Displaying publications 541 - 560 of 6551 in total

  1. Sulaiman L, Saub R, Baharuddin NA, Safii SH, Gopal Krishna V, Bartold PM, et al.
    Oral Health Prev Dent, 2019;17(4):365-373.
    PMID: 31093611 DOI: 10.3290/j.ohpd.a42502
    PURPOSE: To assess the impact of extent and severity of chronic periodontitis (CP) on oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL).

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional comparative study was performed on subjects from multiple dental centres in Malaysia using a questionnaire covering sociodemographics, OHRQoL using the Malaysian Oral Health Impact Profile questionnaire, OHIP-14(M) and self-reported symptoms. Participants with severe CP were age-and gender-matched with periodontally healthy/mild periodontitis (HMP) participants based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Full mouth periodontal examination was performed on participants. Outcome measures were OHIP-14(M) prevalence of impact and severity of impact scores.

    RESULTS: One hundred and thirty (130) participants comprising 65 severe CP and 65 HMP participants were included in the study. Prevalence of impact on OHRQoL was significantly higher in the severe CP than HMP group, with an odds ratio of 3. Mean OHIP-14(M) score was significantly higher in the severe CP (18.26 ± 10.22) compared to HMP (11.28± 8.09) group. The dimensions of psychological discomfort and functional limitation, and factors such as 'discomfort due to food stuck' and 'felt shy' were impacted more in severe CP compared to HMP group (p < 0.05). When compared with the HMP group, generalised severe CP participants showed higher prevalence of impact on OHRQoL [OR=5] (p < 0.05) compared to localised severe CP [OR=2] (p = 0.05). Participants who had experienced self-reported symptoms had statistically significant impacts on OHRQoL.

    CONCLUSIONS: Severe CP had a greater impact on OHRQoL compared to HMP. Impacts were mainly for functional limitation and psychological discomfort dimensions. When considering extent of disease, the impact on OHRQoL was mostly in generalised severe CP subgroup.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  2. Messina S, Edwards DP, AbdElgawad H, Beemster GTS, Tomassi S, Benedick S, et al.
    J Anim Ecol, 2020 10;89(10):2222-2234.
    PMID: 32535926 DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.13280
    Selective logging is the dominant form of human disturbance in tropical forests, driving changes in the abundance of vertebrate and invertebrate populations relative to undisturbed old-growth forests. A key unresolved question is understanding which physiological mechanisms underlie different responses of species and functional groups to selective logging. Regulation of oxidative status is thought to be one major physiological mechanism underlying the capability of species to cope with environmental changes. Using a correlational cross-sectional approach, we compared a number of oxidative status markers among 15 understorey bird species in unlogged and selectively logged forest in Borneo in relation to their feeding guild. We then tested how variation of markers between forest types was associated with that in population abundance. Birds living in logged forests had a higher activity of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase and a different regulation of the glutathione cycle compared to conspecific birds in unlogged forest. However, neither oxidative damage nor oxidized glutathione differed between forest types. We also found that omnivores and insectivores differed significantly in all markers related to the key cellular antioxidant glutathione irrespective of the forest type. Species with higher levels of certain antioxidant markers in a given type of forest were less abundant in that forest type compared to the other. Our results suggest that there was little long-term effect of logging (last logging rotation occurred ~15 years prior to the study) on the oxidative status of understorey bird species. However, it is unclear if this was owing to plasticity or evolutionary change. Our correlative results also point to a potential negative association between some antioxidants and population abundance irrespective of the forest type.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  3. Ibrahim Ahmed Alhothily, Nazri Che Dom, Siti Aekbal Salleh, Anila Ali
    Introduction: Aedes albopictus is known for its aggressiveness towards human and recently expanded to more coun- tries outside the native regions. Thus, the demographic parameters of Aedes albopictus are important to determine the characteristics of this species mosquitoes in terms of the reproduction rates and dispersal distance. Materials and Methods: This study, was performed using a Shah Alam strain of Aedes albopictus originally collected in twenty district areas of the central zone of Shah Alam. This research applies field work-study with a cross-sectional design to investigate the demographic parameters of Aedes albopictus. The demographic evaluation of Aedes albopictus was conducted under the control environment in insectarium. Results: Investigation on the demographic parameters of Aedes albopictus clearly showed that there is a significance different observed in the total number of mosquito eggs produced in both high and low incidence rate IR areas (p=0.03). In contrast, other parameters showed insignificant value between high and low IR areas. Conclusion: The key to control the mosquito vectors population is by tracking the vector’s life cycle including its survival. Therefore, the outcome of this study may provide as a baseline to esti- mate the dengue outbreak in the current episystem.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  4. Santhosh K, Manzoor S, Sushanth A, Seralathan S, Rajasekar V, Jacob A
    J Contemp Dent Pract, 2020 Nov 01;21(11):1258-1261.
    PMID: 33850072
    AIM AND OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the possible genotoxic effect of X-rays on buccal mucosa while exposing to dental panoramic radiography using micronucleus test.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study group comprised of 30 healthy subjects, 15 males and 15 females, aged between 24 years and 65 years. Samples were obtained from the exfoliated oral mucosa cells of buccal mucosa before and 12 days after exposing the patients to panoramic radiography.

    RESULTS: The study reported that there was no significant increase in the number of micronuclei cells present before and after panoramic radiography. Positive correlation existed between age with pre- and postexposure micronuclei.

    CONCLUSION: Diagnostic dental panoramic radiograph does not induce micronuclei in the target buccal epithelium cells. A positive correlation between age and micronuclei frequency was established.

    CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Panoramic radiographs does not induce cytotoxicity but increase frequency may be vulnerable to genotoxic effects in buccal mucosal cells. Hence, dental radiographs should be prescribed only when necessary.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  5. Huen JMY, Zhang J, Osman A, Lew B, Yip PSF
    J Affect Disord, 2021 02 15;281:1-8.
    PMID: 33278765 DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2020.11.069
    BACKGROUND: The 40-item Psychological Strain Scales (PSS) was developed to measure four dimensions of psychological strains based on the Strain Theory of Suicide. Although the PSS has been increasingly used in recent years, the dimensionality and scoring of the PSS remained to be thoroughly examined using the Item Response Theory (IRT) approach.

    METHODS: Data came from a large sample of 11,412 Chinese undergraduate students. A bifactor-IRT model, specifying one general strain factor and four specific strains factors, was examined for fit to the sample data. A detailed item analysis, with analysis of the differential item functioning (DIF) of the items across gender, was undertaken to evaluate the dimensionality of the PSS. The associations among the PSS scale scores with scores on the concurrent measures, assessing psychache and suicidal behaviors, were examined.

    RESULTS: IRT-derived specific bifactor indices showed that the PSS was unidimensional, and thus the PSS total scores should be reported. Unidimensional subset of 5 items identified (Item 9, Item 12, Item 14, Item 16, and Item 20), using bifactor-IRT modeling and incremental validation, were selected to construct a potential short form of the PSS (PSS-SF). The PSS-SF scale scores demonstrated strong psychometric properties and associations with scores on the concurrent measures assessing relevant constructs.

    LIMITATIONS: This study used cross-sectional data from a non-clinical sample of Chinese undergraduate students.

    CONCLUSIONS: The PSS-SF should be considered as a unidimensional instrument with potential in enhancing our understanding and measurement of psychological strains with reduced response burden.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  6. Raihanah Chokeli, Nur Azira Baharuddin, Vivien How, Nurul Syazani Yuswir, Shariza Afini Mohd Noor, Ho Yu Bin, et al.
    Introduction: The increased use of mobile phones has increased the mobile base stations (MBS) deployment. While understanding of radiation protection is growing among the public, questions regarding early-life exposure to ra- diofrequency radiation (RFR) from MBS in children are of importance as to whether it will raise the chances of developing chronic diseases during adulthood. Taking into account the sitting location of MBS, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the chromosomal DNA damage in buccal mucosal cells between school children exposed to RFR emitted from base station antennas. Method: This is a comparative cross-sectional study in which two group of school children were sampled i.e. exposed groups are children whose school located near MBS (200 meters); un- exposed groups are children whose school located distant far from the MBS (>200 meters). Digital RF Analyzer was used to measure RFR at the school surrounding. Buccal mucosa cells from the oral cavity were sampled to examine the level of micronuclei (MN) frequencies. Results: This study found that the densities of the RFR energy differed in range. Although all measurements showed the RFR reading below the acceptable exposure level, there were still sig- nificant variations at each location assessed. Statistically, the MN frequency is significantly different when compared to the exposed and non-exposed group. Conclusion: To understand the mechanism of health effects from exposure to low-level RFR emited from MBS, further study should consider environmental factors influencing MBS sitting on RFR emission, as well as examining the health effects into molecular levels.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  7. Shakeel S, Hassali MA, Rehman H, Rehman AU, Muneswarao J
    Int J Gen Med, 2020;13:1075-1082.
    PMID: 33204142 DOI: 10.2147/IJGM.S266545
    Background: Pharmacists being the drug experts need to be well aware of the applied handling of biosimilar medicines (BSMs). They are an integral educator, trailblazer, and advocate of biosimilar integration across all clinical settings. Therefore, the current study was conducted to assess the pharmacists' knowledge, attitude, and practices of integrating BSMs into clinical practice.

    Methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted from August 2019 to November 2019. The community pharmacies, clinical and academic settings in Karachi were approached for gathering the responses of pharmacists towards BSMs and interchangeable products using a 30-item survey form. Pearson correlation and independent sample t-test were used to identify the relationship among independent variables and the responses, considering p values <0.05 as statistically significant.

    Results: Overall, there were 305 survey forms used with a response rate of 87.14%. More than 80% of the respondents have good knowledge about the definition, characteristics, safety and efficacy, compatibility, cost issues, and utilization of BSMs. Around half of the respondents (48.9%, [95% CI 46.6-51.2]) were confident in using BSMs in clinical practice. However, they were concerned about the BSM's safety profile (45.2%, [95% CI 42.1-48.3]), quality (30.2%, [95% CI 28.3-32.1]), and efficacy issues (32.3%, [95% CI 31.2-37.5]).

    Conclusion: The findings revealed that pharmacists were well informed about the BSMs. However, some of the responses to the attitude demonstrated a lack of understanding of the application of that knowledge. The respondents persuaded that advanced patterns of diseases, product marketing stipulations, and need for better patient care drives higher demand for developing BSMs and were enthusiastic about gaining more insight to integrate BSMs into routine clinical practice.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  8. Shanisha Rubiny A/P Vardi Veloo, Subhadeep Das
    Diabetes mellitus is a condition of increase glucose concentration in blood plasma. Complication of diabetes mellitus are progressive and leads to several changes on ocular surface. Lack of data focusing on changes in ocular surface among early detect diabetes. Therefore, the aim of the study is to focus on the prevalence of changes in Meibomian glands, tear films and crystalline lens among early detect diabetes type 2. A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted to assess the grading of Meibomian glands, number of expressible glands, Tear-break up time (TBUT), schirmer’s test I , and crystalline lens in 100 eyes of 50 patients who has type 2 diabetes less than 5 years. Demographic information , medical and ocular history was recorded. Data was entered on SPSS version 25- descriptive analysis. The mean ± standard deviation for age was 51.08 ± 8.708 and the years of diabetes was 3.14 ± 1.498. The results stated, more people has MGD grade 1 with percentage of 39% . Besides, TBUT test has mean ± SD of 4.74 ± 1.404 and tear production with mean of 15.1± 8.650. There were 54% more patients has no changes on crystalline lens. Approximately, high prevalence in changes of Meibomian gland, and tear film while low prevalence on changes of crystalline lens among shorter duration diabetic patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  9. Fuziah P, Sherina MS, Nor Afiah MZ, Jefferelli SB
    Family Physician, 2005;13:16-19.
    Emotional disorders are common human emotional states that include anxiety, depression, social impairment and somatic symptoms. Emotional disorders are common in the community and therefore an important issue in primary care practice. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of emotional disorders among adults at a rural primary care clinic in Malaysia and to identify the associated factors. A cross-sectional study was conducted at Klinik Kesihatan Sungai Mati, Muar, Johor from 1st November to 31st December 1998. A self-administered 30-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-30) was used to screen for emotional disorders. Out of 414 patients seen during the study period, 368 fulfilled the selection criteria and agreed to participate in the study (response rate 88.9%). The prevalence of emotional disorders among the adult patients in this study was 15.2%. Factors such as age, race, gender, marital status, education level and employment were analyzed for association with emotional disorders. However, none of these factors were found to be significantly associated with emotional disorders in this study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  10. Fatimah Sham, Lailatul Hazzliza Musa, Nor Marini Mohamed, Norjah Othman
    Scientific Research Journal, 2018;15(2):67-79.
    Disasters are defined as extraordinary events which occur abruptly, bringing great damage or harm, loss, and destruction to people and the environment. Nurses may have a more conflict and difficulties in disaster decision making where the victim condition need to be treated in disaster place. Nurses play a key role in hospital as a leaders and managers in the disaster operation and command center but limited data shows that the nurses experience in disaster management. The aim of this study is to evaluate the perception of knowledge and skills on the preparedness in disaster management among nurses in community clinics. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in 27 government clinics in one of the states in Malaysia with a convenient sampling, 260 participants are selected. The questionnaire consisted of three sections; socio-demographic characteristics, the perception of knowledge and skill towards preparedness for disaster management rated on a Likert scale. In the effort to collect the intended data, a self-report questionnaire adapted and modified from Disaster Preparedness Evaluation Tool (DPET) was implemented (Alrazeeni, 2015). This study revealed that Nurses in these community clinics were moderate in terms of the perception of knowledge (Mean= 3.65, SD= 0.61) and the perceived skills (Mean= 3.68, SD= 0.56) on the preparedness in Disaster Management. Nevertheless, they were interested in disaster preparedness management training (n=227, 87.3%) and were confident as first responders of disaster (Mean= 3.88, SD= 0.61). However, they were not much involved in disaster preparedness plan (Mean= 3.23, SD= 0.90) and claimed that there was a lack of leadership figure in disaster situation (Mean= 3.06, SD= 0.92). In conclusion, nurses in community clinics need to gain knowledge and skills by involving themselves in disaster planning and drills as the preparation for disaster management for them to be the first responders in helping and managing people in this situation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  11. Agarwal R, Mohd Ismail N
    Introduction: The study attempts to evaluate the students’ perception of pharmacology as a
    subject, its usefulness in future practice, teaching methods currently used, and their patterns of
    learning and preparing for exams. Methods: A structured, self-administered questionnaire was
    distributed to second year medical students. Results: Of the 125 students who participated,
    22.73 % considered pharmacology more important than any other subject. The students found
    small group sessions most interesting followed by directed self-learning, computer aided
    learning and lectures. Of those who responded, 79 and 66 % suggested to increase the small
    group and directed-self-learning sessions respectively. Up to 40 % of the students felt that
    pharmacology teaching must be through case-based discussions and 20 % requested for more
    practical sessions. Conclusions: It appears that majority of students entering the medical
    schools has little prior knowledge of pharmacology. While going through the preclinical years
    they understood the importance of pharmacology and its application in future practice,
    however, they tend to develop interest in one or other topics. Students prefer to have a greater
    number of small group sessions as they feel that these sessions are most useful for learning.
    Majority of the students tend to use both the textbooks and lecture notes and study regularly
    for better performance in examinations. The students also preferred to have more case-based
    learning sessions incorporated into the small group sessions.
    KEYWORDS: Pharmacology teaching, student perception, teaching methodologies
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  12. Nikmat AW, Fadzil MA, Idris S
    Introduction: Little is known about anxiety symptoms among diabetic patients, especially among those who are living in rural areas in Malaysia. Thus, the aim of this paper is to investigate the prevalence of anxiety among diabetic patients and factors associated with anxiety in rural communities in Malaysia.
    Methods: A cross-sectional study involving 464 diabetes mellitus patients in rural health districts and outpatient clinics in Malaysia was conducted. Each participant was interviewed using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale.
    Results: Respondents consisted of 193 (41.6%) males and 271 (58.4%) females. The mean age of participants was 59.65 ± 10.16 years and the mean duration of diabetes mellitus was 6.9 ± 6.3 years. Results indicate that 15% of the participants have anxiety symptoms. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that patients with history of ischemic heart disease and depression and those who were underweight have higher anxiety scores with adjusted OR 5.06 (95% CI 1.79 to 14.27), 27.71 (95% CI 14.23 to 53.98) and 14.6 (95% CI 2.49 to 84.82), respectively.
    Conclusions: This study suggests that although the prevalence of anxiety among diabetics is low, primary care physician should be trained to identify high risk patients and to manage their condition in order to improve the clinical outcome.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  13. Mohd Nor NA, Repen MC, Zakaria Z, Ab-Murat N, Saub R, Abdul Razak I
    This study assesses dental students’ and patients’ perceptions on the role of dental students as smoking cessation counsellors as well as the patient’s quit rate at the University of XX. Materials and methods: Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to all senior dental students (n=154) in XX University and telephone call interviews were conducted on their patients (n=169) who received smoking cessation counselling from September 2010 to June 2013. Results: Response rates for dental students and patients were 68.2% and 67.3% respectively. Most of the dental students in this study were females (72.3%) whereas the majority of patients were males (97.6%). An average of six months follow up indicated that 22.5% of patients had quit smoking, 65.3% reduced the number of cigarettes smoked and 6.5% had relapsed. About a third of patients surveyed (33.1%) believed that smoking cessation counselling was extremely helpful compared to what students perceived (5.7%, p
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  14. Abdul Basir SM, Abdul Manaf Z, Ahmad M, Abdul Kadir NB, Ismail WNK, Mat Ludin AF, et al.
    PMID: 33498903 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18031021
    The Mindful Eating Questionnaire is a reliable tool for the assessment of mindful eating behavior among the general population. This study aimed to determine the reliability and validity of The Malay Mindful Eating Questionnaire (MEQ-M) in a sample of overweight and obese adults. This is a cross-sectional survey which involved 144 overweight and obese adults in a selected public university. After linguistic validation of the Malay version of the MEQ, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with varimax rotation was performed on the scale constructs. The psychometric properties of the MEQ were assessed through Cronbach's alpha and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) analysis. The EFA of the MEQ produced a seven-dimensional model (58.8% of overall variances). The concurrent validity analysis between total MEQ scores and total Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) scores indicated a weak non-significant correlation (p = 0.679). The internal consistency reliability of the MEQ was reasonable (Cronbach's α = 0.64). The agreement stability of the MEQ over eight weeks was poor (ICC = 0.10). In conclusion, the psychometric properties of the Malay-translated MEQ are acceptable through construct validity and internal consistency reliability tests. This instrument may be used for assessing mindful eating habits in the Malaysian population, especially among overweight and obese adults.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  15. Ahmad NI, Yean Yean C, Foo PC, Mohamad Safiee AW, Hassan SA
    J Infect Public Health, 2020 Oct;13(10):1508-1512.
    PMID: 32653480 DOI: 10.1016/j.jiph.2020.06.018
    BACKGROUND: Panton-Valentine Leukocidin (PVL), is one of the virulence gene expressed by Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and is known to be associated with severe form of community acquired MRSA infection. The aim of this study is to investigate its prevalence in our setting and patient's clinical outcome.

    METHODS: A cross sectional study involve retrospective record review were done involving 90 MRSA positive isolates between November 2016 and October 2017. Multiplex PCR was performed to detect femA, mecA and PVL genes. Clinical presentation and outcomes of patients were reviewed and presented as descriptive analysis.

    RESULTS: All of the 90 MRSA isolates included in this study were positive for femA and mecA genes following PCR. PVL gene was detected in 20% (n = 18) of the isolates of which 61.1% (n = 11) were community acquired infections and 38.8% (n = 7) were hospital acquired. Case distribution from community acquired infections include patients with skin and soft tissue infections (33.3%, n = 6), infected diabetic foot ulcers (16.7%, n = 3), and one patient each (5.5%, n = 1) for community acquired pneumonia and meningitis. Half of the PVL positive MRSA cases (50%, n = 9) were having sepsis and four of them succumbed to death due to severe infection.

    CONCLUSION: This study shows a high prevalence of PVL positive MRSA infection in our population. Skin and soft tissue infections accounting for the major sources. In addition, the presence of the PVL gene is associated with increased risk for developing sepsis.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  16. Chan KG, Pawi S, Ong MF, Kowitlawakul Y, Goy SC
    Nurse Educ Pract, 2020 Oct;48:102864.
    PMID: 32920369 DOI: 10.1016/j.nepr.2020.102864
    The aim of this study was to investigate factors influencing nursing students' intention to use a simulated web-application 'Integrated Nursing Education System' for practicing electronic health documentation. The cross-sectional study was conducted at a Malaysian University that provides undergraduate nursing degree program. A total of 133 undergraduate nursing students in their year 2 to year 4 of the program were recruited. They had accessed the simulated web-application as part of the teaching-learning activities during the academic year 2016/2017. Technology Acceptance Model was used to guide the study. Validated questionnaires were used to measure the students' perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, attitudes and intention to use the application. Data collection was done at the end of the semester. Data analysis was done using SPSS (19.0) and AMOS (23.0). Perceived usefulness was the most influential factor of the students' intention to use the simulated web-application. Perceived ease of use influenced their perceived usefulness significantly. Nurse educators should explain the usefulness of the simulated web-application before assigning students to access it to practice electronic health documentation. The availability of a stable internet access and IT support is important to influence students' perceived ease of use and intention to use the application.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  17. Yao LM, Hung CS, Ain SN, Pui E, Lee OC
    Psychol Health Med, 2021 Feb 18.
    PMID: 33602003 DOI: 10.1080/13548506.2021.1891265
    Burnout syndrome is a condition marked by emotional exhaustion, deterioration in motivation and lack of commitment, resulting from long-lasting workplace stress, characterized by exhaustion, negative feelings towards one's work and reduced professional efficacy. Healthcare workers are at particularly high risk for burnout due to high levels of stress. Our objectives were to determine the prevalence of burnout syndrome among doctors in Sabah and factors associated with it. This multi-centre cross-sectional study was carried out among doctors working in five Sabah main hospitals. Data were collected by using self-administered questionnaires consisting of basic socio-demographic information and Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI). Overall, a total of 523 doctors consented to participate in this study. The prevalence of personal burnout, work-related burnout, and patient-related burnout among doctors were 57.1%, 48.8%, and 30.4% respectively. Chi-square analysis showed factors that were associated to personal burnout and work-related burnout, were marital status, duration of service and position in the service. Duration of service was the only factor associated with patient-related burnout. The prevalence of burnout syndrome in Sabah should not to be overlooked and more researches are indicated to look into prevention of burnout syndrome in Malaysian setting.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  18. Tan WY, Ng JZL, Ajit Bapat R, Vijaykumar Chaubal T, Kishor Kanneppedy S
    J Prosthet Dent, 2021 May;125(5):766.e1-766.e8.
    PMID: 33752904 DOI: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2021.02.018
    STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Lingual plate perforation can be life-threatening when vital structures are damaged during implant placement. Knowledge of the anatomy of lingual concavities is imperative for safe implant surgery.

    PURPOSE: The purpose of this clinical study was to determine the prevalence of type of posterior mandibular ridge morphology in a Malaysian population and to evaluate the buccolingual width of the alveolar ridge (Wb and Wc); alveolar ridge height (Vcb); and concavity angle, length, and depth for both left and right first and second molars in different age groups and sexes by using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT).

    MATERIAL AND METHODS: Bilateral posterior mandibular lingual concavities at the first and second molars were retrospectively studied in cross-sectional views of 150 CBCT scans (n=600 sites evaluated). The sample size was calculated at a power of 80%, confidence interval of 95%, and margin of error of .05. The buccolingual width from the base and crest of the ridge and the ridge height were measured to determine the type of ridge. For the U-shaped ridge, the concavity angle, length, and depth were assessed. The independent t test was used to compare mean values of CBCT measurements between sexes and tooth type, while the ANOVA and Pearson chi-squared test were used to determine the correlations with age groups and types of ridge morphology, respectively. To compare the left and right readings for first and second molars in the same patient, the paired t test was performed (α=.05 for all tests).

    RESULTS: The Pearson correlation showed a strong agreement between the 2 examiners with an interobserver reliability of 87.3%. Significant difference was noted in all dimensional measurements when comparing right and left first and second molars (P

    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  19. Murugiah S, Ramuni K, Das U, Hassan HC, Abdullah SKBF
    Enferm Clin, 2020 06;30 Suppl 5:41-45.
    PMID: 32713581 DOI: 10.1016/j.enfcli.2019.11.019
    Pressure ulcer has been recognized as one of the major causes of morbidity, mortality and a burden to healthcare. Our aim is to compare the level of knowledge regarding pressure ulcer prevention among final year nursing students in one of the Health Campus in Kelantan. This is a cross-sectional study aimed to determine and compare the knowledge of pressure ulcer prevention among the nursing students. The total sample for this study is 108 students. The sampling methods used are purposive sampling methods, i.e. the sample was chosen based on the potentially knowledge about the phenomena studied. Self-administered questionnaire is used to measure the characteristic and knowledge level of sample towards pressure ulcer prevention. Data including descriptive statistic and statistical tests was analyzed using the SPSS version 22.0. Finding of this study was significant with p<0.001 (significant at p<0.05). This indicates the significant differences of pressure ulcer knowledge between both programmes. The degree students have higher knowledge than the diploma students. Therefore, it is evident from this study that higher the level of education, the higher is the knowledge regarding pressure ulcer.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
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