Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 112 in total

  1. Wai Heng Chew, Abdul Aziz Marwan, Ummi Nadira Daut, Rosmadi Ismail, Mona Zaria Nasaruddin, Jamalul Azizi Abdul Rahman
    Sarcomas usually frequented in the head and neck region of young adults. Trachea is a rare site, and due to scarce clinical data, its clinical outcome is unclear. We reported a case of 60-year old patient presented with progressive worsening shortness of breath, cough, and progressive worsening dysphagia. Computer tomography scan revealed extensive 2 lobulated soft tissue lesions within and surrounding the trachea at the T4 level. Rigid bronchoscopy with mass cryo-debulking was performed and ultimately synovial sarcoma was diagnosed. Shortness of breath was com- pletely relieved post-procedure.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dyspnea
  2. Koh KC, Wong MH
    Malays Fam Physician, 2011;6(1):29-31.
    PMID: 25606217 MyJurnal
    A 19-year-old man presented with sudden onset of right eye ptosis, diplopia and giddiness. He had no previous medical illnesses with negative history of exertional dyspnoea, epistaxis, haemoptysis, palpitations, chest pain and chronic cough. Examination revealed central cyanosis, digital clubbing, polycythaemia, partial ptosis of right eye, diplopia on right gaze and dilated right pupil. Examination of the chest revealed pectus excavatum but no cardiac murmurs were heard. Investigations revealed a solitary right pulmonary arteriovenous malformation with two feeder vessels which were successfully embolized surgically.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dyspnea
  3. Ayiesah Ramli, Teh, Zi Ying, Khatijahbe Mohd Ali, Roslina Abdul Manap
    Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire (CRQ) is one of the disease-specific questionnaires to assess health related quality of life (HRQoL) among chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients. Objectives: This study investigate the validity and reliability of Malay version CRQ among COPD patients. Methods: The CRQ was administered twice to 46 patients with COPD (mean FEV1 44% predicted, FEV1/ IVC 37% predicted) from Medical Center of University Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM).Test-retest reliability was assessed using intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC). Internal consistency was determined using Crohnbach’s alpha coefficients (α = 0.7). Spearman’s correlation coefficient was done among the scores of CRQ, St George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) and six- minute walking test (6MWT) to examine the concurrent validity of the CRQ (p 0.70) was observed for 3 domains of CRQ with exception of dyspnoea domain (α = -0.631). Test retest reliability demonstrated strong correlation (ICC >0.80). Concurrent validity of CRQ, showed significant correlations observed between domain of SGRQ’s symptom, impact and total scores of SGRQ with CRQ’s dyspnoea and emotional function (-0.3< r < -0.4; p
    Matched MeSH terms: Dyspnea
  4. Nurul, A.H., Shamsul Bahri, M.T., Noor Hassim, I.
    A cross sectional study was carried out to determine the relationship between dust exposure and pulmonary function in male steel workers in Terengganu, Malaysia. The investigation included spirometric testing and detailed personal interviews using a structured questionnaire adopted from British Medical Research Council (BRMC) Questionnaire on respiratory symptoms. Respiratory symptoms commonly reported by the male workers were morning phlegm (33.1%), shortness of breath (31.9%), chest tightness (30.4%), and morning cough (17.8%). Age and duration of employment were among the factors associated with respiratory symptoms (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Dyspnea
  5. Vikram, M., Joseph, Leonard H., Kamaria, K.
    Emphysematous pyelonephritis is a form of infection of the kidney. Chest physiotherapy was executed on a 15-year-old girl who had complications such as secretion retention and pleural effusion following percutaneous pigtail nephrostomy in addition to oxygen therapy and medical management to promote respiratory functions. The processes to increase chest wall mobility includes particular passive stretching and mobilization. Chest mobility exercises composed of an intercostal stretch on a determined intercostal space using index fingers, thoracic rotation and anterior compression with stretching in sitting position to improve respiratory functions. These exercises were suggested to the patient as a regular daily treatment along with low-level incentive spirometry breathing exercises. Following 9th sessions of treatment patient demonstrated satisfactory improvement by means of increasing in chest expansion and reduction in dyspnea level without using supplemental oxygen. The results expressed a substantial clinical improvement in reduction of dyspnea level and improvement in chest expansion
    Matched MeSH terms: Dyspnea
  6. Razlan Musa, Lin Naing, Zulkifli Ahmad, Rusli Nordin
    The relationship between dust exposure and lung function were investigated in a cross-sectional study of 70 male quarry workers. The investigation included spirometric testing and detailed personal interviews using a structured questionnaire adapted from British Medical Research Council questionnaire on respiratory symptoms. Respiratory symptoms commonly reported by the male workers were shortness of breath (42.9%), chest tightness (37.1 %}, morning phlegm (20.0%) and morning cough (0.8%}. Prevalence of respiratory symptoms was greater in current smokers. Age and duration of employment also had significant relationship with chest tightness. Both FEV, and FVC of these workers were significantly reduced when compared to healthy population. Smoking status, age, and duration of employment were also associated with reduced pulmonary function (p<0.01).
    Key words: respiratory symptoms, lung function and quarry workers
    Matched MeSH terms: Dyspnea
  7. Leong, Z.P., Watanabe, M., Lim, M.L.
    Jurnal Veterinar Malaysia, 2015;27(1):27-30.
    A 4-year-old, male local dog was referred to University Veterinary Hospital-Universiti Putra Malaysia (UVH-UPM) due to
    dyspnoea and ascites. Full diagnostic investigations inclusive of blood haematology, serum biochemistry, blood smear examinations
    for haemopathogens, heartworm antigen test, thoracic and abdominal radiography and echocardiography were conducted. A
    diagnosis of severe heartworm disease was made from the positive heartworm antigen test, the presence of heartworms on
    echocardiography and the accompanying advanced clinical findings. This was the first case of right-sided heart failure due to severe
    heartworm disease with concurrent pulmonary hypertension diagnosed in UVH-UPM from which the moribund dog was
    successfully stabilised during hospitalisation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dyspnea
  8. Anwar A, Chan KMJ, Awang Y, Ping DC
    Med J Malaysia, 2019 Oct;74(5):436-438.
    PMID: 31649223
    Anomalous Aortic Origin of a Coronary Artery (AAOCA) is a rare anomaly of the coronary artery with a considerable risk of sudden cardiac death due to ischaemia of the heart. Symptoms may include chest pain on exertion, breathlessness or dizziness. We encountered a case of a 46- year-old female who complained of exertional chest pain with a positive-stress test and subsequently diagnosed with AAOCA through CT angiography (CTA). She successfully underwent a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery using a saphenous vein graft with uneventful recovery. Right internal mammary artery (RIMA) was not used as it was flimsy and the flow was very poor.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dyspnea
  9. Wahid W, Ahmad Fahmi NA, Mohd Salleh AF, Mohd Yasin '
    Respir Med Case Rep, 2019;28:100939.
    PMID: 31667075 DOI: 10.1016/j.rmcr.2019.100939
    Bronchopulmonary lophomoniasis is rare but immunocompromised individual is susceptible to this infection. We reported a case of bronchopulmonary lophomoniasis in a Malaysian female with systemic lupus erythromatosus. She presented with productive cough, shortness of breath and high-grade fever for 2 weeks. Physical examination revealed bronchial sound and crackles over the left lung with, reduced expansion and dull percussion in lower left lobe. Chest radiography showed consolidation of the left lung. Routine laboratory tests revealed general low cell count. Blood and sputum culture were negative. Bronchoalveolar lavage stain and culture for bacterial and fungal were negative. Bronchoalveolar lavage for Lophomonas blattarum was positive. Patient was treated with antiprotozoal drug, metronidazole. All her clinical problems resolved and she was discharged 14 days after admission.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dyspnea
  10. Danaraj TJ
    Med J Malaya, 1947;4:278-288.
    Eight caaes of this condition are described, the patients being four Ceylonese, three Indians, and one Chinese, all males except one. Symptoms consisted of breathlessness and cough, sputum being sometimes purulent and occasionally blood-stained. Six of the patients complained of loss of weight, and in one, a Ceylonese schoolboy, this was the only presenting symptom. The authors found the most troublesome complaint to be a paroxysmal cough which was always worst at night. On clinical examination rhonchi were heard scattered throughout both lung fields in five cases, the lungs being clear in the other three. X-ray examination showed characteristic mottling of both lungs in four cases and of one lung in one case; another showed increased vascular markings, while in two the lungs were clear. Sputum was examined for tubercle bacilli and mites but none were found. The technique used for searching for mites is not described. A marked eosinophilia was found in all cases, the highest count recorded being 33, 264 eosinophils per cmm.Treatment consisted of arsenic, given in the form of neoarsphenamine, six injections of 0.3 gm. in six cases, and stovarsol 4 grains t.d.s. for seven and ten days respectively in the other two. Four of the patients were cured, three were improved, while one was showing a favourable response although treatment had not been completed.The author emphasizes the importance of performing repeated blood counts in order to avoid missing this condition. Out of the eight cases which he describes, one had been wrongly diagnosed as pulmonary tuberculosis and three as bronchial asthma. One of the latter had an initial eosinophil count of 4, 092 which rose to 17, 700 three weeks later. H. T. H. Wilson
    Matched MeSH terms: Dyspnea
  11. Sairin ME, Mat Baki M, Manap RA, Puteh SEW, Azman M, Mohamed AS
    Auris Nasus Larynx, 2020 Oct;47(5):842-848.
    PMID: 32273190 DOI: 10.1016/j.anl.2020.03.004
    OBJECTIVE: This study investigated the reliability of body plethysmography in comparison to spirometry in objectively measuring upper airway functions.

    METHODS: The study population consisted of 53 participants, 23 patients with BVFI after endolaryngeal laser posterior cordectomy and 30 healthy volunteers. All of them had body plethysmography (airway resistance, Raw), spirometry (ratio of forced expiratory flow at 50% to forced inspiratory flow at 50%, FEF50/FIF50 and peak inspiratory flow, PIF), 6 min-walking-test (6MWT) and Medical Research Council (MRC) dyspnea scale measurements. The tests were repeated and reliability was evaluated using intraclass correlation (ICC) and Spearman correlation.

    RESULTS: The reliability of Raw was high with ICC of 0.92, comparable to the spirometry measurements: FEF50/FIF50(ICC = 0.72) and PIF (ICC = 0.97). The mean of Raw was significantly higher in patient group. A strong significant correlation between Raw and MRC dyspnea scale (r = 0.79; p<0.05) and a moderate negative correlation between Raw and 6MWT (r = 0.4; p<0.05) was demonstrated.

    CONCLUSION: Body plethysmography (Raw) is a reliable tool in objective measurement of upper airway resistance that reflects the patient's perception of breathlessness. A larger number of participants are necessary to confirm this finding.

    Matched MeSH terms: Dyspnea
  12. Seevaunnamtum SP, Mohd Ariff Ghazali NA, Nazaruddin WM, Besari AM, Fariza NHN, Omar SC, et al.
    Respir Med Case Rep, 2017;22:292-294.
    PMID: 29159029 DOI: 10.1016/j.rmcr.2017.10.011
    Endobronchial Tuberculosis is hazardous in causing circumferential narrowing of tracheobronchial tree despite the eradication of tubercle bacilli in the initial insult from Pulmonary Tuberculosis. They may present as treatment resistant bronchial asthma and pose challenge to airway management in the acute setting. We present a 25 year-old lady who was newly diagnosed bronchial asthma with a past history of Pulmonary Tuberculosis that had completed treatment. She presented with sudden onset of difficulty breathing associated with noisy breathing for 3 days and hoarseness of voice for 6 months. Due to resistant bronchospasm, attempts were made to secure the airway which led to unanticipated difficult intubation and ventilation. Subsequent investigations confirmed the diagnosis of Endobronchial Tuberculosis and patient was managed successfully with anti TB medication, corticosteroids and multiple sessions of tracheal dilatation for tracheal stenosis. This case highlights the unusual cause of difficulty in intubation and ventilation due to Endobronchial Tuberculosis, which required medical and surgical intervention to improve the condition.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dyspnea
  13. Boon Tat Y, Muniandy RK, Ng Mooi Hang L
    Case Rep Anesthesiol, 2018;2018:4245809.
    PMID: 30647972 DOI: 10.1155/2018/4245809
    A 79-year-old lady, who was taking warfarin, presented to the Emergency Department with a painless anterior neck swelling, which was associated with hoarseness of voice, odynophagia, and shortness of breath. She first noticed the swelling after she removed her dentures in the evening. On examination, she had an increased respiratory rate. There was a large submandibular swelling at the anterior side of her neck. Upon mouth opening, there was a hematoma at the base of her tongue, which extended to both sides of the tonsillar pillars. The patient was intubated with a video laryngoscope due to her worsening respiratory distress. Intravenous vitamin K and fresh frozen plasma were given immediately. The patient was admitted to the ICU for ventilation and observation. The hematoma subsided after 2 days and she was discharged well.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dyspnea
  14. Dahlui M, Azzani M, Taib NA, Hoong SM, Jamaris S, Islam T
    BMC Womens Health, 2023 Nov 16;23(1):607.
    PMID: 37974118 DOI: 10.1186/s12905-023-02738-w
    BACKGROUND: In the competitive health care environment, patient satisfaction and quality of life (QoL) have become the subject of interest to evaluate the efficacy of therapeutic interventions as we experience improved breast cancer survival in modern times. The knowledge of the long-term effects of surgery on the QoL in breast cancer patients is currently limited in the Asian setting. The purpose of this longitudinal study is to evaluate the QoL of early-stage breast cancer patients undergoing mastectomy and breast-conserving surgery (BCS).

    METHODS: In this prospective cohort study, the QoL of 208 patients who underwent mastectomy and the BCS treatment were assessed, using the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Core Quality of Life Questionnaire. The questionnaire was administered at the baseline, 6 and 12 months following diagnosis. One-way ANCOVA was used for statistical analysis.

    RESULTS: A total of 208 female survivors of Stage 0-II breast cancer were included, among them 47.1% underwent BCS and 52.9% underwent mastectomy. Older (63.3%), Chinese women (63.6%), and patients with primary education (71.7%) were more likely to undergo mastectomy. At baseline, no significant differences were observed for QoL in both treatment groups. At 6 months, patients who underwent BCS had better social functioning scales( P = 0.006) and worse symptom scales for dyspnoea (P = 0.031), compared to mastectomy patients. One year after diagnosis, the role functioning score of the mastectomy group was significantly higher than the BCS group, specifically among patients who had undergone chemotherapy (P = 0.034).

    CONCLUSION: Patients who underwent BCS had better social functioning and worse dyspnoea symptoms compared to patients undergoing mastectomy at six months. During one year, there were only significant improvements in the role functioning among the mastectomy groups compared to the BCS groups. After further stratification, only mastectomy patients who received chemotherapy exhibited improved role functioning compared to patients those who did not undergo chemotherapy. Providing social and physical support postoperatively and monitoring patients for cancer worry, or other symptoms in the long-term survivorship period would be important to ensure optimal QoL.

    Matched MeSH terms: Dyspnea
  15. Mawaddah A, Marina MB, Halimuddin S, Mohd Razif MY, Abdullah S
    Malays J Med Sci, 2016 Jul;23(4):65-70.
    PMID: 27660547 MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/mjms2016.23.4.9
    Bilateral vocal fold immobility (BVFI) is commonly caused by injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) and leads to stridor and dyspnea of varying onsets. A retrospective study was done at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre on laser microsurgical posterior cordectomy for BVFI. The objectives were to identify the average duration of onset of stridor from the time of insult and to evaluate the outcome of laser posterior cordectomy as a surgical option. From 1997 to 2007, a total of 31 patients with BVFI were referred for surgery. Twelve patients had tracheostomy done prior to the procedure, whereas 19 patients were without tracheostomy. Ten patients were successfully decannulated, and only 4 patients had complications related to the procedure. The minimum onset of stridor was 7 months, maximum onset of stridor was 28 years, and the mean onset of stridor was 8.7 years. The commonest complication observed was posterior glottic adhesion following bilateral posterior cordectomy. Laser endolaryngeal posterior cordectomy is an excellent surgical option as it enables successful decannulation or avoidance of tracheostomy in patients with BVFI. The onset of stridor took years after the insult to the recurrent laryngeal nerves.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dyspnea
  16. Loh LC, Teh PN, Raman S, Vijayasingham P, Thayaparan T
    Malays J Med Sci, 2005 Jan;12(1):39-50.
    PMID: 22605946 MyJurnal
    Perceived breathlessness played an important role in guiding treatment in asthma. We developed a simple, user-friendly method of scoring perception of dyspnoea (POD) using an incentive spirometer, Triflo II (Tyco Healthcare, Mansfield, USA) by means of repetitive inspiratory efforts achieved within three minutes in 175 normal healthy subjects and 158 asthmatic patients of mild (n=26), moderate (n=78) and severe (n=54). Severity was stratified according to GINA guideline. The mean POD index in normal subjects, and asthmatic patients of mild, moderate and severe severity were: 6 (4-7) 16 (9-23), 25 (14-37), and 57 (14-100) respectively (p<0.001 One-Way ANOVA). Based on 17 asthmatic and 20 normal healthy subjects, intraclass correlation coefficients for POD index within subjects were high. In 14 asthmatic patients randomized to receiving nebulised b(2)-agonist or saline in a crossover, double-blind study, % FEV(1) change correlated with % changes in POD index [r(s) -0.46, p=0.012]. Finally, when compared with 6-minutes walking test (6MWT) in an open label study, respiratory POD index correlated with walking POD index in 21 asthmatic patients [r(s)= 0.58 (0.17 to 0.81) (p=0.007] and 26 normal subjects [0.50 (0.13 to 0.75) (p=0.008)]. We concluded that this test is discriminative between asthmatic patients of varying severity and from normal subjects, is reproducible, responsive to bronchodilator effect, and comparable with 6MWT. Taken together, it has the potential to score disability and POD in asthma effectively and simply.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dyspnea
  17. Lim FL, Hashim Z, Than LTL, Md Said S, Hashim JH, Norbäck D
    Int J Tuberc Lung Dis, 2019 11 01;23(11):1171-1177.
    PMID: 31718753 DOI: 10.5588/ijtld.18.0668
    OBJECTIVE: To examine the associations between endotoxin and (1,3)-β-glucan concentrations in office dust and respiratory symptoms and airway inflammation among 695 office workers in Malaysia.METHODS: Health data were collected using a questionnaire, sensitisation testing and measurement of fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO). Indoor temperature, relative air humidity (RH) and carbon dioxide (CO₂) were measured in the offices and settled dust was vacuumed and analysed for endotoxin and (1,3)-β-glucan concentrations. Associations were analysed by two level multiple logistic regression.RESULTS: Overall, 9.6% of the workers had doctor-diagnosed asthma, 15.5% had wheeze, 18.4% had daytime attacks of breathlessness and 25.8% had elevated FeNO (≥25 ppb). The median levels in office dust were 11.3 EU/mg endotoxin and 62.9 ng/g (1,3)-β-glucan. After adjusting for personal and home environment factors, endotoxin concentration in dust was associated with wheeze (P = 0.02) and rhinoconjunctivitis (P = 0.007). The amount of surface dust (P = 0.04) and (1,3)-β-glucan concentration dust (P = 0.03) were associated with elevated FeNO.CONCLUSION: Endotoxin in office dust could be a risk factor for wheeze and rhinoconjunctivitis among office workers in mechanically ventilated offices in a tropical country. The amount of dust and (1,3)-β-glucan (a marker of indoor mould exposure) were associated with Th2 driven airway inflammation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dyspnea/epidemiology*
  18. Krishnan M, Snelling MR
    Br Heart J, 1971 Sep;33(5):699-701.
    PMID: 5115012 DOI: 10.1136/hrt.33.5.699
    Matched MeSH terms: Dyspnea/etiology
  19. Sharifah AI, Jasvinder K, Rus AA
    Singapore Med J, 2009 Apr;50(4):e127-9.
    PMID: 19421665
    Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations are rare vascular anomalies. We report a 12-year-old girl who presented with exertional dyspnoea, cyanosis and clubbing since the age of five years, and multiple pulmonary arteriovenous malformations. Computed tomography pulmonary angiogram showed a large pulmonary arteriovenous malformation at the lower lobe of the right lung. Pulmonary angiogram showed a large right lung arteriovenous malformation and two small left lung arteriovenous malformations. The multiple arteriovenous malformations were occluded with Gianturco coils. She is now asymptomatic and on regular follow-up.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dyspnea/etiology*
  20. Harun MH, Yaacob I, Mohd Kassim Z
    Singapore Med J, 1993 Apr;34(2):150-2.
    PMID: 8266158
    Twenty-nine patients (16 males, 13 females) with spontaneous pneumothorax admitted into Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, from September 1984 to September 1990 were reviewed. Their ages ranged from newborn to 75 years. The commonest chief presenting symptom was dyspnoea (69%), followed by chest pain (35%). Four patients had chronic obstructive airway disease, 7 had pneumonia, 2 had pulmonary tuberculosis, one patient had emphysema while 4 patients had multiple underlying lung disorders. The left and right lungs were involved with equal frequency. Bilateral pneumothorax occurred in one patient. Most patients had a single episode of pneumothorax but recurrent pneumothoraces occurred in 3 patients (10%). Six patients were observed conservatively, 20 patients required chest tube insertion alone and 3 patients also required pleurodesis. Death occurred in 8 patients (28%) mainly due to coexisting infection and respiratory failure.
    Matched MeSH terms: Dyspnea/physiopathology
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