Displaying publications 841 - 860 of 1933 in total

  1. Chung KM, Chong E
    Clin Exp Optom, 2002 12 11;83(2):71-75.
    PMID: 12472457
    BACKGROUND: A retrospective study was undertaken to examine the hypothesis that esophoria is associated with higher amounts of myopia. METHODS: One hundred and forty-four subjects were selected from the files of optometry clinics at the Department of Optometry, National University of Malaysia, from the years 1995 to 1998 inclusive. These subjects were matched in terms of age group, sex, race and near phoria group. Near phorias were determined by Maddox wing technique and were classified into three groups: more than six prism dioptres exophoria, zero to six prism dioptres exophoria and any esophorias. RESULTS: One way analysis of variance revealed that there were significant differences in mean myopias between the three phoria groups (ANOVA, F(2,141) = 5.34, p < 0.01). Further analysis with the Student-Newman-Keuls test showed that the amount of myopia is significantly higher in the esophoric group than in the other two groups. CONCLUSIONS: The results support the hypothesis that near esophoria is associated with high myopia. This study suggests that near phoria might be an important factor in myopia development.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  2. Shariff ZM, Bond J, Johson N
    Malays J Nutr, 2000 Mar;6(1):17-32.
    PMID: 22692389 MyJurnal
    Growth status was examined in relation to gender and age factors in urban primary school children (6-10 years old) from low income households in Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan. The sample consisted of 4212 boys (53%) and 3793 girls (47%). Data on weight and height data were obtained from two sources - investigator's and teachers' measurements of the school children. This study defined mildly and significantly underweight, stunted or wasted as z-score below minus one and below minus two of the NCHS/CDC reference median, respectively. Approximately 52% (n = 4149), 50% (n = 3893) and 30% (n = 2568) of the school children were underweight, stunted and wasted, respectively. However, the majority of these undernourished children were in the mild category. Prevalence of overweight (> 2 SD of NCHS/WHO reference median) was found in 5.8% of the sample. For both, prevalence of undernutrition and overnutrition, more boys than girls were found to be underweight stunted wasted and overweight. Compared to girls, boys had lower mean z-scores for the variables height-for-age (p<0.05) and weight-for-height (p<0.01). Older children had significantly lower mean z-scores for height-for-age (p<0.001) but higher mean z-scores for weight-for-height (P<0.001) than younger children. This finding indicates that with increasing age, stunting is associated with improved weight-for-height or that the children's weights have been adapted to their short statures. In conclusion, results demonstrate a high prevalence of underweight, stunting and wasting and an increasing prevalence of overweight among these low-income school children. Efforts recommended to address health and nutrition problems among school children should include health and nutrition monitoring (e.g. growth monitoring using the existing growth data collected by schools) and interventions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  3. Bong ASL, Jaafar S
    Malays J Nutr, 1996 Mar;2(1):21-7.
    PMID: 22692098 MyJurnal
    A study was conducted from March to June 1991 to determine the prevalence of obesity among primary school children in the State of Selangor. One School Health Team in each of the 9 Districts of Selangor participated in the collection of data, the whole project being coordinated by the Selangor State Health Department. A total of 28 rural and 24 urban schools were selected for the study, involving a total of 2,688 pupils in Standard 1 and Standard 6. The prevalence of obesity, using >120% of the reference weight-for-height as the criteria, varied considerably in the different districts, with an overall prevalence of 7.8% in the State. The proportion of boys affected (66.7%) was twice that among girls (33.3%). The prevalence of obesity of 9.8% in the urban schools was significantly higher than the 6.1% found for rural schools (p<0.0001). 151 (11.1%) were from Standard 6 and 59 (4.4%) were from Standard 1 (p<0.0001). It was also found that there was a significantly higher prevalence of obesity amongst primary 6 children (p<0.0001). Whilst the problem may not be as serious as that found in developed countries, the findings of this study should serve as an early warning to health authorities of the seriousness of the problem.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  4. Md Galam, H., Md Saimul, I., Kazi Enamul, H., Md Ashraful, I., Asma, Mamun, Kamruzzaman, M., et al.
    Malays J Nutr, 2014;20(1):71-81.
    Introduction: The high prevalence of underweight among children is a serious health concern in Bangladesh. Nutritional status influences students' academic performance directly or indirectly. This study aimed to determine factors that affect the academic performance of students in primary schools. Methods: Data were collected from several schools and madrasahs in Chapainawabganj district, Bangladesh using multistage stratified sampling with proportional allocation technique. Results: The prevalence of underweight children was 32.3%, with 43.0% of them being girls and 21.4% boys. Multiple logistic regression analysis demonstrated that normal weight children were more likely (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  5. Anealka Aziz, Imelia Laura Daneil, Tang Howe Eng
    Borneo Akademika, 2020;4(1):25-37.
    It is vital for educators to understand and match the learning needs of every student for learning to take place effectively. A detailed reference of the students’ entry characteristics, family background, and previous academic performance is useful in determining the materials and activities to be used with the students. The respondents of this study involved 103 students who enrolled in the pre-higher education programme. The characteristics to identify at-risk students are used as guidelines to redefine the definition of pre-higher education students. Therefore, the study aims to examine the characteristics of pre-higher education students based on their academic performance and socio-economic status. A quantitative method is used to gather more information about the basic entry characteristics, previous academic achievement, family background and Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) results of the students. The findings of the study help the researcher to define the terminology of the prehigher education programme. Having to confirm to the conceptual definition of the pre-higher education students helps the policy makers and institutions to develop a suitable learning programme to cater to their learning needs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  6. Ayoub,A,A,, A,Rasid,L,H,, Razak,S,, Kamaruzaman,M,, Azmi,N,W,
    Compendium of Oral Science, 2020;7(1):32-40.
    Objectives: To evaluate the quality of bitewing radiograph taken by Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) dental
    students during daily clinical practices and to evaluate the difference in caries lesions found on bitewing
    radiographs and clinical examination.
    Materials and method: 120 patients who attended the undergraduate dental clinic for dental examination were
    included in this study. The inclusion criteria were patients within the age range of 17-45 years old, possessing
    at least three sets of posterior teeth, with bitewing radiographs taken by undergraduate dental students. The
    number of caries lesions detected by clinical examination, bitewing radiographs, and a combination of both
    methods were recorded. The quality of 240 bitewing radiographs was classified into three categories; excellent,
    acceptable, and unacceptable. The frequency of radiographic errors; foreshortening/elongation, horizontal
    overlapping, inadequate film coverage, non-ideal centering and inadequate contrast and density were also
    Results: The quality of bitewing radiographs are mostly accepted to be used as a diagnostic tool and one of the
    factors which commonly affected the quality of the bitewing is the overlapping of adjacent teeth. The highest
    number of caries lesions were detected radiographically (74%) compared with 25% caries by clinical
    examination. The majority of radiographs (71%, n=171) were deemed to be of acceptable quality, 39(16%) were
    excellent, and 30(13%) were diagnostically unacceptable. “Horizontal overlap” was the most common error
    detected on the radiographs (n=139, 57.9%), followed by “non-ideal centering” (n=93, 38.8%), “inadequate
    contrast” (n=46, 19.2%) and “inadequate film coverage” (n=24,10%). The highest number of caries lesions were
    detected radiographically (74%) compared with 25% caries by clinical examination.
    Conclusion: The quality of the majority of bitewing radiographs taken by undergraduate dental students in this
    institution is acceptable. However, given that more than half of the radiographs possessed horizontal
    overlapping error, caries diagnosis may have been underestimated. Further training and periodic audits are
    required to reduce the percentage of errors in bitewing radiographs amongst undergraduate dental students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Dental
  7. Norbäck D, Hashim Z, Ali F, Hashim JH
    Environ Res, 2021 06;197:111061.
    PMID: 33785322 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.111061
    Little is known on respiratory effects of indoor chemicals in the tropics. We investigated associations between asthma and respiratory infections in Malaysian students and chemical exposure at home and at school. Moreover, we investigated differences in home environment between the three main ethnic groups in Malaysia (Malay, Chinese, Indian). Totally, 462 students from 8 junior high schools in Johor Bahru participated (96% participation rate). The students answered a questionnaire on health and home environment. Climate, carbon dioxide (CO2), volatile organic compounds (VOC), formaldehyde and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) were measured inside and outside the schools. Multilevel logistic regression was applied to study associations between exposure and health. Totally 4.8% were smokers, 10.3% had wheeze, 9.3% current asthma, and had 18.8% any respiratory infection in the past 3 months. Malay students had more dampness or mould (p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  8. Ahmad NSS, Sulaiman N, Sabri MF
    PMID: 34070321 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18115627
    Food insecurity is a growing concern among university students. The high prevalence of food insecurity is a threat to students' health and success. Therefore, this study aims to determine an association between food security status, psychosocial factors, and academic performance among university students. A total of 663 undergraduate students in seven randomly selected faculties in Universiti Putra Malaysia participated in this study. An online survey was conducted to obtain demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, food security status (six-item USDA; food security survey module, FSSM), psychosocial factors (depression, anxiety and stress scale, DASS-21) and academic performance. Among the abovementioned participating students, 32.4% are male. About 62.8% reported to have experienced food insecurity. Binary logistic regression revealed that students whose fathers were working (AOR = 6.446, 95% CI: 1.22, 34.01) came from low- (AOR = 14.314, 95% CI: 1.565, 130.954) and middle-income groups (AOR = 15.687, 95% CI: 1.720, 143.092), and those receiving financial aid (AOR = 2.811, 95% CI: 1.602, 4.932) were associated with food insecurity. Additionally, food insecurity students were less-likely reported, with CGPA ≥ 3.7 (AOR = 0.363, 95% CI: 1.22-34.014). Food insecurity respondents had higher odds for stress (AOR = 1.562, 95% CI: 1.111, 2.192), anxiety (AOR = 3.046, 95% CI: 2.090, 4.441), and depression (AOR = 2.935, 95% CI: 2.074, 4.151). The higher institutions should identify students with food insecurity problems and future intervention programs need to be conducted to combat food insecurity among students, thus yielding benefits to their health and success.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  9. Mohd Taib N, Abdul Khaiyom JH, Fauzaman J
    Eat Behav, 2021 08;42:101533.
    PMID: 34182294 DOI: 10.1016/j.eatbeh.2021.101533
    The "Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire" (EDE-Q) is a cost-effective eating disorder (ED) screening tool that has a significant relationship with the gold standard "Eating Disorder Examination" (EDE) interview. Though it has been widely used for clinical and research purposes, there is a dearth of effort to establish psychometric properties of the latest EDE-Q 6.0 in the Malaysian sample. The extant study adapted and validated EDE-Q 6.0 on Malaysian university's student population (N = 595) from a public university in the Klang Valley, Malaysia. Four factors of Restraint, Shape and Weight Concerns, Eating Concerns, and Shape/Weight Overvaluation were constituted from exploratory factor analysis. Still, they failed to indicate apparent replication of the original English EDE-Q 6.0. Malay EDE-Q 6.0 exhibited high internal consistency reliability (α = 0.93), acceptable test-retest reliability over 14 days, and acceptable equivalence reliability of its items with the original English version items. The Malay EDE-Q 6.0 global and subscales scores attained acceptable validity with the global scores of Malay EAT-26 (another ED scale) as evidence of convergent validity and with quality of life (QoL) scale for divergent validity. Accordingly, the adapted EDE-Q 6.0 Malay version is considered a valid and reliable instrument for assessing eating disorder psychopathology among Malaysian university students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  10. Jaafar, N., Saub, R., Razak, I.A.
    Ann Dent, 1997;4(1):9-12.
    A pilot study was conducted on 135 sixteen-year-old students from three rural schools in Kelantan to establish the prevalence of orofacial pain and discomfort. About 44% reported to have experienced some oro-facial pain in the preceding four weeks. About 27% of those with pain, still experienced the pain at the time of clinical examination but only 8% have consulted professional help. Most of the pain encountered were only mild or moderate in nature. Only 7% and 10% respectively, reported that the pain affected their sleep and concentration to study. The main cause was toothache and sensitivity. The prevalence of discomfort was 22%, the most common causes being recurrent oral ulcers and bleeding gums. The impacts of orofacial pain was mainly manifested at the personal level, and very few affecting social functioning. However, untreated decay and missing teeth were very low (mean DT 0.47, mean MT 0.27), while filled teeth (mean Ff 2.9) was the main component of the DMFf (mean 3.66, sd ± 2.6). Severe periodontal disease and the prevalence of traumatised teeth was not a major public health problem. The high prevalence of pain merit further research. Therefore a larger study involving other age-groups in other states is planned.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  11. Wan Noorina Wan Ahmad, Dalia Abdullah, Kanagasingam, Shalini, Safura Anita Baharin, Jasmina Qamaruz zaman
    Malaysian Dental Journal, 2010;31(2):90-93.
    This study aims to determine the prevalence of hand-held ProTaper® files system among UKM final year dental undergraduates and to assess their perception in performing endodontic treatments.

    Methods: 85 final year dental students from 2006/2007 academic session participated in the questionnaire survey. All students underwent didactic endodontic teaching of conventional stainless steel files throughout a 2-year course and a 2-day ProTaper® hand files seminar on canal preparation. Each student had a total of 6 months clinical period before the survey was distributed to the subjects and returned for data analysis.

    Results: A 100% response rate was received. About 58.8% (n=50) used hand ProTaper routinely while 41.2% claimed themselves as non-users. Amongst the users, 52.5% were moderate users and about 33.6% were frequent users. Tooth type and size of canals were the selected criteria for file use. Majority of users used ProTaper® hand for posterior teeth and regarded it as user friendly. Although almost all users expressed concern of instrument fracture during use, very few did break. Procedural errors were not experienced by 51.3% users.

    Conclusion: About 2/3rd majority of UKM undergraduate dental students use ProTaper® hand-held system as an alternative for canal preparation. Procedural errors were perceived to occur much less when using the NiTi files. The system can be initiated to novice users and can be taught as part of endodontic curricula.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Dental
  12. Syafiqah Ismail, Chelliah, Kanaga Kumari, Nabishah Mohamad, Benny Efendie
    Interprofesion learning (IPL) occurs when students from two or more different professionals study with and learn about different professions. IPL is believed to enhance the collaboration level within the different profession after graduated. The objective of this research is to compare perception levels among the respondents coming from eleven different professions including Medical, Nursing, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Occupational Therapy, Dietetics, Audiology, Speech Science, Physiotherapy, Optometry and Diagnostic Imaging & Radiotherapy. Each respondent were selected randomly representing each year of study for each profession. They were required to fill up the survey form provided. 330 survey forms were returned instead of 367 distributed copies or 90% from overall surveys. Using one-way ANOVA analysis, all professions indicate same level of perception in knowledge subscale (p = 0.11), the practice of teamwork and cooperation (p = 0.23) and various methods to start the IPL (p = 0.61). However, for professional identity scales and interprofession educational preparation the value was (p < 0.05). Post-hoc Turkey test, indicated Physiotherapy students had a higher average score (M = 4.35 ± 0.54) compared to Speech Science (M = 3.75 ± 0.59) in professional identity subscale whereas in students preparation subscale for interprofession education, only Physiotherapy students had higher score (M = 4.15 ± 0.82) in comparison to Diagnostic Imaging & Radiotherapy (M = 3.25 ± 0.83). Besides, independent T test showed the students were in favour of having IPL in early year of education with the average score (M = 3.53 ± 1.029) for year one and year two compared to year three to five (M = 3.34 ± 1.089). The result form this research shows that the students have a positive perception towards IPL based on the average values not more than 3.0.
    Keywords: Interprofesional learning; Student’s perception; Profession; Collaboration
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Health Occupations
  13. Ruhil Amal, A., Malina, O., Ngah Zasmy, U., Wan Omar, A., Norhafizah, M., Rukman, A.H.
    Preventive fogging is defined as space spraying of insecticide against mosquitoes in order to prevent outbreak of mosquito borne infection. Despite provision of various preventive andcontrol activities against dengue and chikungunya infection by Ministry of Health Guideline, the detail on preventive fogging has not yet specified. However, this has been adopted by certain institutions as part of the routine strategies against dengue outbreak. A study on preventive fogging was conducted in one of the hostels in Universiti Putra Malaysia. The research was done for 16 weeks in which one routine fogging activity was done at the mid period of study. The main objectives of this study were to determine the effectiveness of preventive fogging activities against Aedes mosquitoes and to identify the distribution and abundance of Aedes mosquitoes in the area. Method: The fogging activity was carried out by the management staff as part of their preventive measures in the student hostels. Ovitrap was used as an indicator to monitor the impact of fogging activity and its continuous surveillance was monitored weekly. The ovitraps were placed indoors and outdoors. Species identification was carried out in the laboratory. The SPSS program was used to analyse the statistical data on the effectiveness of fogging activity. Larval count (indoors and outdoors) and ovitrap index (OI) readings were identified as ovitrap surveillance data for statistical analysis. Results: The results showed that Aedes albopictus was the only species of the genus Aedes found in this hostel. The area had been highly infested by Ae. Albopictus as indicated by high Ovitrap Index ranging between 48.33% to 90.00%. The mean (SD) of Ovitrap Index was reduced from 71.67% (12.73%) (before the preventive fogging), to 69.42% (14.40%) (after the fogging). Overall reduction in mosquito and larval density was also observed between pre and post fogging activity in this study. Conclusion: The implementation of preventive fogging has favourably reduced the dengue vector population up to 5 weeks after the introduction of preventive fogging. However, sole dependency on preventive fogging may lead to insecticide resistance. Revisiting the policy on preventive fogging; and identifying it as an additional tool for preventing dengue infection in higher learning institutions are recommended.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  14. Menon V
    Background: Facebook is a popular social networking site with more than five hundred million users. This study assessed whether Facebook Groups can be used to teach clinical reasoning skills.
    Methods: Sixty-seven final year medical students from the International Medical University, Malaysia, were exposed to interactive online learning through a Facebook Group for a period of six months in this study. The purpose was to determine if supervised interactive online learning could be used to augment the deep learning that comes from learning medicine at the bedside of patients. The interactive online discussions were entirely triggered by clinical problems encountered in the medical wards of the general hospital to which these students were attached.
    Results: A total of 10 topics were discussed in this forum during the duration of this study and an example of one such discussion is provided to illustrate the informal nature of this kind of learning. The results showed a high degree of student involvement with 76 percent of students actively participating in the discussions.
    Conclusion: The high degree of voluntary participation in the clinical discussions through the Facebook Group in this study tells us that Facebook Groups are a good way of engaging students for learning and can be used in medical education to stimulate creative clinical thinking.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  15. Pei, Kuan Lai, Pek, Hong Lim
    Each nursing student comes to nursing with a lay image of nursing portrayed by nurses they have seen. This lay perception of nursing that a nursing student holds is transformed to a more professional understanding that is acquired in nursing schools. This process is known as professional socialization. It is a process of learning the norms, attitudes, behaviours, skills, roles, and values of the profession. It involves the internalization of the values and norms of the profession in the individual’s own behaviour and self-concept. The ultimate goal of professional socialization is to internalize a professional identity of the profession. Professional socialization sets in to reduce the tension from the scenario of reality shock and facilitate adaptation during the transition process. This paper serves as a concept paper with the main purpose of introducing and explaining the concept of professional socialization in nursing to help the readers in gaining further understanding of the concept, especially within the local context. The first author has also incorporated her own personal reflections with regards to her socialization process to nursing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
  16. Talwar, P.
    Background: Self-esteem is a person’s appraisal of his own worth, significance, attractiveness, and competence. Low self-esteem could also lead to social, health and psychological problems including eating disorders. Eating disorder is when a person uses measures such as dieting, restricting intake of food or purging to control his or her body weight. Objective: The current study explores the relationship between self-esteem and anorectic eating concerns among female university students in Malaysia. Method: 217 female university students were studied, using Rosenberg’s Self Esteem Scale (SE-10) and Eating Attitude Test (EAT-40). Results: Students with low self esteem had higher anorectic eating concerns. Race of the student had no significance in predicting eating disorder. Age plays an important role in eating disorder. Young students with low self-esteem are more vulnerable to anorectic eating concerns than older students. Conclusion: It was found that there exists an inverse but low correlation between the two variables self esteem and anorectic eating concerns.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  17. Zainal N.Z, Nor-Aziyan Y, Subramaniam P
    Introduction: Interest in mindfulness and its enhancements have quietly exploded in recent years, bringing with it the need for validated instruments to assess mindfulness in the Malaysian population. The study aims to assess the reliability, factor structure and validity of the Malay version of The Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MMAAS) in a group of nursing students. Methods: The MMAAS was ‘forward-backward’ translated from English to Malay. Two hundred and sixty six nursing students answered the MMAAS. At the same time, they responded to the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES). We performed Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) with varimaxrotation to examine the factor structure of the MMAAS. Associations of retained factors were estimated by Spearman correlation coefficients. Results: Internal consistency reliability of MMAAS was good (Cronbach’s α = 0.851) and showed temporal stability in a 3-week period. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) suggested three factors labelled as “Attention related to generaldomain”, “Attention related to the physicaldomain” and “Attention related to psychological domain”. These factors explained 52.09% of the variance. The Malay MAAS and the English version was highly correlated (r=0.82, p
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
  18. Suriati Mohamed Saini, Susan, Mooi KoonTan.
    Objective: This case report highlights the optimum end-of-life care of an adolescent dying of cancer. Method: We report our experience, as part of a multidisciplinary team in managing the cancers of a female student who died an untimely death at the age of 15. Results: Our role of motivating her for chemotherapy of her initial treatable carcinoma, became that of palliative care upon discovery of a second malignancy. We helped the patient “live life to the fullest” during her last days, she helped us realize that helping her master the tasks of adolescence was optimum “end-of-life care” as well. Conclusion: to help an ill adolescent die with dignity is to help her live whatever time she has left of her life. Allowing her to participate in decisions regarding her treatment and in other bio-psycho-social needs of that stage of life is crucial in helping her prepare for the end of life.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  19. Pau, J.S., Pao, William K.S., Shaharin A. Sulaiman, Halawa, E.
    Unnecessary air conditioning for thermal comfort causeds energy over consumption. As air conditioning has become irreversible, one of the solutions is to run air conditioners at minimal energy without sacrificing the comfort of occupants in air conditioned space. The approach to thermal comfort is the key to successful thermal comfort research. Fanger's model has been adopted by ASHRAE and ISO standards but its universal applications have been debated. In recent decades, adaptive model that regards humans as adaptive beings has been accepted. The static and deterministic nature of Fanger's model has limited its application in hot, humid countries, such as Malaysia. This research aims to integrate the theories of Fanger and adaptive model into a new model which is applicable in Malaysia by taking the case in lecture halls. The new Fanger's Adaptive Model is established through normalization of the thermal sensation distribution obtained in thermal chamber by Fanger. The PMV range of 80% satisfaction has been widened to -1.3 to +1.3 which adopted the theories of adaptive model, where humans have the ability to adapt to environment. The research also includes field observations on Malaysian students clothing and activity levels in lecture halls. Previous field study results which proposed 25.3°C comfort temperature for lecture halls in Malaysia together with the field observation results were used to verify the new model. About 95% of PMV falls within the new range at this comfort temperature. It is proven that Fanger's model is semi-adaptive and probabilistic and the integration of Fanger's Adaptive Model is more accurate in predicting thermal comfort in hot and humid climate.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  20. Ong, Eng Tek, Wong, Yew Tuang, Sopia Md Yassin, Sadiah Baharom, Asmayati Yahya, Zahid Md Said
    This study aimed to develop and validate an inventory that measures the whole range of basic and integrated science process skills as stipulated in the Malaysian science curricula and that is suitable for Malaysian lower secondary school students. The validated inventory was subsequently utilised to determine the differential acquisition of science process skills by gender, location, and ethnicity. In the instrument development phase which involves item generation and field testing, a reliable 60-item Malaysian-Based Basic and Integrated Science Process Skills Inventory (MB-BISPSI) that has a KR-20 reliability of 0.88, difficulty indices of items that range between 0.25-0.75 and discrimination indices which are above 0.4 was produced. In the main causal-comparative study using a sample of 1021 Form 2 students (548 girls and 473 boys) from seven (four rural and three interior) out of the eight secondary schools in Kapit Division, Sarawak, the findings indicate that the students achieved a mastery level which fell short of the two-third benchmark (e.g., 66.7%) for the overall science process skills, basic and integrated science process skills, and also for each of the 12 science process skills. Additionally, it was found that, while female students generally achieved a markedly higher mean percentage score in the overall Science Process Skills than did the male students, such phenomenon was only observed amongst the Kenyah ethnicity. There were no significant differences in science process skills acquisition between rural and interior students. Implications for a more thoughtful inculcation of science process skills are proffered alongside recommendations for future research using a more nationally representative sample to examine the validity of such generalisation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
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