Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 317 in total

  1. Meon R, Woon KC
    Med J Malaysia, 1982 Dec;37(4):306-7.
    PMID: 7167080
    Incidence, aetiology, morphology, histology and symptoms of natal or neonatal teeth are presented. The commonly used terminology natal and neonatal teeth is adopted in this article. A case of an 8-week old girl with natal tooth and sublingual ulceration of the tip of the tongue is described.
  2. Woon LSC, Zakaria H
    East Asian Arch Psychiatry, 2019 Dec;29(4):118-123.
    PMID: 31871308 DOI: 10.12809/eaap1851
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and comorbid mental disorders in a Malaysian forensic mental hospital.

    METHODS: All adult patients admitted to the forensic wards who were able to understand Malay or English language and give written informed consent were included. Participants were assessed using the Conners Adult Attention-Deficit Diagnostic Interview for DSM-IV (for presence of adult ADHD and a history of childhood ADHD) and the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (for psychiatric comorbidities). Sociodemographic and offence-related data were also collected.

    RESULTS: Of 199 patients admitted, 120 were included for analysis. The mean age of participants was 36.3 years. 94.2% were men. 81.7% were single, divorced, or separated. 25% had a history of childhood ADHD. The prevalence of adult ADHD was 15.8%. The persistence rate was 63%. Among the 19 participants with adult ADHD, the most common psychiatric comorbidities were substance dependence (68.4%), lifetime depression (63.2%), and generalised anxiety disorder (47.4%). Compared with participants without ADHD, participants with adult ADHD were less likely to be married (0% vs 21.8%, p = 0.022) and more likely to have alcohol abuse (15.8% vs 2%, p = 0.028), lifetime manic/hypomanic episodes (42.1% vs 7.9%, p = 0.001), and generalised anxiety disorder (47.4% vs 19.8%, p = 0.017), and were of younger age at first offence (21.8 years vs 26.9 years, p = 0.021).

    CONCLUSIONS: Adult ADHD is common in a Malaysian forensic mental hospital and is associated with unmarried status, alcohol abuse, lifetime manic/hypomanic episodes, generalised anxiety disorder, and younger age at first offence.

  3. Woon KC, Thong YL
    J Ir Dent Assoc, 1991;37(1):15-7.
    PMID: 1885927
    This case report illustrates the successful management of a case of mutilated maxillary incisors in a 13 year old patient through a sequence of therapy designed to closely coordinate the various disciplines, endodontics, restorative dentistry and orthodontics, involved. Endodontics was directed towards the control of the infected pulp, restorative treatment was to reconstruct the broken down teeth in stages which were essential in the sequence of treatment, and orthodontics was involved in the achievement of functional occlusion and alignment. The comprehensive treatment approach combined to achieve satisfactory aesthetics and function.
  4. Loke KH, Woon TH
    Med J Malaysia, 1983 Mar;38(1):51-6.
    PMID: 6633337
    Psychiatric consultation in schools is not a new concept in the Western Countries but it is so in Malaysia owing to the lack ofa sufficient number of trained psychiatrists available locally. The aim of consultation is to help the school authorities to understand and to solve emotional and behaviourial problems of school children. The authors have begun a study project, on a voluntary basis, on the psychiatric problems of the school children of a secondary school in Kuala Lumpur. This was possible with the cooperation between the Department of Education, Kuala Lumpur, the Department of Social Welfare, Federal Territory and the Department of Psychological Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. The authors used two methods to gather data, namely through individual evaluation of the referred students (a total of 23 students having been interviewed) and through the holding of group therapy sessions with the consultee as the cotherapist. The authors found that minor behaviourial problems such as inattentiveness, talking, eating and sleeping in the classrooms constituted the majority of the reasons for referral. This was followed by problems concerned with poor academic performance, including the quality of class work. Major problems such as theft, extortion and gangsterism and personal emotional problems such as interpersonal relationship problems, boyfriend/girfriend problems and sexual problems were also encountered. Female pupils appeared to be more forthcoming in discussing their problems. The project has resulted in the school gradually adopting the guidance rather than the purely disclplinary concept in understanding the pupils' problems and their maladjustment behaviour in many cases. Joint efforts by psychiatrists, psychologists, professional social workers and school health personnel should be invested in this important area of school education.
  5. Tan KL, Woon KY
    J Singapore Paediatr Soc, 1979;Suppl:57-67.
    PMID: 550004
  6. Woon LS, Tiong CP
    Ann Work Expo Health, 2020 11 16;64(9):1007-1019.
    PMID: 32918467 DOI: 10.1093/annweh/wxaa075
    Burnout and mental health issues are common among healthcare workers. Burnout and mental ill-health may also adversely affect quality of life (QOL). This study aimed to determine the prevalence of burnout, mental ill-health, and QOL among employees of Hospital Bentong in Pahang state, Malaysia. This was a 2-week, cross-sectional online survey for Hospital Bentong employees. It consisted of (i) sociodemographic data, (ii) respondents' perceptions, (iii) Malay-version Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI), (iv) 21-item Depression, Anxiety and Stress scale (DASS-21), and (v) WHO Quality of Life-BREF (WHOQOL-BREF) instrument. In total, 52.4% of hospital employees (N = 251) participated in the study. The burnout rates were 17.5% (personal burnout), 13.9% (work burnout), and 6.0% (client burnout). The prevalence rates of depression, anxiety, and stress were 18.7, 38.6, and 12.0%, respectively. In multivariate regression analysis, personal burnout was associated with Malay ethnicity [odds ratio (OR) = 4.54, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.41-18.17], management and professional position (OR = 3.89, 95% CI = 1.34-11.29), and having financial problem (OR = 3.29, 95% CI = 1.53-7.06). Work burnout was associated with management and professional position (OR = 7.26, 95% CI = 1.84-28.59), having problem with colleagues (OR = 2.85, 95% CI = 1.08-7.50), and having financial problem (OR = 4.41, 95% CI = 1.82-10.72), while age (OR = 1.12, 95% CI = 1.00-1.25) and male gender (OR = 7.14, 95% CI = 2.00-25.55) were significant factors for client burnout. There were moderate-to-strong correlations between CBI, DASS-21, and WHOQOL-BREF scores (P values <0.01). In mediation analysis, mental ill-health was shown to have significant mediating effect in the relationship between burnout and poor QOL. Such findings need to be replicated across different hospital settings. Studies on effectiveness strategies to manage identified issues will be required.
  7. Woon YH, Suhaini SA
    Data Brief, 2021 Apr;35:106501.
    PMID: 33997187 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106501
    A caesarean section (CS) is a common birth delivery mode, which involves delivery of the baby through a surgical incision on the mother's abdomen and uterus. This article presents a survey dataset on the perception and response of women about the CS. This survey employed a quantitative research design. The data were collected by means of a face to face questionnaire. Majority of the respondents are in the age range of 31 - 40 years old. The findings indicate that the respondents mainly refer to the internet to obtain information about the birth delivery mode that helped the respondents to decide on their mode of preference. This is followed by obstetrician/midwife and friends. Various statements were used to determine the perception of respondents towards CS.
  8. Teh HS, Woon YL
    BMC Public Health, 2021 02 26;21(1):410.
    PMID: 33637056 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-021-10412-9
    BACKGROUND: This is a systematic assessment of the burden of cancers in Malaysia in 2018 using epidemiologic approach. The purpose of this study was to identify the proportion of cancers in Malaysia that were attributable to the modifiable risk factors of excess weight, alcohol intake, physical inactivity, tobacco smoking and to estimate the number of cancer cases that could be prevented if the exposure to the modifiable risk factor was reduced.

    METHODS: We estimated the Population Attributable Fraction (PAF) of the modifiable risk factors to cancers incidences in Malaysia. The two parameters used for the estimation were exposure prevalence from national representative surveys and the relative risk of getting the cancers from worldwide literature review.

    RESULTS: Among 38,426 cancer incidences in 2018 from Globocan data, we estimated that 22.2% (95% confidence interval (CI):14.9 to 29.6%) of the cancer incidences included in this study were attributable to the investigated modifiable risk factors. 39.1% (95% CI:27.2 to 49.7%) and 10.5% (95% CI:5.8 to 15.7%) of cancers in male and female respectively, were attributable to the studied modifiable risk factors. The top main cancers attributed by the risk factors were lung cancer (65.1%; 95% CI:56.4 to 72.9%), laryngeal cancer (63.6%; 95% CI:39.9 to 80.5%), and oesophageal cancer (51.5%; 95% CI:39.9 to 62.0%). For each risk factor studied across genders, tobacco smoking contributed the most (14.3%; 95% CI:9.9 to 17.3%), followed by excess weight (7.0%; 95% CI:4.1 to 10.2%), physical inactivity (1.0%; 95% CI:0.4 to 1.7%) and alcohol intake (0.6%; 95% CI:0.2 to 1.0%).

    CONCLUSION: Findings from this study suggests that tobacco smoking and excess weight are the two predominant factors out of the four studied risk factors for cancer cases in Malaysia. Nationwide public health prevention campaigns tailored to these risk factors are recommended. However, the other risk factors such as physical inactivity and alcohol intake shall not be neglected. PAFs are estimated based on the best available data that we have currently. Regular collection of other risk factor exposure prevalence data is vital for future analyses.

  9. Woon TH, Teoh CL
    Aust N Z J Psychiatry, 1976 Mar;10(1A):125-8.
    PMID: 1065324
    Psychotherapeutic management of a potential spirit medium (shaman) in a modern University Hospital setting in Malaysia is described. Magical thinking, projection and spirit possession (trance state) occur during management. Discussion of management was based on what Heinz Wolff described as the psychotherapist's functions of (1) psychodynamic understanding; (2) the therapeutic function; and (3) the developmental function. This patient did not conform to the general criteria of a suitable patient for psychotherapy. But her willingness to engage in therapy contributed to a satisfactory outcome. The therapist's growth in cross-cultural therapeutic encounter seems to be prominent.
  10. Woon TH, Loke KH
    Singapore Med J, 1984 Jun;25(3):161-4.
    PMID: 6484584
    In February to March 1982 at the psychiatric emergency service of the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, some data on 491 patients (92% of 531 patients seen) were collected. Two-hundred and eighty-three patients had received psychiatric treatment and 65 had previously received medical treatment. Fifty-three per cent of the patients have schizophrenic disorders, 5.1% had situational reactions and 1.63% had chronic alcoholism. Of the 111 patients presented with either physical complaints or insomnia, eleven of them were admitted to the psychiatric wards. Three-hundred and eleven patients were followed-up in the psychiatric outpatient clinics. The availability of a psychiatric emergency service in a general hospital can contribute towards early psychiatric case findings and preventive Intervention. II provides an opportunity for liaison and consultation with other medical colleagues in the care of patients with physical complaints and attempted suicides.

    Study site: Universiti Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC)
  11. Teoh JI, Woon TH
    Singapore Med J, 1975 Jun;16(2):128-37.
    PMID: 1162391
    This paper deals with the evaluation of the effectiveness of individual psychotherapy by students on patients' subjective symptomatic improvement and the therapeutic benefits to medical students. The results of the study indicated that student psychotherapy was of significant benefit to psychoneurotic patients, but was of dubious value in the clinical teaching of psychotherapy in the psychiatric curriculum of the medical course at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
  12. Semran, K.B., Woon, L.S., Marhani, M.
    Medicine & Health, 2019;14(2):189-202.
    Employment among patients with schizophrenia is known to positively influence patients’ recovery. In their crucial supporting role for patients, caregivers’ burden of care and quality of life may also be influenced by the employment status of patients. This study aimed to investigate the association between employment among patients with schizophrenia and burden and quality of life (QOL) of their caregivers. It was a cross-sectional survey among the primary caregivers of patients meeting DSM-IV-TR’s diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia who were under outpatient or community care at Hospital Bahagia Ulu Kinta. Socio-demographic data, including patients’ employment status, were collected. The Burden on Family Interview Schedule (BFS) and the 36-Item Short Form (SF-36) questionnaires were used to evaluate caregiver burden and quality of life, respectively. Altogether, 201 primary caregivers of patients with schizophrenia participated. Most caregiver burden was experienced in the aspects of finance and routine family activities. There was significant association between patient employment status (p
  13. Woon, L.S., Hatta, S., Norlaila, M.
    Medicine & Health, 2020;15(1):208-217.
    Soal-selidik Kecelaruan Keresahan Menyeluruh-7 (GAD-7) versi Bahasa Melayu telah menunjukkan kesahan bersamaan, iaitu kepekaan dan kekhususan yang tinggi sebagai alat saringan untuk keresahan. Namun, ciri-ciri psikometriknya dari segi kesahan faktor belum lagi dikaji dengan lebih lanjut. Kajian ini memeriksa struktur faktor GAD-7 versi Bahasa Melayu di antara 300 orang pesakit luar kencing manis (purata umur: 60.4 tahun, sisihan piawai: 13.4 tahun; 52.7% lelaki) di sebuah hospital universiti di Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Peserta kajian mengisi soal-soal selidik tentang maklumat sosiodemografik, GAD-7, Inventori Kemurungan Beck (BDI), dan WHOQOL-BREF. GAD-7 versi Bahasa Melayu menunjukkan konsistensi dalaman yang baik (Alfa Cronbach=0.91) dan kesahan konvergen yang tinggi dengan kemurungan (R Pearson=0.642, p
  14. Woon C, Gopir G, Othman A
    We determined theoretically the confined electron states in a colloidal core-shell CdTe-CdS quantum dot system with CdTe as the core material with electron effective mass 0.095 me, CdS as barrier material of electron effective mass 0.25 me and having conduction band offset of 0.265 eV. Based on the one band effective mass approximation, the Schrödinger equation of this system with BenDaniel-Duke Hamiltonian is numerically solved using the finite difference method to obtain the energy level and wave function of the electron confined states. These electronic parameters are obtained by diagonalising the resultant N×N Hamiltonian matrix for principal quantum number n=l – 3, orbital quantum number l=0 – 3 and dot size r=10 – 100 Å. For comparison, we also analytically solve the Schrödinger equation with classical Hamiltonian and similar input parameters to determine the electronic properties. There is good agreement in the results of these two computational methods, where specifically their energy levels differ by less than 15%.
  15. Woon, L.S., Hazli Z., Gan, L.L.Y.
    Comorbid adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and stimulant dependence is widely recognized, but efficacy of pharmacotherapy in this patient population is not well established. We aimed to review whether pharmacotherapy is efficacious in reducing ADHD symptoms and stimulant use in comorbid adult ADHD and stimulant use disorder. English articles until June 2017 were systematically searched in electronic databases (MEDLINE and PsycINFO), an online clinical trials register (ClinicalTrial.gov), and through hand-search of article references. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials that studied efficacy of pharmacotherapy in adults with comorbid ADHD and stimulant dependence were included. Two reviewers assessed studies for inclusion and extracted data; disagreements were resolved by consensus. Study outcomes included were changes in ADHD symptom severity, substance abstinence, treatment retention rates and safety. From the 1394 records identified, five trials (n=358) were included. Four studies involved methylphenidate; in another study extended-release mixed amphetamine were used. The comorbid stimulant was cocaine in three studies, and amphetamines in the rest. All were short-term studies involving predominantly young male adults conducted in outpatient settings. There is early promising but mixed evidence for therapeutic efficacy in improving ADHD symptoms. Stimulant medications did not worsen stimulant dependence or adverse effects of stimulant medications. Side effects were mild and tolerable. High attrition rates and small sample size limited the generalizability of findings. Current limited evidence suggests that stimulant treatment for comorbid adult ADHD and stimulant dependence is feasible. Welldesigned trials with adequate power are needed for more robust evidence on ADHD and stimulant use outcomes.
  16. Ong WM, Subasyini S
    Med J Malaysia, 2013;68(1):52-7.
    PMID: 23466768 MyJurnal
    Medications given via the intravenous (IV) route provide rapid drug delivery to the body. IV therapy is a complex process requiring proper drug preparation before administration to the patients. Therefore, errors occurring at any stage can cause harmful clinical outcomes to the patients, which may lead to morbidity and mortality. This was a prospective observational study with the objectives to determine whether medication errors occur in IV drug preparation and administration in Selayang Hospital, determining the associated factors and identifying the strategies in reducing these medication errors. 341 (97.7%) errors were identified during observation of total 349 IV drug preparations and administrations. The most common errors include the vial tap not swabbed during prepreparation and injecting bolus doses faster than the recommended administration rate. There was one incident of wrong drug attempted. Errors were significantly more likely to occur during administration time at 8.00am and when bolus drugs were given. Errors could be reduced by having proper guidelines on IV procedures, more common use of IV infusion control devices and by giving full concentration during the process. Awareness among the staff nurses and training needs should be addressed to reduce the rate of medication errors. Standard IV procedures should be abided and this needs the cooperation and active roles from all healthcare professionals as well as the staff nurses.
    Study site: Hospital Selayang, Kuala Lumpur
  17. Sun Y, Chong WG
    Mater Horiz, 2023 Jul 03;10(7):2373-2397.
    PMID: 37144354 DOI: 10.1039/d3mh00045a
    The emergence of multifunctional wearable electronics over the past decades has triggered the exploration of flexible energy storage devices. As an important component of flexible batteries, novel electrodes with good flexibility, mechanical stability and high energy density are required to adapt to mechanical deformation while powering devices. Electrodes with sophisticated designed structures are key to achieving novel batteries and supercapacitors with extended lifetimes under long-term deformation exposures. Many different novel structures including serpentine, auxetic and biomimetic are explored to construct electrodes thanks to their excellent mechanical deformability in three dimensions. This paper considers the various design strategies established for fabricating flexible electrodes using novel structural modifications. The current state-of-the-art developments of novel structures made of two-dimensional (2D) planar and three-dimensional (3D) cellular, interconnected architectures for flexible energy storage with different functionalities, are discussed. The key tunable geometrical parameters of structures for achieving high performance are critically assessed, and the challenges and limitations of electrodes facing their practical application are revealed, to offer new insights into future prospects of this field.
  18. Tan CK, Malhotra KK, Woon TH
    Med J Malaysia, 1980 Mar;34(3):273-8.
    PMID: 7412667
    The concept of specific reading retardation was discussed, and compared with other terms used as synonymous with it viz. dyslexia and minimal brain dysfunction. It was suggested that specific reading retardation may be a more suitable term to use. The feature's of specific reading retardation, the evaluation of reading disability and management in terms of supportive psychotherapy, environmental manipulation and remedial education was described, using a case-report. of a 13-year old boy with such a disorder as an example.
    Study site: Psychiatric clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  19. Woon KC, Thong YL, Abdul Kadir R
    Aust Orthod J, 1989 Mar;11(1):45-8.
    PMID: 2640092
    This survey outlines the proportion of the various features of occlusion in the permanent dentition of the three ethnic races, Chinese, Malay and Indian in Malaysia. The mean age of the high school children surveyed was 16.4 years. The Chinese and Malays had almost similar distribution of the different types of occlusion. There was a significantly higher prevalence of Class III occlusion among the Chinese and Malays as compared to the Indians. In addition, an edge to edge incisor relationship seemed to be a norm in the Chinese (54%) and Malays (50%) whilst the overjet of between 2-4 mm and the overbite of between 1/3 to 2/3 was more normal to Indians (50%). A crowded dentition was also a norm for the three races.
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