Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 249 in total

  1. Lum LC, Wong KT, Lam SK, Chua KB, Goh AY
    Lancet, 2000 Jan 08;355(9198):146-7.
    PMID: 10675193
    Matched MeSH terms: Pulmonary Edema/epidemiology; Pulmonary Edema/virology
  2. Fu YC, Chi CS, Jan SL, Wang TM, Chen PY, Chang Y, et al.
    Pediatr Pulmonol, 2003 Apr;35(4):263-8.
    PMID: 12629622
    Epidemics of enterovirus 71 infections caused the rapid death of many children in Malaysia in 1997 and in Taiwan in 1998. Pulmonary edema occurred in most of the fatal cases and was considered to be neurogenic. The role of the heart was rarely investigated before. Between January 1998-January 2001, 34 consecutive patients who were admitted to the intensive care unit due to enterovirus infection were studied prospectively. Patients were divided into two groups: group I with pulmonary edema, and group II without pulmonary edema. Comparisons were made between the two groups based upon demographic, neurological, and cardiovascular manifestations. Group I consisted of 11 patients (5 boys, 6 girls; mean age, 22.8 months), and group II of 23 patients (12 boys, 11 girls; mean age, 28.8 months). There were no significant differences between the two groups in comparing sex, age, body weight, neurological severity, intracranial pressure, cell count, protein and glucose levels in cerebral spinal fluid, and blood pressure. All group I patients had left ventricular dysfunction, and their ejection fractions were significantly lower than those of patients in group II (37 +/- 11% vs. 75 +/- 6%, P < 0.001). Group I heart rates were higher than those of group II (175 +/- 24 vs. 137 +/- 25, P < 0.001). In group I, 9 patients who received conventional treatment died, and the only two survivors received left ventricular assist devices. In conclusion, the pulmonary edema of fulminant enterovirus 71 infection is associated with left ventricular failure. Left ventricular function is the major determinant of outcome. Early recognition of heart failure and aggressive cardiac intervention are life-saving. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2003; 35:263-268.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pulmonary Edema/etiology*; Pulmonary Edema/therapy
  3. Jeyakumar D
    Med J Malaysia, 1995 Mar;50(1):17-20.
    PMID: 7752970
    Twenty-seven inmates from a detention centre in Perak were evaluated for possible causes of their ankle oedema. Physical examination and biochemical evaluation did not show any evidence of renal or hepatic dysfunction. The cardiac origin of their problem was suggested by the presence of other signs of heart failure in three of them and by radiological evidence of cardiomegaly in 40% of them. All the patients who returned for review demonstrated a prompt clinical response to thiamine replacement therapy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Edema/drug therapy*; Edema/etiology
  4. Ayoub R, Jarrar Q, Ali D, Moshawih S, Jarrar Y, Hakim M, et al.
    Eur J Pharm Sci, 2021 Aug 01;163:105865.
    PMID: 33979659 DOI: 10.1016/j.ejps.2021.105865
    BACKGROUND: Mefenamic acid (MFA), a commonly prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), possesses a greater risk of dose-related central nervous system (CNS) toxicity than other NSAIDs. In this study, α-tocopherol and α-tocopherol acetate were selected as prodrug moieties for MFA in an attempt to reduce the CNS toxicity and enhance the therapeutic efficacy.

    METHOD: α-tocopherol monoester of MFA (TMMA) and α-tocopherol di-ester of MFA (TDMA) were synthesized by esterification reaction and were subjected to various in vivo characterizations.

    RESULTS: Masking of the carboxylate group of MFA with the proposed pro-moieties significantly (p<0.05) delayed the onset of tonic-clonic seizure in mice. Besides, the intraperitoneal administration of TMMA and TDMA in mice produced significantly (p<0.05) stronger anti-inflammatory effects in the carrageenan-induced paw edema test and greater anti-nociceptive effect in the acetic acid-induced writhing test than MFA at an equimolar dose of 20 mg/kg. Treatment with TMMA and TDMA caused a significant (p<0.05) inhibition of pain at 1st and 2nd phases of formalin-induced licking test in mice, whereas treatment with MFA inhibited the 2nd phase only. Pretreatment with naloxone and flumazenil significantly (p<0.05) reversed the anti-nociceptive effect of MFA, TMMA and TDMA in the acetic acid-induced writhing test. In addition, treatment with TMMA and TDMA caused significantly (p<0.05) a higher inhibition of pain in the glutamate-induced licking response in mice than MFA.

    CONCLUSION: Masking the carboxylate moiety of MFA by α-tocopherol and α-tocopherol acetate has a great potential for reducing CNS toxicity, enhancing the therapeutic efficacy and altering the mode of anti-nociceptive action.

    Matched MeSH terms: Edema/chemically induced; Edema/drug therapy
  5. Sahoo S, Barua A, Myint KT, Haq A, Abas AB, Nair NS
    Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2015 Feb 16;2015(2):CD010009.
    PMID: 25686158 DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD010009.pub2
    BACKGROUND: Diabetic cystoid macular oedema (CMO) is a condition which involves fluid accumulation in the inner portion of the retina. It often follows changes in retinal blood vessels which enhance the fluid to come out of vessels. Although it may be asymptomatic, symptoms are primarily painless loss of central vision, often with the complaint of seeing black spots in front of the eye.It is reported that CMO may resolve spontaneously, or fluctuate for months, before causing loss of vision. If left untreated or undiagnosed, progression of CMO may lead to permanent visual loss.It has been noted that patients with diabetic retinopathy have elevated inflammatory markers, and therefore it is likely that inflammation aids in the progression of vascular disease in these patients. Several topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ketorolac 0.5%, bromfenac 0.09%, and nepafenac 0.1%, have therefore also been used topically to treat chronic diabetic CMO. Hence this review was conducted to find out the effects of topical NSAIDs in diabetic CMO.

    OBJECTIVES: To assess the effects of topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for diabetic cystoid macular oedema (CMO).

    SEARCH METHODS: We searched CENTRAL (which contains the Cochrane Eyes and Vision Group Trials Register) (2014, Issue 12), Ovid MEDLINE, Ovid MEDLINE In-Process and Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE Daily, Ovid OLDMEDLINE (January 1946 to January 2015), EMBASE (January 1980 to January 2015), Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature Database (LILACS) (January 1982 to January 2015), the ISRCTN registry (www.isrctn.com/editAdvancedSearch), ClinicalTrials.gov (www.clinicaltrials.gov) and the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) (www.who.int/ictrp/search/en). We did not use any date or language restrictions in the electronic searches for trials. We last searched the electronic databases on 12 January 2015.

    SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and quasi-RCTs investigating the effects of topically applied NSAIDs in the treatment of people with diabetic CMO aged 18 years of age or over.

    DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two review authors independently assessed trial eligibility and screened all available titles and abstracts for inclusion. There were no discrepancies and we did not have to contact trial investigators for missing data.

    MAIN RESULTS: We did not identify any RCTs matching the inclusion criteria for this review.

    AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: The review did not identify any RCTs investigating the effects of topical NSAIDs in the treatment of diabetic CMO. Most of the studies identified through the electronic searches had been conducted to analyse the effect of topical NSAIDs for pseudophakic CMO.In the absence of high quality evidence, clinicians need to use their clinical judgement and other low level evidence, such as observational non-randomised trials, to decide whether to use topical NSAIDs in cases of diabetic CMO.More research is needed to better understand the cause of this condition and its pathophysiology. This systematic review has identified the need for well designed, adequately powered RCTs to assess possible beneficial and adverse effects of topical NSAIDs in people with diabetic CMO. Future trials should aim to include a large sample size with an adequate follow-up period of up to one year.

    Matched MeSH terms: Macular Edema/drug therapy*; Macular Edema/etiology
  6. Khaw KW, Lam HH, Khang TF, Wan Ab Kadir AJ, Subrayan V
    BMC Ophthalmol, 2014;14:16.
    PMID: 24533465 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2415-14-16
    To report the rate of cystoid macular oedema (CMO) as detected by spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) after intraoperative complication during phacoemulsification. The secondary objectives include comparing mean macular thickness and best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) between those who developed postoperative CMO against those who did not.
    Matched MeSH terms: Macular Edema/diagnosis*; Macular Edema/physiopathology
  7. Yam MF, Lim V, Salman IM, Ameer OZ, Ang LF, Rosidah N, et al.
    Molecules, 2010 Jun 21;15(6):4452-66.
    PMID: 20657453 DOI: 10.3390/molecules15064452
    The aim of the present study was to verify the anti-inflammatory activity of Orthosiphon stamineus leaf extracts and to identify the active compound(s) contributing to its anti-inflammatory activity using a developed HPLC method. Active chloroform extract of O. stamineus was fractionated into three fractions using a dry flash column chromatography method. These three fractions were investigated for anti-peritoneal capillary permeability, in vitro nitric oxide scavenging activity, anti-inflammatory and nitric oxide (NO) inhibition using carrageenan-induced hind paw edema method. The flavonoid rich chloroform extract fraction (CF2) [containing sinensetin (2.86% w/w), eupatorin (5.05% w/w) and 3'-hydroxy-5,6,7,4'-tetramethoxyflavone (1.101% w/w)], significantly reduced rat hind paw edema, NO and decreased dye leakage to peritoneal cavity at p < 0.05. IC(50) of in vitro NO scavenging of CF2 was 0.3 mg/mL. These results suggest that the anti-inflammatory properties of these CF2 may possibly be due to the presence of flavonoid compounds capable of affecting the NO pathway.
    Matched MeSH terms: Edema/chemically induced; Edema/drug therapy
  8. Beng TS, Chin LE
    J Palliat Med, 2010 Aug;13(8):1037-8.
    PMID: 20712471 DOI: 10.1089/jpm.2009.0314
    We present a case of gross lower limb edema in a 21-year-old man with an intra-abdominal malignant fibrous histiocytoma. He had a 1-month history of lower limb edema secondary to inferior vena caval obstruction. His edema failed to respond to a combination of diuretics, oral frusemide 40 mg daily and oral spironolactone 100 mg daily. Subcutaneous drainage of both lower limbs with butterfly needles was performed with minimal improvement. However, he gained significant symptomatic relief with multiple subcutaneous punctures and stoma bag drainage. A total of 12.8 L of serous fluid was drained with this simple and effective method. This is the first report of the use of this method.
    Matched MeSH terms: Edema/etiology; Edema/therapy*
  9. Shekhar K, Lye MS, Norlijah O, Ong F, Looi LM, Khuzaiah R, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2005 Aug;60(3):297-304.
    PMID: 16379183
    From July through December 1997, 11 previously healthy children in Peninsular Malaysia succumbed to an illness clinically characterised by an acute severe refractory left-ventricular failure, following a brief prodromal illness, in the midst of an outbreak of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD), similar to the reported experience in Sarawak and Taiwan. Retrospective reviews of the clinical features and results of laboratory, pathological and virological investigations of cases were conducted. The median age of the 11 case-patients was 31 months (range, 13 to 49 months); 6 were males. A brief prodromal illness of 3 days (range, 2 to 5 days) was characterised by fever (axillary temperature > 38 degrees C) (100%), oral ulcers (72%), extremity rashes (45%) and significant vomiting (55%). Upon hospitalisation, 7 of 11 case-patients had features suggestive of cardiogenic shock, while 4 of 11 case-patients developed shock during hospitalisation as evidenced by marked sustained tachycardia (heart rate > or = 180 beats per minute), poor peripheral pulses and peripheral perfusion, mottled extremities, pulmonary oedema (haemorrhagic pulmonary secretions in 8 of 11 cases during tracheal intubation, often precipitated by conservative crystalloid boluses, and radiographic evidence of acute pulmonary oedema in 5 of 7 cases) and markedly impaired left ventricular function on echocardiographic examination (7 of 7 cases). Three of 4 case-patients had aseptic meningitis while one case-patient also had an acute flaccid paraparesis. Despite supportive therapy, death occurred within a median of 13.4 hours following hospitalization. Post-mortem findings (all 8 specimens examined) consistently demonstrated brain-stem encephalitis with foci of neuronal necrosis and micro-abscesses. None of the 11 specimens examined revealed histological evidence of myocarditis. Enterovirus 71 (EV71) was detected in 10 of 11 case-patients, many (7) from various sterile tissue sites (5 from central nervous tissues). No other viruses were isolated or identified. Clinical features and pathological studies closely paralleled the reported experience in Sarawak and Taiwan. The uniform necropsy findings of necrotizing brain-stem encephalitis coupled with essentially normal myocardial histology, in concert with the concurrent and consistent detection of EV71 points to a primary EV71 encephalitis; as yet unclear neurogenic mechanisms may account for the cardiovascular manifestations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pulmonary Edema/mortality*; Pulmonary Edema/pathology*
  10. Arshad AR
    Head Neck, 2003 Sep;25(9):754-7.
    PMID: 12953311
    Kimura's disease is a chronic inflammatory disorder of unknown etiology commonly seen among orientals and characterized histologically by lymphatic follicles, vascular proliferation, and marked eosinophilic infiltration. It has a predilection for the head and neck region. The lesion is benign but can be mistaken to be a malignant lesion.
    Matched MeSH terms: Edema/drug therapy; Edema/surgery
  11. Hisamuddin N, Shaik Mossadeq WM, Sulaiman MR, Abas F, Leong SW, Kamarudin N, et al.
    Molecules, 2019 Jul 18;24(14).
    PMID: 31323775 DOI: 10.3390/molecules24142614
    Curcumin, derived from the rhizome Curcuma longa, has been scientifically proven to possess anti-inflammatory activity but is of limited clinical and veterinary use owing to its low bioavailability and poor solubility. Hence, analogs of curcuminoids with improved biological properties have been synthesized to overcome these limitations. This study aims to provide the pharmacological basis for the use of 5-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3-hydroxy-1-(2-hydroxyphenyl)penta-2,4-dien-1-one (DHHPD), a synthetic curcuminoid analog, as an anti-edematogenic and anti-granuloma agent. The carrageenan-induced paw edema and the cotton pellet-induced granuloma assays were used to assess the anti-inflammatory activity of DHHPD in mice. The effects of DHHPD on the histaminergic, serotonergic, and bradykininergic systems were determined by the histamine-, serotonin-, and bradykinin-induced paw edema tests, respectively. DHHPD (0.1, 0.3, 1, and 3 mg/kg, intraperitoneal) evoked significant reductions (p < 0.05) in carrageenan-induced paw edema at different time intervals and granuloma formation (p < 0.0001) by 22.08, 32.57, 37.20, and 49.25%, respectively. Furthermore, DHHPD significantly reduced paw edema (p < 0.05) induced by histamine, serotonin, and bradykinin. The present study suggests that DHHPD exerts anti-edematogenic activity, possibly by inhibiting the synthesis or release of autacoid mediators of inflammation through the histaminergic, serotonergic, and bradykininergic systems. The anti-granuloma effect may be attributed to the suppression of transudative, exudative, and proliferative activities associated with inflammation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Edema/drug therapy; Edema/etiology
  12. Norlaili M, Bakiah S, Zunaina E
    BMC Ophthalmol, 2011 Nov 23;11:36.
    PMID: 22111945 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2415-11-36
    BACKGROUND: Diabetic macular oedema is the leading causes of blindness. Laser photocoagulation reduces the risk of visual loss. However recurrences are common and despite laser treatment, patients with diabetic macular oedema experienced progressive loss of vision. Stabilization of the blood retinal barrier introduces a rationale for intravitreal triamcinolone treatment in diabetic macular oedema. This study is intended to compare the best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and the macular oedema index (MEI) at 3 month of primary treatment for diabetic macular oedema between intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide (IVTA) and laser photocoagulation.

    METHODS: This comparative pilot study consists of 40 diabetic patients with diabetic macular oedema. The patients were randomized into two groups using envelope technique sampling procedure. Treatment for diabetic macular oedema was based on the printed envelope technique selected for every patient. Twenty patients were assigned for IVTA group (one injection of IVTA) and another 20 patients for LASER group (one laser session). Main outcome measures were mean BCVA and mean MEI at three months post treatment. The MEI was quantified using Heidelberg Retinal Tomography II.

    RESULTS: The mean difference for BCVA at baseline [IVTA: 0.935 (0.223), LASER: 0.795 (0.315)] and at three months post treatment [IVTA: 0.405 (0.224), LASER: 0.525 (0.289)] between IVTA and LASER group was not statistically significant (p = 0.113 and p = 0.151 respectively). The mean difference for MEI at baseline [IVTA: 2.539 (0.914), LASER: 2.139 (0.577)] and at three months post treatment [IVTA: 1.753 (0.614), LASER: 1.711 (0.472)] between IVTA and LASER group was also not statistically significant (p = 0.106 and p = 0.811 respectively).

    CONCLUSIONS: IVTA demonstrates good outcome comparable to laser photocoagulation as a primary treatment for diabetic macular oedema at three months post treatment.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN05040192 (http://www.controlled-trial.com).

    Matched MeSH terms: Macular Edema/drug therapy*; Macular Edema/surgery*
  13. Sinnayya D, Lott PW, Tajunisah I
    Ocul Immunol Inflamm, 2024 Aug;32(6):1048-1060.
    PMID: 37134302 DOI: 10.1080/09273948.2023.2202758
    A 60-year-old female with known seropositive rheumatoid arthritis and other co-morbids, presented with right eye hypertensive retinopathy and exudative macroaneurysms. Over the years, she developed vitreous haemorrhage, macula oedema and full thickness macula hole. Fluorescein angiography showed macroaneurysms and ischaemic retinal vasculitis. Initial diagnosis was thought to be hypertensive retinopathy with macroaneurysms and retinal vasculitis secondary to rheumatoid arthritis. Laboratory investigations did not support other causes for macroaneurysms and vasculitis. Hence, delayed diagnosis of IRVAN syndrome was made after detailed review of clinical findings, investigations, and angiographic evidence. Our understanding of IRVAN continues to evolve in the face of challenging presentations. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of IRVAN associated with rheumatoid arthritis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Macular Edema/diagnosis; Macular Edema/etiology
  14. George A, Chinnappan S, Chintamaneni M, Kotak C V, Choudhary Y, Kueper T, et al.
    PMID: 25252832 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6882-14-355
    The study was aimed to evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity of ethanolic and aqueous extracts of Polygonum minus (Huds) using in vitro and in vivo approaches.
    Matched MeSH terms: Edema/chemically induced; Edema/drug therapy*; Edema/enzymology
  15. Muthupalaniappen L, Jamani N, Muhammad M, Adawiyah J, Aziz N
    Malays Fam Physician, 2010;5(2):99-100.
    PMID: 25606196 MyJurnal
    A 24-year-old lady presented with four days history of fever, non-pruritic rash, ankle pain and swelling. She had consumed herbal supplement five days before the onset of symptoms. Examinations revealed erythematous maculo-papular lesions of varying sizes on sun exposed areas. Patient was suspected to have Drug Induced Lupus Erythematosus (DILE) and subsequently symptoms subsided rapidly on withholding the herbal medication.
    Matched MeSH terms: Edema
  16. Dhanoa A, Singh VA
    BMJ Case Rep, 2009;2009.
    PMID: 21686336 DOI: 10.1136/bcr.12.2008.1401
    This is a presentation of a case of mono microbial necrotising fasciitis due to the unusual organism Salmonella enteritidis. The patient presented with swelling and blistering of the right calf. There are only five other such cases reported in the literature. This was the only case that had positive blood cultures for the organism. Prompt and appropriate treatment was intuited but the patient died because of multi-organ failure.
    Matched MeSH terms: Edema
  17. Yam MF, Asmawi MZ, Basir R
    J Med Food, 2008 Jun;11(2):362-8.
    PMID: 18598181 DOI: 10.1089/jmf.2006.065
    Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of a standardized Orthosiphon stamineus methanol:water (50:50 vol/vol) leaf extract (SEOS) were evaluated in animal models. Oral administration of SEOS at doses of 500 and 1,000 mg/kg significantly reduced the hind paw edema in rats at 3 and 5 hours after carrageenan administration (P < .01 and P < .01; P < .01 and P < .05, respectively). SEOS (1,000 mg/kg, p.o.) also produced significant (P < .05) analgesic activity in both the acetic acid-induced writhing test and the formalin-induced licking test (late phase) in mice and rats, respectively. However, SEOS showed no effect on the tail flick and hot plate tests in mice. The results of the present study support the proposal that O. stamineus has anti-inflammatory and non-narcotic analgesic activities. These findings justify the traditional use of the plant for treating pain and inflammation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Edema/chemically induced; Edema/drug therapy; Edema/pathology
  18. Hussein A, Han Shu T, Chong MF, Cheah CF
    Cureus, 2020 Sep 27;12(9):e10680.
    PMID: 33133846 DOI: 10.7759/cureus.10680
    Headache can be a primary or secondary disorder. The characteristics of headache and its associated features, especially the presence of red flag signs, are important in distinguishing secondary from primary causes. Hemicrania continua is a type of primary headache disorder characterized by a continuous unilateral headache with episodes of exacerbations and association with cranial autonomic symptoms, which include several ocular symptoms. The absolute response to indomethacin remains the hallmark of this disease. We would like to report a rare case of hemicrania continua with scintillating scotoma during exacerbations apart from the typical autonomic features of conjunctival injection, ptosis, eyelid edema, and lacrimation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Edema
  19. Azira NMS, Zeehaida M, Nazli Z, Suraiya S
    A 36-year-old man with underlying chronic lymphocytic leukemia had left arm swelling for a duration of 3 months. Clinically, the affected arm was swollen, erythematous and tender. Epicoccum nigrum was isolated from the culture of the tissue that was obtained intraoperatively. He was treated and responded to voriconazole therapy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of intramuscular abscess as a result of E. nigrum infection in an immunocompromised patient.
    Matched MeSH terms: Edema
  20. Siti Nidzwani, M.M., Loo, S.P.S.
    Medicine & Health, 2018;13(2):170-174.
    Ludwig angina is a fulminant condition that is potentially lethal. If left unrecognized or untreated, this condition carries a mortality rate of up to 50%. We illustrate a case of 43-year-old male who presented with signs and symptoms of Ludwig angina over a period of two days. The patient had history of tooth extraction prior to the onset of symptoms. Despite typical clinical presentation, Ludwig angina was not considered during the first visit to medical. Ludwig angina is a clinical diagnosis that requires high index of suspicion. Delay in the diagnosis increase the risk of airway obstruction due to its rapidly spreading oedema of the upper airway.
    Matched MeSH terms: Edema
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