Materials and Methods: The data were obtained from the Kuwait National Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders Registry during the period of 2004-2020.
Results: A total of 313 pediatric cases of IEI, 71% diagnosed at molecular level, were registered with a cumulative follow-up period of 29,734 months. Skin manifestations were seen in 40.3% of the patients, and they were among the presenting manifestations in 33%. Patients with skin manifestations were older at both onset and diagnosis ages of IEI symptoms, but this was statistically significant for the latter only. The diagnosis delay was significantly longer in patients with skin manifestations. There was a statistically significant association between having skin manifestations and IEI category, being more common in patients with complement deficiencies, combined immunodeficiencies, and diseases of immune dysregulation. There was no statistically significant association between having skin manifestations and both gender and survival. Skin infections were the most frequent manifestations followed by eczema and autoimmune associations. Among IEI with more than 10 cases, skin lesions were a consistent finding in dedicator of cytokinesis 8 (DOCK8) deficiency, hyper IgE syndrome, ataxia-telangiectasia, and recombination activation gene (RAG)1 deficiency.
Conclusions: Skin manifestations are common in IEI patients, and they had significant diagnosis delay and referral to specialists. Improvement of awareness about IEI is needed among pediatricians and dermatologists.
METHOD: Through an online survey, we used Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS) to measure the level of anxiety associated with the COVID-19 crisis and Brief Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced (COPE) to assess the coping responses adopted to handle stressful life events. Coping strategies were classified as adaptive and maladaptive, for which the aggregate sores were calculated. Multiple linear regression was used to determine the predictors of anxiety adjusted for potentially confounding variables. Results from 434 participants were available for analysis.
RESULTS: The mean score (SD) of the CAS was 1.1 (1.8). The mean scores of adaptive and maladaptive coping strategies were 35.69 and 19.28, respectively. Multiple linear regression revealed that maladaptive coping [Adjusted B coefficient = 4.106, p-value < 0.001] and presence of comorbidities [Adjusted B coefficient = 1.376, p-value = 0.025] significantly predicted anxiety.
CONCLUSION: Maladaptive coping and presence of comorbidities were the predictors of coronavirus anxiety. The apparent lack of anxiety in relation to COVID-19 and movement restriction is reflective of the reported high level of satisfaction with the support and services provided during the COVID-19 outbreak in Malaysia. Adaptive coping strategies were adopted more frequently than maladaptive. Nevertheless, public education on positive coping strategies and anxiety management may be still be relevant to provide mental health support to address the needs of the general population.
METHODS: We systematically searched PubMed, Ovid, Scopus and ScienceDirect for observational studies in Asia from inception to August 2017. We selected cross sectional studies reporting the prevalence and risk factors for GDM. A random effects model was used to estimate the pooled prevalence of GDM and odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (CI).
RESULTS: Eighty-four studies with STROBE score ≥ 14 were included in our analysis. The pooled prevalence of GDM in Asia was 11.5% (95% CI 10.9-12.1). There was considerable heterogeneity (I2 > 95%) in the prevalence of GDM in Asia, which is likely due to differences in diagnostic criteria, screening methods and study setting. Meta-analysis demonstrated that the risk factors of GDM include history of previous GDM (OR 8.42, 95% CI 5.35-13.23); macrosomia (OR 4.41, 95% CI 3.09-6.31); and congenital anomalies (OR 4.25, 95% CI 1.52-11.88). Other risk factors include a BMI ≥25 kg/m2 (OR 3.27, 95% CI 2.81-3.80); pregnancy-induced hypertension (OR 3.20, 95% CI 2.19-4.68); family history of diabetes (OR 2.77, 2.22-3.47); history of stillbirth (OR 2.39, 95% CI 1.68-3.40); polycystic ovary syndrome (OR 2.33, 95% CI1.72-3.17); history of abortion (OR 2.25, 95% CI 1.54-3.29); age ≥ 25 (OR 2.17, 95% CI 1.96-2.41); multiparity ≥2 (OR 1.37, 95% CI 1.24-1.52); and history of preterm delivery (OR 1.93, 95% CI 1.21-3.07).
CONCLUSION: We found a high prevalence of GDM among the Asian population. Asian women with common risk factors especially among those with history of previous GDM, congenital anomalies or macrosomia should receive additional attention from physician as high-risk cases for GDM in pregnancy.
METHODS: Data were from population-based studies of aging and their Harmonized Cognitive Assessment Protocols (HCAPs) in the US, South Africa, India, and Mexico (N = 10,037; Age range: 50 to 105 years; 2016 to 2020). Main lifetime occupational skill was classified according to the International Standard Classification of Occupations. Weighted, adjusted regression models estimated pooled and country-specific associations between main lifetime occupational skill and later-life general cognitive function in men and women.
RESULTS: We observed positive gradients between occupational skill and later-life cognitive function for men and women in the US and Mexico, a positive gradient for women but not men in India, and no association for men or women in South Africa.
DISCUSSION: Main lifetime occupations may be a source of later-life cognitive reserve, with cross-national heterogeneity in this association.
HIGHLIGHTS: No studies have examined cross-national differences in the association of occupational skill with cognition. We used data from Harmonized Cognitive Assessment Protocols in the US, Mexico, India, and South Africa. The association of occupational skill with cognitive function varies by country and gender.
DESIGN, SETTING, PARTICIPANTS AND MEASUREMENTS: A cross-sectional analysis of adult (≥ 18 years) current smokers and ex-smokers from 14 countries participating in the ITC Project. Data from the most recent survey questionnaire for each country were included, which spanned the period 2013-17. Countries were categorized into four groups based on regulations governing NVP sales and marketing (allowable or not), and level of enforcement (strict or weak where NVPs are not permitted to be sold): (1) most restrictive policies (MRPs), not legal to be sold or marketed with strict enforcement: Australia, Brazil, Uruguay; (2) restrictive policies (RPs), not approved for sale or marketing with weak enforcement: Canada, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand; (3) less restrictive policies (LRPs), legal to be sold and marketed with regulations: England, the Netherlands, Republic of Korea, United States; and (4) no regulatory policies (NRPs), Bangladesh, China, Zambia. Countries were also grouped by World Bank Income Classifications. Country-specific weighted logistic regression models estimated adjusted NVP prevalence estimates for: awareness, ever/current use, and frequency of use (daily versus non-daily).
FINDINGS: NVP awareness and use were lowest in NRP countries. Generally, ever- and current use of NVPs were lower in MRP countries (ever-use = 7.1-48.9%; current use = 0.3-3.5%) relative to LRP countries (ever-use = 38.9-66.6%; current use = 5.5-17.2%) and RP countries (ever-use = 10.0-62.4%; current use = 1.4-15.5%). NVP use was highest among high-income countries, followed by upper-middle-income countries, and then by lower-middle-income countries.
CONCLUSIONS: With a few exceptions, awareness and use of nicotine vaping products varied by the strength of national regulations governing nicotine vaping product sales/marketing, and by country income. In countries with no regulatory policies, use rates were very low, suggesting that there was little availability, marketing and/or interest in nicotine vaping products in these countries where smoking populations are predominantly poorer. The higher awareness and use of nicotine vaping products in high income countries with moderately (e.g. Canada, New Zealand) and less (e.g. England, United States) restrictive policies, is likely due to the greater availability and affordability of nicotine vaping products.
METHODOLOGY: The data for this study, consisting of 2926 community-dwelling older adults, were obtained from the National survey entitled "Mental Health and Quality of Life of Older Malaysians." Dementia was diagnosed using the Geriatric Mental State-Automated Geriatric Examination for Computer-Assisted Taxonomy.
RESULTS: Prevalence of dementia was considerably higher among older adults with gastritis (29.5%) compared to those without gastritis (13.2%). After adjusting for age, gender, marital status, educational attainment, hypertension, stroke, and diabetes, gastritis was significantly associated with more than twice odds of dementia (adjusted odds ratio = 2.42, P < .001, 95% confidence interval = 1.68-3.49).
CONCLUSIONS: The findings from this population-based observational study showing evidence that gastritis may increase the risk of dementia provide avenue for further inquiries into dementia.
METHODS: A systematic review of the published English literature was conducted to identify malaria distribution from 1980 to June 2019 in Malaysia. Two investigators independently extracted data from PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Elsevier databases for original papers.
RESULTS: The review identified 46 epidemiological studies in Malaysia over the 39-year study period, on which sufficient information was available. The majority of studies were conducted in Malaysia Borneo (31/46; 67.4%), followed by Peninsular Malaysia (13/46; 28.3%) and in both areas (2/46; 4.3%). More than half of all studies (28/46; 60.9%) were assessed by both microscopy and PCR. Furthermore, there was a clear trend of decreases of all human malaria species with increasing Plasmodium knowlesi incidence rate throughout the year of sampling period. The summary estimates of sensitivity were higher for P. knowlesi than other Plasmodium species for both microscopy and PCR. Nevertheless, the specificities of summary estimates were similar for microscopy (40-43%), but varied for PCR (2-34%).
CONCLUSIONS: This study outlined the epidemiological changes in Plasmodium species distribution in Malaysia. Malaria cases shifted from predominantly caused by human malaria parasites to simian malaria parasites, which accounted for the majority of indigenous cases particularly in Malaysia Borneo. Therefore, malaria case notification and prompt malaria diagnosis in regions where health services are limited in Malaysia should be strengthened and reinforced to achieving the final goal of malaria elimination in the country.