Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 349 in total

  1. Kabir MF, Yin KN, Jeffree MS, Ahmedy FB, Zainudin MF, Htwe O, et al.
    BMC Infect Dis, 2024 Apr 04;24(1):375.
    PMID: 38575878 DOI: 10.1186/s12879-024-09267-3
    BACKGROUND: Pain is one of the prevalent Long COVID Symptoms (LCS). Pain interferes with the quality of life (QoL) and induces disease burden.

    PURPOSE: The study aimed to elicit the clinical presentation of pain and determine the relationships between QoL and pain in LCS.

    METHODS: This household cross-sectional study of 12,925 SARS-CoV-2 cases between July and December 2021 was carried out in eight administrative divisions of Bangladesh. Stratified random sampling from the cases retrieved from the Ministry of Health was employed. Symptom screening was performed through COVID-19 Yorkshire Rehabilitation Scale, and long COVID was diagnosed according to World Health Organization (WHO) criteria. The analyses were conducted using IBM SPSS (Version 20.00).

    RESULTS: The prevalence of pain in long COVID was between 01 and 3.1% in the studied population. The study also found five categories of pain symptoms as LCS in Bangladesh: muscle pain 3.1% (95% CI; 2.4-3.8), chest pain 2.4% (95% CI; 1.8-3.1), joint pain 2.8% (95% CI; 2.2-2.3), headache 3.1% (95% CI; 2.4-3.8), and abdominal pain 0.3% (95% CI; 0.01-0.5). People with LCS as pain, multiple LCS, and longer duration of LCS had significantly lower quality of life across all domains of the WHOQOL-BREF (P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh/epidemiology
  2. Kabir MF, Nyein Yin K, Htwe O, Saffree Jeffree M, Binti Ahmedy F, Faizal Zainudin M, et al.
    PLoS One, 2024;19(6):e0304824.
    PMID: 38941308 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0304824
    BACKGROUND: Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a consequence of significant disability and health issues globally, and long COVID represents the symptoms of neuro-musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and respiratory complications.

    PURPOSE: This study aimed to identify the symptom responses and disease burden of long COVID in individuals with spinal cord injury.

    METHODS: This case-control study was conducted on patients with SCI residing at a specialised rehabilitation centre in Bangladesh. Forty patients with SCI with and without long COVID symptoms (LCS) were enrolled in this study at a 1:1 ratio according to WHO criteria.

    RESULT: Twelve LCS were observed in patients with SCI, including fatigue, musculoskeletal pain, memory loss, headache, respiratory problems, anxiety, depression, insomnia, problem in ADL problem in work, palpitation, and weakness. The predictors of developing long COVID include increasing age (p<0.002), increasing BMI (p<0.03), and longer duration of spinal cord injury (p<0.004). A significant difference (p<0.01) in overall years of healthy life lost due to disability (YLD) for non-long COVID cases was 2.04±0.596 compared to long COVID (LC) cases 1.22±2.09 was observed.

    CONCLUSION: Bangladeshi patients of SCI presented 12 long COVID symptoms and have a significant disease burden compared to non long COVID cases.

    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh/epidemiology
  3. Kamal ASMM, Fahim AKF, Shahid S
    Sci Rep, 2024 May 06;14(1):10417.
    PMID: 38710893 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-61138-8
    The rise in temperatures and changes in other meteorological variables have exposed millions of people to health risks in Bangladesh, a densely populated, hot, and humid country. To better assess the threats climate change poses to human health, the wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) is an important indicator of human heat stress. This study utilized high-resolution reanalysis data from the fifth-generation European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF ERA5) to analyze the spatiotemporal changes in outdoor WBGT across Bangladesh from 1979 to 2021, employing Liljegren's model. The study revealed an increase in the annual average WBGT by 0.08-0.5 °C per decade throughout the country, with a more pronounced rise in the southeast and northeast regions. Additionally, the number of days with WBGT levels associated with high and extreme risks of heat-related illnesses has shown an upward trend. Specifically, during the monsoon period (June to September), there has been an increase of 2-4 days per decade, and during the pre-monsoon period (March to May), an increase of 1-3 days per decade from 1979 to 2021. Furthermore, the results indicated that the escalation in WBGT has led to a five-fold increase in affected areas and a three-fold increase in days of high and extreme heat stress during the monsoon season in recent years compared to the earlier period. Trend and relative importance analyses of various meteorological variables demonstrated that air temperature is the primary driver behind Bangladesh's rising WBGT and related health risks, followed by specific humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh/epidemiology
  4. Sultana S, Muhammad F, Chowdhury AA, Tasnim T, Haque MI, Hasan BakiBillah A, et al.
    BMC Womens Health, 2023 Aug 18;23(1):437.
    PMID: 37596580 DOI: 10.1186/s12905-023-02584-w
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate the association between depressive symptoms among mothers and the eating behaviors of their school-going children in Urban Bangladesh.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This analytical cross-sectional study was conducted in the context of the urban area of Bangladesh. A multistage sampling technique was applied to select 324 children's mothers in Dhaka City. Data were collected from both city corporation settings in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Semi-structured questionnaires were used in this study. We estimated the depressive symptoms among mothers using the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale. We examined the association of mothers of school-going children's socio-demographic variables and eating behaviors of school-going children with their mother's depression by using chi-square and evaluating the impact of these variables on mothers' depression through univariate and multivariate binary logistic regression.

    RESULTS: In our study, 57.7% of the mothers of school-going children had depressive symptoms, and 42.3% had no depressive symptoms. The study explored that consuming fewer vegetables (AOR = 0.237, 95% CI: 0.099-0.569), taking fewer fruits (AOR = 0.177, 95% CI: 0.093-0.337), and interestingly, taking fast food less than 4 days per week (AOR = 3.024, 95% CI: 1.517-6.031) were significantly associated with mothers' depressive symptoms.

    CONCLUSION: Mothers with depressive symptoms of school-going children in Dhaka city are alarmingly high as a grave concern. The eating behaviors of children are associated with their mothers' depressive symptoms. With an aim to build rigorous awareness on depression and child's healthy eating behaviors, it is imperative to arrange health education and awareness related programs.

    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh/epidemiology
  5. Munawar K, Choudhry FR, Hadi MA, Khan TM
    Subst Use Misuse, 2020;55(5):752-762.
    PMID: 31852359 DOI: 10.1080/10826084.2019.1701036
    Background: Although glue sniffing has been linked with significant morbidity and mortality, it is still under-researched and poorly recognized issue globally. Objective: A scoping review was performed to identify the factors and outcomes related to glue sniffing in India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh. Methods: Ten databases; Medline via Ovid, Google scholar, EBSCOhost (CINAHL Plus), ProQuest Central, PsycInfo, IndMED, Ovid Embase, Scopus, PubMed, and Science Direct were searched from their inception to January 2019 for both qualitative and quantitative studies examining any aspect of glue-sniffing. Studies published only in English language were included. Prevalence of glue-sniffing in SAARC region was the primary outcome measure. Findings: Of 8951studies screened, 344 were assessed for eligibility and 31 studies were included. The majority of the studies were conducted in India (15) and Pakistan (11). Meta-analysis of proportion, using random effects model, for both primary and secondary outcomes found that the highest incidence of glue sniffing was 57% (0.57, CI 95% 0.49-0.66) in India. The overall incidence of tobacco and naswar (snuff) as was 83% (0.83, 95% CI 0.80-0.86). Conclusions: The prevalence of glue sniffing, especially among street children, is alarmingly high and presents a challenge for health and social services for countries in SAARC region. More research work is required to examine long term impact of glue sniffing on physical and mental health.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh/epidemiology
  6. Hossain MK, Kamil AA, Baten MA, Mustafa A
    PLoS One, 2012;7(10):e46081.
    PMID: 23077500 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0046081
    The objective of this paper is to apply the Translog Stochastic Frontier production model (SFA) and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to estimate efficiencies over time and the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) growth rate for Bangladeshi rice crops (Aus, Aman and Boro) throughout the most recent data available comprising the period 1989-2008. Results indicate that technical efficiency was observed as higher for Boro among the three types of rice, but the overall technical efficiency of rice production was found around 50%. Although positive changes exist in TFP for the sample analyzed, the average growth rate of TFP for rice production was estimated at almost the same levels for both Translog SFA with half normal distribution and DEA. Estimated TFP from SFA is forecasted with ARIMA (2, 0, 0) model. ARIMA (1, 0, 0) model is used to forecast TFP of Aman from DEA estimation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  7. Dhiman Gain, Mahfuj M, Islam S, Minar M, Goutham-Bharathi M, Simon Kumar Das
    Sains Malaysiana, 2017;46:695-702.
    Wild stocks of endangered mrigal carp, Cirrhinus cirrhosus (Bloch 1795), continues to decline rapidly in the Indo-Ganges river basin. With an objective to evaluate its population status, landmark-based morphometric and meristic variations among three different stocks viz., hatchery (Jessore), baor (Gopalganj) and river (Faridpur) in Bangladesh were studied. Significant differences were observed in 10 of the 15 morphometric measurements viz., head length, standard length, fork length, length of base of spinous, pre-orbital length, eye length, post-orbital length, length of upper jaw, height of pelvic fin and barbel length, two of the 8 meristic counts viz., scales above the lateral line and pectoral fin rays and 10 of the 22 truss network measurements viz., 1 to 10, 2 to 3, 2 to 8, 2 to 9, 2 to 10, 3 to 4, 3 to 8, 4 to 5, 4 to 7 and 9 to 10 among the stocks. For morphometric and landmark measurements, the 1st discriminant function (DF) accounted for 58.1% and the 2nd DF accounted for 41.9% of the among-group variability. In discriminant space, the river stock was isolated from the other two stocks. On the other hand, baor and hatchery stocks formed a very compact cluster. A dendrogram based on the hierarchical cluster analysis using morphometric and truss distance data placed the hatchery and baor in one cluster and the river in another cluster and the distance between the river and hatchery populations was the highest. Morphological differences among stocks are expected, because of their geographical isolation and their origin from different ancestors. The baseline information derived from the present study would be useful for genetic studies and in the assessment of environmental impacts on C. cirrhosus populations in Bangladesh.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  8. Sadia F, Mahmud I, Dhar E, Jahan N, Hossain SS, Zaidi Satter AKM
    Data Brief, 2019 Apr;23:103741.
    PMID: 31372407 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.103741
    The article identifies the relationship among different agile software development approaches such as response extensiveness, response efficiency, team autonomy, team diversity, and software functionality that software teams face difficult challenges in associating and achieving the right balance between the two agility dimensions. This research strategy, in terms of quantity, is descriptive and correlational. Statistical analysis of the data was carried out, using SmartPLS 3.0. Statistical population, consist of employees of software industries in Bangladesh, who were engaged in 2017 and their total number is about 100 people. The data show that the response extensiveness, response efficiency, team autonomy, team diversity, and software functionality have impact on software development agility and software development performance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  9. Islam ARMT, Islam HMT, Shahid S, Khatun MK, Ali MM, Rahman MS, et al.
    J Environ Manage, 2021 Jul 01;289:112505.
    PMID: 33819656 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.112505
    Climate extremes have a significant impact on vegetation. However, little is known about vegetation response to climatic extremes in Bangladesh. The association of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) with nine extreme precipitation and temperature indices was evaluated to identify the nexus between vegetation and climatic extremes and their associations in Bangladesh for the period 1986-2017. Moreover, detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) and Morlet wavelet analysis (MWA) were employed to evaluate the possible future trends and decipher the existing periodic cycles, respectively in the time series of NDVI and climate extremes. Besides, atmospheric variables of ECMWF ERA5 were used to examine the casual circulation mechanism responsible for climatic extremes of Bangladesh. The results revealed that the monthly NDVI is positively associated with extreme rainfall with spatiotemporal heterogeneity. Warm temperature indices showed a significant negative association with NDVI on the seasonal scale, while precipitation and cold temperature extremes showed a positive association with yearly NDVI. The DEA revealed a continuous increase in temperature extreme in the future, while no change in precipitation extremes. NDVI also revealed a significant association with extreme temperature indices with a time lag of one month and with precipitation extreme without time lag. Spatial analysis indicated insensitivity of marshy vegetation type to climate extremes in winter. The study revealed that elevated summer geopotential height, no visible anticyclonic center, reduced high cloud cover, and low solar radiation with higher humidity contributed to climatic extremes in Bangladesh. The nexus between NDVI and climatic extremes established in this study indicated that increasing warm temperature extremes due to global warming might have severe implications on Bangladesh's ecology and the environment in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  10. Alam T, Rahman SM, Alam T, Habib N, Umar BU, Banna QR, et al.
    JNMA J Nepal Med Assoc, 2014 Jul-Sep;52(195):892-6.
    PMID: 26982662
    Long term physical training has been considered to adversely affect the performance of athletes especially the females. It may be due to the iron depletion caused by hemolysis or hemodilution results from plasma volume expansion. This study aims to assess the effect of heavy exercise on hemoglobin concentration and some other hematological parameters in female athletes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  11. Bogard JR, Farook S, Marks GC, Waid J, Belton B, Ali M, et al.
    PLoS One, 2017;12(4):e0175098.
    PMID: 28384232 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0175098
    Malnutrition is one of the biggest challenges of the 21st century, with one in three people in the world malnourished, combined with poor diets being the leading cause of the global burden of disease. Fish is an under-recognised and undervalued source of micronutrients, which could play a more significant role in addressing this global challenge. With rising pressures on capture fisheries, demand is increasingly being met from aquaculture. However, aquaculture systems are designed to maximise productivity, with little consideration for nutritional quality of fish produced. A global shift away from diverse capture species towards consumption of few farmed species, has implications for diet quality that are yet to be fully explored. Bangladesh provides a useful case study of this transition, as fish is the most important animal-source food in diets, and is increasingly supplied from aquaculture. We conducted a temporal analysis of fish consumption and nutrient intakes from fish in Bangladesh, using nationally representative household expenditure surveys from 1991, 2000 and 2010 (n = 25,425 households), combined with detailed species-level nutrient composition data. Fish consumption increased by 30% from 1991-2010. Consumption of non-farmed species declined by 33% over this period, compensated (in terms of quantity) by large increases in consumption of farmed species. Despite increased total fish consumption, there were significant decreases in iron and calcium intakes from fish (P<0.01); and no significant change in intakes of zinc, vitamin A and vitamin B12 from fish, reflecting lower overall nutritional quality of fish available for consumption over time. Our results challenge the conventional narrative that increases in food supply lead to improvements in diet and nutrition. As aquaculture becomes an increasingly important food source, it must embrace a nutrition-sensitive approach, moving beyond maximising productivity to also consider nutritional quality. Doing so will optimise the complementary role that aquaculture and capture fisheries play in improving nutrition and health.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  12. Khan MN, Rahman MM, Shariff AA, Rahman MM, Rahman MS, Rahman MA
    Arch Public Health, 2017;75:12.
    PMID: 28174626 DOI: 10.1186/s13690-017-0181-0
    BACKGROUND: Overweight and obesity are increasing in low- and middle-income countries, while underweight remains a significant health problems. However, the association between double burden of nutrition and risk of adverse birth and health outcomes is still unclear in Bangladesh. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of maternal undernutrition and excessive body weight on a range of maternal and child health outcomes.

    METHODS: In this study, we used Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS) 2011 and 2014 data sets to cover the maternal, child and non-communicable diseases related health outcomes. The study considered a range of outcome variables including pregnancy complication, cesarean delivery, diabetes, hypertension, stunting, and wasting, low birth weight, genital discharge, genital sore/ulcer, stillbirth, early neonatal mortality, perinatal mortality, preterm birth and prolonged labor. The key exposure variable was maternal body mass index. Multilevel regression analysis was performed to examine the association between outcomes and exposure variables.

    RESULTS: Maternal overweight and obesity has increased from 10% in 2004 to 24% in 2014, a 240% increase in 10 years. Between 2004 and 2014, maternal undernutrition declined from 33% to 18%, a reduction rate of only 54% in 10 years. Compared to normal-weight women, overweight and obese women were more likely to have experienced pregnancy complication, cesarean delivery, diabetes, and hypertension. Underweight women were 1.3 times more likely to have children with stunting and 1.6 times more likely to experience wasting compared to normal weight women. Maternal BMI was not significantly associated with increased risk of genital sore or ulcer, genital discharge, menstrual irregularities, or low birth weight though in certain cases risk was higher.

    CONCLUSIONS: High maternal overweight and obesity were observed to have significant adverse effects on health outcomes, while underweight was a risk factor for newborn health. The findings show that weight management is necessary to prevent adverse birth and health outcomes in Bangladesh.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION: Data related to health was collected by following the guidelines of ICF international and Bangladesh Medical Research Council. The registration number of data collection is 132989.0.000 and the data-request was registered on March 11, 2015.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  13. Muhammad Abu Bakar Siddik, Md. Reaz Chaklader, Ashfaqun Nahar
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:1241-1248.
    The study was aimed to determine the variation in taxonomic diversity of Polynemus paradiseus based on morphometric and meristic analyses of samples collected from three coastal rivers of Bangladesh (Payra, Tentulia and Kirtonkhola). A total of 105 individuals ranging at 10-20 cm in total length (TL) and 7.91-60.64 g in body weight (BW) were sampled using Been nets and Kachal and Veshal nets. Significant differences were observed in 24 out of 25 morphometric measurements and 6 out of 10 meristic counts among the populations. In morphometric measurements, the first discriminant function (DF1) was accounted for 78.6% and the second discriminant function (DF2) was accounted for 21.4% of among groups variability, explaining 100% of total among group variability. A dendrogram based on morphometric data showed that the Tentulia and Kirtankhola populations showed high degree of overlapping and these two populations were highly different from Payra river population. The canonical graph also showed that the populations of Tentulia and Kirtankhola rivers were more closely related comparing with Payra river population for isometric condition. These findings may provide useful information for the conservation and sustainable management of this important fish.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  14. Rakib MRJ, Ertaş A, Walker TR, Rule MJ, Khandaker MU, Idris AM
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2022 Jan;174:113246.
    PMID: 34952406 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.113246
    Macro-sized marine litter (>2.5 cm) was collected, characterized, and enumerated along the Cox's Bazar Coast, Bangladesh. Marine litter abundance was converted to density (number of items/m2). Beach cleanliness was evaluated using the clean-coast index (CCI). Plastic polythene bags were the most abundant litter items, followed by plastic cups. Total marine litter abundance was 54,401 ± 184 items. Major sources of marine litter were from tourism, fishery and residential activities. Of 10 sites surveyed, two were classified as dirty, two were moderate, four were clean and two were very clean using the CCI. Marine litter pollution along the Cox's Bazar Coast represents a potential threat to coastal and marine environments. This baseline study will help to establish mitigation strategies that are urgently required to reduce marine litter pollution along the Cox's Bazar Coast.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  15. Islam MS, Phoungthong K, Islam ARMT, Ali MM, Ismail Z, Shahid S, et al.
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2022 Dec;185(Pt B):114362.
    PMID: 36410195 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.114362
    Marine debris is often detected everywhere in the oceans after it enters the marine ecosystems from various sources. Marine litter pollution is a major threat to the marine ecosystem in Bangladesh. A preliminary study was conducted to identify the sources of marine litter (plastics, foamed plastic, clothes, glass, ceramic, metals, paper, and cardboard) along the Bay of Bengal coast. From the observations, the range of abundance of the collected marine litter was 0.14-0.58 items/m2. From the ten sampling sites, the highest amount of marine litter was observed for aluminium cans (3500), followed by plastic bottles (3200). The spatial distribution pattern indicated that all the study areas had beach litter of all types of materials. The present investigation showed that plastics were the dominating pollutants in the marine ecosystem in Bangladesh. The clean-coast index (CCI) value indicated that the Cox's Bazar coast was clean to dirty class. The abundance, distribution, and pollution of marine litter along the coastal belts pose a potential threat to the entire ecosystem. This study will help come up with ways to manage and get rid of marine litter along the coast in an effective way.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  16. Hasan M, Hassan L, Abdullah Al M, Kamal AHM, Idris MH, Hoque MZ, et al.
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2024 Apr;31(17):25329-25341.
    PMID: 38468013 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-024-32792-2
    Mangroves provide essential ecosystem services including coastal protection by acting as coastal greenbelts; however, human-driven anthropogenic activities altered their existence and ecosystem functions worldwide. In this study, the successive degradation of the second largest mangrove forest, Chakaria Sundarbans situated at the northern Bay of Bengal part of Bangladesh was assessed using remote sensing approaches. A total of five multi-temporal Landsat satellite imageries were collected and used to observe the land use land cover (LULC) changes over the time periods for the years 1972, 1990, 2000, 2010, and 2020. Further, the supervised classification technique with the help of support vector machine (SVM) algorithm in ArcGIS 10.8 was used to process images. Our results revealed a drastic change of Chakaria Sundarbans mangrove forest, that the images of 1972 were comprised of mudflat, waterbody, and mangroves, while the images of 1990, 2000, 2010, and 2020 were classified as waterbody, mangrove, saltpan, and shrimp farm. Most importantly, mangrove forest was the largest covering area a total of 64.2% in 1972, but gradually decreased to 12.7%, 6.4%, 1.9%, and 4.6% for the years 1990, 2000, 2010, and 2020, respectively. Interestingly, the rate of mangrove forest area degradation was similar to the net increase of saltpan and shrimp farms. The kappa coefficients of classified images were 0.83, 0.87, 0.80, 0.87, and 0.91 with the overall accuracy of 88.9%, 90%, 85%, 90%, and 93.3% for the years 1972, 1990, 2000, 2010, and 2020, respectively. By analyzing normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), soil adjusted vegetation index (SAVI), and transformed difference vegetation index (TDVI), our results validated that green vegetated area was decreased alarmingly with time in this study area. This destruction was mainly related to active human-driven anthropogenic activities, particularly creating embankments for fish farms or salt productions, and cutting for collection of wood as well. Together all, our results provide clear evidence of active anthropogenic stress on coastal ecosystem health by altering mangrove forest to saltpan and shrimp farm saying goodbye to the second largest mangrove forest in one of the coastal areas of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  17. de Wit E, Feldmann F, Cronin J, Goldin K, Mercado-Hernandez R, Williamson BN, et al.
    EBioMedicine, 2023 Jan;87:104405.
    PMID: 36508878 DOI: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2022.104405
    BACKGROUND: Nipah virus (NiV) causes recurrent outbreaks of lethal respiratory and neurological disease in Southeast Asia. The World Health Organization considers the development of an effective vaccine against NiV a priority.

    METHODS: We produced two NiV vaccine candidates using the licensed VSV-EBOV vaccine as a backbone and tested its efficacy against lethal homologous and heterologous NiV challenge with Nipah virus Bangladesh and Nipah virus Malaysia, respectively, in the African green monkey model.

    FINDINGS: The VSV-EBOV vaccine expressing NiV glycoprotein G (VSV-NiVG) induced high neutralising antibody titers and afforded complete protection from homologous and heterologous challenge. The VSV-EBOV vaccine expressing NiV fusion protein F (VSV-NiVF) induced a lower humoral response and afforded complete homologous protection, but only partial heterologous protection. Both vaccines reduced virus shedding from the upper respiratory tract, and virus replication in the lungs and central nervous system. None of the protected animals vaccinated with VSV-NiVG or VSV-NiVF showed histological lesions in the CNS, but one VSV-NiVF-vaccinated animal that was not protected developed severe meningoencephalitis.

    INTERPRETATION: The VSV-NiVG vaccine offers broad protection against NiV disease.

    FUNDING: This study was supported by the Intramural Research Program, NIAID, NIH.

    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  18. Alam MS, Siraz MMM, A M J, Das SC, Bradley DA, Khandaker MU, et al.
    PLoS One, 2023;18(5):e0286267.
    PMID: 37220107 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0286267
    Radon (222Rn), an inert gas, is considered a silent killer due to its carcinogenic characteristics. Dhaka city is situated on the banks of the Buriganga River, which is regarded as the lifeline of Dhaka city because it serves as a significant source of the city's water supply for domestic and industrial purposes. Thirty water samples (10 tap water from Dhaka city and 20 surface samples from the Buriganga River) were collected and analyzed using a RAD H2O accessory for 222Rn concentration. The average 222Rn concentration in tap and river water was 1.54 ± 0.38 Bq/L and 0.68 ± 0.29 Bq/L, respectively. All the values were found below the maximum contamination limit (MCL) of 11.1 Bq/L set by the USEPA, the WHO-recommended safe limit of 100 Bq/L, and the UNSCEAR suggested range of 4-40 Bq/L. The mean values of the total annual effective doses due to inhalation and ingestion were calculated to be 9.77 μSv/y and 4.29 μSv/y for tap water and river water, respectively. Although all these values were well below the permissible limit of 100 μSv/y proposed by WHO, they cannot be neglected because of the hazardous nature of 222Rn, especially considering their entry to the human body via inhalation and ingestion pathways. The obtained data may serve as a reference for future 222Rn-related works.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  19. Ripon MSH, Ahmed S, Rahman T, Rashid HU, Karupaiah T, Khosla P, et al.
    PLoS One, 2023;18(9):e0291830.
    PMID: 37733829 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0291830
    Hemodialysis (HD) is a treatment for ensuring the survival of end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) patients, and nutrition care is integral to their management. We sent questionnaires to evaluate the total dialysis service capacity and nutrition services across all dialysis facilities (DF) in Bangladesh, with responses from 149 out of 166 active DFs. Survey results revealed that 49.7% of DFs operated two shifts, and 42.3% operated three shifts daily, with 74.5% holding between one and ten dialysis machines. Sixty-three percent of DFs served between one and 25 patients per week, and 77% of patients received twice-weekly dialysis. The average cost for first-time dialysis was 2800 BDT per session (range: 2500-3000 BDT), but it was lower if reused dialyzers were used (2100 BDT, range: 1700-2800 BDT). Nutritionists were available in only 21% of the DFs. Parameters related to nutritional health screening (serum albumin, BMI, MIS-malnutrition inflammation assessment, and dietary intakes) were carried out in 37.6%, 23.5%, 2%, and 2% of the DFs, respectively, only if recommended by physicians. Nutrition education, if recommended, was provided in 68.5% of DFs, but only in 17.6% of them were these delivered by nutritionists. The recommendation for using renal-specific oral nutrition supplements (ONS) is not a familiar practice in Bangladeshi DFs and, therefore, was scarcely recommended. Dialysis capacity across Bangladesh is inadequate to meet current or projected needs and nutrition education and support across the DFs to benefit improving patients' quality of life is also inadequate.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  20. Zimowska GJ, Xavier N, Qadri M, Handler AM
    Sci Rep, 2024 Jan 22;14(1):1924.
    PMID: 38253542 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-51068-2
    Here we describe a molecular approach to assess conspecific identity that relies on the comparison of an evolved mutated transposable element sequence and its genomic insertion site in individuals from closely related species. This was explored with the IFP2 piggyBac transposon, originally discovered in Trichoplusia ni as a 2472 bp functional element, that was subsequently found as mutated elements in seven species within the Bactrocera dorsalis species complex. In a B. dorsalis [Hendel] strain collected in Kahuku, Hawaii, a degenerate 2420 bp piggyBac sequence (pBacBd-Kah) having ~ 94.5% sequence identity to IFP2 was isolated, and it was reasoned that common species, or strains within species, should share the same evolved element and its precise genomic insertion site. To test this assumption, PCR using primers to pBacBd-Kah and adjacent genomic sequences was used to isolate and compare homologous sequences in strains of four sibling species within the complex. Three of these taxa, B. papayae, B. philippinensis, and B. invadens, were previously synonymized with B. dorsalis, and found to share nearly identical pBacBd-Kah homologous elements (> 99% nucleotide identity) within the identical insertion site consistent with conspecific species. The fourth species tested, B. carambolae, considered to be a closely related yet independent species sympatric with B. dorsalis, also shared the pBacBd-Kah sequence and insertion site in one strain from Suriname, while another divergent pBacBd-Kah derivative, closer in identity to IFP2, was found in individuals from French Guiana, Bangladesh and Malaysia. This data, along with the absence of pBacBd-Kah in distantly related Bactrocera, indicates that mutated descendants of piggyBac, as well as other invasive mobile elements, could be reliable genomic markers for common species identity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
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