METHODS: The Filipino β-deletion was identified using gap-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the parents of transfusion dependent β-thalassaemia patients who were homozygous for the Filipino β-deletion in the indigenous population of Sabah, Malaysia. Hb subtypes were quantified on the BioRad Variant II Hb analyser. Concurrent α-thalassaemia was identified by multiplex gap-PCR for deletions and amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS)-PCR for non-deletional mutations.
RESULTS: The mean HbA2 level for Filipino β-thalassaemia trait was 5.9 ± 0.47 and with coinheritance of α-thalassaemia was 6.3 ± 0.44 (-α heterozygous) and 6.7 ± 0.36 (-α homozygous). The HbA2 levels were all >4% in keeping with the findings of classical β-thalassaemia trait and significantly higher than levels seen in non-deletional forms of β-thalassaemia.
CONCLUSION: The HbA2 level measured on the BioRad Variant II Hb analyser was lower than the level in the first description of the Filipino β-thalassaemia. β-thalassaemia trait with coinheritance of α-thalassaemia (-α) is associated with significantly higher HbA2 level.
Aim: This retrospective study aims to compare the postgraduate thesis characteristics from various sources in the field of radiology.
Methods: This was a retrospective study evaluating data that is publicly available online and at libraries and institutional review board approval, as such, was not demanded. We selected 40 published theses from the library of Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine and University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi Medical University in Vietnam which graduated from 2008 to 2018. Of these, there were 10 PhD, 10 specialists II, 10 master's, and 10 residency theses selected.
Results: A total of 40 theses were analyzed from participants with a median age of 36.5. The male/female ratio was 23/17. Most of the theses were subspecialty in diagnostic radiology (87.5%) and focused on pathological radiology (95%). Adult patients were the major objectives of the theses accounted for 87.5% with predominant materials of magnetic resonance imaging counted for 47.5%. Theses in PhD group were the largest items regarding the total number of pages as well as the number of figures, and the number of references. Nonetheless, both domestic and international publications related to all theses were truly low.
Conclusion: The postgraduate thesis of radiology in Vietnam has many different forms but mainly focuses on diagnostic and pathological radiology with materials of magnetic resonance imaging in adults. The number of international publications regarding the thesis was very small.
METHODS: Patients with CD who were seen in 2001-2003 in the University of Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) were enrolled in this study. Prevalence of disease was calculated for the group as a whole and by race with hospital admissions per ethnic group as the denominator.
RESULTS: Thirty-four patients were diagnosed to have CD. Basic demographic data of patients; male:female 17:17; mean age 29.1 years (+/-13.5 years); ethnic group: Malays 5 (14.7%), Chinese 12 (35.3%) and Indians 17 (50%).Twenty-six (76.5%) were diagnosed under the age of 40 and 8 (23.5%) were diagnosed over the age of 40. Location of the disease was as follows:ileocolonic 13 (38.2%), terminal ileum only 9 (26.5%), colon only 8 (23.5%), and upper gastrointestinal 4 (11.8%). Sixteen (47.1%) had penetrating disease, 9 (26.5%) had stricturing disease and 9 (26.5%) had non-penetrating and non-stricturing disease. The hospital admission prevalence of CD was 26.0 overall, Indians 52.6, Chinese 6.9, and Malays 9.3 per 10(5) admissions per ethnic group. The difference between Indians and Malays: [OR 5.67 (1.97, 17.53) P<0.001] was statistically significant but not between the Indians and the Chinese [OR 1.95 (0.89, 4.35) P=0.700]. The difference between the Chinese and the Malays was also not statistically significant. [OR 2.90 (0.95, 9.42) P=0.063].
CONCLUSION: The clinical presentation of CD is similar to the Western experience. Although the overall prevalence is low,there appears to be a clear racial predominance among the Indians.
METHOD: Participants (N = 110) filled-in the Affiliate Stigma Scale, the Caregiver Burden Inventory and the CarerQOL scale.
RESULTS: Parents reported low scores on stigma and fair levels of stress and quality of life, indicating that parents do not feel stigmatized by affiliation with a child with ASD nor are they stressed from affiliate stigma. After controlling for demographic factors, both the relationships of affiliate stigma with stress and with quality of life were weak, indicating that stigma may have little to no effect on stress and quality of life.
CONCLUSION: Cultural and religious beliefs may play a part in the acceptance of a child's condition, resulting in less impact of stigma on the parents.
METHODS: A total of forty-eight males and females (16 Chinese, 16 Indians, and 16 Malay) took part in this randomised, crossover study. Glycaemic response to the reference food (glucose beverage) was measured on three occasions, and GR to three liquids were measured on one occasion each. Liquids with different macronutrient ratio's and carbohydrate types were chosen to be able to evaluate the response to products with different GIs. Blood glucose concentrations were measured in duplicate at baseline (-5 and 0 min) and once at 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 min after the commencement of beverage consumption.
RESULTS: There were statistically significant differences in GI and GR between the three liquids (P groups (Chinese vs. Indian vs. Malay).
CONCLUSION: The GR for three different types of liquid nutritional supplements did not differ between the three main ethnic groups in Asia. It appears that the GI of liquid food derived from one Asian ethnicity can be applicable to other Asian populations.
METHODS: One hundred computed tomography scans of disease-free knees were analyzed. A 3-dimensional reconstructed image of the tibia was generated and aligned to its anatomic axis in the coronal and sagittal planes. The tibia was then rotationally aligned to the tibial plateau (tibial centroid axis) and PTS was measured from best-fit planes on the surface of the proximal tibia and individually for the medial and lateral plateaus. This was then repeated with the tibia rotationally aligned to the ankle (transmalleolar axis).
RESULTS: When rotationally aligned to the tibial plateau, the mean PTS, medial PTS, and lateral PTS were 11.2° ± 3.0 (range, 4.7°-17.7°), 11.3° ± 3.2 (range, 2.7°-19.7°), and 10.9° ± 3.7 (range, 3.5°-19.4°), respectively. When rotationally aligned to the ankle, the mean PTS, medial PTS, and lateral PTS were 11.4° ± 3.0 (range, 5.3°-19.3°), 13.9° ± 3.7 (range, 3.1°-24.4°), and 9.7° ± 3.6 (range, 0.8°-17.7°), respectively.
CONCLUSION: The PTS in the normal Asian knee is on average 11° (mean) with a reference range of 5°-17° (mean ± 2 standard deviation). This has implications to surgery and implant design.