Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 70 in total

  1. Kamath KR
    Am J Trop Med Hyg, 1973 Sep;22(5):600-5.
    PMID: 4729740
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery/etiology; Dysentery, Bacillary/complications
  2. BangaSingh KK, Nisha M, Lau HY, Ravichandran M, Salleh MZ
    Microb Pathog, 2016 Feb;91:123-8.
    PMID: 26706344 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2015.12.004
    Virulence of Shigella is attributed to the genes presence in chromosome or in the megaplasmid. The apy gene which is located in the megaplasmid of Shigella species encodes for apyrase enzyme, a pathogenesis-associated enzyme causing mitochondrial damage and host cell death. In this study we constructed an apy mutant of Shigella flexneri by insertional activation using a kanamycin resistant gene cassette. The wild type apy gene of S. flexneri 2a was PCR amplified, cloned and mutated with insertion of kanamycin resistant gene cassette (aphA). The mutated construct (apy: aphA) was subcloned into a conjugative suicidal vector (pWM91) at the unique Sma1 and Sac1 sites. The mutation of the wild apy gene in the construct was confirmed by DNA sequencing. The mutated construct was introduced into wild type S. flexneri 2a by conjugation with Escherichia coli. After undergoing homologous recombination, the wild apy gene was deleted from the construct using the sucrose selection method. Non-functional activity of the apyrase enzyme in the constructed strain by colorimetric test indicated the successful mutation of the apyrase enzyme. This strain with mutated apy gene was evaluated for its protective efficacy using the guinea pig keratoconjunctivitis model. The strain was Sereny negative and it elicited a significant protection following challenge with wild S. flexneri strain. This apy mutant strain will form a base for the development of a vaccine target for shigellosis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery, Bacillary/microbiology*
  3. Rajendra S, Kutty K
    Gut, 2005 Feb;54(2):178, 200.
    PMID: 15647173
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery, Amebic/radiography*
  4. Ismail A
    PMID: 3217821
    Analysis of diarrhoeal disease patterns in Malaysia from 1981-1986 suggested that infectious hepatitis ranked as the most predominant diarrhoeal disease followed by typhoid, food poisoning, dysentery and cholera. Although these five major food and water-borne diseases are still endemic in this country, diarrhoeal diseases per se no longer become an important public health problem in Malaysia. Enforcement of the cholera control program brought the incidence of the disease to a minimal. Unfortunately, this fatal form of diarrhoeal disease caused the greatest mortality compared to the others. Seasonal influence also played a part in controlling the occurrence of the disease. There was a preponderance of diarrhoeal diseases during the rainy season implicating contaminated water as a source of transmission. Although greater than half of the population has been supplied with piped water and sanitary latrines, a lot more has to be done before diarrhoeal diseases could be eliminated from this country.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery/epidemiology
  5. Koh XP, Chiou CS, Ajam N, Watanabe H, Ahmad N, Thong KL
    BMC Infect Dis, 2012;12:122.
    PMID: 22606962 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2334-12-122
    Shigellosis is a major public health concern worldwide, especially in developing countries. It is an acute intestinal infection caused by bacteria of the genus Shigella, with a minimum infective dose as low as 10-100 bacterial cells. Increasing prevalence of Shigella sonnei as the etiologic agent of shigellosis in Malaysia has been reported. As there is limited information on the genetic background of S. sonnei in Malaysia, this study aimed to characterize Malaysian S. sonnei and to evaluate the prospect of using multilocus variable-number tandem-repeat (VNTR) analysis (MLVA) for subtyping of local S. sonnei.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery, Bacillary/microbiology*; Dysentery, Bacillary/epidemiology*
  6. Thong KL, Hoe SL, Puthucheary SD, Yasin R
    BMC Infect Dis, 2005 Feb 14;5:8.
    PMID: 15707504
    In Malaysia, Shigella spp. was reported to be the third commonest bacterial agent responsible for childhood diarrhoea. Currently, isolation of the bacterium and confirmation of the disease by microbiological and biochemical methods remain as the "gold standard". This study aimed to detect the prevalence of four Shigella virulence genes present concurrently, in randomly selected Malaysian strains via a rapid multiplex PCR (mPCR) assay.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery, Bacillary/diagnosis; Dysentery, Bacillary/microbiology
  7. Meftahuddin T
    Med J Malaysia, 2002 Mar;57(1):70-9.
    PMID: 14569721 MyJurnal
    This paper examines the trend and possible contributing factors for the occurrence of the food borne diseases outbreaks in Malaysia. These diseases mainly are cholera, typhoid fever, hepatitis A, dysentery and food poisoning. The outbreaks still occur sporadically in certain high risk areas throughout the country. The incidence rate of all the other three major food borne diseases steadily declined from the year 1988 to 1997 except for food poisoning and cholera. Statistic of food poisoning from the year 1996 to 1997 showed that 66.5% of the outbreak occurred in schools whereas only 0.4% originated from the contaminated food sold at various public food outlets. The school age group is always more affected than the general population. Amongst the contributing factors identified are related to unhygienic food handling practices followed by inadequate safe water supply and poor environmental sanitation. A multisectoral approach between Ministry of Health and other government agencies or private agents needs to be undertaken in the management of the food borne diseases in order to curb the incidences of food borne diseases in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery/etiology*; Dysentery/epidemiology*
  8. Saidin S, Yunus MH, Othman N, Lim YA, Mohamed Z, Zakaria NZ, et al.
    Pathog Glob Health, 2017 May;111(3):128-136.
    PMID: 28335696 DOI: 10.1080/20477724.2017.1300421
    Entamoeba histolytica infection remains a public health concern in developing countries. Early diagnosis of amoebiasis can avoid disease complications, thus this study was aimed at developing a test that can rapidly detect the parasite antigens in stool samples. Rabbits were individually immunized with recombinant pyruvate phosphate dikinase (rPPDK) and E. histolytica excretory-secretory antigens to produce polyclonal antibodies. A rapid dipstick test was produced using anti-rPPDK PAb lined on the dipstick as capture reagent and anti-EhESA PAb conjugated to colloidal gold as the detector reagent. Using E. histolytica-spiked in stool sample of a healthy individual, the detection limit of the dipstick test was found to be 1000 cells ml-1. Meanwhile when rPPDK was spiked in the stool sample, the minimum concentration detected by the dipstick test was 0.1 μg ml-1. The performances of the dipstick, commercial Techlab E. histolytica II enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) and real-time PCR were compared using 70 stool samples from patients infected with Entamoeba species (n = 45) and other intestinal pathogens (n = 25). When compared to real-time PCR, the diagnostic sensitivity of the dipstick for detection of E. histolytica was 65.4% (n = 17/26); while the diagnostic specificity when tested with stool samples containing other intestinal pathogens was 92% (23/25). In contrast, Techlab E. histolytica II ELISA detected 19.2% (5/26) of the E. histolytica-positive samples as compared to real-time PCR. The lateral flow dipstick test produced in this study enabled rapid detection of E. histolytica, thus it showed good potential to be further developed into a diagnostic tool for intestinal amoebiasis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery, Amebic/diagnosis*; Dysentery, Amebic/parasitology
  9. Jeffery S
    Med J Malaysia, 2014 Dec;69(6):284-5.
    PMID: 25934962 MyJurnal
    Shewanella spp is a facultatively anaerobic, motile, gramnegative bacillus and can be found throughout the world mainly in marine environments and soil. It is a rare pathogen in human and infection by it is usually associated with underlying severe morbidities. We report a case of a 69- years old woman who presented with Shewanella putrefaciens dysentery and who was subsequently found to have underlying malignancy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery
  10. Kumarasamy G, Abdus Sani AA, Olivos-García A, Noordin R, Othman N
    Pathog Glob Health, 2020 09;114(6):333-342.
    PMID: 32536281 DOI: 10.1080/20477724.2020.1780402
    Amoebiasis, caused by Entamoeba histolytica, is one of the leading parasitic infections in the world. This study was aimed at profiling antigenic membrane proteins of a virulent variant of E. histolytica HM-1:IMSS. The membrane proteins were extracted using ProteoExtract® kit (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) or conventional method, separated using OFFGEL 3100 fractionator (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, California), followed by SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis. Selected antigenic membrane proteins were identified using LC-ESI-MS/MS. Subsequently, the proteins were classified according to their biological processes and predictions were made on membrane and membrane-associated proteins. When the proteins were probed with pooled sera from amoebic liver abscess (ALA) patients, 10 and 15 antigenic proteins with molecular weights 25 to 200 kDa were identified using the ProteoExtract® kit and conventional method, respectively. LC-ESI-MS/MS identified 13 antigenic proteins, and both extraction methods predicted six of them as membrane and membrane-associated proteins. The topmost biological processes which comprised of six proteins were involved in cellular processes.. These antigenic membrane proteins merit further investigations as potential candidates for vaccine studies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery, Amebic
  11. Sharifa Ezat, W.P., Netty, D., Sangaran, G.
    Food borne diseases like cholera, typhoid fever, hepatitis A, dysentery and food poisoning occur as the results of ingestion of foodstuffs contaminated with microorganisms or chemical. The true incidence of food borne disease in Malaysia is unknown, however the incidence is low ranging from 1.56 to 0.14 cases per 100,000 population and the food poisoning cases is on the rise as the evident by the incident rate of 62.47 cases per 100,000 population in 2008 and 36.17 in 2009. The rapid population growth and demographic shift toward ageing population, changing eating habit such as consumption of raw or lightly cooked food, long storage of such food, lack of education on basic rules of hygienic food preparation and food trading without appropriate microbiological safety procedure become contributing factors for food borne diseases. Food borne disease in Malaysia is in the rise and the direct and indirect cost management of FBD will become one of the most common issues to face by the government. The world is spending millions and millions in cost of treatment due to food borne diseases. The information on this paper was collected via findings of previous journals, data and statistics from the MOH of Malaysia and WHO websites. As a result, authors found that the prevention and management of the food borne disease outbreak needs to be addressed seriously.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery
  12. Ng, M.K., Abdulhadi-Noaman, Y., Cheah, Y.K., Yeap, S.K., Alitheen, N.B.
    Murraya paniculata (Linn) Jack (Orange Jasmine), known as "Kemuning Putih" in Malaysia, has been widely used as food flavor additive in cuisine by local residences. This is due to the strong fragrances of the leaves which make it suitable to be used in Indian and Malay dishes. Besides as a flavoring, leaves, branches, stem barks and roots of the plant are used in folk medicine to treat dysentery and morning sickness. Flowers of the plants are used in cosmetics. Since 1970’s, flavonoids and coumarins were isolated from Murraya paniculata, but no further bioactivity has been tested from the isolated compounds. The aim of this paper is to review and update the research related to chemical constituents and bioactivities of Murraya paniculata (L) Jack.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery
  13. Tan LP, Foong KK, Yvonne Ai LL
    Med J Malaysia, 2018 10;73(5):334-335.
    PMID: 30350818 MyJurnal
    Amebiasis is one of the major causes of diarrhea in the developing countries and it can present with a wide range of gastrointestinal symptoms depending on the phase of infection. We described a case of 50 year-old male patient who presented with abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting. After right hemicolectomy for appendicular abscess with tumour over the ileum, histopathological examinations revealed numerous trophozoites of Entamoeba histolytica in a background of inflammations (Figure 1). Following resection of the ameboma, he received intravenous metronidazole treatment for total of two weeks duration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery, Amebic
  14. Rastogi S, Kulshreshtha DK, Rawat AK
    Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2006 Jun;3(2):217-22.
    PMID: 16786051
    Streblus asper Lour is a small tree found in tropical countries, such as India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand. Various parts of this plant are used in Ayurveda and other folk medicines for the treatment of different ailments such as filariasis, leprosy, toothache, diarrhea, dysentery and cancer. Research carried out using different in vitro and in vivo techniques of biological evaluation support most of these claims. This review presents the botany, chemistry, traditional uses and pharmacology of this medicinal plant.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery
  15. Joffry SM, Yob NJ, Rofiee MS, Affandi MM, Suhaili Z, Othman F, et al.
    PMID: 22242040 DOI: 10.1155/2012/258434
    Melastoma malabathricum L. (Melastomataceae) is one of the 22 species found in the Southeast Asian region, including Malaysia. Considered as native to tropical and temperate Asia and the Pacific Islands, this commonly found small shrub has gained herbal status in the Malay folklore belief as well as the Indian, Chinese, and Indonesian folk medicines. Ethnopharmacologically, the leaves, shoots, barks, seeds, and roots of M. malabathricum have been used to treat diarrhoea, dysentery, hemorrhoids, cuts and wounds, toothache, and stomachache. Scientific findings also revealed the wide pharmacological actions of various parts of M. malabthricum, such as antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antidiarrheal, cytotoxic, and antioxidant activities. Various types of phytochemical constituents have also been isolated and identifed from different parts of M. malabathricum. Thus, the aim of the present review is to present comprehensive information on ethnomedicinal uses, phytochemical constituents, and pharmacological activities of M. malabathricum.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery
  16. Apted FI
    Trop Dis Bull, 1973 Feb;70(2):105-17.
    PMID: 4349730
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery, Amebic/epidemiology
  17. O'Holohan DR, Hugoe-Matthews J
    Ann Trop Med Parasitol, 1972 Jun;66(2):181-6.
    PMID: 4338870
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery, Amebic/drug therapy
  18. Harikrishnan H, Banga Singh KK, Ismail A
    PLoS One, 2017;12(8):e0182878.
    PMID: 28846684 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0182878
    Bacillary dysentery caused by infection with Shigella spp. remains as serious and common health problem throughout the world. It is a highly multi drug resistant organism and rarely identified from the patient at the early stage of infection. S. sonnei is the most frequently isolated species causing shigellosis in industrialized countries. The antigenicity of outer membrane protein of this pathogen expressed during human infection has not been identified to date. We have studied the antigenic outer membrane proteins expressed by S. sonnei, with the aim of identifying presence of specific IgA and IgG in human serum against the candidate protein biomarkers. Three antigenic OMPs sized 33.3, 43.8 and 100.3 kDa were uniquely recognized by IgA and IgG from patients with S. sonnei infection, and did not cross-react with sera from patients with other types of infection. The antigenic proteome data generated in this study are a first for OMPs of S. sonnei, and they provide important insights of human immune responses. Furthermore, numerous prime candidate proteins were identified which will aid the development of new diagnostic tools for the detection of S. sonnei.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dysentery, Bacillary/microbiology*
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