(1) The effect has been studied of the oral administration of supplementary thiamine on the thiamine content of milk from sixteen women, whose initial thiamine content was low ; and of the parenteral administration of thiamine to ten women, some of whom initially showed mild, clinical symptoms of beriberi.
(2) The response in the milk content of thiamine to supplementary thiamine, administered either orally or by injection, showed marked variation in different women. While comparatively small doses taken by mouth evoked a marked response in some women, fairly large doses administered by injection failed to produce much response in others.
(3) In some women, a marked increase in the thiamine content of their milk occurred soon after the administration of thiamine, either orally or parenterally. In others, the response was slow and meagre.
(4) The highest thiamine level obtained in a sample of milk was 38.9 ug./100 ml., after the injection, twice daily, of 20 mg. thiamine for six days — a total intake of 240 mg. of thiamine parenterally. The initial milk thiamine level in this case was 2.3 ug./100 ml., but had increased to 16.2ug./100 ml., by the supply of a good diet alone, before the course of injections was commenced.
(5) It would appear, that, in cases where the thiamine content of the milk is low, initial parenteral administration of thiamine must be supplemented by a continued intake of additional thiamine, if a satisfactory level of thiamine in the milk is to be maintained.
The objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of dysmenorrhoea, its associated factors and its effects on school activities among adolescent girls in a secondary school in a rural district of Selangor, Malaysia. This is a cross-sectional study conducted in a public secondary school. A stratified random sampling of 300 female students (12 to 17 years old) from Form one to Form five classes were selected. A self-administered questionnaire consisting of 20-items was used to collect sociodemographic and menstrual data. Pain intensity for dysmenorrhoea was measured by numerical rating scale. The prevalence of dysmenorrhoea was 62.3%. It was significantly higher in the middle adolescence (15 to 17 years old) age group (p=0.003), girls with regular menstrual cycle (p=0.007) and a positive family history (p
A study was carried out to investigate whether smoking had any effect on the Langerhans cells in the oral mucosa, which might throw light onto the mechanism of malignant transformation of some keratotic lesions in the oral cavity. Thirty-two cases of keratotic lesions from biopsy specimens of smokers and non-smokers were studied. Langerhans cells were identified by immuno cytochemical staining for 5100 proteins and their densities quantified. Smokers were associated with a significant reduction in the Langerhans cell population compared to non-smokers. The mean values of Langellans cell density in light smokers and heavy smokers were 2 2 2 28.64/mm and 33.421mm respectively compared to 66.51/mm in non- smokers. There was a dose-response relation between the number of cigarettes smoked daily and the effect on cell counts. These findings of a local immunological effect of smoking on oral epithelium may explain the means by which cigarette smoking contributes to the development of oral cancer.
The preliminary investigation was carried out to assess the severity of malocclusion between two centres, the dental schools in Leeds, United Kingdom and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A total of 99 study models were analysed using the Index ofOrthodontic Treatment Need (lOIN). Thestudy models were ofpatients aged 8to 15years, equally distributed between male and female patients taken from the undergraduate and staff clinics. Forty nine and fifty study models were analysed at the Leeds Dental School and FacultyofDentistry,University ofMalaya,respectively.Fromthisobservation, it appeared that the sample of patients treated at the Faculty of Dentistry, Kuala Lumpur presented approximately 25%higher with casesin the severe end of the malocclusion based on the dental health component and almost 70%more with the aesthetic component. Factors contributing to this finding are discussed.
An apartment complex collapsed in Malaysia killing 48 people trapped inside.The dental disaster victim identification team comprising of officers from the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital, Armed Forces and the Dental
Faculty, University of Malaya played a very active role in the identification process. Most of the bodies were badly decomposed and some grossly disfigured. Problems were encountered due to inadequate facilities and
equipments at the mortuary.Difficulties were also encountered during the procurement and deciphering of information from dental records. Suggestions have been made to improve facilities, expertise and also to create awareness amongst dentists to ensure proper recording of their patients' dental status.
A 73.1 percent response rate was obtained in a postal questionnaire survey conducted among Malaysian dentists to assess their attitudes and needs for continuing dental education. It appeared that on an average the Malaysian dentist spent very little time on continuing education,reading journals and participation in professional dental meetings.The need for continuing education was strongly evident as almost all dentists indicated that such activities be further developed in Malaysia. Crown and Bridgework, Oral Surgery and Orthodontic appeared to be areas in which more continuing education were required.
The aim of the article is to report on the perception of utilizers of government dental services towards the preservation of natural teeth for life and relate it to their past utilization pattern and the associated demographic factors. All patients aged 15 years and over attending ten randomly selected government dental clinics in Selangor, Wilayah Persekutuan and Negri Sembilan during the study period of thirty non consecutive outpatients days were interviewed and examined clinically. Five-hundred and fifty subjects were included in the survey. It was found that the majority of respondents (63%)have a.rather pessimistic perception of their ability to preserve natural teeth for life and most have a very poor past utilization behaviour (90%).The most pessimistic and worst utilization behaviour was reported by the Malay ethnic group, the least formally educated and the lowest income group (p O.O1).It is postulated that one of the main reason for this trend among Malay respondents could be due to their lower educational and income status, rather than cultural influences. Further research into the influence of culture on the utilization pattern of the Malays is therefore recommended.
The aim of present study was to determine if the radiological features noticed on dental panoramic radiographs can ascertain the different variants of ameloblastomas. Methods: A total number of 177 cases of ameloblastoma diagnosed in 5 centers in Malaysia were reviewed. The clinical records of these cases were analyzed with respect to age, sex, ethnicity, diagnosis of the lesions, anatomic site, size, side, year of diagnosis, status of the lesion, and characteristics of the lesions. Detailed radiographic features such as septation, calcification, effect on adjacent structures, periosteal reactions, demarcation and cortication of the border of the lesions were recorded. Results: The unicystic, plexiform and acanthomatous ameloblastomas tend to have unilocular radiolucencies as opposed to the follicular ameloblastoma, which demonstrated commonly multilocular radiolucency with soap-bubble appearance. The well-demarcated borders with thin condensed sclerotic border of the lesions appeared to be more significant in unicystic ameloblastoms. Moderately and poorly demarcated lesions are commonly found in follicular and acanthomatous ameloblastomas. Multiplanar pattern of root resorptions, protrusion of roots into lesions and cortical expansions with intact visible margins are commonly seen in ameloblastomas. Conclusion: The various histopathological patterns are not closely related to any specific radiological appearances in the jaws and there seems to be no direct or obvious correlation between the histopathological patterns of the tumours and the radiological appearance of ameloblastomas.
This study was conducted to determine types of educational needs among stroke patients admitted to Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia. Stroke patients (n = 41) were conveniently recruited from Medical and Surgical Ward between September to December 2012. Data were obtained using semi-guided administered questionnaires and from the medical reports. Patients were given adequate time to complete the lifestyle history and educational needs on stroke with researcher’s assistance. Instrument on the educational needs consisted of five themes including general information on stroke, management of risk factors, treatments of stroke, rehabilitation and post-stroke problems and post-stroke diet management. Findings indicated majority of the stroke patients were female (58.5%), between 56 to 65 years old (39.0%) and diagnosed with ischemic stroke (68.3%). Patients had history of hypertension (85.4%), diabetes (46.3%), hyperlipidemia (29.3%), ischemic heart disease (22.0%) and atrial fibrillation (2.4%). Eleven of them (26.9%) were ex-smokers and many practice unhealthy lifestyle such as lack of exercise (80.5%) and prefer fried foods (68.3%). Most patients were on multiple pharmacotherapies (92.7%) to treat their medical conditions. Educational needs rated highest need to know among stroke patients were on prevention (92.7%), fi rst aid management (85.4%), complications (85.4%) and recurrence (85.4%) of stroke in general. Other concerned were about possibility of cure with drug (92.7%), range of motion exercise (82.9%), fi sh intake (78.0%), fruit and vegetable consumption (78.0%) after stroke. Findings from this study provide a baseline information on types of educational needs among stroke patients. More patient educational intervention on primary and secondary stroke prevention should be structured in hospital and community settings in the future.
Keywords: Types of educational needs; stroke; patient education; Hospital USM (HUSM)
Patients who lost their eyes as results of accidents or diseases (e.g. retinoblastoma) usually underwent enucleation or evisceration. They were then fi tted with ocular prosthesis to prevent collapse of the globe and also for cosmetic effects. Custom made ocular prosthesis is almost unheard of in this country for most hospitals supply ready-made (stock) prosthesis. The cosmetic results of stock prosthesis are often unsatisfactory. Besides being uncomfortable, stock prosthesis may also induce allergic reaction that may lead to papillary conjunctivitis. The Optometry Clinic at UKM started its custom made prosthetic service in 2010. We described here two cases of patients who complained of discomfort with their old stock prosthesis and re-fitted with custom made prosthesis. We also highlight the importance of proper hygiene and maintenance so that ocular prosthesis can be used for as long as possible. This article aims to create awareness among eye care practitioners and showcase the cosmetic benefi ts of custom made ocular prosthesis.
Study site: Optometry clinic, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The objective of this study was to evaluate compliance :0 the cliencs’ charter in a dental clinic and factors that may afect the updating of the charter. Our clients’ charter states that registration time is within IO minutes and waiting-mom time before being seen by the dentist is within 30 minutes. Convenience sampling was carried our over two weeks. Only patients above 12 years treated by dental officers were included. Data recorded included registration and wrziting-room time, treatment time, punctualiry afpaniems and workload of ajcicers. There were a total of 532 patients (407 walk»in/outpatients, 125 appointments). Results show that the mean waiting-mom time for all paticnm was nor compliant to the clients' charter (42.7 x 23.8 min for walking flll 44.9 : 32.7 min for appointments). Only 33% were seen within 30 min whilst about 23% waited for more than 60 minutes. All The mean registration time (17.9 1- 12.8 min) was ncmcomplianr everyday except on Thursdays where there were very few patients. Waiting time for elderly patients was not statistically significant from the younger patients. About 36% of appointment ariems were seen within 30 minutes; althou h hal 0 them were late, Exmzctivns, dentures and examination and diagnosis took the shortest time wrzh about 88%, 91% and 98% completed within 30 minutes respectwely. There was variable individual speed and number of patients managed by different operators, although the majority was flrsnyear dental officers. Factors that may contribute waiting time included number of patients per day, operator and punctualizy of patients.
A cross sectional study was conducted to determine the perception of Hospital Directors in performing clinical duties. This was done through a postal survey which was conducted covering all public hospitals in Malaysia. The majority of Hospital Directors had read the circular at the time of the study and agreed to do clinical work besides managerial duties. Before the issuance of the directive, the majority of those directors were already doing some clinical work. However they disagreed that by doing clinical work they could help overcome the problem of shortage of doctors. They agreed that the duration of 10 hours per week is suitable to do clinical duties. In term of confidence in giving curative treatment, the Hospital Directors especially those from district hospitals without specialists were confident in giving curative care to individuals. As for the clinicians, the majority felt that the implementation of the directive for Hospital Directors to do clinical work will not disrupt the clinicians' routine duties.
Study site: University Malaya, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia; Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
This survey was done to determine the knowledge, attitude and practice of preventive measures concerning Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) among Alor Gajah town community. The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge level of SARS, to know their attitude towards SARS and health information provided, to know which sources that provide the best infomation about SARS and to identify the expectations and preferences of population on gaining health infomation. A cross-sectional study involving respondents age 18 and above staying in Alor Gajah town was done. The respondents were assessed using questionnaires comprising of 25 questions. A total 180 respondents had answered the questionnaire. All of them were aware of SARS with 93 .3% with high scores in the knowledge level. Furthermore, 9l .7% of respondents had high scores in their attitude towards SARS. About 98.9% of respondent got their information regarding SARS from television, and 83.9% of them believed the information given. Firty four percent choose television as the best method to convey information concerning SARS or other new emerging diseases. The knowledge and attitude of the respondents concerning SARS were good.