Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 274 in total

  1. Yadav M, Iyngkaran N
    Med J Malaysia, 1982 Sep;37(3):239-44.
    PMID: 7177005
    Eighteen infants clinically suspected to be intolerant of cow's milk were placed on a milk-free formula and six to eight weeks later were orally challenged with cow's milk. Following challenge three groups were recognised. Group A: Four infants tolerated oral feeds ofcow's milk and lacked mucosal abnormality or clinical symptoms. Group B: Seven infants had mucosal deterioration but lacked clinical symptoms and tolerated cow's milk. Group C: Seven infants had mucosal abnormality, developed clinical symptoms and were intolerant of cow's milk. The intestinal transudation of IgA was increased in Group A and unchanged in Group Band C : the IgM levels in the duodenal juice was increased in Group A and B but unchanged in Group C : the IgG levels in the juice were increased in all Groups following challenge. It appears that increased transmission of IgA and IgM or IgM alone in the duodenal juice is associated with lack of development of clinical symptoms. Symptoms are present in infants in whom the IgA and IgM levels in duodenal juice remained unchanged after challenge. It is suggested that patients responding to cow's millt challenge with intestinal production of IgA and IgM (or IgM alone) are able to counter balance the deleterious mechanisms leading to clinical cow's milk intolerance whereas those who, for some unknown reason, do not mount a secretory immune response become ill.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity/etiology; Food Hypersensitivity/immunology*
  2. Mohamad Yadzir ZH, Bakhtiar F, Misnan R, Abdullah N, Leecyous B, Murad S
    Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol, 2016 Apr;15(2):156-60.
    PMID: 27090369
    Allergy diagnosis needs to be improved in polysensitized patients due to the existence of possible confounding factors in this type of patients. Component resolved diagnosis (CRD) is a new concept in the investigation of polysensitized patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate if the utilization of ImmunoCAP ISAC improve the diagnosis of the polysensitized allergic rhinitis patients. Skin prick test (SPT) to 58 crude allergen extracts and CRD (ImmunoCAP ISAC) were carried out for 5 polysensitized allergic rhinitis patients. Two patients had a shellfish allergy and avoidance of shellfish was the only way to prevent an allergic reaction. In contrast, although the remaining three patients had low risk for shellfish allergy, but they were the best candidates for immunotherapy using mite extracts. CRD and particularly ImmunoCAP ISAC have proven to be a valuable diagnostic tool in polysensitized patients. ImmunoCAP ISAC helps refine the individual patient's sensitization profile and predict the potential risk of allergic reactions and improve the selection of patients for immunotherapy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Shellfish Hypersensitivity/diagnosis*; Shellfish Hypersensitivity/immunology
  3. Rosmilah M, Shahnaz M, Masita A, Noormalin A, Jamaludin M
    Trop Biomed, 2005 Dec;22(2):171-7.
    PMID: 16883284 MyJurnal
    Fish has been recognized as a source of potent allergens both in food and occupational allergy. Lutjanus argentimaculatus (red snapper) and Lutjanus johnii (golden snapper) locally known as merah and jenahak, respectively, are among the most commonly consumed fish in Malaysia. The objective of this study is to identify the IgE-binding proteins and major allergens of these species of fishes. Extracts of both fish species were prepared and fractionated by sodium dodecyl polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). IgE binding patterns were then demonstrated by immunoblotting using sera from patients allergic to the fishes. The raw extracts of both fish produced 26 protein bands. Both species of fishes had similar protein profiles. In cooked extracts, several protein bands in the range of about 40 to 90 kD which were present in the uncooked extracts appeared to be denatured and formed high molecular weight complexes. The immunoblotting of golden snapper and red snapper revealed 16 and 15 various IgE-binding bands, in the range of 151 to 12-11 kD, respectively. A 51 kD protein was identified as a major allergen for both fishes. A 46 kD protein was also demonstrated as a major allergen in golden snapper and a 42 kD protein was also seen as a major allergen in red snapper. A heat-resistant protein of ~12 kD which is equivalent in size with fish parvalbumin was demonstrated only as minor allergen for both fishes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity/etiology*; Food Hypersensitivity/immunology
  4. Lee FY, Chan HK, Wong HS
    Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf, 2019 05;28(5):760-761.
    PMID: 30919516 DOI: 10.1002/pds.4780
    Matched MeSH terms: Drug Hypersensitivity/epidemiology; Drug Hypersensitivity/prevention & control*
  5. Roy RN
    Med J Aust, 1971 Feb 06;1(6):317-21.
    PMID: 5546216
    Matched MeSH terms: Drug Hypersensitivity/epidemiology*; Hypersensitivity, Delayed
  6. Yadzir ZH, Misnan R, Abdullah N, Arip M, Murad S
    PMID: 21710860
    The aim of this study was to identify the major allergens of wildflower honey in local patients with atopic disease. SDS-PAGE revealed ten protein bands of 25 to 110 kDa, with a heavy cluster in region of 40-75 kDa. Immunoblotting demonstrated seven IgE-binding bands of 39 to 110 kDa. The 60 kDa protein had the highest frequency of IgE-binding (100%) followed by 54 kDa protein (95%), thus identified as the major allergens of wildflowerhoney. Our findings indicate that the allergen extract used for diagnosis of honey allergy contains both the 54 kDa and 60 kDa proteins.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity/blood; Food Hypersensitivity/immunology*
  7. Yadzir ZH, Misnan R, Abdullah N, Bakhtiar F, Arip M, Murad S
    PMID: 20578555
    Allergy to different classes of mollusks, including squid, which are members of the class Cephalopods has been reported. Tropomyosin, a major muscle protein, is the only well-recognized allergen in squid. The aim of this study was to characterize IgE-binding proteins of local Loligo edulis (white squid) consumed in Malaysia. Protein profiles and IgE-binding proteins were detected by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel-electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immunoblotting using sera from 23 patients with positive skin prick test to raw squid extract. SDS-PAGE of the raw extract exhibited 21 protein bands (10-170 kDa) but those ranging from 19 to 29 kDa and 41 to 94 kDa were not found in the cooked extract. Immunoblotting of raw extract demonstrated 16 IgE-binding bands, ranging from 13 to 170 kDa. A heat-resistant 36 kDa protein, corresponding to squid tropomyosin, was identified as the major allergen of both extracts. In addition, a 50 kDa heat-sensitive protein was shown to be a major allergen of the raw extract. Our findings indicate that the allergen extract used for diagnosis of squid allergy should contain both the 36 kDa and 50 kDa proteins.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity/diagnosis; Food Hypersensitivity/immunology*
  8. Woon FC, Chin YS, Ismail IH, Chan YM, Batterham M, Abdul Latiff AH, et al.
    BMC Pediatr, 2018 Jul 18;18(1):233.
    PMID: 30021541 DOI: 10.1186/s12887-018-1219-3
    BACKGROUND: Nutrition and environmental factors are essential for the education of the neonatal immune system. Epidemiological evidence has shown that malnutrition and allergic diseases that occur during early childhood share similar protective and risk factors. This paper describes the protocol of the Mother and Infant Cohort Study (MICOS), which aims to determine the contribution of early nutrition to the development of malnutrition and allergic diseases in infants' first year of life.

    METHODS: MICOS is a prospective cohort study conducted at selected government health clinics in two states, namely Selangor and Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Women in their third trimester of pregnancy are recruited into the study and their infants will be followed-up at 3, 6, and 12 months of age. Information on prenatal factors including socio-demographic characteristics, obstetric history, pre-pregnancy body mass index, gestational weight gain, smoking, family history of allergic diseases, maternal dietary intake and sunlight exposure during pregnancy are obtained through face-to-face interviews. Postnatal factors including dietary intake, sun exposure, and anthropometric measurements of the mothers, as well as feeding practices, dietary intake, anthropometric measurements, and development of allergic diseases of the infants are assessed at each follow-up. Blood samples are collected from the mothers in the third trimester to determine 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels as well as from the infants at age 12 months to determine atopic sensitisation.

    DISCUSSION: The concept of developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD) which emphasises on the role of early life environments in shaping future health and disease susceptibility in adulthood has gained a huge interest in recent years. The DOHaD paradigm has influenced many fields of research including malnutrition and allergic diseases. While findings from the developed countries remain controversial, such studies are scarce in developing countries including Malaysia. The present study will determine the cause and effect relationship between early nutrition and the development of malnutrition and allergic diseases in infants' first year of life.

    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity/epidemiology*; Hypersensitivity/physiopathology*
  9. Wood HE, Marlin N, Mudway IS, Bremner SA, Cross L, Dundas I, et al.
    PLoS One, 2015;10(8):e0109121.
    PMID: 26295579 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0109121
    The adverse effects of traffic-related air pollution on children's respiratory health have been widely reported, but few studies have evaluated the impact of traffic-control policies designed to reduce urban air pollution. We assessed associations between traffic-related air pollutants and respiratory/allergic symptoms amongst 8-9 year-old schoolchildren living within the London Low Emission Zone (LEZ). Information on respiratory/allergic symptoms was obtained using a parent-completed questionnaire and linked to modelled annual air pollutant concentrations based on the residential address of each child, using a multivariable mixed effects logistic regression analysis. Exposure to traffic-related air pollutants was associated with current rhinitis: NOx (OR 1.01, 95% CI 1.00-1.02), NO2 (1.03, 1.00-1.06), PM10 (1.16, 1.04-1.28) and PM2.5 (1.38, 1.08-1.78), all per μg/m3 of pollutant, but not with other respiratory/allergic symptoms. The LEZ did not reduce ambient air pollution levels, or affect the prevalence of respiratory/allergic symptoms over the period studied. These data confirm the previous association between traffic-related air pollutant exposures and symptoms of current rhinitis. Importantly, the London LEZ has not significantly improved air quality within the city, or the respiratory health of the resident population in its first three years of operation. This highlights the need for more robust measures to reduce traffic emissions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Respiratory Hypersensitivity/diagnosis; Respiratory Hypersensitivity/etiology; Respiratory Hypersensitivity/epidemiology*; Respiratory Hypersensitivity/physiopathology
  10. Joo Chan C, Richardo T, Lim RLH
    Int Rev Immunol, 2018;37(6):279-290.
    PMID: 30638084 DOI: 10.1080/08830185.2018.1509967
    Peanut allergy is a hypersensitivity reaction with symptoms varying from mild to severe anaphylaxis, tends to be lifelong and very few are able to outgrow this allergy. The prevalence of peanut allergy is highest among the Western countries and over the past decade, a 3.5 fold increase in prevalence of peanut allergy was reported among children in the United States. Increasing prevalence has also been observed among the Asian countries. As with other food allergies, peanut allergy reduces quality of life for the affected individuals and the social and economy burden of healthcare for peanut allergy is substantial. To date, there is no effective treatment for peanut allergy and disease management is by avoidance or relieve of symptoms via administration of epinephrine. Peanut allergy is a type-1 hypersensitivity reaction due to specific IgE production by activated T-helper type 2 (TH2) cells. Studies on various immunotherapy routes such as oral immunotherapy (OIT), sublingual immunotherapy and epicutaneous immunotherapy trials using peanut have shown the ability to induce desensitisation, shifting the allergen-specific cytokine production away from a TH2 respond. In the recent years, lactic acid bacteria probiotics have been reported to down-regulate allergy due to its inherent immunomodulatory properties. Wild-type probiotic in combination with peanut proteins or recombinant probiotics harbouring peanut allergens have been explored for OIT due to its ability to down-regulate allergen-specific-IgE production and the TH2 responses, while increasing the beneficiary population of TH1 regulatory T cells (Treg). This review discusses the current strategies in immunotherapy for peanut allergy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Peanut Hypersensitivity/diagnosis; Peanut Hypersensitivity/immunology; Peanut Hypersensitivity/epidemiology; Peanut Hypersensitivity/therapy*
  11. Misnan R, Murad S, Yadzir ZH, Abdullah N
    Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol, 2012 Dec;30(4):285-93.
    PMID: 23393908
    Tropomyosin and arginine kinase have been identified as the major allergens in multiple species of crab. Charybdis feriatus is an important commercial crab in this country.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity/blood; Food Hypersensitivity/immunology*
  12. Tan MP, Murray A, Hawkins T, Chadwick TJ, Kerr SR, Parry SW
    PLoS One, 2015;10(6):e0126241.
    PMID: 26057525 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0126241
    Carotid sinus syndrome is the association of carotid sinus hypersensitivity with syncope, unexplained falls and drop attacks in generally older people. We evaluated cardiac sympathetic innervation in this disorder in individuals with carotid sinus syndrome, asymptomatic carotid sinus hypersensitivity and controls without carotid sinus hypersensitivity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity/pathology; Hypersensitivity/radionuclide imaging*
  13. Yeang HY, Chow KS, Yusof F, Arif SA, Chew NP, Loke YH
    J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol, 2000 Jul-Aug;10(4):215-22.
    PMID: 11039838
    Six Hevea brasiliensis latex protein allergens, Hevb 1, Hev b 2, Hev b 3, Hev b 4, and two variants of Hev b 7 (7b and 7c), were purified from Hevea latex, while a seventh protein, Hev b 5, was prepared in recombinant form. The presence of these proteins in glove extracts was indicated by their respective antibodies in the serum of rabbits immunized against the extracts. The relative propensities of IgE binding to the individual latex allergens were compared using sera from latex-allergic patients. IgE recognition of Hev b 4, Hev b 7b, Hev b 5 and Hev b 2 was most frequently encountered, with 75, 61, 31 and 28%, respectively, of the patient sera reacting. Sensitivity to multiple latex proteins was common, and out of the 31 seropositive patients, 23 (74%/ ) had IgE against at least two latex allergens, while 12 (39%) had IgE specific for at least three allergens. Statistical analysis of the data suggested that many patients might have acquired sensitivity to Hev b 2, Hev b 4 and Hev b 7b from a common source. (e.g., from latex products). On the other hand, sensitivity to Hev b 5 and to Hev b 7c were interrelated. It is plausible that sensitivity to these two proteins might have been acquired from sources other than latex products (e.g., from certain foods).
    Matched MeSH terms: Latex Hypersensitivity/diagnosis*; Latex Hypersensitivity/etiology*
  14. Gendeh BS, Murad S, Razi AM, Abdullah N, Mohamed AS, Kadir KA
    Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2000 May;122(5):758-62.
    PMID: 10793361
    The aim of the study was to determine the incidence of food and house dust mite (HDM) allergy in patients with nasal congestion and rhinorrhea attending the Otorhinolaryngology Clinic, National University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. This was a prospective matched, controlled study of patients skin prick tested with commercial food and common aeroallergens. The participants were 148 Malaysian adults with symptoms of nasal congestion and rhinorrhea and 113 adult Malaysian control subjects without rhinitis symptoms. The skin prick test (SPT) was used to evaluate 11 foods common to the Malaysian diet and 3 HDM inhalants. Forty-eight percent of the patients with rhinitis had positive SPT results to foods, compared with 4.4% of control subjects (P < 0.05). The most commonly implicated foods were shrimp (48%) and rice (30%), which are common in the Malaysian diet. Seventy-two percent of rhinitis patients had positive SPT results to HDM, compared with 22.2% of control subjects (P < 0.05). Patients with rhinitis also had significantly more gastrointestinal problems than control subjects (P < 0.05). The incidences of HDM and food allergy are significantly greater in Malaysian adults with rhinitis symptoms than in control subjects without rhinitis. The effect of avoidance or immunotherapy awaits further study.
    Study site: Otorhinolaryngology Clinic, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity/complications; Food Hypersensitivity/diagnosis*
  15. Yeang HY, Cheong KF, Sunderasan E, Hamzah S, Chew NP, Hamid S, et al.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol, 1996 Sep;98(3):628-39.
    PMID: 8828541 DOI: 10.1016/s0091-6749(96)70097-0
    Two major water-insoluble proteins are located on the surface of rubber particles in Hevea brasiliensis latex. A 14.6 kd protein (Hev b 1), found mainly on large rubber particles (> 350 mm in diameter), and a 24 kd protein (Hev b 3), found mainly on small rubber particles (average diameter, 70 nm), are recognized by IgE from patients with spina bifida and latex allergy. Although Hev b 1 (also called the rubber elongation factor [REF]) has previously been reported as a major latex allergen, this conclusion has been disputed on the basis of results from other studies. The allergenicity of Hev b 1 is verified in this study by testing the recombinant protein generated from its gene. Because allergenicity is confined to patients with spina bifida and not observed in adults sensitive to latex, it is not a major latex allergen. The identification of Hev b 3 as another allergen originating from rubber particles is confirmed by immunogold labeling and electron microscopy. Observations with the monoclonal antibody USM/RC2 developed against Hev b 3 show that the protein has a tendency to fragment into several polypeptides of lower molecular weight (from 24 kd to about 5 kd) when stored at -20 degrees C. There is also indication of protein aggregation from the appearance of proteins with molecular weights greater than 24 kd. Fragmentation of Hev b 3 is induced immediately on he addition of latex B-serum, which is normally compartmentalized in the lutoids in fresh latex. In the preparation of ammoniated latex (used for the manufacture of latex products), the lutoids are ruptured, and the released B-serum reacts with Hev b 3 on the rubber particles to give rise to an array of low molecular weight polypeptides that are allergenic to patients with spina bifida.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity/etiology; Hypersensitivity/immunology*
  16. Czuppon AB, Chen Z, Rennert S, Engelke T, Meyer HE, Heber M, et al.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol, 1993 Nov;92(5):690-7.
    PMID: 8227860
    BACKGROUND: Allergy to latex-containing articles is becoming more and more important because it can result in unexpected life-threatening anaphylactic reactions in sensitized individuals.

    METHODS: A protein of 58 kd with an isoelectric point of 8.45 was purified from raw latex and from latex gloves and identified as the major allergen, completely blocking specific IgE antibodies in the serum of latex-sensitized subjects. The allergen is a noncovalent homotetramer molecule, in which the 14.6 kd monomer was identified, by amino acid composition and sequence homologies of tryptic peptides, to be the rubber elongation factor found in natural latex of the Malaysian rubber tree.

    RESULTS: Competitive immunoinhibition tests showed that the starch powder covering the finished gloves is the airborne carrier of the allergen, resulting in bronchial asthma on inhalation. The purified allergen can induce allergic reactions in the nanogram range.

    CONCLUSION: The identification of the allergen (Hev b I) may help to eliminate it during the production of latex-based articles in the future.

    Matched MeSH terms: Drug Hypersensitivity/etiology; Drug Hypersensitivity/immunology*
  17. Rosmilah M, Shahnaz M, Meinir J, Masita A, Noormalin A, Jamaluddin M
    Int Arch Allergy Immunol, 2013;162(4):299-309.
    PMID: 24193115 DOI: 10.1159/000354544
    The longtail tuna (Thunnus tonggol) is widely consumed in Asia. Parvalbumin, the main major allergen of fish, has been well identified in multiple fish species, yet little is known about the allergenic proteins in T. tonggol. Thus, the aim of this study was to characterize the major allergens of T. tonggol using a proteomics approach.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity/diagnosis; Food Hypersensitivity/immunology*
  18. Pang SL, Matta SA, Sio YY, Ng YT, Say YH, Ng CL, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2021 01 13;11(1):921.
    PMID: 33441720 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-79820-y
    House dust mites (HDMs) are one of the major causes of allergies in the world. The group 23 allergen, Der p 23, from Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, is a major allergen amongst HDM-sensitized individuals. This study aims to determine the specific immunoglobulin E (sIgE) binding frequency and IgE-binding residues of recombinant Der p 23 (rDer p 23) allergen amongst a cohort of consecutive atopic individuals in a tropical region. We performed site-directed mutagenesis and carried out immuno-dot blot assays using 65 atopic sera. The immuno-dot blot assays results indicated that the two residues K44 and E46 which are located at the N-terminal region are the major IgE-binding residues. The rDerp-23 sIgE titers are strongly correlated to the number of IgE-binding residues for rDer p 23 (P 
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity/immunology*; Hypersensitivity, Immediate
  19. Zepeda-Ortega B, Goh A, Xepapadaki P, Sprikkelman A, Nicolaou N, Hernandez REH, et al.
    Front Immunol, 2021;12:608372.
    PMID: 34177882 DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.608372
    The prevalence of food allergy has increased over the last 20-30 years, including cow milk allergy (CMA) which is one of the most common causes of infant food allergy. International allergy experts met in 2019 to discuss broad topics in allergy prevention and management of CMA including current challenges and future opportunities. The highlights of the meeting combined with recently published developments are presented here. Primary prevention of CMA should start from pre-pregnancy with a focus on a healthy lifestyle and food diversity to ensure adequate transfer of inhibitory IgG- allergen immune complexes across the placenta especially in mothers with a history of allergic diseases and planned c-section delivery. For non-breastfed infants, there is controversy about the preventive role of partially hydrolyzed formulae (pHF) despite some evidence of health economic benefits among those with a family history of allergy. Clinical management of CMA consists of secondary prevention with a focus on the development of early oral tolerance. The use of extensive Hydrolysate Formulae (eHF) is the nutrition of choice for the majority of non-breastfed infants with CMA; potentially with pre-, probiotics and LCPUFA to support early oral tolerance induction. Future opportunities are, among others, pre- and probiotics supplementation for mothers and high-risk infants for the primary prevention of CMA. A controlled prospective study implementing a step-down milk formulae ladder with various degrees of hydrolysate is proposed for food challenges and early development of oral tolerance. This provides a more precise gradation of milk protein exposure than those currently recommended.
    Matched MeSH terms: Milk Hypersensitivity/diagnosis*; Milk Hypersensitivity/therapy
  20. Chaubal TV, Bapat RA, Patil PG, Shetty A
    Contact Derm., 2016 Oct;75(4):256-7.
    PMID: 27620128 DOI: 10.1111/cod.12625
    Matched MeSH terms: Latex Hypersensitivity/complications*; Latex Hypersensitivity/diagnosis
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