Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 218 in total

  1. Hassan Y, Abd Aziz N, Sarriff A, Darwis Y, Ibrahim P
    Hosp Pharm, 1994 Jan;29(1):48-50, 53.
    PMID: 10131493
    Patients may not comply with antibiotic instructions because they do not understand them. The aim of this study was to assess outpatients' ability to comprehend their antibiotic prescription labels. Two hundred and five subjects on oral antibiotic regimens from an outpatient clinic and pharmacy of a district hospital were selected in this survey. All patients were interviewed by trained clinical pharmacy students. They were asked to read the labels and then how they would take their antibiotics. The results show that 119 (58.1%) patients could interpret the label. Forty-nine (23.9%) patients knew the name of antibiotics and interpreted the directions of use correctly. One hundred sixteen (56.6%) subjects were able to recall the auxiliary information. However, only 44 (21.4%) patients were able to comprehend complete antibiotic instruction. This study demonstrates that a significant proportion of patients could not interpret the labeling instruction. The comprehension level of patients was low and significantly associated (P < 0.05) with the ability of patient to read the label contents. These observations illustrate the need for physicians and pharmacists to provide antibiotic instructions and review these instructions with the patient.

    Study site: outpatient clinic and pharmacy of a district hospita
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatients/psychology*; Outpatients/statistics & numerical data
  2. Hassan, S., Sutton, P.A., Smith, D.C., Kosai, N.R., Reynu, R., Shuhaili, M.A.
    Medicine & Health, 2018;13(1):291-295.
    Rectus sheath hematoma (RSH) is a rare clinical entity that has been associated with the use of injectable anticoagulant therapy. Although low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) was proven to have a better safety profile than its predecessor, it is not without its own risk of bleeding. The increase in use of self-injectable LMWH in both in-patient as well as out-patient basis warrants greater awareness among health care providers, patients and caregivers regarding the potential risks and identification of possible complications. We present a fatal case of rectus sheath hematoma in an elderly man that occurred following erroneous technique of Dalteparin injection.
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatients
  3. Fuziah P, Sherina MS, Nor Afiah MZ, Jefferelli SB
    Family Physician, 2005;13:16-19.
    Emotional disorders are common human emotional states that include anxiety, depression, social impairment and somatic symptoms. Emotional disorders are common in the community and therefore an important issue in primary care practice. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of emotional disorders among adults at a rural primary care clinic in Malaysia and to identify the associated factors. A cross-sectional study was conducted at Klinik Kesihatan Sungai Mati, Muar, Johor from 1st November to 31st December 1998. A self-administered 30-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-30) was used to screen for emotional disorders. Out of 414 patients seen during the study period, 368 fulfilled the selection criteria and agreed to participate in the study (response rate 88.9%). The prevalence of emotional disorders among the adult patients in this study was 15.2%. Factors such as age, race, gender, marital status, education level and employment were analyzed for association with emotional disorders. However, none of these factors were found to be significantly associated with emotional disorders in this study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatients
  4. Zuria Idura A.M., Noorlaili M.T., Rosdinom R., Azlin B.., Tuti Iryani M.D.
    Introduction: Caring for those with dementia affects the quality of life for both the caregivers and the patients themselves, particularly in the informal care system here in Malaysia. To date, only a few studies have explored from the family caregivers’ perspectives in the communities of different cultural background. The purpose of this study is to describe the Malaysian family caregivers’ perspectives of their experiences in providing care to for their family members suffering from moderate to severe dementia in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Methods: This qualitative study involved in-depth individual interviews with twelve caregivers to patients with moderate to severe dementia. Participants were recruited via purposive sampling from the outpatient psycho-geriatric clinic at UKM Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur. All interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Transcribed data was later analysed using a thematic approach. Results: Four themes identified in this study were; i) the feeling that ‘it is like caring for a baby’, ii) the caregivers’ perception of inadequate knowledge and skills, iii) the need for caregivers’ support system and iv) the importance of spirituality in enhancing care giving experiences. Conclusions: The framework of care shared by the caregivers in this study demonstrated strong cultural and spirituality influences in addition to the common issues of the challenges in managing the behavioural and psychological symptoms in people with dementia. Hence, culture and spirituality aspects should be addressed in the development of appropriate intervention to manage the needs of informal caregivers in this community.
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatients
  5. Riana, K.A.H., Azahadi, O., Rohani, I., Zainol Ariffin, P., Maznieda, M., Siti Zubaidah, A.
    Journal of Health Management, 2012;10(1):41-51.
    Purpose - An outbreak of food poisoning had occurred in Health Institute A on 1st June 2010 which involved twenty four staffs. Six of them were hospitalized and eighteen received outpatient treatment. A case control study was done to describe the epidemiological characteristics of the outbreak and to determine the source of infection.
    Design/methodology/approach - Food samples, rectal swab from cases, environmental and hand swab from the food handlers were also taken and sent for microbiological analysis.
    Finding- The outbreak was explosive, and the prominent clinical features were abdominal pain (62.2%), fever (51.4%), and diarrhea (56.8%). The onset time was between 9-24 hours and the median incubation period was at 15 hours. The possible source of the outbreak was durian gravy (OR= 14.00,95%CI: 2.72-92.55, p<0.001, food attack rate: 100%) and rotijala (OR= 6.69, 95%CI: LB5-24.23, p<0.001, food attack rate: 95%), The microbiological investigation revealed that various microorganisms including Salmonella spp, The food was supplied by the same food supplier from Caterer B since 2006 and the assessment of the kitchen showed that the cleanliness rate was only 54,3% with positive results of Coliform in all utensils and areas investigated in the kitchen.
    Conclusion- In conclusion, the most probable causative organism based on signs and symptoms, epidemiological analysis and microbiological results was Salmonella spp. from contaminated food seryed during the ceremony. Education on food safety and food hygiene especially personal hygiene and hand washing should be emphasized continuously for prevention of future outbreak,
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatients
  6. Mohamad Isa, M.F., Tan, C.L., Gill, J.S.
    About 60% of people with mental illness developed co-morbid medical and physical illness that invariably worsens their lives. However, most of the studies regarding this issue were done either in the out-patient or community settings, ignoring long stay inpatients. Locally, no data exists among long stay patients in psychiatric institutions. The aim of this retrospective study was to look at the prevalence of physical illness among long-stay patients and to compare the occurrence of physical illness before and after admission to the psychiatric institution. We found that 85 (63.4%) out of 134 subjects there was suffering with co-morbid physical and medical illnesses. There were 33 (24.6%) subjects with hyperlipidaemia, 22 (16.4%) subjects with hypertension and 17 (12.7%) subjects with diabetes. Approximately 75 (55.9%) subjects developed medical illness after admission. In conclusion, long-stay psychiatric patients are at a high risk of developing medical problems that tends to begin after admission to the psychiatric institution.
    Study site: Hospital Bahagia, Ulu Kinta, Perak, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatients
  7. Hatta Sidi, Marhani Midin, Azlin Baharudin
    ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 2008;9(1):48-51.
    Objective: To investigate patient’s perceived satisfaction and adequacy of information given by doctors on prescribed drugs in an outpatient psychiatric setting.
    Methods: The sampling was done consecutively with a target sample size of 200 patients. A simple questionnaire that was developed with 10 close-ended questions and yes or no answers was administered by the interviewing team. This questionnaire assessed patients' knowledge on prescribed medications and their perception on the adequacy of information given.
    Results: More than 80% of the patients were informed regarding the reasons, timing to take medication(s), duration of drug treatment and type of prescribed drugs. Half of them were informed regarding the side effect profiles of their prescribed medications. Majority of them (80%) were satisfied with the information given despite only 49% of the patients being given adequate information on their medications.
    Conclusion: Patients who are adequately informed about their medications are more significantly satisfied than those inadequately informed. (χ2=4.085, p<0.05).
    Key words: perceived satisfaction, adequacy of information, prescribed psychotropic drug
    Study site: Psychiatric clinic, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatients
  8. Noriah, B., Roslan Johari, M.G., Teng, Seng Chong, Tahir, A., Nadhirah, R.
    The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of counter service at the Ministry of Health hospitals as perceived by patients. This was a cross sectional study using selfadrninistered questionnaires distributed to patients at the outpatient departments in all Ministry of Health Hospitals. By the end ofthe data collection period, 118 of 121 hospitals (total number of MOH Hospitals) participated with 93.2% response rate., The hospitals were divided into four categories, for the purpose of this study 1000 sample size were needed in each category, the number of sample size were obtained using Epi Info Program based on assumption that 30% Of patients were dissatisyded with the services provided and with a precision of 10%. In this study the quality were based on clarity and provision of services based on Client Charten deliverance of clear infomation by the healthcare personnel, priority treatment given to urgency of the cases, cleanliness of the facilities and teamwork among the staff This study revealed about 64% of patients perceived that the hospitals had provided quality services at the counter: Only about 11% of patients were not happy with the quality of the services given at the counter. The proportion of happy patients increased from the smaller to the bigger hospitals. In terms of delivering services according to the Client Charter; only about 15% said that service was not provided by the counter staff according to the Client’s Charter On the aspect of priority on the urgent cases, about 64% of the patients perceived that urgent cases were not seen immediately. About 64% of the respondents felt that the hospitah do provide quality services. Strategies should focus on the bigger hospitals because non conformance to quality occurs more frequently there. The post of Counter Supervisor should be created to ensure that quality services are delivered.

    Study site: outpatient departments in all Ministry of Health Hospitals
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatients
  9. Jaafar, N., Jallaludin, R.L., Razak, I.A., Esa, R.
    Ann Dent, 1995;2(1):2462-2060.
    The aim of the article is to report on the perception of utilizers of government dental services towards the preservation of natural teeth for life and relate it to their past utilization pattern and the associated demographic factors. All patients aged 15 years and over attending ten randomly selected government dental clinics in Selangor, Wilayah Persekutuan and Negri Sembilan during the study period of thirty non consecutive outpatients days were interviewed and examined clinically. Five-hundred and fifty subjects were included in the survey. It was found that the majority of respondents (63%)have a.rather pessimistic perception of their ability to preserve natural teeth for life and most have a very poor past utilization behaviour (90%).The most pessimistic and worst utilization behaviour was reported by the Malay ethnic group, the least formally educated and the lowest income group (p O.O1).It is postulated that one of the main reason for this trend among Malay respondents could be due to their lower educational and income status, rather than cultural influences. Further research into the influence of culture on the utilization pattern of the Malays is therefore recommended.
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatients
  10. Lake, Shuet Toh, Humiyati, R.
    The objective of this study was to evaluate compliance :0 the cliencs’ charter in a dental clinic and factors that may afect the updating of the charter. Our clients’ charter states that registration time is within IO minutes and waiting-mom time before being seen by the dentist is within 30 minutes. Convenience sampling was carried our over two weeks. Only patients above 12 years treated by dental officers were included. Data recorded included registration and wrziting-room time, treatment time, punctualiry afpaniems and workload of ajcicers. There were a total of 532 patients (407 walk»in/outpatients, 125 appointments). Results show that the mean waiting-mom time for all paticnm was nor compliant to the clients' charter (42.7 x 23.8 min for walking flll 44.9 : 32.7 min for appointments). Only 33% were seen within 30 min whilst about 23% waited for more than 60 minutes. All The mean registration time (17.9 1- 12.8 min) was ncmcomplianr everyday except on Thursdays where there were very few patients. Waiting time for elderly patients was not statistically significant from the younger patients. About 36% of appointment ariems were seen within 30 minutes; althou h hal 0 them were late, Exmzctivns, dentures and examination and diagnosis took the shortest time wrzh about 88%, 91% and 98% completed within 30 minutes respectwely. There was variable individual speed and number of patients managed by different operators, although the majority was flrsnyear dental officers. Factors that may contribute waiting time included number of patients per day, operator and punctualizy of patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatients
  11. Ade Suzana Eka Putri, Syed Mohamed Aljunid, Amrizal Muhammad Nur
    Indonesian government secures the access of the poor towards health services through subsidised schemes. This study is aimed to describe the pattern of health expenditure by households and to describe the pattern of health service utilisation across household’s socioeconomic level in the city of Padang after seven years of the introduction of subsidised schemes. A household survey was conducted involving 918 households, with multistage random sampling method. The proportion of out-of-pocket (OOP) health spending as a share of household’s capacity to pay was regressive across consumption quintiles. The proportion of households with catastrophic health expenditure was 1.6% while 1.1% faced impoverished health expenses. Among those who need health care, the utilisation among the rich was higher than the poor. Health insurance schemes in Padang provides financial protection, however with regards to household’s capacity to pay, the poor has the higher burden of health payment. The gap on health service utilisation between the poor and the better-offs was still apparent for outpatient services and it has been narrowed for inpatient care. This study suggests that the subsidised schemes for the poor are highly needed and the possibility of the leakage of subsidies to the rich should be considered by the government.
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatients
  12. Nora, M.S., Tahir, A., Nuraimy, A., Hamzah, A.G.
    This is a cross sectional study to assess the performance of Putrajaya Health Clinic in meeting the client's expectation among 403 clients who came to seek medical treatment through a systematic random sampling in the month of July 2006. Our aim is not only to reduce dissatisfaction among clients but also try to meet their expectations; we have adopted SERVQUAL method which defined satisfaction as the difference between perceptions and expectations. We would also like to refer this dissatisfaction as not able to meet clients' expectations. It was found that there were only 6.9% of clients dissatisfied in Putrajaya Health Clinic, but they had not been able to meet 81.5% of clients' expectation. As for demographic characteristics, there appeared to be a significant association between client's satisfaction and age, gender, ethnicity and educational level. For outpatient's, the greatest dissatisfaction is in the dimension of Reliability. Clients were not happy with the waiting time at the clinic. Apart from recruiting more staff, management should develop a comfortable waiting environment to reduce the agony of waiting.
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatients
  13. Lee PY, Abang Taha AB, Lin K, Ghazali SR, Syed Ahmad Al-Mashoor SH
    Asia Pac Fam Med, 2007;6(1).
    Aims: To evaluate the utilization of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of patients who attended three randomly selected primary care clinics over 4 months from January to April 2004. Results: A total of 198 patients were recruited. One hundred and eighty-one (91.4%) patients agreed to participate by answering the anonymous questionnaire. Results: Ninety (51.4%) patients used CAM of which 43 (47.8%) patients used more than one type of CAM. Utilization rates of CAM were found to be associated with employment status but not with other socio-demographic factors. The common types of alternative medicine used were massage (n = 63; 36.2%) and herbal medicine (n = 44; 25.1%). Forty-two (46%) of the CAM users, used CAM for the problems that led to their current clinic visit. Thirty-four (37.8%) were using alternative and modern medicine at the same time. The reasons for CAM usage given by about half of the patients were that CAM was more effective and better for emotional or mental health problems. Conclusions: Usage of CAM was common in patients who visited primary care clinics. It is important to recognize this fact as combined use of CAM can create potentially dangerous interactions with pharmacotherapies Key words: complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), primary care
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatients
  14. Mat Yudin ZA, Wan Ahmed WA, Chanmekun SB
    Malays Fam Physician, 2019;14(2):44-45.
    PMID: 31827738
    Elbow injuries are common in children. Supracondylar fractures occurred in 16% of all pediatric fractures. Supracondylar fractures can be classified into 4 types according to the Gartland classification, depending on the degree of the fracture present in the lateral radiograph. This case highlights the case of a child with a Gartland Type I fracture. A misdiagnosis of this fracture will compromise the management of the injury with regards to immobilization and subsequent care. As this injury can be managed on an outpatient basis, primary care frontliners need to be aware of the condition.
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatients
  15. Chan SC
    Family Physician, 2003;12(2&3):36-40.
    Between 2/10/2000 and 30/1/2001, the organizational structure and management in 4 general practice (GP) clinics & 2 health centers (HC) in Kinta District were studied by 14 Level 4 medical students of Perak College of Medicine. Data collected from work process files and staff interviews / shadowing showed that GPs in the study had more working experience with postgraduate qualifications than HC doctors. All HC nurses but only one GP clinic nurse had formal training. HC organization was more complex with documentation. GP organization was simple and lacked documentation. HC management was by a group while GPs handled all management aspects. This study enhanced students' understanding of Malaysian primary care system.
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatients
  16. Chin CK, Chia YC
    Family Physician, 1992;4:13-16.
    The reasons for referral of 189 patients referred to the Primary Care Out-patient Clinics, University Hospital Kuala Lumpur, were studied. 55.6% of them were from private general practitioners. 51.0% of the referrals were for evaluation of symptoms and 46.5% were for management of diseases. The profile of the referrals helps in curriculum planning of Primary Care Medicine. Other applications of the results are discussed.
    Study site: Primary care clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatients
  17. Usha Devi B, Paul E, Munjeet K
    Family Physician, 2005;13:5-9.
    A study was conducted at the Outpatient Department (OPD) of Ipoh Hospital, an urban public primary healthcare facility, over a weekend, to determine the profile of patients attending the clinic, the reasons for encounter and the reasons for choosing after hours medical care. The data from this study would be useful in determining the need for and formulating a policy for after hours medical care at urban primary health care facilities in the country. The study showed there was a low proportion of acute illness in the weekend clinic. A total of 17% of the patients had an acute illness and a further 8% had aggravation of an existing illness. This group of patients requires access to weekend medical services. The main reason for choosing after hours care was social, that is the convenience of an off-day from work or school. Several options can be explored to provide after hours care, including volunteer government doctors or private general practitioners running the service. Another option is to direct public patients during the weekends to private general practitioners in their locality who will be subsidized. The cost of providing after hours care is expected to be higher. Misuse of services may have to be considered as the study showed 5 % of the patients were not ill during the encounter.

    Study site: Outpatient Department (OPD) of Hospital Ipoh
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatients
  18. Krishnan R, Chen ST
    Family Physician, 1990;2(2&3):38-40.
    Study site: paediatric clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatients
  19. Chua SS, Lee YK, Chua CT, Abdullah MS
    JUMMEC, 2002;7:100-106.
    Many studies have shown that failure in the control of hypertension with oral antihypertensives could be associated with noncompliance. The present study was conducted to assess the compliance rate to antihypertensive therapies and also to determine factors related to any noncompliance. The study was conducted in a teaching hospital in Kuala Lumpur. Data was collected from patients' medical records and via personal interview using a structured questionnaire. Out of a total of 175 respondents recruited in the study, 49.1% missed at least a dose of their antihypertensive agents during a one·month period. The most common reason given by respondents who were not compliant to their antihypertensive therapies was forgetfulness (91.8%), followed by too busy (20.0%) and insufficient medication supplied to them (18.8%). None of the factors analysed, including the demography of the respondents, their knowledge about hypertension and the types of antihypertensive therapies they were on, had any statistically significant influence on the compliance behaviour of the respondents to their antihypertensive therapies. However, more than 80% of the respondents kept their appointment to see their doctor and only this factor appeared to be related to the medication compliance behaviour although it still did not reach any statistical significance. KEYWORDS: Compliance, antihypertensive agent, blood pressure, knowledge
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatients
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