Microfungi isolated from Malay traditional vegetables such as Centella asiatica, Cosmos caudatus, Oenanthe javanica, Persicaria odorata and Psophocarpus tetragonolobus are well diverse. A total of 40 isolates of the fungi were identified and classified into four genera such as Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penicillium and Trichoderma. Five species of Fusarium were morphologically identified as F. oxysporum, F. semitectum, F. proliferatum, F. solani and F. konzum. Three species of Aspergillus were identified as A. niger, A. fumigatus and A. flavus. The highest number of microfungi was isolated from Cosmos caudatus (12 isolates), followed by Persicaria odorata (9 isolates), Oenanthe javanica (8 isolates), Centella asiatica (6 isolates) and Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (5 isolates). Four isolates of Fusarium species were able to produce moniliformin (MON) and five isolates were able to produce fumonisin B1 (FB1). This is the first report on diversity of microfungi associated with some Malay traditional vegetables.
The anti-inflammatory drug predinisolone (1) was reduced to 20β-hydroxyprednisolone (2) by the marine endophytic fungus Penicilium lapidosum isolated from an alga. The structural elucidation of 2 was achieved by 1D- and 2D-NMR, MS, IR data. Although, 2 is a known compound previously obtained through microbial transformation, the data provided failed to prove the C20 stereochemistry. To solve this issue, DFT and TD-DFT calculations have been carried out at the B3LYP/6-31+G (d,p) level of theory in gas and solvent phase. The absolute configuration of C20 was eventually assigned by combining experimental and calculated electronic circular dichroism spectra and 3JHH chemical coupling constants.
Penicillium marneffei is a dimorphic fungus which commonly causes a life threatening systemic fungal infection in an immunocompromised host. It has been recognized as an AIDS defining illness in Malaysia since the beginning of the HIV pandemic. The presence of various non specific clinical presentations, especially the characteristic umbilicated papular rashes with central necrosis which lead to significant ill health in immunocompromised patients should alarm clinicians to the possibility of Penicillium marneffei infection and prompt investigations accordingly. Simple investigations like blood culture and fungal staining of the skin scrapping can confirm the diagnosis in the majority of cases. Early treatment with appropriate systemic antifungal for a definite duration will significantly decrease the mortality rate from penicilliosis.
A 7-year-old boy, referred with lymphoma, presented with prolonged fever and intra-abdominal lymphadenopathy demonstrated on computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen. Blood culture isolated Penicillium marneffei. The patient was subsequently proven serologically to be positive for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Treatment with amphotericin B followed by itraconazole was successful. A high level of clinical suspicion and awareness is necessary for early diagnosis of penicilliosis, especially in an era of an increasing prevalence of HIV in this region.
Effects of agitation and aeration rate on microbial treatment of domestic wastewater sludge were investigated in a batch fermenter using mixed culture of Penicillium corylophilum and Aspergillus niger. It was found that liquid state bioconversion (LSB) of wastewater sludge was highly influenced by the effects of agitation and aeration. The maximum production of sludge cake and reduction of organic substances in treated sludge were recorded at 150-200 rpm of agitation speed and 0.5 vvm of aeration rate after 72 h of treatment. No effective results were observed at higher rate of agitation (300 rpm) and aeration (1.5 vvm) as compared to optimum values. The results showed that the minimum level of air saturation (pO2) was adequate to maintain the bioconversion process.
The present work aimed to determine the prevalence of aflatoxigenic Aspergillus section Flavi on different types of dairy goat's feed samples obtained from four dairy goat's farms around the central region of Peninsular Malaysia, and to examine the effects of climatic conditions (temperature, relative humidity) of the dairy goat's farms, and their feeding and storage practices on the fungal prevalence of different types of dairy goat's feed. A total of 60 goat's feed samples were obtained, and their proximate composition and water activity were determined, following which they were cultivated on DRBC and AFPA for total fungal load and Aspergillus section Flavi load determination, respectively. Fungal isolates were identified morphologically, and toxigenicity potentials of Aspergillus section Flavi isolates were determined using CCA. The temperature and relative humidity data of all farms were obtained from the Malaysian Meteorological Department. The total fungal loads (on DRBC) of the goat's feed samples were log 0.767 to 7.071 CFU/g which included the common feed contaminants such as Aspergillus, Fusarium, and Penicillium. The Aspergillus section Flavi loads (on AFPA) were log 0.667 to 3.206 CFU/g. Farm A yielded the highest number of Aspergillus section Flavi isolates as well as the highest number of aflatoxigenic isolates. It was found that climatic conditions and different practices between farms positively influenced the fungal prevalence on goat's feed samples based on the Pearson correlation analysis. The prevalence of mycotoxigenic isolates on goat's feed warrants for urgent intervention to ensure that goats are being fed with nutritionally adequate and safe feed. The presence of aflatoxigenic Aspergillus section Flavi isolates indicates the risk of aflatoxin B1 contamination on the goat's feed, aflatoxicosis development in the goats, and aflatoxin M1 bio-transformation in the goat's milk. This is a potential threat to the flourishing goat's milk industry in Malaysia.
The biosolids accumulation and biodegradation of domestic wastewater treatment plant (DWTP) sludge by filamentous fungi have been investigated in a batch fermenter. The filamentous fungi Aspergillus niger and Penicillium corylophilum isolated from wastewater and DWTP sludge was used to evaluate the treatment performance. The optimized mixed inoculum (A. niger and P. corylophilum) and developed process conditions (co-substrate and its concentration, temperature, initial pH, inoculum size, and aeration and agitation rate) were incorporated to accelerate the DWTP sludge treatment process. The results showed that microbial treatment of higher strength of DWTP sludge (4% w/w of TSS) was highly influenced by the liquid state bioconversion (LSB) process. In developed bioconversion processes, 93.8 g/kg of biosolids was enriched with fungal biomass protein of 30 g/kg. Enrichment of nutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), potassium (K) in biosolids was recorded in 6.2% (w/w), 3.1% (w/w) and 0.15% (w/w) from its initial values of 4.8% (w/w), 2.0% (w/w) and 0.08% (w/w) respectively after 10 days of fungal treatment. The biodegradation results revealed that 98.8% of TSS, 98.2% of TDS, 97.3% of turbidity, 80.2% of soluble protein, 98.8% of reducing sugar and 92.7% of COD in treated DWTP sludge supernatant were removed after 8 days of microbial treatment. The specific resistance to filtration (SRF) in treated sludge (1.4x10(12) m/kg) was decreased tremendously by the microbial treatment of DWTP sludge after 6 days of fermentation compared to untreated sample (85x10(12) m/kg).
In this review, we present the current information on development and applications of biological control against phytopathogenic organisms as well as mycotoxigenic fungi in Malaysia as part of the integrated pest management (IPM) programs in a collective effort to achieve food security. Although the biological control of phytopathogenic organisms of economically important crops is well established and widely practiced in Malaysia with considerable success, the same cannot be said for mycotoxigenic fungi. This is surprising because the year round hot and humid Malaysian tropical climate is very conducive for the colonization of mycotoxigenic fungi and the potential contamination with mycotoxins. This suggests that less focus has been made on the control of mycotoxigenic species in the genera Aspergillus, Fusarium, and Penicillium in Malaysia, despite the food security and health implications of exposure to the mycotoxins produced by these species. At present, there is limited research in Malaysia related to biological control of the key mycotoxins, especially aflatoxins, Fusarium-related mycotoxins, and ochratoxin A, in key food and feed chains. The expected threats of climate change, its impacts on both plant physiology and the proliferation of mycotoxigenic fungi, and the contamination of food and feed commodities with mycotoxins, including the discovery of masked mycotoxins, will pose significant new global challenges that will impact on mycotoxin management strategies in food and feed crops worldwide. Future research, especially in Malaysia, should urgently focus on these challenges to develop IPM strategies that include biological control for minimizing mycotoxins in economically important food and feed chains for the benefit of ensuring food safety and food security under climate change scenarios.
Matched MeSH terms: Penicillium/growth & development
Indoor fungal reservoirs, particularly airborne Penicillium species, were identified throughout the ventilation system of the building and dissemination of fungi from those reservoirs was found to be occurring all the time. The objectives of this study were to determine the association between air concentration of indoor mould (Penicillium) and allergy symptoms among office workers. The study design used in this research was a cross-sectional study. Risk factors were identified through the questionnaire survey. Office workers were selected based on the proximity of their workstations to the microbiological air sampler used for the mould sampling. Results from the current study suggests that individual susceptibility of exposed subjects might be influenced by several factors associated with mould exposure; for example, inhaled mycotoxins or volatile organic compounds, which may, in some complex way, affect the immune response. This study provides the much needed preliminary baseline data for developing guidelines with validated findings that will be of use for policy decisions in Malaysia regarding indoor air quality. Results from this study are recommended for use in planning and implementing control measures in order to reduce the exposure to indoor mould and promote healthy working environment among the workers.
In recent years, the utilisation of endophytes has emerged as a promising biological treatment technology for the degradation of plastic wastes such as biodegradation of synthetic plastics. This study, therefore, aimed to explore and extensively screen endophytic fungi (from selected plants) for efficient in vitro polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) biodegradation. In total, 76 endophytic fungi were isolated and cultivated on a PVA screening agar medium. Among these fungi, 10 isolates showed potential and were subsequently identified based on phenotypical characteristics, ITS ribosomal gene sequences, and phylogenetic analyses. Four strains exhibited a maximum level of PVA-degradation in the liquid medium when cultivated for 10 days at 28 °C and 150 rpm. These strains showed varied PVA removal rates of 81% (Penicillium brevicompactum OVR-5), 67% (Talaromyces verruculosus PRL-2), 52% (P. polonicum BJL-9), and 41% (Aspergillus tubingensis BJR-6) respectively. The most promising PVA biodegradation isolate 'OVR-5', with an optimal pH at 7.0 and optimal temperature at 30 °C, produced lipase, manganese peroxidase, and laccase enzymes. Based on analyses of its metabolic intermediates, as identified with GC-MS, we proposed the potential PVA degradation pathway of OVR-5. Biodegradation results were confirmed through scanning electron microscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. This study provides the first report on an endophytic P. brevicompactum strain (associated with Orychophragmus violaceus) that has a great ability for PVA degradation providing more insight on potential fungus-based applications in plastic waste degradation.
Sustainable, environmental friendly, and safe disposal of sewage treatment plant (STP) sludge is a global expectation. Bioremediation performance was examined at different hydraulic retention times (HRT) in 3-10 days and organic loading rates (OLR) at 0.66-7.81 g chemical oxygen demand (COD) per liter per day, with mixed filamentous fungal (Aspergillus niger and Penicillium corylophilum) inoculation by liquid-state bioconversion (LSB) technique as a continuous process in large-scale bioreactor. Encouraging results were monitored in treated sludge by LSB continuous process. The highest removal of total suspended solid (TSS), turbidity, and COD were achieved at 98, 99, and 93%, respectively, at 10 days HRT compared to control. The minimum volatile suspended solid/suspended solid implies the quality of water, which was recorded 0.59 at 10 days and 0.72 at 3 days of HRT. In treated supernatant with 88% protein removal at 10 days of HRT indicates a higher magnitude of purification of treated sludge. The specific resistance to filtration (SRF) quantifies the performance of dewaterability; it was recorded minimum 0.049 × 10(12) m kg(-1) at 10 days of HRT, which was equivalent to 97% decrease of SRF. The lower OLR and higher HRT directly influenced the bioremediation and dewaterability of STP sludge in LSB process. The obtained findings imply encouraging message in continuing treatment of STP sludge, i.e., bioremediation of wastewater for environmental friendly disposal in near future.
Penicilliosis is a systemic fungal infection caused by Penicillium marneffei. The infection is most commonly seen in Southeast Asia, Southern China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. It is rarely seen among individuals of African descent. Here, we report a case of penicilliosis in an African man from Namibia who was studying in Malaysia. He presented with multiple umbilicated papules associated with cough, fever, loss of appetite, and weight. He also had urethral discharge and admitted to unprotected sexual intercourse with multiple partners. Histopathological examination of a skin papule showed the presence of multiple 2 to 4 microm intracellular yeast cells. Culture of the papule revealed Penicillium marneffei. The serology for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was positive. This case illustrates the need to recognize penicilliosis in any individuals staying or travelling to Southeast Asia and the need to look for underlying HIV infection in adults with umbilicated papules.
Fungaemia due to Paecilomyces lilacinus is generally not considered in AIDS patients because this condition is not categorised as an AIDS-indicator illness. We report a case of a 25-year-old lady who presented to our hospital with Guillain-Barré Syndrome, with the subsequent development of refractory fungaemia, multi-organ failure and disseminated intravascular coagulopathy. Amphotericin B was given as empirical antifungal therapy. HIV screening was reactive and Paecilomyces lilacinus was isolated from her blood. The fungaemia did not resolve after one week of amphotericin B treatment. The addition of itraconazole was also unsuccessful in clearing the fungaemia. Accurate mycological diagnosis is important in the care of AIDS patients with fungaemia because of the risk of treatment failure with empirical therapy.
Cheddar cheese proteolysis were accelerated employing Penicillium candidum PCA1/TT031 protease into cheese curd. In the present study, several of the significant factors such as protease purification factor (PF), protease concentration and ripening time were optimized via the response surface methodology (RSM). The ideal accelerated Cheddar cheese environment consisted of 3.12 PF, 0.01% (v/v) protease concentration and 0.6/3 months ripening time at 10 °C. The RSM models was verified to be the most proper methodology for the maintain of chosen Cheddar cheese. Under this experimental environment, the pH, acid degree value (ADV), moisture, water activity (aw), soluble nitrogen (SN)%, fat and overall acceptability were found to be 5.4, 6.6, 35%, 0.9348, 18.8%, 34% and 13.6, respectively of ideal Cheddar cheese. Furthermore, the predicted and experimental results were in significant agreement, which confirmed the validity and reliability of the suggested method. In spite of the difference between the ideal and commercial Cheddar cheese in the concentration of some of amino acids and free fatty acids, the sensory evaluation did not show any significant difference in aroma profile between them.
It is important to provide a baseline of fungal composition in the captive wildlife environment to better understand their role in overall wildlife health. The objectives were to identify species of fungi existing within wildlife animal enclosures and their environment at the National Wildlife Rescue Centre (NWRC) and the National Zoo, Malaysia and to describe their medical and veterinary importance. Samples of air, wall or floor swab, enrichment swab and soil were taken from the animal enclosures, exercise yard and enrichments at NWRC and National Zoo respectively. All samples including those pre-treated samples were plated onto Sabouraud's Dextrose Agar (SDA). Numerous fungi were grown on all sampling SDA plates regardless by either single or multiple growth. Samples of air in both NWRC and National Zoo had the highest growth of Penicillium spp. with a prevalence of 31.2% and 83.7% respectively. Samples of swab from the wall, floor and enrichments were predominantly by Candida spp. (42.6%) in NWRC and Penicillium spp. (41.6%) in the National Zoo. Prevalence of multiple fungi isolated from the soil samples in NWRC were 57.9% and yeast species was the most common in National Zoo with a prevalence of 88.9%. Overall, 29 and 8 isolates were found in both samples from the NWRC and National Zoo with a predominant species of potential zoonotic fungi have been identified in both premises. The expected fungus Aspergillus spp. was not isolated in all samples in NWRC. Prevalent fungal species found in this study are known to cause disease in animals and humans as primary pathogen and also as opportunistic pathogens that may also cause infection. Thus, health safety precautions should be considered particularly in dealing with conservation of endangered wildlife species, along with personnel and public involvements.
Bioactive compounds from endophytic fungi exhibit diverse biological activities which include anticancer effect. Capitalising on the abundance of unexplored endophytes that reside within marine plants, this study assessed the anticancer potential of ethyl acetate endophytic fungal extracts (i.e. MBFT Tip 2.1, MBL 1.2, MBS 3.2, MKS 3 and MKS 3.1) derived from leaves, stem and fruits of marine plants that grow along Morib Beach, Malaysia. For identification of endophytic fungi, EF 4/ EF 3 and ITS 1/ ITS 4 PCR primer pairs were used to amplify the fungal 18S rDNA sequence and ITS region sequence, respectively. The resultant sequences were subjected to similarity search via the NCBI GenBank database. High-performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) hyphenated with bioassays was used to characterise the extracts in terms of their phytochemical profiles and bioactivity. Microchemical derivatisation was used to assess polyphenolic and phytosterol/ terpenoid content whereas biochemical derivatisation was used to establish antioxidant activities and α-amylase enzyme inhibition. The sulforhodamine B (SRB) assay was used to assess the anticancer effect of the extracts against HCT116 (a human colorectal cancer cell line). The present results indicated MBS 3.2 (Penicillium decumbens) as the most potent extract against HCT116 (IC50 = 0.16 μg/mL), approximately 3-times more potent than 5-flurouracil (IC50 = 0.46 μg/mL). Stepwise multiple regression method suggests that the anticancer effect of MBS 3.2 could be associated with high polyphenolic content and antioxidant potential. Nonlinear regression analysis confirmed that low to moderate α-amylase inhibition exhibits maximum anticancer activity. Current findings warrant further in-depth mechanistic studies.
Introduction: Epidemiology of fungal infections in an infectious disease reference centre is different from other institutions. This study aimed to look at the scenario of fungal infections at an infectious disease reference centre in Malaysia. Methods: All positive fungal cultures from an infectious disease reference centre were identified by routine mycology laboratory methods. Patient demographic, laboratory and clinical data were collected and analyzed. Duplicate data were excluded. Results: Middle-aged Malay males were the most common group. However, increased proportions of Chinese, Myanmar and Indonesians reduced the Malay predominance in HIV-positive group. In all patients, Candida species represented 64.1% isolates, followed by Cryptococcus neoformans (14.7%) and Penicillium marneffei (14.7%). Among HIVpositive individuals, C. neoformans (37.9%) was the most common species, followed by P. marneffei (35.6%) and all Candida species (17.2%). In contrast to other non-infectious disease reference centres, common causes of fungaemia included P. marneffei (43.5%), Candida species (25.8%), C. neoformans (24.2%) and H. capsulatum (6.5%). Conclusion: The prevalence of fungal infection at an infectious disease reference centre is different from other non-infectious disease reference centres. This may have an impact on current antifungal practice especially empiric antifungal therapy, patient morbidity and mortality.
Fruit rot is a common disease that affects the quality and quantity of the produced fruits. It may happened during pre-harvest stage and usually the condition of the fruits will become worse at postharvest stage if there are no any precautions taken during the picking, storing, packaging and transporting processes. The disease is mainly caused by the infection of fungi supported by a conducive condition like susceptible hosts, relative humidity and unsuitable temperature, besides other microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and nematodes. The infection may arise from soilborne, waterborne, windborne and insects bite transmission. Fruit rot diseases have been reported to cause by many fungal species such as Fusarium species, Alternaria species, Lasiodiplodia species, Aspergillus species, Penicillium species, Colletotrichum species and Botrytis species. This review will provide sufficient information about rot diseases on fruit, fungal species that cause the diseases, effective control methods and managements as well as economic losses and health issues related to the diseases.
The filamentous spoilage fungi in vegetables can lead to significant impact in food and economic loss. In order to overcome this problem, chemical fungicide has been implemented in vegetable farming and processing but it causes problems towards environment and food safety. Thus, the utilization of natural products such as plants extracts, which exhibit antimicrobial and antifungal activity, is more acceptable to solve this problem. The aim of this study is to investigate the antifungal activity of Boesenbergia rotunda extract against ten filamentous spoilage fungi isolated from five vegetables. The extract was used to treat fungal isolates from vegetables; CRb 002 (Penicillium sp.), CHa 009 (Aspergillus sp.), TMa 001 (Geotrichum sp.), TMa 002 (Aspergillus sp), ONb 001 (Aspergillus sp.), WBb 003 and WBb 004 (Fusarium sp.) WBb 007 (unidentified), WBb 008 (Aureobasidium sp.) and WBb 010 (Penicillium sp.). The results showed that the yield of the extract of B. rotunda using ethanol (95%) was 11.42% (w/v). The 10% of B. rotunda extract exhibited antifungal activities against ten filamentous fungi after 5 days treatment with growth reduction of 41.56%, 30.68%, 86.20%, 50.62%, 26.67%, 47.44%, 50.74%, 36.39%, 42.86%, and 39.39% for WBb 008, WBb 004, WBb 007, WBb 003, CRb 002, WBb 010, CHa 009, TMa 001, ONb 001, and TMa 002, respectively. B. rotunda extract showed highest antifungal activity against fungi isolated from winged bean (WBb 007) with percentage reduction in growth was 86.20%, while the lowest activity was against fungi isolated from the carrot (CRb 002) with 26.67% reduction in growth. Generally, the TPC of fungi in the vegetable samples were reduced after treatment with 5% of B. rotunda extract at 5 min and 10 min of exposure time. The results suggested that B. rotunda extract has high potential to become natural food preservative which can reduce the fungi spoilage of vegetables.