METHODS: Six key sections were chosen: (1) high-risk localized and locally advanced prostate cancer, (2) oligometastatic prostate cancer, (3) castration-naïve prostate cancer, (4) castrate resistant prostate cancer, (5) use of osteoclast-targeted therapy and (6) global access to prostate cancer drugs. There were 101 consensus questions, consisting of 91 questions from APCCC 2017 and 10 new questions from MyAPCCC 2018, selected and modified by the steering committee; of which, 23 questions were assessed in both ideal world and real-world settings. A panel of 22 experts, comprising of 11 urologists and 11 oncologists, voted on 101 predefined questions anonymously. Final voting results were compared with the APCCC 2017 outcomes.
RESULTS: Most voting results from the MyAPCCC 2018 were consistent with the APCCC 2017 outcomes. No consensus was achieved for controversial topics with little level I evidence, such as management of oligometastatic disease. No consensus was reached on using high-cost drugs in castration-naïve or castration-resistant metastatic prostate cancer in real-world settings. All panellists recommended using generic drugs when available.
CONCLUSIONS: The MyAPCCC 2018 voting results reflect the management of advanced prostate cancer in a middle-income country in a real-world setting. These results may serve as a guide for local clinical practices and highlight the financial challenges in modern healthcare.
METHODS: This was an observational study that employed qualitative methods to interview key informants covering relevant stakeholders. The study was guided by the systems theory. In all, 30 in-depth interviews were conducted involving 8 community health officers, 8 community volunteers, and 14 women receiving postnatal care in four (4) CHPS zones in the Yendi Municipality. The data were thematically analysed using Atlas.ti.v.7 software and manual coding system.
RESULTS: The participants reported poor clinical attendance including delays in seeking health care, low antenatal and postnatal care visits. The barriers of the CHPS utilization include lack of transportation, poor road network, cultural beliefs (e.g. taboos of certain foods), proof of women's faithfulness to their husbands and absence of health workers. Other challenges were poor communication networks during emergencies, and inaccessibility of ambulance service. In seeking health care, insured members of the national health insurance scheme (NHIS) still pay for services that are covered by the NHIS. We found that the CHPS compounds lack the capacity to sterilize some of their equipment, lack of incentives for Community Health Officers and Community Health Volunteers and inadequate infrastructures such as potable water and electricity. The study also observed poor coordination of interventions, inadequate equipment and poor community engagement as setbacks to the progress of the CHPS policy.
CONCLUSIONS: Clinical attendance, timing and number of antenatal and postnatal care visits, remain major concerns for the CHPS programme in the study setting. The CHPS barriers include transportation, poor road network, cost of referrals, cultural beliefs, inadequate equipment, lack of incentives and poor community engagement. There is an urgent need to address these challenges to improve the utilization of CHPS compounds and to contribute to achieving the sustainable development goals.
METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This multicentre, prospective cohort study will be conducted in three governmental hospitals and one tertiary cancer institute in Penang, Malaysia. Adult women diagnosed with primary or recurrent tumour, node, metastases stage I-IV breast cancer based on pathological biopsy will be eligible for this study. At least 281 samples are required for this study. Participants will undergo follow-up at three time intervals: T1 at breast cancer diagnosis; T2 at 3 months after diagnosis and T3 at 6 months after diagnosis. Patients will complete a set of questionnaires at each time. The primary outcome of this study includes the changes in supportive care needs over three time points, followed by the secondary outcome examining patients' characteristics, coping behaviours and positive psychological components as they affect changes in unmet supportive care needs over time.
ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The study has received ethics approval from the Medical Research and Ethics Committee, Ministry of Health Malaysia (NMRR-19-268-45809 IIR) and the Human Research Ethics Committee of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM/JEPeM/17100443). The results of the prospective study will be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
METHODS: We conducted a population-based study using data from the Global Cancer Observatory (GLOBOCAN) 2022 and predicted global radiotherapy demands and workforce requirements in 2050. We obtained incidence figures for 29 types of cancer across 183 countries and derived the cancer-specific radiotherapy use rate using the 2013 Collaboration for Cancer Outcomes Research and Evaluation model. We delineated the proportion of people with cancer who require radiotherapy and can be accommodated within the existing installed capacity, assuming an optimal use rate of 50% or 64%, in both 2022 and 2050. A use rate of 50% corresponds to the global average and a use rate of 64% considers potential re-treatment scenarios, as indicated by the 2013 Collaboration for Cancer Outcomes Research and Evaluation (CCORE) radiotherapy use rate model. We established specified requirements for teletherapy units at a ratio of 1:450 patients, for radiation oncologists at a ratio of 1:250 patients, for medical physicists at a ratio of 1:450 patients, and for radiation therapists at a ratio of 1:150 patients in all countries and consistently using these ratios. We collected current country-level data on the radiotherapy-professional workforce from national health reports, oncology societies, or other authorities from 32 countries.
FINDINGS: In 2022, there were an estimated 20·0 million new cancer diagnoses, with approximately 10·0 million new patients needing radiotherapy at an estimated use rate of 50% and 12·8 million at an estimated use rate of 64%. In 2050, GLOBOCAN 2022 data indicated 33·1 million new cancer diagnoses, with 16·5 million new patients needing radiotherapy at an estimated use rate of 50% and 21·2 million at an estimated use rate of 64%. These findings indicate an absolute increase of 8·4 million individuals requiring radiotherapy from 2022 to 2050 at an estimated use rate of 64%; at an estimated use rate of 50%, the absolute increase would be 6·5 million individuals. Asia was estimated to have the highest radiotherapy demand in 2050 (11 119 478 [52·6%] of 21 161 603 people with cancer), followed by Europe (3 564 316 [16·8%]), North America (2 546 826 [12·0%]), Latin America and the Caribbean (1 837 608 [8·7%]), Africa (1 799 348 [8·5%]), and Oceania (294 026 [1·4%]). We estimated that the global radiotherapy workforce in 2022 needed 51 111 radiation oncologists, 28 395 medical physicists, and 85 184 radiation therapists and 84 646 radiation oncologists, 47 026 medical physicists, and 141 077 radiation therapists in 2050. We estimated that the largest proportion of the radiotherapy workforce in 2050 would be in upper-middle-income countries (101 912 [38·8%] of 262 624 global radiotherapy professionals).
INTERPRETATION: Urgent strategies are required to empower the global health-care workforce and facilitate the fundamental human right of access to suitable health care. A collective effort with innovative and cost-contained health-care strategies from all stakeholders is warranted to enhance global accessibility to radiotherapy and address challenges in cancer care.
FUNDING: China Medical Board Global Health Leadership Development Program, Shanghai Science and Technology Committee Fund, China Ministry of Science and Technology Department of International Cooperation High Level Cooperation and Exchange Projects, and Fudan University Office of Global Partnerships Key Projects Development Fund.
TRANSLATIONS: For the Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish translations of the summary see Supplementary Materials section.
METHODS: The surveys were simultaneously done in Eastern and Sarawak administrative regions using the Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness (RAAB) technique. It involved a multistage cluster sampling method, each cluster comprising 50 residents aged 50 years and older. Presenting visual acuity (PVA) was checked, and subjects with cataracts were identified. The corrected VA (Pinhole) of those who had undergone cataract surgery was measured. eCSC was calculated at all levels of cataract surgical thresholds according to the protocol. The findings were compared with the previous survey.
RESULTS: A total of 10,184 subjects were enumerated, with 9,709 examined and 475 non-respondents. Females had a significantly lower Cataract Surgical Coverage (CSC) than males for cataract surgical threshold of
METHODS: A mixed methods systematic review informed by JBI methodology. Researchers conducted a comprehensive search of databases in both English and Chinese, covering the years 2005 to 2023. The initial search took place in January 2024 and was updated in March 2024. This study includes all studies results available up to December 31, 2023. The protocol has been registered on PROSPERO (CRD42023384078) and includes 14 studies in the review.
RESULTS: The activity categories included group psychological activities, individual family activities and multiple formats services. Three barriers to implementation emerged: social workers, activities and parents. The facilitators were parents and activity design.
CONCLUSION: This review revealed that some studies suffered from poor data collection methods and data quality. Studies on services for mental health in urban left-behind children requires methodologically robust study designs for broader dissemination and rigorous evaluation.
METHODS: The GYTS covered a total of 2,242 Bangladeshi, 1,444 Nepalese and 1,377 Sri-Lankan youths aged 13-15 years. They represented response rates of 88.9%, 94.6%, and 85.0% for the three countries, respectively. Socioeconomic, environmental, motivating, and programmatic predictors of TC were examined using cross tabulations and logistic regressions.
RESULTS: Prevalence of TC was 6.9% (9.1% in males, 5.1% in females) in Bangladesh, 9.4% (13.2% in males, 5.3% in females) in Nepal and 9.1% (12.4% in males, 5.8% in females) in Sri Lanka. The average tobacco initiation age was 9.6, 10.24 and 8.61 years, respectively. Cross tabulations showed that gender, smoking among parents and friends, exposure to smoking at home and public places, availability of free tobacco were significantly (P < 0.001) associated with TC in all three countries. The multivariable analysis [odds ratio (95% confidence interval)] indicated that the common significant predictors for TC in the three countries were TC among friends [1.9 (1.30-2.89) for Bangladesh, 4.10 (2.64-6.38) for Nepal, 2.34 (1.36-4.02) for Sri Lanka], exposure to smoking at home [1.7 (1.02-2.81) for Bangladesh, 1.81 (1.08-2.79) for Nepal, 3.96 (1.82-8.62) for Sri Lanka], exposure to smoking at other places [2.67 (1.59-4.47) for Bangladesh, 5.22 (2.76-9.85) for Nepal, 1.76 (1.05-2.88) for Sri Lanka], and the teaching of smoking hazards in schools [0.56 (0.38-0.84) for Bangladesh, 0.60 (0.41-0.89) for Nepal, 0.58 (0.35-0.94) for Sri Lanka].
CONCLUSIONS: An understanding of the influencing factors of youth TC provides helpful insights for the formulation of tobacco control policies in the South-Asian region.
Methods: This study used five series of National Health and Morbidity Survey data from 1986 to 2015. Healthcare utilisation for inpatient, outpatient and dental care were analysed. SES was grouped based on household expenditure variables accounting for total number of adults and children in the household using consumption per adult equivalents approach. The determination of healthcare utilisation across the SES segments was measured using concentration index.
Results: The overall distribution of inpatient utilisation tended towards the pro-poor, although only data from 1996 (P-value = 0.017) and 2006 (P-value = 0.021) were statistically significant (P < 0.05). Out-patient care showed changing trends from initially being pro-rich in 1986 (P < 0.05), then gradually switching to pro-poor in 2015 (P < 0.05). Dental care utilisation was significantly pro-rich throughout the survey period (P < 0.05). Public providers mostly showed significantly pro-poor trends for both in- and out-patient care (P < 0.05). Private providers, meanwhile, constantly showed a significantly pro-rich (P < 0.05) trend of utilisation.
Conclusion: Total health utilisation was close to being equal across SES throughout the years. However, this overall effect exhibited inequities as the effect of pro-rich utilisation in the private sector negated the pro-poor utilisation in the public sector. Strategies to improve equity should be consistent by increasing accessibility to the private sectors, which has been primarily dominated by the richest population.