Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 88 in total

  1. Kazi RN, Munavvar AS, Abdullah NA, Khan AH, Johns EJ
    Auton Autacoid Pharmacol, 2009 Jan;29(1-2):25-31.
    PMID: 19302553 DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-8673.2009.00428.x
    1 Increased renal vascular resistance is one renal functional abnormality that contributes to hypertension, and alpha(1)-adrenoceptors play a pivotal role in modulating this renal vascular resistance. This study investigates the functional contribution of alpha(1)-adrenoceptor subtypes in the renal cortical vasculature of Wistar-Kyoto rats on a normal sodium diet (WKYNNa) compared with those given saline to drink for 6 weeks (WKYHNa). 2 The renal cortical vascular responses to the adrenergic agonists noradrenaline (NA), methoxamine (ME) and phenylephrine (PE) were measured in WKYHNa and WKYNNa rats either in the absence (the control phase) or presence of chloroethylclonidine (CEC), an alpha(1B)-adrenoceptor antagonist, 5-methylurapidil (5-MeU), an alpha(1A) antagonist, or BMY7378, an alpha(1D) antagonist. 3 Results showed a greater renal cortical vascular sensitivity to NA, PE and ME in the WKYHNa compared with WKYNNa rats (P < 0.05). Moreover, 5-MeU and BMY7378 attenuated adrenergically induced renal cortical vasoconstriction in WKYHNa and WKYNNa rats; this response was largely blunted in CEC-treated WKYHNa rats (all P < 0.05) but not in CEC-treated WKYNNa rats. 4 The data suggest that irrespective of dietary sodium content, in Wistar-Kyoto rats alpha(1A)- and alpha(1D)-subtypes are the major alpha(1)-adrenoceptors in renal cortical vasculature; however, there appears to be a functional involvement of alpha(1B)-adrenoceptors in the WKYHNa rats.
  2. Nguyen QT, Naguib RN, Abd Ghani MK, Bali RK, Lee IM
    Int J Electron Healthc, 2008;4(2):184-207.
    PMID: 18676343
    This paper presents an overview of the healthcare systems in Southeast Asia, with a focus on the healthcare informatics development and deployment in seven countries, namely, Singapore, Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, the Philippines and Vietnam. Brief geographic and demographic information is provided for each country, followed by a historical review of the national strategies for healthcare informatics development. An analysis of the state-of-the-art healthcare infrastructure is also given, along with a critical appraisal of national healthcare provisions.
  3. Keng PS, Basri M, Ariff AB, Abdul Rahman MB, Abdul Rahman RN, Salleh AB
    Bioresour Technol, 2008 Sep;99(14):6097-104.
    PMID: 18243690 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2007.12.049
    Lipase-catalyzed production of palm esters by alcoholysis of palm oil with oleyl alcohol in n-hexane was performed in 2L stirred-tank reactor (STR). Investigation on the performance of reactor operation was carried out in batch mode STR with single impeller mounted on the centrally located shaft. Rushton turbine (RT) impellers provide the highest reaction yield (95.8%) at lower agitation speed as compared to AL-hydrofoil (AL-H) and 2-bladed elephant ear (EE) impellers. Homogenous enzyme particles suspension was obtained at 250 rpm by using RT impeller. At higher impeller speed, the shear effect on the enzyme particles caused by agitation has decreased the reaction performance. Palm esters reaction mixture in STR follows Newtons' law due to the linear relation between the shear stress (tau) and shear rate (dupsilon/dy). High stability of Lipozyme RM IM was observed as shown by its ability to be repeatedly used to give high percentage yield (79%) of palm esters even after 15 cycles of reaction. The process was successfully scale-up to 75 L STR (50 L working volume) based on a constant impeller tip speed approach, which gave the yield of 97.2% after 5h reaction time.
  4. Hadi H, Awadh AI, Hanif NM, Md Sidik NF, Mohd Rani MR, Suhaimi MS
    Skin Res Technol, 2016 May;22(2):247-54.
    PMID: 26333416 DOI: 10.1111/srt.12257
    Skin, as a protective barrier to exogenous substances, can be modulated by various internal and external factors that can affect its functional state. In order to prevent the early symptoms and signs of diseases of the skin, frequent skin health assessment should be performed. The aims of the study were to evaluate four skin properties of transepidermal water loss (TEWL), hydration, elasticity, and pigmentation using a non-invasive skin assessment tool, DermaLab Combo(®) , and also to determine possible factors that may influence skin condition.
  5. Salleh AB, Basri M, Taib M, Jasmani H, Rahman RN, Rahman MB, et al.
    Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2002 10 25;102-103(1-6):349-57.
    PMID: 12396136
    Recent studies on biocatalysis in water-organic solvent biphasic systems have shown that many enzymes retain their catalytic activities in the presence of high concentrations of organic solvents. However, not all enzymes are organic solvent tolerant, and most have limited and selective tolerance to particular organic solvents. Protein modification or protein tailoring is an approach to alter the characteristics of enzymes, including solubility in organic solvents. Particular amino acids may play pivotal roles in the catalytic ability of the protein. Attaching soluble modifiers to the protein molecule may alter its conformation and the overall polarity of the molecule. Enzymes, in particular lipases, have been chemically modified by attachment of aldehydes, polyethylene glycols, and imidoesters. These modifications alter the hydrophobicity and conformation of the enzymes, resulting in changes in the microenvironment of the enzymes. By these modifications, newly acquired properties such as enhancement of activity and stability and changes in specificity and solubility in organic solvents are obtained. Modified lipases were found to be more active and stable in organic solvents. The optimum water activity (a(w)) for reaction was also shifted by using modified enzymes. Changes in enantioselective behavior were also observed.
  6. Marmey P, Bothner B, Jacquot E, de Kochko A, Ong CA, Yot P, et al.
    Virology, 1999 Jan 20;253(2):319-26.
    PMID: 9918890
    Rice tungro bacilliform virus (RTBV) is a plant pararetrovirus and a member of the Caulimoviridae family and closely related to viruses in the Badnavirus genus. The coat protein of RTBV is part of the large polyprotein encoded by open reading frame 3 (ORF3). ORF3 of an RTBV isolate from Malaysia was sequenced (accession no. AF076470) and compared with published sequences for the region that encodes the coat protein or proteins. Molecular mass of virion proteins was determined by mass spectrometry (matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-TOF) performed on purified virus particles from three RTBV isolates from Malaysia. The N- and C-terminal amino acid sequences of the coat protein were deduced from the mass spectral analysis, leading to the conclusion that purified virions contain a single coat protein of 37 kDa. The location of the coat protein domain in ORF3 was reinforced as a result of immunodetection reactions using antibodies raised against six different segments of ORF3 using Western immunoblots after SDS-PAGE and isoelectrofocusing of proteins purified from RTBV particles. These studies demonstrate that RTBV coat protein is released from the polyprotein as a single coat protein of 37 kDa.
  7. Ismail I, Arliyani, Jalil Z, Mursal, Olaiya NG, Abdullah CK, et al.
    Polymers (Basel), 2020 Sep 28;12(10).
    PMID: 32998404 DOI: 10.3390/polym12102236
    Conventionally, panel boards are produced with material flex or microparticle with P.U. or U.F. as adhesives. However, in this study, nanoparticle with epoxy resin as an adhesive was used to produce nanoboard. Coconut shell nanoparticle composite with epoxy resin as an adhesive was prepared using a compression molding technique. The coconut shell particles were originally 200 mesh size and then milled mechanically with a ball mill for the duration of 10, 20, 30, and 40 h (milling times) to produce nanoparticles. The composition ratio of the composite is 85 vol.% of coconut shell and 15 vol.% of epoxy resin. The formation of nanoparticles was observed with transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The mechanical, physical, and microstructure properties of the composite were examined with X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and universal testing machine. The results established that the properties of the composite (microstructures, mechanical, and physical) are influenced by the duration of milling of coconut shell particles. The modulus and flexural strength of the composite improved with an increase in the milling time. The density, thickness swelling, and porosity of the composite were also influenced by the milling times. The result suggested that the composite properties were influenced by the particle size of the coconut shell. The coconut shell nanoparticle composite can be used in the manufacturing of hybrid panels and board.
  8. Ching HS, Luddin N, Kannan TP, Ab Rahman I, Abdul Ghani NRN
    J Esthet Restor Dent, 2018 11;30(6):557-571.
    PMID: 30394667 DOI: 10.1111/jerd.12413
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this review was to provide an insight about the factors affecting the properties of glass ionomer cements and provides a review regarding studies that are related to modification of glass ionomer cements to improve their properties, particularly on physical-mechanical and antimicrobial activity.

    METHODS: PubMed and Science Direct were searched for papers published between the years 1974 and 2018. The search was restricted to articles written in English related to modification of glass ionomer cements. Only articles published in peer-reviewed journals were included. The search included literature reviews, in vitro, and in vivo studies. Articles written in other languages, without available abstracts and those related to other field were excluded. About 198 peer-review articles in the English language were reviewed.

    CONCLUSION: Based on the finding, most of the modification has improved physical-mechanical properties of glass ionomer cements. Recently, researchers have attempted to improve their antimicrobial properties. However, the attempts were reported to compromise the physical-mechanical properties of modified glass ionomer cements.

    CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: As the modification of glass ionomer cement with different material improved the physical-mechanical and antimicrobial properties, it could be used as restorative material for wider application in dentistry.

  9. Wong LP, Alias H, Yusoff RNARM, Sam IC, Zimet GD
    Sex Transm Dis, 2019 09;46(9):617-624.
    PMID: 31181035 DOI: 10.1097/OLQ.0000000000001024
    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to investigate factors associated with the willingness of boys to accept the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.

    METHODS: A nationwide cross-sectional survey among Secondary One male students in Malaysia.

    RESULTS: Among 2823 respondents, knowledge about HPV infection and the HPV vaccine was extremely poor. The mean total knowledge score was only 3.17 (SD ± 2.14), out of a possible score of 10. The majority of respondents were unaware that vaccinating boys can help protect girls against HPV infection (81.6%), and HPV is a sexually transmitted infection (70.1%). Many had the misconception that only females get HPV (78.9%). In multivariable analysis, the factors associated with the intention to receive the HPV vaccination were: agreeing boys need to be vaccinated against HPV infection (odds ratio [OR], 2.05; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.57-2.68), perceiving their parents might allow them to get the HPV vaccine (OR, 1.66; 95% CI, 1.18-2.34), perceived susceptibility to HPV infection (OR, 1.63; 95% CI, 1.06-2.52), and attending a rural school (OR, 1.49; 95% CI, 1.14-1.95).

    CONCLUSIONS: Public health educational programs that are focused and tailored on parents consenting to HPV vaccination for boys at a young age can be useful in improving HPV vaccination rates among boys. There is also a pressing need to educate boys about the benefits of HPV vaccination in males and about HPV disease susceptibility to facilitate adoption of the HPV vaccine by young adults in the future.

  10. Aziz ME, Yusof NR, Abdullah MS, Yusof AH, Yusof MI
    Singapore Med J, 2005 Aug;46(8):426-8.
    PMID: 16049615
    Persistent sciatic artery is a very uncommon embryological vascular variant. This case report highlights this rare vascular anomaly, diagnostic difficulty, complication and subsequent treatment in a 43-year-old man who presented with sudden onset of right leg pain for a few hours. He was unable to walk because of pain and numbness. Emergency right lower limb angiogram showed a large aneurysm that was initially thought to arise from the right common femoral artery, associated with thrombus formation within the right popliteal artery. A below knee amputation was performed due to worsening ischaemia of the right leg. The persistent right sciatic artery was later obliterated using percutaneous stenting and endovascular grafting, with deployment of two wallstents.
  11. Hassan MR, Mustapha NR, Zawawi FM, Earnest BS, Voralu K, Pani SP
    Singapore Med J, 2011 Feb;52(2):86-9.
    PMID: 21373733
    This study was conducted to compare the genotype and markers of disease severity of chronic hepatitis C (CHC), namely viral load, alanine transaminase (ALT) levels and histopathological findings on liver biopsy, in patients with and without end-stage renal disease (ESRD).
  12. Balakrishnan S, Rahman RNZRA, Noor NDM, Latip W, Ali MSM
    J Biomol Struct Dyn, 2023;41(21):11498-11509.
    PMID: 36598349 DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2022.2164519
    Aquaporin is a water channel protein that facilitates the movement of water across the cell membrane. Aquaporin from the Antarctic region has been noted for its psychrophilic properties and its ability to perform at a lower temperature but there remains limited understanding of the water mechanism of Antarctic Pseudomonas sp. strain AMS3 However, studies regarding aquaporin isolated from psychrophilic Pseudomonas sp. are still scattered. Recently, the genome sequence of an Antarctic Pseudomonas sp. strain AMS3 revealed a gene sequence encoding for a putative aquaporin designated as AqpZ1 AMS3. In this study, structure analysis and a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of a predicted model of a fully hydrated aquaporin tetramer embedded in a lipid bilayer was performed at different temperatures for structural flexibility and stability analysis. The MD simulation results revealed that the structures were able to remain stable at low to medium temperatures. The protein was observed to have high flexibility in the loop region as compared to the helices region throughout the simulated temperatures. The selectivity filter and NPA motifs play a major role in solute selectivity and the pore radius of the protein. The structural and functional characterization of this psychrophilic aquaporin provides new insights for the future applications of this protein.Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.
  13. Sriramaneni RN, Omar AZ, Ibrahim SM, Amirin S, Mohd Zaini A
    Pharmacognosy Res, 2010 Jul;2(4):242-6.
    PMID: 21808575 DOI: 10.4103/0974-8490.69125
    BACKGROUND: The aim of the present study is to evaluate the possible mechanism of the vasorelaxant effect of the Andrographis paniculata chloroform extract (APCE) and diterpenoids, such as, 14-deoxyandrographolide (DA) and 14-deoxy-11, 12-didehydroandrographolide (DDA), on rat aortic rings.

    METHODS: DA and DDA (10 μM to 40 μM) induce relaxation in the aortic rings pre-contracted with KCl (80 mM).

    RESULTS: The IC(50) values are 40.47 ± 1.44 and 37.43 ± 1.41%, respectively, and this inhibition is antagonized by increasing the Ca(2+) concentration in the Kreb's medium. The results indicate that APCE, DA, and DDA may have a calcium anatgonist property. APCE, DA, and DDA also relax norepinephrene (NE)-induced sustained contractions with IC(50) values 41.63 ± 1.19, 49.22 ± 2.76, and 37.46 ± 1.41% and this relaxant effect is unaffected by the removal of the endothelium or by the presence of indomethacin and Nω-nitro-L-arginine (L-NAME). Moreover, DA and DDA inhibit the phasic and tonic contractions induced by NE in a concentration-dependent manner and show the most potent inhibition on phasic contraction (P < 0.01).

    CONCLUSION: This study shows that APCE, DA, and DDA pre-treatment presents a more potent inhibition compared to post-treatment, after the tension has reached a steady state. These results suggest that the vasorelaxation of APCE, DA, and DDA direct the inhibition of the calcium influx. The vasorelaxant effect is more active in the calcium independent pathway and more sensitive in the intial stage of contraction.

  14. R A A H, Y U C, R N, I R
    J Neonatal Surg, 2015 07 01;4(3):32.
    PMID: 26290814
    Development of infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis during postoperative period in EA with TEF is rare. Postoperative vomiting or feeding intolerance in EA is more common which is due to esophageal stricture, gastroesophageal reflux and esophageal dysmotility. A typical case of IHPS also presents with non-bilious projectile vomiting at around 3-4 weeks of life. The diagnosis of infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis in this subset is usually delayed because of its rarity. We report a case of IHPS in postoperative EA and emphasize on high index of suspicion to avoid any delay in diagnosis with its metabolic consequences.
  15. A A, R N, K P, Bing CH, R R
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2018 Aug;133:655-663.
    PMID: 30041362 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.06.033
    The concentrations of nine trace metals (Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Cd, and Pb) were measured in different tissues of two pelagic and five demersal fish species collected from the Miri coast, Sarawak. The sequence of accumulation of trace metals in different tissues were: liver > gill > gonad > muscle. Zn (301.00 μg g-1) and Cd (0.10 μg g-1) was the maximum and minimum accumulated elements. According to the Hazard Index calculation, none of the elements will pose any adverse health effects to humans for both ingestion rates (normal and habitual fish consumers) proposed by USEPA, except for Pb and Cd in certain fish species. On the basis of the results, the level of elements in the edible muscle tissues of all the analyzed fish species from the Miri coast are below the maximum permissible limits of Malaysian and International seafood guideline values and safe for consumers.
  16. Grigg MJ, William T, Dhanaraj P, Menon J, Barber BE, von Seidlein L, et al.
    BMJ Open, 2014 Aug 19;4(8):e006005.
    PMID: 25138814 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-006005
    INTRODUCTION: Malaria due to Plasmodium knowlesi is reported throughout South-East Asia, and is the commonest cause of it in Malaysia. P. knowlesi replicates every 24 h and can cause severe disease and death. Current 2010 WHO Malaria Treatment Guidelines have no recommendations for the optimal treatment of non-severe knowlesi malaria. Artemisinin-combination therapies (ACT) and chloroquine have each been successfully used to treat knowlesi malaria; however, the rapidity of parasite clearance has not been prospectively compared. Malaysia's national policy for malaria pre-elimination involves mandatory hospital admission for confirmed malaria cases with discharge only after two negative blood films; use of a more rapidly acting antimalarial agent would have health cost benefits. P. knowlesi is commonly microscopically misreported as P. malariae, P. falciparum or P. vivax, with a high proportion of the latter two species being chloroquine-resistant in Malaysia. A unified ACT-treatment protocol would provide effective blood stage malaria treatment for all Plasmodium species.

    METHODS AND ANALYSIS: ACT KNOW, the first randomised controlled trial ever performed in knowlesi malaria, is a two-arm open-label trial with enrolments over a 2-year period at three district sites in Sabah, powered to show a difference in proportion of patients negative for malaria by microscopy at 24 h between treatment arms (clinicaltrials.gov #NCT01708876). Enrolments started in December 2012, with completion expected by September 2014. A total sample size of 228 is required to give 90% power (α 0.05) to determine the primary end point using intention-to-treat analysis. Secondary end points include parasite clearance time, rates of recurrent infection/treatment failure to day 42, gametocyte carriage throughout follow-up and rates of anaemia at day 28, as determined by survival analysis.

    ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: This study has been approved by relevant institutional ethics committees in Malaysia and Australia. Results will be disseminated to inform knowlesi malaria treatment policy in this region through peer-reviewed publications and academic presentations.


  17. Ameer OZ, Salman IM, Siddiqui MJ, Yam MF, Sriramaneni RN, Sadikun A, et al.
    Braz. J. Med. Biol. Res., 2010 Feb;43(2):186-94.
    PMID: 20084331
    We investigated the vascular responses and the blood pressure reducing effects of different fractions obtained from the methanol extract of Loranthus ferrugineus Roxb. (F. Loranthaceae). By means of solvent-solvent extraction, L. ferrugineus methanol extract (LFME) was successively fractionated with chloroform, ethyl acetate and n-butanol. The ability of these LFME fractions to relax vascular smooth muscle against phenylephrine (PE)- and KCl-induced contractions in isolated rat aortic rings was determined. In another set of experiments, LFME fractions were tested for blood pressure lowering activity in anesthetized adult male Sprague-Dawley rats (250-300 g, 14-18 weeks). The n-butanol fraction of LFME (NBF-LFME) produced a significant concentration-dependent inhibition of PE- and KCl-induced aortic ring contractions compared to other fractions. Moreover, NBF-LFME had a significantly higher relaxant effect against PE- than against high K+-induced contractions. In anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats, NBF-LFME significantly lowered blood pressure in a dose-dependent manner and with a relatively longer duration of action compared to the other fractions. HPLC, UV and IR spectra suggested the presence of terpenoid constituents in both LFME and NBF-LFME. Accordingly, we conclude that NBF-LFME is the most potent fraction producing a concentration-dependent relaxation in vascular smooth muscle in vitro and a dose-dependent blood pressure lowering activity in vivo. The cardiovascular effects of NBF-LFME are most likely attributable to its terpenoid content.
  18. Chan BT, Amal RN, Hayati MI, Kino H, Anisah N, Norhayati M, et al.
    PMID: 18567437
    A serologic study of Toxoplasma antibodies among 501 foreign migrant workers in Malaysia was conducted in a plantation and detention camp. The highest prevalence rate of 46.2% was among Nepalese workers. Statistical analysis indicated the IgG positivity rate among local residents was significantly higher than the migrants studied (p < 0.05). The IgM positivity rate showed no significant difference between the two groups (p > 0.05). No significant difference in the prevalence rate was noted between the migrants and the local workers when grouped by agricultural and non-agricultural occupations (p > 0.05). The continuous introduction of these infections may influence the epidemiology and further compromise efforts in control and prevention. It is therefore important to monitor of non-notifiable diseases.
  19. Fatihah HN, Mat N, Zaimah AR, Zuhailah MN, Norhaslinda H, Khairil M, et al.
    PLoS One, 2012;7(12):e52441.
    PMID: 23285045 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0052441
    This study is the first report to suggest a morphological phylogenetic framework for the seven varieties of Ficus deltoidea Jack (Ficus: Moraceae) from the Malay Peninsula of Malaysia. Several molecular-based classifications on the genus Ficus had been proposed, but neither had discussed the relationship between seven varieties of F. deltoidea to its allies nor within the varieties. The relationship between seven varieties of F. deltoidea is still debated due to the extreme morphological variabilities and ambiguous boundaries between taxa. Thus, the correct identification of these varieties is important as several morphological characters are variety-specific. To test the monophyly and further resolved the relationship in F. deltoidea, a morphological phylogenetic analysis was conducted based on herbarium specimens representing the seven varieties of F. deltoidea that were collected from the Malay Peninsula of Malaysia, by using related species of the genus Ficus; F. grossularioides, F. ischnopoda and F. oleifolia as the outgroups. Parsimony and neighbour-joining analyses indicated that F. deltoidea is monophyletic, in that the seven varieties of F. deltoidea nested into two clades; clade subspecies deltoidea (var. deltoidea, var. bilobata, var. angustifolia, var. kunstleri and var. trengganuensis) and clade subspecies motleyana (var. intermedia and var. motleyana).
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