Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 77 in total

  1. Chia, W.K., Zubaidah, Z., Reena Rahayu Md Zin, Rohaizak, M., Asmiati, A., Rafie, M.K., et al.
    Medicine & Health, 2012;7(1):47-56.
    Aneusomy is an early genetic event and a characteristic feature of many solid tumors. It is often associated with poor prognosis in cancer patients. The involvement of PAX8-PPARγ rearrangement in tumorigenesis of follicular thyroid lesions has been widely assessed. However, there were few reports on aneusomy of the PPARγ gene at the 3p25 locus in follicular thyroid lesions. It remains undetermined whether these abnormalities can be translated into improved diagnosis, classification, or outcome prediction. Herein, we report three cases of follicular thyroid neoplasms [two follicular thyroid carcinomas (FTCs) and one Hurthle cell adenoma (HCA)] with 3p25 aneusomy detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). 3p25 trisomy was observed in one FTC and one HCA while 3p25 tetrasomy was observed in one FTC. Furthermore, all three lesions did not show overexpression of PPARγ protein. Hurthle cell neoplasms (HCN) are distinct clinically and histologically from other follicular thyroid neoplasms (FTN). However, the presence of the aneusomy in HCA and FTC indicates that there could be a biological continuum between the two and chromosomal gains might play an important role in the pathogenesis of these two types of neoplasms. Despite their differences, HCN and FTN may share the same early genetic event in tumour development.
  2. Shahrun Niza AS, Nani Harlina ML, Razrim R, Ussof Eskaandar MH, Rohaizak M
    A surgeon’s experience plays an important role in breast conserving surgery (BCS). The common conception is that, the more junior is the operating surgeon, the surgical margin will be wider or closer to the tumour edge. Thus the aim of this study is to look into the adequacy of surgical margin performed by different level of surgeons’ experience in patients whom underwent wide local excision (WLE) and hook-wire localization (HWL) in our surgical unit. The surgical experience of the operating surgeon and their surgical margins will be analyzed. This is a retrospective study from January 2000 to December 2012. Eighty-eight patients with early breast cancer underwent WLE and HWL by 3 different groups of surgeons (breast surgeons, junior surgeons and surgical registrars) were included. The surgical margins were analyzed for involved-margin, closed-margin or excessed-margin.The incidence of involved-margin, closed-margin and excessed-margin is the lowest among breast surgeons compared to other groups. However, the results were not statistically significant. The incidence of involved surgical margin is significantly higher within junior surgeons for HWL compared to the breast surgeons. The incidence of involved, closed or excessed surgical margin were lowest when performed by breast surgeon but not significantly different between the three groups. However, for HWL the breast surgeons significantly better compared to the other groups.
  3. Nurismah, M.I., Sharifah, N.A., Usama, A.E., Rohaizak, M., Naqiyah, I., Jasmi, A.
    Medicine & Health, 2007;2(1):58-65.
    Thyroid nodules are common but thyroid malignancies are not. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology is a diagnostic tool used to screen patients with thyroid nodules who require surgery. We study the diagnostic accuracy of FNA as the initial diagnostic modality in the clinical assessment of thyroid nodules. Between January 1995 until December 2000, 2131 FNA of thyroid nodules were performed. Four hundred and forty-one (20.7%) of these were unsatisfactory and 1690 (79.3%) cases were satisfactory for cytological evaluation. Histopathological diagnosis were available for 361 cases. Cyto-histopathological correlation was carried out  for these cases. Our results showed a diagnostic accuracy of 96.2% with sensitivity and specificity rates of 87.7% and 98.4% res- pectively. Our positive predictive value is  93.4% and our negative  predictive value is 96.8%.  From this study, we conclude that fine needle aspiration is an important initial screening diagnostic tool for the investigation of thyroid nodules.           
  4. Rohaizak, M., Aman Fuad, Y., Naqiyah, I., Saladina, J.J., Shahrun Niza, A.S.
    Background: Thyroid swelling or goitre is a common condition, either asymptomatic or symptomatic. The
    diagnosis is usually established by ultrasound or fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) as a gold standard.
    The sensitivity of the test is inversely related to increasing size of the nodule. The objective of this study is
    to evaluate the accuracy of FNAC especially in cases of large goitre.

    Material and methods: This is a
    retrospective study on patients who underwent thyroidectomy between January 2000 to December 2007 for
    solitary or dominant nodular goitre. The analysis was made only on those patients with complete data on
    FNAC and histology.

    Result: There were 235 patients, but only 161 patients were analysed after excluding
    the suspicious and inadequate sample. The patients’ mean age was 42.1 year old (21 to 60). The size of the
    thyroid nodule ranged from 2.1 to 5.0 cm (mean = 3.9 cm). The overall sensitivity was 67.4% and the overall
    accuracy was 86.3%. The accuracy of FNAC according to the sizes above and below the value were as
    follows; 2 cm (72.2% vs. 88.1%); 3 cm (88.0% vs. 87.4%) ; 4 cm (86.6% vs. 84.4%) ; 5 cm (87.3% vs. 78.8%).
    This was most obvious in the sensitivity of the FNA which also showed reducing trend as the nodules
    increased in size.

    Conclusion: FNAC is an essential diagnostic tool in the management of nodular goitre.
    Our study showed that the accuracy of FNAC decreased as the size of the nodule getting bigger. Cautious
    approach should be taken in the management of large goitre and decision should not be based only on the
    result of FNAC.
  5. Nurhayati H. Munawer, Siti-Aishah Md Ali, Reena Md Zin, Rohaizak Muhammad
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:233-240.
    Proliferasi tumor filodes tertumpu terutama pada bahagian stroma yang dianggap sebagai komponen neoplastik bagi tumor filodes. Reseptor Estrogen (ER) yang memainkan peranan dalam payudara neoplastik juga terlibat dalam perkembangan tumor filodes. ERβ adalah satu jenis klon ER yang dilaporkan hadir pada stroma tumor payudara manakala pengekspresan aktin otot licin (SMA) di stroma dapat membandingkan gred histologi tumor filodes. Kami membandingkan pengekspresan ERβ dengan SMA pada komponen stroma tumor filodes menggunakan teknik tisu mikroarai (TMA). TMA dibentuk ke atas 77 kes tumor filodes (46 benigna, 17 pinggiran dan 14 malignan) menggunakan jarum berdiameter 0.6 mm (Alphelys Plaisir, Perancis) dan pewarnaan imunohistokimia dijalankan menggunakan penanda molekul ERβ dan SMA. Tumor filodes kerap hadir pada wanita berusia lebih daripada 40 tahun dengan tumor filodes benigna menunjukkan median umur pesakit paling rendah (p=0.017). Ekspresi ERβ dalam komponen stroma meningkat dengan gred histologi tumor. Sementara SMA menunjukkan ekspresi pada 62.8, 41.2 dan 57.1%, masing-masing bagi tumor filodes benigna, pinggiran dan malignan. Kedua-dua ERβ (p=0.024) dan SMA lebih cenderung hadir pada wanita ≥40 tahun. Kajian menunjukkan hubungan signifikan antara ko-pengekspresan ERβ dan SMA (p=0.047) dan 65.5% daripadanya adalah wanita berumur lebih daripada 40 tahun. Ekspresi SMA yang tinggi pada stroma tumor filodes benigna mungkin menunjukkan potensi proliferasi tumor ini untuk menjadi malignan. Ekspresi tinggi ERβ dengan tumor filodes malignan dan hubungannya dengan SMA mencadangkan ko-pengekspresan kedua-dua penanda molekul ini mungkin berperanan dalam tumorigenesis stroma tumor filodes.
  6. Raja Lexshimi R, Siti Mariam B, Rohaizak M, Subahan M, Nabishah M
    The type of specific learning needs of women with breast cancer using the Information Needs Questionnaire (INQ) had been identified prior to developing a breast cancer education package. It is also important to determine the types of patient factors such as demographic and clinical factors that influence women’s specific learning needs on breast cancer. This study thus reports the findings on what type of patient factors influence women’s specific learning needs related to the types of INQ. A total of 140 women with breast cancer who sought treatment at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre participated in this cross sectional study. Age showed a significant relationship with specific learning needs on sexual attractiveness (p=0.001) and self-care (p=0.048). Duration of illness was related to information on spread of breast cancer (p=0.040) and self-care (p=0.047). Education level showed a significant relationship with cure (p=0.001), sexual attractiveness (p=0.007) and spread of breast cancer (p=0.003). Occupation showed a significant relationship with specific learning needs on sexual attractiveness (p=0.005), chemotherapy (p=0.043), radiotherapy (p=0.039) and hormonal therapy (p=0.043). On treatment received, a significant relationship was noted with sexual attractiveness (p=0.009), radiotherapy (p=0.029), hormonal therapy (p=0.038) and targeted therapy (p=0.047). Ethnicity and Marital status showed no significant relationship with all the specific learning needs. Findings of this study concluded that certain patient factors had significant relationship with certain specific learning needs. All the patient factors studied and their influence on the specific learning needs were taken into consideration prior to developing the breast cancer education package.
  7. Azrif M, Saladina JJ, Nani ML, Shahrunniza AS, Norlia A, Rohaizak M
    Med J Malaysia, 2011 Aug;66(3):255-6.
    PMID: 22111452 MyJurnal
    An isolated late chest wall recurrence after mastectomy for breast cancer is rare. We present a case of a lady with a T2N1M0 right breast cancer who developed an isolated local recurrence on the chest wall 11 years after mastectomy. Staging investigations excluded distant metastases. She underwent an excisional biopsy and was started on an aromatase inhibitor. Radiotherapy was given to the chest wall followed by a boost to the site of excision. Although most chest wall recurrences fare poorly, a favourable subgroup can be identified and should be treated aggressively in a multidisciplinary approach.
  8. Kalyani A, Rohaizak M, Cheong SK, Nor Aini U, Balasundaram V, Norlia A
    Med J Malaysia, 2010 Sep;65(3):227-8.
    PMID: 21939175
    We describe a patient with multiple myeloma, who initially responded to chemotherapy and went into remission. She presented 10 months later with a right breast lump which was confirmed by core biopsy to be a plasmacytoma. Further treatment with radiotherapy, thalidomide and later second line chemotherapy appeared unsuccessful and she showed rapid disease progression with rising paraproteins and new extramedullary plasmacytoma lesions in the forehead, supraclavicular region, nasopharynx, liver, spleen, pancreas and paraaortic lymph nodes.
  9. Loo GH, Wan Mat WR, Muhammad R, Azman M
    BMJ Case Rep, 2019 Aug 04;12(8).
    PMID: 31383679 DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2019-229763
    Acute airway obstruction in pregnancy remains a challenge to manage. Failure of appropriate and timely airway management may lead to maternal morbidity and mortality such as aspiration pneumonitis or worst hypoxaemic cardiopulmonary arrest. 1 As pregnancy may exacerbate asthma attacks, parturient presenting with wheezing or shortness of breath will commonly be treated as suffering from an asthmatic attack. 2 However, it is important to note other possible differential diagnoses. Thyroid disease is relatively common in women of childbearing age. The thyroid gland undergoes several changes during pregnancy, which may lead to altered function as well as gland enlargement and cause upper airway obstruction and symptoms similar to a bronchial asthma attack. 3 4 With that in mind, we report a case of a parturient with long-standing goitre in her second trimester who presented to our institution with acute respiratory symptoms and cardiopulmonary arrest.
  10. Wong YP, Affandi KA, Tan GC, Muhammad R
    Indian J Pathol Microbiol, 2017 9 25;60(3):430-432.
    PMID: 28937391 DOI: 10.4103/IJPM.IJPM_287_16
    Metastatic disease involving the thyroid gland is uncommon. Solitary thyroid metastases from various primary sites particularly kidney, lung, and breast had been previously described. To the best of our knowledge, metastases from two topographically separate primary malignancies to the thyroid have never been documented hitherto. This is the first reported case of cancer-to-cancer metastasis involving an invasive breast carcinoma metastasized within a metastatic renal cell carcinoma in the nonneoplastic thyroid in a 58-year-old woman. Distinguishing a secondary thyroid metastases from a primary thyroid malignancy is utmost crucial as treatment differs. The possibility of tumor metastases from two separated primaries should always be considered in a tumor exhibiting malignant cell populations with two distinctive histomorphological appearances. The role of immunohistochemistry stains in equivocal cases cannot be overemphasized.
  11. Ngoo KS, Rohaizak M, Naqiyah I, Shahrun Niza AS
    Singapore Med J, 2009 May;50(5):519-21.
    PMID: 19495524
    Breast cancer is a rare condition among men with a reported incidence of about one percent. Nevertheless, it is thought to behave similarly in both genders. Due to its rarity, male breast cancer is not widely reported, especially in the Asian population.
  12. Naqiyah I, Rohaizak M, Meah FA, Nazri MJ, Sundram M, Amram AR
    Singapore Med J, 2005 Jul;46(7):344-6.
    PMID: 15968447
    The occurrence of urinary bladder paragangliomas is rare. A 12-year-old Chinese girl who presented with history of blurring of vision was found to have grade IV hypertensive retinopathy. Investigations revealed a phaeochromocytoma on the posterior wall of the urinary bladder. A partial cystectomy with right ureter reimplantation was undertaken and her hypertension was promptly controlled. The diagnosis and management of this rare tumour is discussed.
  13. Ivyna Bong, P.N., Zubaidah, Z., Rohaizak, M., Naqiyah, I., Noor Hisham, A., Sharifah, N.A., et al.
    Medicine & Health, 2011;6(1):33-40.
    The tetraspanin gene, CD151 is involved in various tumour cell progression and metastasis. Its expression is increased in high grade, estrogen receptor negative and c-erbB-2 positive breast cancer. However, the biological function and expression phenotype among different tumour status, estrogen receptor (ER) status, progesterone receptor (PR) status and c-erbB-2 expression in multi-ethnic Malaysian breast cancer patients has not been well investigated. We used quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) to measure the CD151 gene expression in 45 breast cancers. Our preliminary results revealed that CD151 expression is significantly higher in ER positive and PR positive breast cancers at 95% and 99% confidence intervals, respectively. In contrast, there is no significant correlation between CD151 expression and tumour grades or c-erbB-2 status at 95% confidence interval level. Our preliminary findings suggested that CD151 may be involved in the estrogen responsive pathways. CD151 could be a potential prognostic marker and therapeutic target in the treatment of estrogen dependent breast cancer patients.
  14. Nani Harlina ML, Naqiyah I, Shahrun Niza AS, Jasmi AY, Rohaizak M
    Med J Malaysia, 2012 Apr;67(2):177-80.
    PMID: 22822639 MyJurnal
  15. Seow HF, Yip WK, Loh HW, Ithnin H, Por P, Rohaizak M
    Pathol Oncol Res, 2010 Jun;16(2):239-48.
    PMID: 19882362 DOI: 10.1007/s12253-009-9216-3
    Activation of Akt signaling pathway has been documented in various human malignancies, including breast carcinoma. The objective of this study is to determine the incidence of Akt phosphorylation in breast tumours and its relationship with expression of ER-alpha, ER-beta, HER2, Ki-67 and phosphorylated Bcl-2 associated death domain (p-BAD). Immunohistochemical staining was performed to detect these molecules on 43 paraffin-embedded breast tumour tissues with commercially available antibodies. Eighteen (41.9%), 3 (7.0%), 23 (53.5%), 35 (81.4%), 21 (48.8%), 29 (67.4%), and 34 (81.0%) of breast tumours were positive for nuclear ER-alpha, nuclear ER-beta, membranous HER2, cytonuclear p-Akt (Thr308), p-Akt (Ser473), p-BAD and Ki-67, respectively. ER-alpha expression was inversely correlated with HER2 and Ki-67 (P = 0.041 and P = 0.040, respectively). The p-Akt (Ser473) was correlated with increased level of p-BAD (Ser136) (P = 0.012). No relationship of Akt phosphorylation with HER2, ER-alpha or ER-beta was found. The p-Akt (Ser473) immunoreactivity was significantly higher in stage IV than in stage I or II (P = 0.036 or P = 0.009). The higher Ki-67 and lower ER-alpha expression showed an association with patient age of <50 years (P = 0.004) and with positive nodal status (P = 0.033), respectively. Our data suggest that the Akt phosphorylation and inactivation of its downstream target, BAD may play a role in survival of breast cancer cell. This study does not support the simple model of linear HER2/PI3K/Akt pathway in breast cancer.
  16. Teoh CM, Rohaizak M, Chan KY, Jasmi AY, Fuad I
    Asian J Surg, 2005 Apr;28(2):90-6.
    PMID: 15851360
    This study reviewed the incidence of positive pre-ablative diagnostic scan after total thyroidectomy and the efficacy of the current ablative dose. The predictive factors for outcome using a standard ablative dose and postoperative complications of total thyroidectomy were also examined.
  17. Rohaizak M, Jasmi AY, Ismail MA, Munchar MJ, Meah FA
    Asian J Surg, 2003 Jul;26(3):183-5.
    PMID: 12925296 DOI: 10.1016/S1015-9584(09)60381-X
    There has been a growing awareness of the association between papillary thyroid carcinoma and familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). The cases of four young patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma occurring with FAP are presented. Three patients underwent surgery to provide specimens for detailed histological examination. The surgical specimens showed well-encapsulated multicentric tumours exhibiting a predominantly papillary architectural growth pattern. In some areas, follicular architecture and cribriform patterns were noted. Atypical areas of spindle cells in a trabecular or solid configuration, which are not normally seen in classical papillary thyroid carcinoma, were evident. Malignant cells exhibited a graduation of cuboidal to tall cells with abundant amphophilic cytoplasm. The nuclei did not exhibit the typical nuclear clearing as seen in papillary thyroid carcinoma, but nuclear grooving and inclusions were noted. Psammoma bodies were not seen in any of the specimens. In a limited review of these patients, features such as young age at presentation, multicentricity and unusual histology suggest that thyroid carcinoma associated with FAP may represent a distinct form of thyroid cancer.
  18. Tan GC, Shiran MS, Hayati AR, Sharifah NA, Nuru AS, Rohaizak M
    J Chin Med Assoc, 2008 Dec;71(12):639-42.
    PMID: 19114329
    Rhabdomyosarcoma is a common extramammary malignancy in pediatric age groups, but it rarely metastasizes to the breast. Breast rhabdomyosarcomas are commonly metastatic, with possible primary locations at the head and neck, trunk, extremities, retroperitoneum and perianal region. We report a case of primary alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma of the upper extremities in a 17-year-old adolescent female who presented with bilateral lower limb weakness and bilateral breast lumps.
  19. Reena RM, Mastura M, Siti-Aishah MA, Munirah MA, Norlia A, Naqiyah I, et al.
    Ann Diagn Pathol, 2008 Oct;12(5):340-3.
    PMID: 18774496 DOI: 10.1016/j.anndiagpath.2008.04.001
    This is a study aimed to examine the distribution pattern of a specific minichromosome maintenance protein 2 (MCM2) in benign and malignant breast tissue. We also aim to correlate the frequency of expression of MCM2 with the degree of tumor differentiation. We used immunohistochemistry to examine the distribution and expression pattern of MCM2 on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections of benign (n = 30) and malignant breast tissue (n = 70) (IDC 56, DCIS 4, ILC 2, nonductal 4, mixed type 4). We quantified MCM2 expression by calculating a labeling index, which represents the percentage of epithelial nuclei that stained positively. Immunoreactivity was heterogenous in all the 70 malignant cases examined. Epithelial cells in cycle are most frequent at the tumor periphery. Labeling index of MCM2 was greatest in grade 3 (poorly differentiated) and lowest in grade 1 tumors (well differentiated). Minichromosome maintenance protein 2 expression in breast cancer showed a positive association with histologic grade (P < .05). In all the benign breast tissue examined, no proliferating compartments could be characterized. Minichromosome maintenance protein 2 is a useful proliferative marker of breast carcinoma. The frequency of expression of MCM2 showed an inverse correlation with the degree of tumor differentiation.
  20. Jasmi AY, Rohaizak, Meah FA, Sulaiman BT
    Med J Malaysia, 1998 Mar;53(1):109-11.
    PMID: 10968149
    Acute suppurative thyroiditis in a 62 year old lady with enteric fever is reported. Plain radiography of the neck showed a distinct localised abscess cavity with air fluid level. A rare causative agent Salmonella typhi was isolated. Needle aspiration and antibiotics resulted in complete recovery.
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