Results: This study showed that only 25.2% of our respondents were aware of glaucoma and it is associated with ethnicity, religion, education, and household income. Besides, among those who were aware, they fall into the group of poor knowledge of glaucoma. On the other hand, the knowledge of glaucoma was associated with occupation and the awareness of glaucoma by definition. The validated questionnaire was distributed and the data were analyzed by SPSS software using t-test, one-way ANOVA, and chi-square test.
Conclusion: Awareness and knowledge of glaucoma in this population is low. These findings suggest that there is a need for an efficient information and education strategy to be designed and conducted to increase the awareness and knowledge of glaucoma so that early detection can be made and effective management of individuals with this condition can be delivered.
METHODS: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted from October 2019 to February 2020 involving 468 respondents. Information on the socio-demographic characteristics of the participants (six items), their KAP (44, 15 and 18 items on knowledge, attitude and practice, respectively) and treatment-seeking behaviour (five items) towards dengue was collected using a structured questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using SPSS and R software in the R Studio environment. The knowledge section was analysed by two-parameter logistic item response theory (2-PL IRT) using ltm package. The construct validity and reliability of items for sections on attitude, practice and treatment-seeking behaviour were analysed using psy package.
RESULTS: For the knowledge section, only 70.5% (31/44) of items were within or close to the parameter acceptable range of -3 to + 3 of difficulty. In terms of discrimination, 65.9% (29/44) of items were within or close to the acceptable range of 0.35 to 2.5, and 24 items (54.5%) failed to fit the 2-PL IRT model (P 0.7, while based on the communalities, 11 items in the attitude section were excluded due to very low h2, factor loading values and low correlation with the total ( 0.7. The communalities of the practice section showed that seven items had low h2 values (
METHOD: A cross-sectional study using multistage sampling was conducted among 375 secondary school students in Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. The survey was adapted from a Hong Kong Red Cross survey. A back to back translation of this instrument was carried out by two bilingual medical experts with Cronbach's alpha 0.8. The data were analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) in terms of descriptive analysis, and an independent t-test and chi-square test were carried out.
RESULTS: There were 149 respondents from the lower form (grade level) and 226 respondents from the upper form. The majority of respondents (81.6%) were Malay. An independent t-test revealed a significant association between knowledge and attitude, as students who scored higher on first aid questions showed a more positive attitude towards first aid (1.475%). There were also significant associations between race and experience learning first aid.
CONCLUSIONS: Adolescents receive minimal first aid education. Thus, there is an urgent need to educate adolescents more in first aid to promote a safer community and to prevent any further injuries.
METHODS: We convened a group of cardiologists from across the Region to develop a set of checklists, algorithms, and other practical resources. These resources are based on our experiences, current evidence, and international guidelines.
RESULTS: The HF Toolbox comprises three simplified sets of resources for use in the Emergency Room (ER), hospital and outpatient settings. Resources include admission and discharge checklists, treatment algorithms, recommendations for forming a multidisciplinary team, patient education, and self-management materials, and key performance indicators to monitor whether standards of care are met or maintained, or should be improved.
CONCLUSIONS: The HF Toolbox provides practical resources to simplify the management of patients with HF and to support the formation of HF programs in the Region. The Toolbox is aligned with current guideline recommendations and can support the management of patients from presentation in the ER, through hospital admission to outpatient care.