Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 546 in total

  1. Dzulhelmi M, Norma-Rashid Y
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:497-502.
    The seasonal variation of spider assemblages in botanical garden was investigated. The spiders were manually collected by diurnal and nocturnal session between two seasons. A total of 19 families from 65 genera and 96 species were recorded. Richness-estimator indicates the inventory were 67% complete within the botanical garden. The capture rate for web-weavers were higher compared with non-web weavers. The comparison value showed the species composition and abundance were similar between seasons. Spider abundance was not affected between wet and dry season in tropical countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  2. Idris MS, Lee Siang H, Amin RM
    Data Brief, 2020 Feb;28:104982.
    PMID: 31890817 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.104982
    The biophysical data presented in this article were collected in the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia from May to November 2009. These monthly surface data were obtained from 32 stations along the coastal-offshore transect and were analyzed to understand the spatial and temporal distributions of biophysical parameters during different monsoon seasons. The data presented here include sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface salinity (SSS), Secchi disk depth (SDD), Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), suspended particulate matter (SPM), mineral suspended solid (MSS) and chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM).
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  3. Nelson BR, David G, Mokhtar AF, Mamat MA, Rahman AJA
    Data Brief, 2018 Dec;21:2633-2637.
    PMID: 30761345 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2018.11.119
    This data article is constructed using avian (bird) counts from a recently identified trail in Kenyir rainforest, East Peninsular Malaysia. Avian chirps and naked eye visual were simultaneously used to locate the birds. After visual binocular and digital image inspection, identification of avian species were carried out using reference books. Data tabulation are divided by monsoon seasons and months before interpret using Shannon and Evenness indices. The highlights like feeding guilds, nativity, iconic species and statuses in the wild are presented with the data to increase its value. Within these, a total of 457 avian individuals from 36 avian family groups were recorded from which, 25 of these avian species occur as near threatened, vulnerable, endangered and critically endangered in the wild. Having these, the tabulated data becomes a calendar for seasonal availability of avian species which considers the 1.0 km trail suitable for bird watching, scientific study and ecotourism purposes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  4. Supari, Tangang F, Juneng L, Cruz F, Chung JX, Ngai ST, et al.
    Environ Res, 2020 05;184:109350.
    PMID: 32179268 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.109350
    This study examines the projected precipitation extremes for the end of 21st century (2081-2100) over Southeast Asia (SEA) using the output of the Southeast Asia Regional Climate Downscaling/Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment - Southeast Asia (SEACLID/CORDEX-SEA). Eight ensemble members, representing a subset of archived CORDEX-SEA simulations at 25 km spatial resolution, were examined for emission scenarios of RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. The study utilised four different indicators of rainfall extreme, i.e. the annual/seasonal rainfall total (PRCPTOT), consecutive dry days (CDD), frequency of extremely heavy rainfall (R50mm) and annual/seasonal maximum of daily rainfall (RX1day). In general, changes in extreme indices are more pronounced and covering wider area under RCP8.5 than RCP4.5. The decrease in annual PRCPTOT is projected over most of SEA region, except for Myanmar and Northern Thailand, with magnitude as much as 20% (30%) under RCP4.5 (RCP8.5) scenario. The most significant and robust changes were noted in CDD, which is projected to increase by as much as 30% under RCP4.5 and 60% under RCP8.5, particularly over Maritime Continent (MC). The projected decrease in PRCPTOT over MC is significant and robust during June to August (JJA) and September to November (SON). During March to May (MAM) under RCP8.5, significant and robust PRCPTOT decreases are also projected over Indochina. The CDD changes during JJA and SON over MC are even higher, more robust and significant compared to the annual changes. At the same time, a wetting tendency is also projected over Indochina. The R50mm and RX1day are projected to increase, during all seasons with significant and robust signal of RX1day during JJA and SON.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  5. Nur Arina Bazilah Kamisan, Muhammad Hisyam Lee, Suhartono Suhartono, Abdul Ghapor Hussin, Yong Zulina Zubairi
    Sains Malaysiana, 2018;47:419-426.
    Forecasting a multiple seasonal data is differ from a usual seasonal data since it contains more than one cycle in a
    data. Multiple linear regression (MLR) models have been used widely in load forecasting because of its usefulness in the
    forecast a linear relationship with other factors but MLR has a disadvantage of having difficulties in modelling a nonlinear
    relationship between the variables and influencing factors. Neural network (NN) model, on the other hand, is a good
    model for modelling a nonlinear data. Therefore, in this study, a combination of MLR and NN models has proposed this
    combination to overcome the problem. This hybrid model is then compared with MLR and NN models to see the performance
    of the hybrid model. RMSE is used as a performance indicator and a proposed graphical error plot is introduce to see the
    error graphically. From the result obtained this model gives a better forecast compare to the other two models.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  6. Haque MA, Jewel MAS, Akhi MM, Atique U, Paul AK, Iqbal S, et al.
    Environ Monit Assess, 2021 Oct 08;193(11):704.
    PMID: 34623504 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-021-09500-5
    Functional classification of phytoplankton could be a valuable tool in water quality monitoring in the eutrophic riverine ecosystems. This study is novel from the Bangladeshi perspective. In this study, phytoplankton cell density and diversity were studied with particular reference to the functional groups (FGs) approach during pre-monsoon, monsoon, and post-monsoon at four sampling stations in Karatoya River, Bangladesh. A total of 54 phytoplankton species were recorded under four classes, viz. Chlorophyceae (21 species) Cyanophyceae (16 species), Bacillariophyceae (15 species), and Euglenophyceae (2 species). A significantly higher total cell density of phytoplankton was detected during the pre-monsoon season (24.20 × 103 cells/l), while the lowest in monsoon (9.43 × 103 cells/l). The Shannon-Wiener diversity index varied significantly (F = 16.109, P = 000), with the highest value recorded during the post-monsoon season. Analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) identified significant variations among the three seasons (P 
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  7. Anandkumar A, Nagarajan R, Sellappa Gounder E, Prabakaran K
    Chemosphere, 2022 Jan;287(Pt 1):132069.
    PMID: 34523457 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.132069
    Miri city has a dynamic coastal environment, mainly influenced by intensive sedimentation from the Baram River and excessive trace metal loading by the Miri River, which are significant environmental concerns. As the mobility, bioavailability, and toxicity of the trace metals in the sediments are largely controlled by their particulate speciation, the modified BCR sequential extraction protocol was applied to determine the particulate speciation of trace metals in the coastal sediments of Miri, to unravel the seasonal geochemical processes responsible for known observations, and to identify possible sources of these trace metals. The granulometric analysis results showed that littoral currents aided by the monsoonal winds have influenced the grain size distribution of the sediments, enabling us to divide the study area into north-east and south-west segments where the geochemical composition are distinct. The Cu (>84%) and Zn (82%) concentrations are predominantly associated with the exchangeable fraction, which is readily bioavailable. Pb and Cd are dominant in non-residual fractions and other metals viz., Fe, Mn, Co, Ni, and Cr are dominant in the residual fraction. Using Pearson's correlation and factor analysis, the major mechanisms controlling the chemistry of the sediments are identified as association of Cu and Zn with fine fraction sediments, sulphide oxidation in the SW segment of the study area, atmospheric fallout of Pb and Cd in the river basins, precipitation of dissolved Fe and Mn supplied from the rivers and remobilization of Mn from the coastal sediments. Based on various pollution indices, it is inferred that the coastal sediments of NW Borneo are contaminated with Cu and Zn, and are largely bioavailable, which can be a threat to the local aquatic organisms, coral reefs, and coastal mangroves.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  8. Balqis ARS, Yusoff FM, Arshad A, Nishikawa J
    J Environ Biol, 2016 Jul;37(4 Spec No):685-95.
    PMID: 28779727
    Seasonal variations of zooplankton community in terms of biomass and size-fractionated densities were studied in a tropical Sangga Kechil river, Matang, Perak from June 2010 to April 2011. Zooplankton and jellyfish (hydromedusae, siphonophores and ctenophores) samples were collected bimonthly from four sampling stations by horizontal towing of a 140-?m plankton net and 500 ?m bongo net, respectively. A total of 12 zooplankton groups consisting of six groups each of mesozooplankon (0.2 mm-2.0 mm) and macrozooplankton (2.0 mm-20.0 cm) were recorded. The total zooplankton density (12375?3339 ind m(-3)) and biomass (35.32?14.56 mg m(-3)) were highest during the northeast (NE) monsoon and southwest (SW) monsoon, respectively, indicating the presence of bigger individuals in the latter season. Mesozooplankton predominated (94%) over the macrozooplankton (6%) during all the seasons, and copepods contributed 84% of the total mesozooplankton abundance. Macrozooplankton was dominated by appendicularians during most of the seasons (43%-97%), except during the NE monsoon (December) when chaetognaths became the most abundant (89% of the total macrozooplankton). BIO-ENV analysis showed that total zooplankton density was correlated with turbidity, total nitrogen and total phosphorus, which in turn was positively correlated to chlorophyll a. Cluster analysis of the zooplankton community showed no significant temporal difference between the SW and NE monsoon season during the study period (> 90% similarity). The present study revealed that the zooplankton community in the tropical mangrove estuary in the Straits of Malacca was dominated by mesoplankton, especially copepods.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  9. Oloruntade, A.J., Mohammad, T.A., Aimrun, W.
    Understanding rainfall trend can be a first step in the planning and management of water resources
    especially at the basin scale. In this study, standard tests are used to examine rainfall trends based on monthly, seasonal and mean annual series at the Niger-South Basin, Nigeria, between 1948 and 2008. Rainfall variability index showed that the decade 2000s was the driest (-2.1), while 1950s was the wettest (+0.8), with the decade 1980s being the driest in the second half of the last century, whereas the year 1983 was the driest throughout the series. Over the entire basin, rainfall variability was generally low, but higher intra-monthly than inter-annually. Annual rainfall was dominated by August, contributing about 15%, while December contributed the least (0.7%). On a seasonal scale, July-August-September (JJA) contributed over 40% of the annual rainfall, while rainfall was lowest during December-January-February (DJF) (4.5%). The entire basin displayed negative trends but only 15% indicated significant changes (α ‹ 0.1), while the magnitudes of change varied between -3.75 and -0.25 mm/yr. Similarly, only JJA exhibited insignificant upward trend, while the rest showed negative trends. About eight months of the year showed reducing trends, but only January trend was significant. Annual downward trend was generally observed in the series. The trend during 1948–1977 was negative, but it was positive for the 1978–2008 period. Hence, water resources management planning may require construction of water storage facilities to reduce summer flooding and prevent possible future water scarcity in the basin.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  10. Jayaramu V, Zulkafli Z, De Stercke S, Buytaert W, Rahmat F, Abdul Rahman RZ, et al.
    Int J Biometeorol, 2023 Mar;67(3):423-437.
    PMID: 36719482 DOI: 10.1007/s00484-022-02422-y
    Leptospirosis is a zoonosis that has been linked to hydrometeorological variability. Hydrometeorological averages and extremes have been used before as drivers in the statistical prediction of disease. However, their importance and predictive capacity are still little known. In this study, the use of a random forest classifier was explored to analyze the relative importance of hydrometeorological indices in developing the leptospirosis model and to evaluate the performance of models based on the type of indices used, using case data from three districts in Kelantan, Malaysia, that experience annual monsoonal rainfall and flooding. First, hydrometeorological data including rainfall, streamflow, water level, relative humidity, and temperature were transformed into 164 weekly average and extreme indices in accordance with the Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI). Then, weekly case occurrences were classified into binary classes "high" and "low" based on an average threshold. Seventeen models based on "average," "extreme," and "mixed" indices were trained by optimizing the feature subsets based on the model computed mean decrease Gini (MDG) scores. The variable importance was assessed through cross-correlation analysis and the MDG score. The average and extreme models showed similar prediction accuracy ranges (61.5-76.1% and 72.3-77.0%) while the mixed models showed an improvement (71.7-82.6% prediction accuracy). An extreme model was the most sensitive while an average model was the most specific. The time lag associated with the driving indices agreed with the seasonality of the monsoon. The rainfall variable (extreme) was the most important in classifying the leptospirosis occurrence while streamflow was the least important despite showing higher correlations with leptospirosis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  11. Apriansyah, Atmadipoera AS, Nugroho D, Jaya I, Akhir MF
    Mar Environ Res, 2023 Jun;188:106012.
    PMID: 37159981 DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2023.106012
    Small pelagic fisheries in the Java Sea (JS) contributes to about 26.6% of the total marine fisheries resources, where their spatial-temporal variation is controlled by seasonal oceanographic changes. This study aims to investigate a relationship between seasonal reversal circulation and number of light-fishing vessels (VBD) dispersion that capture small pelagic fishes, using multi-datasets from a regional ocean circulation model, satellite-derived datasets, and pelagic fish landing datasets between 2010 and 2020. The model demonstrates that main axis of eastward (westward) monsoon current that brings warmer and fresher (cooler and saltier) water, confines much closer along the northern Java (southern Kalimantan) during the northwest (southeast) monsoon period. These changes are followed unprecedentedly by southward (northward) shift of VBD and high abundance of euryhaline (stenohaline) fish species. This new evidence implies that reversal monsoon current and surface component of Makassar Throughflow play a significant role on delineating potential small pelagic fishing ground and fish productions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  12. Yusup Y, Swesi AE, Sigid MF, Almdhun HM, Jamshidi EJ
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2023 Aug;193:115106.
    PMID: 37302202 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.115106
    This paper analyzes CO2 flux between the atmosphere and a tropical coastal sea using the eddy covariance technique. Coastal carbon dioxide flux studies are limited, particularly in tropical regions. Data was collected from the study site in Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, since 2015. The research found that the site is a moderate CO2 sink and experiences seasonal monsoonal changes that affect its carbon-sink or carbon-source capability. The analysis showed that the coastal sea systematically shifted from being a carbon-sink at night to a weak carbon-source during the day possibly due to cause by the synergistic influence of wind speed and seawater temperature. The CO2 flux are also influenced by small-scale, unpredictable winds, limited fetch, developing waves, and high-buoyancy conditions caused by low wind speeds and an unstable surface layer. Furthermore, it exhibited a linear relationship with wind speed. In stable conditions, the flux was influenced by wind speed and drag coefficient, while in unstable conditions, it was mostly controlled by friction velocity and atmospheric stability. These findings could improve our understanding of the critical factors that drive CO2 flux at the tropical coast.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  13. Alkhadher SAA, Suratman S, Mohd Sallan MIB
    J Environ Manage, 2023 Nov 01;345:118464.
    PMID: 37454570 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118464
    The spatial and temporal distributions of trace metals in dissolved forms mainly result from anthropogenic and lithogenic contributions. Surface water samples (∼0.5 m) were collected monthly at respective stations from Setiu Wetland. In this study, the behaviour of trace metals in the dissolved phases along the water column from sampling sites in the Setiu Wetland, Malaysia was investigated. In addition, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and physical parameters such as salinity, temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) of the surface water were measured in order to evaluate the relationship between trace metals fractionation with different water quality parameters. Size fractionation study of dissolved trace metals using ultrafiltration technique were also carried out and analysed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Correlation of trace metals with other measured parameters was made to furthermore understand the dynamics of trace metals and its fractionated components in this area. The concentration of dissolved trace metals was in the range of 0.001-0.16 μg/L for Cd, 0.12-2.81 μg/L for Cu, 0.01-1.84 μg/L for Pb, 3-17 μg/L for Fe and 1-34 μg/L for Zn, suggesting the input of anthropogenic sources for trace metals such as municipal, industrial, agricultural and domestic discharge. The periodic monitoring and evaluation of trace metals in wetlands and protected tropical areas is highly recommended.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  14. Yek SH, Sethu Pathy T, Yeo DYC, Gan JYS
    PeerJ, 2023;11:e16157.
    PMID: 37868047 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.16157
    Anthropogenic disturbances and seasonal changes significantly impact diversity and community composition of ants, but their effects are often intertwined. We investigated these drivers on Lang Tengah Island, a location with a pronounced monsoon season and three resorts that close during this period. We surveyed four sites, two disturbed and two undisturbed, before and after the monsoon season, using pitfall traps to sample epigaeic ant communities. Undisturbed habitats had higher species diversity, but both habitats (undisturbed and disturbed sites) have a high proportion of ants with characteristics of being encroached by generalist and invasive/tramp ant species. Post-monsoon sampling yielded an increase in species richness and diversity. Seasonal changes, such as monsoonal rains, can temporarily alter ant interactions and resource distribution, potentially maintaining diversity. Future studies should validate these findings for ant communities under similar pressures, using ant composition and functional roles for conservation and management purposes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  15. Ibrahim NF, Abd Hamid M, Mohd Akhir MF, Chuan Ong M, Wan Talaat WIA, Idris I
    PeerJ, 2023;11:e16203.
    PMID: 38025728 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.16203
    BACKGROUND: The natural hydrodynamic process of Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, has changed since the extension of Sultan Mahmud Airport runway in 2008. Consequently, severe coastal erosion has occurred in the area, particularly during the northeast monsoon season (NEM). Numerous types of coastal defense structures (CDS) have been constructed to protect the coastline. Despite the loss of esthetic values, the effect of CDS construction on marine organisms in the area remains unknown. Hence, this study aims to assess the ecological aspects of macrobenthic compositions at the CDS area of Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, based on the differences between the southwest (SWM) and northeast (NEM) monsoon seasons.

    METHODS: Macrobenthos were collected from the sediment in July (SWM) and December 2021 (NEM) using the Ponar grab at 12 substations from five sampling stations.

    RESULTS: The density of macrobenthos was higher in SWM (48,190.82 ind./m2) than in NEM (24,504.83 ind./m2), with phylum Mollusca recording the highest species composition (60-99.3%). The macrobenthos species had a low to moderate level of diversity (H' = 1.4-3.1) with the species were almost evenly distributed (J' = 0.2-0.8). Windward substations exhibited coarser grain sizes (38.56%-86.84%), whereas landward substations exhibited very fine grain sizes (44.26%-86.70%). The SWM season recorded a higher organic matter content (1.6%-6.33%) than the NEM season (0.4%-3.1%). However, metal concentrations in the surface sediment were within the safe range and permissible limits for both seasons, inferring that the macrobenthos composition was unaffected.

    DISCUSSION: This study demonstrated that the CDS associated with the monsoon system has controlled the hydrodynamics and nearshore sedimentary processes in the Kuala Nerus coastal zone, thereby affecting the macrobenthos population, in terms of richness and density. The ecological and energetic effects of the coastal structures in different seasons have resulted in a more significant result, with the SWM exhibiting a higher macrobenthos composition than the NEM.

    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  16. Wang S, Su M, Hu X, Wang X, Han Q, Yu Q, et al.
    FEMS Microbiol Lett, 2024 Jan 09;371.
    PMID: 38124623 DOI: 10.1093/femsle/fnad135
    Invertebrates such as termites feeding on nutrient-poor substrate receive essential nitrogen by biological nitrogen fixation of gut diazotrophs. However, the diversity and composition of gut diazotrophs of vertebrates such as Plateau pikas living in nutrient-poor Qinghai-Tibet Plateau remain unknown. To fill this knowledge gap, we studied gut diazotrophs of Plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae) and its related species, Daurian pikas (Ochotona daurica), Hares (Lepus europaeus) and Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) by high-throughput amplicon sequencing methods. We analyzed whether the gut diazotrophs of Plateau pikas are affected by season, altitude, and species, and explored the relationship between gut diazotrophs and whole gut microbiomes. Our study showed that Firmicutes, Spirochaetes, and Euryarchaeota were the dominant gut diazotrophs of Plateau pikas. The beta diversity of gut diazotrophs of Plateau pikas was significantly different from the other three lagomorphs, but the alpha diversity did not show a significant difference among the four lagomorphs. The gut diazotrophs of Plateau pikas were the most similarly to that of Rabbits, followed by Daurian pikas and Hares, which was inconsistent with gut microbiomes or animal phylogeny. The dominant gut diazotrophs of the four lagomorphs may reflect their living environment and dietary habits. Season significantly affected the alpha diversity and abundance of dominant gut diazotrophs. Altitude had no significant effect on the gut diazotrophs of Plateau pikas. In addition, the congruence between gut microbiomes and gut diazotrophs was low. Our results proved that the gut of Plateau pikas was rich in gut diazotrophs, which is of great significance for the study of ecology and evolution of lagomorphs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  17. Valappil NKM, Mammen PC, de Oliveira-Júnior JF, Cardoso KRA, Hamza V
    Environ Monit Assess, 2024 Jan 03;196(2):106.
    PMID: 38168710 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-023-12239-w
    The spatial and temporal dynamics of daily ultraviolet index (UVI) for a period of 18 years (2004-2022) over the Indian state of Kerala were statistically characterised in the study. The UVI measurements used for the study were derived from the ultraviolet-B (UVB) irradiance measured by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) of the AURA satellite and classified into different severity levels for analysis. Basic statistics of daily, monthly and seasonal UVI as well as Mann-Kendall (MK) statistical trend characteristics and the rate of change of daily UVI using Theil-Sen's slope test were also evaluated. A higher variability of UVI characteristics was observed in the Kerala region, and more than 79% of the measurements fell into the categories of very high and extreme UVI values, which suggests the need of implementation of appropriate measures to reduce health risks. Although the UVI measured during the study period shows a slight decrease, most of the data show a seasonal variation with undulating low and peak values. Higher UVI are observed during the months of March, April and September. The region also has higher UVI during the southwest monsoon (SWM) and summer seasons. Although Kerala region as a single whole unit, UVI show a non-significant decreasing trend (-0.83), the MK test revealed the increasing and decreasing trends of UVI ranging from -1.96 to 0.41 facilitated the delineation of areas (domains) where UVI are increasing or decreasing. The domain of UVI increase occupies the central and southern (S) parts, and the domains of decrease cover the northern (N) and S parts of the Kerala region. The rate of change of daily UVI in domain of increase and decrease shows an average rate of 0.34 × 10-5 day-1 and -2 × 10-5 day-1, respectively. The parameters (rainfall, air temperature, cloud optical depth (COD) and solar zenith angle (SZA)) that affect the strength of UV rays reaching the surface indicate that a cloud-free atmosphere or low thickness clouds prevails in the Kerala region. Overall, the study results indicate the need for regular monitoring of UVI in the study area and also suggest appropriate campaigns to disseminate information and precautions for prolonged UVI exposure to reduce the adverse health effects, since the study area has a high population density.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  18. Magam SM, Masood N, Alkhadher SAA, Alanazi TYA, Zakaria MP, Sidek LM, et al.
    Environ Geochem Health, 2024 Jan 16;46(2):38.
    PMID: 38227164 DOI: 10.1007/s10653-023-01828-w
    The seasonal variation of petroleum pollution including n-alkanes in surface sediments of the Selangor River in Malaysia during all four climatic seasons was investigated using GC-MS. The concentrations of n-alkanes in the sediment samples did not significantly correlate with TOC (r = 0.34, p > 0.05). The concentrations of the 29 n-alkanes in the Selangor River ranged from 967 to 3711 µg g-1 dw, with higher concentrations detected during the dry season. The overall mean per cent of grain-sized particles in the Selangor River was 85.9 ± 2.85% sand, 13.5 ± 2.8% clay, and 0.59 ± 0.34% gravel, respectively. n-alkanes are derived from a variety of sources, including fresh oil, terrestrial plants, and heavy/degraded oil in estuaries. The results of this study highlight concerns and serve as a warning that hydrocarbon contamination is affecting human health. As a result, constant monitoring and assessment of aliphatic hydrocarbons in coastal and riverine environments are needed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  19. Bauer M, Glenn T, Achtyes ED, Alda M, Agaoglu E, Altınbaş K, et al.
    J Psychosom Res, 2022 Sep;160:110982.
    PMID: 35932492 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2022.110982
    OBJECTIVE: Circadian rhythm disruption is commonly observed in bipolar disorder (BD). Daylight is the most powerful signal to entrain the human circadian clock system. This exploratory study investigated if solar insolation at the onset location was associated with the polarity of the first episode of BD I. Solar insolation is the amount of electromagnetic energy from the Sun striking a surface area of the Earth.

    METHODS: Data from 7488 patients with BD I were collected at 75 sites in 42 countries. The first episode occurred at 591 onset locations in 67 countries at a wide range of latitudes in both hemispheres. Solar insolation values were obtained for every onset location, and the ratio of the minimum mean monthly insolation to the maximum mean monthly insolation was calculated. This ratio is largest near the equator (with little change in solar insolation over the year), and smallest near the poles (where winter insolation is very small compared to summer insolation). This ratio also applies to tropical locations which may have a cloudy wet and clear dry season, rather than winter and summer.

    RESULTS: The larger the change in solar insolation throughout the year (smaller the ratio between the minimum monthly and maximum monthly values), the greater the likelihood the first episode polarity was depression. Other associated variables were being female and increasing percentage of gross domestic product spent on country health expenditures. (All coefficients: P ≤ 0.001).

    CONCLUSION: Increased awareness and research into circadian dysfunction throughout the course of BD is warranted.

    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  20. Aziz AT, Dieng H, Ahmad AH, Mahyoub JA, Turkistani AM, Mesed H, et al.
    Asian Pac J Trop Biomed, 2012 Nov;2(11):849-57.
    PMID: 23569860 DOI: 10.1016/S2221-1691(12)60242-1
    To investigate the prevalence of container breeding mosquitoes with emphasis on the seasonality and larval habitats of Aedes aegypti (Ae. aegypti) in Makkah City, adjoining an environmental monitoring and dengue incidence.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons*
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