Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 412 in total

  1. Taresh SM, Morett LM, Zaid SM, Roslan S, Taresh Taleb M, Song P, et al.
    Autism, 2024 Jan;28(1):239-253.
    PMID: 37982401 DOI: 10.1177/13623613231211850
    Preschool teachers can play a critical role in early detection of autism. Equipping preschool teachers with prerequisite knowledge and skills would allow them to identify children with probable autism and referral to diagnostic services. This study aimed to investigate the impact of an educational module (EMiASD) that prepared preschool teachers to identify autism symptoms. The sample included 144 preschool teachers, of which 120 were stratified and randomly assigned to an intervention arm receiving training in EMiASD (n = 60) or a comparison arm receiving standard training (n = 60) using a parallel mixed-methods design. Responses to open-ended questions about video case studies revealed improvement in the identification of autism symptoms in preschool teachers in the intervention arm, in contrast to preschool teachers in the comparison arm. Moreover, significant changes in knowledge, belief, and self-efficacy about autism favoured EMiASD. Overall, these results demonstrate the influence of EMiASD in the Yemeni cultural context.
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  2. Burhanuddin NAN, Ahmad NA, Said RR, Asimiran S
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Sep 23;19(19).
    PMID: 36231322 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph191912020
    The complex nature of coaching challenges instructional coaches (ICs) professionally as it requires them to deal with not only teachers' resistance, acceptance and expectation but also adhere to the complex and multifaceted roles that they are bearing. Psychological capital (PsyCap) has been upheld as an effective construct for defending against stress, negative emotions and burnout among educators. This phenomenological study explores ways in which PsyCap was experienced by Malaysian instructional coaches (ICs). Data were gathered from face-to-face interviews with seven instructional coaches purposefully selected from six different District Education Offices (DEOs) throughout Malaysia. Extracted from participants' own words and through the exploration performed, PsyCap was experienced by the participants through a sense of responsibility, positive resources and work commitment. This study highlights the importance of PsyCap as inner positive psychological resources that aided instructional coaches in their practice of coaching. In addition, this study suggests future research recommendations towards implementing PsyCap developmental training with another group of instructional coaches.
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  3. Mac Giolla Phadraig C, Kammer PV, Asimakopoulou K, Healy O, Fleischmann I, Buchanan H, et al.
    Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 2023 Dec;51(6):1065-1077.
    PMID: 37368479 DOI: 10.1111/cdoe.12890
    INTRODUCTION: There is no agreed taxonomy of the techniques used to support patients to receive professional oral healthcare. This lack of specification leads to imprecision in describing, understanding, teaching and implementing behaviour support techniques in dentistry (DBS).

    METHODS: This review aims to identify the labels and associated descriptors used by practitioners to describe DBS techniques, as a first step in developing a shared terminology for DBS techniques. Following registration of a protocol, a scoping review limited to Clinical Practice Guidelines only was undertaken to identify the labels and descriptors used to refer to DBS techniques.

    RESULTS: From 5317 screened records, 30 were included, generating a list of 51 distinct DBS techniques. General anaesthesia was the most commonly reported DBS (n = 21). This review also explores what term is given to DBS techniques as a group (Behaviour management was most commonly used (n = 8)) and how these techniques were categorized (mainly distinguishing between pharmacological and non-pharmacological).

    CONCLUSIONS: This is the first attempt to generate a list of techniques that can be selected for patients and marks an initial step in future efforts at agreeing and categorizing these techniques into an accepted taxonomy, with all the benefits this brings to research, education, practice and patients.

    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  4. Fatimah M, Osman A
    Med J Malaysia, 1997 Dec;52(4):402-8.
    PMID: 10968118
    A case control study was conducted in 1996 among primary school student in Terengganu. The objective of the study is to determine the relationship between road traffic accidents and factors such as socio-economic status, distance from school, number of siblings, behavioural problems, knowledge and attitudes of pupil and their parents towards road safety and parents' educational status. A total of 140 cases was obtained from 3 urban schools and 3 from rural schools. Cases were matched with control according to age sex and locality of residence. There were significant associations between road traffic accidents and pupils' knowledge regarding road crossing (OR = 0.40, 95% CI = 0.19-0.85), parental supervision (OR = 0.43, 95% CI = 0.19, 0.64) and parents having driving licences (OR = 0.99, 95% CI = 0.856-0.999). Road safety education for pupils and parental supervision are key measures in preventing road traffic accidents among primary school children.
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  5. Petta CA, Amatya R, Farr G, Chi I
    Contraception, 1994 Oct;50(4):339-47.
    PMID: 7813222
    The objective of this study was to evaluate possible factors associated with discontinuing use of TCu 380A IUDs due to personal reasons among 2748 users. Overall, a total of 88 subjects discontinued using the TCu 380A IUD within 12 months postinsertion for personal reasons. The most common reasons were planned pregnancy (32%) and husband or family opinion against IUD use (26%). The gross cumulative 12-month life table discontinuation rate for all personal reasons was 4.0 per 100 women. Having no education and/or living in a rural area were the sociodemographic characteristics associated with an increased risk of discontinuation for personal reasons. Effective and regular counseling about IUD use, especially among illiterate women, may help prevent IUD discontinuations related to personal reasons.
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  6. Nor Hasnul Azirah Abdul Hamid, Normalina Ibrahim@Mat, Nurul Najihah Mustopa
    ESTEEM Academic Journal, 2020;16(2):51-64.
    Student Information Management System (SIMS) is a computerized system for education that can be used to manage student information and data. PASTI An-Nur is chosen as a case study in developing the system. Thus, several problems are identified that PASTI An-Nur faces due to the
    implementation of a manual system in the admission process. The first problem is the paper-based registration form that is prone to lose, misplaced and less secure. As for the payment process, arise a problem in term of higher error rate when checking and calculating the payments. The biggest downfall for PASTI An-Nur is the amount of space used to store all the students' files.
    These problems bring inefficiency since the world is changing to computerized, where data management become one of the most significant issues nowadays. So, the aim of developing the Preschool Management System (PRESIMS) is for helping the staffs and teachers in managing the
    students' information. The Adapter Waterfall model was used in developing this system. Additionally, usability heuristics was used also as a theory to guide the development of this system. The system has been tested with the four (4) users and two (2) experts. The testing method is the ISO/IEC 9126- 4 approach to measure usability metrics, including efficiency, effectiveness, and satisfaction. Whereas, for the experts, heuristic evaluation is used to bring six (6) usability principles into implementation for testing. The result of the testing is very satisfying, which shows 75.5% of efficiency, 83.33% of effectiveness and three (3) out of four (4) users very satisfied with the system. The result of heuristic evaluation also shows a successful implementation of the system. The details of the result are discussed in this paper and expected to meet the users' specification and it is ready to go live.
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  7. Chan HY
    Asian Bioeth Rev, 2019 Mar;11(1):111-122.
    PMID: 33717304 DOI: 10.1007/s41649-019-00078-2
    The right to refuse treatment is generally accepted in the legal and bioethics discourses; however, the use of advance directives remains contentious. Some jurisdictions have introduced statutory frameworks to govern the creation and implementation of advance directives, underpinned primarily by the recognition of respect for personal autonomy. Although there are no legislation and judicial decisions on advance decision-making in Malaysia, the considered view is that healthcare practitioners perceived its utility in managing patient care. This paper examines the potential and challenges of applying a statutory framework in Malaysia, drawing from relevant regulatory examples. It argues for greater public awareness within the healthcare discourse and knowledge dissemination regarding the availability, usage and clinical guidance on advance decision-making. The main conclusion drawn from this exploratory analysis is that further understanding of and education about advance decision-making within the population and healthcare practitioners should precede the implementation of a statutory regime in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  8. Othman WMN, Ithnin M, Wan Abdul Aziz WNA, Wan Ali WNS, Ramli H
    J Int Soc Prev Community Dent, 2021 01 30;11(1):33-40.
    PMID: 33688471 DOI: 10.4103/jispcd.JISPCD_336_20
    Aims: This study aimed at exploring the self-perception of Orang Asli (OA) from the Temuan tribe in Jelebu by using the Global Self-rated Oral Health (GSROH) and General Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI).

    Materials and Methods: It was a cross-sectional study involving a two-stage sampling to select the district and villages. A total of 325 participants were selected based on convenience sampling.

    Results: Almost half of the participants rated their oral health as poor or average. The mean GOHAI score was 52.96 (±7.749), ranging from 29 to 60. The GOHAI score was statistically significantly lower for female gender (P = 0.025), lower education level (P = 0.001), and elderly (P = 0.001). The GSROH score was also statistically significant with GOHAI score (P = 0.001).

    Conclusions: A limited number of studies were conducted in this area, particularly in the vulnerable population of OA. Our study found that half of the OA living in the fringe had a poor GOHAI score. It is, therefore, suggested that potential study and intervention programs concentrate on the low GOHAI score group; the male, lower educational context, and the elderly.

    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  9. Shamir Das K.N. Kavidas, Alexius, Cheang, Weng, Onn
    Student athletes represent a unique segment of society, having to manage a set of expectations and challenges that are distinct and psychologically demanding. They are expected to achieve the highest level of sporting excellence while also performing well academically. A basic qualitative study was used to gain an understanding of the nature and type of psychological challenges faced, and ways the student athletes successfully managed or was currently managing those challenges. The results entailed two overlapping groups of challenges; internal and external, where internal consisted of emotional strain, expectations from one’s self, balance between sports and studies, and present feelings of regret, while external consisted of issues with their coach, perception of others, and transition to tertiary education. Additionally, there were three ways of managing those challenges namely through problem-focused coping, emotion-focused coping, and experiential learning. Those three domains are further explored and discussed, with consideration to the local context and the role of individual differences.
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  10. Iqbal, Rizwan, Masrah Azrifah Azmi Murad, Ashraf, Adnan
    The use of graphical knowledge representation formalisms with a representational vocabulary agreement of terms of conceptualization of the universe of discourse is a new high potential approach in the ontology engineering and knowledge management context. Initially, concept maps were used in the fields of education and learning. After that, it became popular in other areas due to its flexible and intuitive nature. It was also proven as a useful tool to improve communication in corporate environment. In the field of ontologies, concept maps were explored to be used to facilitate different aspects of ontology development. An essential reason behind this motivation is the structural resemblance of concept maps with the hierarchical structure of ontologies. This research aims to demonstrate quantitative evaluation of 4 different hypotheses related to the effectiveness of using concept maps for ontology conceptualization. The domain of Quran was selected for the purpose of this study and it was conducted in collaboration with the experts from the Centre of Quranic Research, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The results of the hypotheses demonstrated that concept mapping was easy to learn and implement for the majority of the participants. Most of them experienced improvement in domain knowledge regarding the vocabularies used to refer to the structure of organization of the Quran, namely Juz, Surah, Ayats, tafsir, Malay translation, English translation, and relationships among these entities. Therefore, concept maps instilled the element of learning through the conceptualization process and provided a platform for participants to resolve conflicting opinions and ambiguities of terms used immediately.
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  11. Lai PSM, Tan KM, Lee HG, Wong YY, Azhari Wasi NA, Sim SM
    Malays Fam Physician, 2021 Mar 25;16(1):56-63.
    PMID: 33948143 DOI: 10.51866/oa1013
    This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention (Safe D.U.M.P) to improve the knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding the return and disposal of unused medications. Community-dwelling adults in Malaysia who could understand English were recruited from two healthcare events. Participants were asked to fill out the validated Return and Disposal of Unused Medications (ReDiUM) questionnaire (pre-intervention), view six educational intervention posters on how to dispose of unused medications (Safe D.U.M.P), then answer the ReDiUM questionnaire immediately after viewing the posters (post-intervention). A total of 390 out of 456 participants participated (response rate=85.5%). Most were female (71%) with a median age of 42 years. The overall knowledge of participants significantly increased from 60% to 80% (p<0.001). However, no improvement was seen regarding their overall attitude and practice. This outcome was as expected as it may be more difficult to improve attitude and practice (when compared to knowledge) with a single educational session.
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  12. Krishnaveni Sritharan, Hong Koh Yiin, Karthik Krishnan, Khor Ben Nee, Mangair Karasi Manickam, Phua Cun Uei, et al.
    Malaysia is in the fifth place for world’s top ten retirement havens. In light to the combination of medical and the growth of old aged community in Malaysia, a few developers are experimenting with the concept of retirement village. The current study aimed to explore and gain a better understanding of the factors that will influence the intention of the middle aged adults in Johor to move into a retirement village. Based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour, the study found that Attitude and Subjective Norm has a positive and significant impact on the intention. Perceived Behavioural Control may be statistically significant but has not accurately predict the intention because of the absence of past behaviour or knowledge. The results indicated that those with tertiary education and who earns more that RM10,000 have intention to move in to the retirement village. The study itself have plausible explanation of the results and paved more opportunities for future research.
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  13. Ting CY, Ho CC, Yee HJ
    Big Data, 2020 12;8(6):519-527.
    PMID: 33347366 DOI: 10.1089/big.2020.0028
    Recommending a retail business given a particular location of interest is nontrivial. Such a recommendation process requires careful study of demographics, trade area characteristics, sales performance, traffic, and environmental features. It is not only human effort taxing but often introduces inconsistency due to subjectivity in expert opinions. The process becomes more challenging when no sales data can be used to make a recommendation. As an attempt to overcome the challenges, this study used the machine learning approach that utilizes similarity measures to perform the recommendation. However, two challenges required careful attention when using the machine learning approach: (1) how to prepare a feature set that can commonly represent different types of retail business and (2) which similarity measure approach produces optimal recommendation accuracy? The data sets used in this study consist of points of interest, population, property, job type, and education level. Empirical studies were conducted to investigate (1) the overall accuracy of proposed similarity measure approaches to the retail business recommendation, and (2) whether the proposed approaches have a bias toward certain retail categories. In summary, the findings suggested that the proposed similarity-based techniques elicited an accuracy of above 70% and demonstrated higher accuracy when the recommendation was made within a set of similar retail businesses.
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  14. Lee,Sze Chet, Ng,Chun Keat, Mohd Amiruddin Mohd Kassim, Pang,Nicholas Tze Ping
    Borneo Epidemiology Journal, 2020;1(1):79-87.
    COVID-19 has impacted the world in many ways due to fears of contracting the pandemic, social distancing, and large-scale movement control rules. These have especially grave consequences for inpatient psychiatry. This article reviews measures taken to adapt to the new norm in inpatient care, both for standalone psychiatry units and consultation-liaison units. For inpatient units, changes have been made for personal protective equipment usage, screening and triaging policies, and training and educational policies. Consultation liaison units together with inpatient units have been required to expand the scope of coverage and difficulties by providing certain teleconsultation services. As the new norm takes precedence, Sabah has to embrace and empower community-based psychiatry services for better outreach and coverage. This article discusses the issues underlying the new norm in the management of inpatient psychiatry patients in both units and presents some points and practical solutions on the ground to instil hope
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  15. Alrubaiee GG, Baharom A, Faisal I, Shahar HK, Daud SM, Basaleem HO
    BMC Nurs, 2021 Feb 17;20(1):33.
    PMID: 33596894 DOI: 10.1186/s12912-021-00551-0
    BACKGROUND: Previous cross-sectional studies have reported limited knowledge and practices among nurses regarding controlling nosocomial infections (NIs). Even though health institutions offer many irregular in-service training courses to solve such issues, a three year-nursing educational programme at institutions is not adequate to enable nurses to handle NIs. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the implementation of an educational module on NIs control measures among Yemeni nurses.

    METHODS: A single-blinded randomised hospital-based trial was undertaken involving 540 nurses assigned to two intervention groups and a waitlist group. Intervention group-1 received a face-to-face training course comprising 20 h spread over six weeks and a hard copy of the module, while intervention group-2 only received the hard copy of the module "without training". In contrast, the waitlist group did not receive anything during the period of collecting data. A self-administered NI control measures-evaluation questionnaire was utilised in collecting the data from the participants; before the intervention, at six weeks and 3 months after the end of the intervention. The period of data collection was between 1st May and 30th October 2016.

    RESULTS: The results from collecting and analysing the data showed a statistically significant difference in the mean knowledge scores between the intervention groups that were detectable immediately post-intervention with a mean difference (MD) of 4.31 (P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
    The advancement of technology in digital revolution such as Internet of Things has gained attention in all over the world. This myriad of technology innovations affects all aspects of the human lives today. The generation who has grown up during this era, knownastheiGens,mostlyreliesonthetechnologyineveryaspectoftheirlives,including education. Thus, technology also gives profound impact in educational transformation nowadays to convey innovative education. However, lack of innovation in education becomes a challenge to meet this demand. Therefore, this study was carried out with the aim to discover factors which may affect academic performance of the iGen students in the university. A total of 250 self-administered questionnaires were distributed to the accountingstudentsatUMTwitharesponserateof93.6%(234).Usingmultipleregression analysis, the findings showed that parental involvement and student’s attitude contribute more towards academic performance of iGen students rather than the technology itself. This finding showed that human factor such as support fromtheir parents and individual factor are vital towards their academic performance regardless of from technology savvy generation or not.
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
    This study was conducted to assess how entrepreneurship experience, family background, and societal factors influence university students in Terengganu to embark on entrepreneurial activities. It cannot be denied that entrepreneurship exposure on campus may drive university students to engage in activities which may enhance their academic achievements in, boost confidence, and instill relevant qualities and skills to be successful graduates in the future. Such valuable experiences may be value added to the graduates. To see the impact of such an experience together with other relevant factors, this study has tested the relationship between entrepreneurship experience, family background, social factors and the subsequent effects among students of Universiti Malaysia Terengganu after graduation. The data were collected from 370 targeted respondents and were analysed using the multiple regression analysis. It was found that entrepreneurship experience and family background have significant relationships with entrepreneurship intention while societal factor was found to be insignificant.
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
    Learning preferences among undergraduate accounting students might vary considerably and are still largely unexplored although their findings might be useful for lecturers to improve learning and teaching strategies. Students’ preferences in selecting the appropriate learning strategies can help improve their understanding and lead to improved competency for better academic achievement. This study examined students’ preferences towards learning strategies and the differences in learning strategies among accounting students in Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, between genders. The data were collected using online survey completed by accounting undergraduate students from Year 1 until Year 3 for the academic session 2018/2019. 150 students responded to the online survey, with 32% response rate. Using a revised two-factor version of the Study Process Questionnaire, the survey assessed deep and surface approaches in learning preferred by the students. The results showed that deep learning approach scored a higher mean of 3.36 compared to surface learning and gender was found insignificantly related to the preferred learning approach. This finding suggests that the use of deep approach (for example, active learning or student-centered learning) is to encourage better learning process that would contribute to better academic performance and teaching strategy practices among accounting students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  19. Segaran Ramodran, Yeap Boon Tat, Norkiah Saat, Constance Liew Sat Lin, Nur Atikah Md Taib, Symeon Mandrinos
    Introduction: Recent Coronavirus outbreak has raised concern among student nurses who are doing their clinical posting tenure regarding the risk ofpatient acquired infection. This study examined perceived readiness to pro- vide coronavirus patient careduring clinical posting among student nurses in UMS. Method: This study deployed a cross-section survey design using a self-rated questionnaire to evaluate respondents’ level of readiness towards Coronavirus patient care. A total of 177 (N) respondents comprising of nursing students from UMS (year 1 n=55, year 2 n=56, year 3 n=66) participated in the study. The study questionnaire captured demographics and comprised of 15Likert -scale items that assessed the level of perceived readiness to provide Coronavirus patient care. The ques- tionnaire was adapted from a previous SARs pandemic studyand revalidated within the local context (α = 0.78). Data analysis used descriptive statistics by frequency counts and Fisher exact test for demographic correlates with the level of readiness. Results: Among 177 student nurses in this study68% (n= 121) were willing and ready to provide Coronavirus patient care and 32% (n = 56) were hesitant or not willing. Regarding confidence of safety using PPE to provide patient care, 34 % (n = 61) of respondents rated not confident and deemed it hazardous even with full PPE use. On the issue of if legally mandated to care for Coronavirus patients, 22% were hesitant to provide care and will considerleaving nursing training if compelled to do so. There was a significantly lower perceived level of readiness towards Coronavirus patient care among 1st-year student nurses and those who had not attended any Coronavirus educational session (p= 0.06). Conclusion: The findings indicate although the majority of student nurses are willing to provide care for Coronavirus infected patients during their clinical posting tenure, a small proportion of student’s nurses were hesitant.
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  20. Nashrah Adilah Ismail, Nur Islami Mohd Fahmi Teng
    Sunnah eating practices (SEP) as guided by the Prophet Muhammad contains an element of healthy eating practices. This study assessed the facilitators and barriers towards SEP among overweight middle-aged Muslim women. A total of 22 participants were recruited through purposive sampling technique and were interviewed face-to-face using a semi-structured interview guide. The major facilitators of SEP are health status, awareness, observed Sunnah practice and culture. Meanwhile, the major barriers are time constraints, outside foods, preferences and culture. Overall, the facilitators and barriers to SEP were much influenced by several factors including family, environment and education.
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
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