METHOD: Single-case report. The patient exhibited colossal appetite, overeating, food-demanding behavior, and rapid weight gain. The prescription of quetiapine to manage his visual and auditory hallucinations was suspected of exacerbating the hyperphagia. A comprehensive, multidisciplinary rehabilitation approach was implemented, encompassing a meticulous dietary regime, environmental modifications, behavioral management, physical activities, therapeutic exercises, and pharmacological interventions, which included switching the anti-psychotics and introducing low-dose escitalopram.
RESULTS: Over the course of 6 months, the MHH gradually subsided, and the patient achieved the target bodyweight. The Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended improved from 3 to 5.
CONCLUSION: This is the first report on the use of escitalopram to manage secondary eating disorders. Our findings underscore the necessity to formally catalog and recognize disorders like MHH in diagnostic classifications to facilitate the systematic study of their pathophysiology, natural history, prognosis, and management strategies.
METHODS: Thirty-three cell death-associated genes were selected from a literature review. The "DESeq2" R package was used to identify differentially expressed cell death-associated genes between normal prostate tissue (GTEx) and prostate cancer tissue (TCGA) samples. Biological functional enrichment analysis of differentially expressed cell death genes was performed using R statistical software packages, such as "clusterProfiler," "," "enrichplot," "ggplot2," and "GOplot." Univariate Cox and LASSO Cox regression analyses were conducted to identify prognostic genes associated with the immune microenvironment using the "survival" package. Finally, a predictive model was established based on Gleason score, T stage, and cell death-associated genes.odel was established based on Gleason score, T stage, and cell death-associated genes.
RESULTS: Seventeen differentially expressed genes related to pyroptosis were screened out. Based on these differentially expressed genes, biological function enrichment analysis showed that they were related to pyroptosis of prostate cells. Based on univariate Cox and (LASSO) Cox regression analysis, four pyroptosis-related genes (CASP3, PLCG1, GSDMB, GPX4) were determined to be related to the prognosis of prostate cancer, and the immune correlation analysis of the four pyroptosis-related genes was performed. The expression of CASP3, PLCG1 and GSDMB was positively correlated with the proportion of immune cells, and the expression of GPX4 was negatively correlated with the proportion of immune cells. A predictive nomogram was established by combining Gleason score, T and pyroptosis genes. The nomogram was accompanied by a calibration curve and used to predict 1 -, 2 -, and 5-year survival in PAAD patients.
CONCLUSION: Cell death-associated genes (CASP3, PLCG1, GSDMB, GPX4) play crucial roles in modulating the immune microenvironment and can be used to predict the prognosis of prostate cancer.
METHODS: 99 adult patients at four training and research hospitals who had undergone an abdominal contrast computed tomography scan in the ED with the final diagnosis of splenic abscess from January 2004 to November 2017 were recruited. Evaluation for sarcopenia was performed via calculating the psoas cross-sectional area at the level of the third lumbar vertebra and normalising for height, before checking it against pre-defined values. Univariate analyses were used to evaluate the differences between survivors and non-survivors. Sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values of the presence of sarcopenia in predicting in-hospital mortality were calculated. Kaplan-Meier methods, log-rank test, and Cox proportional hazards model were also performed to examine survival between groups with sarcopenia versus non-sarcopenia.
RESULTS: Splenic abscess patients with sarcopenia were 7.56 times more at risk of in-hospital mortality than those without sarcopenia (multivariate-adjusted HR: 7.56; 95% CI: 1.55-36.93). Presence of sarcopenia was found to have 84.62% sensitivity and 96.49% negative predictive value in predicting mortality.
CONCLUSION: Sarcopenia is associated with poor prognoses of in-hospital mortality in patients with splenic abscess presenting to the ED. We recommend its use in the ED to rapidly risk stratify and predict outcome to guide treatment strategies.