Displaying publications 541 - 560 of 759 in total

  1. Athanasios Mantalaris, Alexander Bismarck, Saiful Irwan Zubairi
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:1351-1356.
    Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) has been investigated for more than eighty years. Ever since then, the scientists are kept on synthesizing and developing new polymers and application to suit human interests nowadays. The resourcefulness of PHAs has made them a good candidates for the study of their potential in a variety of areas from biomedical/medical fields to food, packaging, textile and household material. In medical field (specifically in tissue engineering application), producing a biocompatible 3-D scaffold with adaptable physical properties are essential. However, to the best of our knowledge, scaffolds from PHB and PHBV with thickness greater than 1 mm have not been produced yet. In this work, PHB and PHBV porous 3-D scaffolds with an improved thickness greater than 4 mm was fabricated using conventional method of solvent-casting particulate-leaching (SCPL). A preliminary assessment on the improved thickness 3-D scaffolds was carried out to examine its pore interconnectivity by using non-invasive color staining method. The vertical cross sections image of the stained scaffolds was analyzed by image analyzer software. This technique was considered simple, fast and cost effective method prior to the usage of super accurate analytical instruments (micro-computed tomography). The results showed that over 80% of the pores have been interconnected with the adjacent pores. Moreover, there was a good correlation between the predicted pore interconnectivity and porosity. These results indicated how well a simple technique can do by giving an overview of the internal morphology of a porous 3-D structure material.
    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  2. Ahmad Kamal N, Muhammad NS, Abdullah J
    Environ Pollut, 2020 Apr;259:113909.
    PMID: 31927277 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.113909
    Malaysia is a tropical country that is highly dependent on surface water for its raw water supply. Unfortunately, surface water is vulnerable to pollution, especially in developed and dense urban catchments. Therefore, in this study, a methodology was developed for an extensive temporal water quality index (WQI) and classification analysis, simulations of various pollutant discharge scenarios using QUAL2K software, and maps with NH3-N as the core pollutant using an integrated QUAL2K-GIS. It was found that most of the water quality stations are categorized as Class III (slightly polluted to polluted). These stations are surrounded by residential areas, industries, workshops, restaurants and wet markets that contribute to the poor water quality levels. Additionally, low WQI values were reported in 2010 owing to development and agricultural activities. However, the WQI values improved during the wet season. High concentrations of NH3-N were found in the basin, especially during dry weather conditions. Three scenarios were simulated, i.e. 10%, 50% and 70% of pollution discharge into Skudai river using a calibrated and validated QUAL2K model. Model performance was evaluated using the relative percentage difference. An inclusive graph showing the current conditions and pollution reduction scenarios with respect to the distance of Skudai river and its tributaries is developed to determine the WQI classification. Comprehensive water quality maps based on NH3-N as the core pollutant are developed using integrated QUAL2K-GIS to illustrate the overall condition of the Skudai river. High NH3-N in the Skudai River affects water treatment plant operations. Pollution control of more than 90% is required to improve the water quality classification to Class II. The methodology and analysis developed in this study can assist various stakeholders and authorities in identifying problematic areas and determining the required percentage of pollution reduction to improve the Skudai River water quality.
    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  3. Azman NF, Abdullah WZ, Hanafi S, Diana R, Bahar R, Johan MF, et al.
    Ann Hematol, 2020 Apr;99(4):729-735.
    PMID: 32078010 DOI: 10.1007/s00277-020-03927-5
    HbE/Beta thalassemia (HbE/β-thalassemia) is one of the common genetic disorders in South East Asia. It is heterogeneous in its clinical presentation and molecular defects. There are genetic modifiers which have been reported to influence the disease severity of this disorder. The aim of this study was to determine the genetic polymorphisms which were responsible for the disease clinical diversity. A case-control study was conducted among Malay transfusion-dependent HbE/β-thalassemia patients. Patients who were confirmed HbE/β-thalassemia were recruited and genotyping study was performed on these subjects. Ninety-eight patients were selected and divided into moderate and severe groups based on clinical parameters using Sripichai scoring system (based on hemoglobin level, spleen size, growth development, the age of first transfusion and age of disease presentation). Forty-three (44.9%) and 55 (56.1%) patients were found to have moderate and severe clinical presentation, respectively. Genotyping analysis was performed using Affymetrix 6.0 microarray platform. The SNPs were filtered using PLINK and Manhattan plot by R software. From the GWAS results, 20 most significant SNPs were selected based on disease severity when compared between moderate and severe groups. The significant SNPs found in this study were mostly related to thalassemia complications such as rs7372408, associated with KCNMB2-AS1 and SNPs associated with disease severity. These findings could be used as genetic predictors in managing patients with HbE/β-thalassemia and served as platform for future study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  4. Bhattacharya S, Singh A, Semwal J, Marzo RR, Sharma N, Goyal M, et al.
    PMID: 32154300 DOI: 10.4103/jehp.jehp_423_19
    INTRODUCTION: Disaster can occur at any time any place. Disaster preparedness plays an important role to reduce the loss of a community/country. The aim of this interventional study was to ascertain the impact of a video-based educational intervention program on improvement in knowledge and attitude of paramedical students in a hospital.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A pre-post study (interventional study design) was conducted on paramedic students. Our study period was 6 months which was divided into Phases I, II, and III. For administrative purpose, we included all paramedical students, and our sample size was 119. The baseline assessment of knowledge and attitude of paramedic students was done by a pretested questionnaire (Observation 1) with having a baseline scoring. After that, intervention Phase 1 was implemented, and later, end line observation (Observation 2) was made. Changes in knowledge and attitude were observed by the score difference (Observation 2-Observation 1). Descriptive statistics were calculated, and the mean of cumulative score was compared using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. We applied Mann-Whitney U-test for finding associations between dependent variables with an independent variable using SPSS version 22 (IBM, Chicago, USA) software.

    RESULTS: Our baseline results showed that most of our participants had average knowledge (54.6%), followed by poor knowledge (24.4%). Approximately one-fifth (21.0%) of the participants had good knowledge regarding disaster preparedness. A significant improvement was observed in cumulative score (P < 0.005). A significant difference was observed in knowledge and attitude with respect to age and courses (P < 0.05). Forty percent of the students responded that they would like to get trained by that mock drill, and 26.1% were interested in disaster preparedness workshops in the future.

    CONCLUSION: Our present study results indicate that the overall knowledge and attitude level of the students was average and required improvement. A similar result was reported in some studies conducted globally for the same purpose. All of our students perceived that training for disaster preparedness is necessary for all health facilities, and it is important to have an emergency plan and disaster management committee. Regarding training methods, most of our students liked our interactive audiovisual method. However, their preferred methods were mock drill and workshops. It can be arranged in the future for them.

    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  5. Kamaruddin N, Daud F, Yusof A, Aziz ME, Rajion ZA
    PeerJ, 2019;7:e6319.
    PMID: 30697493 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.6319
    Background: Visualization and calculation of the airway dimensions are important because an increase of airway resistance may lead to life-threatening emergencies. The visualization and calculation of the airway are possible using radiography technique with their advance software. The aim of this study was to compare and to test the reliability of the measurement of the upper airway volume and minimum area using airway analysis function in two software.

    Methods: The sample consisted of 11 cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans data, evaluated using the Invivo5 (Anatomage) and Romexis (version 3.8.2.R, Planmeca) software which afford image reconstruction, and airway analysis. The measurements were done twice with one week gap between the two measurements. The measurement obtained was analyzed with t-tests and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), with confidence intervals (CI) was set at 95%.

    Results: From the analysis, the mean reading of volume and minimum area is not significantly different between Invivo5 and Romexis. Excellent intrarater reliability values were found for the both measurement on both software, with ICC values ranging from 0.940 to 0.998.

    Discussion: The results suggested that both software can be used in further studies to investigate upper airway, thereby contributing to the diagnosis of upper airway obstructions.

    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  6. Farah Ayuni Farinordin, Wan Seribani Wan Nilam, Shahril Mod Husin, Abdullah Samat, Shukor Md. Nor
    Sains Malaysiana, 2017;46:1429-1439.
    Scales are calcium carbonate and collagen-contained structures embedded within the fish epidermis and useful for
    species identification. This study aimed to describe morphological characteristics of scales and use the differences to
    prepare keys to species. Fishes were sampled from selected rivers of Tembat Forest Reserve, Hulu Terengganu. Specimens
    caught were from 3 families (Cyprinidae, Channidae, Nandidae) and 17 species. Each species was represented by ten
    individuals (size ranges 2.5 - 50 cm TL). The scales were removed, soaked in H2
    (0.5%), NH3 (0.3%), DH2
    O and
    mounted between a pair of glass slides for digital photographing. The morphological descriptions were based on types
    of scales, distinctiveness of radii arrangement at the anterior field, radii cover, radii distribution, overall shape, focus
    position and focus pattern. Keys to species were constructed based on these scale morphological characters described.
    Measurements of scale total length (L), total width (W), rostral field length (L1) and caudal field length (L2) of the scales
    were taken using Image J software. The inter-specific variation among scales was indicated by L1/L, L2/L, L1/L2 and
    W/L indices through multiple comparison tests (ANOVA). It was found that all 17 species showed significant differences
    with at least one other species in all four indices. Pristolepis grootii (Bleeker 1852) was the only one that significantly
    different (p<0.05) from other 16 species in the first three indices. Species that showed the least significant differences
    among species was Probarbus jullieni (Sauvage 1880). The differences among the scales were primarily due to the
    different types of scale that was either ctenoid or cycloid.
    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  7. Ismail NE, Jimam NS, Dapar MLP, Ahmad S
    Front Pharmacol, 2019;10:1521.
    PMID: 31998125 DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2019.01521
    Background: This study assessed the validity and reliability of healthcare workers' knowledge, attitudes, and practices instrument for uncomplicated malaria (HKAPIUM) for evaluation of healthcare workers' knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) on uncomplicated malaria management in primary healthcare (PHC) facilities in Plateau state, Nigeria. Methods: Relevant variables from literature, malaria treatment guidelines for Nigeria, and World Health Organization (WHO) were used to generate and present the items for the draft HKAPIUM scale, which was first screened by six experts before administered to 121 respondents who filled and returned immediately. The data were sorted and analyzed using Rasch measurement model (Bond & Fox software®). Results: The outcome of the initial screening showed high items content validity indices (I-CVI) (0.83-1.00) and high scale-CVI (S-CVI) {universal agreement (UA) within the experts (S-CVI/UA) (0.67-0.89) and the average CVI [S-CVI/Ave (0.94-0.98)]} for relevance, clarity, simplicity, and comprehensiveness. The Rasch analysis outputs showed good items' reliability for the three factors (KAP) > 0.9 with high separation index values of > 2.0; however person reliability were poor (< 0.6) which were confirmed by their low separation values. Goodness of fit statistics indicated nine items not fitting the model based on the suggested fit index values of 0.6 to 1.5, and ± 2 for mean square (MNSQ) and standardized Z-score (Zstds) respectively, and 0.3 to 0.7 for "point-measure correlation coefficients" (PTMEA Corr). Deletion of misfit items resulted in the items and persons' reliabilities falling above the minimum accepted limit of 0.6, with their separation values were all in the range of 1 and 2 which were acceptable. Similarly, fit index values for MNSQ infit and outfit, and Zstd parameters items in the new scale were all within the acceptable range of 0.6 to 1.5, and ±2 respectively, in addition to the positive PTMEA Corr as further confirmation of the items' fitness to the model. Conclusion: The reduction of 27-items draft HKAPIUM scale to 18 items was successful with good reliability and fitness to the model.
    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  8. Noman S, Shahar HK, Abdul Rahman H, Ismail S
    PMID: 32059587 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17041167
    Breast cancer is the most common cancer spread among women worldwide. Whereas many studies have discussed the significance of breast cancer screening among women in various countries, few have attempted to discuss this topic among female school teachers. As teachers educate and communicate with students, this may play an essential role in health education and in promoting healthy behavior, such as breast cancer screening. The primary goal of this study is to develop and implement an educational intervention of breast cancer screening and evaluate its effectiveness among Yemeni female school teachers in Malaysia. This was carried out as per the health belief model. A cluster-randomized controlled trial was conducted among 183 Yemeni female school teachers in twelve schools in Klang Valley, Malaysia. A random assignment of the target schools was made to include them within the intervention or control group. Participants in the intervention group were offered a 90-minute session for one-day educational intervention on breast cancer screening. On the other hand, participants in the control group were offered the same educational materials at the end of the study. Relevant data was collected at baseline, one month following the intervention, and then three- and six-months follow-up assessments. Analysis of such data was done via IBM SPSS software 25.0 by generalized estimating equations (GEE) to assess the differential changes over time. A primary outcome embodied in breast cancer screening practice uptake was expected. Secondary outcomes include the target group's knowledge on and beliefs of breast cancer screening. This study intends to contribute to the credibility and effectiveness of utilizing a theory-based breast cancer screening intervention in order to raise the awareness of women on conducting breast cancer screening.
    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  9. Muhammad AMA, Ibrahim N, Ahmad R, Asif MK, Radzi Z, Zaini ZM, et al.
    BMC Oral Health, 2020 02 10;20(1):48.
    PMID: 32041589 DOI: 10.1186/s12903-020-1035-7
    BACKGROUND: Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is a reliable radiographic modality to assess trabecular bone microarchitecture. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of CBCT image reconstruction parameters, namely, the threshold value and reconstruction voxel size, on trabecular bone microstructure assessment.

    METHODS: Five sectioned maxilla of adult Dorper male sheep were scanned using a CBCT system with a resolution of 76 μm3 (Kodak 9000). The CBCT images were reconstructed using different reconstruction parameters and analysed. The effect of reconstruction voxel size (76, 100 and 200 μm3) and threshold values (±15% from the global threshold value) on trabecular bone microstructure measurement was assessed using image analysis software (CT analyser version 1.15).

    RESULTS: There was no significant difference in trabecular bone microstructure measurement between the reconstruction voxel sizes, but a significant difference (Tb.N = 0.03, Tb.Sp = 0.04, Tb.Th = 0.01, BV/TV = 0.00) was apparent when the global threshold value was decreased by 15%.

    CONCLUSIONS: Trabecular bone microstructure measurements are not compromised by changing the CBCT reconstruction voxel size. However, measurements can be affected when applying a threshold value of less than 15% of the recommended global value.

    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  10. Htay MNN, McMonnies K, Kalua T, Ferley D, Hassanein M
    PMID: 32489996 DOI: 10.4103/jehp.jehp_321_18
    CONTEXT: In the era of technology, social networking has become a platform for the teaching-learning process. Exploring international students' perspective on using Twitter would reveal the barriers and potential for its use in higher educational activities.

    AIMS: This study aimed to explore the postgraduate students' perspective on using Twitter as a learning resource.

    SUBJECTS AND METHODS: This qualitative study was conducted as part of a postgraduate program at a university in the United Kingdom. A focus group discussion and five in-depth interviews were conducted after receiving the informed consent. The qualitative data were analyzed by R package for Qualitative Data Analysis software.

    ANALYSIS USED: Deductive content analysis was used in this study.

    RESULTS: Qualitative analysis revealed four salient themes, which were (1) background knowledge about Twitter, (2) factors influencing the usage of Twitter, (3) master's students' experiences on using Twitter for education, and (4) potential of using Twitter in the postgraduate study. The students preferred to use Twitter for sharing links and appreciated the benefit on immediate dissemination of information. Meanwhile, privacy concern, unfamiliarity, and hesitation to participate in discussion discouraged the students from using Twitter as a learning platform.

    CONCLUSIONS: Using social media platforms in education could be challenging for both the learners and the educators. Our study revealed that Twitter was mainly used for social communication among postgraduate students however most could see a benefit of using Twitter for their learning if they received adequate guidance on how to use the platform. The multiple barriers to using Twitter were mainly related to unfamiliarity which should be addressed early in the learning process.

    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  11. Haque S, Khamis MF, Alam MK, Ahmad WMAW
    J Craniofac Surg, 2020 May 04.
    PMID: 32371703 DOI: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000006464
    Studies have claimed that the maxillary arch dimension of unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) patient is significantly smaller than normal patient. Multiple factors (both congenital and post natal treatment factors) are believed to have an impact on the treatment outcome (maxillary arch retardation) of UCLP patient. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of multiple factors on the treatment outcome by assessing the maxillary arch dimension of UCLP Children. Eighty-five Malaysian UCLP children were taken who received cheiloplasty and palatoplasty. Laser scanned 3D digital models of UCLP subjects were prepared before any orthodontic treatment and bone grafting at 7.69 ± 2.46 (mean± SD) years of age. Intercanine width (ICW), intermolar width (IMW), and arch depth (AD) measurements of maxillary arch were measured with Mimics software. Multiple linear regression analyses were used to evaluate the association between multiple factors (gender, UCLP type, UCLP side, family history of cleft, family history of class III malocclusion, techniques of cheiloplasty, and techniques of palatoplasty) and maxillary arch dimensions (ICW, IMW, and AD). P value was set at 5%. Significant association was found between 2 techniques of cheiloplasty and ICW (P = 0.001) and also between 2 techniques of palatoplasty and ICW (P = 0.046) of maxilla. No significant association observed in IMW and AD in relation to all other factors. Modified Millard techniques of Cheiloplasty and Bardach technique of palatoplasty had unfavorable effect on the treatment outcome by assessing the maxillary arch dimension (ICW) using laser scanned 3D digital models in Malaysian UCLP children.
    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  12. Yahaya R, Zahary MN, Othman Z, Ismail R, Nik Him NAS, Abd Aziz A, et al.
    Heliyon, 2020 May;6(5):e03948.
    PMID: 32426546 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e03948
    Introduction: Schizophrenia is a chronic mental illness with clusters of symptoms, including cognitive impairment. This study aimed to explore the effect of Tualang Honey (TH) on cognitive domains, especially as it pertained to the verbal memory of schizophrenia patients.

    Method: This was a cross-sectional study involved 80 individuals, diagnosed with schizophrenia. The Malay Version Auditory Verbal Learning Test (MVAVLT) was used. Data were analysed using SPSS 20.0 software. Intention to treat analysis was applied.

    Result: A comparison of the total learning score at eight weeks between the two groups based on time effect and time-treatment interaction favoured TH group.

    Conclusion: This study concludes that by supplementing schizophrenia patients with 8-week of TH did improve total learning performance across domains in the immediate memory among patients with schizophrenia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  13. Maryam Rukayyah Al-Munirah Binti Ayob, Mohamad Shukri Bin Abdul Hamid, Faezzah Binti Mohd Daud, Ong Yi Sean
    The role of individual healthy behaviors like physical activity, nutrition and stress management on reduction of rate of disease mortality and morbidity is well known. The aim of this study is to determine healthy lifestyle in lecturers employed in School of Quantitative Sciences, University Utara Malaysia, in 2019. Materials and Methods: The participants of this cross-sectional study were 66 lecturers in School of Quantitative Sciences, selected via random sampling method. The data collection was performed using a questionnaire including demographic healthy lifestyle questions. Analysis of the data was performed through Software Statistical Analysis System Enterprise Guide (SAS EG) version 7.1. Results: The mean age of the subjects was 42.68 ± 1.37 years and, BMI mean was 24.13 ± 0.86. 92.42% of them were married and 7.58% also were single. Conclusion: According to the results, planning for lecturers in School of Quantitative Sciences for receiving information about healthy lifestyle on weight control and nutrition are important.
    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  14. Kasim SKM, Razak IA, Yusof ZYM
    Int Dent J, 2018 Feb;68(1):31-38.
    PMID: 28782099 DOI: 10.1111/idj.12325
    AIM: To assess the knowledge and perceptions of Malaysian government dentists regarding the shortened dental arch (SDA) concept and its application in clinical practice.

    BACKGROUND: The SDA concept refers to a specific type of dentition with intact anterior teeth and a reduction in posterior occlusal pairs. Dentists' knowledge and perceptions of the SDA concept can influence its application in clinical practice.

    METHODS: A self-administered questionnaire on the SDA concept was distributed to 326 government dentists in the states of Selangor and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The data were analysed using SPSS version 22 software.

    RESULTS: The response rate was 84.0%. The majority of respondents had good knowledge on five of six knowledge items and good attitudes towards 10 of 17 perception items. However, only one-fifth (20.4%) reported having applied the SDA concept in the clinic. A larger number of participants who graduated locally than who graduated abroad perceived that patients <60 years of age, without molar support, can attain acceptable chewing function and that SDA treatment does not lead to loss of occlusal vertical dimension (P < 0.05). A larger number of participants with ≤5 years of work experience than with >5 years of work experience perceived that the SDA concept enables simpler treatment planning (P < 0.05). Finally, a larger number of participants who graduated abroad than who graduated locally observed that patients without molar support had temporomandibular joint problems (P < 0.05).

    CONCLUSION: Although Malaysian government dentists have good knowledge and perceptions of the SDA concept, it is not widely applied in the clinic. Concerted efforts in SDA training of dentists are needed to help to shorten denture waiting lists and reduce costs.

    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  15. Chan KL, Tatarinova TV, Rosli R, Amiruddin N, Azizi N, Halim MAA, et al.
    Biol. Direct, 2017 Sep 08;12(1):21.
    PMID: 28886750 DOI: 10.1186/s13062-017-0191-4
    BACKGROUND: Oil palm is an important source of edible oil. The importance of the crop, as well as its long breeding cycle (10-12 years) has led to the sequencing of its genome in 2013 to pave the way for genomics-guided breeding. Nevertheless, the first set of gene predictions, although useful, had many fragmented genes. Classification and characterization of genes associated with traits of interest, such as those for fatty acid biosynthesis and disease resistance, were also limited. Lipid-, especially fatty acid (FA)-related genes are of particular interest for the oil palm as they specify oil yields and quality. This paper presents the characterization of the oil palm genome using different gene prediction methods and comparative genomics analysis, identification of FA biosynthesis and disease resistance genes, and the development of an annotation database and bioinformatics tools.

    RESULTS: Using two independent gene-prediction pipelines, Fgenesh++ and Seqping, 26,059 oil palm genes with transcriptome and RefSeq support were identified from the oil palm genome. These coding regions of the genome have a characteristic broad distribution of GC3 (fraction of cytosine and guanine in the third position of a codon) with over half the GC3-rich genes (GC3 ≥ 0.75286) being intronless. In comparison, only one-seventh of the oil palm genes identified are intronless. Using comparative genomics analysis, characterization of conserved domains and active sites, and expression analysis, 42 key genes involved in FA biosynthesis in oil palm were identified. For three of them, namely EgFABF, EgFABH and EgFAD3, segmental duplication events were detected. Our analysis also identified 210 candidate resistance genes in six classes, grouped by their protein domain structures.

    CONCLUSIONS: We present an accurate and comprehensive annotation of the oil palm genome, focusing on analysis of important categories of genes (GC3-rich and intronless), as well as those associated with important functions, such as FA biosynthesis and disease resistance. The study demonstrated the advantages of having an integrated approach to gene prediction and developed a computational framework for combining multiple genome annotations. These results, available in the oil palm annotation database ( http://palmxplore.mpob.gov.my ), will provide important resources for studies on the genomes of oil palm and related crops.

    REVIEWERS: This article was reviewed by Alexander Kel, Igor Rogozin, and Vladimir A. Kuznetsov.

    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  16. Rahman NIA, Abdul Murad NA, Mollah MM, Jamal R, Harun R
    Front Pharmacol, 2017;8:540.
    PMID: 28871224 DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2017.00540
    About 40% of lung cancer cases globally are diagnosed at the advanced stage. Lung cancer has a high mortality and overall survival in stage I disease is only 70%. This study was aimed at finding a candidate of transcription regulator that initiates the mechanism for metastasis by integrating computational and functional studies. The genes involved in lung cancer were retrieved using in silico software. 10 kb promoter sequences upstream were scanned for the master regulator. Transient transfection of shRNA NFIXs were conducted against A549 and NCI-H1299 cell lines. qRT-PCR and functional assays for cell proliferation, migration and invasion were carried out to validate the involvement of NFIX in metastasis. Genome-wide gene expression microarray using a HumanHT-12v4.0 Expression BeadChip Kit was performed to identify differentially expressed genes and construct a new regulatory network. The in silico analysis identified NFIX as a master regulator and is strongly associated with 17 genes involved in the migration and invasion pathways including IL6ST, TIMP1 and ITGB1. Silencing of NFIX showed reduced expression of IL6ST, TIMP1 and ITGB1 as well as the cellular proliferation, migration and invasion processes. The data was integrated with the in silico analyses to find the differentially expressed genes. Microarray analysis showed that 18 genes were expressed differentially in both cell lines after statistical analyses integration between t-test, LIMMA and ANOVA with Benjamini-Hochberg adjustment at p-value < 0.05. A transcriptional regulatory network was created using all 18 genes, the existing regulated genes including the new genes PTCH1, NFAT5 and GGCX that were found highly associated with NFIX, the master regulator of metastasis. This study suggests that NFIX is a promising target for therapeutic intervention that is expected to inhibit metastatic recurrence and improve survival rate.
    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  17. Nawi N, Mohamed AM, Marizan Nor M, Ashar NA
    J Orofac Orthop, 2018 Jan;79(1):19-27.
    PMID: 29116344 DOI: 10.1007/s00056-017-0111-3
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to determine the overall reliability and validity of arch parameters measured digitally compared to conventional measurement.

    METHODS: A sample of 111 plaster study models of Down syndrome (DS) patients were digitized using a blue light three-dimensional (3D) scanner. Digital and manual measurements of defined parameters were performed using Geomagic analysis software (Geomagic Studio 2014 software, 3D Systems, Rock Hill, SC, USA) on digital models and with a digital calliper (Tuten, Germany) on plaster study models. Both measurements were repeated twice to validate the intraexaminer reliability based on intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) using the independent t test and Pearson's correlation, respectively. The Bland-Altman method of analysis was used to evaluate the agreement of the measurement between the digital and plaster models.

    RESULTS: No statistically significant differences (p > 0.05) were found between the manual and digital methods when measuring the arch width, arch length, and space analysis. In addition, all parameters showed a significant correlation coefficient (r ≥ 0.972; p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  18. Ho TK, Satterthwaite JD, Silikas N
    Dent Mater, 2018 02;34(2):e15-e24.
    PMID: 29175160 DOI: 10.1016/j.dental.2017.11.014
    OBJECTIVE: To assess the change in surface roughness of nanohybrid resin composite (Tetric EvoCeram) after antagonist wear against monolithic zirconia and lithium disilicate ceramics through a simulated chewing test using a three-dimensional (3D) profilometer.

    METHODS: A total of 40 Tetric EvoCeram™ resin composite specimens against either a Lava™ Plus zirconia antagonist (n=20) or IPS e.max Press lithium disilicate antagonist (n=20) were prepared for the study. The surface roughness profiles of each resin composite before and after an in-vitro simulated chewing test were analysed using a 3D profilometer and Talymap software. After the simulated chewing, the surface profiles of representative Tetric EvoCeram specimens from each group were analysed using scanning electron microscopy. Independent t-test and paired t-test were used for statistical analysis.

    RESULTS: For both lithium disilicate and zirconia groups, all surface roughness parameters (Ra, Rt, Sa, Sq,) of Tetric EvoCeram were significantly higher post-chewing compared to pre-chewing (p<0.05); the post-chewing surface roughness parameters of Tetric EvoCeram for the lithium disilicate group were significantly higher (p<0.05) than in the zirconia group.

    SIGNIFICANCE: This chewing simulation test showed that Tetric EvoCeram composites exhibited a rougher surface when opposing lithium disilicate ceramic compared to opposing zirconia ceramic.

    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  19. Rafi, N.M., Halim, N.R.A., Amin, A.M., Sarbon, N.M.
    The enzymatic hydrolysis of lead tree seed protein with alcalase to obtain Lead Tree Seed Hydrosylate (LTSH) was optimized using response surface methodology (RSM). A three- tiered, factor face centered, central composite design (CCD) was used to study the influence of four independent variables namely: pH (7–9); hydrolysis temperature (50oC, 55oC, 60oC); hydrolysis time (30 min, 60 min, 90 min); and enzyme/substrate (1%, 2%, 3%) ratio on both yield and antioxidant activity. The CCD consisted of twenty-four experimental points and six replicates of central points. All data were analyzed using Design-Expert Software. The optimum conditions obtained from experiments were a pH of 9; an enzyme to substrate ratio of 2%; a hydrolysis time of 90 min; and a temperature of 55°C. Results showed that LTSH derived from optimized hydrolysis exhibited effective ferrous ion chelating activity (92.79%) and strong reducing power (A700 = 3.82) at a concentration of 20 mg/ml. LTSH also demonstrated high DPPH radical scavenging activity (76.21%; IC50 1.99 mg/ml), as well as hydroxyl radical scavenging activity (66.72%; IC50 2.45 mg/ml). Superoxide anion scavenging activity was 55.71% (IC50 3.89 mg/ml) at 20 mg/ml. These results suggest that LTSH has potential as a natural antioxidant of functional food and for use in food processing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Software
  20. Idris Z, Kandasamy R, Reza F, Abdullah JM
    Asian J Neurosurg, 2014 Jul-Sep;9(3):144-52.
    PMID: 25685205 DOI: 10.4103/1793-5482.142734
    BACKGROUND: Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a method of functional neuroimaging. The concomitant use of MEG and electrocorticography has been found to be useful in elucidating neural oscillation and network, and to localize epileptogenic zone and functional cortex. We describe our early experience using MEG in neurosurgical patients, emphasizing on its impact on patient management as well as the enrichment of our knowledge in neurosciences.
    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 10 subjects were included; five patients had intraaxial tumors, one with an extraaxial tumor and brain compression, two with arteriovenous malformations, one with cerebral peduncle hemorrhage and one with sensorimotor cortical dysplasia. All patients underwent evoked and spontaneous MEG recordings. MEG data was processed at band-pass filtering frequency of between 0.1 and 300 Hz with a sampling rate of 1 kHz. MEG source localization was performed using either overdetermined equivalent current dipoles or underdetermined inversed solution. Neuromag collection of events software was used to study brain network and epileptogenic zone. The studied data were analyzed for neural oscillation in three patients; brain network and clinical manifestation in five patients; and for the location of epileptogenic zone and eloquent cortex in two patients.
    RESULTS: We elucidated neural oscillation in three patients. One demonstrated oscillatory phenomenon on stimulation of the motor-cortex during awake surgery, and two had improvement in neural oscillatory parameters after surgery. Brain networks corresponding to clinico-anatomical relationships were depicted in five patients, and two networks were illustrated here. Finally, we demonstrated epilepsy cases in which MEG data was found to be useful in localizing the epileptogenic zones and functional cortices.
    CONCLUSION: The application of MEG while enhancing our knowledge in neurosciences also has a useful role in epilepsy and awake surgery.
    KEYWORDS: Awake craniotomy; brain network; epilepsy; magnetoencephalography; neural oscillation
    Matched MeSH terms: Software
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