Displaying publications 1061 - 1080 of 1383 in total

  1. George E, Selamah G
    PMID: 6894805
    In the newborn the diagnosis of alpha thalassaemia trait is easier because of the presence of haemoglobin Bart's (Hb Bart's). Alpha thalassaemia is common in Southeast Asia. Malaysians are composed of the ethnic groups Malays, Chinese, Indians and Eurasians. Hb Bart's itself is not a simple inherited character but arises from genetically determined imbalance in the biosynthesis of alpha and non alpha chains. 58% of the cord blood samples tested showed raised levels of Hb Bart's. In the Chinese the most common cause of hereditary haemolytic anaemia is haemoglobin H and hydrops foetalis is seen. The rare occurrence of these syndromes in the Malays and Indians in spite of the presence of Hb Bart's indicates an altered expression of the alpha thalassaemia gene in these populations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  2. Tan MS, Cheah PL, Chin AV, Looi LM, Chang SW
    PeerJ, 2024;12:e17643.
    PMID: 39035156 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.17643
    BACKGROUND: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia that affects the elderly population. Lately, blood-based proteomics have been intensively sought in the discovery of AD biomarkers studies due to the capability to link external environmental factors with the development of AD. Demographic differences have been shown to affect the expression of the proteins in different populations which play a vital role in the degeneration of cognitive function.

    METHOD: In this study, a proteomic study focused on Malaysian Chinese and Malay prospects was conducted. Differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) in AD patients and normal controls for Chinese and Malays were identified. Functional enrichment analysis was conducted to further interpret the biological functions and pathways of the DEPs. In addition, a survey investigating behavioural practices among Chinese and Malay participants was conducted to support the results from the proteomic analysis.

    RESULT: The variation of dysregulated proteins identified in Chinese and Malay samples suggested the disparities of pathways involved in this pathological condition for each respective ethnicity. Functional enrichment analysis supported this assumption in understanding the protein-protein interactions of the identified protein signatures and indicate that differentially expressed proteins identified from the Chinese group were significantly enriched with the functional terms related to Aβ/tau protein-related processes, oxidative stress and inflammation whereas neuroinflammation was associated with the Malay group. Besides that, a significant difference in sweet drinks/food intake habits between these two groups implies a relationship between sugar levels and the dysregulation of protein APOA4 in the Malay group. Additional meta-analysis further supported the dysregulation of proteins TF, AHSG, A1BG, APOA4 and C4A among AD groups.

    CONCLUSION: These findings serve as a preliminary understanding in the molecular and demographic studies of AD in a multi-ethnic population.

    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  3. Qua CS, Peh KB, Saravannan K, Goh KL
    BMJ Case Rep, 2021 Feb 04;14(2).
    PMID: 33541947 DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2020-240039
    A 54-year-old Chinese man presented with ascites for 2 weeks. He had a preceding 2-year history of intermittent dysphagia, lethargy and general malaise. Blood investigations revealed leucocytosis with eosinophilia of 26.5%, whereas paracentesis showed turbid fluid with high protein content (45 g/L) and a high white blood cell count of 5580/µL, predominantly eosinophils (90%). An incidental assay of vitamin D showed a very low level of 13.5 ng/mL. No other cause of ascites was found. Gastroscopy was normal except for duodenitis. However, biopsies from lower oesophagus confirmed the presence of eosinophilic infiltration. Following vitamin D replacement, the patient experienced marked improvement in symptoms of dysphagia within 2 weeks and no recurrence of ascites after 3 months. The reason for the patient's vitamin D deficiency remains unclear. The marked improvement in the patient's health indicates a causative role of vitamin D deficiency in causing eosinophilic esophagogastroenteritis and associated eosinophilic ascites.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  4. Kneebone GM, Kneebone R, Gibson RA
    Am J Clin Nutr, 1985 Apr;41(4):765-9.
    PMID: 3984928 DOI: 10.1093/ajcn/41.4.765
    The fatty acid composition of samples of breast milk obtained from 51 mothers (26 Malay, 15 Chinese, 10 Indian) residing in Penang, Malaysia was determined by gas chromatography. Despite living in close physical proximity the mothers from the three racial groups showed distinct cultural differences in dietary intake. These differences were reflected in differences in the fatty acid composition of breast milk samples. The milk of Chinese mothers was generally less saturated (41%) than that of Malay and Indian mothers (52 and 50% respectively). The milk of Chinese mothers was also richer in linoleic acid (17%) than that of Malay and Indian mothers (9% and 11% respectively). Overall the level of individual fatty acids fell within the range of values reported for Western mothers on well nourished diets and pointed to breast milk of high standard despite large variations in the diet of Malaysian mothers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  5. Robson P, Bolton JM, Dugdale AE
    Am J Clin Nutr, 1973 Jan;26(1):95-100.
    PMID: 4682820
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  6. Partap U, Young EH, Allotey P, Sandhu MS, Reidpath DD
    J Pediatr, 2017 Nov;190:63-68.e1.
    PMID: 29144273 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2017.07.049
    OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of child underweight, overweight, and obesity in a Malaysian population according to 3 international references because classification of anthropometric status may differ according to the reference used to express body mass index (BMI).

    STUDY DESIGN: We assessed data from 6414 children aged 6-18 years, collected by the South East Asia Community Observatory. Child underweight, overweight, and obesity were expressed according to 3 internationally used BMI references: World Health Organization 2007, International Obesity Task Force 2012, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2000. We assessed agreement in classification of anthropometric status among the references using Cohen's kappa statistic and estimated underweight, overweight, and obesity prevalence according to each reference using mixed effects Poisson regression.

    RESULTS: There was poor to moderate agreement between references when classifying underweight, but generally good agreement when classifying overweight and obesity. Underweight, overweight, and obesity prevalence estimates generated using the 3 references were notably inconsistent. Overweight and obesity prevalence estimates were higher using the World Health Organization reference vs the other 2, and underweight prevalence was up to 8.5% higher and obesity prevalence was about 4% lower when using the International Obesity Task Force reference.

    CONCLUSIONS: The choice of reference to express BMI may influence conclusions about child anthropometric status and malnutrition prevalence. This has implications regarding strategies for clinical management and public health interventions.

    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  7. Gohain M, Asif MK, Nambiar P, Mohd Noor NS, Hidayah Reduwan N, Ibrahim N
    Leg Med (Tokyo), 2024 Feb;66:102391.
    PMID: 38211402 DOI: 10.1016/j.legalmed.2024.102391
    Three-dimensional surface area analyses of developing root apices for age estimation in children and young adults have shown promising results. The current study aimed to apply this three-dimensional method to develop a regression model for estimating age in Malaysian children aged 7 to 14 using developing maxillary second premolars. A training sample of 155 cone-beam computed tomography scans (83 Malays and 72 Chinese) was analysed, and the formula was subsequently validated on an independent sample of 92 cone-beam computed tomography scans (45 Malays and 47 Chinese). The results showed a strong correlation (r = 94 %) between the chronological age as a dependent variable and the predictor variables, including root surface area of the apex, sex, ethnicity, and root development status (open/closed apices). For this model, the predictor variables accounted for 88.4 % of the variation in age except sex and ethnicity. A mean absolute error value of 0.42 indicated that this model can be reliably used for Malaysian children. In conclusion, this study recognises the method of three-dimensional surface area analyses as a valuable tool for age estimation in forensic and clinical practice. Further studies are highly recommended to assess its effectiveness across different demographic groups.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  8. Welch QB, Lie-Injo Luan Eng, Bolton JM
    Hum Hered, 1972;22(1):28-37.
    PMID: 4624781
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  9. Steinberg AG, Eng LI
    Hum Hered, 1972;22(3):254-8.
    PMID: 4116753
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  10. Chan KL
    Hum Hered, 1971;21(2):173-9.
    PMID: 5127408
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  11. Dunn FL
    Bull World Health Organ, 1972;46(1):99-113.
    PMID: 4537337
    Surveys were conducted in the southern Malay peninsula to assess intestinal parasitism in the aboriginal ethnic minority groups. Faecal specimens from 1 273 persons were examined by the thiomersal-iodine-formol direct-smear technique. Prevalences are reported and, for helminth infections, data on worm burdens. The state of sanitation in each of 9 cultural-ecological groups was assessed by means of a simplified system of scoring for variables. Particular attention was paid to relationships between cultural and ecological factors, sanitation, and observed patterns of intestinal parasitism. The author also discusses the fact that the number of parasitic species diminishes in habitats simplified by man, whereas an increase occurs in the prevalence and intensity of the more adaptable species that persist in ecosystems of low complexity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  12. Tagiling N, Ibrahim IL, Lee YY, Udin MY, Mohamad Kamarulzaman MD, Phoa PKA, et al.
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2024 Aug;39(8):1517-1527.
    PMID: 38705971 DOI: 10.1111/jgh.16585
    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Measurements of gastric emptying and accommodation for alternative test-meal protocol during gastric emptying scintigraphy (GES), such as high-calorie nutrient drinks, are not fully established. We aimed to compare the effects of standardized egg-white meal (EWM) versus high-calorie nutrient drink (Vital®; Abbott Laboratories) on global GES parameters and intragastric meal distribution at immediate scan (IMD0h).

    METHODS: Of 84 screened participants, 60 asymptomatic healthy Asian population (38 females; 24.0 ± 1.5 years; 23.8 ± 2.6 kg/m2) were recruited in this 2 × 2 (AB/BA) crossover trial. Participants were randomized to a 4-h GES with 99mTc-radiolabeled EWM (~255.8 kcal), followed by a 200 mL Vital® (300 kcal), or vice versa, separated by a 2-week washout period. Global meal retention (GMR), power-exponential model emptying parameters (half-emptying [T1/2], lag phases [Tlag2%, Tlag5%, Tlag10%]), and IMD0h were determined and compared.

    RESULTS: GMRs for both test meals were within the international standard references for solid GES. Compared to EWM, Vital® exhibited significantly lower GMRs (faster emptying) from 0.5 to 3 h (all P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  13. Mirasol R, Thai AC, Salahuddin AA, Tan K, Deerochanawong C, Mohamed M, et al.
    J ASEAN Fed Endocr Soc, 2017;32(1):6-12.
    PMID: 33442078 DOI: 10.15605/jafes.032.01.02
    The Asia-Pacific region carries a high disease burden, with over half of the global diabetic population residing in this region. Increasing evidence shows that without targeted intervention, the progression from impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) to type 2 diabetes occurs more frequently in Asians compared with Caucasians. Furthermore, IGT is independently associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, and should be managed as early as possible. Because diabetes is now a major public health issue, strategies aimed at prevention and treatment are urgently required. Lifestyle modification, including weight loss, dietary changes and increased physical activity, play a major role in controlling the disease. Significant evidence also supports the effectiveness of a combination of lifestyle modification and pharmacologic therapy, such as metformin, in delaying the onset of diabetes. Although the importance of lifestyle interventions is well recognized throughout Asia, many countries do not have formal recommendations to guide the diagnosis and management of individuals at risk of progression to diabetes. At a recent regional meeting, experts from the Asian region convened to develop consensus recommendations to guide clinicians in the management of Asian patients with pre-diabetes. These consensus recommendations provide a clear and concise approach to the management of individuals with IGT based on the available evidence and current best clinical practice.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  14. Fong PH, Yeap CL, Lee ST
    Ann Acad Med Singap, 1983 Apr;12(2 Suppl):363-5.
    PMID: 6625521
    Cleft lip and palate is the most common congenital abnormality seen in the Department of Plastic Surgery, Singapore General Hospital. A total of 461 operative cases seen over a period of 5 years (1977 to 1981) is analysed. There is a relatively high incidence in the Singapore population of 2.0 per 1000 live births. In both cleft lip and cleft palate deformities, there is no significant difference in the sex distribution. The cleft patterns show that 78% of the cases are unilateral clefts, 53% are left sided, 25% are right sided and 22% of the cases are bilateral clefts.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  15. Deurenberg P, Deurenberg-Yap M
    Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 2002;11(1):1-7.
    PMID: 11890632
    Body fat percentage (BF%) was measured in 298 Singaporean Chinese, Malay and Indian men and women using a chemical four-compartment model consisting of fat, water, protein and mineral (BF%4C). In addition, weight, height, skinfold thickness and segmental impedance (from hand to hand) was measured. Body fat percentage was predicted using prediction equations from the literature (for skinfolds BF%SKFD) and using the manufacturer's software for the hand-held impedance analyser (BF%IMP). The subjects ranged in age from 18-70 years and in body mass index from 16.0 to 40.2 kg/m2. Body fat ranged from 6.5 to 53.3%. The biases for skinfold prediction (BF%4C-BF%SKFD, mean +/- SD) were -0.4+/-3.9, 2.3+/-4.1 and 3.1+/-4.2 in Chinese, Malay and Indian women, respectively, the Chinese being different from the Malays and Indians. The differences were significant from zero (P < 0.05) in the Malays and Indians. For the men, the biases were 0.5+/-3.8, 0.0+/-4.8 and 0.9+/-4.0 in Chinese, Malays and Indians, respectively. These biases were not significantly different from zero and not different among the ethnic groups. The biases for hand-held impedance BF% were -0.7+/-4.5, 1.5+/-4.4 and 0.4+/-3.8 in Chinese, Malay and Indian women. These biases were not significantly different from zero but the bias in the Chinese was significantly different from the biases in the Malays and Indians. In the Chinese, Malay and Indian men, the biases of BF%IMP were 0.7+/-4.6, 1.9+/-4.8 and 2.0+/-4.4, respectively. These biases in Malay and Indian men were significantly different from zero and significantly different from the bias in Chinese men. The biases were correlated with level of body fat and age, and also with relative arm span (arm span/height) for impedance. After correction, the differences in bias among the ethnic groups disappeared. The study shows that the biases in predicted BF% differ between ethnic groups, differences that can be explained by differences in body composition and differences in body build. This information is important and should be taken into account when comparing body composition across ethnic groups using predictive methods.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  16. Kamath S, How VJ, Lam SK, Duraisamy G, Lopez CG, Welch Q
    PMID: 4749067
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  17. Guan NC, Seng LH, Hway Ann AY, Hui KO
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2015 Mar;27(2):225-31.
    PMID: 23449622 DOI: 10.1177/1010539513477684
    This study was aimed at validating the simplified Chinese version of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Support (MSPSS-SCV) among a group of medical and dental students in University Malaya. Two hundred and two students who took part in this study were given the MSPSS-SCV, the Medical Outcome Study social support survey, the Malay version of the Beck Depression Inventory, the Malay version of the General Health Questionnaire, and the English version of the MSPSS. After 1 week, these students were again required to complete the MSPSS-SCV but with the item sequences shuffled. This scale displayed excellent internal consistency (Cronbach's α = .924), high test-retest reliability (.71), parallel form reliability (.92; Spearman's ρ, P < .01), and validity. In conclusion, the MSPSS-SCV demonstrated sound psychometric properties in measuring social support among a group of medical and dental students. It could therefore be used as a simple screening tool among young educated Malaysian adolescents.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  18. Jan Mohamed HJ, Yap RW, Loy SL, Norris SA, Biesma R, Aagaard-Hansen J
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2015 Mar;27(2):123-35.
    PMID: 25524952 DOI: 10.1177/1010539514562447
    This systematic review aimed to examine trends in overweight, obesity, and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) among Malaysian adults, and to identify its underlying determinants. A review of studies published between 2000 and 2012 on overweight, obesity, and T2DM was conducted. The Cochrane library of systematic reviews, MEDLINE, EMBASE, Biosis, Scopus, and MyJurnal digital database were searched. According to national studies, the prevalence of overweight increased from 26.7% in 2003 to 29.4% in 2011; obesity prevalence increased from 12.2% in 2003 to 15.1% in 2011, and T2DM prevalence was reported as 11.6% in 2006 and 15.2% in 2011. Distal determinants of increased risk of overweight, obesity, and T2DM were as follows: female, Malay/Indian ethnicity, and low educational level. The limited number of studies on proximal determinants of these noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) indicated that an unhealthy diet was associated with increased risk, whereas smoking was associated with decreased risk. However, more studies on the proximal determinants of overweight, obesity, and T2DM within the Malaysian context are needed. Overall, our findings provide insights for designing both future investigative studies and strategies to control and prevent these NCDs in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  19. Bong YB, Shariff AA, Mohamed AM, Merican AF
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2015 Mar;27(2):NP1217-27.
    PMID: 22652249 DOI: 10.1177/1010539512446959
    In this article, the authors propose reference curves for height and weight for school children in the Kuching area, Sarawak. The school children were from primary to secondary schools (aged 6.5 to 17 years old) and comprised both genders. Anthropometric measurements and demographic information for 3081 school-aged children were collected (1440 boys and 1641 girls). Fitted line plots and percentiles for height and weight (3rd, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 97th percentiles) were obtained. The height of school boys and school girls were almost similar at the start of their school-going age. For school girls, height and weight values stabilized when they reached 16 or 17 years old but kept increasing for school boys. School boys were taller than school girls as they entered adolescence. Height differences between school boys and school girls became significantly wider as they grew older. Chinese school children were taller and heavier than those of other ethnic groups.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  20. Hussain F, Abdul Kadir MR, Zulkifly AH, Sa'at A, Aziz AA, Hossain G, et al.
    Biomed Res Int, 2013;2013:175056.
    PMID: 24294597 DOI: 10.1155/2013/175056
    The distal femurs of 100 subjects (50 men, 50 women) from the Malay population aged between 19 and 38 years were scanned to measure the anterior-posterior (AP) and medial-lateral (ML) width. The mean AP values were 64.02 ± 3.38 mm and 57.33 ± 3.26 mm for men and women, respectively, and the mean ML values were 74.91 ± 3.52 mm and 64.53 ± 3.07 mm. We compared our data to that published previously for the Chinese and Indian populations. It was found that the Malay population had smaller distal femur than that of the Chinese but was larger than that of the Indian population (P < 0.05). In conclusion, although it is well established that Asians have a smaller distal femur size than that of the Western population, the variations in different Asian ethnicities may need to be considered when designing the appropriate knee implant.
    Matched MeSH terms: Asian Continental Ancestry Group
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