Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 382 in total

  1. Chew WX, Kaizu K, Watabe M, Muniandy SV, Takahashi K, Arjunan SNV
    Phys Rev E, 2019 Apr;99(4-1):042411.
    PMID: 31108654 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.99.042411
    Microscopic models of reaction-diffusion processes on the cell membrane can link local spatiotemporal effects to macroscopic self-organized patterns often observed on the membrane. Simulation schemes based on the microscopic lattice method (MLM) can model these processes at the microscopic scale by tracking individual molecules, represented as hard spheres, on fine lattice voxels. Although MLM is simple to implement and is generally less computationally demanding than off-lattice approaches, its accuracy and consistency in modeling surface reactions have not been fully verified. Using the Spatiocyte scheme, we study the accuracy of MLM in diffusion-influenced surface reactions. We derive the lattice-based bimolecular association rates for two-dimensional (2D) surface-surface reaction and one-dimensional (1D) volume-surface adsorption according to the Smoluchowski-Collins-Kimball model and random walk theory. We match the time-dependent rates on lattice with off-lattice counterparts to obtain the correct expressions for MLM parameters in terms of physical constants. The expressions indicate that the voxel size needs to be at least 0.6% larger than the molecule to accurately simulate surface reactions on triangular lattice. On square lattice, the minimum voxel size should be even larger, at 5%. We also demonstrate the ability of MLM-based schemes such as Spatiocyte to simulate a reaction-diffusion model that involves all dimensions: three-dimensional (3D) diffusion in the cytoplasm, 2D diffusion on the cell membrane, and 1D cytoplasm-membrane adsorption. With the model, we examine the contribution of the 2D reaction pathway to the overall reaction rate at different reactant diffusivity, reactivity, and concentrations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surface Properties
  2. Rawindran H, Syed R, Alangari A, Khoo KS, Lim JW, Sahrin NT, et al.
    Environ Res, 2023 Apr 01;222:115352.
    PMID: 36716802 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2023.115352
    The capacity to maximize the proliferation of microalgal cells by means of topologically textured organic solid surfaces under various pH gave rise to the fundamental biophysical analysis of cell-surface attachment in this study. The substrate used in analysis was palm kernel expeller (PKE) in which the microalgal cells had adhered onto its surface. The findings elucidated the relevance of surface properties in terms of surface wettability and surface energy in relation to the attached microalgal growth with pH as the limiting factor. The increase in hydrophobicity of PKE-microalgae attachment was able to facilitate the formation of biofilm better. The pH 5 and pH 11 were found to be the conditions with highest and lowest microalgal growths, respectively, which were in tandem with the highest contact angle value at pH 5 and conversely for pH 11. The work of attachment (Wcs) had supported the derived model with positive values being attained for all the pH conditions, corroborating the thermodynamic feasibility. Finally, this study had unveiled the mechanism of microalgal attachment onto the surface of PKE using the aid of extracellular polymeric surfaces (EPS) from microalgae. Also, the hydrophobic nature of PKE enabled excellent attachment alongside with nutrients for microalgae to grow and from layer-by-layer (LbL) assembly. This assembly was then isolated using organosolv method by means of biphasic solvents, namely, methanol and chloroform, to induce detachment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surface Properties
  3. Mydin RBSMN, Mahboob A, Sreekantan S, Saharudin KA, Qazem EQ, Hazan R, et al.
    Biotechnol Appl Biochem, 2023 Jun;70(3):1072-1084.
    PMID: 36567620 DOI: 10.1002/bab.2421
    In biomedical implant technology, nanosurface such as titania nanotube arrays (TNA) could provide better cellular adaptation, especially for long-term tissue acceptance response. Mechanotransduction activities of TNA nanosurface could involve the cytoskeleton remodeling mechanism. However, there is no clear insight into TNA mechano-cytoskeleton remodeling activities, especially computational approaches. Epithelial cells have played critical interface between biomedical implant surface and tissue acceptance, particularly for long-term interaction. Therefore, this study investigates genomic responses that are responsible for cell-TNA mechano-stimulus using epithelial cells model. Findings suggested that cell-TNA interaction may improve structural and extracellular matrix (ECM) support on the cells as an adaptive response toward the nanosurface topography. More specifically, the surface topography of the TNA might improve the cell polarity and adhesion properties via the interaction of the plasma membrane and intracellular matrix responses. TNA nanosurface might engross the cytoskeleton remodeling activities for multidirectional cell movement and cellular protrusions on TNA nanosurface. These observations are supported by the molecular docking profiles that determine proteins' in silico binding mechanism on TNA. This active cell-surface revamping would allow cells to adapt to develop a protective barrier toward TNA nanosurface, thus enhancing biocompatibility properties distinctly for long-term interaction. The findings from this study will be beneficial toward nano-molecular knowledge of designing functional nanosurface technology for advanced medical implant applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surface Properties
  4. Yacob N, Ahmad NA, Safii SH, Yunus N, Abdul Razak F
    J Prosthet Dent, 2023 Jul;130(1):131.e1-131.e7.
    PMID: 37210224 DOI: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2023.04.017
    STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: How the build orientation of a 3-dimensionally (3D) printed denture affects microbial adhesion is unclear.

    PURPOSE: The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare the adherence of Streptococcus spp. and Candida spp. on 3D-printed denture bases prepared at different build orientations with conventional heat-polymerized resin.

    MATERIAL AND METHODS: Resin specimens (n=5) with standardized 28.3 mm2 surface area were 3D printed at 0 and 60 degrees, and heat-polymerized (3DP-0, 3DP-60, and HP, respectively). The specimens were placed in a Nordini artificial mouth (NAM) model and exposed to 2 mL of clarified whole saliva to create a pellicle-coated substratum. Suspensions of Streptococcus mitis and Streptococcus sanguinis, Candida albicans and Candida glabrata, and a mixed species, each at 108 cfu/mL were pumped separately into the model for 24 hours to promote microbial adhesion. The resin specimens were then removed, placed in fresh media, and sonicated to dislodge attached microbes. Each suspension (100 μL) was aliquoted and spread on agar plates for colony counting. The resin specimens were also examined under a scanning electron microscope. The interaction between types of specimen and groups of microbes was examined with 2-way ANOVA and then further analysis with Tukey honest significant test and Kruskal-Wallis post hoc tests (α=.05).

    RESULTS: A significant interaction was observed between the 3DP-0, 3DP-60, and HP specimen types and the groups of microbes adhering to the corresponding denture resin specimens (P

    Matched MeSH terms: Surface Properties
  5. Cahyanto A, Martins MVS, Bianchi O, Sudhakaran DP, Sililkas N, Echeverrigaray SG, et al.
    Dent Mater, 2023 Sep;39(9):763-769.
    PMID: 37400298 DOI: 10.1016/j.dental.2023.06.009
    OBJECTIVES: to characterize the effects of graphene oxide (GO) on polymethyl methacrylate's (PMMA) reliability and lifetime. The hypothesis tested was that GO would increase both Weibull parameters and decreased strength degradation over time.

    METHODS: PMMA disks containing GO (0.01, 0.05, 0.1, or 0.5 wt%) were subjected to a biaxial flexural test to determine the Weibull parameters (m: modulus of Weibull; σ0: characteristic strength; n = 30 at 1 MPa/s) and slow crack growth (SCG) parameters (n: subcritical crack growth susceptibility coefficient, σf0: scaling parameter; n = 10 at 10-2, 10-1, 101, 100 and 102 MPa/s). Strength-probability-time (SPT) diagrams were plotted by merging SCG and Weibull parameters.

    RESULTS: There was no significant difference in the m value of all materials. However, 0.5 GO presented the lowest σ0, whereas all other groups were similar. The lowest n value obtained for all GO-modified PMMA groups (27.4 for 0.05 GO) was higher than the Control (15.6). The strength degradation predicted after 15 years for Control was 12%, followed by 0.01 GO (7%), 0.05 GO (9%), 0.1 GO (5%), and 0.5 GO (1%).

    SIGNIFICANCE: The hypothesis was partially accepted as GO increased PMMA's fatigue resistance and lifetime but did not significantly improve its Weibull parameters. GO added to PMMA did not significantly affect the initial strength and reliability but significantly increased PMMA's predicted lifetime. All the GO-containing groups presented higher resistance to fracture at all times analyzed compared with the Control, with the best overall results observed for 0.1 GO.

    Matched MeSH terms: Surface Properties
  6. Bagheri S, Muhd Julkapli N, Bee Abd Hamid S
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:727496.
    PMID: 25383380 DOI: 10.1155/2014/727496
    The lack of stability is a challenge for most heterogeneous catalysts. During operations, the agglomeration of particles may block the active sites of the catalyst, which is believed to contribute to its instability. Recently, titanium oxide (TiO2) was introduced as an alternative support material for heterogeneous catalyst due to the effect of its high surface area stabilizing the catalysts in its mesoporous structure. TiO2 supported metal catalysts have attracted interest due to TiO2 nanoparticles high activity for various reduction and oxidation reactions at low pressures and temperatures. Furthermore, TiO2 was found to be a good metal oxide catalyst support due to the strong metal support interaction, chemical stability, and acid-base property. The aforementioned properties make heterogeneous TiO2 supported catalysts show a high potential in photocatalyst-related applications, electrodes for wet solar cells, synthesis of fine chemicals, and others. This review focuses on TiO2 as a support material for heterogeneous catalysts and its potential applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surface Properties
  7. Khalaf S, Ariffin Z, Husein A, Reza F
    J Prosthodont, 2015 Jul;24(5):419-23.
    PMID: 25219956 DOI: 10.1111/jopr.12213
    PURPOSE: This study aimed to compare the surface roughness of maxillofacial silicone elastomers fabricated in noncoated and coated gypsum materials. This study was also conducted to characterize the silicone elastomer specimens after surfaces were modified.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A gypsum mold was coated with clear acrylic spray. The coated mold was then used to produce modified silicone experimental specimens (n = 35). The surface roughness of the modified silicone elastomers was compared with that of the control specimens, which were prepared by conventional flasking methods (n = 35). An atomic force microscope (AFM) was used for surface roughness measurement of silicone elastomer (unmodified and modified), and a scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to evaluate the topographic conditions of coated and noncoated gypsum and silicone elastomer specimens (unmodified and modified) groups. After the gypsum molds were characterized, the fabricated silicone elastomers molded on noncoated and coated gypsum materials were evaluated further. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) analysis of gypsum materials (noncoated and coated) and silicone elastomer specimens (unmodified and modified) was performed to evaluate the elemental changes after coating was conducted. Independent t test was used to analyze the differences in the surface roughness of unmodified and modified silicone at a significance level of p < 0.05.

    RESULTS: Roughness was significantly reduced in the silicone elastomers processed against coated gypsum materials (p < 0.001). The AFM and SEM analysis results showed evident differences in surface smoothness. EDX data further revealed the presence of the desired chemical components on the surface layer of unmodified and modified silicone elastomers.

    CONCLUSIONS: Silicone elastomers with lower surface roughness of maxillofacial prostheses can be obtained simply by coating a gypsum mold.

    Matched MeSH terms: Surface Properties
  8. Uddin MJ, Khan WA, Amin NS
    PLoS One, 2014;9(6):e99384.
    PMID: 24927277 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0099384
    The unsteady two-dimensional laminar g-Jitter mixed convective boundary layer flow of Cu-water and Al2O3-water nanofluids past a permeable stretching sheet in a Darcian porous is studied by using an implicit finite difference numerical method with quasi-linearization technique. It is assumed that the plate is subjected to velocity and thermal slip boundary conditions. We have considered temperature dependent viscosity. The governing boundary layer equations are converted into non-similar equations using suitable transformations, before being solved numerically. The transport equations have been shown to be controlled by a number of parameters including viscosity parameter, Darcy number, nanoparticle volume fraction, Prandtl number, velocity slip, thermal slip, suction/injection and mixed convection parameters. The dimensionless velocity and temperature profiles as well as friction factor and heat transfer rates are presented graphically and discussed. It is found that the velocity reduces with velocity slip parameter for both nanofluids for fluid with both constant and variable properties. It is further found that the skin friction decreases with both Darcy number and momentum slip parameter while it increases with viscosity variation parameter. The surface temperature increases as the dimensionless time increases for both nanofluids. Nusselt numbers increase with mixed convection parameter and Darcy numbers and decreases with the momentum slip. Excellent agreement is found between the numerical results of the present paper with published results.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surface Properties
  9. Hosseini S, Ibrahim F, Djordjevic I, Koole LH
    Analyst, 2014 Jun 21;139(12):2933-43.
    PMID: 24769607 DOI: 10.1039/c3an01789c
    Biosensor chips for immune-based assay systems have been investigated for their application in early diagnostics. The development of such systems strongly depends on the effective protein immobilization on polymer substrates. In order to achieve this complex heterogeneous interaction the polymer surface must be functionalized with chemical groups that are reactive towards proteins in a way that surface functional groups (such as carboxyl, -COOH; amine, -NH2; and hydroxyl, -OH) chemically or physically anchor the proteins to the polymer platform. Since the proteins are very sensitive towards their environment and can easily lose their activity when brought in close proximity to the solid surface, effective surface functionalization and high level of control over surface chemistry present the most important steps in the fabrication of biosensors. This paper reviews recent developments in surface functionalization and preparation of polymethacrylates for protein immobilization. Due to their versatility and cost effectiveness, this particular group of plastic polymers is widely used both in research and in industry.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surface Properties
  10. Mirzapour Mounes S, Karim MR, Khodaii A, Almasi MH
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:764218.
    PMID: 24526919 DOI: 10.1155/2014/764218
    A pavement structure consists of several layers for the primary purpose of transmitting and distributing traffic loads to the subgrade. Rutting is one form of pavement distresses that may influence the performance of road pavements. Geosynthetics is one type of synthetic materials utilized for improving the performance of pavements against rutting. Various studies have been conducted on using different geosynthetic materials in pavement structures by different researchers. One of the practices is a reinforcing material in asphalt pavements. This paper intends to present and discuss the discoveries from some of the studies on utilizing geosynthetics in flexible pavements as reinforcement against permanent deformation (rutting).
    Matched MeSH terms: Surface Properties
  11. Daud MN, Zakaria A, Jafari A, Ghazali MS, Abdullah WR, Zainal Z
    Int J Mol Sci, 2012;13(5):5706-14.
    PMID: 22754325 DOI: 10.3390/ijms13055706
    CdTe film was deposited using the electrophoretic deposition technique onto an ITO glass at various bath temperatures. Four batch film compositions were used by mixing 1 to 4 wt% concentration of CdTe powder with 10 mL of a solution of methanol and toluene. X-ray Diffraction analysis showed that the films exhibited polycrystalline nature of zinc-blende structure with the (111) orientation as the most prominent peak. From the Atomic Force Microscopy, the thickness and surface roughness of the CdTe film increased with the increase of CdTe concentration. The optical energy band gap of film decreased with the increase of CdTe concentration, and with the increase of isothermal bath temperature. The film thickness increased with respect to the increase of CdTe concentration and bath temperature, and following, the numerical expression for the film thickness with respect to these two variables has been established.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surface Properties
  12. Das Arulsamy A, Kregar Z, Eleršič K, Modic M, Subramani US
    Phys Chem Chem Phys, 2011 Sep 7;13(33):15175-81.
    PMID: 21776515 DOI: 10.1039/c1cp20138g
    Hydrogen produced from the photocatalytic splitting of water is one of the reliable alternatives to replace the polluting fossil and the radioactive nuclear fuels. Here, we provide unequivocal evidence for the existence of blue- and red-shifting O-H covalent bonds within a single water molecule adsorbed on the MgO surface as a result of asymmetric displacement polarizabilities. The adsorbed H-O-H on MgO gives rise to one weaker H-O bond, while the other O-H covalent bond from the same adsorbed water molecule compensates this effect with a stronger bond. The weaker bond (nearest to the surface), the interlayer tunneling electrons and the silver substrate are shown to be the causes for the smallest dissociative activation energy on the MgO monolayer. The origin that is responsible to initiate the splitting mechanism is proven to be due to the changes in the polarizability of an adsorbed water molecule, which are further supported by the temperature-dependent static dielectric constant measurements for water below the first-order electronic-phase transition temperature.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surface Properties
  13. Ahmad N, Ramsch R, Esquena J, Solans C, Tajuddin HA, Hashim R
    Langmuir, 2012 Feb 7;28(5):2395-403.
    PMID: 22168405 DOI: 10.1021/la203736b
    Synthetic branched-chain glycolipids have become of great interest in biomimicking research, since they provide a suitable alternative for natural glycolipids, which are difficult to extract from natural resources. Therefore, branched-chain glycolipids obtained by direct syntheses are of utmost interest. In this work, two new branched-chain glycolipids are presented, namely, 2-hexyldecyl β(α)-D-glucoside (2-HDG) and 2-hexyldecyl β(α)-D-maltoside (2-HDM) based on glucose and maltose, respectively. The self-assembly properties of these glycolipids have been studied, observing the phase behavior under thermotropic and lyotropic conditions. Due to their amphiphilic characteristics, 2-HDG and 2-HDM possess rich phase behavior in dry form and in aqueous dispersions. In the thermotropic study, 2-HDG formed a columnar hexagonal liquid crystalline phase, whereas in a binary aqueous system, 2-HDG formed an inverted hexagonal liquid crystalline phase in equilibrium with excess aqueous solution. Furthermore, aqueous dispersions of the hexagonal liquid crystal could be obtained, dispersions known as hexosomes. On the other hand, 2-HDM formed a lamellar liquid crystalline phase (smectic A) in thermotropic conditions, whereas multilamellar vesicles have been observed in equilibrium with aqueous media. Surprisingly, 2-HDM mixed with sodium dodecyl sulfate or aerosol OT induced the formation of more stable unilamellar vesicles. Thus, the branched-chain glycolipids 2-HDG and 2-HDM not only provided alternative nonionic surfactants with rich phase behavior and versatile nanostructures, but also could be used as new drug carrier systems in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surface Properties
  14. Hameed BH, Tan IA, Ahmad AL
    J Hazard Mater, 2008 Oct 30;158(2-3):324-32.
    PMID: 18329169 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.01.088
    Oil palm fibre was used to prepare activated carbon using physiochemical activation method which consisted of potassium hydroxide (KOH) treatment and carbon dioxide (CO(2)) gasification. The effects of three preparation variables: the activation temperature, activation time and chemical impregnation (KOH:char) ratio on methylene blue (MB) uptake from aqueous solutions and activated carbon yield were investigated. Based on the central composite design (CCD), a quadratic model and a two factor interaction (2FI) model were respectively developed to correlate the preparation variables to the MB uptake and carbon yield. From the analysis of variance (ANOVA), the significant factors on each experimental design response were identified. The optimum activated carbon prepared from oil palm fibre was obtained by using activation temperature of 862 degrees C, activation time of 1h and chemical impregnation ratio of 3.1. The optimum activated carbon showed MB uptake of 203.83 mg/g and activated carbon yield of 16.50%. The equilibrium data for adsorption of MB on the optimum activated carbon were well represented by the Langmuir isotherm, giving maximum monolayer adsorption capacity as high as 400mg/g at 30 degrees C.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surface Properties
  15. Dahlan I, Lee KT, Kamaruddin AH, Mohamed AR
    Environ Sci Technol, 2008 Mar 01;42(5):1499-504.
    PMID: 18441794
    The SO2 sorption capacity (SSC) of sorbents prepared from rice husk ash (RHA) with NaOH as additive was studied in a fixed-bed reactor. The sorbents were prepared using a water hydration method by slurrying RHA, CaO, and NaOH. Response surface methodology (RSM) based on four-variable central composite face centered design (CCFCD) was employed in the synthesis of the sorbents. The correlation between the sorbent SSC (as response) with four independent sorbent preparation variables, i.e. hydration period, RHA/CaO ratio, NaOH amount, and drying temperature, were presented as empirical mathematical models. Among all the variables studied, the amount of NaOH used was found to be the most significant variable affecting the SSC of the sorbents prepared. The SSC for sorbent prepared with the addition of NaOH was found to be significantly higher than sorbents prepared without NaOH. This is probably because NaOH is a deliquescent material, and its existence increases the amount of water collected on the surface of the sorbent, a condition required for sorbent-SO2 reaction to occur at low temperature. The effect of further treatment of RHA at 600 degrees C was also investigated. Although pretreated RHA sorbents demonstrated higher SSC as compared to untreated RHA sorbents, nevertheless, at optimum conditions, sorbents prepared from untreated RHA was found to be more favorable due to practical and economic concerns.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surface Properties
  16. Samavati A, Othaman Z, Ghoshal SK, Dousti MR, Kadir MR
    Int J Mol Sci, 2012;13(10):12880-9.
    PMID: 23202927 DOI: 10.3390/ijms131012880
    The visible luminescence from Ge nanoparticles and nanocrystallites has generated interest due to the feasibility of tuning band gap by controlling the sizes. Germanium (Ge) quantum dots (QDs) with average diameter ~16 to 8 nm are synthesized by radio frequency magnetron sputtering under different growth conditions. These QDs with narrow size distribution and high density, characterized using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) are obtained under the optimal growth conditions of 400 °C substrate temperature, 100 W radio frequency powers and 10 Sccm Argon flow. The possibility of surface passivation and configuration of these dots are confirmed by elemental energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis. The room temperature strong visible photoluminescence (PL) from such QDs suggests their potential application in optoelectronics. The sample grown at 400 °C in particular, shows three PL peaks at around ~2.95 eV, 3.34 eV and 4.36 eV attributed to the interaction between Ge, GeO(x) manifesting the possibility of the formation of core-shell structures. A red shift of ~0.11 eV in the PL peak is observed with decreasing substrate temperature. We assert that our easy and economic method is suitable for the large-scale production of Ge QDs useful in optoelectronic devices.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surface Properties
  17. Mahmoodian R, Hamdi M, Hassan MA, Akbari A
    PLoS One, 2015;10(6):e0130836.
    PMID: 26111217 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0130836
    Titanium carbide-graphite (TiC/C) composite was successfully synthesized from Ti and C starting elemental powders using self-propagating high-temperature synthesis technique in an ultra-high plasma inert medium in a single stage. The TiC was exposed to a high-temperature inert medium to allow recrystallization. The product was then characterized using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) coupled with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Rietveld refinement, nanoindentation, and micro-hardness to determine the product's properties. The recorded micro-hardness of the product was 3660 HV, which is a 14% enhancement and makes is comparable to TiC materials.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surface Properties
  18. Rahaman Ali AAA, John J, Mani SA, El-Seedi HR
    J Prosthodont, 2020 Aug;29(7):611-616.
    PMID: 30637856 DOI: 10.1111/jopr.13018
    PURPOSE: To assess the impact of thermal cycling on flexural properties of denture base acrylic resin reinforced with microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) derived from oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB).

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The flexural strength and flexural modulus, following thermal cycling (5000 cycles of 5-55°C) of 3 MCC-reinforced poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA) specimens were compared with the conventional and commercially available high-impact PMMA. The 3 test groups were represented by addition of various weight combinations of MCC and acrylic powders.

    RESULTS: All 3 test groups with the addition of MCC demonstrated improved flexural strength and flexural modulus compared to the conventional resin, without and after thermal cycling. The highest mean flexural strength corresponded to the specimens reinforced with 5% MCC followed by 2% MCC.

    CONCLUSION: Addition of MCC derived from OPEFB to PMMA may be a viable alternative to the existing, commercially available synthetic reinforced PMMA resins. The potential application of natural fillers in the fabrication of a reinforced denture base resin needs further study.

    Matched MeSH terms: Surface Properties
  19. Said N, Khoo YS, Lau WJ, Gürsoy M, Karaman M, Ting TM, et al.
    Membranes (Basel), 2020 Dec 07;10(12).
    PMID: 33297433 DOI: 10.3390/membranes10120401
    In this work, several ultrafiltration (UF) membranes with enhanced antifouling properties were fabricated using a rapid and green surface modification method that was based on the plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). Two types of hydrophilic monomers-acrylic acid (AA) and 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) were, respectively, deposited on the surface of a commercial UF membrane and the effects of plasma deposition time (i.e., 15 s, 30 s, 60 s, and 90 s) on the surface properties of the membrane were investigated. The modified membranes were then subjected to filtration using 2000 mg/L pepsin and bovine serum albumin (BSA) solutions as feed. Microscopic and spectroscopic analyses confirmed the successful deposition of AA and HEMA on the membrane surface and the decrease in water contact angle with increasing plasma deposition time strongly indicated the increase in surface hydrophilicity due to the considerable enrichment of the hydrophilic segment of AA and HEMA on the membrane surface. However, a prolonged plasma deposition time (>15 s) should be avoided as it led to the formation of a thicker coating layer that significantly reduced the membrane pure water flux with no significant change in the solute rejection rate. Upon 15-s plasma deposition, the AA-modified membrane recorded the pepsin and BSA rejections of 83.9% and 97.5%, respectively, while the HEMA-modified membrane rejected at least 98.5% for both pepsin and BSA. Compared to the control membrane, the AA-modified and HEMA-modified membranes also showed a lower degree of flux decline and better flux recovery rate (>90%), suggesting that the membrane antifouling properties were improved and most of the fouling was reversible and could be removed via simple water cleaning process. We demonstrated in this work that the PECVD technique is a promising surface modification method that could be employed to rapidly improve membrane surface hydrophilicity (15 s) for the enhanced protein purification process without using any organic solvent during the plasma modification process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surface Properties
  20. Ahmed T, Ya HH, Khan R, Hidayat Syah Lubis AM, Mahadzir S
    Materials (Basel), 2020 Jul 27;13(15).
    PMID: 32726965 DOI: 10.3390/ma13153333
    Polymeric materials such as High density polyethylene(HDPE) are ductile in nature, having very low strength. In order to improve strength by non-treated rigid fillers, polymeric materials become extremely brittle. Therefore, this work focuses on achieving pseudo-ductility (high strength and ductility) by using a combination of rigid filler particles (CaCO3 and bentonite) instead of a single non-treated rigid filler particle. The results of all tensile-tested (D638 type i) samples signify that the microstructural features and surface properties of rigid nano fillers can render the required pseudo-ductility. The maximum value of tensile strength achieved is 120% of the virgin HDPE, and the value of elongation is retained by 100%. Furthermore, the morphological and fractographic analysis revealed that surfactants are not always going to obtain polymer-filler bonding, but the synergistic effect of filler particles can carry out sufficient bonding for stress transfer. Moreover, pseudo-ductility was achieved by a combination of rigid fillers (bentonite and CaCO3) when the content of bentonite dominated as compared to CaCO3. Thus, the achievement of pseudo-ductility by the synergistic effect of rigid particles is the significance of this study. Secondly, this combination of filler particles acted as an alternative for the application of surfactant and compatibilizer so that adverse effect on mechanical properties can be avoided.
    Matched MeSH terms: Surface Properties
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