Displaying publications 341 - 360 of 423 in total

  1. Dranitsaris G, Truter I, Lubbe MS
    Eur J Cancer, 2011 Jun;47(9):1299-304.
    PMID: 21493060 DOI: 10.1016/j.ejca.2011.03.015
    Worldwide, prices for cancer drugs have been under downward pressure where several governments have mandated price cuts of branded products. A better alternative to government mandated price cuts would be to estimate a final price based on drug performance, cost effectiveness and a country's ability to pay. We developed a global pricing index for new cancer drugs in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) that encompasses all of these attributes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  2. Kawarazuka N, Béné C
    Public Health Nutr, 2011 Nov;14(11):1927-38.
    PMID: 21729489 DOI: 10.1017/S1368980011000814
    OBJECTIVE: To build a comprehensive overview of the potential role of fish in improving nutrition with respect to certain micronutrient deficiencies in developing countries.

    DESIGN: A comprehensive literature review was completed. For this the electronic library databases ASFA, CABD and Scopus were systematically searched and relevant references cited in these sources were carefully analysed. The search terms used were 'fish', 'small fish species', 'micronutrients', 'food-based strategies', 'fish consumption' and 'developing countries'. The quality of data on nutritional analyses was carefully reviewed and data that lacked proper information on methods, units and samples were excluded.

    RESULTS: The evidence collected confirmed the high levels of vitamin A, Fe and Zn in some of the small fish species in developing countries. These small fish are reported to be more affordable and accessible than the larger fish and other usual animal-source foods and vegetables. Evidence suggests that these locally available small fish have considerable potential as cost-effective food-based strategies to enhance micronutrient intakes or as a complementary food for undernourished children. However, the present review shows that only a few studies have been able to rigorously assess the impact of fish consumption on improved nutritional status in developing countries.

    CONCLUSIONS: Further research is required in areas such as determination of fish consumption patterns of poor households, the nutritional value of local fish and other aquatic animals and the impact of fish intake on improved nutritional status in developing countries where undernutrition is a major public health problem.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  3. Thatte U, Hussain S, de Rosas-Valera M, Malik MA
    Value Health, 2009 Nov-Dec;12 Suppl 3:S18-25.
    PMID: 20586975 DOI: 10.1111/j.1524-4733.2009.00622.x
    This paper discusses national programs implemented in India, Pakistan, Malaysia, and Philippines to generate and apply evidence in making informed policy decisions on the approval, pricing, reimbursement and financing of medicines, diagnostics, and medical devices.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  4. Lim TO, Goh A, Lim YN, Morad Z
    Nephrology (Carlton), 2008 Dec;13(8):745-52.
    PMID: 19154324 DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1797.2008.01044.x
    We review renal registry data from the Asia-Pacific region with an emphasis on their uses in health care and in dialysis care in particular. The review aims to demonstrate the information value of registry data. While renal registry provides a useful data resource for epidemiological research, there are severe methodological limitations in its application for analytical or therapeutic research. However, it is the use of renal registry data for public health and health-care management purposes that registry really comes into its own, and it is primarily for these that governments have invested in national patient and disease registries. We apply data from several renal registries in the Asia-Pacific region to illustrate its wide application for planning dialysis services, for evaluating dialysis practices and health outcomes, with a view to improving the quality of dialysis care. In the course of preparing the review, we have found that the quality and accessibility of renal registry data were highly variable across the region. Given the value of renal registry, every country in the Asia-Pacific region should establish one or should ensure that their current registries are better resourced and developed. Greater data sharing and collaboration among registries in the region could help advance the nephrology to serve our patients better.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  5. Naim NM, Mahdy ZA, Ahmad S, Razi ZR
    Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 2007 Apr;47(2):132-6.
    PMID: 17355303 DOI: 10.1111/j.1479-828X.2007.00699.x
    OBJECTIVE: To compare the effectiveness of the Vabra aspirator and the Pipelle device as an outpatient endometrial assessment tool.
    METHOD: This was a randomised, prospective trial conducted for a period of one year.
    RESULTS: A total of 147 patients were recruited, of which 71 were in the Vabra group and 76 were in the Pipelle arm. The procedure success rate in the Pipelle group was significantly higher than the Vabra arm (98.7 vs 88.7%, P=0.02). Adequate tissue yield was also significantly more in the Pipelle arm (73.3 vs 52.4%, P=0.02). Cost-benefit analysis revealed a higher average cost per patient in the Vabra group compared to the Pipelle arm.
    CONCLUSION: This study proved that the Vabra aspirator was not as effective as the Pipelle device in obtaining endometrial tissue for histological diagnosis. Despite its higher price per unit, the Pipelle device was a more cost-effective tool for outpatient endometrial assessment.
    Study site: Medical clinic, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  6. Elamin EI, Ibrahim MI, Sulaiman SA, Muttalif AR
    Pharm World Sci, 2008 Jun;30(3):281-6.
    PMID: 18204974 DOI: 10.1007/s11096-007-9185-0
    OBJECTIVE: To assess the costs incurred by the public health services and patients as a result of tuberculosis (TB) treatment. Setting The study was conducted in a government hospital located in the northern region of Malaysia.

    METHOD: Retrospective data were collected from medical records and the patients were observed until the completion of their medication. A pharmacoeconomic evaluation was applied to calculate direct and indirect costs.

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Direct and indirect costs of tuberculosis treatment in a government health institution.

    RESULTS: Two hundred and one tuberculosis patients were included in the study. Different regimens with various durations of treatments were used. The direct medical and non-medical costs as well as indirect costs were calculated and were found to be as follows: US$61.44 for anti-tuberculosis drugs and supplies, US$28.63 for X-ray examinations, US$28.53 for laboratory tests, US$20.03 for healthcare staff time, US$4.28 for hospitalisation, US$43.20 for overhead costs, US$608.11 for transportation and meals and US$118.78 for time away from work. The cost to the patients constitutes approximately 80% of the total cost of the treatment.

    CONCLUSION: The cost of treating the illness of tuberculosis per patient was US$916.4. The cost of anti-tuberculosis drugs constituted the highest proportion of the cost to the public health services (31.7%) while the cost to the patient constituted the major proportion of the total cost of the illness (79.4%).

    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  7. Wee YC, Tan KL, Tan PC, Yap SF, Tan JAMA
    Med J Malaysia, 2005 Oct;60(4):447-53.
    PMID: 16570706
    Haemoglobin Bart's hydrops foetalis syndrome (--SEA/--SEA) is not compatible with life and contributes to a majority of the hydropic foetuses in the Malaysian Chinese alpha-thalassaemia carriers who possess the 2-alpha-gene deletion in cis (--SEA/alphaalpha). A duplex-PCR which simultaneously amplifies a normal 136 bp sequence between the psialpha-alpha2-globin genes and a 730 bp Southeast Asian deletion-specific sequence (--SEA) between the psialpha2-theta1-globin genes was established. The duplex-PCR which detects the --SEA deletion in both chromosomes serves as a rapid and cost-effective confirmatory test in the antenatal diagnosis of Haemoglobin Bart's hydrops foetalis syndrome in Malaysia. In addition, the duplex-PCR is simple to perform as both the normal and deletion-specific alpha-globin gene sequences are amplified in the same PCR reaction.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  8. Ruger JP, Chawarski M, Mazlan M, Ng N, Schottenfeld R
    PLoS One, 2012;7(12):e50673.
    PMID: 23226534 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0050673
    AIMS: To aid public health policymaking, we studied the cost-effectiveness of buprenorphine, naltrexone, and placebo interventions for heroin dependence in Malaysia.

    DESIGN: We estimated the cost-effectiveness ratios of three treatments for heroin dependence. We used a microcosting methodology to determine fixed, variable, and societal costs of each intervention. Cost data were collected from investigators, staff, and project records on the number and type of resources used and unit costs; societal costs for participants' time were estimated using Malaysia's minimum wage. Costs were estimated from a provider and societal perspective and reported in 2004 US dollars.

    SETTING: Muar, Malaysia.

    PARTICIPANTS: 126 patients enrolled in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial in Malaysia (2003-2005) receiving counseling and buprenorphine, naltrexone, or placebo for treatment of heroin dependence.

    MEASUREMENTS: Primary outcome measures included days in treatment, maximum consecutive days of heroin abstinence, days to first heroin use, and days to heroin relapse. Secondary outcome measures included treatment retention, injection drug use, illicit opiate use, AIDS Risk Inventory total score, and drug risk and sex risk subscores.

    FINDINGS: Buprenorphine was more effective and more costly than naltrexone for all primary and most secondary outcomes. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios were below $50 for primary outcomes, mostly below $350 for secondary outcomes. Naltrexone was dominated by placebo for all secondary outcomes at almost all endpoints. Incremental treatment costs were driven mainly by medication costs, especially the price of buprenorphine.

    CONCLUSIONS: Buprenorphine appears to be a cost-effective alternative to naltrexone that might enhance economic productivity and reduce drug use over a longer term.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  9. Selvarajah S, Haniff J, Kaur G, Guat Hiong T, Bujang A, Chee Cheong K, et al.
    PMID: 23442728 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2261-13-10
    Recent increases in cardiovascular risk-factor prevalences have led to new national policy recommendations of universal screening for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in Malaysia. This study assessed whether the current national policy recommendation of universal screening was optimal, by comparing the effectiveness and impact of various cardiovascular screening strategies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  10. Tiong JJ, Mai CW, Gan PW, Johnson J, Mak VS
    Int J Pharm Pract, 2016 Aug;24(4):302-5.
    PMID: 26777986 DOI: 10.1111/ijpp.12244
    This article serves as an update to the work by Shafie et al. (2012) which previously reviewed the benefits of policies separating prescribing and dispensing in various countries to advocate its implementation in Malaysia. This article seeks to strengthen the argument by highlighting not only the weaknesses of the Malaysian health care system from the historical, professional and economic viewpoints but also the shortcomings of both medical and pharmacy professions in the absence of separation of dispensing. It also provides a detailed insight into the ongoing initiatives taken to consolidate the role of pharmacists in the health care system in the advent of separation of dispensing. Under the two tier system in Malaysia at present, the separation of prescribing and dispensing is implemented only in government hospitals. The absence of this separation in the private practices has led to possible profit-oriented medical and pharmacy practices which hinder safe and cost-effective delivery of health services. The call for separation of dispensing has gained traction over the years despite various hurdles ranging from the formidable resistance from the medical fraternity to the public's scepticism towards the new policy. With historical testament and present evidence pointing towards the merits of a system in which doctors prescribe and pharmacists dispense, the implementation of this health care model is justified.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  11. Hassan N, Ho WK, Mariapun S, Teo SH
    BMC Public Health, 2015;15:548.
    PMID: 26065413 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-015-1892-1
    To date, because of limited budgets and lower incidence of breast cancer, the majority of Asian countries do not have population-based screening programmes, but instead offer opportunistic screening. However, there have been few studies which have assessed the motivators for women attending such programmes and the appropriateness of the programmes in terms of targeting women at risk.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  12. Maloney S, Nicklen P, Rivers G, Foo J, Ooi YY, Reeves S, et al.
    J Med Internet Res, 2015;17(7):e182.
    PMID: 26197801 DOI: 10.2196/jmir.4346
    Blended learning describes a combination of teaching methods, often utilizing digital technologies. Research suggests that learner outcomes can be improved through some blended learning formats. However, the cost-effectiveness of delivering blended learning is unclear.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  13. Hauswald M, Yeoh E
    Am J Emerg Med, 1997 Oct;15(6):600-3.
    PMID: 9337371
    Many of the costs associated with prehospital care in developed countries are covered in budgets for fire suppression, police services, and the like. Determining these costs is therefore difficult. The costs and benefits of developing a prehospital care system for Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, which now has essentially no emergency medical services (EMS) system, were estimated. Prehospital therapies that have been suggested to decrease mortality were identified. A minimal prehospital system was designed to deliver these treatments in Kuala Lumpur. The potential benefit of these therapies was calculated by using statistics from the United States corrected for demographic differences between the United States and Malaysia. Costs were extrapolated from the current operating budget of the Malaysian Red Crescent Society. Primary dysrhythmias are responsible for almost all potentially survivable cardiac arrests. A system designed to deliver a defibrillator to 85% of arrests within 6 minutes would require an estimated 48 ambulances. Kuala Lumpur has approximately 120 prehospital arrhythmic deaths per year. A 6% resuscitation rate was chosen for the denominator, resulting in seven survivors. Half of these would be expected to have significant neurological damage. Ambulances cost $53,000 (US dollars) to operate per year in Kuala Lumpur; 48 ambulances would cost a total of $2.5 million. Demographic factors and traffic problems would significantly increase the cost per patient. Other therapies, including medications, airway management, and trauma care, were discounted because both their additional cost and their benefit are small. Transport of patients (including trauma) is now performed by police or private vehicle and would probably take longer by ambulance. A prehospital system for Kuala Lumpur would cost approximately $2.5 million per year. It might save seven lives, three of which would be marred by significant neurological injury. Developing countries would do well to consider alternatives to a North American EMS model.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  14. Mathews A, Bailie GR
    J Clin Pharm Ther, 1987 Oct;12(5):273-91.
    PMID: 3119606
    This article reviews the clinical pharmacokinetics, clinical toxicity and cost-effectiveness analysis of aminoglycosides and of dosing services for aminoglycosides. The reader is referred elsewhere for a review of the pharmacology, antimicrobial spectrum of activity and clinical use of these drugs. A critique of the more commonly used methods of aminoglycoside dosage determinations is included, based on the inter-individual variation in aminoglycoside disposition parameters. The advantages and disadvantages of arbitrary, predictive, and pharmacokinetic methods of dosing determination are summarized. Justification for the routine determination of serum aminoglycoside concentrations is reviewed. We review the lack of standardization of definitions for aminoglycoside-associated nephrotoxicity in published studies, and studies which illustrate these differences are highlighted. Evidence for the association between serum aminoglycoside concentrations and nephrotoxicity is examined. Ototoxicity is similarly reviewed. The concept of cost-effectiveness analysis is examined extensively in this review. We discuss the literature concerning the cost benefit analysis of drug dosing services.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  15. Lim KK, Yoon SY, Mohd Taib NA, Shabaruddin FH, Dahlui M, Woo YL, et al.
    Appl Health Econ Health Policy, 2018 06;16(3):395-406.
    PMID: 29572724 DOI: 10.1007/s40258-018-0384-8
    OBJECTIVE: Previous studies showed that offering BRCA mutation testing to population subgroups at high risk of harbouring the mutation may be cost effective, yet no evidence is available for low- or middle-income countries (LMIC) and in Asia. We estimated the cost effectiveness of BRCA mutation testing in early-stage breast cancer patients with high pre-test probability of harbouring the mutation in Malaysia, an LMIC in Asia.

    METHODS: We developed a decision analytic model to estimate the lifetime costs and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) accrued through BRCA mutation testing or routine clinical surveillance (RCS) for a hypothetical cohort of 1000 early-stage breast cancer patients aged 40 years. In the model, patients would decide whether to accept testing and to undertake risk-reducing mastectomy, oophorectomy, tamoxifen, combinations or neither. We calculated the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) from the health system perspective. A series of sensitivity analyses were performed.

    RESULTS: In the base case, testing generated 11.2 QALYs over the lifetime and cost US$4815 per patient whereas RCS generated 11.1 QALYs and cost US$4574 per patient. The ICER of US$2725/QALY was below the cost-effective thresholds. The ICER was sensitive to the discounting of cost, cost of BRCA mutation testing and utility of being risk-free, but the ICERs remained below the thresholds. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis showed that at a threshold of US$9500/QALY, 99.9% of simulations favoured BRCA mutation testing over RCS.

    CONCLUSIONS: Offering BRCA mutation testing to early-stage breast cancer patients identified using a locally-validated risk-assessment tool may be cost effective compared to RCS in Malaysia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  16. Naqvi AA, Hassali MA, Naqvi SBS, Kachela B, Khan I
    Int J Rheum Dis, 2020 Mar;23(3):325-333.
    PMID: 31880102 DOI: 10.1111/1756-185X.13776
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to estimate annual direct cost attributed to rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treatment from a patient's perspective using real-world patient follow-up data from hospitals' electronic database.

    METHODS: A prospective 1-year study was conducted in rheumatology clinics of tertiary care hospitals of Karachi, Pakistan. Cost-of-illness methodology was used and all patient data related to costs of rheumatologist visits, physical therapy sessions, medications, assistive devices and laboratory investigations were obtained directly in printed hardcopies from patient electronic databases using their medical record numbers. Transportation cost was calculated from patient-reported log books. Data were analyzed through IBM SPSS version 23. Patients were asked to sign a written consent and the study was ethically approved.

    RESULTS: The mean age of patients (N = 358) was 48 years. Most patients (73.7%) were female, married (86%) and had basic education (71.8%). Average cost of rheumatologist visits was PKR 11 510.61 (USD: 72.05) while it was PKR 66 947.37 (USD: 419.07) for physical therapy sessions. On average, medicines and medical devices costs were estimated at PKR 10 104.23 (USD: 63.25) and PKR 7848.48 (USD: 49.13) respectively. Cost attributed to diagnostic and laboratory charges was PKR 1962.12 (USD: 12.28) and travel expense was PKR 6541 (USD: 40.95). The direct expenditure associated with managing RA was PKR 37 558 (USD: 235.1). All costs were reported per annum.

    CONCLUSION: Patient with RA in Pakistan pay a considerable amount of their income for managing their condition. Most patients have no provision for insurance which is a need considering the nature of the disease and associated productivity loss that would significantly lower income as the disease progresses.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  17. Hatah E, Rahim N, Makmor-Bakry M, Mohamed Shah N, Mohamad N, Ahmad M, et al.
    PLoS One, 2020;15(11):e0241909.
    PMID: 33157549 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0241909
    Medication non-adherence remains a significant barrier in achieving better health outcomes for patients with chronic diseases. Previous self-reported medication adherence tools were not developed in the context of the Malaysia population. The most commonly used tool, MMAS-8, is no longer economical because it requires a license and currently every form used is charged. Hence, there is a need to develop and validate a new medication adherence tool. The Malaysia Medication Adherence Assessment Tool (MyMAAT) was developed by a multidisciplinary team with expertise in medication adherence and health literacy. The face and content validities of the MyMAAT was established by a panel of experts. A total of 495 patients with type 2 diabetes were recruited from the Ministry of Health facilities consisting of five hospitals and five primary health clinics. A test-retest was conducted on 42 of the patients one week following their first data collection. Exploratory factor analysis was performed to evaluate the validity of the MyMAAT. The final item for MyMAAT was compared with SEAMS, HbA1c%, Medication Possession ratio (MPR) score, and pharmacist's subjective assessment for its hypothesis testing validity. The MyMAAT-12 achieved acceptable internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.910) and stable reliability as the test-retest score showed good to excellent correlation (Spearman's rho = 0.96, p = 0.001). The MyMAAT has significant moderate association with SEAMS (Spearman's rho = 0.44, p = < 0.001) and significant relationship with HbA1c (< 8% and ≥ 8%) (χ2(1) = 13.4, p < 0.001), MPR (χ2(1) = 13.6, p < 0.001) and pharmacist's subjective assessment categories (χ2(1) = 31, p < 0.001). The sensitivity of MyMAAT-12, tested against HbA1c% was 72.9% while its specificity was 43%. This study demonstrates that the MyMAAT-12 together with other methods of assessment may make a better screening tool to identify patients who were non-adherence to their medications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  18. Huckvale C, Car J, Akiyama M, Jaafar S, Khoja T, Bin Khalid A, et al.
    Qual Saf Health Care, 2010 Aug;19 Suppl 2:i25-33.
    PMID: 20693213 DOI: 10.1136/qshc.2009.038497
    BACKGROUND: Research on patient care has identified substantial variations in the quality and safety of healthcare and the considerable risks of iatrogenic harm as significant issues. These failings contribute to the high rates of potentially avoidable morbidity and mortality and to the rising levels of healthcare expenditure seen in many health systems. There have been substantial developments in information technology in recent decades and there is now real potential to apply these technological developments to improve the provision of healthcare universally. Of particular international interest is the use of eHealth applications. There is, however, a large gap between the theoretical and empirically demonstrated benefits of eHealth applications. While these applications typically have the technical capability to help professionals in the delivery of healthcare, inadequate attention to the socio-technical dimensions of their use can result in new avoidable risks to patients.

    RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Given the current lack of evidence on quality and safety improvements and on the cost-benefits associated with the introduction of eHealth applications, there should be a focus on implementing more mature technologies; it is also important that eHealth applications should be evaluated against a comprehensive and rigorous set of measures, ideally at all stages of their application life cycle.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  19. Emmett SD, Sudoko CK, Tucci DL, Gong W, Saunders JE, Global HEAR (Hearing Loss Evaluation, Advocacy, and Research) Collaborative:, et al.
    Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2019 10;161(4):672-682.
    PMID: 31210566 DOI: 10.1177/0194599819849917
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the cost-effectiveness of cochlear implantation (CI) with mainstream education and deaf education with sign language for treatment of children with profound sensorineural hearing loss in low- and lower-middle income countries in Asia.

    STUDY DESIGN: Cost-effectiveness analysis.

    SETTING: Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, and Sri Lanka participated in the study.

    SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Costs were obtained from experts in each country with known costs and published data, with estimation when necessary. A disability-adjusted life-years model was applied with 3% discounting and 10-year length of analysis. A sensitivity analysis was performed to evaluate the effect of device cost, professional salaries, annual number of implants, and probability of device failure. Cost-effectiveness was determined with the World Health Organization standard of cost-effectiveness ratio per gross domestic product (CER/GDP) per capita <3.

    RESULTS: Deaf education was cost-effective in all countries except Nepal (CER/GDP, 3.59). CI was cost-effective in all countries except Nepal (CER/GDP, 6.38) and Pakistan (CER/GDP, 3.14)-the latter of which reached borderline cost-effectiveness in the sensitivity analysis (minimum, maximum: 2.94, 3.39).

    CONCLUSION: Deaf education and CI are largely cost-effective in participating Asian countries. Variation in CI maintenance and education-related costs may contribute to the range of cost-effectiveness ratios observed in this study.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
  20. Naing C, Poovorawan Y, Mak JW, Aung K, Kamolratankul P
    Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis, 2015 Jun;26(4):403-7.
    PMID: 25692521 DOI: 10.1097/MBC.0000000000000280
    The present study aimed to assess the cost-utility analysis of using an adjunctive recombinant activated factor VIIa (rFVIIa) in children for controlling life-threatening bleeding in dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF)/dengue shock syndrome (DSS). We constructed a decision-tree model, comparing a standard care and the use of an additional adjuvant rFVIIa for controlling life-threatening bleeding in children with DHF/DSS. Cost and utility benefit were estimated from the societal perspective. The outcome measure was cost per quality-adjusted life years (QALYs). Overall, treatment with adjuvant rFVIIa gained QALYs, but the total cost was higher. The incremental cost-utility ratio for the introduction of adjuvant rFVIIa was $4241.27 per additional QALY. Sensitivity analyses showed the utility value assigned for calculation of QALY was the most sensitive parameter. We concluded that despite high cost, there is a role for rFVIIa in the treatment of life-threatening bleeding in patients with DHF/DSS.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cost-Benefit Analysis
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