Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 401 in total

  1. Yñiguez AT, Lim PT, Leaw CP, Jipanin SJ, Iwataki M, Benico G, et al.
    Harmful Algae, 2021 02;102:101776.
    PMID: 33875175 DOI: 10.1016/j.hal.2020.101776
    In the Southeast Asian region, the Philippines and Malaysia are two of the most affected by Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs). Using long-term observations of HAB events, we determined if these are increasing in frequency and duration, and expanding across space in each country. Blooms of Paralytic Shellfish Toxin (PST)-producing species in the Philippines did increase in frequency and duration during the early to mid-1990s, but have stabilized since then. However, the number of sites affected by these blooms continue to expand though at a slower rate than in the 1990s. Furthermore, the type of HABs and causative species have diversified for both toxic blooms and fish kill events. In contrast, Malaysia showed no increasing trend in the frequency of toxic blooms over the past three decades since Pyrodinium bahamense was reported in 1976. However, similar to the Philippines, other PST producers such as Alexandrium minutum and Alexandrium tamiyavanichii have become a concern. No amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP) has been confirmed in either Philippines or Malaysia thus far, while ciguatera fish poisoning cases are known from the Philippines and Malaysia but the causative organisms remain poorly studied. Since the 1990s and early 2000s, recognition of the distribution of other PST-producing species such as species of Alexandrium and Gymnodinium catenatum in Southeast Asia has grown, though there has been no significant expansion in the known distributions within the last decade. A major more recent problem in the two countries and for Southeast Asia in general are the frequent fish-killing algal blooms of various species such as Prorocentrum cordatum, Margalefidinium polykrikoides, Chattonella spp., and unarmored dinoflagellates (e.g., Karlodinium australe and Takayama sp.). These new sites affected and the increase in types of HABs and causative species could be attributed to various factors such as introduction through mariculture and eutrophication, and partly because of increased scientific awareness. These connections still need to be more concretely investigated. The link to the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) should also be better understood if we want to discern how climate change plays a role in these patterns of HAB occurrences.
    Matched MeSH terms: Philippines
  2. Tripathi C, Girme A, Champaneri S, Patel RJ, Hingorani L
    Nutrition, 2020 06;74:110729.
    PMID: 32203878 DOI: 10.1016/j.nut.2020.110729
    In today's era of increased standards of lifestyle and life expectancy, there has been a constant demand for supplements by consumers. Nutraceuticals are among the supplements in demand. Although there is a big opportunity for the nutraceutical business, there are no uniform regulatory requirements in different regions. Nations are looking to the nutraceutical sector to help keep their populations healthy and safe by introducing certain rules and regulations. Generally, developed countries have regulations in place, but there are some countries, such as those in the Asia Pacific regions or in Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries, that have not yet fine-tuned their regulations for nutraceutical products. The ASEAN countries involve highly commercialized markets such as Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines. The overall nutraceutical market of ASEAN countries is growing at a compound annual growth rate of ∼8.4%. About 40% of the ASEAN population consumes nutraceuticals on a daily basis. ASEAN countries are forming harmonized regulations for dietary supplements. This could be a big opportunity for manufacturers to introduce their products into the ASEAN market. A special unit of the Traditional Medicine and Health Supplements Product Working Group (TMHA PWG) helps manufacturers understand the regulatory procedures of these countries. Despite countries' own special requirements, manufacturers can follow the standards and harmonized guidelines put forth by TMHA PWG. The aim of this review is to introduce the regulatory procedure and requirements for international business developers to launch any new nutraceutical products into the ASEAN market.
    Matched MeSH terms: Philippines
  3. Arguelles ED
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2019 Jan;30(1):1-21.
    PMID: 30847030 DOI: 10.21315/tlsr2019.30.1.1
    Taxonomic study on the composition of epiphytic algae living on submerged leaf and root tissues of macrophyte Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms-Loubach, found at Laguna de Bay, Philippines was conducted. In total, 21 algal taxa were identified: seven Cyanophyceae, six Euglenophyceae, five Chlorophyceae, two Trebouxiophyceae and one Klebsormidiophyceae. Of these taxa, the occurrence of two rare cyanobacteria, Pseudanabaena minima (G.S. An) Anagnostidis and Synechococcus nidulans (Pringsheim) Komárek are reported for the first time in the Philippines. Two species are also reported here for the first time in the Philippines based on current taxonomic nomenclature and these are Pseudopediastrum boryanum (Turpin) E. Hegewald, Phormidium granulatum (Gardner) Anagnostidis which were based on the former names of Pediastrum boryanum (Turpin) Meneghini and Oscillatoria granulata Gardner, respectively. These taxonomic records are considered important basal information in enriching the knowledge about the diversity and habitat distribution of cyanobacteria and microalgae on macrophytes found in freshwater habitats in the Philippines.
    Matched MeSH terms: Philippines
  4. Lum WM, Benico G, Doan-Nhu H, Furio E, Leaw CP, Leong SCY, et al.
    Harmful Algae, 2021 07;107:102070.
    PMID: 34456025 DOI: 10.1016/j.hal.2021.102070
    Red tides and associated fisheries damage caused by the harmful raphidophyte Chattonella were reassessed based on the documented local records for 50 years to understand the distribution and economic impacts of the harmful species in the Western Pacific. Blooms of Chattonella with fisheries damage have been recorded in East Asia since 1969, whereas they have been only recorded in Southeast Asia since the 1980s. Occurrences of Chattonella have been documented from six Southeast Asian countries, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam, with mass mortalities mainly of farmed shrimp in 1980-1990s, and farmed fish in 2000-2010s. These occurrences have been reported with the names of C. antiqua, C. marina, C. ovata, C. subsalsa and Chattonella sp., owing to the difficulty of microscopic species identification, and many were not supported with molecular data. To determine the distribution of C. marina complex and C. subsalsa in Southeast Asia, molecular phylogeny and microscopic observation were also carried out for cultures obtained from Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Russia, Singapore and Thailand. The results revealed that only the genotype of C. marina complex has been detected from East Asia (China, Japan, Korea and Russia), whereas both C. marina complex (Indonesia and Malaysia) and C. subsalsa (Philippines, Singapore and Thailand) were found in Southeast Asia. Ejection of mucocysts has been recognized as a diagnostic character of C. subsalsa, but it was also observed in our cultures of C. marina isolated from Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, and Russia. Meanwhile, the co-occurrences of the two harmful Chattonella species in Southeast Asia, which are difficult to distinguish solely based on their morphology, suggest the importance of molecular identification of Chattonella genotypes for further understanding of their distribution and negative impacts.
    Matched MeSH terms: Philippines
  5. Blackwell RQ, Lie-Injo LE, Weng MI
    Trop Geogr Med, 1971 Sep;23(3):294-5.
    PMID: 5099000
    Matched MeSH terms: Philippines
  6. Pettit JH
    Arch Dermatol, 1976 Sep;112(9):1324.
    PMID: 999315
    Matched MeSH terms: Philippines
  7. Med J Malaysia, 1974 Dec;29(2):147-8.
    PMID: 4282404
    Matched MeSH terms: Philippines
  8. Selis M
    Zootaxa, 2018 Apr 05;4403(3):441-468.
    PMID: 29690217 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4403.3.2
    New additions to the knowledge of the subfamily Eumeninae are provided. Eight new species of Eumeninae are described: Antepipona gibbosissima Selis, sp. nov. (Namibia: Warmbad); Antepipona tricolorata Selis, sp. nov. (India: Sikkim); Ectopioglossa luzonica Selis, sp. nov. (Philippines: Luzon); Lissodynerus unicus Selis, sp. nov. (India: Sikkim); Pararrhynchium aurigaster Selis, sp. nov. (Malaysia: Johor); Symmorphus (Symmorphus) incisus Selis, sp. nov. (India: Sikkim); Symmorphus (Symmorphus) palawanensis Selis, sp. nov. (Philippines: Palawan); Zethus (Zethus) intermedius Selis, sp. nov. (Burkina Faso). The male of Synagris (Paragris) biplagiata Gusenleitner, 2005 is described. New distributional data for other species are provided.
    Matched MeSH terms: Philippines
  9. Zainap Lamat, Yuhani Jamian, Mohd Agus Adib Eskandar
    Sarawak has experienced several earthquakes of local origin and was also affected by long-distance earthquake that originated from Southern Philippine and the Straits of Macassar, Sulu Sea and Celebes Sea. The objectives for this study were to conduct site specific ground response analysis and develop design response spectra for Bakun area by using 1-D equivalent linear ground response analysis. The site characterisation was carried out utilising the soil profile and soil property data of the selected site. Local surface fault ruptures were investigated for possible hazards due to intraplate earthquakes. Earthquake ground motion records were selected based on characteristics of the controlling earthquakes for an area and the maximum magnitude faults were considered for risk assessment. The site-specific response spectra represent the predicted surface ground motions that reflect the levels of strong motion amplitude and frequency content at a particular site. The site-specific ground response analysis for Bakun site found that the peak ground acceleration at bedrock was amplified from 0.16 g to 0.33 g at the ground surface.
    Matched MeSH terms: Philippines
  10. Nor ANM, Corstanje R, Harris JA, Grafius DR, Siriwardena GM
    Heliyon, 2017 Jun;3(6):e00325.
    PMID: 28706999 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2017.e00325
    Urban expansion increases fragmentation of the landscape. In effect, fragmentation decreases connectivity, causes green space loss and impacts upon the ecology and function of green space. Restoration of the functionality of green space often requires restoring the ecological connectivity of this green space within the city matrix. However, identifying ecological corridors that integrate different structural and functional connectivity of green space remains vague. Assessing connectivity for developing an ecological network by using efficient models is essential to improve these networks under rapid urban expansion. This paper presents a novel methodological approach to assess and model connectivity for the Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus) and Yellow-vented bulbul (Pycnonotus goiavier) in three cities (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Jakarta, Indonesia and Metro Manila, Philippines). The approach identifies potential priority corridors for ecological connectivity networks. The study combined circuit models, connectivity analysis and least-cost models to identify potential corridors by integrating structure and function of green space patches to provide reliable ecological connectivity network models in the cities. Relevant parameters such as landscape resistance and green space structure (vegetation density, patch size and patch distance) were derived from an expert and literature-based approach based on the preference of bird behaviour. The integrated models allowed the assessment of connectivity for both species using different measures of green space structure revealing the potential corridors and least-cost pathways for both bird species at the patch sites. The implementation of improvements to the identified corridors could increase the connectivity of green space. This study provides examples of how combining models can contribute to the improvement of ecological networks in rapidly expanding cities and demonstrates the usefulness of such models for biodiversity conservation and urban planning.
    Matched MeSH terms: Philippines
  11. Amarasinghe AAT, Poyarkov NA, Campbell PD, Leo S, Supriatna J, Hallermann J
    Zootaxa, 2017 05 26;4272(1):103-118.
    PMID: 28610304 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4272.1.5
    Eutropis rugifera has long been identified as a widespread species complex distributed in Nicobar, Peninsular Malaysia, Greater Sundaic Islands, Bali, Sulawesi and the Philippines. This skink was described by Stoliczka in 1870 from Nicobar Island based on a single specimen (holotype by monotypy). Later, Peters (1871), Bartlett (1895) and Werner (1896) described three more species which were morphologically similar to Euprepes percarinatus (from Java), Mabuia rubricollis (Borneo) and M. quinquecarinata (Sumatra) respectively, which are currently considered junior objective synonyms of Eutropis rugifera. We examined all the available synonym types and voucher specimens of Eutropis rugifera deposited at several museums. A morphological examination of the types of this species and mtDNA analysis (584 bp of 16S rRNA) of the samples from different biogeographic regions revealed that Eutropis rugifera from Nicobar Island, Bali Island, and Bawean Island are composed of a monophyletic species. However, the taxonomic status of the above population requires further clarification, and the population in Bawean Island may represent a cryptic species. Finally, we provide a complete redescription of E. rugifera based on its holotype.
    Matched MeSH terms: Philippines
  12. Tanasevitch AV
    Zootaxa, 2017 Feb 03;4227(3):zootaxa.4227.3.2.
    PMID: 28187572 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4227.3.2
    Linyphiid spiders collected from the Indo-Malayan Region and kept at three European Museums are studied. Twenty-three known species are newly recorded from continental or insular parts of Southeastern Asia and from the Oriental area of India. Seven new species are described: Asiagone komannai n. sp. (from Thailand), Erigone apophysalis n. sp. and E. sumatrana n. sp. (Sumatra, Indonesia), Gnathonarium luzon n. sp. (Philippines), Ketambea acuta n. sp. (Thailand, Myanmar), Oedothorax myanmar n. sp. (Myanmar) and Theoa malaya n. sp. (West Malaysia).
    Matched MeSH terms: Philippines
  13. Takaoka H, Tenedero VF
    Zootaxa, 2019 Mar 20;4568(2):zootaxa.4568.2.12.
    PMID: 31715866 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4568.2.12
    Two new species of black flies, Simulium mainitense and S. tukurongense, are described from Palawan, the Philippines. Both species are placed in the Simulium nitidithorax subgroup of the Simulium tuberosum species-group of Simulium (Simulium). They are characterized by the female sensory vesicle of medium length, pupal thorax covered with round tubercles, and anterodorsal trichomes on the pupal thorax longer than frontal trichomes. This combination of characters separates these two new species from S. quasifrenum Delfinado, the only previously known member of the S. nitidithorax subgroup from Palawan, and nine other related species from Sabah, Sarawak, Peninsular Malaysia and India. Simulium mainitense sp. nov. is distinguished from S. tukurongense sp. nov. in the female by the somewhat larger body size, and greater length ratio of the labrum against the clypeus; and in the pupa by the much longer gill filaments.
    Matched MeSH terms: Philippines
  14. Chan CM, Mahlaoui N, Sánchez Ramón S, Pergent M, Solis L, Prevot J, et al.
    Front Immunol, 2023;14:1151335.
    PMID: 37063889 DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1151335
    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the implementation of the Principles of Care (PoC) in primary immunodeficiencies (PID) in Southeast Asia (SEA) countries - six years after its call of action.

    METHODOLOGY: Using the newly developed PID Life Index software, the index of implementation of principles of care in the management of PIDs patients involving the six participating SEA countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Philippines) were extracted. For each of the six separate principles, the index from the six countries will be compared and presented based on the calculated index.

    RESULTS: Comparative analysis of the six principles of care of PID in the SEA countries showed low diagnostic rate with minimal availability of diagnostic tests options. Generally, almost all SEA countries provide curative treatments, vaccines, and anti-infectious therapies although the reimbursement scheme varied in relieving patients' financial burden. We also highlighted the active involvement of patient organizations in SEA, with main areas of work focused on advocacy and increasing awareness among public and healthcare professionals.

    DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: It is applaudable that the SEA continent is gradually strengthening its work in management of PID, especially in Thailand and Vietnam. However, more emphasis must be placed among stakeholders in SEA countries towards successful implementation of the PoC for a holistic management of PID patients.

    Matched MeSH terms: Philippines
  15. Ahmad NS, Makmor-Bakry M, Hatah E
    Res Social Adm Pharm, 2020 Oct;16(10):1359-1369.
    PMID: 31987771 DOI: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2020.01.002
    BACKGROUND: Drug price transparency is defined as readily available information on the price of pharmaceutical drugs to either authorities or consumers. Price transparency, together with other information, helps define the value of drugs and enables informed decision making. It has also been used as a reference in drug price setting mechanisms in some countries' pricing policies.

    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the evidence available: 1) on government initiatives to mandate transparency in drug pricing worldwide, 2) on the reported effects of drug pricing transparency initiatives on drug price, and 3) on the limitations and barriers of the implementation of drug pricing transparency.

    METHODS: Databases such as Medline-Ovid, Cochrane Central Register, PubMed, and Science Direct were used to search for relevant literature from inception to February 2018. A manual search of grey literature such as policy papers, governmental publications, and websites was also performed to obtain the information that was not available in the articles. Using narrative synthesis, the results were critically assessed and summarized according to its context of drug pricing approaches.

    RESULTS: Of the 4382 relevant articles located, 12 studies met the inclusion criteria for drug price transparency initiatives. Only 3 studies reported the outcomes on the regulation of drug prices. Two studies in South Africa showed that price transparency initiatives did not necessarily reduce drug prices. Another study in the Philippines indicated a reduction in medicines' price based on the effects of government-mediated access prices. The limitations and barriers in price transparency initiatives include fragmentation of the healthcare system and nondisclosure of discounts and rebates by pharmaceutical companies.

    CONCLUSION: Drug pricing transparency initiatives have been implemented in many countries and commonly coexist with a country's pricing policies. Nevertheless, due to sparse evidence, the effect of drug price transparency initiatives on price control is still inconclusive.

    Matched MeSH terms: Philippines
  16. Shau WY, Santoso H, Jip V, Setia S
    J Med Internet Res, 2024 Jun 11;26:e56686.
    PMID: 38749399 DOI: 10.2196/56686
    BACKGROUND: Asia consists of diverse nations with extremely variable health care systems. Integrated real-world data (RWD) research warehouses provide vast interconnected data sets that uphold statistical rigor. Yet, their intricate details remain underexplored, restricting their broader applications.

    OBJECTIVE: Building on our previous research that analyzed integrated RWD warehouses in India, Thailand, and Taiwan, this study extends the research to 7 distinct health care systems: Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, and Vietnam. We aimed to map the evolving landscape of RWD, preferences for methodologies, and database use and archetype the health systems based on existing intrinsic capability for RWD generation.

    METHODS: A systematic scoping review methodology was used, centering on contemporary English literature on PubMed (search date: May 9, 2023). Rigorous screening as defined by eligibility criteria identified RWD studies from multiple health care facilities in at least 1 of the 7 target Asian nations. Point estimates and their associated errors were determined for the data collected from eligible studies.

    RESULTS: Of the 1483 real-world evidence citations identified on May 9, 2023, a total of 369 (24.9%) fulfilled the requirements for data extraction and subsequent analysis. Singapore, Hong Kong, and Malaysia contributed to ≥100 publications, with each country marked by a higher proportion of single-country studies at 51% (80/157), 66.2% (86/130), and 50% (50/100), respectively, and were classified as solo scholars. Indonesia, Pakistan, Vietnam, and the Philippines had fewer publications and a higher proportion of cross-country collaboration studies (CCCSs) at 79% (26/33), 58% (18/31), 74% (20/27), and 86% (19/22), respectively, and were classified as global collaborators. Collaboration with countries outside the 7 target nations appeared in 84.2% to 97.7% of the CCCSs of each nation. Among target nations, Singapore and Malaysia emerged as preferred research partners for other nations. From 2018 to 2023, most nations showed an increasing trend in study numbers, with Vietnam (24.5%) and Pakistan (21.2%) leading the growth; the only exception was the Philippines, which declined by -14.5%. Clinical registry databases were predominant across all CCCSs from every target nation. For single-country studies, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines favored clinical registries; Singapore had a balanced use of clinical registries and electronic medical or health records, whereas Hong Kong, Pakistan, and Vietnam leaned toward electronic medical or health records. Overall, 89.9% (310/345) of the studies took >2 years from completion to publication.

    CONCLUSIONS: The observed variations in contemporary RWD publications across the 7 nations in Asia exemplify distinct research landscapes across nations that are partially explained by their diverse economic, clinical, and research settings. Nevertheless, recognizing these variations is pivotal for fostering tailored, synergistic strategies that amplify RWD's potential in guiding future health care research and policy decisions.


    Matched MeSH terms: Philippines
  17. Dow RA, Hämäläinen M, Stokvis FR
    Zootaxa, 2015;4033(3):301-49.
    PMID: 26624409 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4033.3.1
    Species of Devadatta from Borneo are studied using both morphological and molecular methods. As well as D. podolestoides Laidlaw, four new species are recognised from the island: D. aran spec. nov. (holotype ♂, from Pulong Tau National Park, Miri division, Sarawak, Malaysia, deposited in RMNH), D. clavicauda spec. nov. (holotype ♂, from Bukit Mina, Bukit Mina Wildlife Corridor, Sarawak Planted Forest Project, Bintulu division, Sarawak, Malaysia, deposited in RMNH), D. somoh spec. nov. (holotype ♂, from the Sungai Kahei area, Ulu Balui, Kapit division, Sarawak, Malaysia, deposited in RMNH) and D. tanduk spec. nov. (holotype ♂, from Poring Hot Springs, Kinabalu National Park, West Coast division, Sabah, Malaysia, deposited in RMNH). The Philippine taxon D. basilanensis Laidlaw is considered a good species rather than a subspecies of D. podolestoides. The Bornean species plus D. basilanensis are provisionally considered to form a species group, the podolestoides-group, within Devadatta. The species of the podolestoides-group are so similar in morphology and colouration that they are close to truly cryptic species. Two species appear to exhibit character displacement where their ranges overlap with other Devadatta species. A molecular analysis using four markers (COI, 16S, ITS and 28S) is presented. This analysis includes specimens of all species from the podolestoides-group and two Devadatta species from mainland Asia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Philippines
  18. Chen HY, Johnson NF, Masner L, Xu ZF
    Zookeys, 2013.
    PMID: 23794890 DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.300.4934
    The genus Macroteleia Westwood (Hymenoptera: Platygastridaes. l., Scelioninae) from China is revised. Seventeen species are recognized based on 502 specimens, all of which are new records for China. Seven new species are described: Macroteleia carinigena sp. n. (China), Macroteleia flava sp. n. (China), Macroteleia gracilis sp. n. (China), Macroteleia salebrosa sp. n. (China), Macroteleia semicircula sp. n. (China), Macroteleia spinitibia sp. n. (China) and Macroteleia striatipleuron sp. n. (China). Ten species are redescribed: Macroteleia boriviliensis Saraswat (China, India, Thailand), Macroteleia crawfordi Kiefer, stat. n. (China, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam), Macroteleia dolichopa Sharma (China, India, Vietnam), Macroteleia emarginata Dodd (China, Malaysia), Macroteleia indica Saraswat & Sharma (China, India, Vietnam), Macroteleia lamba Saraswat & Sharma (China, India, Thailand, Vietnam), Macroteleia livingstoni Saraswat (China, India), Macroteleia peliades Kozlov & Lê (China, Vietnam), Macroteleia rufa Szelényi (China, Egypt, Georgia, Russia, Thailand, Ukraine) and Macroteleia striativentris Crawford (China, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam). The following five new synonyms are proposed: Macroteleia crates Kozlov & Lê syn. n. and Macroteleia demades Kozlov & Lê syn. n. of Macroteleia crawfordi Kieffer; Macroteleia cebes Kozlov & Lê syn. n. and Macroteleia dones Kozlov & Lê syn. n. of Macroteleia indica Saraswat & Sharma; Macroteleia dores Kozlov & Lê syn. n. of Macroteleia lamba Saraswat & Sharma. A key to the Chinese species of the genus is provided.
    Matched MeSH terms: Philippines
  19. Azmi S, Aljunid SM, Maimaiti N, Ali AA, Muhammad Nur A, De Rosas-Valera M, et al.
    Int J Infect Dis, 2016 May 24;49:87-93.
    PMID: 27235085 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijid.2016.05.021
    To describe the incidence, mortality, cost, and length of stay (LOS) of hospitalized community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) in three Southeast Asian countries: Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
    Matched MeSH terms: Philippines
  20. Hämäläinen M, Dow RA, Stokvis FR
    Zootaxa, 2015;3949(4):451-90.
    PMID: 25947820 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3949.4.1
    The Sundaland species of the genus Dysphaea were studied using molecular and morphological methods. Four species are recognized: D. dimidiata Selys, D. lugens Selys, D. ulu spec. nov. (holotype ♂, from Borneo, Sarawak, Miri division, Upper Baram, Sungai Pejelai, Ulu Moh, 24 viii 2014; deposited in RMNH) and D. vanida spec. nov. (holotype ♂, from Thailand, Ranong province, Khlong Nakha, Khlong Bang Man, 12-13 v 1999; deposited in RMNH). The four species are described and illustrated for both sexes, with keys provided. The type specimens of the four Dysphaea taxa named by E. de Selys Longchamps, i.e. dimidiata, limbata, semilimbata and lugens, were studied and their taxonomic status is discussed. Lectotypes are designated for D. dimidiata and D. limbata. D. dimidiata is recorded from Palawan (the Philippines) for the first time. A molecular analysis using three markers (COI, 16S and 28S) is presented. This includes specimens of three Sundaland species of the genus (D. lugens missing) and two congeners from other regions (D. basi-tincta and D. gloriosa). Notes and photographs of the male holotype of D. walli Fraser (from Maymyo, Burma) are provided.
    Matched MeSH terms: Philippines
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