Displaying publications 601 - 620 of 1933 in total

  1. Majed Mohammed Wadi, Ahmad Fuad Abdul Rahim, Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff, Kamarul Aryffin Baharuddin
    Context: Question vetting is important to ensure validity, reliability, and other quality indicators of assessment tools, including the MCQ. Faculty members invest a substantial amount of time and effort into the MCQ vetting process. However, there is shortage of scientific evidence showing its effectiveness and at which level it needs to be focused on. This study aimed to provide scientific evidence regarding the effects of question vetting process on students’ examination performance by looking at their scores and pass-fail outcomes.

    Method: A parallel randomized control trial was conducted on third year medical students in a medical school. They were randomly assigned into two equal groups (i.e. control and experimental). Two mock examinations were conducted (i.e. time I and time II). At time I, non-vetted MCQs were administered to both groups as a baseline measurement. At time II, vetted MCQs were administered to the experimental group, while the same non-vetted MCQs were administered to the control group.

    Results: Out of 203 students, 129 (63.5%) participated in both mock examinations. 65 students were in the control group and 64 students were in the experimental group. Statistical analysis showed no significant differences (p > 0.05) in mean examination scores and pass-fail outcomes between or within the control and experimental groups.

    Conclusion: This study indicated that the MCQ vetting process did not influence examination performance. Despite these findings, the MCQ vetting process should still be considered an important activity to ensure that test items are developed at the highest quality and standards. However, it can be suggested that such activity can be done at the departmental level rather than at the central level.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  2. Jalina Karim, Nabishah Mohamad, John HV Gilbert, Ismail Saibon, Subhan Thamby Mohd Meerah, Hamidah Hassan, et al.
    Introduction: Teaching strategy for nursing students need to be varied for the future preparation and to increase confident level in delivering quality care to patients. Interprofessional learning (IPL) is a way to encourage collaboration among health professional teams that will drive them to collaborate with, from and about other profession and thus, it allow students to have greater knowledge. Currently, they are unable to learn together during the clinical posting due to professional boundaries. Objective: To explore nursing student knowledge and perception on interprofessional learning. Method: This paper presents a focus group discussion with a group of nursing students (n= 8). A semi structured guide was used and focused on knowledge, experiences and benefit related to IPL. Result: Data was analysed and four major themes emerged; 1. learning with, from and about other health professionals, 2. communication skills, 3. teamwork and 4. future preparation. Conclusion: This study suggested that the interprofessional learning in the teaching and learning strategy should be introduced to the nursing students as to involve them with interprofessional learning and extend their understanding on other health professionals roles. In addition, it is an opportunity for them to work collaboratively with other health professionals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
  3. Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff
    Objective: To determine association between academic performance and absenteeism in classroom among first year medical students.

    Methods: A one-year prospective study was conducted on 196 first year medical students. Academic performance was measured by examination scores at four examinations. Absenteeism score was measured by the cumulative number of absence in an academic session of each student recorded by academic office at the end of the first year of medical training. The academic performance was categorized into pass and fail for analysis purpose. Data was analyzed by SPSS version 20.

    Results: The independent-t analysis showed that, in all examinations, students who passed the examinations had significantly lower absenteeism scores than those who failed (p < 0.001).

    Conclusion: This study found significant associations between academic performances and absenteeism scores among first year medical students. Medical schools should pay more attention on this matter since it may result in poor academic performances.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  4. Almothafar, B., Chee, F.T.
    JUMMEC, 2011;14(2):1-6.
    The present study reports the performance of final year medical students from the Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) in the end of the senior surgical posting examination (SSP) with the aim to demonstrate the medical students graduating from this newly established university are of good standing and of improving quality. A study on the outcome of the method of teaching conducted on this study was performed by measuring the students’ performance continuously and at the end of their posting. The present data analyses demonstrate that there have been improvements in the medical students’ performance between the last two batches of students graduating from UMS. However, the students appear to be weaker in their MCQs, demonstrating a decline in theoretical knowledge. The analyses also demonstrate that there is a poor positive correlation between theoretical knowledge, clinical skills and/or continuous assessments, demonstrating the importance of emphasis in these 3 areas amongst medical students. Further studies may be required to determine the reason for this poor correlation since these may lead to better understanding on how to improve the overall performance of future medical student. CONCLUSION: The present study demonstrates that UMS medical student appears to continue to improve in their SSP performance although there are concerns about the decline in theoretical knowledge.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  5. Lim, Pek-Hong
    Nurse education is undergoing a process of transition. Nurses worldwide are working towards
    achievement of higher levels of education and training through an improved education system. Current trends and innovations in nursing education are emerging to prepare more nurses and to deliver education to students across geographical boundaries while taking into
    consideration their work and family responsibilities. The current trends and innovations in nursing education range from full time face-to-face interactions to distance education programmes. Teaching approaches such as blended learning, online or e-Learning have provided nurses with an avenue for continuing education for development and progression in their career pathways. Every nurse aspires to reach her highest potential. While the current trends and innovations in nursing education provides the flexibility for nurses to continue learning and upgrade their professional qualifications, there are issues to be considered in catering to the needs of the bottom billion nurses. An exploration of related issues will include views from different perspectives, such as that of the institution/provider, instructor/facilitator and student/learner involved in the development and implementation of the related education programmes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  6. Mohd Said, N., Rogayah, A., Hafizah, A.
    Medicine & Health, 2008;3(2):274-279.
    Learning environment in the universities plays an important role in producing highly competent graduates especially in nursing profession. Thus, the most important as-pects are the teaching activities and as well as student – teacher interaction in daily environment in the university. To investigate the International Islamic University Malay-
    sia (IIUM) nursing students experience towards their teachers and to identify the rela-tionship between teaching and students learning perception in their learning environ-ment. This study used quantitative method and utilized two out of five subscales in Dundee Ready Educational Environment Measurement (DREEM). The subscales used
    were students’ perception of learning (SPoL) , students’ perception of teacher (SPoT)
    and total items in these both subscales are 12 and 11 items, respectively. The ques-tionnaire results revealed that IIUM nursing students scored 28.54/48.00 in (SPoL) and
    28.13/44.00 in (SPoT). Both findings showed  the IIUM nursing students’ experience their teachers and the learning environment are moving in towards positive directions. The regression finding was 51% of the total variation in students’ perception of teacher score was explained by students’ perception of learning. Although the overall sub-scales (SPoL) score in the current study falls in the category of a more positive per-ception, 2 out of 12 items were poorly scored by the IIUM nursing students. The re-searcher strongly agrees that listening to  the expression of students is an important consideration for an educational institution. The overall mean score for (SPoT) showed that the students perceived their teachers as moving in the right direction. In this pre-sent IIUM study, one item showed a mean score of less then 2.00. As a result, these two subscales most probably should reflect the same outcome such as in their aca-demic performance and experience greatly during their student life on campus. The arising issues from this DREEM study at IIUM embrace the need for the creation of supportive environment as well as designing and implementing interventions to remedy unsatisfactorily elements of the learning environment for more effective and successful teaching and learning to be realised.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
  7. Sumaiyah Jamaludin @ Thandar Soe, Muhammad Allif Zakaria
    Accidental injuries are one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality
    worldwide. Approximately 1.25 million lives are cut short because of road traffic
    accident every year. As the incidences of emergencies is steadily increasing in recent
    years, it is important to ensure that individuals are adequately trained to deal with such
    events including university students. First aid is given to preserve life and minimize the
    consequences of injury and illness until help is obtained from health care practitioners.
    This study aimed to assess the level of knowledge, awareness and attitude related to
    first aid among IIUM Kuantan campus students. (Copied from article).
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  8. Jamalludin, A.R., Razman, M.R., Niza, S.
    Background: Peer assessment has been shown to complement both formative and summative evaluations in education and used in some medical programmes. The study was aimed to find correlation between group work peer assessment score and final examination mark among four batches of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) first year MBBS students.
    Method: A set of four questions was constructed and tested to assess students’ overall role in their group research project. The difference in distribution according to years was tested by using one-way ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis, depending on the data distribution. Pearson correlation coefficient test was done to test the linear association between peer score and final examination mark. Partial correlation test was used to adjust the correlation for four academic years.
    Results: From the analysed data of 502 students, there was moderate, significant positive correlation (0.366) between peer assessment score and the final examination mark (P < 0.001). Adjustment to the academic years resulted in correlation coefficient of 0.371.
    Conclusion: The results provide an important insight on the influence of peers’ perception in predicting the medical student academic performance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  9. Watihayati Mohd Shamshudin, Nazihah Mohd Yunus, Sarina Sulong
    Telomerase has become important in molecular genetics since its discovery in 1984. The study of telomere in ciliate Tetrahymena thermophilia since 4 decades ago has led to the discovery of telomerase that was discovered by Elizabeth Blackburn and her postgraduate student, Carol Widney Greider in 1984. Later in 2009, Jack William Szostak together with Greider and Blackburn were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discovery. (Copied from article).
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  10. Baharudin N, Mohamed Yassin MS, Badlishah Sham SF, Mohd Yusof ZY, Ramli AS
    The Communication Skills Attitude Scale (CSAS) assesses medical students’ attitudes towards learning communication skills and had been widely utilised all over the world.
    This questionnaire has 26 items framed within two subscales. This study aimed to examine the validity and reliability of the CSAS among medical students in Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).
    Methods: This was a cross sectional questionnaire validation study among 171 first year medical students from UiTM. The CSAS had undergone content and face validation, followed by psychometric analysis using principal component analysis to assess construct validity. Internal consistency was evaluated using Cronbach alpha.
    Results: Factor analysis confirmed the original two-subscale structure of the CSAS (positive attitude scale, PAS and negative attitude scale, NAS). A total of 4 items were removed due to poor factor loading (1 item from PAS and 3 items from NAS). The final validated CSAS consisted of 22 items, 14 and 8 items for the PAS and NAS respectively. Cronbach alphas calculated were 0.862 for the PAS and 0.565 for the NAS.
    Conclusion: This study produced a validated and reliable CSAS to measure the attitude of UiTM medical students towards learning communication skills. Given the low internal reliability of the NAS in this study, future studies should include translating and validating the CSAS into the Malay language to improve its psychometric properties. Future studies should also include medical students from the three major ethnic groups and other medical schools in Malaysia to improve the generalisability of the CSAS.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  11. Shilkofski N, Shields RY
    Cureus, 2016;8(8):e739.
    PMID: 27672530 DOI: 10.7759/cureus.739
    Minimal research has examined the recent exportation of medical curricula to international settings. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, USA partnered with Perdana University Graduate School of Medicine in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and implemented the same curriculum currently used at Johns Hopkins University to teach medical students at Perdana University. This study aimed to explore the perspectives of first-year medical students at Perdana University, focusing on issues of cultural dissonance during adaptation to a US curriculum.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  12. Banerjee I, Sathian B, Gupta RK, Amarendra A, Roy B, Bakthavatchalam P, et al.
    Nepal J Epidemiol, 2016 Jun;6(2):574-581.
    PMID: 27774346
    In developing countries like Nepal medicines can be acquired from the chemist's without of a prescription which sometime may have many drawbacks due to intake of excessive drugs without a proper diagnosis. The primary objective of the study was to find out the pattern of self-medication practice among the preclinical medical students at Manipal College of Medical Sciences.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  13. Khan SA, Liew ML, Omar H
    Saudi Dent J, 2017 Jan;29(1):7-14.
    PMID: 28270704 DOI: 10.1016/j.sdentj.2016.08.005
    INTRODUCTION: Dental care has remained as an unmet need for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs). Dental students are considered as future healthcare workforce and having beliefs which are discriminating may have negative attitudes towards providing care to these individuals (Azodo et al., 2010). The study aimed to assess the ethical beliefs and attitudes of dental students towards PLWHAs for providing care.
    METHODS: It is a descriptive correlational and cross sectional study. Nine public and private dental schools in Malaysia participated in the study. Data was collected using a validated self-administered questionnaire.
    RESULTS: A total of 481 dental students participated in this study, yielding response rate of 78%. Majority of the participants (74%) believed that patients' HIV status should be disclosed to patients' sexual partner without permission. Approximately 60% of the participants reported that rooms/beds of HIV patients should be clearly marked. Regarding patient disease status 28% of the students reported that it is appropriate to test a patient for HIV/AIDS without patient's permission. Only Fifty five percent of the students expressed the willingness to treat HIV patients and 49% reported to held fear of getting infected while treating patients with HIV/AIDS. Sixty four percent of the participants reported to be more comfortable giving care to non-HIV patients than HIV-positive patients.
    CONCLUSION: Dental students' ethical beliefs about HIV/AIDS were not consistent with the ethical principles as stated in the code of ethics and they held negative attitudes towards PLWHAs. Ethical beliefs were found to be a determinant that may influence future attitudes of these students towards individuals with HIV/AIDS when providing care.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Dental
  14. Subramaniam T, Valuyeetham PS, Tay JS
    MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/eimj2018.10.2.2
    Simulation-based medical education enables knowledge, skills and attitudes to be taught in a safe,
    realistic manner. Flipped classroom teaching encourages self-learning. Emergency medicine exposes
    students to diverse group of patients and physicians’ decision making. This study aims to determine
    students’ perception on knowledge, skills and confidence after combined flipped classroom and
    simulated teaching. Two cohorts of Semester 7 students Group 1 (n = 120) and Group 2 (n = 78)
    completed a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire. Group 1 completed the questionnaire after a lapse
    of six months while Group 2 at the end the posting. Responses from both cohorts were compared
    using the Mann-Whitney U test. Of 198 (Groups 1 and 2) students, 91.41% (n = 181) felt the
    simulated sessions helped better understand care of emergency patients. The sessions helped identify
    knowledge gaps (89.90%; n = 178), improve knowledge and understanding of oxygen therapy devices
    (85.35%; n = 169), and airway equipment (90.91%; n = 180). They prepared better for the flipped
    classroom teaching than traditional sessions (80.81%; n = 160). They felt that their communication
    skills (82.32%; n = 163) and confidence (63.64%; n = 126) improved. Significant differences noted
    to questions (p = 0.006, p = 0.005, p = 0.041 respectively) targeting knowledge on oxygen therapy
    devices, confidence, and identification of gaps in knowledge respectively. Combined simulation and
    flipped classroom teaching was well received by students though this requires more preparation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  15. Yuanita P, Zulnaidi H, Zakaria E
    PLoS One, 2018;13(9):e0204847.
    PMID: 30261056 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0204847
    This study aims to identify the role of mathematical representation as a mediator between mathematical belief and problem solving. A quasi-experimental design was developed that included 426 Form 1 secondary school students. Respondents comprised 209 and 217 students in the treatment and control groups, respectively. SPSS 23.0, ANATES 4 and Amos 18 were used for data analysis. Findings indicated that mathematical representation plays a significant role as mediator between mathematical belief and arithmetic problem solving. The Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach successfully increased the arithmetic problem-solving ability of students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  16. May Asliza Tan Zalilah, Maizatul Hayati Mohamad Yatim, Amri Yusoff
    Learning through game scene is considered a game-based learning approach. Teaching and learning process using game scene is deemed interesting and effective due to the nature for this approach which seems alive with asserted activities. Students experience their own game via narration through the virtual world they undertook. This investigation is targeted towards conceptual change and explanation for basic programming theorem through navigated game scene by evaluating motivation and student experience. 55 respondents consisted of semester three students from computer software application certification a program from a community college is selected for the undertaken study. Motivation and experience surveys are reference based on intrinsic motivation inventory instrument (IMI). Findings were tabulated based on t-test statistics and descriptive to get the frequency, mean, standard deviation and percentage. Initial results reflected student acknowledgement on utilizing game scenes in terms of elaborating basic game programming key points in providing elevated learning experience.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  17. Marzo, Roy Rillera
    Medical knowledge, skills, and social requirements for patient care are quickly changing, thus, doctors
    are anticipated to be life-long learners to provide effective care for the patients. This paper addresses
    instructional issues how to prepare medical students to be self-directed learners and how to improve
    medical school and postgraduate training curricula. Now the big question is self-directed learning
    (SDL) an agent in cultivating lifelong learning skills for medical students as claimed by educational
    experts? This will be the focus of my critical reflection on lifelong learning.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  18. Rusnani Ab Latif
    Introduction: The effectiveness of teaching and learning process is highly dependent on the methods and
    strategies of teaching and learning practices. As a result, nurse educator must choose and use the suitable
    method to help the nursing students to achieve the learning objective.

    Methodology: There were 218 respondents. This study consisted of two-group quasi experimental study
    with pre- and post-test design. The experimental and control groups received education using concept
    mapping and lecture method respectively. The data was analyzed using inferential and descriptive statistic.

    Results: In the pre-test, students were taught using concept mapping. These students had achievement
    mean scores of 11.23, SD=2.59 and post–test was 13.19, SD=1.71 with mean gain scores of 1.96. Students
    who were taught using lecture method had an achievement mean scores of 10.71, SD=2.23 in the pre-test
    and post-test was 12.60, SD=1.64 with mean gain scores of 1.89. The results showed an increase in grade
    achievement, the percentage pass for the experimental group increased from 95.4% in pre-test to 100% in
    the post-test. The percentage pass for control group had increased from 93.57% in pre-test increased to
    99.08% in the post-test.

    Conclusion: Student-centered learning is a teaching method that is active and can change passive to active
    learning. Findings from several reviewed studies suggest that using concept mapping can improve
    academic performance in nursing education and is a valuable teaching strategy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
  19. Sharifah Norkhadijah Syed Ismail, Josfirin Uding Rangga, Irniza Rasdi, Umi Raihana Abd Rahman, Mohd Armi Abu Samah
    Introduction: The application of M-learning or mobile application (app) as a tool to disseminate occupational safety and health (OSH) information among students and staff in the university, to replace the use of conventional noticeboard was assessed in this study. Materials and Methods: Study was conducted between February to March 2016 and involved 124 respondents from health sciences program in Universiti Putra Malaysia. OSH information was incorporated into a mobile-app using online software and respondents were requested to use the app for fourteen days. A self-administered questionnaire was used to assess the level of knowledge, attitude and practice of respondents before and after using the app. Results: The mobile app has significantly increased the knowledge score among respondents (z = -7.331, p
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  20. Raihana, Z., Farah Nabilah, A.M.
    Most studies done in the past on factors affecting academic performance did not touch on quality of life factor. Also, most studies only used correlation and regression analysis. Not many studies used classification analysis. Hence, this study aimed to classify students based on quality of life and academic performance. Students’ quality of life was measured by using WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire which consists of five quality of life domains namely physical health, psychological health, social relationship, environment and overall quality of life whereas the academic performances were represented by cumulative grade point average (CGPA). The selected sample for this study was 60 Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Perlis students from Bachelor of Science (Hons.) Management Mathematics program. This study applied support vector machine (SVM) method for classifying the students. The results for each quality of life domain showed that students with both low and high academic performance were classified into high academic performance class. The same result was obtained when all domains were combined. All models showed high accuracy which implied that the classification made by SVM were strongly correct. The findings of this study demonstrated that quality of life plays an important role in students’ academic performance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
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