Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 126 in total

  1. Lee LY, Muhardi L, Cheah FC, Supapannachart S, Teller IC, Bindels J, et al.
    J Paediatr Child Health, 2018 Apr;54(4):370-376.
    PMID: 29205630 DOI: 10.1111/jpc.13775
    AIM: To understand feeding practices, nutrition management and postnatal growth monitoring of term small-for-gestational age (tSGA) infants in Southeast Asia.

    METHODS: Anonymous questionnaires to assess practices on feeding, nutrition management and post-natal growth monitoring of tSGA infants were distributed among health-care professionals (HCPs) participating in regional/local perinatology symposia in Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore.

    RESULTS: Three hundred seventy-seven respondents from Malaysia (37%), Thailand (27%), Singapore (18%) and other Asian countries (19%) participated in the survey. Respondents were neonatologists (35%), paediatricians (25%) and other HCPs (40%) including nurses and midwives. Exclusive human milk feeding was reported the most preferred feeding option for tSGA infants, followed by fortified human milk feeding (60% and 20%, respectively). This was consistent among the different countries. The perceived nutrient requirements of tSGA infants varied between countries. Most respondents from Malaysia and Singapore reported requirements to be similar to preterm infants, while the majority from Thailand reported that it was less than those of preterm infants. The World Health Organization Growth Chart of 2006 and Fenton Growth Charts of 2013 were the most frequently used charts for growth monitoring in the hospital and after discharge.

    CONCLUSIONS: Nutrition management and perceived nutrient requirements for tSGA infants among practising HCPs in Southeast Asia showed considerable variation. The impetus to form standardised and evidence based feeding regimens is important as adequate nutritional management and growth monitoring particularly in this population of infants will have long term impact on population health.

    Matched MeSH terms: Infant, Small for Gestational Age/growth & development*
  2. Ho J, Malaysian Very Low Birth Weight Study Group
    Singapore Med J, 2001 Aug;42(8):355-9.
    PMID: 11764052
    To compare the neonatal course of small for gestational age (SGA) and appropriate for gestational age (AGA) preterm infants 1500 g or less birthweight.
    Matched MeSH terms: Infant, Small for Gestational Age*
  3. Mahzabin T, Pillow JJ, Pinniger GJ, Bakker AJ, Noble PB, White RB, et al.
    Pediatr Res, 2017 Sep;82(3):509-517.
    PMID: 28388600 DOI: 10.1038/pr.2017.99
    BackgroundPregnant women at a high risk of preterm delivery receive glucocorticoids to accelerate fetal lung maturation and surfactant synthesis. However, the effect of antenatal steroids on the developing diaphragm remains unclear. We hypothesized that maternal betamethasone impairs the fetal diaphragm, and the magnitude of the detrimental effect increases with longer duration of exposure. We aimed to determine how different durations of fetal exposure to maternal betamethasone treatment influence the fetal diaphragm at the functional and molecular levels.MethodsDate-mated merino ewes received intramuscular injections of saline (control) or two doses of betamethasone (5.7 mg) at an interval of 24 h commencing either 2 or 14 days before delivery. Preterm lambs were killed after cesarean delivery at 121-day gestational age. In vitro contractile measurements were performed on the right hemidiaphragm, whereas molecular/cellular analyses used the left costal diaphragm.ResultsDifferent durations of fetal exposure to maternal betamethasone had no consistent effect on the protein metabolic pathway, expression of glucocorticoid receptor and its target genes, cellular oxidative status, or contractile properties of the fetal lamb diaphragm.ConclusionThese data suggest that the potential benefits of betamethasone exposure on preterm respiratory function are not compromised by impaired diaphragm function after low-dose maternal intramuscular glucocorticoid exposure.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gestational Age*
  4. Kang EY, Chong YJ, Chen KJ, Chou HD, Liu L, Hwang YS, et al.
    Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol, 2024 Aug;262(8):2685-2694.
    PMID: 38507045 DOI: 10.1007/s00417-024-06402-3
    PURPOSE: To evaluate stereopsis in term-born, preterm, and preterm children with and without retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and its treatment.

    METHODS: The cross-sectional study included 322 children between 3 and 11 years of age born term or preterm, with or without ROP, and with or without treatment for ROP. The ROP treatments were laser therapy, intravitreal injection (IVI) of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor, or their combination. Stereoacuity was measured using the Titmus Stereo Test, and the results among various age groups were analyzed.

    RESULTS: Stereopsis was found to improve with increasing age at testing (P  0.05). No significant differences in stereopsis were identified between children with ROP treated with laser versus with IVI (P > 0.05). From multivariate analysis, younger age at testing (P = 0.001) and younger gestational age (P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Gestational Age*
  5. Boo NY, Cheah IG, Malaysian National Neonatal Registry
    J Paediatr Child Health, 2011 Apr;47(4):183-90.
    PMID: 21244549 DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1754.2010.01944.x
    This study aimed to determine the risk factors associated with the development of pneumothorax among infants admitted to the Malaysian neonatal intensive care units (NICUs).
    Matched MeSH terms: Gestational Age
  6. Rahmatullah B, Besar R
    J Med Eng Technol, 2009;33(6):417-25.
    PMID: 19637083 DOI: 10.1080/03091900802451232
    The motivation of this paper is to analyse the efficiency and reliability of our proposed algorithm of femur length (FL) measurement for the estimation of gestational age. The automated methods are divided into the following components: threshold, segmentation and extraction. Each component is examined, and improvements are made with the objective of finding the optimal result for FL measurement. The methods are tested with a total of 200 different digitized ultrasound images from our database collection. Overall, the study shows that the watershed-based segmentation method combined with enhanced femur extraction algorithm and a 12 x 12 block averaging seed-point threshold method perform identically well with the expert measurements for every image tested and superior as compared to a previous method.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gestational Age
  7. Sutan R, Campbell D, Prescott GJ, Smith WC
    J Perinatol, 2010 May;30(5):311-8.
    PMID: 19829298 DOI: 10.1038/jp.2009.158
    To determine the factors contributing to unexplained antepartum stillbirth in Scotland.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gestational Age
  8. Cheah IG, Soosai AP, Wong SL, Lim TO, Cost-Effectiveness NICU Study Group
    J Perinatol, 2005 Jan;25(1):47-53.
    PMID: 15372062
    To perform a cost-effective analysis on the care of infants between 1000 and 1500 g birthweight (the study group), where outcomes are measured as survival to 1 year of age.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gestational Age
  9. Beevi Z, Low WY, Hassan J
    Am J Clin Hypn, 2015 Oct;58(2):215-23.
    PMID: 26264544 DOI: 10.1080/00029157.2015.1013186
    Ptyalism gravidarum, or sialorrhea, is the excessive secretion of saliva during pregnancy. Treatment of ptyalism gravidarum is often challenging due to its unknown etiologies. This article discusses a case of ptyalism gravidarum with concomitant hyperemesis in which the condition was successfully treated with hypnosis. A 28-year-old woman presented with ptyalism 2 months into her pregnancy and hyperemesis 3 months into pregnancy with associated vomiting that occurred following every meal. Hypnosis was administered at week 16 of pregnancy to eliminate ptyalism and hyperemesis, to prepare for childbirth, and to increase overall psychological well-being. Ptyalism resolved by week 36, concurrent with the final hypnosis session.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gestational Age
  10. Singh HJ, Mohammad NH, Nila A
    J Matern Fetal Med, 1999 May-Jun;8(3):95-100.
    PMID: 10338062
    To ascertain the calcium status in normal pregnant Malay women.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gestational Age
  11. Chia P, Raman S, Tham SW
    J Obstet Gynaecol Res, 1998 Aug;24(4):267-73.
    PMID: 9798356
    To study the pregnancy outcome of women with acyanotic heart disease.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gestational Age
  12. Goh KH, Ng ML, Roslan BA, Tan TT, Nasri BN, Khalid BA
    Ann Acad Med Singap, 1993 Jul;22(4):539-43.
    PMID: 8257054
    Serum concentrations of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroid autoantibodies in pregnant patients with thyroid disease at various stages of pregnancy were determined by in-house ELISAs. In normal pregnancy, serum TSH levels were significantly elevated (p < 0.05) from 13 weeks of gestation. The normal reference ranges for TSH for the second (0.6-5.0 mIU/l) and third trimester (0.6-5.6 mIU/l) were significantly higher (p < 0.05; p < 0.01 respectively) compared to 0.4-4.5 mIU/l for the first trimester. In pregnant thyroid patients, serum TSH levels correlated highly (p < 0.001) to T4 (r = 0.740), FT4I (r = 0.683) and MicAb (microsomal antibodies) (r = 0.825) but weaker (p < 0.01) to T3 (r = -0.512), FT3I (r = 0.520) and TgAb (thyroglobulin antibodies) (r = 0.618). Thus, measurement of TSH with the highly sensitive ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) would form a useful first line test for thyroid dysfunction in pregnancy while measurement of thyroid autoantibodies would aid in the diagnosis of autoimmune hypothyroidism.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gestational Age
  13. Boo NY, Lye MS
    J Trop Pediatr, 1992 12;38(6):284-9.
    PMID: 1844086 DOI: 10.1093/tropej/38.6.284
    A 2-month prospective study was carried out in a Kuala Lumpur maternity hospital to determine the antenatal and intrapartum factors associated with perinatal asphyxia in the Malaysian neonates. The incidence of perinatal asphyxia was 18.7 per 1000 livebirths. Of the 75 asphyxiated neonates born during this period, 70 (93.3 per cent) were of term or post-term gestation. The incidence of perinatal asphyxia was more common in the neonates with one of the following characteristics: low birth weight (< 2500 g), breech delivery, or delivery by instrumentation or lower segment Caesarean section (P < 0.001). Conditional logistic regression analysis of the asphyxiated and the control neonates in a nested case-control study (after controlling for sex, race, birth weight, modes of delivery, and maternal gravida) showed that there were two associated factors which were of statistical significance. These were: small-for-gestation neonates and the presence of intrapartum problems. Our study suggests that to reduce the incidence of perinatal asphyxia, the common causes of small-for-gestation neonates and the common types of intrapartum problems should be identified to enable appropriate preventive measures to be carried out.
    Matched MeSH terms: Infant, Small for Gestational Age
  14. Lim MA, Yusof K
    Med J Malaysia, 1973 Dec;28(2):129-31.
    PMID: 4276231
    Matched MeSH terms: Gestational Age
  15. Syazwani Hamdan, Mohd Rahman Omar, Mohammad Naqib Hamdan, Ummu Aiman Faisal
    Introduction: Zika virus infection is caused by flavivirus virus and spread by Aedes mosquitoes. Since first report-ed in 1947, it spread to various countries especially in the equatorial region including Malaysia. The infection is non-fatal to an adult. However, the major risk of its infection is towards unborn baby when the mother is infected. The vertical transmission to the foetus possess various risks include the teratogenic effect that may lead to elective abortion. Thus, the objectives of this review are to discover about Zika virus and its effect on pregnant women and to evaluate Islamic perspective about elective abortion of Zika virus-infected women. Methods: This review was done through reviewing evidence from the journals, books and reports. The data were reviewed thematically according to the objectives. Results: Studies shown that Zika virus may cause miscarriage, preterm birth, microcephaly and other malformation known as Congenital Zika syndrome. This leads to a demand for elective abortion which raised Islamic ethical issue if it is permissible. In Islam, abortion is extremely prohibited once the foetus reached 120-day of con-ception unless it causes harm to the mother’s life. But, if the foetus age is less than 120-day, abortion is permissible when the pregnancy affects the mother’s health. Abortion due to foetal microcephaly and congenital malformation is prohibited. Conclusion: Effort must be taken to prevent the spread of Zika virus to reduce the need for an elective abortion through an education Muslim community regarding elective abortion.
    Matched MeSH terms: Gestational Age
  16. Choo MM, Yeong CM, Grigg JR, Khaliddin N, Kadir AJ, Barnes EH, et al.
    Medicine (Baltimore), 2018 Nov;97(48):e13357.
    PMID: 30508927 DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000013357
    To report observations of horizontal corneal diameter (HCD) and central corneal thickness (CCT) changes in premature infants with stable optic disc cupping and intraocular pressures (IOPs). The HCD and CCT at term serve as a baseline for premature infants.Sixty-three premature infants were enrolled in a prospective case series. HCD, CCT, and IOP were measured. RetCam images of the optic discs were used to evaluate the cup-disc ratio (CDR) and read by an independent masked observer. Data were collected at between preterm (32-36 weeks) and again at term (37-41 weeks) postconceptual age. Left eye measurements were used for statistical analysis. Left eye findings were combined to construct predictive models for HCD and CCT.The mean HCD was 9.1 mm (standard deviation [SD] = 0.7 mm) at preterm and 10.0 mm (SD = 0.52 mm) at term. The mean CCT preterm was 618.8 (SD = 72.9) μm and at term 563.9 (SD = 50.7) μm, respectively. The average preterm CDR was 0.31 and at maturity was 0.33. Average IOP of preterm and term was 13.1 and 14.11 mm Hg, respectively. There was significant linear correlation between HCD with the postmenstrual age (r = 0.40, P 
    Matched MeSH terms: Gestational Age
  17. Saw SN, Biswas A, Mattar CNZ, Lee HK, Yap CH
    Prenat Diagn, 2021 Mar;41(4):505-516.
    PMID: 33462877 DOI: 10.1002/pd.5903
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the performance of the machine learning (ML) model in predicting small-for-gestational-age (SGA) at birth, using second-trimester data.

    METHODS: Retrospective data of 347 patients, consisting of maternal demographics and ultrasound parameters collected between the 20th and 25th gestational weeks, were studied. ML models were applied to different combinations of the parameters to predict SGA and severe SGA at birth (defined as 10th and third centile birth weight).

    RESULTS: Using second-trimester measurements, ML models achieved an accuracy of 70% and 73% in predicting SGA and severe SGA whereas clinical guidelines had accuracies of 64% and 48%. Uterine PI (Ut PI) was found to be an important predictor, corroborating with existing literature, but surprisingly, so was nuchal fold thickness (NF). Logistic regression showed that Ut PI and NF were significant predictors and statistical comparisons showed that these parameters were significantly different in disease. Further, including NF was found to improve ML model performance, and vice versa.

    CONCLUSION: ML could potentially improve the prediction of SGA at birth from second-trimester measurements, and demonstrated reduced NF to be an important predictor. Early prediction of SGA allows closer clinical monitoring, which provides an opportunity to discover any underlying diseases associated with SGA.

    Matched MeSH terms: Infant, Small for Gestational Age
  18. Choo MM, Grigg J, Barnes EH, Khaliddin N, Kamalden TA, Ahmad Kamar A, et al.
    BMJ Open Ophthalmol, 2021;6(1):e000626.
    PMID: 33768163 DOI: 10.1136/bmjophth-2020-000626
    Objective: An ongoing third epidemic of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is contributed largely by developing nations. We describe a cohort of infants in a single neonatal unit where two limits of oxygen saturation were administered, to show real-world outcomes from trend in neonatology for higher oxygen to improve survival.

    Methods and analysis: This retrospective, comparative study of prospectively collected data in an ROP screening programme included infants indicated by gestational age ≤32 weeks, birth weight <1501 g, ventilation for 7 days or requiring oxygen >1 month, who underwent dilated fundoscopic examination from age 4 weeks, every 2 weeks until full retinal vascularisation. Infants with ROP were examined weekly and treated where indicated. Data were divided into two epochs. Epoch 1 oxygen saturation targets were [88-92%], epoch 2 targets [90-95% (99%)] with allowance of increase to 20% for several hours after procedures. Outcome measures included development of ROP, treatment, mortality, sepsis and intraventricular haemorrhage.

    Results: A total of 651 infants underwent examination between 2003 and 2016. The incidence of ROP in epoch 1 was 29.1% and epoch 2 was 29.3% (p=0.24). ROP progression doubled in epoch 2 (5 vs 11%, p=0.006), proportion of cases treated halved (14% vs 6%, p=0.0005), sepsis was halved (78.5% vs 41.2%, p<0.0001) and intraventricular haemorrhage doubled (20.2% vs 43.8%, p=0.0001) in epoch 2. Mortality was 4% and 0% in epochs 1 and 2, respectively.

    Conclusion: Incidence of ROP did not differ, although ROP cases that worsened doubled with higher oxygen targets. ROP cases requiring treatment decreased, as did sepsis and mortality. Intraventricular haemorrhage cases doubled.

    Matched MeSH terms: Gestational Age
  19. Wan Ling Chew, Kaur Satvinder, Serene En Hui Tung, Ai Ni Teoh, Choon Ming Ng
    Introduction: Early environmental factors play a major role in shaping the health of an individual. Dietary prefer- ence and habits shaped by parental feeding practice during childhood are likely to persist into adulthood which further determines body weights status. This study aimed to determine the retrospective child feeding practices asso- ciated with obesity risk in young adults. Methods: This was a retrospective cross-sectional study with 176 university students in Kuala Lumpur. Data of maternal age, gestational age and feeding practices were collected retrospectively using Child Feeding Questionnaire (CFQ). Subject’s current socio-demographic data was collected and anthropo- metric measurements were taken using standard protocol. Results: Around 22% of the subjects were overweight/ obese. No significant association was found between child feeding practices with maternal age. A significant asso- ciation (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Gestational Age
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