CONCLUSION: In this review, we will discuss the possible mechanisms which may relate the association between MetS and cognitive decline which include vascular damages, elevation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), insulin resistance and low-grade inflammation.
OBJECTIVE: The primary objective of this study was to examine the validity and reliability of the Borg CR-10 scale to monitor the perceived exertion of office exercise training.
METHODS: The study involved 105 staff members employed in a government office with an age range from 25 to 50 years. The Borg CR-10 scale was self-administered two times, with an interval of two weeks in order to evaluate the accuracy of the original findings with a retest. Face validity and content validity were also examined.
RESULTS: Reliability was found to be high for the Borg CR-10 scale (0.898). Additionally a high correlation between the Borg CR-10 scale and Visual Analog Scale (VAS) was identified (rs = 0.754, P
CASE PRESENTATION: However, here we report a case of DNPE with a slightly different presentation where there is no preceding trauma and has symptoms that mimic severe pneumonia. He presented with high fever, dyspnoea and pleuritic chest pain. Despite on 10 L of oxygen supplementation via high flow mask and already given bolus intravenous antibiotic, the patient still tachypnoeic and was persistently in type I respiratory failure. His chest X-ray showed consolidative changes. Upon further investigation revealed no evidence of DVT on Doppler ultrasound and normal D-dimer level. Due to the high index of suspicion by the attending physician, PE was suspected and later confirmed with computed tomography pulmonary angiography scan. He was successfully treated with anticoagulation therapy. The objective of this case report is to share the difficult experience of diagnosing PE when the presentation highly atypical and mimics severe pneumonia.
CONCLUSION: And with such a masquerading presentation, one can easily miss the diagnosis. To the best of our knowledge, there are very few similar cases reported.
METHODS: HepG2 cells were treated with different concentrations of KMF and 0.5 mM palmitate (PA) for 24 h. The mRNA and protein levels of genes involved in lipid metabolism were evaluated using real-time PCR and western blot. The expression of Nrf2 was silenced using siRNA.
RESULTS: Data indicated that KMF (20 μM) reversed PA-induced increased triglyceride (TG) levels and total lipid content. These effects were accompanied by down-regulation of the mRNA and protein levels of lipogenic genes (FAS, ACC and SREBP1), and up-regulation of genes related to fatty acid oxidation (CPT-1, HADHα and PPARα). Kaempferol significantly decreased the levels of the oxidative stress markers (ROS and MDA) and enhanced the activities of antioxidant enzymes SOD and GPx in PA-challenged cells. Luciferase analysis showed that KMF increased the transactivation of Nrf2 in hepatocytes. The results also revealed that KMF-mediated activation of Nrf2 target genes was suppressed by Nrf2 siRNA. Furthermore, Nrf2 siRNA abolished the KMF-induced reduction in ROS and MDA levels in PA treated cells. In addition, the inhibitory effect of KMF on TG levels and the mRNA and protein levels of FAS, ACC and SREPB-1 were significantly abolished by Nrf2 inhibition. Nrf2 inhibition also suppressed the KMF-induced activation of genes involved in β oxidation (CPT-1 and PPAR-α).
CONCLUSION: The results suggest that KMF protects HepG2 cells from PA-induced lipid accumulation via activation of the Nrf2 signaling pathway.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The STIM1 effect was assessed via dicersubstrate siRNA-mediated STIM1 knockdown. The effect of STIM1 knockdown on the expression of AKT and MAPK pathway-related genes and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation-related genes was tested using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Cellular functions, including ROS generation, cell proliferation, and colony formation, were also evaluated following STIM1 knockdown.
RESULTS: The findings revealed that STIM1 knockdown reduced intracellular ROS levels via downregulation of NOX2 and PKC. These findings were associated with the downregulation of AKT, KRAS, MAPK, and CMYC. BCL2 was also downregulated, while BAX was upregulated following STIM1 knockdown. Furthermore, STIM1 knockdown reduced THP-1 cell proliferation and colony formation.
CONCLUSION: This study has demonstrated the role of STIM1 in promoting AML cell proliferation and survival through enhanced ROS generation and regulation of AKT/MAPK-related pathways. These findings may help establish STIM1 as a potential therapeutic target for AML treatment.