Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 372 in total

  1. Kerfahi D, Tripathi BM, Lee J, Edwards DP, Adams JM
    PLoS One, 2014;9(11):e111525.
    PMID: 25405609 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0111525
    Tropical forests are being rapidly altered by logging, and cleared for agriculture. Understanding the effects of these land use changes on soil fungi, which play vital roles in the soil ecosystem functioning and services, is a major conservation frontier. Using 454-pyrosequencing of the ITS1 region of extracted soil DNA, we compared communities of soil fungi between unlogged, once-logged, and twice-logged rainforest, and areas cleared for oil palm, in Sabah, Malaysia. Overall fungal community composition differed significantly between forest and oil palm plantation. The OTU richness and Chao 1 were higher in forest, compared to oil palm plantation. As a proportion of total reads, Basidiomycota were more abundant in forest soil, compared to oil palm plantation soil. The turnover of fungal OTUs across space, true β-diversity, was also higher in forest than oil palm plantation. Ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungal abundance was significantly different between land uses, with highest relative abundance (out of total fungal reads) observed in unlogged forest soil, lower abundance in logged forest, and lowest in oil palm. In their entirety, these results indicate a pervasive effect of conversion to oil palm on fungal community structure. Such wholesale changes in fungal communities might impact the long-term sustainability of oil palm agriculture. Logging also has more subtle long term effects, on relative abundance of EcM fungi, which might affect tree recruitment and nutrient cycling. However, in general the logged forest retains most of the diversity and community composition of unlogged forest.
  2. Nang EE, Salim A, Wu Y, Tai ES, Lee J, Van Dam RM
    PMID: 23718927 DOI: 10.1186/1479-5868-10-70
    BACKGROUND: Recent evidence shows that sedentary behaviour may be an independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancers and all-cause mortality. However, results are not consistent and different types of sedentary behaviour might have different effects on health. Thus the aim of this study was to evaluate the association between television screen time, computer/reading time and cardio-metabolic biomarkers in a multiethnic urban Asian population. We also sought to understand the potential mediators of this association.
    METHODS: The Singapore Prospective Study Program (2004-2007), was a cross-sectional population-based study in a multiethnic population in Singapore. We studied 3305 Singaporean adults of Chinese, Malay and Indian ethnicity who did not have pre-existing diseases and conditions that could affect their physical activity. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to assess the association of television screen time and computer/reading time with cardio-metabolic biomarkers [blood pressure, lipids, glucose, adiponectin, C reactive protein and homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR)]. Path analysis was used to examine the role of mediators of the observed association.
    RESULTS: Longer television screen time was significantly associated with higher systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, triglycerides, C reactive protein, HOMA-IR, and lower adiponectin after adjustment for potential socio-demographic and lifestyle confounders. Dietary factors and body mass index, but not physical activity, were potential mediators that explained most of these associations between television screen time and cardio-metabolic biomarkers. The associations of television screen time with triglycerides and HOMA-IR were only partly explained by dietary factors and body mass index. No association was observed between computer/ reading time and worse levels of cardio-metabolic biomarkers.
    CONCLUSIONS: In this urban Asian population, television screen time was associated with worse levels of various cardio-metabolic risk factors. This may reflect detrimental effects of television screen time on dietary habits rather than replacement of physical activity.
    MESH: screen time
  3. Sabanayagam C, Lim SC, Wong TY, Lee J, Shankar A, Tai ES
    Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2010 Aug;25(8):2564-70.
    PMID: 20185856 DOI: 10.1093/ndt/gfq084
    There is substantial heterogeneity in literature regarding the epidemiology for chronic kidney disease (CKD) in different Asian populations. We aimed to assess the prevalence and risk factors of CKD in a multi-ethnic Asian population in Singapore.
  4. Wariki WM, Mori R, Boo NY, Cheah IG, Fujimura M, Lee J, et al.
    J Paediatr Child Health, 2013 Jan;49(1):E23-7.
    PMID: 23282105 DOI: 10.1111/jpc.12054
    The study aims to determine the risk factors associated with mortality and necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) among very low birthweight infants in 95 neonatal intensive care units in the Asian Network on Maternal and Newborn Health.
  5. Lee JY, Lee SW, Nasir NH, How S, Tan CS, Wong CP
    Diabet Med, 2015 Dec;32(12):1658-61.
    PMID: 26103794 DOI: 10.1111/dme.12836
    AIM: This pilot study evaluated the short-term benefits of a telemonitoring-supplemented focused diabetic education compared with education alone in participants with Type 2 diabetes who were fasting during Ramadan.
    METHODS: In this pilot mixed-method study, we identified 37 participants and randomly allocated them to either a telemonitoring group (n = 18) or a group receiving Ramadan-focused pre-education only (usual care; n = 19). The telemonitoring group received goal-setting and personalized feedback.
    RESULTS: The telemonitoring group was less likely to experience hypoglycaemia than the usual care group (odds ratio: 0.1273; 95% confidence interval: 0.0267-0.6059). No significant differences were noted in glycaemic control at the end of study. Participants viewed telemedicine as a more convenient alternative although technological barriers remain a concern.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study reinforce the need for monitoring as well as educational initiatives for Muslims with diabetes who fast during Ramadan. Telemonitoring offers an attractive option requiring further research. (Clinical Trial Registry No. NCT02189135).
  6. Lau EM, Suriwongpaisal P, Lee JK, Das De S, Festin MR, Saw SM, et al.
    J. Bone Miner. Res., 2001 Mar;16(3):572-80.
    PMID: 11277276 DOI: 10.1359/jbmr.2001.16.3.572
    The objectives of the Asian Osteoporosis Study (AOS) were to determine risk factors for hip fracture in men and women in four Asian countries, that is, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines. A total of 451 men and 725 women (aged 50 years and over) with hip fractures were compared with an equal number of community controls. A standardized questionnaire was administered by interview. The following relative risks (RRs) were found in women and men by multiple logistic regression: dietary calcium intake < 498 mg/day, 2.0 for women (95% CI, 1.5-2.8) and 1.5 for men (95% CI, 1.0-2.2); no load bearing activity in the immediate past, 2.0 for women (95% CI, 1.4-2.7) and 3.4 for men (95% CI, 2.3-5.1); no vigorous sport activities in young adulthood, 7.2 for women (95% CI, 4.0-13.0) and 2.4 for men (95% CI, 1.6-3.6); cigarette smoking, 1.5 for men (95% CI, 1.0-2.1); alcohol consumption 7 days a week, 2.9 for women (95% CI, 1.0-8.6) and 1.9 for men (95% CI, 1.1-3.2); fell twice or more in the last 12 months, 3.0 for women (95% CI, 1.8-4.8) and 3.4 for men (95% CI, 1.8-6.6); a history of fractures after 50 years of age, 1.8 for women (95% CI, 1.1-2.9) and 3.0 for men (95% CI, 1.6-5.6); a history of stroke, 3.8 for women (95% CI, 2.0-7.1) and 3.6 for men (95% CI, 1.8-7.1); use of sedatives, 2.5 for women (95% CI, 1.0-6.3) and 3.0 for men (95% CI, 1.0-9.7); and use of thyroid drugs, 7.1 for women (95% CI, 2.0-25.9) and 11.8 for men (95% CI, 1.3-106.0). Women who were 1.56 m or taller had an RR of 2.0 (95% CI, 1.3-3.0) for hip fracture and men who were 1.69 m or taller had an RR of 1.9 (95% CI, 1.2-3.1) for hip fracture. Based on these findings, primary preventive programs for hip fracture could be planned in Asia.
  7. Lau EM, Lee JK, Suriwongpaisal P, Saw SM, Das De S, Khir A, et al.
    Osteoporos Int, 2001;12(3):239-43.
    PMID: 11315243 DOI: 10.1007/s001980170135
    The Asian Osteoporosis Study (AOS) is the first multicenter study to document and compare the incidence of hip fracture in four Asian countries. Hosital discharge data for the year 1997 were obtained for the Hong Kong SAR, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand (Chiang Mai). The number of patients who were 50 years of age and older and who were discharged with a diagnosis of hip fracture (ICD9 820) was enumerated. The age-specific incidence rates were deduced and were directly adjusted to the US white population in 1989. The age-adjusted rates for men and women (per 100,000) are as follows: Hong Kong, 180 and 459; Singapore, 164 and 442; Malaysia, 88 and 218; Thailand, 114 and 289; compared with US White rates of 187 in men and 535 in women, published in 1989. We conclude that there is moderate variation in the incidence of hip fracture among Asian countries. The rates were highest in urbanized countries. With rapid economic development in Asia, hip fracture will prove to be a major public health challenge.
  8. Heng DM, Lee J, Chew SK, Tan BY, Hughes K, Chia KS
    Ann Acad Med Singap, 2000 Mar;29(2):231-6.
    PMID: 10895345
    INTRODUCTION: This is the first prospective cohort study in Singapore to describe the incidence of ischaemic heart disease (IHD) and stroke among Chinese, Malays and Asian Indians.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The Singapore Cardiovascular Cohort Study is a longitudinal follow-up study on a general population cohort of 5920 persons drawn from 3 previous cross-sectional surveys. Morbidity and mortality from IHD and stroke were ascertained by record linkage using a unique identification number with the death registry, Singapore Myocardial Infarct Registry and in-patient discharge databases.

    RESULTS: There were 193 first IHD events and 97 first strokes during 52,806 person-years of observation. The overall incidence of IHD was 3.8/1000 person-years and that of stroke was 1.8/1000 person-years. In both males and females, Indians had the highest IHD incidence, followed by Malays and then Chinese. For males after adjusting for age, Indians were 2.78 times (95% CI 1.86, 4.17; P < 0.0001) and 2.28 times (95% CI 1.34, 3.88; P = 0.002) more likely to get IHD than Chinese and Malays respectively. For females after adjusting for age, Indians were 1.97 times (95% CI 1.07, 3.63; P = 0.03) and 1.37 times (95% CI 0.67, 2.80; P = 0.39) more likely to get IHD than Chinese and Malays respectively. For stroke, male Chinese and Indians had higher incidence than Malays (though not statistically significant). However, in females, Malays had the highest incidence of stroke, being 2.57 times (95% CI 1.31, 5.05; P = 0.008) more likely to get stroke than Chinese after adjustment for age.

    CONCLUSIONS: This prospective study of both mortality and morbidity has confirmed the higher risk of IHD in Indians. It has also found that Malay females have a higher incidence of stroke, which deserves further study because of its potential public health importance.

  9. Tan CE, Tai ES, Tan CS, Chia KS, Lee J, Chew SK, et al.
    Atherosclerosis, 2003 Oct;170(2):253-60.
    PMID: 14612205
    BACKGROUND: Serum lipid concentrations are modulated by environmental factors such as exercise, alcohol intake, smoking, obesity and dietary intake and genetic factors. Polymorphisms at the Apolipoprotein E (APOE) locus have consistently shown a significant association with total and LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C). However, their impact on HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) may be population dependent. Having three major ethnic groups within a similar social environment allows us to study the role of genetics and their interactions with lifestyle factors on the serum lipid profile and coronary risk in Asians.

    METHODS: This study included 1740 males (1146 Chinese, 327 Malays and 267 Asian Indians) and 1950 females (1329 Chinese, 360 Malays and 261 Asian Indians) with complete data on anthropometric indices, fasting lipids, smoking status, alcohol consumption, exercise frequency and genotype at the APOE locus.

    RESULTS: Malays and Asian Indians were more obese compared with the Chinese. Smoking was uncommon in all females but Malay males had significantly higher prevalence of smokers. Malays had the highest LDL-C whilst Indians had the lowest HDL-C, The epsilon 3 allele was the most frequent allele in all three ethnic groups. Malays had the highest frequency of epsilon 4 (0.180 and 0.152) compared with Chinese (0.085 and 0.087) and Indians (0.108 and 0.075) in males and females, respectively. The epsilon 2 allele was the least common in Asian Indians. Total cholesterol (TC) and LDL-C was highest in epsilon 4 carriers and lowest in epsilon 2 carriers. The reverse was seen in HDL-C with the highest levels seen in epsilon 2 subjects. The association between ethnic group and HDL-C differed according to APOE genotype and gender. Asian Indians had the lowest HDL-C for each APOE genotype except in Asian Indian males with epsilon 2, where HDL-C concentrations were intermediate between Chinese and Malays.

    CONCLUSION: Ethnic differences in lipid profile could be explained in part by the higher prevalence of epsilon 4 in the Malays. Ethnicity may influence the association between APOE genotypes and HDL-C. APOE genotype showed no correlation with HDL-C in Malay males whereas the association in Asian Indians was particularly marked. Further studies of interactions between genes and environmental factors will contribute to the understanding of differences of coronary risk amongst ethnic groups.

  10. Lee JS, Choi SJ, Kim L, Park IS, Han JY, Kim JM, et al.
    Malays J Pathol, 2019 Aug;41(2):213-222.
    PMID: 31427559
    INTRODUCTION: Anaplastic lymphoma kinase-positive (ALK+) anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) with a non-common pattern can be diagnostic challenging. Pathologists can be unavoidably and unintentionally blind to non-descript tumor cells in a lymphohistiocytic- (LH) or small-cell (SC)-pattern. We report a case of primary systemic ALK+ ALCL with a SC pattern that presented as secondary gastric lesions with a mixed LH and SC pattern that was masqueraded as inflammatory lesions.

    CASE REPORT: A 34-year-old woman with intractable epigastric pain was referred to have repeated endoscopy with biopsy. She was found to multiple gastric erosions and nodules that were diagnosed as inflammatory lesions both endoscopically and histologically. Meanwhile, she developed an acute onset of severe back pain associated with a pathologic compression fracture in the T3 thoracic vertebral body. Imaging studies disclosed a disseminated systemic disease involving abdominopelvic lymph nodes and cervical and thoracic vertebral bodies. The needle biopsy of the pelvic lymph node disclosed diffuse proliferation of monomorphic small round cells that were diffusely positive for CD30 and ALK. A diagnosis of ALK+ ALCL with a monomorphic SC pattern was rendered.

    DISCUSSION: A retrospective review of the gastric biopsies with the aid of immunohistochemistry enabled us to recognise the presence of lymphomatous infiltrates with a mixed LH and SC pattern in every piece of gastric biopsies that were repeatedly misdiagnosed as inflammatory lesions. This case illustrates a significant diagnostic pitfall of the LH- and SC-patterns in ALK+ ALCL, in which the tumour cells featuring lymphoid, plasmacytoid or histiocytoid appearance can be masqueraded as inflammatory cells.

  11. Ahn J, Lim J, Jusoh N, Lee J, Park TE, Kim Y, et al.
    PMID: 31380359 DOI: 10.3389/fbioe.2019.00168
    Bone is one of the most common sites of cancer metastasis, as its fertile microenvironment attracts tumor cells. The unique mechanical properties of bone extracellular matrix (ECM), mainly composed of hydroxyapatite (HA) affect a number of cellular responses in the tumor microenvironment (TME) such as proliferation, migration, viability, and morphology, as well as angiogenic activity, which is related to bone metastasis. In this study, we engineered a bone-mimetic microenvironment to investigate the interactions between the TME and HA using a microfluidic platform designed for culturing tumor cells in 3D bone-mimetic composite of HA and fibrin. We developed a bone metastasis TME model from colorectal cancer (SW620) and gastric cancer (MKN74) cells, which has very poor prognosis but rarely been investigated. The microfluidic platform enabled straightforward formation of 3D TME composed the hydrogel and multiple cell types. This facilitated monitoring of the effect of HA concentration and culture time on the TME. In 3D bone mimicking culture, we found that HA rich microenvironment affects cell viability, proliferation and cancer cell cytoplasmic volume in a manner dependent on the different metastatic cancer cell types and culture duration indicating the spatial heterogeneity (different origin of metastatic cancer) and temporal heterogeneity (growth time of cancer) of TME. We also found that both SW620 and MKN72 cells exhibited significantly reduced migration at higher HA concentration in our platform indicating inhibitory effect of HA in both cancer cells migration. Next, we quantitatively analyzed angiogenic sprouts induced by paracrine factors that secreted by TME and showed paracrine signals from tumor and stromal cell with a high HA concentration resulted in the formation of fewer sprouts. Finally we reconstituted vascularized TME allowing direct interaction between angiogenic sprouts and tumor-stroma microspheroids in a bone-mimicking microenvironment composing a tunable HA/fibrin composite. Our multifarious approach could be applied to drug screening and mechanistic studies of the metastasis, growth, and progression of bone tumors.
  12. Chin YK, Ina-Salwany MY, Zamri-Saad M, Amal MNA, Mohamad A, Lee JY, et al.
    Dis Aquat Organ, 2020 Jan 16;137(3):167-173.
    PMID: 31942862 DOI: 10.3354/dao03435
    Skin abrasions often occur in farmed fish following handling by labourers, injury by farm facilities, cannibalism and ectoparasites. Vibrio spp. are opportunistic pathogens that can invade host fish through damaged tissues and cause outbreaks of vibriosis. This study describes the effect of skin abrasions on the infectivity of V. harveyi using Asian seabass Lates calcarifer (Bloch, 1790) fingerlings as a case example and compares bacterial load and fish survival following immersion challenge with different doses. In total, 315 fish (6.67 ± 1.8 g) were divided into 3 treatments: skin abrasion followed by immersion infection, immersion infection only and an uninfected, uninjured control. Fish in the infection treatments were divided into 3 subgroups and exposed in triplicate to a 7 d immersion challenge with 106, 107 and 108 CFU ml-1 of live V. harveyi. No mortalities were observed in the control and immersion infection groups. However, fish in the skin abrasion treatment group that were infected with 108 CFU ml-1 of live V. harveyi showed signs of progressing disease throughout the experiment, which resulted in mortalities. Significantly higher bacterial loads (p < 0.05) were recorded in the intestine, liver and gills of the fish in this group. Fish in the skin abrasion treatment that were exposed to 107 and 108 CFU ml-1 of V. harveyi showed 100% mortality by Days 5 and 4, respectively. These findings confirm that skin injuries increase the susceptibility of seabass fingerlings to V. harveyi infection.
  13. Sng CC, Wong WL, Cheung CY, Lee J, Tai ES, Wong TY
    J Hypertens, 2013 Oct;31(10):2036-42.
    PMID: 23787404 DOI: 10.1097/HJH.0b013e328362c201
    OBJECTIVE(S): To examine the effect of blood pressure (BP) on retinal vascular fractal dimension (Df), a measure of microvascular network complexity and density in a multiethnic cohort.
    METHODS: A population-based study of 3876 Chinese, Malay and Indian participants in Singapore. Retinal Df was measured using a computer-based program from digital retinal photographs. Associations between retinal Df and mean arterial BP (MABP) in the whole cohort and in each racial group were analysed using linear regression analysis. Logistic regression was used to examine the association between retinal Df and hypertension status.
    RESULTS: The mean retinal Df of the study population was 1.45 (standard deviation 0.03). After adjustment for age, sex, race, diabetes, BMI, cholesterol and creatinine levels, persons with smaller Df had higher MABP (mean difference MABP was 6.18 mmHg comparing lowest to highest Df quartiles, P<0.001). This was similar in Chinese, Malay and Indian persons [mean difference 6.40 (P<0.001), 4.72 (P=0.011) and 6.62 (P<0.001)mmHg, respectively]. Persons with smaller retinal Df were more likely to have uncontrolled treated or untreated hypertension [odds ratio 1.79 (P=0.003) and 2.60 (P=0.003), respectively, comparing lowest to highest Df quartiles] than those with no hypertension; this relationship was not seen comparing persons with controlled treated hypertension with no hypertension (odds ratio 1.01, P=0.972).
    CONCLUSION: Hypertension was associated with a sparser retinal vascular network, which was similar across different racial/ethnic groups and most apparent in those with uncontrolled or untreated hypertension. These data suggest that microvascular remodelling can be quantified by measuring retinal vasculature.
  14. Nguyen HT, Lee J, Kwon E, Lisak G, Thanh BX, Oh WD, et al.
    J Colloid Interface Sci, 2021 Jun;591:161-172.
    PMID: 33601102 DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2021.01.108
    While Cobalt nanoparticles (Co NPs) are useful for catalytic Oxone activation, it is more advantageous to embed/immobilize Co NPs on nitrogen-doped carbon substrates to provide synergy for enhancing catalytic performance. Herein, this study proposes to fabricate such a composite by utilizing covalent organic frameworks (COF) as a precursor. Through complexation of COF with Co, a stable product of Co-complexed COF (Co-COF) can be synthesized. This Co-COF is further converted through pyrolysis to N-doped carbon in which cobaltic NPs are embedded. Owing to its well-defined structures of Co-COF, the pyrolysis process transforms COF into N-doped carbon with a bubble-like morphology. Such Co NP-embedded N-doped carbon nanobubbles (CoCNB) with pores, magnetism and Co, shall be a promising catalyst. Thus, CoCNB shows a much stronger catalytic activity than commercial Co3O4 NPs to activate Oxone to degrade toxic Amaranth dye (AMD). CoCNB-activated Oxone also achieves a significantly lower Ea value of AMD degradation (i.e., 27.9 kJ/mol) than reported Ea values in previous literatures. Besides, CoCNB is still effective for complete elimination of AMD in the presence of high-concentration NaCl and surfactants, and CoCNB is also reusable over five consecutive cycles.
  15. Lee JM, Wasserman RJ, Gan JY, Wilson RF, Rahman S, Yek SH
    Ecohealth, 2020 03;17(1):52-63.
    PMID: 31786667 DOI: 10.1007/s10393-019-01457-9
    Knowledge of the interrelationship of mosquito communities and land use changes is of paramount importance to understand the potential risk of mosquito disease transmission. This study examined the effects of land use types in urban, peri-urban and natural landscapes on mosquito community structure to test whether the urban landscape is implicated in increased prevalence of potentially harmful mosquitoes. Three land use types (park, farm, and forest nested in urban, peri-urban and natural landscapes, respectively) in Klang Valley, Malaysia, were surveyed for mosquito larval habitat, mosquito abundance and diversity. We found that the nature of human activities in land use types can increase artificial larval habitats, supporting container-breeding vector specialists such as Aedes albopictus, a dengue vector. In addition, we observed a pattern of lower mosquito richness but higher mosquito abundance, characterised by the high prevalence of Ae. albopictus in the urban landscape. This was also reflected in the mosquito community structure whereby urban and peri-urban landscapes were composed of mainly vector species compared to a more diverse mosquito composition in natural landscape. This study suggested that good environmental management practices in the tropical urban landscape are of key importance for effective mosquito-borne disease management.
  16. Lim YF, Chan YJ, Abakr YA, Sethu V, Selvarajoo A, Singh A, et al.
    Environ Technol, 2021 Feb 18.
    PMID: 33502966 DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2021.1882587
    As the population increases, energy demands continue to rise rapidly. In order to satisfy this increasing energy demand, biogas offers a potential alternative. Biogas is economically viable to be produced through anaerobic digestion (AD) from various biomass feedstocks that are readily available in Malaysia, such as food waste (FW), palm oil mill effluent (POME), garden waste (GW), landfill, sewage sludge (SS) and animal manure. This paper aims to determine the potential feedstocks for biogas production via AD based on their characteristics, methane yield, kinetic studies and economic analysis. POME and FW show the highest methane yield with biogas yields up to 0.50 L/g VS while the lowest is 0.12 L/g VS by landfill leachate. Kinetic study shows that modified Gompertz model fits most of the feedstock with R 2 up to 1 indicating that this model can be used for estimating treatment efficiencies of full-scale reactors and performing scale-up analysis. The economic analysis shows that POME has the shortest payback period (PBP), highest internal rate of return (IRR) and net present value (NPV). However, it has already been well explored, with 93% of biogas plants in Malaysia using POME as feedstock. The FW generation rate in Malaysia is approximately 15,000 tonnes per day, at the same time FW as the second place shows potential to have a PBP of 5.4 years and 13.3% IRR, which is close to the results achieved with POME. This makes FW suitable to be used as the feedstock for biogas production.
  17. Lee LY, Lee J, Niduvaje K, Seah SS, Atmawidjaja RW, Cheah FC
    J Paediatr Child Health, 2020 Mar;56(3):400-407.
    PMID: 31618507 DOI: 10.1111/jpc.14634
    AIM: A collaborative study was conducted between two Southeast Asian university hospitals to compare the nutritional intervention and growth outcomes and evaluate the extent of post-natal growth faltering (PNGF) among very low birthweight (VLBW) infants.

    METHODS: Data of all infants admitted during the 2011-2012 period to the two hospitals at Singapore (SG) and Malaysia (MY) were pooled and analysed.

    RESULTS: Of the 236 infants, SG infants received lower total protein and energy intake than MY infants (2.69 vs. 3.54 g/kg/day and 92.4 vs. 128.9 kcal/kg/day respectively; P -2 SDS (55 vs. 16%; P = 0.001). The greater use of a diuretic in SG to treat haemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus (hsPDA) may have contributed to the higher PNGF rate. Mean growth velocity of at least 15 g/kg/day was attained by VLBW infants only from Day 14 and by ELBW infants only from Day 28 post-natally. Overall, severe PNGF rates (z-score change >-2 SDS at 36 weeks' corrected age) were 28.8 and 36.5% for VLBW and ELBW infants, respectively.

    CONCLUSIONS: Being very preterm, ELBW with hsPDA and receiving insufficient protein and energy were risk factors for severe PNGF. Increasing protein and energy content, augmenting fortification of breast milk and concentrating feed volumes, especially if there is an hsPDA, may curb severe PNGF among these infants.

  18. Chu SY, Foong JH, Lee J, Ben-David BM, Barlow SM, Hsu C
    PMID: 34331497 DOI: 10.1111/1460-6984.12653
    BACKGROUND: It is unclear whether oral diadochokinetic rate (oral-DDK) performance is affected by different languages within a multilingual country.

    AIMS: This study investigated the effects of age, sex, and stimulus type (real word in L1, L2 vs. non-word) on oral-DDK rates among healthy Malaysian-Malay speakers in order to establish language- and age-sensitive norms. The second aim was to compared the nonword 'pataka' oral-DDK rates produced by Malaysian-Malay speakers on currently available normative data for Hebrew speakers and Malaysian-Mandarin speakers.

    METHODS & PROCEDURES: Oral-DDK performance of 90 participants (aged 20-77 years) using nonword ('pataka'), Malay real word ('patahkan'), and English real word ('buttercake') was audio recorded. The number of syllables produced in 8 seconds was calculated. Mixed analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to examine the effects of stimulus type (nonword, Malay, and English real word), sex (male, female), age (younger, 20-40 years; middle, 41-60 years; older, ≥61 years), and their interactions on the oral-DDK rate. Data obtained were also compared with the raw data of Malaysian-Mandarin and Hebrew speakers from the previous studies.

    OUTCOMES & RESULTS: A normative oral-DDK rate has been established for healthy Malaysian-Malay speakers. The oral-DDK rate was significantly affected by stimuli (p 

  19. Tay ST, Wong PL, Chiu CK, Tang SN, Lee JL, Hamdan NW, et al.
    Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci, 2021 01;25(2):605-608.
    PMID: 33577013 DOI: 10.26355/eurrev_202101_24618
    OBJECTIVE: Nocardia kroppenstedtii was isolated from the spinal vertebral abscess of a 78-year-old patient presenting with mid-thoracic pain and bilateral lower limb weakness and numbness. The patient was on long-term immunosuppressive therapy with steroids for underlying autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Investigations showed a T5 pathological fracture and vertebra plana with the erosion of the superior and inferior endplates. There was evidence of paraspinal collection from the T4-T6 vertebrae with an extension into the spinal canal. Analysis of Nocardia 16S rRNA (99.9%, 1395/1396 nt) and secA1 gene (99.5%, 429/431 nt) fragments showed the highest sequence similarity with Nocardia kroppenstedtii type strain (DQ157924), and next with Nocardia farcinica (Z36936). The patient was treated with intravenous carbapenem and oral trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole for four weeks, followed by another six months of oral trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Despite the improvement of neurological deficits, the patient required assistive devices to ambulate at discharge. This study reports the first isolation of N. kroppenstedtii from the spinal vertebral abscess of a patient from Asia. Infections caused by N. kroppenstedtii may be underdiagnosed as the bacterium can be misidentified as N. farcinica in the absence of molecular tests in the clinical laboratory.
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