Displaying publications 421 - 440 of 782 in total

  1. Seri Masran SNA, Ab Majid AH
    J Med Entomol, 2017 Jul 01;54(4):974-979.
    PMID: 28399302 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjw227
    The tropical bed bug is scientifically recognized as a significant public health problem. While there is an increased awareness about their resurgence by medical and life science committees, efficient bed bug management still remains unresolved. The solution may soon arise, as information about bed bugs' infestation dynamics and systematics are becoming more distinguishable. Recent developments in studies about bed bugs are based on molecular intervention by determining their genetic variation and phylogeography. The aim of this study is to assess the phylogenetic relationships and genetic diversity among the populations of tropical bed bugs inhabiting Malaysia. A molecular genotyping study was conducted with 22 tropical bed bug populations composed of three individuals per population. The mitochondrial (COI) gene was used as a marker. The data obtained were analyzed using the T-Coffee, ClustalX, MEGA 6.0, and PAUP software. The results showed one main monophyletic clade that consisted of two groups: Ch01 and Ch02. Ch02 consists of samples from the Bandar Hilir population, differing from the other populations studied by one singleton base. However, as there were no changes in the amino acid, this singleton genetic variation was considered to have no effect on genetic differentiation. Ch01 shows similarity with some sequence of Cimex hemipterus (F.) from Thailand, suggesting an international diversity connection. The disparity index apparently suggests that all isolates are homogeneous populations and are supported by the low value of the mean pairwise distance between isolates. This study will increase the knowledge about phylogeographic diversity of tropical bed bug in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  2. Mazrura, S., Rozita Hod, Hidayatulfathi, O., Zainudin, M.A., Mohamad Naim, M.R., Nadia Atiqah, M.N., et al.
    Dengue is one of the main vector-borne diseases affecting tropical countries and spreading to other countries at the global scenario without cease. The impact of climate variability on vector-borne diseases is well documented. The increasing morbidity, mortality and health costs of dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) are escalating at an alarming rate. Numerous efforts have been taken by the ministry of health and local authorities to prevent and control dengue. However dengue is still one of the main public health threats in Malaysia. This study was carried out from October 2009 by a research group on climate change and vector-borne diseases. The objective of this research project is to assess the community vulnerability to climate variability effect on dengue, and to promote COMBI as the community responses in controlling dengue. This project also aims to identify the community adaptive measures for the control of dengue. Various research methodologies were applied in this research project in different localities. Site visits, review on surveillance data and mapping on Aedes population, dengue cases and climate variability, community survey on the knowledge prevalence , opinions and practices (KOP) and mosquito ecology were carried out during pre- and post intervention phases. Community vulnerability towards Aedes and dengue were mapped out applying GIS. A series of workshops, group discussions and activities such as COMBI activities to promote Aedes control were conducted involving the Ledang communities, the health district officers and UKM researchers. These activities also included interventions and documentation of community responses and their adaptive capacities towards dengue. Trends on Aedes population, dengue cases and community surveys pre and post-interventions, the processes for dengue control activities were analysed. The research findings could provide understanding on the community vulnerability to dengue against climate variability, their responses and adaptive measures. The community advocacy on combats against Aedes is a possible effective solution in dengue control. This research could provide other dimensions in public health management to address the impacts of climate change on vector-borne diseases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  3. Bhardwaj, A., Sivapathasundaram, N., Yusof, M. F., Minghat, A. H., Swe, K. M. M., Sinha, N. K.
    Malays Orthop J, 2014;8(2):6-13.
    Accidental needle-stick injuries (NSIs) are a hazard for health-care workers and general public health. Orthopaedic surgeons may be more prone to NSIs due to the prevalence of bone spikes in the operative field and the use of sharp orthopaedic instruments such as drills, saws and wires. A hospital-based cross sectional study was conducted in the orthopedic wards of Melaka General Hospital. The prevalence of NSIs was 32 (20.9%) and majority of it occurred during assisting in operation theatre 13(37.4%). Among them six (18.8%) were specialist, 12(37.5%) medical officer, 10 (31.2%) house officer and four staff nurses (12.5%). Among the respondents 142 (92.8%) had been immunized against Hepatitis B and 148 (96.7%) participants had knowledge regarding universal precaution. The incidence of NSI among health care workers at orthopaedics ward was not any higher in comparison with the similar studies and it was found out that the prevalence was more in junior doctors compared with specialist and staff nurses and it was statistically significant.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  4. Ahmad Nizal, M.G., Rozita, H., Mazrura, S., Zainudin, M.A., Hidayatulfathi, O., Faridah, M.A, et al.
    This study observed the pattern of reported dengue infections, clinical manifestations, and circulating dengue serotypes in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The aim of this study was to determine the co-circulation of the four different dengue virus serotypes in Negeri Sembilan. We analyzed the surveillance data (VEKPRO) from Negeri Sembilan State Health Department and National Public Health Laboratory, Malaysia on reported dengue infections from 1st January 2010 to 31st December 2010. There were 1466 reported dengue infections, 1342 (91.5%) cases were dengue fever (DF) and 124 (8.5%) were dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). The mean age was 32.2± 15.8 years old and most were young adults, aged 15 years old and older. Males (p < 0.05), and those residing in Seremban district (p < 0.05) were more likely to get dengue infections. Symptoms presented upon admission were fever (100%), headache (99.9%), myalgia and arthralgia (98.8%), rash(24.2%), petechiae (16.0%),bleeding tendencies (7.0%) and neurological deficits(1.2%). All four dengue serotypes (DEN 1 – 4) were present, the pre-dominant serotype was DEN-3, noted in January, then existed together with DEN-2 until around May. DEN-1 was the most pre-dominant circulating dengue serotype afterwards, reaching a peak in December 2010. Dengue affected all age groups particularly young adults and males. Most cases reported were in urban areas and Seremban district. Most of the dengue infections occurred in the first half of the year, with the DEN-2 and DEN-3 serotypes being the most predominant.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  5. Chee, Piau Wong, Ee, Lin Tay
    Neurology Asia, 2015;20(2):105-115.
    Childhood brain injury is an important and complicated public health issue worldwide. Extensive work has been done in this field. This review highlights issues that are frequently misinterpreted or overlooked in the management of childhood brain injury. The incidence of traumatic brain injury is higher than non-traumatic brain injury. However it is frequently over-reported due to various confounding factors. In ascertaining the severity of injury, assessment of brainstem functions is important and should be included in routine clinical assessment. Most rehabilitative efforts are usually aimed at improving the physical outcome. However, non-physical sequelae are also common and may be more disabling with significant impact on the learning and functioning of the child. These areas, which include depression, cognitive functioning and health-related quality of life of children, should not be overlooked in the management of childhood brain injury. In addition to caregiver’s stress, family dynamic and siblings’ well-being also play a crucial role in the recovery process of the child. By highlighting the frequently missed issues in the management of childhood brain injury, it is hoped that clinicians and professionals could pay more attention to these issues and provide a comprehensive medical care for the patients and their families.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  6. George, E., Teh, L.K., Rosli, R., Lai, M.I., Tan, J.A.M.A.
    Beta (β)- thalassaemia is a public health problem in Malaysia. The carrier rate is estimated to be 4.5% by micro-mapping studies particularly among Malays who comprise 53.5% of the population in Malaysia. The common diagnostic method in Malaysia for mutation detection is by amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS). It allows single mutation detection in each reaction but is labour intensive and time consuming when many mutations need to be identified. The purpose of this study was to develop a diagnostic tool for effective mutation detection of beta thalassaemia in Malay patients and compare its efficacy with ARMS-PCR, the current method in use. Methods: Reverse dot blot hybridization (RDBH) technique was incorporated in the development of two strip assays [RDBH-Strip M(6) and RDBH-Strip C(6)] to identify common beta thalassaemia mutations in the Malays. The panels of selected mutations were based on the mutation frequencies in Malaysia reported in previous studies. RDBH-Strip M(6) was applied as step 1 and RDBH-Strip C(6) was applied as step 2 for unidentified mutations. The strips were validated with the gold standard method, ARMS- PCR. Results: One hundred and thirty seven Malay patients with 274 alleles were studied. In Step 1 mutation detection, 238 alleles (86.9%) were identified in 119 of patients by RDBH-Strip M(6). Step 2 resulted in a further detection of 20 alleles in another 10 patients by RDBH-Strip C(6). The combination of both strips resulted in the identification of 258 alleles in 129 (94.6%) of 137 Malay patients. The strip assays were 100% sensitive and specific when compared with ARMS-PCR method. Conclusion: Two strip assays utilising the RDBH technique were developed to identify common β-thalassaemia mutations in Malays. The RDBH Strip M(6) identified 86.9% of the mutations and the RDBH-Strip C (6) detected further 7.3% alleles. This two step strategy was found to be rapid and cost effective for the direct diagnosis of β-thalassaemia mutations in the Malays. The remaining unidentified mutations would require DNA sequencing. It can serve as a specific molecular diagnostic tool for effective diagnosis of
    β-thalassaemia mutations in this ethnic group.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  7. Meftahuddin Tarip, Jamsiah Mustafa
    The aim of this study is to describe the epidemiological features of HFMD outbreak in the Hulu Langat District in 2000. Until November 2000, a total of 60 cases were reported and the worst ever reported to the previous years. The mean age of patients was 3.9; 5.8 years with majority of the cases aged between 1 to 4 years old (53.8 per 100,000 of population), male gender (8.3 per 100,000 of populations), and were of Chinese (12.2 per 11 100,000 of populations) and Malay ethnicity (7.2 per 100.000 of populations). All cases were uncomplicated cases and were diagnosed clinically. Most of the notified cases were front the government facilities, which are 44 cases (73.3%). Thirty-five (35) cases (58.4%) were treated as outpatient and 25 cases (41.6%) as in patients (p>0,05). Only 7 cases (11.7%) have history of contact with HFMD patients. The notified cases were mainly from the densely populated areas which were Cheras, Kajang and Ampang. No differences were noted between HFMD cases which have been breasfed for less than 6 month or more, and twenty nine (29) cases (48.3 %) had completed the immunization schedule. In conclusion, the recent emergence of HFMD brings a new challenge, which have to be faced in the prevention and surveillance activities of public health problems in the district.
    Study site: Notified cases from Klinik Kesihatan, hospital, private clinics, Ulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  8. Khor, Geok-Lin
    It is estimated that more than 1.1 billion adults and 115 million children worldwide are overweight. In Malaysia, the second and third National Health and Morbidity Surveys in 1996 and 2006 respectively reported a three-fold increase in obesity prevalence among adults, surging from 4.4% to 14% over the 10-year period. Evidence of rising childhood obesity has also emerged. The aim of this article is to gather evidence from food availability data for an insight into population shifts in dietary patterns that may help explain the rising obesity in this country. The nutrition transition was delineated in conjunction with the epidemiologic transition in order to explain the convergence of dietary practices, and the high prevalence of obesity and diet-related non-communicable diseases worldwide. The Food Balance Sheets for Malaysia from 1967 to 2007 were used to provide estimates and trends for the availability of foods and calories. Evidence is generated that indicate at least two major upward shifts in the dietary patterns in Malaysia in the past 4 decades.
    These shifts have led to the rising availability of calories from animal products, and from sugar and sweeteners. These major dietary shifts, together with increased sedentariness, constitute core public health challenges faced in addressing the country’s obesity and noncommunicable diseases (NCD) conundrum.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  9. Singh A
    Med J Malaysia, 1977 Sep;32(1):45-7.
    PMID: 609343
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  10. Chua, T.H., Stanis, C.S., Song, B.K., Lau, Y.L., Jelip, P., Lau, T.Y.
    Malaria is a major public health problem in tropical and subtropical areas, caused by five
    species of Plasmodium (P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. malariae, P. ovale andP. knowlesi) and is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. We have developed molecular markers for three genes viz, Cytb, dhfr and Msp-1 gene and designed a protocol for rapid molecular diagnostics of the four malaria parasites prevalent in Southeast Asia. The new primers were used on the blood
    samples containing Plasmodium parasites by conventional PCR. The result was compared with
    the nested PCR of Singh et al. (2004) and the microscopy method. The result shows that the new
    set of primers had successfully amplified all four human malaria parasite species. These primers
    were 100% sensitive and more specific than microscopy and PCR identification using these
    primers was faster than the nested PCR. These alternative primers should provide powerful and
    rapid molecular diagnostic method for detecting Plasmodium species as well as providing reliable
    data for epidemiology study. These primers have the potential to be combined and used in
    multiplex PCR.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  11. Lee KKC, Chia Wu DB, Topachevskyi O, Delgleize E, DeAntonio R
    Value Health Reg Issues, 2013 May;2(1):64-74.
    PMID: 29702855 DOI: 10.1016/j.vhri.2013.01.012
    BACKGROUND: Pneumococcal universal vaccination in Hong Kong was introduced in 2009.

    OBJECTIVES: We assessed the health and economic impact of the 10-valent pneumococcal nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae protein D conjugate vaccine (PCV-10) compared with the current 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV-13) recommended for Hong Kong in 2011, providing new elements to be considered by public health authorities in the future decision-making process for pneumococcal vaccines in this country.

    METHODS: An analytical model was used to estimate the annual economic and health outcomes of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD), community-acquired pneumonia, and acute otitis media (AOM), including nontypeable H. influenzae-related AOM, for a birth cohort in Hong Kong from the payer perspective with a 10-year horizon. Clinical impact including morbidity-mortality, quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs), incremental costs, and cost-effectiveness comparing PCV-10 and PCV-13 were estimated. Probabilistic sensitivity analyses by using alternate scenarios were performed.

    RESULTS: Model projections indicate that PCV-13 and PCV-10 have approximately equivalent impact on the prevention of deaths caused by IPD and pneumonia. PCV-13 is projected to prevent 6 additional cases of IPD, whereas PCV-10 is projected to prevent 13,229 additional AOM cases and 101 additional QALYs. For the base case, PCV-10 vaccination is estimated to save 44.6 million Hong Kong dollars (34.1 million Hong Kong dollars discounted). Sensitivity analysis indicated that PCV-10 would generate more QALYs and save costs as compared with PCV-13.

    CONCLUSIONS: Universal infant vaccination with new available pneumococcal vaccines is expected to generate a significant additional impact on reducing the burden of pneumococcal diseases in Hong Kong. PCV-10 vaccination would be potentially a cost-saving strategy compared with PCV-13 vaccination, generating better cost offsets and higher QALY gains.

    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  12. Faisal, M., Moniruddin, C., Alauddin, A.B.M.C.
    JUMMEC, 2017;20(2):1-7.
    Tuberculosis (TB) is a major public health problem worldwide. It is estimated that 2 billion people, a third of
    the world population, have TB infection, but are not down with the disease. Globally, incident cases of TB
    showed a rising trend, with a 6.6 million reported in 1990, 8.3 million in 2000, 9.24 million in 2004, and an
    estimated 9.27 million incident cases in 2007. The aim of this study was to evaluate the treatment outcome of
    TB patients in Nigeria in the state of Jigawa. A cross sectional retrospective study was conducted to evaluate the
    treatment outcome in directly observed treatment with a short course for tuberculosis (TB DOTS) in facilities
    in the state between the years 2010 to 2014. The study population were all the patients with TB, who had
    access to DOTS therapy. Data were collected from the various local governmental areas for tuberculosis control
    (LGA TB) register. The LGA TB control registers contained basic information of the patients, and a statistical
    software SPSS-V22.0 was used to analyse the data. A total of 963 TB patients were studied. More than half
    (57.4%) of the patients were male, and nearly three- fourths (71.2%) of the patients accessed care from urban
    local government areas in the state. The greater majority (96.3%) of the cases had pulmonary tuberculosis
    (PTB). Among the patients, more than two-fifths (45%) were cured, and a little over one-fifth (20.6%) of them
    were HIV positive. This study revealed that the treatment success rate (TSR) in the Jigawa State of Nigeria
    was higher than the overall TSR of Nigeria, and the defaulter rate in this state was lower than the Nigerian
    average. The aim of this study was to evaluate the treatment outcome of TB patients in Nigeria in the state
    of Jigawa. A cross sectional retrospective study was conducted to evaluate the treatment outcome in directly
    observed treatment with a short course for tuberculosis (TB DOTS) in facilities in the state between the years
    2010 to 2014. The study population were all the patients with TB, who had access to DOTS therapy. Data were
    collected from the various local governmental areas for tuberculosis control (LGA TB) register. The LGA TB
    control registers contained basic information of the patients, and a statistical software SPSS-V22.0 was used
    to analyse the data. A total of 963 TB patients were studied. More than half (57.4%) of the patients were
    male, and nearly three- fourths (71.2%) of the patients accessed care from urban local government areas in
    the state. The greater majority (96.3%) of the cases had pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB). Among the patients,
    more than two-fifths (45%) were cured, and a little over one-fifth (20.6%) of them were HIV positive. This study
    revealed that the treatment success rate (TSR) in the Jigawa State of Nigeria was higher than the overall TSR
    of Nigeria, and the defaulter rate in this state was lower than the Nigerian average.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  13. Tan CW, Malcolm TTH, Kuan CH, Thung TY, Chang WS, Loo YY, et al.
    Front Microbiol, 2017;8:1087.
    PMID: 28659901 DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.01087
    Numerous prevalence studies and outbreaks of Vibrio parahaemolyticus infection have been extensively reported in shellfish and crustaceans. Information on the quantitative detection of V. parahaemolyticus in finfish species is limited. In this study, short mackerels (Rastrelliger brachysoma) obtained from different retail marketplaces were monitored with the presence of total and pathogenic strains of V. parahaemolyticus. Out of 130 short mackerel samples, 116 (89.2%) were detected with the presence of total V. parahaemolyticus and microbial loads of total V. parahaemolyticus ranging from <3 to >10(5) MPN/g. Prevalence of total V. parahaemolyticus was found highest in wet markets (95.2%) followed by minimarkets (89.1%) and hypermarkets (83.3%). Pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus strains (tdh+ and/or trh+) were detected in 16.2% (21 of 130) of short mackerel samples. The density of tdh+ V. parahaemolyticus strains were examined ranging from 3.6 to >10(5) MPN/g and microbial loads of V. parahaemolyticus strains positive for both tdh and trh were found ranging from 300 to 740 MPN/g. On the other hand, antibiotic susceptibility profiles of V. parahaemolyticus strains isolated from short mackerels were determined through disc diffusion method in this study. Assessment of antimicrobial susceptibility profile of V. parahaemolyticus revealed majority of the isolates were highly susceptible to ampicillin sulbactam, meropenem, ceftazidime, and imipenem, but resistant to penicillin G and ampicillin. Two isolates (2.99%) exhibited the highest multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) index value of 0.41 which shown resistance to 7 antibiotics. Results of the present study demonstrated that the occurrence of pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus strains in short mackerels and multidrug resistance of V. parahaemolyticus isolates could be a potential public health concerns to the consumer. Furthermore, prevalence data attained from the current study can be further used to develop a microbial risk assessment model to estimate health risks associated with the consumption of short mackerels contaminated with pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  14. Ooi CH, Bujang MA, Tg Abu Bakar Sidik TMI, Ngui R, Lim YA
    Acta Trop, 2017 Dec;176:83-90.
    PMID: 28768148 DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2017.07.027
    Malaria is still of great public health concern, especially in Malaysian Borneo. The aim of this study was to determine the trends of P. knowlesi infection in Sarawak, Malaysia and to forecast the incidence of P. knowlesi until the year 2040. Data on P. knowlesi malaria cases from 1992 to the year 2014 were obtained from the Sarawak Health Department, Malaysia. ARIMA model was applied to forecast the future incidence of P. knowlesi infection. The data for the whole of Sarawak and subsequently the selected six districts which have high incidence rates of P. knowlesi infection were analyzed. Results of the analysis showed that there was an increasing trend of P. knowlesi cases from the year 1992-2014 (p<0.001). The trend in the incidence started to increase in the year 2008 (p=0.029). The incidence rate per 100,000 populations was between 4.15 in the year 1992 and 42.03 in the year 2014. High incidence of P. knowlesi infections has been detected in the districts adjacent to each other within the interior region of Sarawak. The forecasted incidence and incidence rate per 100,000 populations in the year 2020 were 1229 and 44.04, respectively, while those in the year 2040 were 2056 and 62.91, respectively. The forecasted incidence showed an upward trend highlighting an urgent need to draw up strategic and holistic prevention plans to limit further the increase in P. knowlesi morbidity and mortality in Sarawak. It is imperative that these measures are customized taking into consideration the challenges faced in the interior areas of Sarawak and the behavior of the main vector of P. knowlesi (i.e., An. latens) in Sarawak.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  15. Hussain R, Hassali MA, Hashmi F, Farooqui M
    PMID: 30034811 DOI: 10.1186/s40545-018-0143-0
    Background: Medication safety is a major public health concern and there are well established pharmacovigilance programmes in developed countries. However, there is scarcity of literature on the issue in low and middle income countries. In this context, the current study was aimed to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes and practices of hospital pharmacists towards medication safety and ADR reporting in Lahore, Pakistan.

    Methods: A qualitative approach was used to conduct this study. A semi-structured interview guide was developed, 10 hospital pharmacists were recruited and interviewed through convenience sampling technique. All interviews were audio-taped, transcribed verbatim, and were then analyzed for thematic contents analysis.

    Results: Thematic content analysis of the interviews resulted in 6 major themes, including (1) Familiarity with medication safety & adverse drug reaction concept (2) Current system of practice and reporting of adverse drug reaction in hospital setting, (3) Willingness to accept the practice change (4) Barriers to adverse drug reaction reporting, (5) Policy change needs and (6) The recognition of the role. Majority of the hospital pharmacists were familiar with the concept of medication safety and ADR reactions reporting however they were unaware of the existence of national ADR reporting system in Pakistan. Several barriers hindering ADR reporting were identified including lack of awareness and training, communication gap between the hospitals and regulatory authorities.

    Conclusion: The study revealed that that hospital pharmacists were good in understanding of medication safety and ADR reporting; however they don't practice this in real sense. The readiness of the hospital pharmacist towards the practice change has indicated that they are all set to be actively involved in the provision of medication safety in hospital setting. Involvement of key stake holders from ministry of health, academia, pharmaceutical industry and healthcare professionals is warranted to promote safe and effective use of medicines.

    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  16. Kuan, C.H., Goh, S.G., Loo, Y.Y., Chang, W.S., Lye, Y.L., Puspanadan, S., et al.
    Listeria monocytogenes (L. monocytogenes) is an important foodborne pathogen which can cause foodborne listeriosis with high mortality rates especially in susceptible population groups such as pregnant women, elderly and immunocompromised individuals. The biosafety level of L. monocytogenes in chicken offal has becomes a great concern as chicken offal is a cheap source of protein and it is often served as side dishes in South East Asian countries. In Malaysia, the consumption of chicken offal has almost doubled from 5 g per capita per day in the early 1980s to 9 g per capita per day in 2009. In this study, risk assessment was conducted to estimate the risk of acquiring listeriosis from consumption of chicken offal in Malaysia. A microbial survey on the prevalence and concentration of L. monocytogenes in chicken offal were carried out in Selangor, Malaysia over a one-year period (November 2010 to October 2011). It was assumed that there were no seasonal changes in the prevalence and consumption pattern all year round. Assuming that 5.6 million people in Selangor, Malaysia consume a single serving (125 g) of chicken offal per week, it is estimated that in a year there could be 0.61 cases and 1.98 × 10-4 cases of listeriosis per 100,000 population of pregnant woman and immunocompromised individual, respectively. However, the potential for getting listeriosis among the healthy population was very low, only 1.39 × 10-8 cases per 100,000 population. This study demonstrated risk assessment model not only used as a tool to estimate the risk of acquiring illness but it can influence public health surveillance and providing data in setting appropriate level of protection.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health Surveillance
  17. Loh LC
    Respirology, 2018 12;23(12):1198-1199.
    PMID: 30084515 DOI: 10.1111/resp.13382
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  18. Loganathan T, Mohamed PY
    Med J Malaysia, 2018 10;73(5):340-341.
    PMID: 30350821 MyJurnal
    In November 2016, a 28-year-old Malay man presented to the emergency department in respiratory distress, with a history of fever and sore throat. A clinical diagnosis of acute diphtheria was made and the patient was isolated and ventilated in the intensive care unit, and received diphtheria antitoxin and intravenous antibiotics. Initial laboratory findings failed to confirm diphtheria, leading to discontinuation of antibiotics and quarantine. Public health measures were reinstated after a reference laboratory cultured Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Although there was no contact with ill persons, investigation revealed incomplete immunisation history, and injection of high dose steroids prior to onset of symptoms.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  19. Norfazilah Ahmad, Siti Norbayah Yusof, Nurmawati Ahmad, Zaleha Md Nor, Juhaida Mohd Noor, Hasanain Faisal Ghazi, et al.
    Int J Public Health Res, 2018;8(1):924-932.
    Introduction Tuberculosis (TB) is a major global health challenge especially in low- and middle-income countries reflects improper, delayed or missed diagnosis. Contact screening should be utilized both as an efficient and effective targeted approach to intensify TB case finding.
    Methods Through a comprehensive systematic literature review of online database, this paper aims at providing an insight into the current practice of TB contact screening and to provide evidence based practice for formulation of appropriate policies in low- and middle-income countries. There are 24 articles included in this review from studies published from 2005 to 2014.
    Results Findings in literature varies substantially. Generally, contact screening is better intensified with clear operational guidelines, adequate training, include close contact outside household as appropriate and follow up at least for 1 year. Prioritizing high risk close contacts is helpful in resource limited setting. Tuberculin skin test is still of value as screening tool and intensified case finding must be accompanied with effective management protocol. Prophylaxis treatment is recommended especially for children especially less than 5 years old, unvaccinated, malnourished, living with person having HIV and close contact with MDR-TB.
    Conclusions Policy recommendations in improving TB management must incorporate complementary strategies to enhance case finding, effective management protocol for follow up or prophylaxis treatment, training for public health capacity and concerted dedication from various stakeholders
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  20. Bong WT, Tan CE
    Open Access Maced J Med Sci, 2018 Oct 25;6(10):1928-1933.
    PMID: 30455776 DOI: 10.3889/oamjms.2018.339
    BACKGROUND: Parental anxiety regarding fever may be unwarranted as most cases are owing to self-limiting causes.

    AIM: To assess the level of knowledge and concerns regarding childhood fever among parents with young children in a public health clinic in Kuching, East Malaysia.

    METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted among parents recruited from a maternal and child health clinic, with children aged 6 months to 6 years. The participants completed a self-administered questionnaire regarding their knowledge and concerns about childhood fever. Descriptive statistical analyses were performed, and associations between dependent and independent variables were determined.

    RESULTS: Only 26.1% of participants were found to have good knowledge. Knowledge regarding childhood fever was significantly associated with parent's ethnicity, education level, and household income. About 72% of parents were always worried about their child's illness. Three major reasons for their concerns were persistently rising temperature; discomfort caused by the fever, and feared complications of fever.

    CONCLUSION: Excessive parental anxiety due to poor knowledge and misconceptions about fever may lead to poor quality of life and inappropriate management of fever. Healthcare providers may help by educating parents about fever and serious signs that indicate the need to seek healthcare advice.

    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
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