Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 42 in total

  1. Dirong G, Nematbakhsh S, Selamat J, Chong PP, Idris LH, Nordin N, et al.
    Molecules, 2021 Oct 28;26(21).
    PMID: 34770913 DOI: 10.3390/molecules26216502
    Chicken is known to be the most common meat type involved in food mislabeling and adulteration. Establishing a method to authenticate chicken content precisely and identifying chicken breeds as declared in processed food is crucial for protecting consumers' rights. Categorizing the authentication method into their respective omics disciplines, such as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, lipidomics, metabolomics, and glycomics, and the implementation of bioinformatics or chemometrics in data analysis can assist the researcher in improving the currently available techniques. Designing a vast range of instruments and analytical methods at the molecular level is vital for overcoming the technical drawback in discriminating chicken from other species and even within its breed. This review aims to provide insight and highlight previous and current approaches suitable for countering different circumstances in chicken authentication.
  2. Johari NA, Voon K, Toh SY, Sulaiman LH, Yap IKS, Lim PKC
    PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 2019 Nov;13(11):e0007889.
    PMID: 31730672 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007889
    Dengue fever is endemic in Malaysia, contributing to significant economic and health burden in the country. Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus are the main vectors of the dengue virus (DENV), which circulates in sylvatic and human transmission cycles and has been present in Malaysia for decades. The study investigated the presence and distribution of DENV in urban localities in the Klang Valley, Peninsular Malaysia. A total of 364 Ae. aegypti and 1,025 Ae. albopictus larvae, and 10 Ae. aegypti and 42 Ae. albopictus adult mosquitoes were screened for the presence of DENV. In total, 31 (2.2%) samples were positive, of which 2 Ae. albopictus larvae were co-infected with two serotypes, one with DENV-2 and DENV-3 and the other with DENV-3 and DENV-4. Phylogenetic analysis determined that the isolates belonged to DENV-1 genotype I (1 Ae. aegypti adult), DENV-2 (1 Ae. albopictus larva), DENV-3 genotype V (3 Ae. aegypti larvae and 10 Ae. albopictus larvae) and DENV-4 genotype IV (6 Ae. aegypti larvae and 12 Ae. albopictus larvae), a sylvatic strain of DENV-4 which was most closely related with sylvatic strains isolated from arboreal mosquitoes and sentinel monkeys in Peninsular Malaysia in the 1970s. All four DENV serotypes were co-circulating throughout the study period. The detection of a sylvatic strain of DENV-4 in Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus mosquitoes in urban areas in Peninsular Malaysia highlights the susceptibility of these vectors to infection with sylvatic DENV. The infectivity and vector competence of these urban mosquitoes to this strain of the virus needs further investigation, as well as the possibility of the emergence of sylvatic virus into the human transmission cycle.
  3. Kamaruddin NC, Razali MAI, Busayo IE, Hamzah NH, Idris LH, Md Isa NM
    J Parasitol Res, 2021;2021:6691483.
    PMID: 33953962 DOI: 10.1155/2021/6691483
    Ruminant fascioliasis is a neglected yet important tropical zoonotic disease that affects both the livestock and humans. The disease has a worldwide distribution, and Malaysia is one of the countries that face problems related to this parasite. These retrospective studies were conducted in Makmal Diagnosa Veterinar Kota Kinabalu (MDVKK) and Sabah Meat Technology Centre (SMTC), Kinarut over a period of eleven years (2008-2018). For MDVKK, the overall occurrence of fascioliasis was 24.9%. Out of 769 cattle's and buffaloes' faecal samples submitted, Fasciola spp ova were detected in 189 of the samples. A total of 2297 cattle, buffaloes, and goats were slaughtered at SMTC over that period, and 21 livers were condemned due to fascioliasis, giving the total occurrence of 0.91%. This investigation provides information on the occurrence of ruminant fascioliasis in Sabah, East Malaysia. The results from this study highlight the alarming incidence of fascioliasis and the urgent need for action to control this neglected tropical disease in East Malaysia.
  4. Ahmad NI, Mahiyuddin WRW, Azmi WNFW, Azlee RSR, Shaharudin R, Sulaiman LH
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2022 Apr;29(17):24816-24832.
    PMID: 34826068 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-17483-6
    The concentration of meHg in freshwater fish and seafood was investigated, as well as the consumption patterns of fish and seafood by different demographic groups (age, ethnicity, gender). A potential alarm for human health hazards was also assessed, and the results were compared to the provisional tolerable weekly intakes (PTWIs) and the hazard quotient parameter (HQ). The results showed that meHg levels of 67 species ranged from 0.013 to 0.252 mg/kg of wet weight (WW) with significant differences between different fish and seafood groups (χ2KW = 49.09; p  pelagic fish (0.0686 mg/kg WW) > freshwater fish 0.045 mg/kg WW) > cephalopods (0.0405 mg/kg WW) crustaceans (0.0356 mg/kg WW). The results revealed that older population (> 40 years old) consumed significantly (p = 0.000) more fish compared to younger generations and the elderly consumed the highest amounts of fish (104.0 ± 113.0 g/day). The adolescents (10-17 years old) consumed more than double of amount for both cephalopod and crustacean compared to the older populations (p 
  5. Nematbakhsh S, Pei CP, Nordin N, Selamat J, Idris LH, Razis AFA
    Poult Sci, 2024 Jul 31;103(11):104128.
    PMID: 39180779 DOI: 10.1016/j.psj.2024.104128
    Local village chicken, or "Ayam kampung" as it's known in Malaysia, is considered a premium chicken breed with a higher price than other chicken breeds. As a result of their comparable appearances and sizes, colored broiler chickens are often sold as village chickens, which is a form of food fraud that can result in a 3- to 4-fold rise in profit. Therefore, developing a breed-specific authentication method is crucial for preventing food fraud in the poultry industry. This study aims to investigate the genetic diversity of village chickens from other commercial chicken breed populations available in the market (broiler [Cobb], colored broiler [Hubbard], and layer [DeKalb]) to identify breed-specific DNA fragments as biomarkers for village chicken authentication. The Whole-genome sequencing and mutation calling of 12 chickens (3 chickens/breed) led to the identification of a total of 73,454,654 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) and 8,762,338 insertion and deletions (InDel) variants, with more variants detected in the village chicken population (6,346,704 SNPs; 752,408 InDels) compared to commercial breeds. Therefore, this study revealed that village chickens were more genetically variable compared to other breeds in Malaysia. Furthermore, the breed-specific genomic region located on chromosome 1 (1:84,405,652) harboring SNP (C-T) with high discrimination power was discovered and validated which can be considered as a novel breed-specific biomarker to develop a method for accurate authentication of village chickens in Malaysia. This authentication method offers potentialw applications in the chicken industry and food safety.
  6. Hirayama K, Zaidi AS, Lokman Hakim S, Kimura A, Ong KJ, Kikuchi M, et al.
    Tissue Antigens, 1996 Dec;48(6):692-7.
    PMID: 9008312
    We have examined 56 unrelated individuals from Malaysian aborigines for their DNA polymorphism of the HLA-B gene by sequence specific oligonucleotide probe (SSO) method. Using the SSO hybridization, we found that one specific DNA allele with a B*1513 like pattern of epitope combination (ECB1513) was dominant among the Melayu Asli (Af = 41.9%) and the Senoi (Af = 24%). To determine the nucleotide sequences of ECB1513, a DNA fragment spanning from the beginning of exon 1 to the middle of exon 4 of the HLA-B gene was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from two ECB1513 positive individuals, and the PCR products were cloned and sequenced. This sequencing analysis confirmed that ECB1513 was identical to HLA-B*1513 in exon 1, 2, 3, and 4. Amino acid sequence of this major allele, HLA-B*1513, in the aborigines especially around the peptide binding groove (B and F pockets), was compared with that of African B*5301 that had been suggested to confer resistance to malaria infection in Africa. The amino acid residues composing of the F pocket were completely identical in B*1513 and B*5301. These observations suggest that a common environmental factor, the malaria infection, might have independently enhanced the selection of functional change in the polymorphic portion of HLA-B gene in Africa and in South-East Asia.
  7. Teng CL, Lee VKM, Malanashita G, Sulaiman LH, Bujang MA
    Malays J Med Sci, 2023 Feb;30(1):162-171.
    PMID: 36875195 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.1.14
    BACKGROUND: Many published studies in Malaysia have examined and assessed self care among type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients using the Summary of Diabetes Self Care Activities (SDSCA) scale. The current paper is a meta-analysis of related studies that also examines how gender and ethnicity influence and shape T2DM self care practices in Malaysia.

    METHODS: We undertook a bibliographic search for studies conducted and published in Malaysia on T2DM adults using the SDSCA scale. This is a two-stage individual participant meta-analysis of SDSCA which synthesised the overall and subscale score based on gender and ethnic groups as well as the correlation between SDSCA and HbA1c.

    RESULTS: We examined 11 studies that utilised SDSCA to analyse 3,720 T2DM patients. The overall SDSCA score was 33.46 (47.8% of the 7-day week). The subscale score for general diet, specific diet, exercise, blood glucose self-monitoring and foot care were 4.80, 4.09, 2.87, 1.80 and 3.21, respectively. A small but statistically significant better self care in some gender or ethnic groups was noted. The SDSCA diet subscale and HbA1c showed statistically significant correlation.

    CONCLUSION: The finding suggested Malaysian T2DM patients were deficient in exercise and blood glucose self-monitoring. In fact, overall self care among Malaysian adult T2DM patients appears to be suboptimal across gender and the three main ethnic groups. Greater efforts are therefore needed to educate Malaysian adult T2DM patients to improve their self care practices.

  8. Yusoff FA, Rahman RA, May LH, Budart SB, Sulaiman LH
    Western Pac Surveill Response J, 2015 May 27;6(2):27-31.
    PMID: 26306213 DOI: 10.5365/WPSAR.2015.6.1.012
    In September 2012, 10 cases suspected to be hepatitis A were notified to the Manjung District Health Department. An investigation was conducted to identify the possible mode of transmission, source of the outbreak and to recommend prevention and control measures.
  9. Abdullah NH, Mohamed N, Sulaiman LH, Zakaria TA, Rahim DA
    Malays J Med Sci, 2016 May;23(3):1-8.
    PMID: 27418864
    Bauxite mining is not known to most Malaysian except recently due to environmental pollution issues in Kuantan, Pahang. Potential impacts are expected to go beyond physical environment and physical illness if the situation is not controlled. Loss of economic potentials, and the presence of unpleasant red dust causing mental distress, anger and community outrage. More studies are needed to associate it with chronic physical illness. While evidences are vital for action, merely waiting for a disease to occur is a sign of failure in prevention. All responsible agencies should focus on a wider aspect of health determinants rather than merely on the occurrence of diseases to act and the need to emphasize on sustainable mining to ensure health of people is not compromised.
  10. Lokman Hakim NYDB, Noble S, Thomas NV, Geegana Gamage BS, Maxwell GK, Govindasamy V, et al.
    Eur J Ophthalmol, 2022 Jan 17.
    PMID: 35037488 DOI: 10.1177/11206721211073430
    Over the last decades, the strategy of using stem cells has gained a lot of attention in treating many diseases. Recently, DR was identified as one of the common complications experienced by diabetic patients around the world. The current treatment strategy needs to be addressed since the active progression of DR may lead to permanent blindness. Interestingly, varieties of stem cells have emerged to optimize the therapeutic effects. It is also known that stem cells possess multilineage properties and are capable of differentiating, expanding in vitro and undergoing genetic modification. Moreover, modified stem cells have shown to be an ideal resource to prevent the degenerative disease and exhibit promising effects in conferring the migratory, anti-apoptotic, anti-inflammatory and provide better homing for cells into the damaged tissue or organ as well promoting healing properties. Therefore, the understanding of the functional properties of the stem cells may provide the comprehensive guidance to understand the manipulation of stem cells making them useful for long-term therapeutic applications. Hence in this review the potential use and current challenges of genetically modified stem cells to treat DR will be discussed along with its future perspectives.
  11. Muhamad NA, Buang SN, Jaafar S, Jais R, Tan PS, Mustapha N, et al.
    BMC Public Health, 2018 Dec 22;18(1):1402.
    PMID: 30577816 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-018-6316-6
    BACKGROUND: In 2006, 4 years of planning was started by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia (MOH), to implement the HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccination programme. An inter-agency and multi-sectoral collaborations were developed for Malaysia's HPV school-based immunisation programme. It was approved for nationwide school base implementation for 13-year-old girls or first year secondary students in 2010. This paper examines how the various strategies used in the implementation over the last 7 years (2010-2016) that unique to Malaysia were successful in achieving optimal coverage of the target population.

    METHODS: Free vaccination was offered to school girls in secondary school (year seven) in Malaysia, which is usually at the age of 13 in the index year. All recipients of the HPV vaccine were identified through school enrolments obtained from education departments from each district in Malaysia. A total of 242,638 girls aged between 12 to 13 years studying in year seven were approached during the launch of the program in 2010. Approximately 230,000 girls in secondary schools were offered HPV vaccine per year by 646 school health teams throughout the country from 2010 to 2016.

    RESULTS: Parental consent for their daughters to receive HPV vaccination at school was very high at 96-98% per year of the programme. Of those who provided consent, over 99% received the first dose each year and 98-99% completed the course per year. Estimated population coverage for the full vaccine course, considering also those not in school, is estimated at 83 to 91% per year. Rates of adverse events reports following HPV vaccination were low at around 2 per 100,000 and the majority was injection site reactions.

    CONCLUSION: A multisectoral and integrated collaborative structure and process ensured that the Malaysia school-based HPV immunisation programme was successful and sustained through the programme design, planning, implementation and monitoring and evaluation. This is a critical factor contributing to the success and sustainability of the school-based HPV immunisation programme with very high coverage.

  12. Mazlan LF, Bachek NF, Mahamud SNA, Idris LH, Wei TS, Omar AR, et al.
    Vet World, 2017 May;10(5):542-548.
    PMID: 28620260 DOI: 10.14202/vetworld.2017.542-548
    AIM: Genotype VII Newcastle disease virus (NDV) is the most predominant NDV strains that circulating in Malaysia; thus, this study was aimed to determine the susceptibility of Japanese quails toward genotype VII NDV. Clinical signs, gross pathological lesions of organs, positive detection of virus in organs and cloacal swabs, as well as the expression of the antibody titer, were used as parameters to assess the susceptibility of Japanese quails following infection of genotype VII NDV.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: About 20 quails were divided into three groups (n=8 for Groups A and B; n=4 for the control group). The quails in the Groups A and B were infected via intraocular route with 0.03 ml of 103.5 ELD50 and 107.0 ELD50 of NDV strain IBS 002, respectively, while the control group received 1× phosphate-buffered saline. Cloacal swabs and necropsy were taken on day 7 post-infection for all quails were subjected to one-step reverse transcription real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) for detection of virus and examination for gross pathological lesion, respectively. Blood serums of infected quails were taken on day 10, 14, and 21 post-day infections and were subjected for hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay.

    RESULTS: Depression and ruffled feathers, trachea rales, leg paralysis, and torticollis were shown in some of the quails in both infected groups. Based on statistical analysis, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) in clinical signs between the infected groups. The results for RT-qPCR were found to be negative for all groups, and no gross pathological lesions of organs observed for quails in both infected groups. Trachea, proventriculus, and cecal tonsil were taken for the detection of NDV by RT-qPCR, and some of the organ samples showed positive detection of virus in both infected groups. HI assay showed an increase in mean titers of antibody across time and between infected groups.

    CONCLUSION: In summary, Japanese quails are susceptible to genotype VII NDV based on parameters assessed.

  13. Che-Kamaruddin N, Hamid NFS, Idris LH, Yusuff FM, Ashaari ZH, Yahaya H, et al.
    Vet Parasitol Reg Stud Reports, 2024 Apr;49:100998.
    PMID: 38462308 DOI: 10.1016/j.vprsr.2024.100998
    Fasciolosis is a zoonotic disease, considered an emerging neglected tropical disease threatening ruminant productivity and causing economic losses. Controlling fasciolosis is challenging due to the complex life cycle of Fasciola, which involves snail intermediate hosts. The high rainfall status in Taiping makes it an optimal region for snail abundance, which increases the opportunity to complete Fasciola's life cycle. Previous studies showed that liver condemnation caused by fasciolosis was highly prevalent in the Taiping abattoir compared to other investigated main abattoirs of Peninsular Malaysia. Therefore, the present study determined the prevalence of bovine fasciolosis and risk factors in farms from Larut and Matang (Taiping), Malaysia. Sampling was carried out from February until August 2020. In this cross-sectional study, a total of 371 fecal samples from bovines (dairy cattle, beef cattle, buffalo) were examined from 23 farms selected based on location, farmer consent, and history of anthelmintic usage. Animal's intrinsic and farm management details were recorded, and interview sessions were conducted with farmers to collect information on the potential risk factors. Individual fecal samples were examined for the presence of Fasciola egg using Flukefinder® sedimentation. There was moderate prevalence of bovine fasciolosis in Taiping (36.9%, n = 137/371). Significant risk factors (p 3 years (OR = 5.5, 95% CI: 5.43-5.57), thinner animals with body condition score of 1 to 4 (OR = 1.2-14.9, 95% CI: 1.09-15.08), and larger grazing area (OR = 1.3, 95% CI: 1.30-1.31). Additional risk factors include the presence of more than one ruminant species in the same farm (OR = 2.0-2.1, 95% CI: 2.00-2.22), extensive housing system (OR = 4.0, 95% CI: 3.77-4.23), farm age (OR = 1.2, 95% CI: 1.20-1.21), and also co-infection with Paramphistomes (OR = 1.4, 95% CI: 1.10-1.71). The present study underscores the importance of local bovine fasciolosis epidemiology, which could be used to conduct future veterinary and public health programmes to inform effective parasitic management aimed at reducing the prevalence of fasciolosis.
  14. Tookhy NA, Isa NMM, Mansor R, Rahaman YA, Ahmad NI, Bui DT, et al.
    Parasitol Res, 2023 Jul;122(7):1475-1488.
    PMID: 37145225 DOI: 10.1007/s00436-023-07845-z
    Lymnaeid snails play a crucial role in the transmission of trematode cercariae as an intermediate host that can infect humans, ruminants like buffalo, and other animals, resulting in serious economic losses. The purpose of the study was to identify the morphological and molecular characteristics of snails and cercariae collected from water bodies near buffalo farms that were integrated with palm oil in Perak, Malaysia. The presence or absence of snails in 35 water bodies was examined via cross-sectional study. From three marsh wetlands, 836 lymnaeid snails were gathered in total. Each snail's shell was morphologically identified to determine its family and species. The cercarial stage inside each snail's body was observed using the crushing method and trematode cercariae types were determined. In addition, the target gene Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (Cox1) and the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) region were used to identify the snail species and cercarial types according to the species level. The findings indicated that the collected snails belong to the family lymnaeidae and Radix rubiginosa species. In snails, the cercarial emergence infection rate was 8.7%. Echinostome, xiphidiocercariae, gymnocephalous, brevifurcate-apharyngeate distome cercariae (BADC), and longifurcate-pharyngeal monostome cercariae (LPMC) are the five morphological cercarial types that were observed. The cercariae were identified using morphological and molecular techniques, and they are members of the four families which are Echinostomatidae, Plagiorchiidae, Fasciolidae, and Schistosomatidae. Interestingly, this is the first study on R. rubiginosa and several trematode cercariae in Perak water bodies near buffalo farms that are integrated with palm oil. In conclusion, our research shown that a variety of parasitic trematodes in Perak use R. rubiginosa as an intermediate host.
  15. Norahmad NA, Abdullah NR, Yaccob N, Jelip J, Dony JF, Ruslan KF, et al.
    PMID: 22299399
    Chloroquine (CQ) remains the first line drug for the prevention and treatment of malaria in Malaysia in spite of the fact that resistance to CQ has been observed in Malaysia since the 1960s. CQ-resistance is associated with various mutations in pfcrt, which encodes a putative transporter located in the digestive vacuolar membrane of P. falciparum. Substitution of lysine (K) to threonine (T) at amino acid 76 (K76T) in pfcrt is the primary genetic marker conferring resistance to CQ. To determine the presence of T76 mutation in pfcrt from selected areas of Kalabakan, Malaysia 619 blood samples were screened for P. falciparum, out of which 31 were positive. Blood samples were collected on 3 MM Whatman filter papers and DNA was extracted using QIAmp DNA mini kit. RFLP-PCR for the detection of the CQ-resistant T76 and sensitive K76 genotype was carried out. Twenty-five samples were shown to have the point mutation in pfcrt whereas the remaining samples were classified as CQ-sensitive (wild-type). In view of the fact that CQ is the first line anti-malarial drug in Malaysia, this finding could be an important indication that treatment with CQ may no longer be effective in the future.
  16. Dass S, Ngui R, Gill BS, Chan YF, Wan Sulaiman WY, Lim YAL, et al.
    Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 2021 08 02;115(8):922-931.
    PMID: 33783526 DOI: 10.1093/trstmh/trab053
    BACKGROUND: We studied the spatiotemporal spread of a chikungunya virus (CHIKV) outbreak in Sarawak state, Malaysia, during 2009-2010.

    METHODS: The residential addresses of 3054 notified CHIKV cases in 2009-2010 were georeferenced onto a base map of Sarawak with spatial data of rivers and roads using R software. The spatiotemporal spread was determined and clusters were detected using the space-time scan statistic with SaTScan.

    RESULTS: Overall CHIKV incidence was 127 per 100 000 population (range, 0-1125 within districts). The average speed of spread was 70.1 km/wk, with a peak of 228 cases/wk and the basic reproduction number (R0) was 3.1. The highest age-specific incidence rate was 228 per 100 000 in adults aged 50-54 y. Significantly more cases (79.4%) lived in rural areas compared with the general population (46.2%, p<0.0001). Five CHIKV clusters were detected. Likely spread was mostly by road, but a fifth of rural cases were spread by river travel.

    CONCLUSIONS: CHIKV initially spread quickly in rural areas mainly via roads, with lesser involvement of urban areas. Delayed spread occurred via river networks to more isolated areas in the rural interior. Understanding the patterns and timings of arboviral outbreak spread may allow targeted vector control measures at key transport hubs or in large transport vehicles.

  17. Ahmad NI, Wan Mahiyuddin WR, Tengku Mohamad TR, Ling CY, Daud SF, Hussein NC, et al.
    Food Nutr Res, 2016;60:32697.
    PMID: 27534846 DOI: 10.3402/fnr.v60.32697
    Understanding different patterns of fish consumption is an important component for risk assessment of contaminants in fish. A few studies on food consumption had been conducted in Malaysia, but none of them focused specifically on fish consumption. The objectives of this study were to document the meal pattern among three major ethnics in Malaysia with respect to fish/seafood consumption, identify most frequently consumed fish and cooking method, and examine the influence of demographic factors on pattern of fish consumption among study subjects.
  18. Tookhy NA, Isa NM, Rahaman YA, Ahmad NI, Sharma RSK, Idris LH, et al.
    Parasitol Res, 2024 Apr 30;123(5):199.
    PMID: 38687367 DOI: 10.1007/s00436-024-08219-9
    Rumen flukes cause heavy economic losses in the ruminant industry worldwide, especially in tropical and subtropical countries. This study estimated the prevalence of rumen flukes in buffaloes, identified the species diversity, and determined risk factors associated with rumen fluke prevalence in Perak, Peninsular Malaysia. A cross-sectional study was conducted, and 321 faecal samples were collected from six buffalo farms. A structured questionnaire was developed, and farmers were interviewed to obtain information regarding risk factors associated with rumen fluke infection. The faecal samples were examined using sedimentation and Flukefinder® techniques. Genomic DNA was extracted from the fluke eggs recovered using the Flukefinder® method, and the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) fragment was amplified and sequenced to facilitate species identification. The results showed that the overall prevalence of rumen fluke across the sampled farms was 40.2% (129/321). Three rumen fluke species were identified, namely, Fischoederius elongatus, F. cobboldi, and Orthocoelium streptocoelium. Several management factors had a significant association (P 
  19. Wan Mohamed Noor WN, Sandhu SS, Ahmad Mahir HM, Kurup D, Rusli N, Saat Z, et al.
    Malays J Med Sci, 2014 Nov-Dec;21(6):3-8.
    PMID: 25897276 MyJurnal
    The current Ebola outbreak, which is the first to affect West African countries, has been declared to have met the conditions for a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) by the World Health Organization (WHO). Thus, the Ministry of Health (MOH) of Malaysia has taken steps to strengthen and enhanced the five core components of preparedness and response to mitigate the outbreak. The National Crisis Preparedness and Response Centre (CPRC) commands, controls and coordinates the preparedness and response plans for disasters, outbreaks, crises and emergencies (DOCE) related to health in a centralised way. Through standardised case definition and mandatory notification of Ebola by public and private practitioners, surveillance of Ebola is made possible. Government hospitals and laboratories have been identified to manage and diagnose Ebola virus infections, and medical staff members have been trained to handle an Ebola outbreak, with emphasis on strict infection prevention and control practices. Monitoring of the points of entry, focusing on travellers and students visiting or coming from West African countries is made possible by interagency collaborations. To alleviate the public's anxiety, effective risk communications are being delivered through various channels. With experience in past outbreak control, the MOH's preparedness and response plans are in place to abate an Ebola outbreak.
  20. Paramasvaran S, Krishnasamy M, Lee HL, John J, Lokman H, Naseem BM, et al.
    Trop Biomed, 2005 Dec;22(2):191-4.
    PMID: 16883287 MyJurnal
    A survey for small mammal parasites carried out in a secondary forest of Ulu Gombak, Selangor, Peninsula Malaysia yielded the following animals: Rattus bowersi (7), Rattus tiomanicus jalorensis (2), Maxomys rajah (12), Maxoyms whiteheadi (3), Leopoldamys sabanus(13), Sundamys muelleri(10), Lariscus insignis (1), Sundasciurus tenuis (1) and Tupaia glis (2). The following nematodes: Capillaria hepatica, Hepatojarakus malayae, Trichostrongylus sp. and Streptopharagus sp., the following cestodes: Hymenolepis sp., Raillietina sp. and Taenia taeniaformis; and trematode, Zonorchis sp. from Tupaia glis were recovered. No parasites were observed during blood examination. No endoparasite was seen in Maxomys whiteheadi, Lariscus insignis and Sundasciurus tenuis. The following parasites, Capillaria hepatica, Hymenolepis sp., Raillietina sp. and Taenia taeniaformis are considered of medical importance.
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