Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 607 in total

  1. Awais M, Ghayvat H, Krishnan Pandarathodiyil A, Nabillah Ghani WM, Ramanathan A, Pandya S, et al.
    Sensors (Basel), 2020 Oct 12;20(20).
    PMID: 33053886 DOI: 10.3390/s20205780
    Oral mucosal lesions (OML) and oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMDs) have been identified as having the potential to transform into oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). This research focuses on the human-in-the-loop-system named Healthcare Professionals in the Loop (HPIL) to support diagnosis through an advanced machine learning procedure. HPIL is a novel system approach based on the textural pattern of OML and OPMDs (anomalous regions) to differentiate them from standard regions of the oral cavity by using autofluorescence imaging. An innovative method based on pre-processing, e.g., the Deriche-Canny edge detector and circular Hough transform (CHT); a post-processing textural analysis approach using the gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM); and a feature selection algorithm (linear discriminant analysis (LDA)), followed by k-nearest neighbor (KNN) to classify OPMDs and the standard region, is proposed in this paper. The accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity in differentiating between standard and anomalous regions of the oral cavity are 83%, 85%, and 84%, respectively. The performance evaluation was plotted through the receiver operating characteristics of periodontist diagnosis with the HPIL system and without the system. This method of classifying OML and OPMD areas may help the dental specialist to identify anomalous regions for performing their biopsies more efficiently to predict the histological diagnosis of epithelial dysplasia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  2. Lisbona A, Las Hayas A, Palací FJ, Frese M
    PMID: 34066535 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18094947
    Background: The central point of this study is team initiative, and we analyzed how the theoretical model of antecedents and consequents of personal initiative contribute to explaining the relationship between team initiative and its antecedents and consequents. Authentic leadership is proposed as the antecedent, and the consequent leads to two types of outcomes, one of which is related to employee well-being, and the other is related to performance. However, little is known about what occurs in this relationship once the focus shifts to the team level. From a team perspective, with the label team initiative, we propose a collective construct defined similarly to personal initiative. This study shows the relationship between team initiative and its two consequences, team work engagement and performance, which are measured in terms of team productivity by the leader. Methods: Our model was tested in a field study with 344 employees of 79 work teams belonging to 55 organizations. Results: The analysis of the results using SEM and a regression analysis supported our main hypotheses. Conclusions: The finding that initiative is related to performance establishes the importance of initiative at the team level. It also emphasizes its impact on employee well-being through team work engagement and suggests the importance of authentic leadership.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  3. Nor Haslina Mohd, Mat Zain Yusoff
    Practice-based educator role is one of the core roles for health care practitioners. This role has an immense responsibility in enhancing learners’ knowledge towards the actual clinical practice, to prepare them to work with clients and for future professional development. Practitioners, even though they are aware and understand the importance of this role, lacking in exposure in educating and learning just on-the job make them not wellprepared to carry the role. This reflective essay has allowed the author to evaluate her performance as an educator, identifying the weaknesses, to obtain a clearer picture and better outlook on precisely on educators’ role in practice-based learning. Hence, she will able to improve; be a much better, more consistent and more competent educator as well as share it with others.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  4. Jaafar S, Mohd Noh K, Abdul Muttalib K, Othman NH, Healy J, Maskon K, et al.
    ISBN: 978-92-9061-584-2
    Citation: Jaafar S, Mohd Noh K, Abdul Muttalib K, Othman NH, Healy J, Maskon K, et al. Malaysia Health System Review. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2013

    Malaysia is a federation of 13 states and 2 territories in a parliamentary democracy, with the Prime Minister the head of government and a constitutional monarch elected by the Sultans. Malaysia is a multicultural society and a secular state with Sunni Islam as the official religion. Classified by the World Bank as an upper middle-income country, its society and economy were transformed by rapid economic growth in the latter half of the 20th century. Malaysia’s population (now numbering over 28 million with 70% living in urban areas) has benefited from a well developed health care system, good access to clean water and sanitation, and strong social and economic programmes. Life expectancy at birth is 73 years. Noncommunicable diseases now account for most mortality and morbidity but communicable diseases remain a concern. Section 2 describes the organization and governance of the health system. Health care services consist of tax-funded and governmentrun primary health care centres and hospitals, and fast-growing private services mainly located in physician clinics and hospitals in urban areas. Public sector health services are administered by the Ministry of Health through its central, state and district offices. The Ministry of Health regulates the private sector, pharmaceutical industry and food safety and plans and regulates its own health care services. Legislation governing health care professionals requires them to register with statutory professional bodies. Section 3 reports on health care financing. Malaysia’s public health system is financed mainly through general revenue and taxation collected by the federal government, while the private sector is funded principally through out-of-pocket payments from patients and some private health insurance. Spending on health reached 4.6% of GDP in 2009 with the majority from public spending, reaching 56% of total health expenditure (THE) in 2009. The main sources of THE in 2008 were the Ministry of Health (42%), followed by household out-of-pocket expenditure at nearly 34%. The Ministry of Health funds public facilities through line item budgets and patients pay private physicians and private hospitals on a fee-for-service basis. Physical and human resources are described in Section 4. The number of public primary care facilities (currently 802 centres and over 2000 small community clinics) and dental clinics were expanded steadily in earlier decades, particularly to reach people in under-served rural areas. Secondary care is offered in smaller public hospitals and more complex tertiary care, in regional and national hospitals (including university teaching hospitals run by the Ministry of Higher Education). Growth has slowed in recent years, however, and public services in urban areas have not kept pace with rapid urbanization, while the population ratio of hospital beds has declined slightly. Private clinics and hospitals in urban areas have grown rapidly over the last decade. The supply of health professionals remains seriously below the required number, although the government has increased the number of training places. Section 5 looks at provision of services. National health policies stress public health and health promotion, that is, ‘a wellness’ as well as a ‘disease’ perspective. The Ministry of Health has developed an extensive network of public primary care centres and also dental services especially for children, but these services are under strain and have staff shortages, so patients often encounter long waits. Primary care exerts only a limited gatekeeper function since people can bypass a referral from a general practitioner and for a small additional fee (if in the public sector) can go directly to specialists and hospitals. Government services increasingly serve the poor and private services the better-off people who live in urban areas. Hospital policy currently has three main thrusts: strengthening specialty care in large public hospitals; increasing the number of day surgery centres; and expanding top-end private hospital care to cater to the medical tourism market (with 35 participating hospitals in 2010). Malaysia has a large pharmaceutical manufacturing sector that exports to other countries and also supplies 30% of domestic demand. The principal health care reforms are discussed in Section 6. The government has stepped up its surveillance and early response to infectious disease outbreaks as a result of recent pandemics such as SARS and avian flu, which had a major impact on the country’s economy. The Ministry of Health has maintained its extensive vaccination programmes, has consolidated its primary health care clinics and upgraded its hospitals, and is slowly introducing information communication technology into its public facilities. The government has increased training places to counter shortages of health professionals, has strengthened food and drug safety regulation, is considering price xv regulation of pharmaceuticals, and is positioning the country as a medical tourism destination. Section 7 provides an assessment of the health system. Malaysia has a strong population health tradition and well-established and extensive health care services. Although total health expenditure at 4.6% of GDP in 2008 is in the range for middle-income countries, the government is concerned about future sustainable financing. Successive administrators have prioritized the provision of cost-effective, preventative and mainly free primary health care in public clinics. The rapid growth of private health care means that private spending has risen faster than public spending, including out-of-pocket payments by the public, with the government share (from general revenue) just above half (56%) of health expenditure in 2009. In conclusion, Malaysia has achieved impressive health gains for its population with a low-cost health care system funded through general revenue that provides universal and comprehensive services. Like many other countries in the region, Malaysia has struggled to produce an adequate supply of health professionals, and to integrate and regulate its rapidly growing private health sector. Public services have not kept pace with population growth in urban areas and those with higher purchasing power use private rather than public doctors and hospitals, which leaves the public sector with more poorer and sicker patients. The Malaysian Government recently revived the debate over options for a national social health insurance scheme. The financing challenge is to agree on a scheme for fair and sustainable funding and its respective contributions from general revenue and private payments. The regulatory challenge for the Malaysian Government is to strengthen its governance of both public and private health services in order to ensure high quality and safe services and fair charges. The structural challenge is to determine the balance between public and private sector delivery and to engage in a more productive partnership between public and private sectors. The administrative challenge is to consider whether the community would be better served by more decentralized and responsive services. As Malaysia seeks to attain high income country status, and as demographic and epidemiological transitions continue and new technology expands the possibilities for intervention, the demand for xvi health care by the population will continue to rise. The government will need to address growing concerns about equity, efficiency and budgetary constraints and balance conflicting policy principles. Pressures are building up for health system reform in Malaysia looking towards the year 2020 and beyond.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  5. Param Palam S
    Family Practitioner, 1977;2:32-35.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  6. Ng CW, Md Hairi NN, Ng CJ, Kamarulzaman A
    Socioeconomic development in Malaysia, over the past few decades, has led to the improvement and expansion of the public healthcare system. This system has provided universal access to a low-priced package of comprehensive health care leading Malaysia to claim to have achieved universal health coverage (UHC). However, the Malaysian health landscape is changing rapidly. Provision of private care has grown especially in large urban towns, mainly in response to public demand. Thus far, private care has been predominantly bought and utilised by the rich but because of differentials in quality of care between the public and private sector, unabated expansion of the private health sector has the potential to adversely affect universal access to care. This effect may be accentuated in the coming years by demographic changes in the country specifically by the ageing of the population. This paper is intended to highlight challenges to UHC in Malaysia in the face of the changing health landscape in the country and to offer some suggestions as to how these challenges can be met.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  7. Khan D, Jung LT, Hashmani MA, Cheong MK
    Sensors (Basel), 2022 Jan 25;22(3).
    PMID: 35161661 DOI: 10.3390/s22030915
    The massive success of blockchain technology in Bitcoin is taking the world by storm by attracting vast acceptance from both the public and private sectors. Blockchain allows digital transactions between two parties without a third party as a broker. Blockchain is now applicable beyond fintech to various other industries. Among these, Hyperledger fabric has emerged as the most popular blockchain-based open-source permissioned platform targeting business applications. It has been used in over 400 proofs-of-concept blockchain and is well proven in applications, such as supply chain, healthcare, and so on. Despite the many obvious benefits observed in blockchain-enhanced platforms, there still exist technical challenges in scalability, causing performance deficiency, which includes latency and throughput. There is an exigent need to improve the current blockchain-based applications to have the blockchain nodes be scalable without compromising the blockchain performance. In this study, we present the impact of workload variance of up to 1000 transactions with the setup of 20 blockchain nodes in the Hyperledger LTS platform. The evaluation metrics are transaction success and failure rate, throughput, and latency in the blockchain. The transaction throughput was found to be consistent with the increasing workload on a constant number of nodes. However, it showed a declining trend with an increasing number of nodes. As far as the latency, it was in tandem with the increased workload and the number of nodes. We, therefore, conclude that the LTS version is suitable for small and medium enterprises that do not scale up.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  8. Fairozekhan AT, Mohamed S, Mohammed F, Kumaresan R, Bugshan ASM, B SC, et al.
    Braz Dent J, 2021 11 18;32(4):116-126.
    PMID: 34787247 DOI: 10.1590/0103-6440202103821
    Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has caused serious repercussions both physically and mentally. The crisis has laid an enormous workload on the global healthcare fraternity. This article has attempted to study the emotional and psychological status of the medical and dental fraternity across seven Asian countries (India, Malaysia, the Gulf Cooperation countries (GCC) and, others) and also deduce the degree of mental preparedness as they spearhead the war against COVID-19. A cross-sectional, descriptive online survey was carried out among potential participants from online forums and other health-related social communities. Bivariate analysis with descriptive statistics was applied to decipher the results. A total of 788 complete responses were analyzed. The response rate was 77.1%. Results revealed the perception of the Healthcare Professionals about COVID-19 and its implications in their personal and professional lives. Many categories from psychological and emotional standpoints were analyzed. Older HCPs (above 35 years) reported high levels of stress at the workplace (p = 0.002). About 43.5% of the HCPs from India reported that they have not received any specialized training on containing COVID-19 or any contagious disease. Intense emotional stress was reported by the HCPs when colleagues get infected. The medical professionals (61.7%) exhibited more work stress compared to their dental counterparts. Analyzing the psychological and emotional status of HCPs is imperative especially in this COVID-19 situation. Similar analyses are crucial to gauge the quality of our healthcare system and take necessary actions like training the workforce, revamping the infrastructure, and regulating the workflow.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  9. Hasan MK, Ghazal TM, Alkhalifah A, Abu Bakar KA, Omidvar A, Nafi NS, et al.
    Front Public Health, 2021;9:737149.
    PMID: 34712639 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.737149
    The internet of reality or augmented reality has been considered a breakthrough and an outstanding critical mutation with an emphasis on data mining leading to dismantling of some of its assumptions among several of its stakeholders. In this work, we study the pillars of these technologies connected to web usage as the Internet of things (IoT) system's healthcare infrastructure. We used several data mining techniques to evaluate the online advertisement data set, which can be categorized as high dimensional with 1,553 attributes, and the imbalanced data set, which automatically simulates an IoT discrimination problem. The proposed methodology applies Fischer linear discrimination analysis (FLDA) and quadratic discrimination analysis (QDA) within random projection (RP) filters to compare our runtime and accuracy with support vector machine (SVM), K-nearest neighbor (KNN), and Multilayer perceptron (MLP) in IoT-based systems. Finally, the impact on number of projections was practically experimented, and the sensitivity of both FLDA and QDA with regard to precision and runtime was found to be challenging. The modeling results show not only improved accuracy, but also runtime improvements. When compared with SVM, KNN, and MLP in QDA and FLDA, runtime shortens by 20 times in our chosen data set simulated for a healthcare framework. The RP filtering in the preprocessing stage of the attribute selection, fulfilling the model's runtime, is a standpoint in the IoT industry. Index Terms: Data Mining, Random Projection, Fischer Linear Discriminant Analysis, Online Advertisement Dataset, Quadratic Discriminant Analysis, Feature Selection, Internet of Things.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  10. Teoh SP, Bustamam RS, Mustapha FI, Yip CH, Saad M, Somasundaram S, et al.
    J Cancer Policy, 2021 Dec;30:100300.
    PMID: 35559796 DOI: 10.1016/j.jcpo.2021.100300
    BACKGROUND: During periods of high community transmission of COVID-19, the public hospitals in Malaysia, an upper middle-income country, have been forced to scale down elective surgeries, prioritize cancer treatments based on treatment benefits, and postpone non-emergency imaging procedures. These inevitably led to disruptions in cancer care delivery within the public health care system. This study aims to explore the facilitators and barriers faced by healthcare providers and cancer survivors in cancer care, and to co-design a guideline to maintain the delivery of cancer care amid the disaster situations.

    METHOD: In-depth interviews (IDIs) will be conducted with Malaysian healthcare providers and cancer survivors and findings will be analysed thematically. The insights will be used in a subsequent phase to co-design a guideline to maintain the delivery of quality cancer care in Malaysia via a three-round modified Delphi survey with a broad range of cancer stakeholders.

    EXPECTED RESULTS: Findings derived from IDIs and existing literature will be included for rating across three rounds by the expert panel. Feedback provided will be refined until consensus on the best practises for cancer care continuity during crises is achieved.

    CONCLUSION: The output of the present study is not only expected to ensure the continuity of delivery of high-quality cancer care in Malaysia during the ongoing pandemic but also to be adapted during unforeseen crises in the near future.

    POLICY SUMMARY STATEMENT: Collaborative work between policy makers, public health physicians, members of the multidisciplinary oncology team as well as cancer survivors is vital in developing an evidenced- based contingency plan for maintaining access to cancer care.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  11. Wong YJ, Ng KY, Lee SWH
    Res Social Adm Pharm, 2023 Jan;19(1):5-15.
    PMID: 36096865 DOI: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2022.09.001
    BACKGROUND: A multidisciplinary approach is required to tackle the tuberculosis (TB) epidemic, which is one of the most pressing public health concerns worldwide. However, community pharmacists are underutilized in TB programs.

    OBJECTIVE: To identify community pharmacists-led interventions in TB management with their corresponding impacts in TB case detection and treatment outcomes.

    METHODS: A systematic search was performed in six electronic databases and health organization websites, from database inception to August 2, 2022. Studies which described TB screening, referral and/or treatment monitoring by community pharmacists with their corresponding outcomes were screened and reviewed independently by two reviewers. The studies were checked for the risk of bias using Cochrane risk of bias tools. All data of included studies were analysed qualitatively and presented narratively.

    RESULTS: The search yielded 8,121 studies and five reports for initial screening. Sixteen studies and two case study reports were included in this review. Community pharmacists were involved throughout the TB care cascade, contributing their services in TB screening, referrals and in directly observed treatment-short course (DOTS) program. These interventions showed improvements in the effective control and prevention of further spread of TB, which improves individual, community and population level outcomes.

    CONCLUSIONS: The inclusion of community pharmacists into TB program can improve the continuity of care, bridging the gaps in TB case detection and treatment monitoring. Adequate training and support are essential, to further empower the role of community pharmacists in TB control and prevention, in building a TB-free world.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  12. Tahir Yinka O, Haw SC, Yap TTV, Subramaniam S
    F1000Res, 2021;10:901.
    PMID: 34858590 DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.72890.3
    Introduction: Unauthorized access to data is one of the most significant privacy issues that hinder most industries from adopting big data technologies. Even though specific processes and structures have been put in place to deal with access authorization and identity management for large databases nonetheless, the scalability criteria are far beyond the capabilities of traditional databases. Hence, most researchers are looking into other solutions, such as big data management. Methods: In this paper, we firstly study the strengths and weaknesses of implementing cryptography and blockchain for identity management and authorization control in big data, focusing on the healthcare domain. Subsequently, we propose a decentralized data access and sharing system that preserves privacy to ensure adequate data access management under the blockchain. In addition, we designed a blockchain framework to resolve the decentralized data access and sharing system privacy issues, by implementing a public key infrastructure model, which utilizes a signature cryptography algorithm (elliptic curve and signcryption). Lastly, we compared the proposed blockchain model to previous techniques to see how well it performed. Results: We evaluated the blockchain on four performance metrics which include throughput, latency, scalability, and security. The proposed blockchain model was tested using a sample of 5000 patients and 500,000 observations. The performance evaluation results further showed that the proposed model achieves higher throughput and lower latency compared to existing approaches when the workload varies up to 10,000 transactions. Discussion: This research reviews the importance of blockchains as they provide infinite possibilities to individuals, companies, and governments.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  13. Taha BA, Addie AJ, Kadhim AC, Azzahran AS, Haider AJ, Chaudhary V, et al.
    Mikrochim Acta, 2024 Apr 08;191(5):250.
    PMID: 38587660 DOI: 10.1007/s00604-024-06314-3
    Rapid technological advancements have created opportunities for new solutions in various industries, including healthcare. One exciting new direction in this field of innovation is the combination of skin-based technologies and augmented reality (AR). These dermatological devices allow for the continuous and non-invasive measurement of vital signs and biomarkers, enabling the real-time diagnosis of anomalies, which have applications in telemedicine, oncology, dermatology, and early diagnostics. Despite its many potential benefits, there is a substantial information vacuum regarding using flexible photonics in conjunction with augmented reality for medical purposes. This review explores the current state of dermal augmented reality and flexible optics in skin-conforming sensing platforms by examining the obstacles faced thus far, including technical hurdles, demanding clinical validation standards, and problems with user acceptance. Our main areas of interest are skills, chiroptical properties, and health platform applications, such as optogenetic pixels, spectroscopic imagers, and optical biosensors. My skin-enhanced spherical dichroism and powerful spherically polarized light enable thorough physical inspection with these augmented reality devices: diabetic tracking, skin cancer diagnosis, and cardiovascular illness: preventative medicine, namely blood pressure screening. We demonstrate how to accomplish early prevention using case studies and emergency detection. Finally, it addresses real-world obstacles that hinder fully realizing these materials' extraordinary potential in advancing proactive and preventative personalized medicine, including technical constraints, clinical validation gaps, and barriers to widespread adoption.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  14. Ali A, Ali H, Saeed A, Ahmed Khan A, Tin TT, Assam M, et al.
    Sensors (Basel), 2023 Sep 07;23(18).
    PMID: 37765797 DOI: 10.3390/s23187740
    The rapid advancements in technology have paved the way for innovative solutions in the healthcare domain, aiming to improve scalability and security while enhancing patient care. This abstract introduces a cutting-edge approach, leveraging blockchain technology and hybrid deep learning techniques to revolutionize healthcare systems. Blockchain technology provides a decentralized and transparent framework, enabling secure data storage, sharing, and access control. By integrating blockchain into healthcare systems, data integrity, privacy, and interoperability can be ensured while eliminating the reliance on centralized authorities. In conjunction with blockchain, hybrid deep learning techniques offer powerful capabilities for data analysis and decision making in healthcare. Combining the strengths of deep learning algorithms with traditional machine learning approaches, hybrid deep learning enables accurate and efficient processing of complex healthcare data, including medical records, images, and sensor data. This research proposes a permissions-based blockchain framework for scalable and secure healthcare systems, integrating hybrid deep learning models. The framework ensures that only authorized entities can access and modify sensitive health information, preserving patient privacy while facilitating seamless data sharing and collaboration among healthcare providers. Additionally, the hybrid deep learning models enable real-time analysis of large-scale healthcare data, facilitating timely diagnosis, treatment recommendations, and disease prediction. The integration of blockchain and hybrid deep learning presents numerous benefits, including enhanced scalability, improved security, interoperability, and informed decision making in healthcare systems. However, challenges such as computational complexity, regulatory compliance, and ethical considerations need to be addressed for successful implementation. By harnessing the potential of blockchain and hybrid deep learning, healthcare systems can overcome traditional limitations, promoting efficient and secure data management, personalized patient care, and advancements in medical research. The proposed framework lays the foundation for a future healthcare ecosystem that prioritizes scalability, security, and improved patient outcomes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  15. Yahaya NA, Musa A, Azemin MZC, Rahman NAA
    Med J Malaysia, 2023 May;78(3):357-363.
    PMID: 37271846
    OBJECTIVE: In Malaysia, optometrists' role in the private sector is limited compared to their counterparts elsewhere. Primary eye care (PEC) is still not widely offered in private practises despite its demand to reduce the public's eye morbidity. This study aims to explore the challenges perceived by the private sector optometrists in implementing PEC in Malaysia.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: In-depth interview using semistructured open-ended questions were designed to explore the challenges of implementing PEC. Fifteen private optometrists across Malaysian were interviewed via purposive sampling until the data were saturated. The interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed and analysed.

    RESULTS: Four major themes emerged: working environment, support and recognition, self-sufficiency and customer influence. The first major theme identified a lack of time and equipment in the workplace as a barrier to PEC implementation. The second major theme acknowledges the lack of support and recognition for PEC practise from financial bodies, the government, Malaysian Optical Council (MOC) and other eye professionals. Meanwhile, some practising optometrists faced significant challenges due to their lack of self-sufficiency regarding skills, knowledge and confidence. The final major theme, customer influence, reflects the customer's role in shaping eye care delivery through their perception and acceptance of PEC.

    CONCLUSION: Each of the issues identified played a significant impact in impeding PEC implementation in Malaysia. This study is the first step toward developing tailored interventions to improve eye care delivery in Malaysia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  16. Mothupi M, Dasgupta J, Hosseini Jebeli SS, Stevenson J, Berdichevsky K, Vong S, et al.
    BMJ, 2023 Jun 07;381:e072243.
    PMID: 37286226 DOI: 10.1136/bmj-2022-072243
    Intersectional analysis and action are needed to prepare for future pandemics and ensure more inclusive health services, say Mamothena Mothupi and colleagues
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  17. Jabeen T, Jabeen I, Ashraf H, Jhanjhi NZ, Yassine A, Hossain MS
    Sensors (Basel), 2023 May 25;23(11).
    PMID: 37299782 DOI: 10.3390/s23115055
    The Internet of Things (IoT) uses wireless networks without infrastructure to install a huge number of wireless sensors that track system, physical, and environmental factors. There are a variety of WSN uses, and some well-known application factors include energy consumption and lifespan duration for routing purposes. The sensors have detecting, processing, and communication capabilities. In this paper, an intelligent healthcare system is proposed which consists of nano sensors that collect real-time health status and transfer it to the doctor's server. Time consumption and various attacks are major concerns, and some existing techniques contain stumbling blocks. Therefore, in this research, a genetic-based encryption method is advocated to protect data transmitted over a wireless channel using sensors to avoid an uncomfortable data transmission environment. An authentication procedure is also proposed for legitimate users to access the data channel. Results show that the proposed algorithm is lightweight and energy efficient, and time consumption is 90% lower with a higher security ratio.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  18. Yeap SS, Gun SC, Das Gupta E, Veerapen K
    Rheumatol Int, 2020 Jun;40(6):829-836.
    PMID: 32285145 DOI: 10.1007/s00296-020-04577-6
    Malaysia is a developing country in the South-East Asian region with a significant burden of disability from musculoskeletal disease. Rheumatology in Malaysia is a relatively young speciality. Currently, there is approximately 1 rheumatologist per 390,000 population, mostly concentrated in the urban areas. This article aims to give a brief overview of the research in rheumatology, the healthcare system, and rheumatology training and education in Malaysia. From 1950 until mid-2019, there were 547 publications about rheumatological conditions from Malaysia, with a 27-fold increase in the numbers from the period before 1980 compared to 2010-2019. Although there is universal access to healthcare through the public (government funded) hospitals and clinics, as well as a system of private healthcare, funding for expensive biological therapies remain patchy and scarce, leading to significant under-utilization of such treatments in rheumatology patients. Training in rheumatology in Malaysia is well established with a formalised training curriculum introduced in 2004, followed by the introduction of training in musculoskeletal ultrasound in 2006. To improve care for patients with musculoskeletal conditions, there has been regular continuing educational meetings and courses, not just for rheumatologists, but also for other medical professionals, as not all areas in Malaysia have easy access to rheumatology services. Thus overall, despite the small number of rheumatologists, rheumatology in Malaysia has made encouraging progress over the past 2 decades, but improvements in patient care, training, education and research need to continue in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  19. Harith AA, Mohamed Z, Mohammad A, Lim KK, Reffin N, Mohd Fadzil M, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2023 Sep;78(5):653-660.
    PMID: 37775494
    INTRODUCTION: Healthcare drivers, including ambulance drivers, were less concerned about health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, with not only the risk of COVID-19 infection but also a higher risk of prolonged states of alertness, stress, burnout, fatigue and road traffic accident. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of stress and its associated factors among healthcare drivers, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study employs a crosssectional study design and utilises self-reported data obtained from locally validated personal stress inventory questionnaires. The data collection period spanned from August 1 to 31, 2020. The study sample consisted of 163 healthcare drivers affiliated with the Negeri Sembilan State Health Department. The Chi-square test and Fisher's exact test were the first used to determine the association between variables prior to conducting multiple logistic regression to predict the relationship between dependent and independent variables.

    RESULTS: In COVID-19's first year, 7.4% (n = 12) of healthcare drivers reported perceived stress with ambulance drivers reporting more stress (10.6%; n = 5) than non-ambulance drivers (6.0%; n = 7). Simple statistical analysis identified perceived stress significantly associated with household income, smoking status and performing on-call. Further analysis by multiple logistic regression found that perceived stress was significantly related to smoking (aOR 19.9, 95% CI: 1.86-213.90), and performing on-call (aOR 8.69, 95% CI 1.21-62.28). Nevertheless, no association was found between perceived stress and age, ethnicity, marital status, education, household income, co-morbidities, driving assignment, employment duration, needing a part-time job or motor vehicle accident history.

    CONCLUSION: The study found that the perceived stress amongst Malaysian healthcare drivers during the COVID-19 pandemic was relatively low. This could be due to fewer lifethreatening tasks, emergencies, assigned tasks and increase income due to overtime during the COVD-19 pandemic. The OSH team's efforts to provide consistent safety and health training, including stress management, may have contributed to the healthcare driver's ability to effectively manage the stressful circumstances encountered during the pandemic. In order to enhance salary competitiveness, employers should provide financial management education alongside subsidised housing and childcare provisions. Healthcare drivers who smoke should be taught different stress reduction techniques so that they can handle their stress in a healthy way.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
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