Supercapacitor electrode based on conducting polymer of poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythipohene) (PEDOT) doped with nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC) films were prepared via electrochemical polymerization technique. Different applied potential, concentration and deposition time were varied to study the effect of electropolymerization potential, NCC concentration and deposition time on the formation of PEDOT/NCC film. The formation of electrochemically polymerized PEDOT/NCC composite was successfully proven with field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) techniques where the composites exhibited an interconnected network-like surface morphology. PEDOT/NCC deposited at 1.2 V in 1 mg/ml of NCC for 15 min showed the highest specific capacitance of 117.02 F/g at 100 mV/s with energy density and power density of 11.44 Wh/kg and 99.85 W/kg, respectively at the current density of 0.2 A/g. The incorporation of NCC into PEDOT revealed a lower resistance of charge transfers and improves the cycling stability by retaining 86% of capacitance after 1000 cycles.
Malaysia is a tropical country that is highly dependent on surface water for its raw water supply. Unfortunately, surface water is vulnerable to pollution, especially in developed and dense urban catchments. Therefore, in this study, a methodology was developed for an extensive temporal water quality index (WQI) and classification analysis, simulations of various pollutant discharge scenarios using QUAL2K software, and maps with NH3-N as the core pollutant using an integrated QUAL2K-GIS. It was found that most of the water quality stations are categorized as Class III (slightly polluted to polluted). These stations are surrounded by residential areas, industries, workshops, restaurants and wet markets that contribute to the poor water quality levels. Additionally, low WQI values were reported in 2010 owing to development and agricultural activities. However, the WQI values improved during the wet season. High concentrations of NH3-N were found in the basin, especially during dry weather conditions. Three scenarios were simulated, i.e. 10%, 50% and 70% of pollution discharge into Skudai river using a calibrated and validated QUAL2K model. Model performance was evaluated using the relative percentage difference. An inclusive graph showing the current conditions and pollution reduction scenarios with respect to the distance of Skudai river and its tributaries is developed to determine the WQI classification. Comprehensive water quality maps based on NH3-N as the core pollutant are developed using integrated QUAL2K-GIS to illustrate the overall condition of the Skudai river. High NH3-N in the Skudai River affects water treatment plant operations. Pollution control of more than 90% is required to improve the water quality classification to Class II. The methodology and analysis developed in this study can assist various stakeholders and authorities in identifying problematic areas and determining the required percentage of pollution reduction to improve the Skudai River water quality.
Palm oil is one of the most produced and traded vegetable oils in the world recently. The quality of palm oil is very important to be examined and one of the quality indices is free fatty acid (FFA) content. Thus, in this study, an electrochemical technique for the determination of FFA as alternative to conventional method (titration method) has been explored. The electrochemical method was developed based on electrochemically reduced graphene oxide (rGO) deposited onto screen printed carbon electrode (SPCE) via drop-casting technique. The modified electrode was characterized by physico-chemical and electrochemical methods, respectively. The voltammetric behaviour of 2-methyl-1,4-naphthaquinone (VK3) in the presence of palmitic acid at the modified electrode was investigated in an acetonitrile/water (3:1) mixture containing 2.5 M lithium perchlorate (LiClO4). The electrochemical detection of palmitic acid was based on the voltammetric reduction of VK3 to form corresponding hydroquinone which is proportional to the concentration of palmitic acid. Under optimum condition, the developed method showed a good linear relationship in the concentration ranging from 0.192 mM to 0.833 mM with the detection limit of 0.079 mM. The developed sensor illustrates high sensitivity and rapid detection towards determination of FFA content in palm oil.
An attractive electrochemical sensor of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/reduced graphene oxide electrode (PrGO) was developed for an electrochemical technique for uric acid (UA) detection in the presence of ascorbic acid (AA). PrGO composite film showed an improved electrocatalytic activity towards UA oxidation in pH 6.0 (0.1 M PBS). The PrGO composite exhibited a high current signal and low charge transfer resistance (Rct) compared to a reduced graphene oxide (rGO) electrode or a bare glassy carbon electrode (GCE). The limit of detection and sensitivity of PrGO for the detection of UA are 0.19 μM (S/N = 3) and 0.01 μA/μM, respectively, in the range of 1-300 μM of UA.
Frequent loss of heterozygosity (LOH) and mutations of the tumor suppressor gene PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted from chromosome 10) have been found in sporadic gliomas. The most documented regions of allelic losses include 9p21, 10q23-25 and 17p1 3 whereas PTEN aberrations are preferentially found in glioblastoma multiformes. This research aimed to detect the incidence of allelic losses on chromosomes 10q, 9p, 17p and 13q and mutations on exons 5, 6 and 8 of PTEN in malignant gliomas. Malignant glioma specimens obtained were classified histopathologically according to the WHO criteria. Each tumor was then subjected to polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-LOH analysis using microsatellite markers and single-stranded conformational polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. Twelve of 23 (52%) malignant glioma cases showed allelic losses whereas 7 of 23 (30%) samples showed aberrant band patterns and mutations of PTEN. Four of these cases showed LOH in 10q23 and mutations of PTEN. The data on LOH indicated the involvement of different genes in the genesis of glioma whereas mutations of PTEN indicated the role of PTEN tumor suppressor gene in the progression of glioma in Malay population.
This study aimed to compare the 3D skull models reconstructed from computed tomography (CT) images using three different open-source software with a commercial software as a reference. The commercial Mimics v17.0 software was used to reconstruct the 3D skull models from 58 subjects. Next, two open-source software, MITK Workbench 2016.11, 3D Slicer 4.8.1 and InVesalius 3.1 were used to reconstruct the 3D skull models from the same subjects. All four software went through similar steps in 3D reconstruction process. The 3D skull models from the commercial and open-source software were exported in standard tessellation language (STL) format into CloudCompare v2.8 software and superimposed for geometric analyses. Hausdorff distance (HD) analysis demonstrated the average points distance of Mimics versus MITK was 0.25 mm. Meanwhile, for Mimics versus 3D Slicer and Mimics versus InVesalius, there was almost no differences between the two superimposed 3D skull models with average points distance of 0.01 mm. Based on Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) analysis, the similarity between Mimics versus MITK, Mimics versus 3D Slicer and Mimics versus InVesalius were 94.1, 98.8 and 98.3%, respectively. In conclusion, this study confirmed that the alternative open-source software, MITK, 3D Slicer and InVesalius gave comparable results in 3D reconstruction of skull models compared to the commercial gold standard Mimics software. This open-source software could possibly be used for pre-operative planning in cranio-maxillofacial cases and for patient management in the hospitals or institutions with limited budget.
Subtentorial subdural empyema is a rare and life threatening intracranial suppuration. It is usually an intracranial complication of otogenic infections. Early diagnosis and surgical drainage are the most important factors determining prognosis. The high mortality reported in the literature reflects the severity of subtentorial subdural empyema if proper management is delayed. Intracranial infections usually require between 4 to 6 weeks of intravenous antibiotics therapy. However, the prolonged duration of hospitalization as well as requirement for neurosurgically inserted indwelling devices may predispose these patients to new nosocomial infections.
This paper describes the acquisition setup and development of a new gait database, MMUGait. This database consists of 82 subjects walking under normal condition and 19 subjects walking with 11 covariate factors, which were captured under two views. This paper also proposes a multiview model-based gait recognition system with joint detection approach that performs well under different walking trajectories and covariate factors, which include self-occluded or external occluded silhouettes. In the proposed system, the process begins by enhancing the human silhouette to remove the artifacts. Next, the width and height of the body are obtained. Subsequently, the joint angular trajectories are determined once the body joints are automatically detected. Lastly, crotch height and step-size of the walking subject are determined. The extracted features are smoothened by Gaussian filter to eliminate the effect of outliers. The extracted features are normalized with linear scaling, which is followed by feature selection prior to the classification process. The classification experiments carried out on MMUGait database were benchmarked against the SOTON Small DB from University of Southampton. Results showed correct classification rate above 90% for all the databases. The proposed approach is found to outperform other approaches on SOTON Small DB in most cases.
Radioactive particle tracking (RPT) has emerged as a promising and versatile technique that can provide rich information about a variety of multiphase flow systems. However, RPT is not an off-the-shelf technique, and thus, users must customize RPT for their applications. This paper presents a simple procedure for preparing radioactive tracer particles created via irradiation with neutrons from the TRIGA Mark II research reactor. The present study focuses on the performance evaluation of encapsulated gold and scandium particles for applications as individual radioactive tracer particles using qualitative and quantitative neutron activation analysis (NAA) and an X-ray microcomputed tomography (X-ray Micro-CT) scanner installed at the Malaysian Nuclear Agency.
An in-house loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) reaction was established and evaluated for sensitivity and specificity in detecting the presence of Salmonella Typhi (S. Typhi) isolates from Kelantan, Malaysia. Three sets of primers consisting of two outer and 4 inner were designed based on locus STBHUCCB_38510 of chaperone PapD of S. Typhi genes. The reaction was optimised using genomic DNA of S. Typhi ATCC7251 as the template. The products were visualised directly by colour changes of the reaction. Positive results were indicated by green fluorescence and negative by orange colour. The test was further evaluated for specificity, sensitivity and application on field samples. The results were compared with those obtained by gold standard culture method and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). This method was highly specific and -10 times more sensitive in detecting S. Typhi compared to the optimised conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method.
The relationship between microarchitecture to the failure mechanism and mechanical properties can be assessed through experimental and computational methods. In this study, both methods were utilised using bovine cadavers. Twenty four samples of cancellous bone were extracted from fresh bovine and the samples were cleaned from excessive marrow. Uniaxial compression testing was performed with displacement control. After mechanical testing, each specimen was ashed in a furnace. Four of the samples were exemplarily scanned using micro-computed tomography (μCT) and three dimensional models of the cancellous bones were reconstructed for finite element simulation. The mechanical properties and the failure modes obtained from numerical simulations were then compared to the experiments. Correlations between microarchitectural parameters to the mechanical properties and failure modes were then made. The Young's modulus correlates well with the bone volume fraction with R² = 0.615 and P value 0.013. Three different types of failure modes of cancellous bone were observed: oblique fracture (21.7%), perpendicular global fracture (47.8%), and scattered localised fracture (30.4%). However, no correlations were found between the failure modes to the morphological parameters. The percentage of error between computer predictions and the actual experimental test was from 6 to 12%. These mechanical properties and information on failure modes can be used for the development of synthetic cancellous bone.
The asiatic acid, a triterpenoids isolated from Centella asiatica was used to delineate its inhibitory effect on acetylcholinesterase (AChE) properties, excitatory post synaptic potential (EPSP) and locomotor activity. This study is consistent with asiatic acid having an effect on AChE, a selective GABA(B) receptor agonist and no sedative effect on locomotor.
Patients with isolated severe head injury with diffuse axonal injury and without any surgical lesion may be treated safely without cerebral resuscitation and intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring. Seventy two patients were divided into three groups of patients receiving treatment based on ICP-CPP-targeted, or conservative methods either with or without ventilation support. The characteristics of these three groups were compared based on age, gender, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), pupillary reaction to light, computerized tomography scanning according to the Marshall classification, duration of intensive care unit (ICU) stays, Glasgow Outcome Score (GOS) and possible complications. There were higher risk of mortality (p < 0.001), worse GCS improvement upon discharge (p < 0.001) and longer ICU stays (p = 0.016) in ICP group compared to Intubation group. There were no significant statistical differences of GOS at 3rd and 6th months between all three groups.
ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: Mitragyna speciosa Korth (ketum) is widely used in Malaysia as a medicinal agent for treating diarrhea, worm infestations and also acts as an analgesic and antipyretic.
AIM: The aim of the study is to determine the acute toxicity of Mitragyna speciosa Korth standardized methanol extract in vivo in 4-weeks-old Sprague-Dawley rats.
METHODOLOGY: Rats were orally administrated single dose of 100, 500 and 1000 mg/kg Mitragyna speciosa Korth standardized methanol extract and the control group received 430 mg/kg of morphine orally. There were 10 rats in each group. All animals were sacrificed after 14 days of treatment. Eight parameters were tested: cage side observation, body weight measurement, food and water consumption, blood pressure, absolute and relative organ weight, hematology, biochemical analysis and histopathology, to look for evidence of toxicity.
RESULT: No mortality was noted after 14 days of treatment. In general, behavior, food and water consumption, hematological studies and organ weights showed no significant changes. The standardized methanol extraction of Mitragyna speciosa Korth increased rat blood pressure (systolic: 147.4+/-1.01, 131.64+/-4.94 and 137.8+/-4.46) after an hour of 100, 500 and 1000 mg/kg doses, respectively. Biochemical studies showed significant elevation of ALT, AST, albumin, triglycerides, cholesterol and albumin (p>0.05), at all levels of doses. But, nephrotoxicity evidenced by elevated creatinine was seen only at a dose of 1000 mg/kg. Histological examination showed congestion of sinusoids, hemorrhage hepatocytes, fatty change, centrilobular necrosis and increased number of Kuppfer cells in the liver of all Mitragyna speciosa Korth standardized methanol extract treated groups.
CONCLUSION: Oral administration of standardized methanolic extraction of Mitragyna speciosa Korth resulted in increasing rat blood pressure after an hour of drug administration. The highest dose of extract also induced acute severe hepatotoxicity and mild nephrotoxicity. However, Mitragyna speciosa Korth shows no effects on body weight, food and water consumption, absolute and relative organ weight and also hematology parameters.
We report a case of 50-year-old man who was presented with recurrent episodes of left sided hemiparesis. CT scan and MRI brain revealed a large intraventricular fatty lesion. Histopathological examination showed a picture of angiolipoma.
The development of an optical biosensor based on immobilization of 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone (MBTH) in hybrid nafion/sol-gel silicate film and tyrosinase in chitosan film for the detection of phenolic compounds has been described. Tyrosinase was immobilized in chitosan film deposited on the hybrid nafion/sol-gel silicate film containing MBTH. The enzymatic oxidation product of phenolic compounds were stabilized through formation of adduct with MBTH to produce a maroon color adduct. The color intensity of adduct was found to increase proportionally with the increase of the substrate concentrations after 5min exposure. The linearity of the biosensor towards phenol, catechol and m-cresol were in the respective concentration range of 0.5-7.0, 0.5-10.0 and 1.0-13.0mg/L with detection limit of 0.18, 0.23 and 0.43mg/L, respectively. The biosensor shows a good stability for at least 3 months.
We report a case of an adult who presented with progressive swelling in the right eye with suggestive of intracranial lesion on imaging. Histopathological revealed a lacrimal gland malignant mixed tumour.
We report a rare case of a giant extradural and intraabdominal ganglioneuroblastoma in a young Malay girl who presented to a paediatrician initially at 5 days of life with a palpable abdominal mass. Unfortunately, the parents refused any form of surgical intervention until the child was 3 years old. She subsequently underwent vascular embolisation followed by the removal of this large tumour both via the abdomen and through a laminectomy approach and subsequently refused chemotherapy. The c-myc amplication in this patient was absent and there were no chromosomal aberrations, During the 2 year folow-up the patient remained well, and ambulatory with no tumour recurrence.
The stacked-film immobilization of 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone (MBTH) in hybrid nafion/sol-gel silicate film and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in chitosan, performed in order to allow the determination of phenolic compounds, was investigated via an optical method. The stacked films were deposited onto a microscope glass slide by a spin-coating technique. The quinone or free radical product formed by the enzymatic reactions of phenolic compounds interacts with MBTH to form azo-dye products, which can be measured spectrophotometrically at a wavelength of 500 nm. The color intensity of the product was found to increase in proportion to the phenolic concentration after 5 min of exposure. The response of the biosensor was linear over concentration ranges of 0.025-0.500, 0.010-0.070 and 0.050-0.300 mM for guaiacol, resorcinol and o-cresol, respectively, and gave detection limits of 0.010, 0.005 and 0.012 mM. The sensor exhibited good sensitivity and stability for at least two months.
The monitoring of craniospinal compliance is uncommonly used clinically despite it's value. The Spiegelberg compliance monitor calculates intracranial compliance (C = deltaV/deltaP) from a moving average of small ICP perturbations (deltaP) resulting from a sequence of up to 200 pulses of added volume (deltaV = 0.1 ml, total V = 0.2 ml) made into a double lumen intraventricular balloon catheter. The objective of this study was thus to determine the effectiveness of the decompressive craniectomy done on the worst brain site with regard to compliance (Cl), pressure volume index (PVI), jugular oximetry (SjVo2), autoregulation abnormalties, brain tissue oxygen (TiO2) and cerebral blood flow (CBF). This is a prospective cohort study of 17 patients who were enrolled after consent and approval of the ethics committee between the beginning of the year 2001 and end of the year 2002. For pre and post assessment on compliance and PVI, all 12 patients who survived were reported to become normal after decompressive craniectomy. There is no significant association between pre and post craniectomy assessment in jugular oxymetry (p > 0.05), autoregulation (p > 0.05), intracranial brain oxymetry (p = 0.125) and cerebral blood flow (p = 0.375). Compliance and PVI improved dramatically in all alive patients who received decompressive craniectomy. Compliance and PVI monitoring may be crucial in improving the outcome of severe head injured patients after decompressive craniectomy.