Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 98 in total

  1. Nuhu H, Hashim S, Mohd Sanusi MS, Mohammed Saleh MA
    Appl Radiat Isot, 2022 Jan;179:109991.
    PMID: 34710768 DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2021.109991
    The concentrations of radon, thoron and terrestrial gamma radiation were measured to evaluate the outdoor effective dose. The outdoor radon activity concentration ranged from 5.79 to 5110 ± 46.36 Bq m-3, with a mean of 320.03 Bq m-3 which is higher than the EPA level of 14.8 Bq m-3. The range of the thoron activity concentration outdoor was from 0.00 to 4226.7 ± 58.5 Bq m-3, with a mean of 226.1 Bq m-3 which was above the UNSCEAR recommended level of 10 Bq m-3. The terrestrial gamma radiation dose rates range was from 98.31 to 3769.71 nGy h-1 with a mean of 446.27 nGy h-1. The effective dose contribution from radon exposures in the study was estimated to be 3.2 ± 0.5 mSv y-1 is about 84% total annual effective dose received by the population in those areas. The estimated thoron and gamma dose contributions (15%, and 1% respectively) were not significant. The outdoor doses for thoron and gamma were lower than the ICRP (2007) value of 1 mSv. The total annual outdoor effective dose with an occupancy factor of 1825 h (5 h day-1) was estimated to be within the range of 0.30-551.41 ± 0.65 mSv, with a mean of 3.75 mSv which is a little higher than the world average of 2.4 mSv.
  2. Sanusi MSM, Hassan WMSW, Hashim S, Ramli AT
    Appl Radiat Isot, 2021 Aug;174:109791.
    PMID: 34062400 DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2021.109791
    Terrestrial radioactivity monitoring of 238U and 232Th series, and 40K in soil is an essential practice for radioactivity and radiation measurement of a place. In conventional practice, only basic data can be in-situ measured using a survey instrument, for example radioactivity concentration in soil and ambient dose equivalent rate. For other physical quantities, for example organ absorbed dose and organ equivalent dose, the measurement is impossible to be performed and can only be computed using Monte Carlo radiation transport simulations. In the past, most of the works only focused on calculating air-kerma-to-effective dose conversion factors. However, the information on organ dose conversion factors is scarcely documented and reported. This study was conducted to calculate organ absorbed and tissue-weighted equivalent dose conversion factors as a result of exposure from terrestrial gamma radiation. Series of organ dose conversion factors is produced based on computations from Monte Carlo MCNP5 simulations using modelled gamma irradiation geometry and established adult MIRD phantom. The study found out that most of the radiation exposed organs absorb energy at comparable rates, except for dense and superficial tissues i.e., skeleton and skin, which indicated slightly higher values. The good agreement between this work and previous studies demonstrated that our gamma irradiation geometry and modelling of gamma radiation sources are adequate. Therefore, the proposed organ dose conversion factors from this study are reasonably acceptable for dose estimation in environmental radioactivity monitoring practices.
  3. Sanusi SY, Al-Batayneh OB, Khader YS, Saddki N
    Eur J Dent Educ, 2022 Feb;26(1):76-84.
    PMID: 33527620 DOI: 10.1111/eje.12674
    INTRODUCTION: Smartphone addiction has been associated with sleeping problems and psychological anxiety. However, little is known about the association of smartphone addiction, sleep quality and perceived stress amongst university students particularly in dentistry. This study investigated the association of these variables amongst dental students in a Jordanian dental faculty.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A sample of 420 undergraduate dental students enrolled for academic year 2017/2018 at the Jordan University of Science and Technology participated in this study. They were given a set of self-administered questionnaires which consisted of questions regarding demographic information, characteristics of smartphone use, assessment of smartphone addiction, sleep quality as well as perceived stress.

    RESULTS: The mean Smartphone Addiction Scale (SAS) score amongst Jordanian dental students was high (109.9 ± 23.8). The correlation between SAS and Global Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) score was significant (r = 0.137, P =0.005) indicating that the higher the smartphone addiction level, the poorer the quality of sleep. Similarly, a significant correlation was found between Perceived Stress Scale-10 (PSS-10) score and Global PSQI score (r = 0.348, P 

  4. Ramli D, Aziz I, Mohamad M, Abdulahi D, Sanusi J
    PMID: 28620418 DOI: 10.1155/2017/3476407
    Nerve crush injuries are commonly used models for axonotmesis to examine peripheral nerve regeneration. As evening primrose oil (EPO) is rich in omega-6 essential fatty acid component and gamma-linolenic acid, studies have shown the potential role of EPO in myelination. Seventy-two healthy adult Sprague-Dawley rats were classified into three groups: normal group, control group, and experimental group. The result indicates that there was significant difference in toe-spreading reflex between the normal and the control groups (1.9 ± 0.031, p < 0.05) and the normal and the EPO groups (0.4 ± 0.031, p < 0.05) and significant difference between EPO and the control groups (1.5 ± 0.031, p < 0.05). Regeneration of axons and myelin in nerve fibre in the EPO-treated group developed better and faster than in the control group. In the control group, the shape of the axon was irregular with a thinner myelin sheath. In the experimental group, the shape of the axons, the thickness of the myelin sheath, and the diameter of the axons were almost the same as in the normal group. In conclusion, EPO supplementation may be beneficial as a therapeutic option for disturbances of nerve interaction.
  5. Hajiaghaalipour F, Kanthimathi MS, Abdulla MA, Sanusi J
    PMID: 23864889 DOI: 10.1155/2013/386734
    Camellia sinensis (tea) is reported to have health benefits, including the building of healthy skin. This study evaluated the effects of topical application of Camellia sinensis extract on the rate of wound closure and the histology of wound area. A uniform area of 2.00 cm in diameter was excised from the neck of adult male Sprague Dawley rats. The animals were topically treated with 0.2 mL of vehicle (CMC), Intrasite gel (positive control), or 200 and 400 mg/mL of extract. Wounds dressed with the extract and Intrasite gel healed significantly earlier than those with vehicle. Histological analysis of the wound area after 10 days showed that wounds dressed with the extract had less scar width when compared to the control. The tissue contained less inflammatory cells and more collagen and angiogenesis, compared to wounds dressed with vehicle. In this study, Camellia sinensis showed high potential in wound healing activity.
  6. Aziz I, Che Ramli MD, Mohd Zain NS, Sanusi J
    PMID: 25152764 DOI: 10.1155/2014/871657
    Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating disease that leads to permanent disability and causes great suffering. The resulting neurological dysfunction and paralysis is proportional to the severity of the trauma itself. Spirulina is widely used as a nutritional supplement due to its high protein and antioxidant content. In the present study, the protective effect of the Spirulina treatment on locomotor function and morphological damage after SCI was investigated. Seventy Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were divided into three groups: Sham (laminectomy alone), Control (laminectomy with SCI), and Experimental (laminectomy with SCI +180 mg/kg per day Spirulina platensis). A laminectomy was performed at T12 and an Inox No.2 modified forceps was used to perform a partial crush injury on the spinal cord. The rats were then perfused at 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after injury for morphological investigations. The injured rat spinal cord indicated a presence of hemorrhage, cavity, and necrosis. Pretreatment with Spirulina significantly improved the locomotor function and showed a significant reduction on the histological changes. The experimental results observed in this study suggest that treatment with Spirulina platensis possesses potential benefits in improving hind limb locomotor function and reducing morphological damage to the spinal cord.
  7. Huri HZ, Mat Sanusi ND, Razack AH, Mark R
    Patient Prefer Adherence, 2016;10:807-23.
    PMID: 27257374 DOI: 10.2147/PPA.S99544
    BACKGROUND: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is one of the most common health problems in men. ED can significantly affect a man's psychological well-being and overall health.

    PURPOSE: To investigate the association of psychological factors, patients' knowledge, and management among ED patients.

    PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 93 patients with an age range from 31 to 81 years who have undergone treatment for ED were included in this study.

    RESULTS: It was found that the feeling of blame (P=0.001), guilt (P=0.001), anger or bitterness (P=0.001), depression (P=0.001), feeling like a failure (P=0.001), and the feeling of letting down a partner during intercourse (P=0.001) were significantly associated with ED. Age was also found to be significantly associated with patients' psychological scale (P=0.004). In addition, the majority of patients in this study practice the right method of administration of ED therapy. However, no significant correlation was found between patients' knowledge of ED therapy and demographic characteristics.

    CONCLUSION: This study concluded that ED does affect psychological well-being of people. In addition, patient's knowledge about ED and its management is also crucial in ensuring that the patient achieves optimal therapeutic outcomes from ED therapy.

  8. Sanusi NA, Ghazali NA, Alipiah RM, Koris R, Zakariya R
    Data Brief, 2024 Feb;52:110028.
    PMID: 38293580 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2024.110028
    An artificial reef (AR) programme is being undertaken by the local fisheries authority in Terengganu, Malaysia, in an effort to mitigate the depletion of fish stocks in the coastal zone. This program is intended to protect inshore fishery habitats from trawls to increase fishery resources and improve the economic conditions of artisanal fishing communities. This article aims to present data on fishers' demographic characteristics and artificial reef fishing activity on Terengganu coastal water. Primary data were collected using stratified sampling that involved 430 respondents from four fishing communities in Terengganu, namely Setiu, Marang, Dungun and Kemaman. The dataset was obtained through a self-structured questionnaire. Data analysis and summary are presented using tables and figures. The findings provide valuable feedback on the socio-economic impact and economic value of artificial reefs to the fishermen and can be useful for policymakers to prevent the over-exploitation of fishery resources in Malaysian marine territories.
  9. Zulkeplee SA, Ahmad NE, Sanusi MSM, Hashim S
    Appl Radiat Isot, 2025 Apr;218:111696.
    PMID: 39869950 DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2025.111696
    Dealing with radioactive waste, particularly from various industrial processes, poses significant challenges. This paper explores the use of lithium aluminate borate (Li-Al-B) glass matrix as an alternative method for immobilizing radioactive waste, focusing specifically on waste generated in tin smelting industries, known as tin slag. The study primarily concentrates on transforming tin slag, a byproduct abundant in Natural Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM), into a stable and safe form for disposal. The experimental procedures involve blending different compositions of tin slag and Li-Al-B glass, followed by melting them at 1000 °C for 1 h and then rapidly cooling to room temperature. The resulting glass waste identifies an optimal weight percentage of waste loading (typically ranging from 25% to 45%), to minimize volume while effectively immobilizing radioactive material. Notably, the glass waste exhibited an amorphous phase during the product consistency test (PCT) process, demonstrating the fundamental relationship between waste composition and immobilization efficiency. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) analysis confirmed a uniform distribution of major elements within the glass waste, underscoring its structural integrity. Furthermore, the dissolution rate of key elements in the glass waste is analyzed, revealing a robust resistance to leaching under varying pH conditions. The normalized mass loss of Boron (B), Lithium (Li), and Aluminum (Al) consistently remain below established glass limits (<2 gm-2), indicative of the glass's exceptional durability. In conclusion, these findings highlight the potential effectiveness of Li-Al-B glass as a versatile host material for immobilizing solid radioactive waste, extending beyond its initial application with tin slag. By highlighting the positive qualities of this matrix, the study emphasizes its potential flexibility in accommodating various types of solid waste matrices.
  10. Ahmad SZ, Ahamad MS, Yusoff MS
    Waste Manag Res, 2014 Jan;32(1):24-33.
    PMID: 24241167 DOI: 10.1177/0734242X13507313
    Proper implementation of landfill siting with the right regulations and constraints can prevent undesirable long-term effects. Different countries have respective guidelines on criteria for new landfill sites. In this article, we perform a comparative study of municipal solid waste landfill siting criteria stated in the policies and guidelines of eight different constitutional bodies from Malaysia, Australia, India, U.S.A., Europe, China and the Middle East, and the World Bank. Subsequently, a geographic information system (GIS) multi-criteria evaluation model was applied to determine new suitable landfill sites using different criterion parameters using a constraint mapping technique and weighted linear combination. Application of Macro Modeler provided in the GIS-IDRISI Andes software helps in building and executing multi-step models. In addition, the analytic hierarchy process technique was included to determine the criterion weight of the decision maker's preferences as part of the weighted linear combination procedure. The differences in spatial results of suitable sites obtained signifies that dissimilarity in guideline specifications and requirements will have an effect on the decision-making process.
  11. Chong SP, Jangi MS, Wan KL
    J. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Biophys., 2002 Apr;6(2):123-8.
    PMID: 12186768
    VCP (Valosin-Containing Protein), a member of the AAA (ATPases Associated to a variety of cellular Activities) family of proteins, possesses a duplicated highly conserved ATPase domain. An expressed sequence tag (EST), representing a clone from the Eimeria tenella merozoite cDNA library, was found to have high similarity to VCP genes from other organisms. A complete sequence derived from the corresponding clone (designated eth060) shows amino acid identity of 42-62% with other members of the VCP subfamily. Sequence analysis identified a putative ATPase domain in the eth060 sequence. This domain was PCR-amplified using gene-specific primers and cloned into a pBAD/Thio-TOPO expression vector. Expression in Escherichia coli demonstrated that the putative ATPase domain, which consists of 414 amino acid residues, produced a fusion protein of approximately 60 kDa in size.
  12. Onubi HO, Yusof N, Hassan AS
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2022 Jan;29(4):5431-5444.
    PMID: 34420175 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-15705-5
    Studies have proven that client satisfaction (CS) is greatly affected by the nature of construction practices on site. However, not much attention has been given to CS in projects that adopt green construction practices (GCPs). This study examines the effect of GCPs on CS, and the means by which CS can be achieved through health and safety performance (HSP). This study also analyses how the relationship between HSP and CS could vary depending on the level of GCPs adopted. A questionnaire with 27 items drawn from literature was used in collecting data from class A contractors in Nigeria. The study's hypotheses were tested using the partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) technique. The findings of the study reveal that GCPs have a positive effect on CS. HSP proved to only partially mediate the relationship between GCPs and CS. The findings also show that the effect of HSP on CS is moderated by GCPs with the stronger effect from projects with low adoption of GCPs. The study's findings highlight the pivotal role of HSP in ensuring CS in construction projects that adopt GCPs. This study makes practical contributions to the body of existing knowledge by highlighting the need for concerted efforts by contractors such as investing in health and safety training and ensuring site workers wear personal protective equipment aimed at adhering to acceptable health and safety standards. This can be achieved through provision of funds for safety activities, monitoring, and supervision of workers to guarantee HSP which translates to CS while adopting GCPs. However, the obstacles to these are the lack of safety culture by construction organizations, lack of enlightenment on the part of construction site workers, and poor safety climate on the construction project site. Additionally, the study provides greater insight on the practice of green construction among contractors by showing that the effect of HSP on CS would differ considerably on account of the level of GCPs adopted.
  13. Rabiatul Adawiyah Umar, Nurul 'Adani Sanusi, Mohd Nizam Zahary, Mohd Adzim Khalili Rohin, Salwani Ismail
    Piper betel is a member of the family Piperaceae, commonly known as Sirih (Malaysia and
    Indonesia), Paan (India and Bangladesh), Betel (English) and Phlu (Thailand). It is widely found and
    grown in India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, other Southeast Asian and East African
    countries. Piper betel is widely used throughout the world even in modern days due to its known
    medicinal properties. Betel plant contains various biologically active compounds, which are
    responsible for its numerous pharmacological actions. The therapeutic profile reveals Piper betel to
    have a high potential for treating many diseases and conditions such as chronic renal disease,
    atherosclerosis, and diabetes mellitus. Further studies of betel plant are recommended to focus on
    the variety of metabolic activities in human, thus, improving its usage medically that will be beneficial
    to humanity.
  14. Muhammad Danial Che Ramli, Nur Amira Sumari, Neni Widiasmoro Selamat, Hussin Muhammad, Junedah Sanusi
    Introduction: Peripheral nerve injuries (PNI) are a disabling injury as it often results in motor and sensory deficit with cognitive impairment. Flaxseed oil provides a good source of omega-3 fatty acid and it is believed to be able to protect the damaged nerve cell for successful nerve recovery. This study aimed to investigate a potential neuro-re- generation properties of flaxseed oil in treating the PNI. Methods: A total of 65 rats were separated into 4 groups: Group 1: Normal group (n=5), Group 2: Negative group (n=20), Group 3: Experimental group (n=20) and Group 4: Positive control (n=20), all the group were further divided into 4 groups (post-operative 7, 14, 21, 28 days, n=5 for each days). The functional restoration was assessed by walking track analysis (Sciatic Functional Index analysis-SFI) and toe spreading reflex (grading score). Electron microscope studies were performed on sciatic nerve to evaluate the regenerative process through morphologic and morphometric changes. Results: Oral administration of flaxseed oil (experimental group) at 1000 mg/kg body weight/day showed better recovery compared to negative control value. However, there was no significant difference in SFI and toe spreading reflex between positive (mecobalamin) and experimental group (flaxseed oil). Morphological and morphometrical findings indicated increases in the myelin thickness and myelin sheath layer after administration of flaxseed oil. Conclusion: The flaxseed oil supplementation could enhance the neurorestorative capacities of injured sciatic nerve.
  15. Amalia Lailanor, Nurul Alaina Hj Yahya, Junedah Sanusi, Huzwah Khaza’ai, Muhammad Danial Che Ramli
    Introduction: Muscle denervation is a process where muscles lose nerve supply due to neural damage and this may lead to paralysis in human. Muscle denervation is mainly caused by peripheral nerve injuries especially in the lower extremities that resulted in devastating effect on human daily functions and routines. Tocotrienol Rich Fraction (TRF) consist of 75% of tocotrienols have shown potential neuroprotective properties. The objective of this study is to ob- serve motor coordination and histological characteristics on muscles that underwent sciatic nerve crush injury and supplemented with TRF. Methods: A total of 104 Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into four groups; normal group (n=8) with no sciatic nerve crush injury, negative control (n=32) with sciatic nerve crush injury at hindlimb without treatment, positive control (n=32) sciatic nerve crush injury treated with 500 µg/kg/day of methylcobalamin, and experimental group (n=32) of rats that underwent sciatic nerve crush injury and treated with 200 mg/kg/day of TRF. Result: Skeletal muscles which located at hind limb; Soleus Muscle and Extenstor Digitorum Longus Muscle (EDL) muscle have shown an increasing in weight when it is supplemented with TRF 200 mg/kg/day and improved myelin layer of nerve. Conclusion: This study showed that TRF has the potency to improve reinnervation rate and neuron supply in hind muscle.
  16. Zaswiza Mohamad Nor , Nurul Nabilah Yusoff , Fasiha Ruhila Fakhrol Razi , Nurul Atiqah Sanusi, SciencesZaswiza Mohamad Nor
    IIUM Medical Journal Malaysia, 2018;17(102):117-121.
    As a biological universal, it is easy to overlook the degree to which culture and religion shape how people sleep, and how quality sleep is conceptualized. In the Western world, sleep hygiene tips are important for an individual to get “a good night’s sleep”. Meanwhile, sleep is also important from an Islamic perspective, which, the Quranand Hadithdiscuss on its types, importance and quality practices. In modern sciences, sleep deprivation is regarded as a significant health issue, however from an Islamic point of view, long sleep hours alone do not determine the efficiency of sleep, but rather it depends on various other factors and follows the sleeping etiquettes of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This narrative review was conducted to highlight sleep from Islamic perspectives in relation to modern sciences. Selected articles discussing sleep from Islamic perspectives and modern sciences were reviewed and summarized. These articles were retrieved from searches of computerized databases and search engines using keywords “Sleep from Islamic perspective”, “Sleep in modern science”, “Sleep hygiene”, “Western world and sleep”, “Sleep deprivation” and “Quality sleep”. A number of six studies were selected (n=6). Analyses found that a productive Muslim sleep routine is divided into three parts; one-third, respectively, for Allah, ourselves and sleep. Sleep hygiene was emphasized and discussed from the Islamic perspectives and the relation with modern sciences: performing ablution and supplicate before sleep, could prepare the body for a deep sleep; dusting the bed before sleep, would get rid of insects that lead to scabies; turning-off lights before sleep to maintain dark environment, could prevent disruption to normal circadian rhythms; early bedtime and early wake-up time, would ensure adequate sleep thus lower the risk of getting chronic diseases; washing the hands after waking-up would get rid of germs accumulated during sleep; and, lying down on the right side is to prevent snoring and to avoid the heart under pressure of the right lung (if lying on the left side). People should not abandon sleep as an important requirement. What has been described in the Quranand Hadith are corresponded with sleep hygiene as identified by modern sleep scientists. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also stressed the importance of sleep for good health, and in the Quran,sleep is described as a blessing from Allah and stressed the importance of the alteration of night and day.
  17. Mohd. Sanusi Che Kadir, Jamaliah Md. Jahim, Nurina Anuar, Mohd. Sobri Takrif, Zahira Yaakub
    In this study, an anaerobic mesophilic bacterial strain, namely Clostridium butyricum KBH1, was isolated from a natural source. This strain grew well and produced biogas with an average hydrogen concentration of 60% (v/v) in the Reinforced Clostridial Media (RCM). To study the basic nutrient requirements, three main nutrients namely peptone (Pep), yeast extracts (Yes) and glucose (Glu) were chosen as factors, using an experimental design. The experiments were run according to 23 Full Factorial Design, followed by the Response Surface Method (RSM). The fermentation was performed in 30 ml serum bottles with 20 ml working volume in a sterile and anaerobic condition at 37°C with 5% inoculums. The results from the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for the factorial design showed that all the three factors had significantly affected the gas production by the C. butyricum. The response surface plot of the gas production by C. butyricum showed that the gas production could be enhanced by increasing peptone and yeast extract concentrations up to 15 g/l and 24 g/l respectively, without showing any substrate inhibition. Meanwhile, the glucose concentration showed an optimum at the middle point (8 g/l) with possible substrate inhibition at a high concentration (12 g/l). The total biogas production could be correlated to the three factors, using the quadratic equation: Gas =0.17 + 7.11Glu - 0.02Pep + 0.77Yes - 0.53Glu2 + 0.09Glu*Pep. The experimental results showed that the strain could grow well in substrate with high organic nitrogen content such as POME and might be not suitable for substrate with high sugar content due to substrate inhibition.
  18. Theyirakumar J, Gopir G, Yatim B, Megat Mahmud P, Hoe T, Sanusi H
    An ultraviolet A (UVA) radiation intensity sensor with responsivity in the wavelength range of 320-360 nm was developed based on a gallium nitride (GaN) photodiode. In this sensor system, a GaN photodiode in reverse-biased mode converts the radiation intensity into current, which was then converted and amplified into an output voltage by a transimpedance amplifier (TIA), or current-voltage converter, consisting of an operational amplifier and a feedback resistor. For a narrowband UV source, the radiation intensity could be calculated from the values of the output voltage, feedback
    resistor, photodiode responsivity and photodiode effective area. The sensor was tested by performing measurements over different values of UV source wavelength, source distance, ambient temperature and sampling time. For calibration with a broadband UV source, the GaN-UVA sensor was used simultaneously with a standard Si-UVA sensor to measure solar radiation. The observed linear relationship between the sensors’ outputs enables us to convert the output voltage of the GaN-UVA sensor to UVA intensity. Thus, we have successfully developed, tested and calibrated an ultraviolet A radiation sensor based on the GaN photodiode.
  19. Soon PE, Mohd. Sanusi Jangi, Wan KL, Tomley FM
    Sains Malaysiana, 2006;35:17-21.
    Dalam parasit intrasel obligat seperti Eimeria tenella, protein membran dipercayai memainkan peranan yang penting dalam pengecaman dan pelekatan pada sel perumah supaya proses penyerangan parasit ke dalam sel perumah dapat disempurnakan. Untuk mengenalpasti protein pada membran E. tenella, penyaringan imuno telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan antiserum terhadap fraksi subsel yang telah diperkayakan dengan protein membran sporozoit. Usaha penyaringan imuno ini berjaya memencilkan 21 klon positif. Daripada jumlah ini, 13 klon menunjukkan pemadanan bermakna dengan jujukan dalam pangkalan data, iaitu 11 dengan protein mikronem EtMIC4, satu dengan EtMIC1 dan satu lagi dengan EtMIC2. Lapan klon selebihnya yang tidak menunjukkan sebarang pemadanan bermakna dengan jujukan dalam pangkalan data didapati membawa lima gen yang berlainan. Secara keseluruhannya, hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa kaedah penyaringan imuno berupaya mengenalpasti gen baru yang kemungkinan besar mengekodkan protein membran dalam sporozoit E. tenella.
  20. Aburas MM, Ahamad MSS, Omar NQ
    Environ Monit Assess, 2019 Mar 05;191(4):205.
    PMID: 30834982 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-019-7330-6
    Spatio-temporal land-use change modeling, simulation, and prediction have become one of the critical issues in the last three decades due to uncertainty, structure, flexibility, accuracy, the ability for improvement, and the capability for integration of available models. Therefore, many types of models such as dynamic, statistical, and machine learning (ML) models have been used in the geographic information system (GIS) environment to fulfill the high-performance requirements of land-use modeling. This paper provides a literature review on models for modeling, simulating, and predicting land-use change to determine the best approach that can realistically simulate land-use changes. Therefore, the general characteristics of conventional and ML models for land-use change are described, and the different techniques used in the design of these models are classified. The strengths and weaknesses of the various dynamic, statistical, and ML models are determined according to the analysis and discussion of the characteristics of these models. The results of the review confirm that ML models are the most powerful models for simulating land-use change because they can include all driving forces of land-use change in the simulation process and simulate linear and non-linear phenomena, which dynamic models and statistical models are unable to do. However, ML models also have limitations. For instance, some ML models are complex, the simulation rules cannot be changed, and it is difficult to understand how ML models work in a system. However, this can be solved via the use of programming languages such as Python, which in turn improve the simulation capabilities of the ML models.
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