Poultry feed consists of feed ingredients like soybean meal and corn, which contain high levels of
phytate that is poorly utilised especially by the monogastric animals that lack of phytase. Hence,
phytase has been extensively applied as a feed supplement in poultry production due to the
efficiency of this enzyme in improving phosphorous (P) availability, thus reducing P excretion to
the environment as well as reducing the feed cost by reducing inorganic P supplementation.
Mitsuokella jalaludinii, an obligate anaerobe, Gram-negative rumen bacterium, produces high
phytase activity. Birds supplemented with bacterial preparation of M. jalaludinii showed
comparable performance to that of commercial phytase. However, the anaerobic nature of this
bacterium renders difficulty in the use of live cells as feed supplement in commercial poultry
production. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine a suitable method to preserve
phytase activity of M. jalaludinii regardless of cells viability. Mitsuokella jalaludinii was grown
in MF medium under anaerobic condition and the cells were subjected to various treatments to
preserve the enzyme, including bead beating, compressed air, moist heat, dry heat and freezedrying
under aerobic condition. The results showed that the total number of viable cells were
significantly (p
We present a case of a fatal motor vehicle collision of a 22-year-old car driver, who died at the scene after losing control of his car, and subsequently collided with a tree by the roadside. The subsequent autopsy revealed penetrating injuries on the neck, severing the larynx, carotid artery, jugular vein and fracturing the cervical vertebrae. Internal examination showed the offending material to be a semi-cylindrical metal fragment, which had lodged within the paravertebral muscle. Examination of the car with the authorities found that the metal fragment originated from a defective airbag booster cannister, which shattered upon deployment.
Acquired cervical aerocele in adults is a rare condition and its delay development after tracheostomy decannulation is reported rarely. Our patient presented eight years after tracheostomy decannulation with a compressible anterior neck mass that only appeared when she coughed and could be deflated using manual compression. The mass was situated suprasternal at the previous tracheostomy scar. Computed tomography scan showed a paratracheal air sac without significant defect at the tracheal wall. Surgical intervention is the best treatment for symptomatic patients. As in this patient, we advise direct laryngoscopy and bronchoscopy for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in such cases. However, our patient refused any surgical intervention.
According to the Malaysian Department of Statistics motor vehicle accidents are the third leading cause of death in Malaysia and accounts for 7.4% of premature deaths in 2016. With the invention of the airbag, the number of serious injuries and fatalities have been reduced significantly. However, there has also been a corresponding increase in the number of injuries attributable to these devices. The patient narrated in this case report sustained a mixed dermal thickness burn over the upper limb as a result of an airbag deployment. She recovered without other life threatening injuries.
Southern Thailand has been experiencing a large chikungunya virus (CHIKV) outbreak since October 2018. Given the magnitude and duration of the outbreak and its location in a popular tourist destination, we sought to determine international case exportation risk and identify countries at greatest risk of receiving travel-associated imported CHIKV cases. We used a probabilistic model to estimate the expected number of exported cases from Southern Thailand between October 2018 and April 2019. The model incorporated data on CHIKV natural history, infection rates in Southern Thailand, average length of stay for tourists, and international outbound air passenger numbers from the outbreak area. For countries highly connected to Southern Thailand by air travel, we ran 1000 simulations to estimate the expected number of imported cases. We also identified destination countries with conditions suitable for autochthonous CHIKV transmission. Over the outbreak period, we estimated that an average of 125 (95% credible interval (CrI): 102-149) cases would be exported from Southern Thailand to international destinations via air travel. China was projected to receive the most cases (43, 95% CrI: 30-56), followed by Singapore (7, 95% CrI: 2-12) and Malaysia (5, 95% CrI: 1-10). Twenty-three countries were projected to receive at least one imported case, and 64% of these countries had one or more regions that could potentially support autochthonous CHIKV transmission. The overall risk of international exportation of CHIKV cases associated with the outbreak is Southern Thailand is high. Our model projections are consistent with recent reports of CHIKV in travelers returning from the region. Countries should be alert to the possibility of CHIKV infection in returning travelers, particularly in regions where autochthonous transmission is possible.
Traffic policemen are exposed to polluted air for a long time in high concentrations since they are working outside for most of the time which is bad for their health. Hence, this study was to determine the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and pulmonary function among traffic police in Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru. Methods: A pulmonary function test using spirometer was used to measure the pulmonary function of subjects. A questionnaire on respiratory symptoms translated version from IUALTD was used. The questionnaire includes background data, occupational and health history. Results: The traffic policemen were determined as having lower lung function parameters; low FVC% predicted (89.6%) and low FEV1% predicted (94%) due to their nature of work and the environment. Coughing was present at the highest (33.6%) among them, whereas wheezing was found the least (15.7%) of the workers. Conclusions: Findings from this study, indicated that there is a development of respiratory diseases and deterioration of lung function among traffic policemen. These baseline data can serve as a reference to the top management of traffic police officers in order to develop an occupational safety and health guideline for police officers as they are not covered by Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA, Act 514 1994).
Mental health in policing has been widely studied but incidence of mental health illnesses among them keep increasing. This study aimed to analyse generic and specific work stressors among police officers and their differences between urban and sub-urban police population. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in Kuala Lumpur and in nine sub-urban provinces in Pahang and Negeri Sembilan which involved 328 traffic police officers recruited by universal sampling. Data was collected by using self-administered questionnaire consisted of Police Stress Questionnaire (PSQ), the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ), the Work Family Conflicts (WFC), the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD), and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). Results: The response rate was 71.30%. Majority of respondents were male (86.59%) with average age of 38.84 years old. The prevalence of probable mental health illnesses was 29.80% in sub-urban and 44.30% in urban. Job demand, role ambiguity, family to work conflicts and almost all specific works stressors were significantly higher among urban respondents. For urban, results showed that the most significant stressor was perceived air pollution (p
Radon gas has been known as one of the main factors that cause breathing complications which lead to lung cancer, second only after smoking habit. As one of the most commonly found Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM), its contribution to background radiation is immense, and its contributors, Uranium and Thorium are widely available on Earth and have been in existence for such a long time with long half-lives. Indoor radon exposure contributed by building materials worsens the effects. The probability of inhaling radon-polluted air and being surrounded by it in any buildings is very high. This research is focused on the detection of radon emanation rate from various building materials which are commonly being used in Malaysia. Throughout this research, common building materials used in constructions in Malaysia were collected and indoor radon exposure from each material was measured individually using Tight Chamber Method coupled to a Continuous Radon Monitor, CRM 1029. It has been shown that sand brick is the biggest contributor to indoor radon compared to other samples such as sand, soil, black cement, white cement, and clay brick. From the results, materials which have high radon emanation could be reconsidered as building materials and mitigation action can be chosen, suitable to its application.
ir quality has deteriorated in urban areas as a result of increased anthropogenic activities. Quantitative information on the influence of meteorological conditions on several pollutants in a tropical climate is still lacking. Real-time ozone (O3) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels were measured nearby selected schools in Malaysia to examine the impact of meteorological factors on monitoring pollutants. The results showed the overall 10 min average concentrations of the main parameters during school holiday were 24 ppb (O3) and 33 ppb (NO2) while during school day the overall 10 min average concentrations were 26 ppb (O3) and 51 ppb (NO2). Although there are no minimum requirements for short-term exposure by MAAQG, if compared to 1 h average requirements, all concentrations were still below the suggested values. Regarding spatial distribution, a different trend in pollutant concentration among the schools was observed because of the influence of temperature (AT) and wind speed (WS). The results were verified by Pearson correlation, where significant correlations (p<0.01) were determined between air pollutants and meteorological factors, which were temperature, wind speed and relative humidity. Meanwhile, the distribution of O3 was moderately correlated with NO2. However, the results of multivariate analysis indicate that temperature and relative humidity had the most significant influence on the formation of O3. In summary, the results of this study showed that all precursors and meteorological parameters contribute to the production of O3. Hence, reducing O3 precursors, which are emitted by vehicles, is essential to lessening the exposure to O3
The Southeast Asian (SEA) region is no stranger to forest fires - the region has been suffering from severe air pollution (known locally as 'haze') as a result of these fires, for decades. The fires in SEA region are caused by a combination of natural (the El Niño weather pattern) and manmade (slash-and-burn and land clearing for plantations) factors. These fires cause the emissions of toxic aerosols and pollutants that can affect millions of people in the region. Thus, this study aims to identify the impact of the SEA haze on the Southern region of the Malaysian Peninsula and Borneo region of East Malaysia using the entire air quality observation data at surface level in 2015. Overall, the concentration of PM10 was about two-fold higher during the haze period compared to non-haze period. The concentrations of CO, flux of CO and flux of BC were aligned with PM10 during the entire observation period. The wind field and cluster of trajectory indicated that the Southern Malaysian Peninsula and Borneo were influenced mainly from the wildfires and the combustion of peat soil in the Indonesian Borneo. This study finds that wildfires from Borneo impacted the Southern Malaysian Borneo more seriously than that from Sumatra region.
Background: Diving related illness has become a public health concern, as there isan increasing number of diversworldwide. However, the incidence of Decompression Illness (DCI), a medical disorder as a result of sudden reduction of ambient pressure, remainsgenerallylow. This paper describes the patternsof decompression illness treated in a military hospital-based recompression chamber facility in Peninsular Malaysiafrom year 2000 until 2010.Objective:The objective ofthis study is to determine the patternsof decompression illnesspatientstreated withHyperbaric Oxygen Therapy(HBOT)in a military hospital-based recompression chamber facility inPeninsular Malaysia.
Methodology:A retrospective descriptive study was carried out to utilizesecondary data from Hospital Angkatan Tentera Lumut, Perakfrom 1stJanuary 2000 to 31stDecember 2010. A total of 96 caseswere included in thisstudy.
Results:Most of the patients were male (94.8%), recreational divers (43.0%), non-smokers (56.3%),with no previous medical illness(85.4%), who had dived with compressed air (78.0%), had lessthan 5years divingexperience (56.3%), were non-instructors(75.0%),and had body mass index between 18.5 to 24.9kg/m2(59.4%). Interestingly,25% of the patients developing DCI dived to less than 10 meters depth, 35.4% of them went for a single dive and 71.9% performed safety stops.The majority of the patients had symptoms startingwithin 12 hours after surfacing (85.4%),mainly within the first 3 hours and many had neurological manifestation (61.5%).Only 16.7% of the patients treated withHBOThad therapycommenced within 6 hours from the onset of symptomsand 93.8% from this group had complete recovery. Overall,76.0% of patients had fullrecovery after HBOT.
Conclusion:Diving activities must be closely monitored. Medical surveillance as well as legislations related to diving activities in Malaysia areessential to improve SCUBA discipline and to reduce mortality and morbidity ofDCI in the future.
Southeast Asian haze is a semi-natural phenomenon that chokes the region each year during the dry monsoon season. Smoke-haze episodes caused by the vegetation and peat fires in Indonesia severely affected large parts of Malaysia during the 2015 El Niño phenomenon. This study aimed to evaluate the factors that influenced the concentrations of aerosol and trace gases during the 2015 haze and non-haze period on a semi-urban site in the southern part of Malaysian peninsula that facing Sumatra (Muar, Site A), and on an urban site near to Kuala Lumpur, influenced by the city centre (Cheras, Site B). Local land use data and the cluster of air mass weighted backward trajectory were used to identify the potential factors from local sources and the transboundary region, respectively. The annual median concentrations of PM10 for semi-urban and urban sites were 45.0μg/m3 and 47.0μg/m3, respectively for the study period (Jan-Dec 2015) from the hourly observation dataset. The highest PM10 concentrations during the haze were 358μg/m3 and 415μg/m3 for the two sites, respectively, representing absolutely unhealthy air. However, the trace gases were within the safe threshold. The average concentrations of PM10 and carbon monoxide were two fold higher during the haze than the non-haze episodes on both sites. Nitrogen dioxide was more influenced by haze compared with sulphur dioxide and ozone. The results of the land use change suggest that the local factor can also partially affect the air pollution on the urban area (Site B) but more visible in 2015. The results of the backward trajectory and the wildfire radiative power showed that the smoke-haze episodes that affected Malaysia in 2015 were mainly initiated in the Indonesian Sumatra and Kalimantan regions. This study provides a very useful information towards the impacted region during El Niño haze episode.
Although industrialisation is a crucial aspect of economic growth across developing nations, through the release of air contaminants, industrial activities may also create adverse environmental health consequences. Noting that continuous production and other economic activities are crucial for continued survival, this study explores this issue by including the role of governance that is deemed essential but the literature is relatively sparse particularly in the context of developing countries. This research empirically analyses the relationship between air pollution and adult mortality rates from 72 developing countries from the period of 2010 until 2017. Particulate matter (PM2.5) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are used as indicators of air pollution. From the generalized method of moments (GMM) estimations, the results reveal that air pollution negatively affects adult mortality rate. The result reveals that a 10% increase in the PM2.5 level induces the adult mortality rates to increase between 0.04% and 0.06%. In addition, the government significantly moderates the negative effect of air pollution on adult mortality, whereby a one-unit enhancement in governance quality index reduces mortality among the adults in the developing countries by 0.01%. On the other hand, CO2 emission also appears to be positive, but not statistically significant. The results suggest that governance and public health interplay in the sense of a transition towards economic development for improved living and health states can be achievable with improved governance quality.
The concept of forecasting asthma using humans as animal sentinels is uncommon. This study explores the plausibility of predicting future asthma daily admissions using retrospective data in London (2005-2006). Negative binomial regressions were used in modeling; allowing the non-contiguous autoregressive components. Selected lags were based on partial autocorrelation function (PACF) plot with a maximum lag of 7 days. The model was contrasted with naïve historical and seasonal models. All models were cross validated. Mean daily asthma admission in 2005 was 27.9 and in 2006 it was 28.9. The lags 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 were independently associated with daily asthma admissions based on their PACF plots. The lag model prediction of peak admissions were often slightly out of synchronization with the actual data, but the days of greater admissions were better matched than the days of lower admissions. A further investigation across various populations is necessary.
The larval growth of Liosarcophaga dux Thompson (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) was studied under varying indoor room temperatures in Malaysia. Five replicates were established. The immature growth of this species from first instar until adult emergence was 307.0+/-3.0 hours. The mean larval length measured for second instar, third instar, post-feeding stage and puparia were 6.5+/-0.5 mm (n=10), 11.8+/-3.7 mm (n=31), 12.7+/-0.8 mm (n=16), and 9.5+/-0.5 mm (n=15), respectively.
The prevalence of asthma is increasing, especially among children in Malaysia, with environmental factors as one of the main preventable contributors. The aim of this study was to determine the association between environmental air pollutants and the occurrence of asthma among children seen in pediatric clinics in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center (UKMMC), Kuala Lumpur. An unmatched case control study among children who attended the pediatric clinic was carried out from May to August 2015. A total of 223 children who were diagnosed with asthma (105 cases) and who did not have asthma (118 controls) were included in this study. Their parents or caregivers were interviewed using questionnaires modified from the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood. Data obtained were analyzed using SPSS software version 20. There was a higher risk of asthma in those who had carpet at home (OR = 2.15 CI [1.25-3.68]), those who lived within 200 m of heavy traffic (OR = 1.72 CI [1.01-2.93]), and those who were exposed to lorry fumes (OR = 2.61. CI [1.38-4.93]). Environmental air pollutants increased the risk of asthma among children in Malaysia. Exposure to congested roads, lorry fumes, and indoor carpet were associated with asthma among children in this study. Parents or caretakers of children with asthma should be given adequate education on the prevention of asthmatic attack among these children.
Study site: Paediatric clinic, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Matched MeSH terms: Air Pollutants/adverse effects*
This study determined the source contribution of PM2.5 (particulate matter <2.5 μm) in air at three locations on the Malaysian Peninsula. PM2.5 samples were collected using a high volume sampler equipped with quartz filters. Ion chromatography was used to determine the ionic composition of the samples and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was used to determine the concentrations of heavy metals. Principal component analysis with multilinear regressions were used to identify the possible sources of PM2.5. The range of PM2.5 was between 10 ± 3 and 30 ± 7 µg m(-3). Sulfate (SO4 (2-)) was the major ionic compound detected and zinc was found to dominate the heavy metals. Source apportionment analysis revealed that motor vehicle and soil dust dominated the composition of PM2.5 in the urban area. Domestic waste combustion dominated in the suburban area, while biomass burning dominated in the rural area.
Asthma is a chronic condition of great public health concern globally. The associated morbidity, mortality and healthcare utilisation place an enormous burden on healthcare infrastructure and services. This study demonstrates a multistage quantile regression approach to predicting excess demand for health care services in the form of asthma daily admissions in London, using retrospective data from the Hospital Episode Statistics, weather and air quality. Trivariate quantile regression models (QRM) of asthma daily admissions were fitted to a 14-day range of lags of environmental factors, accounting for seasonality in a hold-in sample of the data. Representative lags were pooled to form multivariate predictive models, selected through a systematic backward stepwise reduction approach. Models were cross-validated using a hold-out sample of the data, and their respective root mean square error measures, sensitivity, specificity and predictive values compared. Two of the predictive models were able to detect extreme number of daily asthma admissions at sensitivity levels of 76 % and 62 %, as well as specificities of 66 % and 76 %. Their positive predictive values were slightly higher for the hold-out sample (29 % and 28 %) than for the hold-in model development sample (16 % and 18 %). QRMs can be used in multistage to select suitable variables to forecast extreme asthma events. The associations between asthma and environmental factors, including temperature, ozone and carbon monoxide can be exploited in predicting future events using QRMs.
The aim of our study was to see the effects of GSTP1 polymorphism on biomarkers of ageing, including micronuclei (MN), comet tail length, and relative telomere length in automobile repair workers, who are exposed to a broad spectrum of potential mutagens. The analysis was performed on buccal cells collected from occupationally exposed and non-exposed (control) subjects. Samples were analysed using cytogenetic and molecular methods, including restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), MN test, comet assay, and real-time PCR. The results confirmed the DNA damaging effects of substances used in the mechanical workshops, but did not confirm the influence of GSTP1 gene polymorphism on DNA damage. However, further studies on both occupationally exposed and control populations are needed to understand the relationship between GSTP1 polymorphism and genome damage.
Matched MeSH terms: Air Pollutants, Occupational/adverse effects*
pbx1, a TALE (three-amino acid loop extension) homeodomain transcription factor, is involved in a diverse range of developmental processes. We examined the expression of pbx1 during zebrafish development by in situ hybridization. pbx1 transcripts could be detected in the central nervous system and pharyngeal arches from 24 hpf onwards. In the swim bladder anlage, pbx1 was detected as early as 28 hpf, making it the earliest known marker for this organ. Morpholino-mediated gene knockdown of pbx1 revealed that the swim bladder failed to inflate, with eventual lethality occurring by 8 dpf. The knockdown of pbx1 did not perturb the expression of prdc and foxA3, with both early swim bladder markers appearing normally at 36 and 48 hpf, respectively. However, the expression of anxa5 was completely abolished by pbx1 knockdown at 60 hpf suggesting that pbx1 may be required during the late stage of swim bladder development.