Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 337 in total

  1. Jaafar MH, Villiers-Tuthill A, Sim SH, Lim MA, Morgan K
    Aging Ment Health, 2020 04;24(4):620-626.
    PMID: 30596467 DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2018.1550631
    Objectives: The Brief Ageing Perceptions Questionnaire (B-APQ) has five domains that explore views about own ageing. The aim of this study was to validate the B-APQ for use among older adults in Malaysia and to explore socio-demographic variations in ageing self-perceptions.Method: Older adults aged 50 years and above were randomly selected to complete a set of questionnaires. Cronbach's α was used to measure internal consistency, while corrected item-total correlations and correlation with DASS-21 and the CASP-19 scores were employed to assess convergent and discriminant validity. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was conducted to confirm the factorial structure of the B-APQ. Difference in self-perceptions of ageing across socio-demographic variables was assessed.Results: Internal consistency for each of the domains was good. Item-total correlations within each domain were strong (>0.6) or very strong (>0.8). Convergent and discriminant validity were supported by significant correlations with DASS-21 depression and CASP-19 scores. CFA results indicated good model fit with the original B-APQ model. Presence of chronic illness also has a significant impact on B-APQ domain scores.Conclusion: The B-APQ is a valid and reliable instrument which can be used to assess self-perceptions of ageing among older Malaysian adults.
    Matched MeSH terms: Factor Analysis, Statistical
  2. Juahir, H., Fazillah, A., Kamarudin, M.K.A., Toriman, E., Mohamad, N., Fairuz, A., et al.
    Family support has a strong impact on individuals and there is no exception in substance abuse
    recovery process. Family support manages to play a positive role in substance abuse problems. The
    present study deals with the developing model of family support substance abuser with the
    combination method of Geographic Information System (GIS) and statistical models. The data used
    for this study was collected from seven districts in Terengganu with a constant number of
    respondents. 35 respondents for each district were involved in this study. It was then processed using
    factor analysis (FA) to develop index of family support. By using the developed indices, GIS tool was
    used to plot the distribution map of family support indices according to each form of family support.
    The result indicated that the highest index for all form of family support abuser was located in Besut
    district. High level of family support is essential as an effort for rehabilitation process of substance
    Matched MeSH terms: Factor Analysis, Statistical
  3. Useche SA, Cendales B, Alonso F, Montoro L, Pastor JC
    Heliyon, 2019 Aug;5(8):e02259.
    PMID: 31440599 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e02259
    This study analyzes the association between trait driving anger and driving styles in a sample of Colombian professional drivers. Additionally, the internal and external validity of the Deffenbacher's Driving Anger Scale (DAS-14) was examined in the study population. The DAS-14 and the Spanish Version of the Multidimensional Driving Style Inventory (S-MDSI) were administered to 492 urban bus and taxi operators. Average trait driving anger scores in the study population were similar to those reported in previous validation studies from Spain, Argentina, China, and Malaysia. After deleting three cross-loaded items, confirmatory factor analyses revealed a three-dimensional latent structure for the DAS-14, similar but not equal to the previous Spanish speaking validations. This factorial structure fits the data reasonably well. Finally, linear regression analyses revealed that the three factors of the DAS-14 (impeded progress by others, illegal driving, and direct hostility) significantly predict adaptive and maladaptive driving styles. Overall, the results of this study suggest that the DAS-14 is a reasonably reliable measure of driving anger traits among professional drivers, and it also provides relevant insights for the prevention of risky driving styles in this occupational group.
    Matched MeSH terms: Factor Analysis, Statistical
  4. Javaid, Anam, Mohd. Tahir Ismail, Ali, Majid Khan Majahar
    There are many variables involved in the real life problem so it is difficult to choose an efficient model out of all possible models relating to analytical factors. Interaction terms affecting the model also need to be addressed because of its vital role in the actual dataset. The current study focused on efficient model selection for collector efficiency of solar dryer. For this purpose, collector efficiency of solar dryer was used as a dependent variable with time, inlet temperature, collector average temperature and solar radiation as independent variables. Hybrid of the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) and robust regression were proposed for the identification of efficient model selection. The comparison was made with the ordinary least square (OLS) after performing a multicollinearity and coefficient test and with a ridge regression analysis. The final selected model was obtained using eight selection criteria (8SC). To forecast the efficient model, the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) was used. As compared to other methods, the proposed method provides a more efficient model with minimum MAPE.
    Matched MeSH terms: Factor Analysis, Statistical
  5. Tam, Jenn Zhueng, Sharifa Ezat Wan Putih, Noor Hassim
    The study objective is to examine the effects of the identified attributes (i.e. employee characteristics and ergonomics) that influences the chronic back pain disabilities acquired and benefits awarded via the recognition of workplace relatedness. As these factors are considered in work- related chronic back pain, we hypothesized that the ascertainment of work relatedness would depend on employees’ workplace conditions (poor ergonomic practices) and innate personal conditions (excellent pre-existing medical health). Two set of data was collected from a registry owned by a social security organization in 2012. Factor analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the data. As predicted, workplace conditions and employees’ pre- existing medical health status mediated occupational back pain to develop disability and monetary benefit relationships. In conclusion, the results support the importance of obtaining workplace evidence and employees’ pre- existing medical health status that produces stronger relationship in terms of the amount of benefits to be given compared to the lesser effects on disability. Both models with different samples showed consistent SEM results. The proposed model would be applicable in the heterogenous Asian setting and that occupational back pain consensus is the key element in providing effective social security protection.
    Matched MeSH terms: Factor Analysis, Statistical
  6. Sharif Nia H, Mohammadinezhad M, Allen KA, Boyle C, Pahlevan Sharif S, Rahmatpour P
    Palliat Support Care, 2021 May 07.
    PMID: 33958021 DOI: 10.1017/S1478951521000407
    OBJECTIVE: The spiritual well-being scale (SWBS) is a widely used clinical scale which should be evaluated for Iranian patients with cancer. The aim of this study is to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the SWBS in Iranian patients with cancer.

    METHOD: This cross-sectional, methodological study was conducted among Iranian patients with cancer (n = 400). The participants were recruited using convenience sampling. The content, construct, convergent and discriminant validity, and reliability of the Persian version of the SWBS were evaluated.

    RESULTS: A two-factor structure for the scale was indicated with the factors being: connecting with God and meaningless life that explained 54.18% of the total variance of the concept of spiritual well-being. The results demonstrated the model had a good fit. Cronbach's alpha, McDonald's omega, and the inter-item correlation values of the factors indicated good internal consistency of the scale.

    SIGNIFICANCE OF RESULTS: These results suggest that the Persian version of the SWBS is a reliable and valid measure to assess the spiritual well-being of patients with cancer through 16 items related to connecting with God and meaningless life.

    Matched MeSH terms: Factor Analysis, Statistical
  7. Rahman MA, Yusoff MSB, Roslan NS, Mohammad JA, Ahmad A
    BMC Health Serv Res, 2021 May 21;21(1):482.
    PMID: 34016095 DOI: 10.1186/s12913-021-06542-w
    PURPOSE: Most of the resilience scales were developed for the non-medical population, therefore the purpose of this study was developing and validating a resilience scale for medical professionals - namely Medical Professionals Resilience Scale (MeRS).

    METHODS: A questionnaire development and validation study was conducted. The resilience domains and items were identified and generated through a literature review. The content validation was carried out by content experts and the content validity index (CVI) was calculated. The face validation was performed by medical officers and the face validity index (FVI) was calculated. The final MeRS was administered to 167 medical officers, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and reliability analysis were performed to assess MeRS's factorial structure and internal consistency.

    RESULTS: Four domains with 89 items of medical professionals' resilience were developed. Following that, the content and face validation was conducted, and a total of 41-items remained for construct validation. EFA extracted four factors, namely growth, control, involvement, and resourceful, with a total of 37 items. The items' CVI and FVI values were more than 0.80. The final MeRS's items had factor loading values ranged from 0.41 to 0.76, and the Cronbach's alpha values of the resilience domains ranged from 0.72 to 0.89.

    CONCLUSIONS: MeRS is a promising scale for measuring medical professionals' resilience as it showed good psychometric properties. This study provided validity evidence in terms of content, response process, and internal structure that supported the validity of MeRS in the measurement of resilience domains among medical professionals.

    Matched MeSH terms: Factor Analysis, Statistical
  8. Cerea S, Todd J, Ghisi M, Mancin P, Swami V
    Body Image, 2021 Sep;38:210-218.
    PMID: 33962221 DOI: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2021.04.007
    The Functionality Appreciation Scale (FAS; Alleva et al., 2017) is a widely used instrument for the measurement of individual's appreciation of their body for what it can do and is capable of doing (i.e., functionality appreciation). Here, we examined the psychometric properties of a novel Italian translation of the FAS. A sample of 950 Italian adults completed the FAS, as well as previously validated measures of body image (body appreciation, body esteem, body surveillance), disordered eating symptoms, and psychological well-being (self-esteem, general distress). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses supported a 1-dimensional model of FAS scores, with all 7 items retained. Scores achieved scalar invariance across gender, and the gender difference in latent FAS scores was not significant. FAS scores were found to have adequate internal consistency, test-retest reliability up to three weeks, and convergent and criterion-related validity through significant correlations with all additional constructs. However, evidence of incremental validity was weak, and likely reflected high nomological and conceptual similarity between functionality and body appreciation in this national context. Overall, these results provide strong evidence that scores on the Italian FAS are psychometrically valid, which may aid future development of interventions to promote more positive body image in Italian-speaking samples.
    Matched MeSH terms: Factor Analysis, Statistical
  9. Goni MD, Naing NN, Hasan H, Wan-Arfah N, Deris ZZ, Arifin WN, et al.
    BMC Public Health, 2020 Nov 10;20(1):1684.
    PMID: 33172429 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-020-09756-5
    BACKGROUND: Respiratory tract infections are one of the common infection associated with Hajj pilgrimage that is of great public health and global concern. This study is aimed at determining the factor structure of the knowledge, attitude, and practice questionnaire for the prevention of respiratory tract infections during Hajj by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA).

    METHODS: A multistage cluster sampling method was conducted on Malaysian Umrah pilgrims during the weekly Umrah orientation course. A total of 200 Umrah pilgrims participated in the study. The knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) questionnaire was distributed to pilgrims at the beginning of the orientation and retrieved immediately at the end of the orientation. Data analysis was done using R version 3.5.0 after data entry into SPSS 24. The robust maximum likelihood was used for the estimation due to the multivariate normality assumption violation. A two-factor model was tested for measurement model validity and construct validity for each of the attitude and practice domains.

    RESULTS: CFA of a 25-item in total, the two-factor model yielded adequate goodness-of-fit values. The measurement model also showed good convergent and discriminant validity after model re-specification. A two-factor model was tested for measurement model validity and construct validity for each of the attitude and practice domains. The result also showed a statistically significant value (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Factor Analysis, Statistical
  10. Hadie SNH, Yusoff MSB, Arifin WN, Kasim F, Ismail ZIM, Asari MA, et al.
    BMC Med Educ, 2021 Jan 14;21(1):50.
    PMID: 33446203 DOI: 10.1186/s12909-020-02467-w
    BACKGROUND: The Anatomy Education Environment Measurement Inventory (AEEMI) evaluates the perception of medical students of educational climates with regard to teaching and learning anatomy. The study aimed to cross-validate the AEEMI, which was previously studied in a public medical school, and proposed a valid universal model of AEEMI across public and private medical schools in Malaysia.

    METHODS: The initial 11-factor and 132-item AEEMI was distributed to 1930 pre-clinical and clinical year medical students from 11 medical schools in Malaysia. The study examined the construct validity of the AEEMI using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses.

    RESULTS: The best-fit model of AEEMI was achieved using 5 factors and 26 items (χ 2 = 3300.71 (df = 1680), P factor.

    CONCLUSIONS: These results confirmed that variability exists within factors of the anatomy education environment among institutions. Hence, with modifications to the internal structure, the proposed model of the AEEMI can be considered universally applicable in the Malaysian context and thus can be used as one of the tools for auditing and benchmarking the anatomy curriculum.

    Matched MeSH terms: Factor Analysis, Statistical
  11. Swami V, Todd J, Barron D
    Body Image, 2021 Jun;37:214-224.
    PMID: 33725653 DOI: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2021.03.002
    Test adaptation - the translation and validation of source instruments for use in new social identity groups - plays a vital role in body image research. Previously, Swami and Barron (2019) developed a set of good practice recommendations and reporting guidelines for the test adaptation of body image instruments. However, a number of issues in that article were not covered in depth and new issues have emerged as a result of developments in theory and practice. Here, we offer an addendum to Swami and Barron in the form of frequently asked questions. Issues discussed in this article include various methods for achieving good translations, the appropriateness of revising instrument components prior to empirical analyses, determining the number of factors to extract in exploratory factor analyses (EFA), and the usefulness of EFA versus confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) in determining factorial validity. We also cover methods of analyses that have been infrequently utilised by body image scholars, including exploratory structural equation modelling (ESEM), bifactor model analyses, and various methods for establish measurement invariance. When read as an addendum to Swami and Barron, we hope this article helps to clarify issues of importance for body image researchers interested in conducting test adaptation work.
    Matched MeSH terms: Factor Analysis, Statistical
  12. Wong MY, Croarkin PE, Lee CK, Lee PF
    Community Ment Health J, 2021 04;57(3):529-539.
    PMID: 32661820 DOI: 10.1007/s10597-020-00679-4
    Pictorial mood assessments reduce the barriers of age, culture, gender and language fluency in the course of psychiatric assessments. This study sought to validate the Ottawa Mood Scales, a pictorial form of mood assessment questionnaire among non-native English speaking young adults in Malaysia. Since the Ottawa Mood Scales has not been previously validated, the convergent validity of the Ottawa Mood Scales was measured against the Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS), an established mood assessment instrument. A total of 129 young adults (aged 18-34) were recruited and completed an online survey with the Ottawa Mood Scales and PANAS questionnaires. Exploratory factor analysis indicated that the Ottawa Mood Scales has a one-dimensional structure and that a four-item model demonstrated higher reliability than the original 5-item model. Scores on the Ottawa Mood Scales items positively and significantly correlated with scores on the negative PANAS subscale, which supports the validity of the Ottawa Mood Scales in measuring the negative effect. The Cronbach's α was .793 for the four-item model of the Ottawa Mood Scales indicating acceptable reliability in this Malaysian young adult sample. It was concluded that the Ottawa Mood Scales could have utility in assessing mood disorder symptoms in young adults.
    Matched MeSH terms: Factor Analysis, Statistical
  13. Swami V, Maïano C, Todd J, Ghisi M, Cardi V, Bottesi G, et al.
    Appetite, 2021 11 01;166:105588.
    PMID: 34224761 DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2021.105588
    The construct of intuitive eating is most often measured using the 23-item Intuitive Eating Scale-2 (IES-2), but previous studies have typically relied solely on confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to understand IES-2 dimensionality. In contrast, a bifactor exploratory structural equation modelling (B-ESEM) framework offers a more realistic account of IES-2 multidimensionality. Here, we assessed the psychometric properties of a novel Italian translation using a combination of exploratory factor analysis and B-ESEM. A total of 950 adults completed the IES-2 alongside measures of positive body image, disordered eating, and psychological well-being. Results indicated that a 4-factor B-ESEM model had adequate fit to the data and that fit was improved when the correlated uniqueness of seven negatively worded IES-2 items was accounted for. This model of IES-2 scores showed adequate internal consistency and good test-retest reliability up to three weeks. Evidence of construct validity was good in terms of a global IES-2 factor, and broadly supported in terms of its specific-factors. These results highlight the utility of a B-ESEM framework for understanding the dimensionality of IES-2 scores and may help scholars better understand the extent to which the IES-2 adequately operationalises the construct of intuitive eating.
    Matched MeSH terms: Factor Analysis, Statistical
  14. Zainal N.Z, Nor-Aziyan Y, Subramaniam P
    Introduction: Interest in mindfulness and its enhancements have quietly exploded in recent years, bringing with it the need for validated instruments to assess mindfulness in the Malaysian population. The study aims to assess the reliability, factor structure and validity of the Malay version of The Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MMAAS) in a group of nursing students. Methods: The MMAAS was ‘forward-backward’ translated from English to Malay. Two hundred and sixty six nursing students answered the MMAAS. At the same time, they responded to the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES). We performed Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) with varimaxrotation to examine the factor structure of the MMAAS. Associations of retained factors were estimated by Spearman correlation coefficients. Results: Internal consistency reliability of MMAAS was good (Cronbach’s α = 0.851) and showed temporal stability in a 3-week period. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) suggested three factors labelled as “Attention related to generaldomain”, “Attention related to the physicaldomain” and “Attention related to psychological domain”. These factors explained 52.09% of the variance. The Malay MAAS and the English version was highly correlated (r=0.82, p
    Matched MeSH terms: Factor Analysis, Statistical
  15. Ahmad Fuad Abdul Rahim, Mohd Jamil Yaacob, Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff
    ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 2010;11(1):13-24.
    Objective: To determine the construct validity and the internal consistency of the Medical Student Stressor Questionnaire (MSSQ) among medical students hence in the future it could be used as a valid and reliable instrument to identify stressors among medical students. Methods: The blueprint for the development of MSSQ was developed after a review of literature on the subject and a discussion with experts in the field. It comprised of 40 items
    with six hypothetical groups. The face validity of the questionnaire was established through discussion with 141 final year medical students whereas content validity was established through discussion with experts from field of Medical Education and Psychiatry. It was administered to a total of 761 medical students. Data was analysed using Statistical Package Social Sciences (SPSS) version 12. Factor analysis was applied to test construct validity of the MSSQ. Reliability analysis (Cronbach’s alpha and item total correlation) was applied to test internal consistency of the MSSQ. Results: The total Cronbach’s alpha value of the MSSQ was 0.95. All the preliminary 40 items were included in the MSSQ as the items had item total correlation value of more than 0.3. The items were loaded nicely into the six pre-determined hypothetical groups as their factor loading values were more than 0.3.
    Conclusion: This study showed that MSSQ had good psychometric value. It is a valid and reliable instrument in identifying stressors among medical students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Factor Analysis, Statistical
  16. Junaidah, M.J., Norizzah, A.R., Zaliha, O., Mohamad, S.
    The optimisation of fresh fruit bunch (FFB) sterilisation process was studied using different degree of FFB ripeness (i.e. under-ripe, ripe, overripe) and loose fruits. This study was carried out with the application of Response Surface Methodology (RSM), based on the interrelation between process temperature (X1; 100 to 120oC) and time (X2; 20 to 80 min) used for FFB sterilisation process on Free Fatty Acid, FFA (Y1,underripe FFB; Y2,ripe FFB; Y3,Overripe FFB; and Y4,loose fruits). Thirteen experimental runs were conducted per degree of ripeness using laboratory scale steriliser with varying sterilisation temperature and time, as generated by Central Composite Rotatable Design (CCRD). Raw experimental data trend showed substantial FFA increment with the increment of FFB maturity. Four polynomial models were found appropriate to predict the responses within experimental regions. Analysis regarding factor influences on each response was performed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and graphical analysis. For under-ripe and ripe FFB, the temperature exerted higher and significant (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Factor Analysis, Statistical
  17. Leong, Q.L., Ab Karim, S., Selamat, J., Mohd Adzahan, N., Karim, R., Rosita, J.
    This study aimed to analyze consumers’ perceptions and acceptance toward ‘belacan’. Results
    showed internal reliability of above 0.7 for sections analyzed. Factor analysis found two underlying factors in the section designed to examine consumers’ perceptions. The overall consumers’ perception had a positive and moderate correlation with their acceptance and was significant at .01. Results also showed that ‘belacan’ consumption level was relatively frequent and well accepted by all races in Malaysia. The findings of the study would be noteworthy to the fishery industry and the small and medium industry (SME) in Malaysia in meeting consumers’ needs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Factor Analysis, Statistical
  18. Kamaluddin, M.R., Hassan, S.K., Dharmalingam, T. K.
    Introduction: Despite general acknowledgement of the importance in assessing family needs in critical care
    patients, there is no psychometric instrument to measure the family needs within Malaysian settings. This
    study aimed to perform factorial validation and establish psychometric properties of Malay translated
    Critical Care Family Need Inventory (CCFNI-M) for Malaysians. Methods: This study consisted of four
    protocols: Forward-Backward translation, validity, internal reliability and inter domain correlations phases.
    The factorial validation of the CCFNI-M was based on its administration to 109 family members of critical
    care patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan, Malaysia.
    At validity phase, factorial validation was performed using Exploratory Factor Analysis using Principal
    Component Analysis with Varimax rotation. The internal consistency and inter domain correlations were
    calculated using Cronbach’s alpha and Pearson correlation coefficient respectively. Results: Preliminary
    analyses reported the suitability of data for factorial validation. With reference to the original CCFNI, five
    factors were extracted which explained 49.4% of the total variance. After removal of several items for
    different reasons, the final items in CCFNI-M were 42. The internal consistency values for five dimensions
    ranged from 0.72 to 0.87 with inter domain correlation values (r) among the dimensions ranged between
    0.36 and 0.61. Conclusion: The high measures of factorial validity, internal consistency and inter domain
    correlations values of the CCFNI-M make it suitable measure for assessing the family needs of critical care
    Matched MeSH terms: Factor Analysis, Statistical
  19. Adam, B., Ramli, M., Jamaiyah H., Noor Azimah, M., Khairani, O.
    Introduction: Family Environment Scale (FES) was developed by Moos1, has ten subscales and was categorized into three dimensions.Objective:The objective of this study was to develop factor structure for the Malay-translated version of the FES subscales. Methodology: The study used Malay translated version of FES by Khairani et. al2. This study was a multi centre, cross-sectional study, involving four secondary schools consisted of adolescents, aged between 12-17 years old and a total of 295 participants were enrolled in this study. Exploratory factor analyses was done across two groups of analysis set on the subscales with Cronbach’s alpha more than 0.50 and 0.53 respectively. Results: Two distinct factors were extracted across the four subscales consisted of Cohesion, Conflict and Organization in factor 1 and only Control in factor 2. Conclusion: The finding indicated that element of Cohesion, Conflict and Organization has a good indicator of a good family relationship.
    Matched MeSH terms: Factor Analysis, Statistical
  20. Ramli Musa, Mohd Ariff Fadzil, Zaini Zain
    ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 2007;8(2):82-89.
    Background: Up to date, there are handful questionnaires that have been validated in Bahasa Malaysia (BM). This study aimed to translate the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales 21-item (DASS-21) and measure its psychometric properties. Objectives: To determine the construct validity and acceptability of the DASS, BM. Methods: Two forward and backward translations were done in BM in accordance to guideline, and its validation was determined by using confirmatory factor analysis. A total of 263 subjects were selected by systematic random sampling to represent Malaysian population for reliability and validity purposes. Results: The BM DASS-21 had very good Cronbach’s alpha values of .84, .74 and .79, respectively, for depression, anxiety and stress. In addition, it had good factor loading values for most items (.39 to .73). Correlations among scales were between .54 and .68. Conclusions: BM DASS-21 is correctly and adequately translated to Bahasa Malaysia with high psychometric properties. Further studies are required to support these findings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Factor Analysis, Statistical
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