DESIGN AND METHODS: This was a qualitative study and data was collected through semi-structured in-depth recorded phone interviews with eight Malay male participants. They were screened using a questionnaire and participants that met the inclusion criteria were interviewed, and were admitted to National Heart Centre, Malaysia between January to June 2019 diagnosed with MI. The data collected were analysed using NVivo 12 software and thematic analysis was applied.
RESULTS: Four preliminary themes emerged from the study: 1) beliefs in physical activity; 2) healthy lifestyle: new normal or same old habit; 3) factors determining participation in pa; and 4) physical activity adherence strategies.
CONCLUSIONS: The results of the studies showed that participants understand the need to maintain physical activity, which helps to maintain a healthy life after MI and prevent recurrent infarction. Strategies for developing self-efficacy for physical activity were also discussed. The need to understand that maintaining physical activity as well as adopting a new normal of healthy habit after MI is crucial in order to maintain the health and prevent recurrence of MI.
METHODS: Intervention studies published in English between 2000 and August 2018 were retrieved from PubMed, Google Scholar, and Web of Science using various keywords.
RESULTS: This article is a review of 36 studies conducted in 13 different countries which included a total of 15,931 participants between 19 and 70 years of age. The effect of 26 genes and 64 SNPs on the reduction of body weight and metabolic risk factors in response to diet, exercise, and lifestyle interventions was reviewed.
CONCLUSION: Gene-lifestyle interaction studies on the same candidate gene in different populations have reported information which is challenging to interpret. Thus, it is difficult to arrive at a particular model for a strategy on weight management at this point in time. Most of the intervention studies focus on the effect of variants of a single candidate gene on weight loss. Further evidence from large-scale studies is necessary to assess the effect of multiple candidate genes to compute a gene score that could be used in a model intervention programme. Our review suggests that a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular physical activity will benefit individuals who carry the risk alleles of the obesity-related candidate genes. This message should be the mainstay of the recommendations and guidelines published by nutrition societies across the world.
Methods: A two-way repeated measures study was conducted on 14 healthy older adults and 14 older adults with balance impairment, who were recruited from the community in Chiang Rai, Thailand. Their walking performance was assessed using a four-metre walking test at their preferred gait speed and while walking under two further gait conditions, in randomised order: dual task walking and dual task walking with a simulated traffic light. Each participant was tested individually, with the testing taking between 15 and 20 minutes to perform, including two-minute rest periods between walking conditions. Two Kinect cameras recorded the spatio-temporal parameters using MFU gait analysis software. Each participant was tested for each condition twice. The mean parameters for each condition were analysed using a two-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) with participant group and gait condition as factors.
Result: There was no significant between-group effect for walking speed, stride length and cadence. There were also no significant effects between gait condition and stride length or cadence. However, the effect between gait condition and walking speed was found to be significant [F(1.557, 40.485) = 4.568,P= 0.024, [Formula: see text]].
Conclusion: An audio-visual cue (simulated traffic light) was found to influence walking speed in both healthy older adults and in older adults with balance impairment. The results suggest that audio-visual cues could be incorporated into healthy lifestyle promotion in older adults with balance impairment.
Methods: A quasi-experimental study was conducted in Kuala Lumpur Hospital, Malaysia. Data were collected from November 2014 to January 2015 with a total of 58 respondents who met the inclusion criteria. The respondents received a 20-min one-on-one education programme regarding coronary heart disease, treatment and prevention, and healthy lifestyle. A questionnaire comprising demographic data was administered and the cardiovascular health index was measured before and after four weeks of the education programme. Data were analysed with descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: There were statistically significant decreases in the score of anxiety, stress, depression, body mass index, and smoking status (P < 0.001) between pre-test and post-test.
Conclusion: The findings suggest that the one-on-one education programme could improve the cardiovascular health index of patients with MI. Furthermore, nurses need to develop and implement a standard education structure programme for patients with MI to improve health outcomes.
Methods: A quasi-experimental design was conducted. The intervention and control groups consisted of 66 nurses randomly selected from the Tumpat and Pasir Mas districts, respectively, in Kelantan. The intervention group received an antenatal-exercise counseling module, and the control group performed counseling based on self-reading. Knowledge and self-efficacy were assessed at the baseline and at week 4. Analysis of variance and repeated measure analysis of covariance were performed using SPSS.
Results: There was a significant difference in the knowledge scores [estimated marginal mean (95% confidence interval, CI): 33.9 (33.29, 34.53) versus 27.4 (26.52, 28.29); P < 0.001)] and the self-efficacy scores [estimated marginal mean (95% CI): 31.3 (30.55, 32.03) versus 27.4 (26.03, 28.74); P = 0.005)] between intervention and control groups at week 4 after adjusting for duration of practice and formal training.
Conclusion: The antenatal-exercise counseling module is recommended for use in routine counseling in health centers to promote healthy lifestyles among pregnant women.
AIMS: We describe the protocol of a quasi-experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of a peer-led digital health lifestyle intervention, MYCardio-PEER, for a low-income community at risk for CVD. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of MYCardio-PEER in improving the participants' knowledge, lifestyle behaviours and biomarkers related to CVD. Secondarily, we aim to assess the adherence and satisfaction of participants towards MYCardio-PEER.
METHODS: A minimum total sample of 68 low-income community members at risk for CVD will be recruited and allocated either to the control group or the intervention group. Participants in the control group will receive standard lifestyle advice and printed materials for CVD prevention, while the intervention group will participate in the 8-week MYCardio-PEER intervention program. The participants will be assessed at Week 0 (baseline), Week 8 (post-intervention) and Week 20 (post-follow-up).
DISCUSSION: We anticipate a net improvement in CVD risk score, besides investigating the effectiveness of the intervention program on CVD-related knowledge, biomarkers, and diet and lifestyle behaviours. The successful outcome of this study is essential for various healthcare professionals and stakeholders to implement population-based, cost-effective, and accessible interventions in reducing CVD prevalence in the country.Trial registration: (NCT06408493).
METHODS: Data on 123 obese and overweight housewives in the intervention group from the MyBFF@home study were utilised. A validated Malaysian Malay version of Obesity Weight Loss Quality of Life (OWLQOL) questionnaire was administered at baseline and 6 months after intervention. Descriptive analysis, univariate analysis, paired t-test and multiple logistic regression were performed using SPSS Version 22.
RESULTS: Mean body mass index (BMI) was 31.5 kg/m2 (SD:4.13), with 51 participants classified as overweight (41.5%) while 72 were obese (58.5%). About 72% of the housewives experienced weight reduction (62% reduced weight less than 5% and 11% reduced weight more than 5% of their baseline weight). There was a significant improvement in HRQOL with a pre-intervention total mean score of 59.82 (SD: 26.60) and post-intervention of 66.13 (SD: 22.82), p-value
METHODS: In the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiological study (PURE), individuals aged 35-70 years from urban and rural communities in 27 countries were considered for inclusion. We recorded information on participants' sociodemographic characteristics, risk factors, medication use, cardiac investigations, and interventions. 168 490 participants who enrolled in the first two of the three phases of PURE were followed up prospectively for incident cardiovascular disease and death.
FINDINGS: From Jan 6, 2005 to May 6, 2019, 202 072 individuals were recruited to the study. The mean age of women included in the study was 50·8 (SD 9·9) years compared with 51·7 (10) years for men. Participants were followed up for a median of 9·5 (IQR 8·5-10·9) years. Women had a lower cardiovascular disease risk factor burden using two different risk scores (INTERHEART and Framingham). Primary prevention strategies, such as adoption of several healthy lifestyle behaviours and use of proven medicines, were more frequent in women than men. Incidence of cardiovascular disease (4·1 [95% CI 4·0-4·2] for women vs 6·4 [6·2-6·6] for men per 1000 person-years; adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] 0·75 [95% CI 0·72-0·79]) and all-cause death (4·5 [95% CI 4·4-4·7] for women vs 7·4 [7·2-7·7] for men per 1000 person-years; aHR 0·62 [95% CI 0·60-0·65]) were also lower in women. By contrast, secondary prevention treatments, cardiac investigations, and coronary revascularisation were less frequent in women than men with coronary artery disease in all groups of countries. Despite this, women had lower risk of recurrent cardiovascular disease events (20·0 [95% CI 18·2-21·7] versus 27·7 [95% CI 25·6-29·8] per 1000 person-years in men, adjusted hazard ratio 0·73 [95% CI 0·64-0·83]) and women had lower 30-day mortality after a new cardiovascular disease event compared with men (22% in women versus 28% in men; p<0·0001). Differences between women and men in treatments and outcomes were more marked in LMICs with little differences in HICs in those with or without previous cardiovascular disease.
INTERPRETATION: Treatments for cardiovascular disease are more common in women than men in primary prevention, but the reverse is seen in secondary prevention. However, consistently better outcomes are observed in women than in men, both in those with and without previous cardiovascular disease. Improving cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment, especially in LMICs, should be vigorously pursued in both women and men.
FUNDING: Full funding sources are listed at the end of the paper (see Acknowledgments).
Objective: This study aimed to determine the factors associated with body weight status misperception among reproductive-aged women at a primary care setting in Malaysia.
Methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted at Klinik Kesihatan Durian Tunggal in 2016-2017. The questionnaire included questions on the perception of weight status, sociodemographic factors, smoking status, level of physical activity, and weight loss attempts. Logistic regressions were used for statistical analysis to examine the association between body weight status misperception and related factors.
Results: The study recruited 630 reproductive-aged women. The mean age and SD of the respondents was 32.7 + 8.9 years, and 84% of the respondents were Malays. More than three-quarters of the respondents (75.5%, n = 476) had received up to a secondary level of education. The majority of the respondents were in the overweight/obese group (59.4%, n = 374). The mean BMI of the respondents was 27.1 kg/m2 + 6.61. Approximately 65.4% (n = 412) of the respondents had an inactive lifestyle. However, 60% (n = 378) of the respondents reported that they had attempted to reduce their weight in the last year. A total of 141 respondents (22.4%) misperceived their weight status with 113 (80.1% ) of them underestimating their weight status. Women with primary-level education (OR: 3.545, 95% CI: 1.530-8.215, p = 0.003) and secondary-level education (OR: 1.933, 95% CI: 1.065-3.510, p = 0.030) had a greater likelihood of misperceiving their body weight status as compared to those who have a tertiary level of education. Women with no weight loss attempts were also at risk of body weight status misperception (OR: 1.850, 95% CI: 1.195, 2.865, p = 0.006).
Conclusion: Bodyweight status misperception among reproductive-aged women was associated with a low level of education and with those who had made no weight loss attempts. Identifying women who are at risk of misperceiving their weight status would enable early counseling on weight management.
METHODS: In a cross-sectional survey, the undergraduate students in Universiti Sains Malaysia were invited to complete the self-administered questionnaires. Participants were selected using a purposive sampling method. The proposed hypothesised model was analysed using a structural equation modelling with Mplus 7.3 program. A total of 788 (70.7% female) undergraduate students with a mean age of 20.2 (SD = 1.02) participated in the study. The primary outcome of knowledge, health beliefs, and health-promoting behaviours related to CVD were measured by questionnaires namely: Knowledge of Heart Disease, Health Beliefs Related to CVD, and Health Promoting Lifestyle Profiles-II.
RESULTS: The final hypothetical structural model showed a good fit to the data based on several fit indices: with comparative fit index (CFI) at .921, standardised root mean square residual (SRMR) at .037, and root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) at .044 (90% CI: .032, .054). The final structural model supported 13 significant path estimates. These variables explained 12% of the total variance in health-promoting behaviours. Through perceived benefits, total knowledge had an indirect effect on health-promoting behaviours.
CONCLUSION: The results suggest that perceived barriers, perceived benefits, family history of CVD, and screening intention enable young adults to engage in health-promoting behaviours.
Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in a low-income housing area in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Data were collected using a questionnaire via face-to-face interviews by trained enumerators in order to obtain details on sociodemographic characteristics and dietary practices.
Results: Descriptive statistics showed that 86.7% of the respondents in the low-income community consumed fruit and vegetables less than five times per day, 11.7% consumed carbonated and sweetened drinks more than twice per day and about 25% consumed fast food more than four times per month. In total, 65.2% (n=945) did not have healthy dietary practices. Binary logistic regression showed that age, education and ethnicity were significant predictors of unhealthy dietary practices among the low-income community. Those in the 30-59 years age group had higher odds (odds ratio 1.65, p=0.04) of practising an unhealthy diet as compared with those older than 60 years of age.
Conclusion: Unhealthy dietary practices were found to be common among the low-income group living in an urban area. Healthy lifestyle intervention should be highlighted so that it can be adopted in the low-income group.