Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 319 in total

  1. Ooi GL
    World Health Forum, 1993;14(1):79-85.
    PMID: 8439383
    In certain countries of east and south-east Asia, traditional Chinese medicine continues to be used by many people. However, the pattern of use favours the advance of the drug-retailing side of this sector rather than medical care, and there is consequently some concern about the professional status of practitioners in the long term.
    Matched MeSH terms: Income
  2. Sajid MR, Muhammad N, Zakaria R, Bukhari SAC
    J Public Health Res, 2020 Oct 14;9(4):1893.
    PMID: 33244464 DOI: 10.4081/jphr.2020.1893
    Background: Modifiable risk factors are associated with cardiovascular mortality (CVM) which is a leading form of global mortality. However, diverse nature of urbanization and its objective measurement can modify their relationship. This study aims to investigate the moderating role of urbanization in the relationship of combined exposure (CE) of modifiable risk factors and CVM. Design and Methods: This is the first comprehensive study which considers different forms of urbanization to gauge its manifold impact. Therefore, in addition to existing original quantitative form and traditional two categories of urbanization, a new form consisted of four levels of urbanization was duly introduced. This study used data of 129 countries mainly retrieved from a WHO report, Non-Communicable Diseases Country Profile 2014. Factor scores obtained through confirmatory factor analysis were used to compute the CE. Age-income adjusted regression model for CVM was tested as a baseline with three bootstrap regression models developed for the three forms of urbanization. Results: Results revealed that the CE and CVM baseline relationship was significantly moderated through the original quantitative form of urbanization. Contrarily, the two traditional categories of urbanization could not capture the moderating impact. However, the four levels of urbanization were objectively estimated the urbanization impact and subsequently indicated that the CE was more alarming in causing the CVM in levels 2 and 3 urbanized countries, mainly from low-middle-income countries. Conclusion: This study concluded that the urbanization is a strong moderator and it could be gauged effectively through four levels whereas sufficiency of two traditional categories of urbanization is questionable.
    Matched MeSH terms: Income
  3. Hassali MA, Wong ZY, Alrasheedy AA, Saleem F, Mohamad Yahaya AH, Aljadhey H
    Health Policy, 2014 Sep;117(3):297-310.
    PMID: 25129135 DOI: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2014.07.014
    This review was conducted to document published literature related to physicians' knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of generic medicines in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and to compare the findings with high-income countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Income
  4. Sorketti EA, Zuraida NZ, Habil MH
    Int Psychiatry, 2013 May;10(2):45-47.
    PMID: 31507730
    Understanding the way in which people seek care for mental disorders is important for planning services, training and referral mechanisms. Pathways to care fall broadly into three categories: via primary care physicians; via native healers; and via patient choice (patients can have direct access to mental health professionals). The pattern and nature of access to service in low-income countries are different from those in high-income countries. In many societies, deep-seated cultural beliefs on the part of patients and families about the causes of mental disorders are a major barrier to the receipt of modern psychiatric care.
    Matched MeSH terms: Income
  5. Schramm J, Sivalingam S, Moreno GE, Thanh DQL, Gauvreau K, Doherty-Schmeck K, et al.
    Children (Basel), 2021 Mar 06;8(3).
    PMID: 33800765 DOI: 10.3390/children8030198
    Pulmonary vein stenosis (PVS) is a rare, but high mortality and resource intensive disease caused by mechanical obstruction or intraluminal myofibroproliferation, which can be post-surgical or idiopathic. There are increasing options for management including medications, cardiac catheterization procedures, and surgery. We queried the International Quality Improvement Collaborative for Congenital Heart Disease (IQIC) database for cases of PVS and described the cohort including additional congenital lesions and surgeries as well as infectious and mortality outcomes. IQIC is a quality improvement project in low-middle-income countries with the goal of reducing mortality after congenital heart surgery. Three cases were described in detail with relevant images. We identified 57 cases of PVS surgery, with similar mortality to higher income countries. PVS should be recognized as a global disease. More research and collaboration are needed to understand the disease, treatments, and outcomes, and to devise treatment approaches for low resource environments.
    Matched MeSH terms: Income
  6. Aljunid, Syed Mohamed, Amrizal Muhammad Nur, Irwan Saputra
    The objective of this study is to examine the impact of the casemix reimbursement on the hospital revenue at three selected hospitals (Type B, C and D) reimbursed using 602 groups from 14,749 cases. The results of the study showed that the hospitals received 32.4% higher income when reimbursed with Indonesia Case Bases Groups (INA-CBG) as compared to fee-for-service. Type D hospitals is the biggest gainer with 81.0% increased in income followed by Type B hospital that obtained 34.7% higher revenue. In conclusion, the use of INA-CBG as a prospective payment method has benefitted the hospitals by the increase in the revenues. It is hope that additional resources gained in this programme will allow the hospitals to provide optimum care to the population. It is recommended that the JKA management will use the INA-CBG casemix data to monitor the performance of the hospitals to ensure that quality and efficiency of the services provided to the population is continuously maintained.
    Matched MeSH terms: Income
  7. Lung, Wei Foon, Yong, Kang Cheah, Nor Azam Abdul Razak
    The present study examines the factors affecting fruit and vegetable (FV) consumption in Malaysia. A nationally representative data that consists of a large sample size is used. Hence, the findings can provide inferential information. The present study uses secondary data from the Malaysian Household Expenditure Survey 2009/2010. The survey was carried out using a two-stage stratified sampling. The first stage was based on Enumeration Blocks, while the second stage was based on Living Quarters. A lognormal hurdle model is used to estimate the consumption decision and amount decision of FV across ethnic groups. The results suggest that household size, income, gender, marital status, age and education play significant roles in FV consumption. The probability of consuming FV and amount spent increase with household size (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Income
  8. Krishnaveni Sritharan, Hong Koh Yiin, Karthik Krishnan, Khor Ben Nee, Mangair Karasi Manickam, Phua Cun Uei, et al.
    Malaysia is in the fifth place for world’s top ten retirement havens. In light to the combination of medical and the growth of old aged community in Malaysia, a few developers are experimenting with the concept of retirement village. The current study aimed to explore and gain a better understanding of the factors that will influence the intention of the middle aged adults in Johor to move into a retirement village. Based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour, the study found that Attitude and Subjective Norm has a positive and significant impact on the intention. Perceived Behavioural Control may be statistically significant but has not accurately predict the intention because of the absence of past behaviour or knowledge. The results indicated that those with tertiary education and who earns more that RM10,000 have intention to move in to the retirement village. The study itself have plausible explanation of the results and paved more opportunities for future research.
    Matched MeSH terms: Income
  9. Mahmud MA, Hazrin M, Muhammad EN, Mohd Hisyam MF, Awaludin SM, Abdul Razak MA, et al.
    Geriatr Gerontol Int, 2020 Dec;20 Suppl 2:63-67.
    PMID: 33370852 DOI: 10.1111/ggi.14033
    AIM: This study aimed to determine the factors that influence perceived social support among older adults in Malaysia.

    METHODS: We used the 11-item Duke Social Support Index to assess perceived social support through a face-to-face interview. Higher scores indicate better social support. Linear regression analysis was carried out to determine the factors that influence perceived social support by adapting the conceptual model of social support determinants and its impact on health.

    RESULTS: A total of 3959 respondents aged ≥60 years completed the Duke Social Support Index. The estimated mean Duke Social Support Index score was 27.65 (95% CI 27.36-27.95). Adjusted for confounders, the factors found to be significantly associated with social support among older adults were monthly income below RM1000 (-0.8502, 95% CI -1.3523, -0.3481), being single (-0.5360, 95% CI -0.8430, -0.2290), no depression/normal (2.2801, 95% CI 1.6666-2.8937), absence of activities of daily living (0.9854, 95% CI 0.5599-1.4109) and dependency in instrumental activities of daily living (-0.3655, 95% CI -0.9811, -0.3259).

    CONCLUSION: This study found that low income, being single, no depression, absence of activities of daily living and dependency in instrumental activities of daily living were important factors related to perceived social support among Malaysian older adults. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2020; 20: 63-67.

    Matched MeSH terms: Income
    This study was carried out in Marang, Terengganu. The objective of this study is to analyse the socio-economicprofileof fishermen and their monthly income. The Slovin’s formula was used to calculate thenumber ofrespondentsin Marang and the data was collected through a survey involving 50 respondents consisting of Malay fishermen. The results of the study showedthat the dominant types of fishing gear used were hooks and lines, gillnets and purse seines. The socio-economic profile showedthat a majority of the fishermen (35%) were aged between 40-49years, 36% of the fishermen had between 10-19 yearsof experience, and 55% of the fishermen hadbetween 2-5 children. The average monthly income of the fishermen was MYR1853.49 for those using hooks and lines, MYR2105.09 for gillnets and MYR2595.39 for purse seines. It appears that the use of purse seinesgenerated the highest income for the fishermen. Generally, the income was not fixed as it depended on the amount of catch for each fisherman’s trip, which was also affected by the season.
    Matched MeSH terms: Income
  11. Kadravello A, Tan SB, Ho GF, Kaur R, Yip CH
    Medicina (Kaunas), 2021 Jul 07;57(7).
    PMID: 34356974 DOI: 10.3390/medicina57070693
    Background and Objective: Despite the increasing treatment options for patients with metastatic breast cancer (MBC), unmet needs remain common, especially in low and middle-income countries where resources are limited and MBC patients face many challenges. They often join support groups to cope with their unmet needs. Currently, many MBC patients connect with each other via online support group in view of the constant availability of support and rapid information exchange. The objective of this study is to determine the unmet needs of women with MBC from an online support group. Material and Methods: Messages in an online support group of twenty-two MBC patients over a period of three years from August 2016 till August 2019 were thematically analyzed. Results: Three themes were generated, (1) unmet information needs (2) unmet financial needs (3) unmet support needs. Women needed information on side effects of treatment, new treatment options and availability of clinical trials. Although Malaysia has universal health care coverage, access to treatment remains a major challenge. When treatment was not available in the public hospitals, or waiting lists were too long, women were forced to seek treatment in private hospitals, incurring financial catastrophe. Insufficient private insurance and inadequate social security payments force many women to consider stopping treatment. Women felt that they were not getting support from their clinicians in the public sector, who were quick to stop active treatment and advise palliation. On the other hand, clinicians in the private sector advise expensive treatment beyond the financial capability of the patients. Women with families also face the challenge of managing their family and household in addition to coping with their illness. Conclusions: There is a need for healthcare professionals, policy makers, and civil society to better address the needs of MBC patients through patient-centered, multidisciplinary and multi-organizational collaboration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Income
    The presence of foreign workers is very crucial in the development of our country. Their presence in Sabah has created a big issue and it is difficult to be solved since 1990s. Migrant workers migrate to Malaysia in search of income although they are offered a low salary, unconducive living arrangements and long working hours. This has encouraged the rise of human trafficking. Ministry of Internal Affairs Malaysia is trying to solve this issue by abolishing recruitment of foreign workers through agents and rectify the policy on managing and recruiting foreign workers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Income
  13. Mohd Anis, H., Syed Mohamed, A., Ahmad Razid, S.
    A cross»sectional study using self administered questionnaires on sociodemographic and service factors influencing locum practice was undertaken among all Government medical officers in Negeri Sembilan and Malacca for 8 months from 2 7 April 1999 to 9. l January ZOOO. Universally chosen samples were made of 335 Government medical officers from both the 'Public Health Division' and ”Hospital Division' and from 154 who responded, only 147 samples were chosen and analysed in the study. Results revealed that locum were still being practised by 51 .9% of male Government medical officers, 41 .0% of Government medical ofhcers aged less than 30 years, 43.4% of Government medical officers who had served less than 5 years and 55.6% of Government medical officers who had earned nett income less than RM 1 000. Meanwhile, 80.9% of Government medical officers who had earned gross income more than RM 5 OOO did not practice locum during the study. Logistic Regression analysis then revealed that locum practice among Government medical ofhcers can positively be influenced by gender (male) , Malay ethnic, service duration of less than 5 years, practice in the 'Public Health Divisionl and nett income of less than RM 1 OOO (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Income
  14. Wong, S.Y., Lua, P.L.
    Objective: This study intended to determine the prevalence of anxiety and depressive symptoms and to compare their severities among rural residents based on their socio-demographic variables. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among 520 residents in East Coast Peninsular Malaysia who completed the Malay Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Data were analyzed with SPSS 17.0, whereby descriptive statistics and nonparametric tests were utilised for scores comparison. Results: The prevalence of mild anxiety and depressive symptoms was at 12.90% and 11.30% respectively. Statistically significant associations between gender and monthly income with anxiety and depressive symptoms were observed (p < 0.01). Conclusion: Findings in our study indicated that the prevalence of anxiety and depressive symptoms among rural residents was low. Nevertheless, females and those with higher education (> PMR) background were comparatively more prone to these mood disorders. Healthcare professionals should be constantly alerted to these tendencies in the process of providing medical services especially in rural areas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Income
  15. Kho BP, Hassali MA, Lim CJ, Saleem F
    Pharm Pract (Granada), 2017 Apr-Jun;15(2):933.
    PMID: 28690697 DOI: 10.18549/PharmPract.2017.02.933
    BACKGROUND: The provision of professional pharmacy services by community pharmacists continues to be limited, particularly in low and middle income countries. It was postulated that multiple management challenges faced by community pharmacists contribute to this situation.

    OBJECTIVE: The primary aim of the research was to determine the challenges faced in the management of community pharmacies in Sarawak (the largest state in Malaysia), and practical strategies to cope and overcome the challenges.

    METHODS: Semi-structured interviews were carried out with community pharmacists practising in Sarawak. Purposive and snowball sampling were employed to ensure a diverse group of informants. The interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim, with the resultant data analysed using thematic analysis. Data collection, coding, interpretation were carried out iteratively until theoretical saturation.

    RESULTS: Twenty respondents from different demographic characteristics were recruited. Six major themes were identified. Management challenges faced by community pharmacists traverse five major domains: market competition, legislative issues, customers' knowledge and expectations, macroeconomic impacts and operational challenges. Most of these challenges require government intervention to be resolved. In the meantime, improving customer service and expanding the range of professional services were seen as the most viable strategies to cope with existing challenges. The main concern is that current legislative and economic landscape may hinder these strategies. Enactment of dispensing separation and more protective measures against market competition were suggested to alleviate the challenges faced.

    CONCLUSION: Numerous management challenges faced by community pharmacists that distract them from delivering professional pharmacy services have been highlighted. Urgent affirmative actions by the government are warranted in supporting community pharmacists to realise and maximise their potentials.
    Matched MeSH terms: Income
  16. Hassali MA, Arief M, Saleem F, Khan MU, Ahmad A, Mariam W, et al.
    Pharm Pract (Granada), 2017 Apr-Jun;15(2):929.
    PMID: 28690695 DOI: 10.18549/PharmPract.2017.02.929
    OBJECTIVE: The present study was aimed to evaluate the practices and attitudes of young Malaysian adults towards the use of antibiotics, and to determine the socioeconomic factors associated with the antibiotic use.

    METHODS: A survey was carried in Cheras community by approaching a conveniently selected sample of 480 participants. A pre-tested questionnaire was used for data collection.

    RESULT: Of 480 participants approached, 400 agreed to participate in this study, giving a response rate of 83.3%. The study results showed that 42.75% of the participants exhibited poor attitudes towards antibiotic usage. Chinese race and high income were significantly associated with the positive attitudes towards antibiotic usage. It is shown that the practice of the participants towards antibiotics was relatively poor. The majority of participants agreed that they do not consult a doctor for minor illnesses (64%). The main reason for not consulting a doctor was the high fees of consultation (34.25%) and the inconvenience of visit (29.25%). However, a large proportion of respondents (77.5%) agreed that there is a need to enhance antibiotic education among public.

    CONCLUSION: The study results identified some crucial gaps in the attitudes and practices of Cheras community about the use of antibiotics. Thus, improving the public knowledge and changing their attitude towards antibiotic use along with proper interventions to regulate the ease of their availability would play a significant role for the effective use of antibiotics in the community.
    Matched MeSH terms: Income
  17. Cunningham AB, Ingram W, Brinckmann JA, Nesbitt M
    J Ethnopharmacol, 2018 Oct 28;225:128-135.
    PMID: 29944892 DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2018.06.032
    ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: This is the first study of global trade in fruits of the widely used traditional medicine, Helicteres isora L. It is used in Ayurvedic, Siddha, Unani medical systems and/or local folk traditional medicines in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. The roots are used in Traditional Chinese Medicines in China and the fruits in jamu products in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. In addition, H. isora fruits are also used in "traditional" medical systems far beyond the natural distribution of this species, for example in Zulu herbal medicine (South Africa) and Kurdish herbal medicines (Iraq).

    AIMS OF THE STUDY: This study had three aims: (i) to assess the global trade in H. isora fruits; (ii) to study the H. isora trade from West Timor to Java in terms of actors and prices along the value chain and (iii) to get a better understanding of the potential of this species to improve household income in eastern Indonesia.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study uses historical records, a contemporary analysis of global trade data (2014-2016) and field assessments of value chains and the biological factors influencing H. isora fruit production.

    RESULTS: Globally, the major exporter of H. isora fruits is India, which exports H. isora fruits to 19 countries, far beyond the natural geographical distribution of this species. Over a 36-month period (January 2014-December 2016), India exported 392 t of H. isora fruits, with a Free-On-Board (FOB) value of Indian rupiah (INR) 18,337,000 (US$ 274,055). This represents an average annual export quantity of about 130,526 kg/year. Over this three year period, most of these exports (85.5%) were to Indonesia (346.58 t), followed by Thailand (6.85%). Indian H. isora exports are also used in many other medical systems, including Kurdish and Zulu "traditional" medicines in Iraq and South Africa. Formation of an Indian diaspora in Bahrain, Mauritius, South Africa, Tanzania and Trinidad and Tobago over the past 130 years is one of the drivers of H. isora fruit trade outside the natural geographic distribution of the species. In Indonesia, demand for H. isora fruits is supplemented by an intra-island trade in Java and an inter-island trade from East Nusa Tenggara. West Timor, for example, exports around 31-37 t of air-dried H. isora fruits per year to Java. At the farm gate, local harvesters in West Timor get 4000 IDR (c. 0.3 US$) per kg, with businesses in Java paying 25,000 IDR (c.US$2) per kg for H. isora fruits. This is similar to the price paid for H. isora fruits imported from India to Java.

    CONCLUSIONS: India is the major exporter of whole dried H. isora fruits, including to countries where this species has never been in traditional use. In Indonesia, H. isora fruit extracts are used in the cosmetic industry as well as in jamu herbal medicines, including "Tolak Angin", the country's most popular commercial "jamu" preparation. Indonesia also is the major importer of H. isora fruits from India. In eastern Indonesia, improved income to local villagers from the H. isora fruit trade could come from improved H. isora fruit quality due to better drying techniques. This would also reduce health risks along the supply chain from to mycotoxins that have been recorded on poorly dried H. isora fruits. There also is an opportunity for cultivation of H. isora in small-holder teak plantations in Indonesia, with harvest of H. isora fruits as well as the medicinal bark.

    Matched MeSH terms: Income
  18. Hwong WY, Bots ML, Selvarajah S, Kappelle LJ, Abdul Aziz Z, Sidek NN, et al.
    PLoS One, 2016;11(10):e0165330.
    PMID: 27768752 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0165330
    A shortage of computed tomographic (CT) machines in low and middle income countries often results in delayed CT imaging for patients suspected of a stroke. Yet, time constraint is one of the most important aspects for patients with an ischemic stroke to benefit from thrombolytic therapy. We set out to assess whether application of the Siriraj Stroke Score is able to assist physicians in prioritizing patients with a high probability of having an ischemic stroke for urgent CT imaging.
    Matched MeSH terms: Income
  19. Vijayasingham L, Jogulu U, Allotey P
    Soc Sci Med, 2020 01;245:112699.
    PMID: 31785425 DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2019.112699
    Reports of work change and transitions are common amongst individuals with chronic illnesses such as multiple sclerosis (MS). However, there is little research on the lived experience of these work transitions. The scarcity of this research is particularly evident within low-and-middle-income countries, where protection laws and resources such as anti-discrimination laws and reasonable work modifications may not exist or be well enforced. In this paper, we explore how and why individuals with MS seek and achieve work transitions in the structural context of Malaysia. We interviewed ten working individuals with MS (July-december 2015) using a joint hermeneutic phenomenology and constructivist grounded theory approach. Using a broad conceptual lens of 'sustainable careers', we examine their careers as a series of experiences, decisions, and events, paying attention to the influences of context, time, their personal levels of agency and sense of meaning. Participants described work transitions as early as within the first year of diagnosis, that were prompted by voluntary, involuntary and semi-voluntary reasons. Key aspects of the process of seeking new roles included an exploration of alternative roles and paths, and then acquiring, trialing/adapting and remaining engaged in their new roles. Participants identified the perception and experience of 'being unemployable', based on how their diagnosis and short-term symptoms were responded to by employers. Nevertheless, participants used various strategies and career resources to obtain and maintain meaningful work roles. However, success in obtaining or maintaining new roles were not equally achieved. This research draws attention to the cumulative economic disadvantage of a chronic illness diagnosis, even at milder and episodic stages. Furthermore, it reiterates the need for cohesive structural protection in low-and-middle-income countries to facilitate a more equal ability to remain economically resilient and capable of engaging in meaningful long-term careers when living with a chronic illness.
    Matched MeSH terms: Income
  20. Murphy S, Arora D, Kruijssen F, McDougall C, Kantor P
    PLoS One, 2020;15(3):e0229286.
    PMID: 32231375 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0229286
    Over the last decade, Egypt's aquaculture sector has expanded rapidly, which has contributed substantially to per capita fish supply, and the growth of domestic fish markets and employment across the aquaculture value chain. Despite the growing importance of aquaculture sector in Egyptian labour force, only a few studies have explored the livelihoods of Egypt's women and men fish retailers. Even fewer studies have examined gender-based market constraints experienced by these informal fish retailers. This study uses sex-disaggregated data collected in 2013 in three governorates of Lower Egypt to examine the economic and social constraints to scale of enterprises between women (n = 162) and men informal fish retailers (n = 183). Specifically, we employ linear regression method to determine the correlates of enterprise performance. We found that both women and men retailers in the informal fish market earn low profits and face livelihood insecurities. However, women's enterprise performance is significantly lower than that of men even after controlling for individual socio-economic and retailing characteristics. Specifically, the burden of unpaid household work and lack of support therein impedes women's ability to generate higher revenues. These findings strengthen the argument for investing in understanding how gender norms and attitudes affect livelihood options and outcomes. This leads to recommendations on gender-responsive interventions that engage with both men and women and enhance the bargaining power and collective voice of fish retailers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Income
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