3. The elemental composition and effective atomic number of the particleboards were measured using energy dispersive X-ray analysis. The mass attenuation coefficient of the particleboards for low-energy photons were measured using the attenuation of X-ray fluorescence. The mass attenuation coefficients of high-energy photons were measured using the attenuation of 137Cs and 60Co gamma energies. The results were compared to the calculated value of water using XCOM calculations. The results showed that the effective atomic number and mass attenuation coefficients of tannin-added Rhizophora spp. particleboards were similar to those of water, indicating the suitability of tannin-added Rhizophora spp. particleboards as phantom materials for low- and high-energy photons.
  17. Hammadi NI, Abba Y, Hezmee MNM, Razak ISA, Jaji AZ, Isa T, et al.
    Pharm Res, 2017 06;34(6):1193-1203.
    PMID: 28382563 DOI: 10.1007/s11095-017-2135-1
    PURPOSE: Here, we explored the formulation of a calcium carbonate nanoparticle delivery system aimed at enhancing docetaxel (DTX) release in breast cancer.

    METHODS: The designed nano- anticancer formulation was characterized thorough X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) methods. The nano- anticancer formulation (DTX- CaCO3NP) was evaluated for drug delivery properties thorough in vitro release study in human body simulated solution at pH 7.4 and intracellular lysosomal pH 4.8.

    RESULTS: Characterization revealed the successful synthesis of DTX- CaCO3NP, which had a sustained release at pH 7.4. TEM showed uniformly distributed pleomorphic shaped pure aragonite particles. The highest entrapment efficiency (96%) and loading content (11.5%) were obtained at docetaxel to nanoparticles ratio of 1:4. The XRD patterns revealed strong crystallizations in all the nanoparticles formulation, while FTIR showed chemical interactions between the drug and nanoparticles with negligible positional shift in the peaks before and after DTX loading. BET analysis showed similar isotherms before and after DTX loading. The designed DTX- CaCO3NP had lower (p  0.05) effects at 48 h and 72 h. However, the DTX- CaCO3NP released less than 80% of bond DTX at 48 and 72 h but showed comparable effects with free DTX.

    CONCLUSIONS: The results showed that the developed DTX- CaCO3NP released DTX slower at pH 7.4 and had comparable cytotoxicity with free DTX at 48 and 72 h in MCF-7 cells.

  18. Mohd-Elias NA, Rosli K, Alias H, Juhari MA, Abu-Bakar MF, Md-Isa N, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2021 Dec 08;11(1):23661.
    PMID: 34880337 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-03028-x
    Rafflesia is a unique plant species existing as a single flower and produces the largest flower in the world. While Rafflesia buds take up to 21 months to develop, its flowers bloom and wither within about a week. In this study, transcriptome analysis was carried out to shed light on the molecular mechanism of senescence in Rafflesia. A total of 53.3 million high quality reads were obtained from two Rafflesia cantleyi flower developmental stages and assembled to generate 64,152 unigenes. Analysis of this dataset showed that 5,166 unigenes were differentially expressed, in which 1,073 unigenes were identified as genes involved in flower senescence. Results revealed that as the flowers progress to senescence, more genes related to flower senescence were significantly over-represented compared to those related to plant growth and development. Senescence of the R. cantleyi flower activates senescence-associated genes in the transcription activity (members of the transcription factor families MYB, bHLH, NAC, and WRKY), nutrient remobilization (autophagy-related protein and transporter genes), and redox regulation (CATALASE). Most of the senescence-related genes were found to be differentially regulated, perhaps for the fine-tuning of various responses in the senescing R. cantleyi flower. Additionally, pathway analysis showed the activation of genes such as ETHYLENE RECEPTOR, ETHYLENE-INSENSITIVE 2, ETHYLENE-INSENSITIVE 3, and ETHYLENE-RESPONSIVE TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR, indicating the possible involvement of the ethylene hormone response pathway in the regulation of R. cantleyi senescence. Our results provide a model of the molecular mechanism underlying R. cantleyi flower senescence, and contribute essential information towards further understanding the biology of the Rafflesiaceae family.
  19. Nazrun AS, Tzar MN, Mokhtar SA, Mohamed IN
    Ther Clin Risk Manag, 2014;10:937-48.
    PMID: 25429224 DOI: 10.2147/TCRM.S72456
    Osteoporotic fracture is the main complication of osteoporosis. The current management is to discharge patients as early as possible so they can get back to their daily activities. Once discharged, there are three main issues relating to morbidity, mortality, and risk of a subsequent fracture that need to be addressed and discussed. Therefore, the aim of this systematic review was to summarize and evaluate the evidence from published literature, to determine the outcome of osteoporotic fracture patients after their hospital discharge.

    The MEDLINE and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) databases were searched, using the terms "osteoporosis", "fracture", "osteoporotic fracture", "hip fracture", and "vertebral fracture". We included only human studies published in English between 2004 and 2014. The reference lists of included studies were thoroughly reviewed in search for other relevant studies.

    A total of 18 studies met the selection criteria. Most were observational and cohort studies. Out of all the studies, five studies looked into the morbidity, six studies looked into the risk of subsequent fractures, and seven studies looked into mortality. Vertebral fracture caused the greatest health burden, but hip fracture patients were the main users of informal care after hospital discharge. There was an increased risk of a subsequent fracture after a primary fracture compared with the control group, a cohort comparison, or the general population. Osteoporotic fractures, especially hip fractures, are associated with higher mortality rate despite the advances in the management of osteoporotic fracture cases.

    There is strong evidence to show that after hospital discharge, osteoporotic fracture patients are faced with higher morbidity, subsequent fractures, and mortality.

    hip fracture; osteoporosis; vertebral fracture
  20. Leong YH, Gan CY, Majid MI
    Arch Environ Contam Toxicol, 2014 Jul;67(1):21-8.
    PMID: 24651928 DOI: 10.1007/s00244-014-0019-5
    A total of 127 and 177 seafood samples from Malaysia were analyzed for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (dl-PCBs), respectively. The World Health Organization-toxic-equivalency quotients (WHO-TEQ) of PCDD/Fs varied from 0.13 to 1.03 pg TEQ g(-1), whereas dl-PCBs ranged from 0.33 to 1.32 pg TEQ g(-1). Based on food-consumption data from the global environment monitoring system-food contamination monitoring and assessment programme, calculated dietary exposures to PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs from seafood for the general population in Malaysia were 0.042 and 0.098 pg TEQ kg(-1) body weight day(-1), respectively. These estimations were quite different from the values calculated using the Malaysian food-consumption statistics (average of 0.313 and 0.676 pg TEQ kg(-1) body weight day(-1) for PCDD/Fs and PCBs, respectively). However, both of the dietary exposure estimations were lower than the tolerable daily intake recommended by WHO. Thus, it is suggested that seafood from Malaysia does not pose a notable risk to the health of the average consumer.
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