Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 395 in total

  1. Nna VU, Usman UZ, Ofutet EO, Owu DU
    Food Chem Toxicol, 2017 Apr;102:143-155.
    PMID: 28229914 DOI: 10.1016/j.fct.2017.02.010
    This study examined the possible protective effect of quercetin(QE) on cadmium chloride (CdCl2) - induced reproductive toxicity in female rats. Cadmium (Cd) accumulated in the uterus and ovaries of rats, decreased antioxidants [superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione (GSH)], and raised the concentrations of malondialdehyde (MDA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in the uterus and ovaries of rats. Serum concentrations of estradiol, progesterone, follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone decreased significantly after CdCl2 administration. Caspase-3 activity significantly increased in the ovaries, with an increase in Bax and a decrease in Bcl-2 protein expressions after CdCl2 treatment. Histopathology of the ovaries revealed significant decrease in follicle number, while the uterus showed cyst-like endometrial glands. All three models of QE treatment [pre-treatment (QE + CdCl2), post-treatment (CdCl2+QE), simultaneous treatment (CdCl2/QE)] decreased Cd accumulation, MDA, H2O2, and increased SOD, CAT and GPx activities in the uterus and ovaries, decreased apoptosis of follicular cells, and increased serum reproductive hormones. However, the QE pre-treated model offered better protection against CdCl2 relative to the other two models. These results suggest that, QE exerts multi-mechanistic protective effects against cadmium toxicity attributable to its antioxidant and anti-apoptotic actions.
  2. Saleem H, Usman A, Mahomoodally MF, Ahemad N
    J Ethnopharmacol, 2021 Feb 10;266:113356.
    PMID: 32956758 DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2020.113356
    ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: Bougainvillea glabra (Choisy). (Family: Nyctinaginacea) is a valuable ornamental plant with culinary uses and also utilized in traditional medicine for treating common ailments. It is traditionally employed against several diseases such as diarrhoea, hypotension, intestinal disorders, stomachache, nausea, inflammation-related ailments, and in pain management. Though widely validated via in vitro and in vivo models, to date no endeavour has been made to compile in a single review the traditional, phytochemistry and pharmacological properties of B. glabra.

    AIMS: To provide an up-to-date, authoritative review with respect to the traditional uses, chemical composition, in vitro and in vivo pharmacological properties, and toxicological estimations accomplished either utilizing the crude extracts or, wherever applicable, the bioactive compounds isolated from B. glabra. Besides, a critical evaluation of the published literature has been undertaken with regards to the current biochemical and toxicological data.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Key databases per se, Ovid, Pubmed, Science Direct, Scopus, and Google scholar amongst others were probed for a systematic search using keywords to retrieve relevant publications on this plant. A total of 52 articles were included for the review depending on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines.

    RESULTS: The studies conducted on either crude extracts, solvent fractions or isolated pure compounds from B. glabra had reported a varied range of biological effects comprising antibacterial, antifungal, antidiabetic, cytotoxic, analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activities. Phytochemical analysis of different parts of B. glabra unveiled 105 phytochemicals, belonging to phenolic, flavonoid, betacyanin, terpenoid, glycoside and essential oils classes of secondary metabolites.

    CONCLUSION: Most of the pharmacological activities of crude extracts from this plant have been reported. A very few studies have reported the isolation of compounds responsible for observed biological potential of this plant. Moreover, the toxicity studies of this plant still need to be explored comprehensively to ensure its safety parameters. Additional investigations are recommended to transmute the ethnopharmacological claims of this plant species in folklore medicines into scientific rationale-based information.

  3. Godil DI, Sharif A, Ali MI, Ozturk I, Usman R
    J Environ Manage, 2021 May 01;285:112208.
    PMID: 33618139 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.112208
    The aim of this research is to explore the association between financial development, research and development (R&D) expenditures, globalization, institutional quality, and energy consumption in India by using the quarterly data of 1995-2018. Quantile Autoregressive Distributed Lag (QARDL) approach is employed to examine the relationship. An application of the QARDL approach suggests that the R&D, financial development, globalization, and institutional quality significantly influence energy utilization in India. R&D and institutional quality have a negative effect on energy utilization which shows that due to the increase in the quality of institutions and R&D in the country, energy utilization is likely to decrease. However, globalization and financial performance have a positive influence on energy which depicts that due to the increase in financial performance and globalization in India the energy consumption is likely to increase. According to the outcomes of this research, India should make a policy to ease the penalties of energy utilization by monitoring resource transfer by means of globalization and by implementing energy conversation procedures through the advancement of the financial sector.
  4. Usman M, Ali Y, Riaz A, Riaz A, Zubair A
    J Public Aff, 2020 Aug 07.
    PMID: 32837324 DOI: 10.1002/pa.2252
    This study aims to present a quick overview of the novel coronavirus (afterward COVID-19) which triggers from Wuhan, spread approximately 213 countries and territories around the globe, and still currently ongoing. Particularly, we are interested to investigate the economic perspective of COVID-19. This paper uses data from online published articles and current media sources, as the COVID-19 situation is unfolding yet. To deeply explore the said matter, we divide the economic impact into six dimensions that is, Chinese economy, Central Asian economies, South Asian economies, South East and West Asian economies, European economies, Northern African, and Middle Eastern economies. The paper concludes that epidemic situations like COVID-19 severely affect economies around the globe. The basic reasons behind such severity are immobility of labor, reduction in productivity, discontinuation of the supply chain, a decline in exports, uncertainty, and so on. This study is quite important for businesses and policymakers to estimate and plan current and post-COVID-19 situations.
  5. Usman BI, Amin SM, Arshad A, Kamarudin MS
    J Environ Biol, 2016 Jul;37(4):573-8.
    PMID: 27498503
    Samples of grey eel catfish Plotosus canius were collected from the coastal waters of Port Dickson, Malaysia from January to December, 2012. A total of 341 specimens (172 males and 169 females) were used to estimate the length-weight relationship parameters. Mean population size of females were 0.72 cm taller than the males, however difference was not significant (t-test, P > 0.05). The overall relationship equations between total length (TL) and body weight (BW) were established for males as Log TW = 2.71 Log TL - 1.85 (R2 = 0.95) and for females as Log TW = 2.88 Log TL-2.10 (R2 = 0.95). The estimated relative growth co-efficient (b) values were 2.71 for males and 2.88 for females. It is revealed that growth pattern of the species showed negative allometry. In both males and females, relationship between TL and SL gave highest regression coefficient (0.99). While relationship between TL and EL gave lowest regression coefficient in both males and females (0.87 and 0.81 respectively). The findings from this study contributed first information on morphometric relations of the fish from Malaysian coastal waters and could be useful for sustainable management options of P. canius in Malaysia.
  6. Abu Tawila ZM, Ismail S, Dadrasnia A, Usman MM
    Molecules, 2018 Oct 18;23(10).
    PMID: 30340415 DOI: 10.3390/molecules23102689
    The production, optimization, and characterization of the bioflocculant QZ-7 synthesized by a novel Bacillus salmalaya strain 139SI isolated from a private farm soil in Selangor, Malaysia, are reported. The flocculating activity of bioflocculant QZ-7 present in the selected strain was found to be 83.3%. The optimal culture for flocculant production was achieved after cultivation at 35.5 °C for 72 h at pH 7 ± 0.2, with an inoculum size of 5% (v/v) and sucrose and yeast extract as carbon and nitrogen sources. The maximum flocculating activity was found to be 92.6%. Chemical analysis revealed that the pure bioflocculant consisted of 79.08% carbohydrates and 15.4% proteins. The average molecular weight of the bioflocculant was calculated to be 5.13 × 10⁵ Da. Infrared spectrometric analysis showed the presence of carboxyl (COO-), hydroxyl (-OH), and amino (-NH₂) groups, polysaccharides and proteins. The bioflocculant QZ-7 exhibited a wide pH stability range from 4 to 7, with a flocculation activity of 85% at pH 7 ± 0.2. In addition, QZ-7 was thermally stable and retained more than 80% of its flocculating activity after being heated at 80 °C for 30 min. SEM analysis revealed that QZ-7 exhibited a clear crystalline brick-shaped structure. After treating wastewater, the bioflocculant QZ-7 showed significant flocculation performance with a COD removal efficiency of 93%, whereas a BOD removal efficiency of 92.4% was observed in the B. salmalaya strain 139SI. These values indicate the promising applications of the bioflocculant QZ-7 in wastewater treatment.
  7. Hammed NA, Aziz AA, Usman AI, Qaeed MA
    Ultrason Sonochem, 2019 Jan;50:172-181.
    PMID: 30245203 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2018.09.020
    Vertically aligned Zinc oxide nanorods (ZnO NRs) were successfully synthesized in this study using the sonochemical method to improve the intrinsic properties of UV photodetector (PD). Three different thin films: Ti/Zn, Ti/ZnO, and Ti/ZnO/Zn, with the thicknesses of 10 nm/55 nm, 10 nm/85 nm, and 10 nm/85 nm/55 nm respectively, were deposited on glass substrates using the RF-sputtering technique. The synthesized ZnO NRs were investigated using XRD, FESEM and Raman spectroscopy to determine the effect of Zn and ZnO as seed layers, and ZnO as a buffer layer on the surface morphology, crystal structure, optical properties of ZnO NRs. The ZnO NRs grown on Zn/Ti, ZnO/Ti, and Zn/ZnO/Ti are characterized by hexagonal crystal structure with preferential growth in the c-axis direction. The ZnO NRs grown on Zn/ZnO/Ti displayed the highest density, uniform size distribution, vertically aligned rods and aspect ratio. The UV device fabricated from the ZnO NRs grown on Zn /ZnO/Ti also showed the highest photocurrent (360 µA) and responsivity of (878 mA/W). ZnO NRs grown on Zn/ZnO/Ti were also observed to be highly stable and exhibited a relatively rapid response and recovery times for different time intervals when exposed to the UV light of 365 nm wavelength. Thus, the inclusion of the ZnO as a buffer layer (Zn as a seed layer/ZnO as buffer layer/Ti as a buffer layer) improve the properties of the ZnO NRs. In addition, the current gain of ZnO NRs grown on Zn (55 nm)/ZnO (85 nm)/Ti (10 nm) - based ultraviolet (UV) photodetector (PD) is about two times higher than that of conventional Zn (55 nm)/ZnO (85 nm)/Ti (10 nm) thin-films UV PD, which is due to the higher surface-to-volume ratio of ZnO nanorods (NRs) compared with their thin films. This study confirms the possibility of sonochemically fabricating vertically aligned ZnO nanorods as well as its applicability as a viable UV photodetector.
  8. Usman MS, Hussein MZ, Fakurazi S, Ahmad Saad FF
    Chem Cent J, 2017 May 30;11(1):47.
    PMID: 29086824 DOI: 10.1186/s13065-017-0275-3
    Gadolinium (Gd)-based contrasts remain one of the most accepted contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging, which is among the world most recognized noninvasive techniques employed in clinical diagnosis of patients. At ionic state, Gd is considered toxic but less toxic in chelate form. A variety of nano-carriers, including gadolinium oxide (Gd2O3) nanoparticles have been used by researchers to improve the T1 and T2 contrasts of MR images. Even more recently, a few researchers have tried to incorporate contrast agents simultaneously with therapeutic agents using single nano-carrier for theranostic applications. The benefit of this concept is to deliver the drugs, such as anticancer drugs and at the same time to observe what happens to the cancerous cells. The delivery of both agents occurs concurrently. In addition, the toxicity of the anticancer drugs as well as the contrast agents will be significantly reduced due to the presence of the nano-carriers. The use of graphene oxide (GO) and layered double hydroxides (LDH) as candidates for this purpose is the subject of current research, due to their low toxicity and biocompatibility, which have the capacity to be used in theranostic researches. We review here, some of the key features of LDH and GO for simultaneous drugs and diagnostic agents delivery systems for use in theranostics applications.
  9. Usman JAM, Kesumo A, Shahari NSSBM
    Ann Afr Med, 2022;21(4):439-443.
    PMID: 36412348 DOI: 10.4103/aam.aam_174_21
    INTRODUCTION: The orientation of the occlusal plane forms the basis for the arrangement of teeth conducive to satisfactory esthetics and function, making it one of the most important clinical procedures in prosthodontic rehabilitation. This study aimed to analyze and compare the vertical distance between the anterior attachment of lingual frenum (AALF) and the incisal edge of mandibular central incisors among three races in Malaysia.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The sample consisted of 63 dentate subjects (21 Malays, 21 Chinese, and 21 Indians) who were chosen based on the inclusion criteria. Two models were made using irreversible hydrocolloid impressions, and an average of the value was obtained. Lingual frenum was recorded in function. Casts were fabricated with dental stone. AALF was marked and the vertical distance was measured using a caliper.

    RESULTS: In Malays, the mean and standard deviation of the vertical distance were 14.2 ± 0.9 mm, with a range of 12.3-16.0 mm; in Chinese were 14.4 ± 0.9 mm, with a range of 12.0-16.9 mm; and in Indians were 15.1 ± 1.0 mm, with a range of 13.0-17.2 mm. The difference among the three races regarding the distance between AALF and the incisal edge of mandibular central incisors was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Among the three races, Malays and Indians have the greatest mean difference.

    CONCLUSION: According to the results of the current study, the distance between AALF and the incisal edge of mandibular central incisors might be a proper criterion for the initial adjustment of occlusal rims. The values obtained from three different races were significantly different from one another, hence a different range of values was used to establish occlusal height for different races.

  10. Ramasamy Y, Usman J, Sundar V, Towler H, King M
    Sports Biomech, 2024 May;23(5):582-597.
    PMID: 33663330 DOI: 10.1080/14763141.2021.1877336
    Badminton is the fastest racket sport in the world with smash speeds reaching over 111 m/s (400 kph). This study examined the forehand jump smash in badminton using synchronised force plates and full-body motion capture to quantify relationships to shuttlecock speed through correlations. Nineteen elite male Malaysian badminton players were recorded performing forehand jump smashes with the fastest, most accurate jump smash from each player analysed. The fastest smash by each participant was on average 97 m/s with a peak of 105 m/s. A correlational analysis revealed that a faster smash speed was characterised by a more internally rotated shoulder, a less elevated shoulder, and less extended elbow at contact. The positioning of the arm at contact appears to be critical in developing greater shuttlecock smash speeds. Vertical ground reaction force and rate of force development were not correlated with shuttlecock speed, and further investigation is required as to their importance for performance of the jump smash e.g., greater jump height and shuttle angle. It is recommended that players/coaches focus on not over-extending the elbow or excessively elevating the upper arm at contact when trying to maximise smash speed.
  11. Usman OL, Muniyandi RC, Omar K, Mohamad M
    PLoS One, 2021;16(2):e0245579.
    PMID: 33630876 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0245579
    Achieving biologically interpretable neural-biomarkers and features from neuroimaging datasets is a challenging task in an MRI-based dyslexia study. This challenge becomes more pronounced when the needed MRI datasets are collected from multiple heterogeneous sources with inconsistent scanner settings. This study presents a method of improving the biological interpretation of dyslexia's neural-biomarkers from MRI datasets sourced from publicly available open databases. The proposed system utilized a modified histogram normalization (MHN) method to improve dyslexia neural-biomarker interpretations by mapping the pixels' intensities of low-quality input neuroimages to range between the low-intensity region of interest (ROIlow) and high-intensity region of interest (ROIhigh) of the high-quality image. This was achieved after initial image smoothing using the Gaussian filter method with an isotropic kernel of size 4mm. The performance of the proposed smoothing and normalization methods was evaluated based on three image post-processing experiments: ROI segmentation, gray matter (GM) tissues volume estimations, and deep learning (DL) classifications using Computational Anatomy Toolbox (CAT12) and pre-trained models in a MATLAB working environment. The three experiments were preceded by some pre-processing tasks such as image resizing, labelling, patching, and non-rigid registration. Our results showed that the best smoothing was achieved at a scale value, σ = 1.25 with a 0.9% increment in the peak-signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). Results from the three image post-processing experiments confirmed the efficacy of the proposed methods. Evidence emanating from our analysis showed that using the proposed MHN and Gaussian smoothing methods can improve comparability of image features and neural-biomarkers of dyslexia with a statistically significantly high disc similarity coefficient (DSC) index, low mean square error (MSE), and improved tissue volume estimations. After 10 repeated 10-fold cross-validation, the highest accuracy achieved by DL models is 94.7% at a 95% confidence interval (CI) level. Finally, our finding confirmed that the proposed MHN method significantly outperformed the normalization method of the state-of-the-art histogram matching.
  12. Ramli MI, Hamzaid NA, Engkasan JP, Usman J
    Biomed Eng Online, 2023 May 22;22(1):50.
    PMID: 37217941 DOI: 10.1186/s12938-023-01103-0
    BACKGROUND: Over the decades, many publications have established respiratory muscle training (RMT) as an effective way in improving respiratory dysfunction in multiple populations. The aim of the paper is to determine the trend of research and multidisciplinary collaboration in publications related to RMT over the last 6 decades. The authors also sought to chart the advancement of RMT among people with spinal cord injury (SCI) over the last 60 years.

    METHODS: Bibliometric analysis was made, including the publications' profiles, citation analysis and research trends of the relevant literature over the last 60 years. Publications from all time frames were retrieved from Scopus database. A subgroup analysis of publications pertinent to people with SCI was also made.

    RESULTS: Research on RMT has been steadily increasing over the last 6 decades and across geographical locations. While medicine continues to dominate the research on RMT, this topic also continues to attract researchers and publications from other areas such as engineering, computer science and social science over the last 10 years. Research collaboration between authors in different backgrounds was observed since 2006. Source titles from non-medical backgrounds have also published articles pertinent to RMT. Among people with SCI, researchers utilised a wide range of technology from simple spirometers to electromyography in both intervention and outcome measures. With various types of interventions implemented, RMT generally improves pulmonary function and respiratory muscle strength among people with SCI.

    CONCLUSIONS: While research on RMT has been steadily increasing over the last 6 decades, more collaborations are encouraged in the future to produce more impactful and beneficial research on people who suffer from respiratory disorders.

  13. Mehmood K, Ullah U, Usman M, Abbas A, Han S
    BMC Psychol, 2024 Dec 05;12(1):728.
    PMID: 39639366 DOI: 10.1186/s40359-024-02242-2
    This research investigates how despotic leadership influences follower creativity within the hospitality context. Grounded in social exchange theory (SET), the research delves into the mediating role of psychological safety in the link between despotic leadership and follower creativity. Additionally, it explores how power distance moderates this relationship, potentially alleviating the adverse implications of despotic leadership. By analyzing data collected from 447 employees in China, our findings reveal that despotic leadership behaviors diminish follower creativity. The results emphasize the crucial role of psychological safety as a mediating factor in this relationship. Furthermore, the study uses moderated path analysis to reveal that high power distance intensifies the negative impact of despotic leadership on psychological safety, further reducing employees' creativity. The research concludes with a discussion of the implications of these findings for both theoretical and practical applications.
  14. Sattar A, Naveed S, Rehman H, Usman S, Jamshed S
    Front Public Health, 2024;12:1486990.
    PMID: 39606077 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1486990
    INTRODUCTION: Over the past few years, the technology powering mobile devices such as smartphones has made significant progress. Furthermore, the healthcare industry is always progressing and actively embracing the latest technological advancements to achieve the highest level of efficiency. With the rising prevalence of smartphones and internet connection, customers are benefiting from reduced prices, convenient home delivery, and effortless accessibility through online pharmacies. Internet-based pharmacies facilitate the internet-based transaction of health-related products, such as drugs, dietary supplements, and various other wellbeing products.

    OBJECTIVE OF STUDY: The study assessed digital pharmacy applications in India using the Mobile App Rating Scale (MARS) on Android and iOS devices, aiming to evaluate their quality.

    METHODS: An investigation examined the digital pharmacy applications in India that were accessible via the Android Market and App Store. The applications were assessed by two researchers using the MARS questionnaire, a tool that evaluates 23 variables categorized into five domains: Engagement, Functionality, Aesthetics, Information, and Subjective Quality. The grading system spanned from one to five for every category.

    RESULTS: A Google Play Store and App Store investigation revealed 40 online pharmacy apps in India, with 13 rejected. Seven were non-English language-related apps and seven were not downloaded. Thirteen were chosen and evaluated using the MARS Scale. The MARS demonstrated significant positive associations across its components, namely Engagement, Functionality, Aesthetics, and Information. Specifically, greater levels of user functionality were shown to be indicative of superior app aesthetics and engagement. The mean rating of the 13 apps fell between the range of 3.11 to 4.32 on a 5-point scale.

    CONCLUSION: This is the first study to utilize the MARS scale to assess the efficacy of online pharmacy applications in India. This research enhanced the functionality and quality of various online pharmacy applications utilized in India.

  15. Tham DWJ, Abubakar U, Tangiisuran B
    Eur J Pediatr, 2020 May;179(5):743-748.
    PMID: 31900590 DOI: 10.1007/s00431-019-03560-z
    Inappropriate use of antibiotics in human and animal is one of the causes of antimicrobial resistance. This study evaluates the prevalence and predictors of antibiotic use among pediatric patients visiting the Emergency Department (ED) in Malaysia. A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted in the ED of a tertiary hospital. Data of children aged 2 to 11 years who visited the ED from January-May 2015 were extracted from the patient's assessment forms. A total of 549 children were included in the analysis (median age 5 years) of which 54.3% were boys. Upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) were the most common diagnosis. Antibiotic was prescribed in 43.5% of the children. Children who visited the ED during the weekend (OR, 1.65; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.13-2.40, P = 0.009), those diagnosed with URTI (OR 3.81; 95% CI, 2.45-5.93, P 
  16. Shafiullah M, Khalid U, Chaudhry SM
    World Econ, 2021 May 07.
    PMID: 34230757 DOI: 10.1111/twec.13130
    This paper makes an innovative contribution to the extant literature by analysing the determinants of economic stimulus packages implemented by governments in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, we explore whether stock market declines observed in many countries can predict the size of COVID-19 stimulus packages. Moreover, we explore whether a country's level of income can augment the underlying relationship between stock market declines and stimulus packages. The findings reveal that a larger stock market decline results in a larger stimulus package; however, this effect is only observed in countries that have an income level greater than the mean and/or median per capita gross domestic product (GDP). Moreover, our results show that monetary policy is more responsive to a stock market decline than fiscal policy. Thus, our results underscore the importance of international donor agencies such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) in supporting less affluent countries in coping with the adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on their economies.
  17. Bello AU, Sulaiman JA, Aliyu MS
    J Anim Sci Technol, 2016;58:39.
    PMID: 28435688 DOI: 10.1186/s40781-016-0122-4
    BACKGROUND: The current study investigates the anti-stress effects of clove (Eugenia caryophyllus) extracts (0, 200, 400, and 600 mg/kg) on serum antioxidant biomarkers, immune response, immunological organ growth index, and expression levels of acute phase proteins (APPs); ovotransferrin (OVT), ceruloplasmin (CP), ceruloplasmin (AGP), C-reactive protein (CRP), and serum amyloid-A (SAA) mRNA in the immunological organs of 63-d-old male black-meated Silkie fowls subjected to 21 d chronic heat stress at 35 ± 2 °C.

    RESULTS: The results demonstrated that clove extract supplementation in the diet of Silkie fowls subjected to elevated temperature (ET) improve growth performance, immune responses, and suppressed the activities of glutathion peroxidase (GSH-Px), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and thioredoxin reductase (TXNRD); reduced serum malonaldehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GSH) concentrations when compared with fowls raised under thermoneutral condition (TC). Upon chronic heat stress and supplementation of clove extracts, the Silkie fowls showed a linear increase in GSH-Px, SOD, CAT, and TXNRD activities (P = 0.01) compared with fowls fed diets without clove extract. ET decreased (P 

  18. Umar UA, Shafiq N, Isa MH
    Waste Manag Res, 2018 Dec;36(12):1157-1165.
    PMID: 30114979 DOI: 10.1177/0734242X18790359
    The construction sector is among the fastest growing sectors in Malaysia; it consumes a vast amount of natural resources and produces a massive volume of construction and demolition waste. The waste is collected in a decentralised manner by sub-contracted companies. It is challenging to obtain reliable information on the amount of construction waste generated, because it is hard to determine its exact quantity and composition. Therefore, this study proposes a quantitative construction waste estimation model for residential buildings according to available data collected from the Construction Industry Development Board, Malaysia. In the development of this model, a theoretical investigation of the construction procedure and the construction waste generation process was conducted. The waste generated rate was determined as 25.79 kg m-2 for new residential constructions, which translates into about 553,406 t of anticipated waste annually.
  19. Abubakar U, Syed Sulaiman SA, Adesiyun AG
    PLoS One, 2019;14(3):e0213395.
    PMID: 30845240 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0213395
    BACKGROUND: Inappropriate and excessive use of surgical antibiotic prophylaxis are associated with the emergence of antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic prophylaxis malpractices are common in obstetrics and gynecology settings and antibiotic stewardship is used to correct such malpractice.

    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of antibiotic stewardship interventions on compliance with surgical antibiotic prophylaxis practice in obstetrics and gynecology surgeries.

    METHOD: A prospective pre- and post-intervention study was conducted in two tertiary hospitals between May and December 2016. The duration of the each period was 3 months. Antibiotic stewardship interventions including development of a protocol, educational meeting and audit and feedback were implemented. Data were collected using the patient records and analyzed with SPSS version 23.

    RESULTS: A total of 226 and 238 surgical procedures were included in the pre- and post-intervention periods respectively. Age, length of stay and estimated blood loss were similar between the two groups. However, specialty and surgical procedures varied significantly. There was a significant increase in compliance with timing (from 14.2% to 43.3%) and duration (from 0% to 21.8%) of surgical antibiotic prophylaxis after the interventions. The interventions significantly reduced the prescription of third generation cephalosporin (-8.6%), redundant antibiotic (-19.1%), antibiotic utilization (-3.8 DDD/procedure) and cost of antibiotic prophylaxis (-$4.2/procedure). There was no significant difference in the rate of surgical site infection between the two periods. Post-intervention group (OR: 5.60; 95% CI: 3.31-9.47), elective surgery (OR: 4.62; 95% CI: 2.51-8.47) and hospital attended (OR: 9.89; 95% CI: 5.66-17.26) were significant predictors of compliance with timing while elective surgery (OR: 12.49; 95% CI: 2.85-54.71) and compliance with timing (OR: 58.55; 95% CI: 12.66-270.75) were significantly associated with compliance to duration of surgical antibiotic prophylaxis.

    CONCLUSION: The interventions improve compliance with surgical antibiotic prophylaxis and reduce antibiotic utilization and cost. However, there is opportunity for further improvement, particularly in non-elective surgical procedures.

  20. Abubakar U, Amir O, Rodríguez-Baño J
    J Pharm Policy Pract, 2022 Dec 09;15(1):99.
    PMID: 36494700 DOI: 10.1186/s40545-022-00500-5
    BACKGROUND: There is limited data to describe the point-prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) among patients at a regional level in Africa. This study estimated the pooled prevalence of HAIs and described the distribution of HAIs as well as the pathogens identified from African studies.

    METHODS: PubMed, Scopus and Google Scholar databases were searched to find point-prevalence studies of HAIs in Africa. Studies conducted in Humans that reported the prevalence of HAIs among hospitalized patients and published in English language from January 2010 to March 2022 were selected. Longitudinal studies of HAIs and unpublished studies were excluded. The reference list of the selected studies was checked to find additional studies. A meta-analysis was conducted using RevMan 5.4 and the pooled prevalence of HAIs was determined using a random effect model.

    RESULTS: Of the 6094 articles identified from the databases, fifteen eligible articles were selected. The studies were conducted in the North, South, East and West African regions with Tunisia (n = 4) and South Africa (n = 2) having the highest number of studies. Most of the studies (n = 12, 80.0%) had good quality. The pooled prevalence of HAIs was 12.76% (95% confidence interval [CI] 10.30-15.23) with a high degree of heterogeneity (I2 = 90.0%). The prevalence of HAIs varied between wards with the highest rate found in the ICU (25.2%-100%), followed by neonatal ICU/ward (7.0%-53.6%) and paediatric medical ward (2.7%-33.0%). Surgical site infection was the most common HAIs and accounted for 41.6% of all HAIs (95% CI 23.55-59.80), followed by bloodstream infection (17.07%, 95% CI 11.80-22.33) and respiratory tract infections/pneumonia (17.04%, 95% CI 13.21-20.87). Recent hospitalization (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]: 4.17, 95% CI 1.85-9.41), presence of peripheral vascular catheter (AOR: 2.87, 95% CI 1.54-5.36) and having diabetes mellitus (AOR: 2.46, 95% CI 1.45-4.17) were the strongest predictors of HAIs in Africa. Only 37.9% of HAIs had documented positive microbiological culture result with gram negative bacteria including Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumannii and Citrobacter been the most common microorganisms and accounted for 40%-100% of the pathogens.

    CONCLUSIONS: The pooled point-prevalence of HAIs in Africa is more than two times higher than the rate reported in developed countries. The prevalence varied between the countries and was highest in the ICU and neonatal ICU/ward. Surgical site infection and bloodstream infection were the most common HAIs reported in African studies. Recent hospitalization, presence of peripheral vascular catheter and having diabetes mellitus were the strongest predictors of HAIs in African studies. Most of the HAIs are preventable with appropriate infection control measures and antimicrobial stewardship. Additional studies are needed especially in the Central African region. Future studies should be designed using standardized protocol and standardized definition to reduce heterogeneity among the studies.

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