Microorganisms have begun to develop resistance because of inappropriate and extensive use of antibiotics in the hospital setting. Therefore, it seems to be necessary to find a way to tackle these pathogens by developing new and effective antimicrobial agents. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have attracted growing attention because of their remarkable mechanical strength, electrical properties, and chemical and thermal stability for their potential applications in the field of biomedical as therapeutic and diagnostic nanotools. However, the impact of carbon nanotubes on microbial growth has not been fully investigated. The primary purpose of this research study is to investigate the antimicrobial activity of CNTs, particularly double-walled and multi-walled nanotubes on representative pathogenic strains such as Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, Gram-negative bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and fungal strain Candida albicans. The dispersion ability of CNT types (double-walled and multi-walled) treated with a surfactant such as sodium dodecyl-benzenesulfonate (SDBS) and their impact on the microbial growth inhibition were also examined. A stock concentration 0.2 mg/mL of both double-walled and multi-walled CNTs was prepared homogenized by dispersing in surfactant solution by using probe sonication. UV-vis absorbance, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used for the characterization of CNTs dispersed in the surfactant solution to study the interaction between molecules of surfactant and CNTs. Later, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to investigate how CNTs interact with the microbial cells. The antimicrobial activity was determined by analyzing optical density growth curves and viable cell count. This study revealed that microbial growth inhibited by non-covalently dispersed CNTs was both depend on the concentration and treatment time. In conclusion, the binding of surfactant molecules to the surface of CNTs increases its ability to disperse in aqueous solution. Non-covalent method of CNTs dispersion preserved their structure and increased microbial growth inhibition as a result. Multi-walled CNTs exhibited higher antimicrobial activity compared to double-walled CNTs against selected pathogens.
Gonocytes in the neonatal testis have male germline stem cell potential. The objective of the present study was to examine the behavior and ultrastructure of gonocytes in culture. Neonatal porcine testis cells were cultured for 4 weeks and underwent live-cell imaging to explore real-time interactions among cultured cells. This included imaging every 1 h from day 0 to day 3, every 2 h from day 4 to day 7, and every 1 h for 24 h at days 14, 21, and 28. Samples also underwent scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, morphometric evaluations, immunofluorescence, and RT-PCR. Live-cell imaging revealed an active amoeboid-like movement of gonocytes, assisted by the formation of extensive cytoplasmic projections, which, using scanning electron microscopy, were categorized into spike-like filopodia, leaf-like lamellipodia, membrane ruffles, and cytoplasmic blebs. In the first week of culture, gonocytes formed loose attachments on top of a somatic cell monolayer and, in week 2, formed grape-like clusters, which, over time, grew in cell number. Starting at week 3 of culture, some of the gonocyte clusters transformed into large multinucleated embryoid body-like colonies (EBLCs) that expressed both gonocyte- and pluripotent-specific markers. The number and diameter of individual gonocytes, the number and density of organelles within gonocytes, as well as the number and diameter of the EBLCs increased over time (P
To reduce undesirable charging effects in scanning electron microscope images, Rayleigh contrast stretching is developed and employed. First, re-scaling is performed on the input image histograms with Rayleigh algorithm. Then, contrast stretching or contrast adjustment is implemented to improve the images while reducing the contrast charging artifacts. This technique has been compared to some existing histogram equalization (HE) extension techniques: recursive sub-image HE, contrast stretching dynamic HE, multipeak HE and recursive mean separate HE. Other post processing methods, such as wavelet approach, spatial filtering, and exponential contrast stretching, are compared as well. Overall, the proposed method produces better image compensation in reducing charging artifacts.
Sixteen 8- to 9-week-old Pasteurella multocida-free rabbits were divided into two equal groups. Eight rabbits in one group were inoculated intranasally with P. multoida type A:3. The other eight were inoculated intranasally with phosphate-buffered saline and used as controls. Nasal swabs taken before and after inoculation were cultured for bacterial isolation. Post-mortem nasal swabs and lung samples were cultured for bacteriological isolation. Nasal mucosa and lung samples were collected and processed for transmission electron microscopy. Pasteurella multocida was isolated from the nasal cavity of all infected rabbits and from the lungs of four infected rabbits. Degenerative ultrastructural changes in epithelial cells and endothelial cells were seen in the infected rabbits. Deciliation of the ciliated epithelium and hyperplasia of the goblet cells in the nasal mucosa were noted. Thickening of the alveolar septa due to hyperplasia of type II pneumocytes, swelling of the endothelial lining of capillaries and infiltration of inflammatory cells were also observed. Intracellular invasion of the nasal epithelial cells and of type II pneumocytes by the organism was observed. Coccobacilli were observed in membrane-bound vacuoles in the cytoplasm of these cells. The vacuoles were adjacent to the host-cell mitochondria and some of these vacuoles appeared to be fused to the mitochondrial membrane. Some type I pneumocytes with intracellular membrane-bound vacuoles containing bacterial cells showed protrusions, which appeared to detach into the alveolar lumina. These results indicated that P. multocida serotype A:3 in rabbits can invade the epithelial cell and cause structural changes in the interstitium, epithelium and endothelium. Heterophils and macrophages appear to play important roles in tissue injury.
A copper-1,4-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid-based organic framework (Cu-NDCA MOF) with different morphologies was synthesized by solvothermal synthetic route via a simple protonation-deprotonation approach. The synthesized Cu-NDCA MOFs were analyzed by diverse microscopic and spectral techniques. The FE-SEM and TEM image results exhibited the flake-like (FL), partial anisotropic (PAT), and anisotropic (AT)-Cu-NDCA MOFs formation obtained at different pH (3.0, 7.0, and 9.0) of the reaction medium. The AT-Cu-NDCA MOF/GC electrode not only increases the electroactive surface area but also boosts the electron transfer rate reaction compared to other modified electrodes (PAT- and FL-Cu-NDCA MOFs/GCEs). Under the optimized conditions, the modified electrode (AT-Cu-NDCA MOF) exhibited a sharp oxidation peak (+ 0.46 V vs. Ag/AgCl) and higher current response for rutin. The electrode provides a wide linear range from 1 × 10-9 to 50 × 10-6 M, a low detection limit of 1.21 × 10-10 M, LOQ of 0.001 μM, and sensitivity of 0.149 μA μM-1 cm-2. The AT-Cu-NDCA MOF/GC electrode exhibited good stability (RSD = 3.52 ± 0.02% over 8 days of storage), and excellent reproducibility (RSD = 2.62 ± 0.02% (n = 3)). The modified electrode was applied to the determination of rutin in apple, orange, and lemon samples with good recoveries (99.79-99.91, 99.24-99.69, and 99.53-99.83, respectively). Graphical abstract Anisotropic structure of Cu-NDCA MOFs and its modification on glassy carbon electrode for ultra-sensitive determination of rutin in fruit samples.
Mefenamic acid (MFA) is used as an anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive, and antipyretic agent for treatment of a wide range of pathological disorders. While the uncertainty of its safety and the poor oral bioavailability constitute the major limiting factors of its medical use, considerable efforts including liposomal encapsulation are needed to achieve maximum therapeutic advantages. The current work was conducted to investigate the ultrastructural alterations in the liver induced by free MFA and its liposomal preparation. Female Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with daily oral doses of either free MFA or MFA entrapped in Tween 80 inoculated liposomes at the concentration of 80 mg/kg for 28 days. Ultrathin sections were prepared from biopsies taken from the liver of each member of all animals under study and subjected to examination by transmission electron microscopy. The liver of rats that were exposed to liposomal MFA showed more ultrastructural alterations than the rats treated with the free drug. While both groups of rats demonstrated sinusoidal dilatation, Kupffer cell hyperplasia, mitochondrial damage, and nuclear alterations, rats treated with liposome-encapsulated MFA induced an increase in the multiple lysosomes formation, hepatocytic steatosis, and apoptotic activity than free MFA-treated rats. The ultrastructural findings of the present study indicate that the use of liposomal MFA induces more hepatic damage than the use of free MFA.
Burkholderia pseudomallei (B. pseudomallei) has been shown to persist intracellularly in patients with melioidosis, until reactivated by decreasing immunocompetence. We have previously demonstrated by transmission electron microscopy, the internalisation of B. pseudomallei by human macrophages and the occurrence of phagosome-lysosome fusion.
Visible light-responsive Pt-loaded coral-like BiFeO3 (Pt-BFO) nanocomposite at different Pt loadings was synthesized via a two-step hydrothermal synthesis method. The as-synthesized photocatalyst was characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (UV-vis DRS), photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and magnetic hysteresis loop (M-H loop) analyses. The FESEM images revealed that Pt nanoparticles were evenly distributed on the coral-like BFO. The UV-vis DRS results indicated that the addition of Pt dopant modified the optical properties of the BFO. The as-synthesized Pt-BFO nanocomposite was effectively applied for the photodegradation of malachite green (MG) dye under visible light irradiation. Specifically, 0.5 wt% Pt-BFO nanocomposite presented boosted photocatalytic performance than those of the pure BFO and commercial TiO2. Such a remarkably improved photoactivity could be mainly attributed to the formation of good interface between Pt and BFO, which not only boosted the separation efficiency of charge carriers but also possessed great redox ability for significant photocatalytic reaction. Moreover, the strong magnetic property of the Pt-BFO nanocomposite was helpful in the particle separation along with its great recyclability. The radical scavenger test indicated that hole (h+), hydroxyl (·OH) radical, and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) were the main oxidative species for the Pt-BFO photodegradation of MG. Finally, the Pt-BFO nanocomposite was revealed high antibacterial activity towards Bacillus cereus (B. cereus) and Escherichia coli (E. coli) microorganisms, highlighting its potential photocatalytic and antibacterial properties at different industrial and biomedical applications.
Red mud as industrial waste from bauxite was utilized as a precursor for the synthesis of mesoporous ZSM-5. A high concentration of iron oxide in red mud was successfully removed using alkali fusion treatment. Mesoporous ZSM-5 was synthesized using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTABr) as a template via dual-hydrothermal method, and the effect of crystallization time was investigated towards the formation of mesopores. Characterization using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), N2 adsorption-desorption, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) indicated the formation of cubic crystallite ZSM-5 with high surface area and mesopore volume within 6 h of crystallization. Increasing the crystallization time revealed the evolution of highly crystalline ZSM-5; however, the surface area and mesoporosity were significantly reduced. The effect of mesoporosity was investigated on the adsorption of methylene blue (MB). Kinetic and thermodynamic analysis of MB adsorption on mesoporous ZSM-5 was carried out at a variation of adsorption parameters such as the concentration of MB solution, the temperatures of solution, and the amount of adsorbent. Finally, methanol, 1-butanol, acetone, hydrochloric acid (HCl), and acetonitrile were used as desorbing agents to investigate the reusability and stability of mesoporous ZSM-5 as an adsorbent for MB removal.
Polyethylene glycol functionalized with oxygenated multi-walled carbon nanotubes (O-PEG-MWCNTs) as an efficient nanomaterial for the in vitro adsorption/release of curcumin (CUR) anticancer agent. The synthesized material was morphologically characterized using scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. In addition, the CUR adsorption process was assessed with kinetic and isotherm models fitting well with pseudo-second order and Langmuir isotherms. The results showed that the proposed O-PEG-MWCNTs has a high adsorption capacity for CUR (2.0 × 103 mg/g) based on the Langmuir model. The in vitro release of CUR from O-PEG-MWCNTs was studied in simulating human body fluids with different pHs (ABS pH 5, intestinal fluid pH 6.6 and body fluid pH 7.4). Lastly, to confirm the success compliance of the O-PEG-MWCNT nanocomposite as a drug delivery system, the parameters affecting the CUR release such as temperature and PEG content were investigated. As a result, the proposed nanocomposite could be used as an efficient carrier for CUR delivery with an enhanced prolonged release property. Graphical Abstract ᅟ.
Silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) were synthesized into the interlamellar space of montmorillonite (MMT) by using the γ-irradiation technique in the absence of any reducing agent or heat treatment. Silver nitrate and γ-irradiation were used as the silver precursor and physical reducing agent in MMT as a solid support. The MMT was suspended in the aqueous AgNO(3) solution, and after the absorption of silver ions, Ag(+) was reduced using the γ-irradiation technique. The properties of Ag/MMT nanocomposites and the diameters of Ag-NPs were studied as a function of γ-irradiation doses. The interlamellar space limited particle growth (d-spacing [d(s)] = 1.24-1.42 nm); powder X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) measurements showed the production of face-centered cubic Ag-NPs with a mean diameter of about 21.57-30.63 nm. Scanning electron microscopy images indicated that there were structure changes between the initial MMT and Ag/MMT nanocomposites under the increased doses of γ-irradiation. Furthermore, energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectra for the MMT and Ag/ MMT nanocomposites confirmed the presence of elemental compounds in MMT and Ag-NPs. The results from ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy and TEM demonstrated that increasing the γ-irradiation dose enhanced the concentration of Ag-NPs. In addition, the particle size of the Ag-NPs gradually increased from 1 to 20 kGy. When the γ-irradiation dose increased from 20 to 40 kGy, the particle diameters decreased suddenly as a result of the induced fragmentation of Ag-NPs. Thus, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy suggested that the interactions between Ag-NPs with the surface of MMT were weak due to the presence of van der Waals interactions. The synthesized Ag/MMT suspension was found to be stable over a long period of time (ie, more than 3 months) without any sign of precipitation.
A facile thermal-treatment route was successfully used to synthesize ZnO nanosheets. Morphological, structural, and optical properties of obtained nanoparticles at different calcination temperatures were studied using various techniques. The FTIR, XRD, EDX, SEM and TEM images confirmed the formation of ZnO nanosheets through calcination in the temperature between 500 to 650 °C. The SEM images showed a morphological structure of ZnO nanosheets, which inclined to crumble at higher calcination temperatures. The XRD and FTIR spectra revealed that the samples were amorphous at 30 °C but transformed into a crystalline structure during calcination process. The average particle size and degree of crystallinity increased with increasing calcination temperature. The estimated average particle sizes from TEM images were about 23 and 38 nm for the lowest and highest calcination temperature i.e. 500 and 650 °C, respectively. The optical properties were determined by UV-Vis reflection spectrophotometer and showed a decrease in the band gap with increasing calcination temperature.
Although Piper sarmentosum (PS) is known to possess the antidiabetic properties, its efficacy towards diabetic cardiovascular tissues is still obscured. The present study aimed to observe the electron microscopic changes on the cardiac tissue and proximal aorta of experimental rats treated with PS extract. Thirty-two male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into four groups: untreated control group (C), PS-treated control group (CTx), untreated diabetic group (D), and PS-treated diabetic group (DTx). Intramuscular injection of streptozotocin (STZ, 50 mg/kg body weight) was given to induce diabetes. Following 28 days of diabetes induction, PS extract (0.125 g/kg body weight) was administered orally for 28 days. Body weight, fasting blood glucose, and urine glucose levels were measured at 4-week interval. At the end of the study, cardiac tissues and the aorta were viewed under transmission electron microscope (TEM). DTx group showed increase in body weight and decrease in fasting blood glucose and urine glucose level compared to the D group. Under TEM study, DTx group showed lesser ultrastructural degenerative changes in the cardiac tissues and the proximal aorta compared to the D group. The results indicate that PS restores ultrastructural integrity in the diabetic cardiovascular tissues.
Bioethanol production using yeast has become a popular topic due to worrying depleting worldwide fuel reserve. The aim of the study was to investigate the capability of Malaysia yeast strains isolated from starter culture used in traditional fermented food and alcoholic beverages in producing Bioethanol using alginate beads entrapment method. The starter yeast consists of groups of microbes, thus the yeasts were grown in Sabouraud agar to obtain single colony called ST1 (tuak) and ST3 (tapai). The growth in Yeast Potatoes Dextrose (YPD) resulted in specific growth of ST1 at micro = 0.396 h-1 and ST3 at micro = 0.38 h-1, with maximum ethanol production of 7.36 g L-1 observed using ST1 strain. The two strains were then immobilized using calcium alginate entrapment method producing average alginate beads size of 0.51 cm and were grown in different substrates; YPD medium and Local Brown Sugar (LBS) for 8 h in flask. The maximum ethanol concentration measured after 7 h were at 6.63 and 6.59 g L-1 in YPD media and 1.54 and 1.39 g L-1in LBS media for ST1 and ST3, respectively. The use of LBS as carbon source showed higher yield of product (Yp/s), 0.59 g g-1 compared to YPD, 0.25 g g-1 in ST1 and (Yp/s), 0.54 g g-1 compared to YPD, 0.24 g g-1 in ST3 . This study indicated the possibility of using local strains (STI and ST3) to produce bioethanol via immobilization technique with local materials as substrate.
This paper reported on the various filamentous fungi strains that were isolated from a wild grown Catharanthus roseus. Based on the morphological characteristics and molecular technique through a Polymerase Chain Reaction and DNA sequencing method using internal transcribed spacer (ITS), these fungi had been identified as a Colletotrichum sp., Macrophomina phaseolina, Nigrospora sphaerica and Fusarium solani. The ultrastructures of spores and hyphae were observed under a Scanning Electron Microscope. The hydrolytic enzyme test showed that all strains were positive in secreting cellulase. Colletotrichum sp. and F. solani strains also gave a positive result for amylase while only F. solani was capable to secrete protease. These fungi were putatively classified as endophytic fungi since they produced extracellular enzymes that allow them to penetrate plant cell walls and colonize with symbiotic properties.
The creation of an appropriate thin film is important for the development of novel sensing surfaces, which will ultimately enhance the properties and output of high-performance sensors. In this study, we have fabricated and characterized zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films on silicon substrates, which were hybridized with gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) to obtain ZnO-Aux (x = 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 nm) hybrid structures with different thicknesses. Nanoscale imaging by field emission scanning electron microscopy revealed increasing film uniformity and coverage with the Au deposition thickness. Transmission electron microscopy analysis indicated that the AuNPs exhibit an increasing average diameter (5-10 nm). The face center cubic Au were found to co-exist with wurtzite ZnO nanostructure. Atomic force microscopy observations revealed that as the Au content increased, the overall crystallite size increased, which was supported by X-ray diffraction measurements. The structural characterizations indicated that the Au on the ZnO crystal lattice exists without any impurities in a preferred orientation (002). When the ZnO thickness increased from 10 to 40 nm, transmittance and an optical bandgap value decreased. Interestingly, with 50 nm thickness, the band gap value was increased, which might be due to the Burstein-Moss effect. Photoluminescence studies revealed that the overall structural defect (green emission) improved significantly as the Au deposition increased. The impedance measurements shows a decreasing value of impedance arc with increasing Au thicknesses (0 to 40 nm). In contrast, the 50 nm AuNP impedance arc shows an increased value compared to lower sputtering thicknesses, which indicated the presence of larger sized AuNPs that form a continuous film, and its ohmic characteristics changed to rectifying characteristics. This improved hybrid thin film (ZnO/Au) is suitable for a wide range of sensing applications.
A novel method is proposed to study the behavior and phase formation of a Si+C compacted pellet under centrifugal acceleration in a hybrid reaction. Si+C as elemental mixture in the form of a pellet is embedded in a centrifugal tube. The pellet assembly and tube are exposed to the sudden thermal energy of a thermite reaction resulted in a hybrid reaction. The hybrid reaction of thermite and Si+C produced unique phases. X-ray diffraction pattern (XRD) as well as microstructural and elemental analyses are then investigated. XRD pattern showed formation of materials with possible electronic and magnetic properties. The cooling rate and the molten particle viscosity mathematical model of the process are meant to assist in understanding the physical and chemical phenomena took place during and after reaction. The results analysis revealed that up to 85% of materials converted into secondary products as ceramics-matrix composite.
Central composite rotatable design (CCRD) was used to optimize the settings for the roasting conditions of jackfruit (Artocapus hetrophyllus) seed (JFS). The response variables studied were; color attributes L*, a*, and b*, browning intensity, and fracturability. The colors L*, a*, b* and browning intensity were well predicted by a second-order polynomial model. Fracturability was predicted by a first-order polynomial. The determination coefficients for colors L*, a*, b*, browning intensity, and fracturability were 0.81, 0.96, 0.93, 0.92, and 0.74 respectively. The fitted models were checked for adequacy using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The optimum roasting conditions were established at a temperature of 153.36 °C, 34.36 min, and pH of 6.34 with composite desirability value of 0.95. Micro-structural studies of both raw and roasted JFS at different roasting levels (i.e., low, medium, and high) were also investigated using scanning electron microscope (SEM). JFS starch granules fell in the B-type category with semi-oval to bell-shaped granules (5-9 μm in diameter). In addition, Fourier Transform Infrared analysis was carried out on both raw and roasted JFS. The IR spectra was in the 4000-1000 cm(-1) region which is described by five main modes; O-H, C-H, C = O, (C-H) CH3, and C-O.
Drying is a significant step in the production of carrageenan. However, current drying process still deals with too long drying time and carrageenan quality degradation. The foam mat drying is an option to speed up drying process as well as retaining carrageenan quality. In this case, the carrageenan was mixed with egg white (albumin) as foaming agent and methyl cellulose for foam stabilizer. The foam will break the carrageenan gels and creates the porous structure resulting higher surface area for water transfer. This research studied the effect of egg white and methyl cellulose on carrageenan drying at various air temperature, and thickness. As a response, the water content versus time was observed and the drying rate was estimated. Meanwhile, the carrageenan texture was verified by X-RD (X-Ray Diffraction) and TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopy). Results showed that the presence of egg white stablized by methyl cellulose can speed up drying rate as well as retaining the crystalline structure of carrageenan. The higher albumin content, the faster drying rate. However, the addition of albumin and methyl cellulose restricted not more than 30 % in the mixture for keeping carrageenan quality and purity. By adding egg white 20 % and methyl cellulose 10 %, the water diffusion and drying rate can be two fold compared with carrageenan drying without foam. The improvement can be higher at the higher temperature and thinner carrageenan sheets.
The anticorrosion ability of a synthesized coumarin, namely 2-(coumarin-4-yloxy)acetohydrazide (EFCI), for mild steel (MS) in 1 M hydrochloric acid solution has been studied using a weight loss method. The effect of temperature on the corrosion rate was investigated, and some thermodynamic parameters were calculated. The results indicated that inhibition efficiencies were enhanced with an increase in concentration of inhibitor and decreased with a rise in temperature. The IE value reaches 94.7% at the highest used concentration of the new eco-friendly inhibitor. The adsorption of inhibitor on MS surface was found to obey a Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed on inhibited and uninhibited mild steel samples to characterize the surface. The Density Function theory (DFT) was employed for quantum-chemical calculations such as EHOMO (highest occupied molecular orbital energy), ELUMO (lowest unoccupied molecular orbital energy) and μ (dipole moment), and the obtained results were found to be consistent with the experimental findings. The synthesized inhibitor was characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopic studies.