MATERIALS AND METHODS: A literature review was performed following the PRISMA guidelines. Systematic searches were performed in PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane and Embase databases from the earliest record up to September 2022. Related studies on deep learning models for radiotherapy toxicity prediction were selected based on predefined PICOS criteria.
RESULTS: Fourteen studies of radiotherapy-treated patients on different types of cancer [prostate (n=2), HNC (n=4), liver (n=2), lung (n=4), cervical (n=1), and oesophagus (n=1)] were eligible for inclusion in the systematic review. Information regarding patient characteristics and model development was summarized. Several approaches, such as ensemble learning, data augmentation, and transfer learning, that were utilized by selected studies were discussed.
CONCLUSION: Deep learning techniques are able to produce a consistent performance for toxicity prediction. Future research using large and diverse datasets and standardization of the study methodologies are required to improve the consistency of the research output.
METHODS: A comprehensive literature search was conducted in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines across the PubMed, SCOPUS, Web of Science, and SPORTDiscus databases until December 31, 2023. The inclusion criteria for this review encompassed research articles published in peer-reviewed journals that specifically focused on the impact of HIIT on the oxygen consumption performance of male players engaged in team sports. The study population exclusively consisted of male participants. The collected data included study characteristics, participant demographics, intervention details, and outcomes. Methodological quality assessment was performed using standardized criteria. The effect sizes (ESs) were calculated, and a meta-analysis was conducted using a random-effects model.
RESULTS: The literature search yielded 13 eligible studies encompassing 286 athletes aged 14-26 years. The meta-analysis showed statistically significant enhancements in maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) in six studies (ES, 0.19-0.74; p < 0.005), Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test (YYIRT) performance in six studies (ES, 0.20-2.07; p = 0.009), repeated-sprint ability total time (RSAtotal) in five studies (ES, 0.18-1.33; p < 0.001), and the best and average times for repeated-sprint ability (RSAbest and RSAmean, respectively) in four studies (ES, 0.47-1.50; p < 0.001). However, two studies did not report any significant differences in the outcomes of the Velocity in 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test (VIFT) between the experimental and control groups (ES, -0.08 and -0.27; p = 0.87 and 0.443, respectively). Moreover, one study did not report any significant differences in the maximal aerobic speed (MAS) (ES, 0.41, p = 0.403).
CONCLUSIONS: HIIT significantly improved VO2max, YYIRT, and RSA; however, it did not appear to enhance VIFT and MAS performance, irrespective of age or competition level. These findings indicate that HIIT could serve as a valuable method for improving oxygen consumption performance (VO2max, YYIRT, and RSA) in male team-sport athletes, offering a time-efficient alternative to the traditional training methods. Further research is warranted to investigate its impact on performance outcomes in competitive settings and identify optimal HIIT protocols tailored to specific team sports.
METHODS: We employed the nominal group technique (NGT), a structured mixed-methods strategy to understand the barriers and facilitators to PrEP use among Malaysian MSM, combined with a qualitative focus group. Six virtual focus group sessions, three among MSM (n = 20) and three among stakeholders (n = 16), were conducted using a video-conferencing platform. Rank-ordering of barriers from NGT was recorded, and thematic analysis was conducted for content.
RESULTS: Similar barriers were reported by MSM and community stakeholders, with aggregated costs associated with PrEP care (e.g., consultation with a clinician, medication, laboratory testing) being the greatest barrier, followed by limited knowledge and awareness of PrEP. Additionally, the lack of access to PrEP providers, the complex clinical protocol for PrEP initiation and follow-up, and social stigma undermined PrEP delivery. Qualitative discussions identified potential new strategies to overcome these barriers, including expanded outreach efforts to reach hard-to-reach MSM, a 'one-stop' delivery model for PrEP services, a patient-centered decision aid to guide PrEP uptake, and easy access to LGBT-friendly PrEP providers.
CONCLUSION: Current barriers may be overcome through governmental subsidy for PrEP and evidence-informed shared decision aids to support both MSM and PrEP providers.
OBJECTIVE: This study aims to describe the protocol used in developing and testing a web-based platform (ie, CINTAI) providing an HIVST kit and real-time e-counseling to support online-to-offline linkage to HIV care services for MSM in Malaysia.
METHODS: The methods are reported according to the SPIRIT (Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials) 2013 guidelines. In phase I, we will adapt existing HIVST web-based platforms to create a new online-to-offline HIVST and counseling platform called "CINTAI" for Malaysian MSM. In phase II, we will use a type 1 hybrid implementation trial design to determine the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of "CINTAI" compared with treatment as usual among Malaysian MSM, with assessments conducted over 6 months. Multilevel implementation factors will also be collected to guide future adoption and scale-up. We will enroll 78 MSM in the pilot randomized controlled trial. Baseline characteristics will be tested for homogeneity between groups using appropriate statistical tests. A generalized linear mixed model with random subject effects will account for within-subject correlation. Treatment assignment, time, interaction, and confounders will be included. The proportion of MSM tested for HIV over 6 months and other outcomes (pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV or antiretroviral therapy linkage, HIV risk behaviors, and chemsex harm reduction) will be compared using linear contrasts.
RESULTS: We completed phase I of the proposed study in April 2024 and started phase II in May 2024, with 15 participants recruited (7 in the CINTAI and 8 in the treatment-as-usual groups). On the basis of a series of formative works completed during phase I, we developed a fully functional, web-based platform that provides a digital platform for MSM in Malaysia to order HIVST kits for free and to receive HIV counseling, followed by offline linkage to HIV prevention services (if HIV negative) or HIV treatment services (if HIV positive).
CONCLUSIONS: Despite being at high risk for HIV transmission, MSM in Malaysia have alarmingly low testing and linkage to HIV care services, prompting the need for innovative approaches to support HIV prevention efforts. If found to be feasible and acceptable, CINTAI can be easily adapted for a range of health outcomes and health care delivery services for MSM, including adaptation to other low- and middle-income countries.