Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 546 in total

  1. Looi QH, Foo JB, Lim MT, Le CF, Show PL
    Int Rev Immunol, 2018;37(5):266-276.
    PMID: 30252547 DOI: 10.1080/08830185.2018.1500570
    Despite of ongoing research programs and numerous clinical trials, seasonal influenza epidemics remain a major concern globally. Vaccination remains the most effective method to prevent influenza infection. However, current flu vaccines have several limitations, including limited vaccine capacity, long production times, inconsistence efficacy in certain populations, and lack of a "universal" solution. Different next-generation approaches such as cell line-based culture, reverse genetics, and virus expression technology are currently under development to address the aforementioned challenges in conventional vaccine manufacture pipeline. Such approaches hope for safe and scalable production, induce broad-spectrum immunity, create premade libraries of vaccine strains, and target nonvariable regions of antigenic proteins for "universal" vaccination. Here, we discuss the process and challenges of the current influenza vaccine platform as well as new approaches that are being investigated. These developments indicate that an exciting future lies ahead in the influenza vaccine field.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
    A livelihood is a means of making a living, securing necessities of life such as water, shelter medicine and clothing. For communities dependent on forest resources for livelihoods, sustainability of forests are important. In Kampung Tambirat this study aims to find the income generated from forest resources particularly Nypah palm forests, the measures of conservation, challenges and type of assistance required so that the villagers engagement in the activities will flourish in the future and benefit the younger generations. It is found that there are no conservation measures for Nypah forests and seasonal floods further increases the difficulty for the villagers to sustain their livelihood activities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  3. Thu BT, Van Minh T, Lim BP, Keng CL
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2011 Dec;22(2):37-43.
    PMID: 24575216
    Seeds of two selected clones of Artemisia annua L., TC1 and TC2, were germinated in a greenhouse. Four-week-old seedlings from both clones were grown in the Thù Đúc province of Ho Chi Minh City on 2(nd) January 2009 and Đà Lat on 20(th) January 2009. During this study period in Thù Đúc province, which is situated 4-5 m above sea level, was experiencing a tropical, dry season with temperatures ranging from 26.2°C-32.8°C. Đà Lat, situated at 1500-2000 m above sea level, was having temperate, dry season with lower temperatures, ranging from 10.5°C-18.0°C. The high temperatures and low elevation in Thù Đúc Province led to slow vegetative growth for all of the plants from the two different clones and the artemisinin contents were significantly reduced. The temperate environment of Đà Lat supported robustly growing plants, with plant heights and branch lengths 4-5 times taller and longer that those planted at Thù Đúc Province. The artemisinin contents of A. annua planted at Đà Lat were 3-4 times greater than those cultivated at Thù Đúc Province. Hence, this study indicated that the variations observed in plant growth and artemisinin contents were due to temperature effects because the two selected clones were genetically homogenous. The cold weather of Đà Lat was suitable for planting of A. annua as opposed to the tropical weather of Thù Đúc Province.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  4. Salleh SM, Sah SAM, Chowdhury AJK
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2018 Mar;29(1):155-171.
    PMID: 29644022 MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/tlsr2018.29.1.11
    The nesting of green turtle (Chelonia mydas) was monitored from 1998 untill 2013 along the beaches of Pasir Panjang, Segari, Perak. The objective of the study is to assess the nesting status of green turtles in Perak, Peninsular Malaysia in terms of total nests, eggs, survival hatchings, and density of visitors. A total number of green turtle nests found for 16 years were 1,019 nests and varied from 10 to 220 nests per year. Meanwhile, the sum of eggs collected for 16 years were 107,820 eggs, and varied from 553 to 20,881 eggs per year. The temporal pattern of nesting indicates year-round nesting in Perak in most years within the 16 years period. The peak season of nesting was estimated to occur between May and June. Survival hatchlings varied from 23.33% (2,071 hatchlings) to 55.03% (5,018 hatchlings) from 1998 to 2013. The density of visitors was not uniformly distributed among the years, and shows a sign of decline especially from 2006 onwards. This publication provides basic knowledge of green turtle nesting population in Perak, and would be helpful in upgrading the conservation program in Malaysia. In future, we hope 1) for an increase in manpower to obtain accurate nesting records along the nesting beaches during nocturnal survey and, 2) to include the breeding biology data such as nest placement, emergence hour, and morphological characteristics of green turtle.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  5. Siti Norsuha Misman, Latiffah Zakaria
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2019;30(2):181-190.
    Seven pathotypes of Pyricularia oryzae were differentiated from blast disease samples collected from 2014–2016, using eight Malaysian differential rice varieties. Pathotype P7.0 is the dominant pathotype identified (33.9%) followed by P0.0, P1.0 and P9.0 which are currently become more abundant in the field with frequency of 20.0% for P0.0, and 15.4% for both P1.0 and P9. Pathotype P7.0 was mostly isolated from MR220CL2, MR263 and MR219 rice varieties which are popular variety planted by farmers in Peninsular Malaysia. Interestingly, new emergence of pathotype P0.2 has been identified, which was isolated from a new released variety, MR284 as well as blast isogenic line IRBL 20 carrying Pi5(t) blast resistance gene. Prolong planting of more than 20 planting seasons and large scale planting of MR219 and MR220 with current varietal coverage areas of more than 90% in Peninsular Malaysia are suspected as possible reason for P7.0 become dominant. Varietal coverage of MR220CL2 and MR263 has reached about 50% might be the cause of changes in blast pathogen pathotype dominancy to P0.0, P1.0 and P9.0.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  6. Khan AH, Aziz HA, Khan NA, Dhingra A, Ahmed S, Naushad M
    Sci Total Environ, 2021 Nov 10;794:148484.
    PMID: 34217082 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148484
    The occurrence of pharmaceutical residues in the aquatic ecosystem is an emerging concern of environmentalists. This study primarily investigated the seasonal variation of high-priority pharmaceutical residues in the Yamuna River, accompanied by 22 drains discharge from different parts of Delhi. Five sampling sites were selected for analyzing high-priority pharmaceuticals along with physico-chemical and biological parameters for 3 season's viz. pre-monsoon (PrM), monsoon (DuM), and post-monsoon (PoM), respectively. The maximum occurrences were detected during the PoM, compared to the PrM and DuM seasons. The maximum concentration of BOD, COD, and Phosphate was detected at the last sampling station (SP-5). Similarly, all targeted pharmaceuticals concentration were maximum at the last sampling point i.e. Okhla barrage (SP-5, max: DIC = 556.1 ng/l, IBU = 223.4 ng/l, CAR = 183.1 ng/l, DIA = 457.8 ng/l, OFL = 1726.5 ng/l, FRU = 312.2 ng/l and SIM = 414.9 ng/l) except at Barapulla downstream (SP-4, max: ERY = 178.1 ng/l). The mean concentrations of Fecal coliform (FC) ranged from 1700 to 6500 CFU/100 ml. The maximum colonies were detected in PrM season (6500 CFU/100 ml) followed by PoM (5800 CFU/100 ml) and least in DuM (1700 CFU/100 ml). Risk quotient (RQ) analysis of high-priority pharmaceuticals indicated high ecotoxicological risks exposure (>1) from DIC, DIA, OFL, and SIM in all seasons at all the sampling sites. However, lower risk was predicted for IBU, CAR, ERY, and FRU, respectively. This risk assessment indicated an aquatic ecosystem potentially exposed to high risks from these pharmaceutical residues. Moreover, seasonal agricultural application, rainfall, and temperature could influence the levels and compositions of pharmaceutical residue in the aquatic ecosystem. Hence, attention is required particularly to this stream since it is only a local lifeline source for urban consumers for domestic water supply and farmers for cultivation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  7. Farzanmanesh, Raheleh, Ahmad Makmom Abdullah, Shakiba, Alireza, Jamil Amanollahi
    Iran is situated in a very diverse environmental area. The climate of the region is varied and influencedby different patterns. In order to best describe the expected climate change impacts for the region,climate change scenarios and climate variables must be developed on a regional, or even site-specific,scale. The weather generator is one of the valid downscaling methods. In the current study, LARSWG(a weather generator) and the outputs from ECHO-G for present climate, as well as future timeslice of 2010-2039 based on A1 scenario, were used to evaluate LARS-WG as a tool at 13 synopticstations located in the north and northeast parts of Iran. The results obtained in this study illustratethat LARS-WG has a reasonable capability of simulating the minimum and maximum temperaturesand precipitation. In addition, the results showed that the mean precipitation decreased in Semnan, thesouth of Khorasan and Golestan. Meanwhile, the mean temperature during 2010-2039 would increaseby 0.5°C, especially in the cold season.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  8. Md Rowshon Kamal, Mohd Amin Mohd Soom, Abdul Rashid Mohamed Shariff
    A GIS-based user-interface programme was developed to compute the geospatial Water ProductivityIndex (WPI) of a river-fed rice irrigation scheme in Northwest Selangor, Malaysia. The spatial analysisincludes irrigation blocks with sizes ranging from 20 to 300 ha. The amount of daily water use for eachirrigation block was determined using irrigation delivery model and stored in the database for both mainseason (August to December) and off season (February to May). After cut-off of the irrigation supply,a sub-module was used to compute the total water use including rainfall for each irrigation block. Therice yield data for both seasons were obtained from DOA (Department of Agriculture, Malaysia) of thescheme. Then, the Water Productivity Index (WPI) was computed for each irrigation block and spatialthematic map was also generated. ArcObjects and Visual Basic Application (VBA) programminglanguages were used to structure user-interface in the ArcGIS software. The WPI, expressed in termsof crop yield per unit amount of water used (irrigation and effective rainfall), ranged from 0.02 to 0.57kg/m3 in the main season and 0.02 to 0.40 in off season among irrigation blocks, respectively. Thedevelopment of the overall system and the procedure are illustrated using the data obtained from thestudy area. The approach could be used to depict the gaps between the existing and appropriate watermanagement practices. Suitable interventions could be made to fill the gaps and enhance water useefficiency at the field level and also help in saving irrigation water through remedial measures in theseason. The approach could be useful for irrigation managers to rectify and enhance decision-makingin both the management and operation of the next irrigation season.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  9. Atif A. B., Halim-Fikri A H, Zilfalil BA
    In the human genome, point variations are most common (Nachman & Crowell, 2000) and well understood. These variations, when existing in more than 1% of the population, is referred to as
    Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) and can fall in the coding region of a gene, non coding region or intergenic regions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  10. Normah Ismail, Nur’ Ain Mohamad Kharoe
    Unripe and ripe bilimbi (Averrhoa bilimbi. L) were ground and the extracted juices were partially purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation at the concentrations of 40 and 60% (w/v). The collected proteases were analysed for pH, temperature stability, storage stability, molecular weight distribution, protein concentration and protein content. Protein content of bilimbi fruit was 0.89 g. Protease activity of both the unripe and ripe fruit were optimum at pH 4 and 40ºC when the juice were purified at 40 and 60% ammonium sulfate precipitation. A decreased in protease activity was observed during the seven days of storage at 4°C. Molecular weight distribution indicated that the proteases protein bands fall between 10 to 220 kDa. Protein bands were observed at 25, 50 and 160 kDa in both the unripe and ripe bilimbi proteases purified with 40% ammonium sulfate, however, the bands were more intense in those from unripe bilimbi. No protein bands were seen in proteases purified with 60% ammonium sulfate. Protein concentration was higher for proteases extracted with 40% ammonium sulfate at both ripening stages. Thus, purification using 40% ammonium sulfate precipitation could be a successful method to partially purify proteases from bilimbi especially from the unripe stage.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  11. Hamidreza Salemi, Mohd Amin Mohd Soom, Lee, Teang Shui, Mohd Kamil Yusoff
    One of the most interesting water management case studies in Iran is the case of Zayandehrud River, the main river that supplies water to Isfahan Province which is located in Gavkhuni River Basin (GRB). This paper examines the present and future demands for water and determines the extent to which water will be available for agricultural use by the year 2020. Although demand and supply conditions in 2000 were more or less in balance, there was an increase in the supply of some 28% by 2010 due to the completion of the third trans-basin diversion and the development of other local water sources. However, the demand exceeded its supply in 2010 and the basin fell into severe deficit. In this condition, the only way to keep supply and demand in balance is to reduce allocations to agriculture. By 2020, agriculture would only have 5% more water than the present and water supply is only 90% that of the normal, and this would then shrink from 2025 onwards. In other words, agriculture would have to be sacrificed in order to ensure full supplies of water for the other sectors. The scenarios examined reveal that a sustainable agriculture can only be accomplished by water saving practices and management measures, which may further lead to reduced demand, control supplies, and improve the efficiency of water use.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  12. Kok PH, Mohd Akhir MF, Tangang F, Husain ML
    PLoS One, 2017;12(2):e0171979.
    PMID: 28187215 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0171979
    This study analyzes two wind-induced upwelling mechanisms, namely, Ekman transport and Ekman pumping that occur during the southwest monsoon. The results suggest that the coastline of the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia (ECPM) is affected by upwelling with spatiotemporal variations. Characterization of upwelling by using wind-induced upwelling indexes (UIW) indicate the existence of favorable upwelling conditions from May to September. Upwelling intensity increased in May and peaked in August before declining in September, decreasing intensity from the southern tip towards the northern tip along the coastline of the ECPM. The existence of upwelling along the ECPM has resulted in an important difference between the SSTs of the inshore and the oceanic regions. Nonetheless, the use of the SST gradient between the inshore and the oceanic SSTs to characterize upwelling (UISST) was found to be unsuitable because the SST along the ECPM was affected by water advection from the Java Sea and incessant changes in the SST. In order to indicate the major contributor of wind-induced upwelling along the ECPM in terms of the spatiotemporal scale, a comparison between Ekman transport and Ekman pumping was drawn by integrating Ekman pumping with respect to the distance where the positive wind stress curl existed. The estimation of Ekman transport and Ekman pumping indicated that Ekman pumping played a major role in contributing towards upwelling in any particular month during the southwest monsoon along the entire coastline of the ECPM as compared to Ekman transport, which contributed towards more than half of the total upwelling transport. By dividing the ECPM into three coastal sections, we observed that Ekman pumping was relatively predominant in the middle and northern coasts, whereas both Ekman transport and Ekman pumping were equally prevalent in the southern coast.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  13. Amin MZM, Shaaban AJ, Ercan A, Ishida K, Kavvas ML, Chen ZQ, et al.
    Sci Total Environ, 2017 Jan 01;575:12-22.
    PMID: 27723460 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.10.009
    Impacts of climate change on the hydrologic processes under future climate change conditions were assessed over Muda and Dungun watersheds of Peninsular Malaysia by means of a coupled regional climate and physically-based hydrology model utilizing an ensemble of future climate change projections. An ensemble of 15 different future climate realizations from coarse resolution global climate models' (GCMs) projections for the 21st century was dynamically downscaled to 6km resolution over Peninsular Malaysia by a regional climate model, which was then coupled with the watershed hydrology model WEHY through the atmospheric boundary layer over Muda and Dungun watersheds. Hydrologic simulations were carried out at hourly increments and at hillslope-scale in order to assess the impacts of climate change on the water balances and flooding conditions in the 21st century. The coupled regional climate and hydrology model was simulated for a duration of 90years for each of the 15 realizations. It is demonstrated that the increase in mean monthly flows due to the impact of expected climate change during 2040-2100 is statistically significant from April to May and from July to October at Muda watershed. Also, the increase in mean monthly flows is shown to be significant in November during 2030-2070 and from November to December during 2070-2100 at Dungun watershed. In other words, the impact of the expected climate change will be significant during the northeast and southwest monsoon seasons at Muda watershed and during the northeast monsoon season at Dungun watershed. Furthermore, the flood frequency analyses for both watersheds indicated an overall increasing trend in the second half of the 21st century.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  14. Looi, Qi Hao, Abdul Rahman Omar
    are small insectivorous birds which breed throughout Southeast Asia and
    the South Pacific.
    Among many swiftle
    t species, only a few are notable to produce edible bird’s
    (EBN) from the secreted saliva during breeding seasons.
    The taxonomy of swiftlet
    remains one of the most controversial in the avian species due to the high similarity in
    morphological charac
    teristics among the species. Over the last few decades, researchers have
    studied the taxonomy of swiftlet
    based on the morphological
    , behavior, and genetic
    However, despite all the efforts,
    swiftlet taxonomy remains unsolved.
    EBN is one of
    most expensive animal products
    and frequently being referred
    as the “
    Caviar of the East
    EBN market value varies from
    $1000.00 to
    $10,000.00 per kilogram depend
    its grade, shape, type and origin.
    Hence, bird’s nest harve
    sting is considered a lucrative industry
    in many countries in Southeast Asia.
    industry faced several challenges over the
    decades such as the authenticity of the EBN, the quality assurance and the depletion of swiftlet
    population. Furthermore,
    there is limited scientific evidence regarding EBN’s medical benefits
    claimed by manufacturers. This paper reviews the taxonomy of swiftlet
    , its morphological
    characteristics, the challenges currently encountered by the industry, and finally the
    ition and medical benefits of EBN.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  15. Li C, Wang R, Xu J, Luo Y, Tan ML, Jiang Y
    Int J Biometeorol, 2018 Dec;62(12):2197-2204.
    PMID: 30368677 DOI: 10.1007/s00484-018-1623-2
    Understanding the impacts of climate change on crop yield is important for improving crop growth and yield formation in northwestern China. In this study, we evaluated the relationship between meteorological dryness/wetness conditions and spring wheat yield in the Ili river basin (IRB). The climate and yield data from 1961 to 2013 were collected to analyze characteristics and correlations between these two variables using the standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI), yield detrending method, modified Mann-Kendall test and Spearman correlation analysis. Main results were as follows: (1) correlations between monthly SPEI values (MSV) and climatic yield of spring wheat indicated that the dryness/wetness condition in May was a key factor affecting yield in the whole region; (2) although the MSV in May and yield fluctuated from negative to positive values in time, the severely and extremely dryness events were in good agreement with the higher yield losses; (3) each increase of 0.5 MSV in May promoted over 3% increase of yield in most part of IRB; however, the larger variability of MSV in May resulted in larger yield fluctuations; and (4) the Tibetan Plateau index in April showed significant correlations with the MSV in May and yield, which provided a precursory signal for decision-makers to better understand potential yield fluctuations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  16. Firth R
    The Geographical Journal, 1943;101:193-205.
    DOI: 10.2307/1789626
    Topics: Boats, Rice, Coasts, Human geography, Beaches, Fishers, Peasant class, Seas, Monsoons, Rainy seasons
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  17. Sasidharan S, Darah I, Jain K
    The effect of season on yield and quality of organic solvent extracts from Gracilaria changii was determined. The sustainability of the bioactive compound of G. changii from Malaysia was investigated by using the TLC and FTIR standards methods. Studies was carried out to examine the sustainability of the bioactive compound in the various extract obtained from G. changii collected from Pantai Morib, Beach Selangor Malaysia on bimonthly for a period of one year in 2003. This study revealed that the bioactive compounds was present all over the year but with different quantities. In general the variation in yield or quantities of bioactive compound was related to environment. G. changii can be considered a candidate for drug development since it retained the number of bioactive compound.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  18. Lee JN, Che Abd Rahim Mohamed
    Sains Malaysiana, 2011;40:1179-1186.
    The aim of this study was to determine the accumulation of settling particles in coral reefs of Peninsular Malaysia. Settling particles were collected from the coral reefs of Port Dickson, Pulau Langkawi, Pulau Tioman, Pulau Redang and Pulau Tinggi from 2005 to 2008. The average total settling particles in Pulau Langkawi and Port Dickson was 49.8 mg/cm2/day, while for Pulau Tioman, Pulau Redang, and Pulau Tinggi was 3.5 mg/cm2/day. The results showed that accumulations rate in west coast were higher than east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. However, Pulau Tioman in the east coast received high accumulations rate of settling particles in certain times of the year due to sediment resuspension at shallow reefs caused by high energy seasonal yearly wave and monsoon.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  19. Nather Khan I, Firuza Begham Mustafa
    Sains Malaysiana, 2010;39:189-198.
    Spatial and temporal variations in silica concentration were determined at various rivers and tributaries in the Linggi River Basin, which has been highly polluted due to urban, industrial and agricultural wastes. The silica content measured as reactive silicate in the whole Linggi River Basin ranged from 1.4 to 26.3 mg/L. A clear seasonal variation in silica was noted especially in the major rivers with higher concentration during dry months and lower concentration during the wet months. The concentration was found to decrease as the water flooded downstream. The large drainage area with granite dominated lithology and high denudation especially in the upper catchment is attributed for high silica content in the water of Linggi River Basin.
    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
  20. Ibrahim, M.N., Ismail, W.R., Najib, S.A.M.
    Merbok river catchment situated in the Kedah State receives its input from Bongkok River
    and Puntar River flowing down and joining Lalang River to flow down to the Merbok
    Estuary. The Merbok catchment (440 km2) is experiencing several degrees of complex
    land uses activities that poses some impact on the suspended sediment production of
    the Merbok river. A study was conducted to investigate the suspended sediment loading
    of rivers draining the Merbok catchment from January to December 2013. Suspended
    sediment budget of the Merbok catchment were estimated. The river suspended sediment
    concentrations (SSC) and suspended sediment (SS) load increased during wet season
    compared to dry season. The SS loads increases from upper catchment to river mouth. The
    sediment loadings were divided into three segments- the upstream, middle segment and
    lower segment. The SS loads increased from 10 t yr-1 in the upper part of Bongkok river
    to 3336 t yr-1 in upper segment. The sediment loading then increase to 4299 t yr-1 in the
    middle segment of the catchment (at Bongkok 4), and then exiting the Merbok Estuary, as
    the lower segment, with a total amount of sediment output estimated at 7156 t yr-1. From this
    total sediment output, most of the sediment
    source came from the tributaries; the
    Bongkok River at B3 (3337 t yr-1), Puntar
    River (2924 t yr-1) and Lalang River (1370
    t yr-1), which were much higher than its
    proportion in terms of its length and drainage
    area. As a conclusion, the inconsistence in
    SSC in the river were influenced by the
    various anthropogenic activities (especially
    agriculture and urbanization activities) in the catchment area which necessitate future land use and sediment control to avoid sediment
    and possible nutrient loading into the estuary.

    Matched MeSH terms: Seasons
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