METHODS: We established PN in a dedicated breast clinic of a Malaysian state-run hospital. We compared diagnostic and treatment timeliness between navigated patients (n = 135) and patients diagnosed in the prior year (n = 148), and described factors associated with timeliness.
RESULTS: Women with PN received timely mammography compared with patients in the prior year (96.4% v 74.4%; P < .001), biopsy (92.5% v 76.1%; P = .003), and communication of news (80.0% v 58.5%; P < .001). PN reduced treatment default rates (4.4% v 11.5%; P = .048). Among navigated patients, late stage at presentation was independently associated with having emotional and language barriers ( P = .01). Finally, the main reason reported for delay, default, or refusal of treatment was the preference for alternative therapy.
CONCLUSION: PN is feasible for addressing barriers to cancer care when integrated with a state-run breast clinic of an LMIC. Its implementation resulted in improved diagnostic timeliness and reduced treatment default. Wider adoption of PN could be a key element of cancer control in LMICs.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively analysed 691 allogeneic PBSCT patients between 2010-2017 in two centers.
RESULTS: The prevalence of cutaneous GVHD was 31.4% (217/691). No associations were detected with race, age or gender of donor and recipients. Cutaneous GVHD was associated with host cytomegalovirus (CMV) seropositivity (p<0.01), conditioning (p<0.01), GVHD prophylaxis (p=0.046) and survival (p<0.01). Majority developed the acute form (58.1%;126/217). Biopsies in 20.7% (45/217) showed 55.6% positivity for GVHD. Overall, involvement was non-severe. A majority demonstrated complete response (CR) to first-line corticosteroids (70.0%;152/217). Secondline therapies (extracorporeal phototherapy (ECP), psolaren ultraviolet A (PUVA), mycophenolate, tumour necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors, interleukins inhibitors, or CD20 monoclonal antibodies) were required in 65/217, with 38.5% CR. Second-line therapy was associated with gender (p=0.042), extra-cutaneous GVHD (p=0.021), treatment outcomes (p=0.026) and survival (p=0.048). Mortality in cutaneous GVHD was 24.0% with severe sepsis being the leading cause at Day 100 (7.8%) and 5-years (7.8%), and relapsed disease at 2-years (32.7%). In steroid refractoriness, severe GVHD caused 30.8% mortality. In cutaneous GVHD, survival at Day 100 was 95.4%; 80.2% at 2-years and 73.1% at 5-years. The median survival in cutaneous GVHD was significantly shorter at 55 months, compared to those without GVHD at 69 months (p=0.001).
CONCLUSION: Cutaneous involvement is the commonest clinical manifestation of GVHD. A larger national study is warranted to further analyse severity and outcome of multiorgan GVHD, and factors associated with steroid refractoriness.
METHOD: Participants of school-age and adolescent students from Klang Valley School completed the 21-item Malay OCI-CV using Google Form. OCI-CV English version was translated backward and forward to the Malay language. Face validity was conducted first before distributing the questionnaire to the participants. Exploratory Factor analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was conducted to evaluate the psychometric properties of OCI-CV.
RESULTS: A total of 102 school-age children and adolescents with a mean age of 15.96 years (male: 41.2%, female: 58.8%) participated in the study. The Malay OCI-CV showed high internal consistency, with Cronbach Alpha values of 0.90 for the whole scale. EFA showed multifactorial components. Five factors were labelled as "Washing / Ordering, Doubting, Obsessions, Checking, and Hoarding,". In the CFA, the five-factor model indicates adequate fit indices of (χ2/df = 1.51, RMSEA = .071, GFI = .824, AGFI = .769, NFI = .724, CFI = .880).
CONCLUSION: The Malay OCI-CV has good psychometric properties and is suitable for use in the Malaysian context. Further validation studies should be conducted among a clinical population to enhance the generalization of this finding.