Researchers and companies have increasingly been drawn to biodegradable polymers and composites because of their environmental resilience, eco-friendliness, and suitability for a range of applications. For various uses, biodegradable fabrics use biodegradable polymers or natural fibers as reinforcement. Many approaches have been taken to achieve better compatibility for tailored and improved material properties. In this article, PBS (polybutylene succinate) was chosen as the main topic due to its excellent properties and intensive interest among industrial and researchers. PBS is an environmentally safe biopolymer that has some special properties, such as good clarity and processability, a shiny look, and flexibility, but it also has some drawbacks, such as brittleness. PBS-based natural fiber composites are completely biodegradable and have strong physical properties. Several research studies on PBS-based composites have been published, including physical, mechanical, and thermal assessments of the properties and its ability to replace petroleum-based materials, but no systematic analysis of up-to-date research evidence is currently available in the literature. The aim of this analysis is to highlight recent developments in PBS research and production, as well as its natural fiber composites. The current research efforts focus on the synthesis, copolymers and biodegradability for its properties, trends, challenges and prospects in the field of PBS and its composites also reviewed in this paper.
Gold is a valuable asset to a country because of itsliquidity.Gold reserve can stabilize the currency in a country.The objectiveof this paper is to identify the factors contributingto the volatility of gold prices, such as Real Malaysia GDP, inflation rates, crude oil pricesand exchange rates. The data was analysed using Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approachwith time series data, with 30-year coverage from 1987 to 2016. Findings showed that only Real Malaysia GDP and crudeoil priceswere significantly relatedto gold prices. As a conclusion, this study can beusedas reference byother investors.The author suggests toother researchers to further improve upon this study by adding more variables or diversifying the variables that relate to volatility of gold prices
This paper introduces a method for modification of the formula of the fractal box counting dimension. The method is based on the utilization of the probability distribution formula in the fractal box count. The purpose of this method is to use it for the discrimination of oil spill areas from the surrounding features e.g. sea surface and look-alikes in RADARSAT-1 SAR data. The result showed that the new formula of the fractal box counting dimension was able to discriminate between oil spills and look-alike areas. The low wind area had the highest fractal dimension peak of 2.9, as compared to the oil slick and the surrounding rough sea. The maximum error standard deviation of the low wind area was 0.68 which performed with a 2.9 fractal dimension value.
Extended use of GC-FID and GC-MS in oil spill fingerprinting and matching is significantly important for oil classification from the oil spill sources collected from various areas of Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah (East Malaysia). Oil spill fingerprinting from GC-FID and GC-MS coupled with chemometric techniques (discriminant analysis and principal component analysis) is used as a diagnostic tool to classify the types of oil polluting the water. Clustering and discrimination of oil spill compounds in the water from the actual site of oil spill events are divided into four groups viz. diesel, Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO), Mixture Oil containing Light Fuel Oil (MOLFO) and Waste Oil (WO) according to the similarity of their intrinsic chemical properties. Principal component analysis (PCA) demonstrates that diesel, HFO, MOLFO and WO are types of oil or oil products from complex oil mixtures with a total variance of 85.34% and are identified with various anthropogenic activities related to either intentional releasing of oil or accidental discharge of oil into the environment. Our results show that the use of chemometric techniques is significant in providing independent validation for classifying the types of spilled oil in the investigation of oil spill pollution in Malaysia. This, in consequence would result in cost and time saving in identification of the oil spill sources.
The increase of anthropogenic activities and growth of technology in Antarctica is fuelled by the high demand for petroleum hydrocarbons needed for daily activities. Oil and fuel spills that occur during explorations have caused hydrocarbon pollution in this region, prompting concern for the environment by polar communities and the larger world community. Crude oil and petroleum hydrocarbon products contain a wide variety of lethal components with high toxicity and low biodegradability. Hydrocarbon persistence in the Antarctic environment only worsens the issues stemming from environmental pollution as they can be long-term. Numerous efforts to lower the contamination level caused by these pollutants have been conducted mainly in bioremediation, an economical and degrading-wise method. Bioremediation mainly functions on conversion of complex toxic compounds to simpler organic compounds due to the consumption of hydrocarbons by microorganisms as their energy source. This review presents a summary of the collective understanding on bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons by microorganisms indigenous to the Antarctic region from past decades to current knowledge.
Petroleum hydrocarbons remain as the major contaminants that could be found across the world.
Remediation approach through the utilisation of microbes as the bioremediation means widely
recognised due to their outstanding values. As a result, scientific reports on the isolation and
identification of new hydrocarbon-degrading strains were on the rise. Colourimetric-based assays
are one of the fastest methods to identify the capability of hydrocarbon-degrading strains in both
qualitative and quantitative assessment. In this study, the hydrocarbon-degrading potential of
nine bacterial isolates was observed via 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol (DCPIP) test. Two potent
diesel-utilising isolates show a distinctive tendency to utilise aromatic (ADL15) and aliphatic
(ADL36) hydrocarbons. Both isolates prove to be a good candidate for bioremediation of wide
range of petroleum hydrocarbon components.
Ancaman biokakisan akibat aktiviti bakteria penurun sulfat (SRB) pada saluran paip keluli karbon dalam industri petroleum boleh menjejaskan kelancaran aliran pengangkutan minyak mentah dan meningkatkan kos pengoperasian. Usaha bagi melindungi keluli karbon serta pengawalan SRB masih memerlukan kajian yang berterusan. Dalam kajian ini, keberkesanan tetrametilamonium bromida (TMB), karboksimetil trimetilamonium (BTN) dan benzalkonium klorida (BKC) bagi melindungi keluli karbon di dalam persekitaran yang mengandungi SRB diuji melalui kaedah pengutuban elektrokimia dinamik (PED) dan morfologi keluli karbon dianalisis menggunakan mikroskop elektron imbasan. Analisis PED mendapati penggunaan TMB, BTN dan BKC masing-masing berupaya mengurangkan kadar kakisan sehingga 0.13, 0.56 dan 0.17 mm/thn berbanding 8.91 mm/thn pada larutan kawalan yang mengandungi SRB. Morfologi permukaan biofilem mengesahkan kadar pertumbuhan SRB serta hasilan metabolisme bakteria ini turut mengalami penyusutan. Kajian ini menunjukkan dua mekanisme kawalan kakisan didapati berlaku iaitu mekanisme perencatan kakisan melalui penjerapan sebatian amonium kuaterner pada permukaan keluli karbon serta berlakunya proses tindak balas mitigasi sebatian ini dengan bakteria SRB. Kesimpulannya, TMB, BTN dan BKC didapati berupaya melindungi keluli karbon daripada mengalami kakisan akibat aktiviti SRB.
Oil spills generally cause worldwide concern due to their detrimental effects on the environment and the economy. An assortment of commercial systems has been developed to control these spills, including the use of agricultural wastes as sorbents. This work deals with raw and modified mangrove barks (Rhizophora apiculata), an industrial lignocellulosic waste, as a low cost adsorbent for oil-product-spill cleanup in the aquatic environment. Mangrove bark was modified using fatty acids (oleic acid and palmitic acid) to improve its adsorption capacity. The oil sorption capacity of the modified bark was studied and compared with that of the raw bark. Kinetic tests were conducted with a series of contact times. The influence of particle size, oil dosage, pH and temperature on oil sorption capacity was investigated. The results showed that oleic acid treated bark has a higher sorption capacity (2,860.00 ± 2.00 mg/g) than untreated bark for Tapis crude oil. A correlation between surface functional groups, morphology and surface area of the adsorbent was studied by Fourier transform infrared spectrum, field emission scanning electron microscopy images and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller analysis. Isotherm study was conducted using the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models. The result showed that adsorption of crude oil on treated mangrove bark could be best described by the Langmuir model.
The mineralisation kinetics of petroleum refinery effluent (PRE) by Fenton oxidation were evaluated. Within the ambit of the experimental data generated, first-order kinetic model (FKM), generalised lumped kinetic model (GLKM), and generalized kinetic model (GKM) were tested. The obtained apparent kinetic rate constants for the initial oxidation step (k'2), their final oxidation step (k'1), and the direct conversion to endproducts step (k3') were 10.12, 3.78, and 0.24 min(-1) for GKM; 0.98, 0.98, and nil min(-1) for GLKM; and nil, nil, and >0.005 min(-1) for FKM. The findings showed that GKM is superior in estimating the mineralization kinetics.
This study investigated the optimum conditions for total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) removal from diesel-contaminated water using phytoremediation treatment with Scirpus grossus. In addition, TPH removal from sand was adopted as a second response. The optimum conditions for maximum TPH removal were determined through a Box-Behnken Design. Three operational variables, i.e. diesel concentration (0.1, 0.175, 0.25% Vdiesel/Vwater), aeration rate (0, 1 and 2 L/min) and retention time (14, 43 and 72 days), were investigated by setting TPH removal and diesel concentration as the maximum, retention time within the given range, and aeration rate as the minimum. The optimum conditions were found to be a diesel concentration of 0.25% (Vdiesel/Vwater), a retention time of 63 days and no aeration with an estimated maximum TPH removal from water and sand of 76.3 and 56.5%, respectively. From a validation test of the optimum conditions, it was found that the maximum TPH removal from contaminated water and sand was 72.5 and 59%, respectively, which was a 5 and 4.4% deviation from the values given by the Box-Behnken Design, providing evidence that S. grossus is a Malaysian native plant that can be used to remediate wastewater containing hydrocarbons.
In this work, crude oil biodegradation has been optimized in a solid-liquid two phase partitioning bioreactor (TPPB) by applying a response surface methodology based d-optimal design. Three key factors including phase ratio, substrate concentration in solid organic phase, and sodium chloride concentration in aqueous phase were taken as independent variables, while the efficiency of the biodegradation of absorbed crude oil on polymer beads was considered to be the dependent variable. Commercial thermoplastic polyurethane (Desmopan®) was used as the solid phase in the TPPB. The designed experiments were carried out batch wise using a mixed acclimatized bacterial consortium. Optimum combinations of key factors with a statistically significant cubic model were used to maximize biodegradation in the TPPB. The validity of the model was successfully verified by the good agreement between the model-predicted and experimental results. When applying the optimum parameters, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry showed a significant reduction in n-alkanes and low molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. This consequently highlights the practical applicability of TPPB in crude oil biodegradation.
Hydrocarbon pollution in marine ecosystems occurs mainly by accidental oil spills, deliberate discharge of ballast waters from oil tankers and bilge waste discharges; causing site pollution and serious adverse effects on aquatic environments as well as human health. A large number of petroleum hydrocarbons are biodegradable, thus bioremediation has become an important method for the restoration of oil polluted areas. In this research, a series of natural attenuation, crude oil (CO) and dispersed crude oil (DCO) bioremediation experiments of artificially crude oil contaminated seawater was carried out. Bacterial consortiums were identified as Acinetobacter, Alcaligenes, Bacillus, Pseudomonas and Vibrio. First order kinetics described the biodegradation of crude oil. Under abiotic conditions, oil removal was 19.9% while a maximum of 31.8% total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) removal was obtained in natural attenuation experiment. All DCO bioreactors demonstrated higher and faster removal than CO bioreactors. Half life times were 28, 32, 38 and 58 days for DCO and 31, 40, 50 and 75 days for CO with oil concentrations of 100, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg/L, respectively. The effectiveness of Corexit 9500 dispersant was monitored in the 45 day study; the results indicated that it improved the crude oil biodegradation rate.
In this study, we isolated two indigenous hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria from tarball found in Rhu Sepuluh beach, Terengganu, Malaysia. These bacteria were identified based on their physiological characteristic and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, and they showed 99% similarity with Cellulosimicrobium cellulans DSM 43879 and Acinetobacter baumannii ATCC 19606 respectively. Their hydrocarbon-degrading capabilities were tested using diesel-oil as sole carbon source. Results analysed using GC-MS, showed diesel-oil alkanes were degraded an average 64.4% by C. cellulans and 58.1% by A. baumannii with medium optical density reaching 0.967 (C. cellulans) and 1.515 (A. baumannii) in minimal salt media at 32°C for 10days. Individual diesel-oil alkanes were degraded between 10%-95.4% by C. cellulans and 0.2%-95.9% by A. baumannii. Both strains utilized diesel-oil for growth. The study suggests both strains are part of indigenous hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria in tarball with potential for bioremediation of oil-polluted marine environment.
To provide baseline information for the marine ecosystem of Hormozgan province, the distribution of petroleum hydrocarbons was evaluated in 52 stations involved in the mangrove and coastline ecosystem. Coastline sampling sites included areas facing harbor, river, domestic and industrial discharge. Sediment samples were analyzed based on ultraviolet fluorescence spectroscopy. Petroleum hydrocarbons showed narrow variations ranging from non-detectable (ND) to 1.71 and from 0.2 to 0.63μg/g dry weight for coastline and mangrove sediments, respectively. The detected concentrations for total petroleum hydrocarbons were lower than guideline values for ecological risk. Furthermore, the minimum environmental risk was confirmed by background levels for the Persian Gulf, the Sea of Oman, and detected values for reference areas. The results were regarded as background data in the studied area, and, considering the rapid expansion of activities related to the petroleum industry in Hormozgan province, the continuous monitoring of pollutants is recommended.
Crude oil terminal sludge contains technologically enhanced naturally occurring radionuclides such as (232)Th, (238)U, (228)Ra and (226)Ra, thus cannot be disposed of freely without proper control. The current method of disposal, such as land farming and storing in plastic drums is not recommended because it will have a long-term impact on the environment. Due to its organic nature, there is a move to treat this sludge by thermal methods such as incineration. This study has been carried out to determine the behaviors of (232)Th, (238)U, (228)Ra and (226)Ra present in the sludge during combustion at a certain temperature and time. The percentage of volatilization was found to vary between 2% and 70%, (238)U was the most volatile in comparison with (232)Th, (228)Ra and (226)Ra. (238)U is found to be significantly volatilized above 500 degrees C, and might reach maximum volatilization at above 700 degrees C. A mathematical model was developed to predict the percentage of volatilization of (232)Th, (238)U, (228)Ra and (226)Ra contained in the sludge. With this known percentage of volatilization, the concentration of (232)Th, (238)U, (228)Ra and (226)Ra present in the bottom and filter ashes can be calculated.
RADARSAT data have a potential role for coastal pollution monitoring. This study presents a new approach to detect and forecast oil slick trajectory movements. The oil slick trajectory movements is based on the tidal current effects and Fay's algorithm for oil slick spreading mechanisms. The oil spill trajectory model contains the integration between Doppler frequency shift model and Lagrangian model. Doppler frequency shift model implemented to simulate tidal current pattern from RADARSAT data while the Lagrangian model used to predict oil spill spreading pattern. The classical Fay's algorithm was implemented with the two models to simulate the oil spill trajectory movements. The study shows that the slick lengths are effected by tidal current V component with maximum velocity of 1.4 m/s. This indicates that oil slick trajectory path is moved towards the north direction. The oil slick parcels are accumulated along the coastline after 48 h. The analysis indicated that tidal current V components were the dominant forcing for oil slick spreading.
To assess the tolerance, the rye-grass L. grown on soil amended with petroleum wastewater (PWW) containing four metals lead, zinc, nickel and mercury. The PWW (25 to 50%) showed remarkable increase in length and biomass. Chlorophyll 'a and b' increased with an increase of PWW from 25-50% while such contents decreased on increasing the 75-100% compared to control. The mass balance performed on the system showed the removal of 90-97.6% lead, 85.5-92.9% zinc, 78.9-85.5% nickle and 47.6-27.5% mercury. The model for the maximum metal reduction rate (Rmax) was much better for Pb (89.5) and Zn (72.1) with respect to Ni (57.3) and Hg (32.4). Survival of rye-grass (30-days, statics, and renewal exposures) was increased by 50% as compared to control. The toxicity index Y of PWW showed 0-25% deficiency level, 25-50% tolerance level, 50-90% toxic level and 90-100% lethal level. The experimental data showing high correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.98).
The globe is presently reliant on natural resources, fossil fuels, and crude oil to support the world's energy requirements. Human exploration for oil resources is always associated with irreversible effects. Primary sources of hydrocarbon pollution are instigated through oil exploration, extraction, and transportation in the Arctic region. To address the state of pollution, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms and processes of the bioremediation of hydrocarbons. The application of various microbial communities originated from the Arctic can provide a better interpretation on the mechanisms of specific microbes in the biodegradation process. The composition of oil and consequences of hydrocarbon pollutants to the various marine environments are also discussed in this paper. An overview of emerging trends on literature or research publications published in the last decade was compiled via bibliometric analysis in relation to the topic of interest, which is the microbial community present in the Arctic and Antarctic marine environments. This review also presents the hydrocarbon-degrading microbial community present in the Arctic, biodegradation metabolic pathways (enzymatic level), and capacity of microbial degradation from the perspective of metagenomics. The limitations are stated and recommendations are proposed for future research prospects on biodegradation of oil contaminants by microbial community at the low temperature regions of the Arctic.
Over the years, pipelines have been the most economic medium for transporting crude oil to production and distribution facilities in the Niger Delta area of Nigeria. However, damages to the pipelines in this area by interdiction have hampered the continuous flow of crude oil to the facilities. Consequently, the revenue of the government dwindles, and the environment is severely degraded. This study assesses the economic and environmental impacts of pipeline interdiction in the Niger Delta region. Data from National oil spills detection and response agency, Nigeria is used to map spatial distribution of oil spills using Kernel Density Estimation with Geographic Information System. Literature was assessed to synthesize the historical, socioeconomic, and environmental impacts of oil spills and pipeline interdiction. Soil samples were collected from study area to determine the types of hydrocarbon pollutants and their concentrations in comparison with uncontaminated sites in the area. Results show that the range of concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) for the impacted soil (IMP) was 17.27-58.36 mg/kg; remediated soil (RS) was 11.73-50.78 mg/kg which were higher than the concentrations of 0.68 mg/kg in the control samples (CS). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) concentrations were in the range of 0.43-77.54 mg/kg for IMP, 0.42-10.65 mg/kg for RS, against CS value of 0.49 mg/kg while BTEX ranged between 0.02 - 0.38 mg/kg for IMP, 0.01-2.7 for RS against CS value of 0.01. The values of the PAH were higher than the limits of the Department of Petroleum Resources, Nigeria. This study also revealed that pipeline interdiction has affected the livelihood of the inhabitants of the study area and the revenue of the Nigerian government. The major hotspots for oil spills in the Niger Delta region are Bayelsa, Rivers and Delta states.