PURPOSE: The study aimed to elicit the clinical presentation of pain and determine the relationships between QoL and pain in LCS.
METHODS: This household cross-sectional study of 12,925 SARS-CoV-2 cases between July and December 2021 was carried out in eight administrative divisions of Bangladesh. Stratified random sampling from the cases retrieved from the Ministry of Health was employed. Symptom screening was performed through COVID-19 Yorkshire Rehabilitation Scale, and long COVID was diagnosed according to World Health Organization (WHO) criteria. The analyses were conducted using IBM SPSS (Version 20.00).
RESULTS: The prevalence of pain in long COVID was between 01 and 3.1% in the studied population. The study also found five categories of pain symptoms as LCS in Bangladesh: muscle pain 3.1% (95% CI; 2.4-3.8), chest pain 2.4% (95% CI; 1.8-3.1), joint pain 2.8% (95% CI; 2.2-2.3), headache 3.1% (95% CI; 2.4-3.8), and abdominal pain 0.3% (95% CI; 0.01-0.5). People with LCS as pain, multiple LCS, and longer duration of LCS had significantly lower quality of life across all domains of the WHOQOL-BREF (P
PURPOSE: This study aimed to identify the symptom responses and disease burden of long COVID in individuals with spinal cord injury.
METHODS: This case-control study was conducted on patients with SCI residing at a specialised rehabilitation centre in Bangladesh. Forty patients with SCI with and without long COVID symptoms (LCS) were enrolled in this study at a 1:1 ratio according to WHO criteria.
RESULT: Twelve LCS were observed in patients with SCI, including fatigue, musculoskeletal pain, memory loss, headache, respiratory problems, anxiety, depression, insomnia, problem in ADL problem in work, palpitation, and weakness. The predictors of developing long COVID include increasing age (p<0.002), increasing BMI (p<0.03), and longer duration of spinal cord injury (p<0.004). A significant difference (p<0.01) in overall years of healthy life lost due to disability (YLD) for non-long COVID cases was 2.04±0.596 compared to long COVID (LC) cases 1.22±2.09 was observed.
CONCLUSION: Bangladeshi patients of SCI presented 12 long COVID symptoms and have a significant disease burden compared to non long COVID cases.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This analytical cross-sectional study was conducted in the context of the urban area of Bangladesh. A multistage sampling technique was applied to select 324 children's mothers in Dhaka City. Data were collected from both city corporation settings in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Semi-structured questionnaires were used in this study. We estimated the depressive symptoms among mothers using the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale. We examined the association of mothers of school-going children's socio-demographic variables and eating behaviors of school-going children with their mother's depression by using chi-square and evaluating the impact of these variables on mothers' depression through univariate and multivariate binary logistic regression.
RESULTS: In our study, 57.7% of the mothers of school-going children had depressive symptoms, and 42.3% had no depressive symptoms. The study explored that consuming fewer vegetables (AOR = 0.237, 95% CI: 0.099-0.569), taking fewer fruits (AOR = 0.177, 95% CI: 0.093-0.337), and interestingly, taking fast food less than 4 days per week (AOR = 3.024, 95% CI: 1.517-6.031) were significantly associated with mothers' depressive symptoms.
CONCLUSION: Mothers with depressive symptoms of school-going children in Dhaka city are alarmingly high as a grave concern. The eating behaviors of children are associated with their mothers' depressive symptoms. With an aim to build rigorous awareness on depression and child's healthy eating behaviors, it is imperative to arrange health education and awareness related programs.
METHODS: We produced two NiV vaccine candidates using the licensed VSV-EBOV vaccine as a backbone and tested its efficacy against lethal homologous and heterologous NiV challenge with Nipah virus Bangladesh and Nipah virus Malaysia, respectively, in the African green monkey model.
FINDINGS: The VSV-EBOV vaccine expressing NiV glycoprotein G (VSV-NiVG) induced high neutralising antibody titers and afforded complete protection from homologous and heterologous challenge. The VSV-EBOV vaccine expressing NiV fusion protein F (VSV-NiVF) induced a lower humoral response and afforded complete homologous protection, but only partial heterologous protection. Both vaccines reduced virus shedding from the upper respiratory tract, and virus replication in the lungs and central nervous system. None of the protected animals vaccinated with VSV-NiVG or VSV-NiVF showed histological lesions in the CNS, but one VSV-NiVF-vaccinated animal that was not protected developed severe meningoencephalitis.
INTERPRETATION: The VSV-NiVG vaccine offers broad protection against NiV disease.
FUNDING: This study was supported by the Intramural Research Program, NIAID, NIH.