Displaying publications 101 - 120 of 3016 in total

  1. Abdul Kadir NB, Bifulco A
    Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 2011 Sep;46(9):853-62.
    PMID: 20556355 DOI: 10.1007/s00127-010-0249-4
    INTRODUCTION: The experiences of married and single mothers were compared in an investigation of psychosocial vulnerability, stress and depression in a community-based study of Moslem mothers in Malaysia. For the first time, a model of vulnerability-provoking agent originally developed by Brown et al. in the UK was tested in a Malaysian context.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out in the district of Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Of the 1,200 women approached from membership of community associations, 1,002 (84%) completed the questionnaires. Severe life events Recent Life Events Questionnaire (Brugha and Cragg in Acta Psychiatr Scand 82:77-81, 1990) and psychosocial vulnerability (VDQ) (Moran et al. in Br J Clin Psychol 40:411-427, 2001) were used to measure vulnerability factors. Depression was measured by the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-30) (Havenaar et al. in Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 43:209-215, 2008).

    RESULTS: Single mothers had significantly higher rates of depression than those married (60.5 vs. 39.5%), as well as higher rates of severe life events and Negative Elements in Close Relationships (lack of support and conflict with children). However, married mothers had greater Negative Evaluation of Self. The two vulnerability factors were correlated to each other and to severe life events and social adversity. Logistic regression showed an interaction between severe life events in the material and relationship domains and joint vulnerability for depression outcome. The results are discussed in relation to the low recognition of psychosocial risks for depression in single mothers in Malaysia, as well as lack of appropriate services.

    Matched MeSH terms: Depression/psychology*; Divorce/psychology*; Islam/psychology; Mothers/psychology*; Single Parent/psychology*; Spouses/psychology*; Vulnerable Populations/psychology
  2. Deva MP
    Med J Malaysia, 1981 Dec;36(4):268-71.
    PMID: 7334968
    Matched MeSH terms: Psychology/education*
  3. Eytan A
    Rev Med Suisse, 2019 Sep 18;15(663):1671-1674.
    PMID: 31532119
    The expression « To run amok » describes bouts of murderous madness. This clinical entity was originally described in the Malay Peninsula. Associated with a form of exoticism, literary and historical descriptions are available. For about twenty years, amok has been included in psychiatric classifications as a culture-bound syndrome. In the last quarter of the 20th century, some parallels were observed between amok and mass shootings. Although the weapon of choice has changed from dagger to gun, common traits are clearly identifiable. Anger, feelings of prejudice and paranoid thoughts -dominate the picture. The absence of an ideological claim distinguishes the mass shooter from the terrorist. The psychiatrist may have a role in prevention, but these acting outs -remain difficult to anticipate.
    Matched MeSH terms: Homicide/psychology
  4. Subramaniam M
    Med J Malaysia, 1964 Dec;19:134-9.
    PMID: 14279236
    Matched MeSH terms: Psychology, Social*
  5. Appannan JS, Maheswaran L, Raimee N, Lim WL, Amran FH
    Work, 2022;73(4):1135-1145.
    PMID: 36057808 DOI: 10.3233/WOR-211467
    BACKGROUND: Millions of employees were laid off during the COVID-19 pandemic. The hospitality industry has been gravely hit by this crisis.

    OBJECTIVE: Drawing from the theory of conservation of resources (COR), our study aims to examine possible factors that influence turnover intention among hotel employees.

    METHODS: The hypotheses were tested on 141 hotel employees from Klang Valley, Malaysia. Data were collected by means of questionnaires, purposive sampling was employed, and PLS-SEM was used in performing the data analyses.

    RESULTS: Job insecurity and psychological distress were found to be the potent antecedent of turnover intention. In contrast, the role of perceived supervisor support did not significantly moderate the effects of both job insecurity and psychological distress on the quitting intention.

    CONCLUSION: Re-looking at existing policies and leadership styles may be fruitful in ensuring the sustainability path of an organization. This is pivotal in growing back the entire hospitality industry that has gravely affected by COVID-19.

    Matched MeSH terms: Employment/psychology
  6. Kc B, Alrasheedy AA, Leggat PA, Mohamed Ibrahim MI, Christopher CM, Sapkota B, et al.
    Travel Med Infect Dis, 2023;51:102494.
    PMID: 36400319 DOI: 10.1016/j.tmaid.2022.102494
    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Pharmacists have an important role in providing travel health services and medications to travelers. However, given the limited literature on this topic, the aim of this study is to systematically review the types and outcomes of pharmacist-managed travel health services.

    METHODS: A comprehensive literature search was performed in four electronic databases, namely Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed and ProQuest to identify studies published in English from 1999 to July 2022. The inclusion criteria included the studies that reported an experience of providing dedicated travel health services by pharmacists and reported the outcomes and/or evaluation of these travel health services.

    RESULTS: Nine studies were identified from the literature and included in the review. The pharmacists have provided a wide range of general and specialized travel health services including pre-travel risk assessment, routine and travel-related vaccination service, prescribing or recommending medications for travel-related illnesses, counseling and travel health advice. Overall, 94-100% of the patients were satisfied or very satisfied with pharmacist-managed travel health services. In addition, a good acceptance rate of pharmacist recommendations for vaccines and travel-related mediations was reported with most studies reporting an overall acceptance rate of ≥75% (acceptance rate range: 48%-94.2%). In addition, high rates of acceptance of other nonpharmacological advices were noted.

    CONCLUSION: Pharmacists with training in travel medicine have successfully provided a wide range of general and specialized travel health services. Most travelers were highly satisfied with the pharmacy-based travel health services and accepted the pharmacist recommendations.

    Matched MeSH terms: Pharmacists/psychology
  7. Kim YE
    Child Abuse Negl, 2022 Aug;130(Pt 1):105474.
    PMID: 34996620 DOI: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2021.105474
    BACKGROUND: Risk factors for child maltreatment have been exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially due to economic downfalls leading to parental job losses and poor mental health.

    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to examine the association between child maltreatment and unemployment rate in the Republic of Korea.

    PARTICIPANTS AND SETTING: Nationally representative data at the province level were used.

    METHODS: The monthly excess number of hotline calls related to child maltreatment during the COVID-19 pandemic was estimated for each province. Fixed effects regressions was used to examine the relationship between the excess number of hotline calls and unemployment rate.

    RESULTS: The average excess number of hotline calls was significantly negative in the early stage of the pandemic, but became significantly positive afterwards except for some months with averages not statistically different from zero. The regression results showed that an increase of male unemployment rate by 1% was significantly associated with an increase in the excess number of hotline calls by 0.15-0.17 per 10,000 children for most dependent variables for the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. The statistical significance of female unemployment rate was mixed with the opposite sign of the coefficient to that of male unemployment. Overall unemployment rate was not significant.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that disruptions in child welfare services should be avoided to prevent underreporting of or delayed responses to suspected cases. Also, policies need to be designed considering potential pathways from economic downfalls, especially male unemployment, to child maltreatment.

    Matched MeSH terms: Unemployment/psychology
  8. Zhang T, Liu H, Lu Y, Wang Q
    PMID: 36834432 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20043737
    Physical inactivity has increased globally, particularly in developed nations. A high proportion of the human population is unable to meet the physical activity recommendation of the World Health Organisation due to hypertension, metabolic syndrome, obesity, and other medical conditions. Non-communicable diseases and mental health problems are becoming more prevalent, particularly in low and middle-income nations. This study aimed to determine the effectivenessof a mentorship programmeon university students' mental health and physical fitness. The intervention comprised the effects of sports-based development and education on physical fitness and mental health. A total of 196 and 234 students from two universities were randomly assigned to the intervention and control groups, respectively. The primary outcomes were engagement in physical activities (number of push-ups for 1 min, the strength of hand grip (kg), and the Jump test while standing (cm)), body fat proportion and psychological resilience, self-efficacy, and relationship with family and schoolmates. Participants in the control group had access to a web-based health education game, whereas the intervention group wassubjected to intensive interventional activities for one month based on the eight principles of the National Research Council and Institute of Medicine. Data were analysed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to compare the physical and mental components between the intervention and control groups. Relative to baseline, all the physical health components (push-ups, sit-ups, and jump tests), psychological resilience, relationship with family members, and self-efficacy increased significantly in the intervention compared to the control group. Body fat composition was significantly reduced in the intervention when compared tothe control group. In conclusion, the mentorship programme effectively improved the participants' physical and psychological health and could be developed further for application in a larger population.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Fitness/psychology
  9. Swami V, Barron D, Furnham A
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Sep 06;19(18).
    PMID: 36141444 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph191811157
    Research has suggested that schizotypy-a personality organisation representing latent vulnerability for schizophrenia-spectrum disorders-may be elevated in women with symptoms of disordered eating. However, studies have not fully considered associations between symptoms of disordered eating and multidimensional schizotypy. To overcome this limitation, we asked an online sample of 235 women from the United States to complete measures of symptoms of disordered eating (drive for thinness, body dissatisfaction, and bulimic symptoms) and multidimensional schizotypy. Correlational analyses indicated significant associations between drive for thinness and bulimic symptoms, respectively, and most schizotypal facets. Body dissatisfaction was significantly associated with only two schizotypal facets. Overall, the strength of correlations was weak-to-moderate. Regression results indicated that only the schizotypal feature of excessive social anxiety was significantly associated with all risk for disordered eating factors. These results are consistent with aetiological models of disordered eating that highlight socio-affective difficulties as risk factors for symptoms of disordered eating.
    Matched MeSH terms: Thinness/psychology
  10. Azhar MZ, Varma SL
    Singapore Med J, 1996 Feb;37(1):82-5.
    PMID: 8783920
    The families of 83 schizophrenic patients were studied to find out the level of expressed emotion in them leading to the relapse of these patients. The patients were having more than two episodes of schizophrenia (DSM-III-R). The most salient finding was the virtual absence of high level of expressed emotion as the cause of relapse. It was found that the majority of the families (72.3%) had low expressed emotion while only 25.3% had high expressed emotion and only 2.4% families were equivocal in this respect. This finding is in contrast with various other findings in this area. The most likely explanation for this disagreement is the cultural differences between Malaysian patients and Western patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Family/psychology*
  11. Jobson L, Matharu TK, Kulendran S, Sivakumar VD, Lee QY, Li H, et al.
    Eur J Psychotraumatol, 2023;14(1):2192962.
    PMID: 36994615 DOI: 10.1080/20008066.2023.2192962
    Background: Social support is an important feature in understanding posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and its treatment. Non-clinical research has identified distinct profiles of culturally appropriate social support. Despite this, little research has examined cultural influences on social support in the context of PTSD.Objective: This study examined cultural differences in the associations between social support and symptoms of PTSD.Method: The study employed a cross-sectional design. Australian (n = 91) and Malaysian (n = 91) trauma survivors completed an online survey assessing PTSD symptomatology and social support (explicit and implicit social support, perceived helpfulness of support provider, attitudes towards professional help-seeking). A quasi-experimental paradigm assessed the influence of mutual (i.e. the sharing of support between relationship partners) and non-mutual support (i.e. where one person constantly receives support, while the other person constantly provides support) on negative emotion and subjective distress.Results: First, explicit social support was negatively associated with PTSD symptoms for the Australian group but not the Malaysian group. Second, perceived helpfulness of support from family was negatively associated with PTSD symptoms for the Malaysian group but not the Australian group. Third, the Malaysian group reported significantly greater distress for non-mutual support and significantly fewer negative emotions and distress for mutual support than the Australian group. Fourth, the Malaysian group reported that they were significantly more open to acknowledging psychological problems and the possibility of seeking professional help for these problems than the Australian group.Conclusions: As the PTSD social support literature continues to evolve, it is essential that cultural influences are considered given the important theoretical and clinical implications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survivors/psychology
  12. Mahalingam G, Samtani S, Lam BCP, Lipnicki DM, Lima-Costa MF, Blay SL, et al.
    Alzheimers Dement, 2023 Nov;19(11):5114-5128.
    PMID: 37102417 DOI: 10.1002/alz.13072
    INTRODUCTION: Previous meta-analyses have linked social connections and mild cognitive impairment, dementia, and mortality. However, these used aggregate data from North America and Europe and examined a limited number of social connection markers.

    METHODS: We used individual participant data (N = 39271, Mage  = 70.67 (40-102), 58.86% female, Meducation  = 8.43 years, Mfollow-up  = 3.22 years) from 13 longitudinal ageing studies. A two-stage meta-analysis of Cox regression models examined the association between social connection markers with our primary outcomes.

    RESULTS: We found associations between good social connections structure and quality and lower risk of incident mild cognitive impairment (MCI); between social structure and function and lower risk of incident dementia and mortality. Only in Asian cohorts, being married/in a relationship was associated with reduced risk of dementia, and having a confidante was associated with reduced risk of dementia and mortality.

    DISCUSSION: Different aspects of social connections - structure, function, and quality - are associated with benefits for healthy aging internationally.

    HIGHLIGHTS: Social connection structure (being married/in a relationship, weekly community group engagement, weekly family/friend interactions) and quality (never lonely) were associated with lower risk of incident MCI. Social connection structure (monthly/weekly friend/family interactions) and function (having a confidante) were associated with lower risk of incident dementia. Social connection structure (living with others, yearly/monthly/weekly community group engagement) and function (having a confidante) were associated with lower risk of mortality. Evidence from 13 longitudinal cohort studies of ageing indicates that social connections are important targets for reducing risk of incident MCI, incident dementia, and mortality. Only in Asian cohorts, being married/in a relationship was associated with reduced risk of dementia, and having a confidante was associated with reduced risk of dementia and mortality.

    Matched MeSH terms: Aging/psychology
  13. Kalpana P, Anandan R, Hussien AG, Migdady H, Abualigah L
    Sci Rep, 2024 Apr 15;14(1):8660.
    PMID: 38622177 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-56393-8
    Agriculture plays a pivotal role in the economic development of a nation, but, growth of agriculture is affected badly by the many factors one such is plant diseases. Early stage prediction of these disease is crucial role for global health and even for game changers the farmer's life. Recently, adoption of modern technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and deep learning concepts has given the brighter light of inventing the intelligent machines to predict the plant diseases before it is deep-rooted in the farmlands. But, precise prediction of plant diseases is a complex job due to the presence of noise, changes in the intensities, similar resemblance between healthy and diseased plants and finally dimension of plant leaves. To tackle this problem, high-accurate and intelligently tuned deep learning algorithms are mandatorily needed. In this research article, novel ensemble of Swin transformers and residual convolutional networks are proposed. Swin transformers (ST) are hierarchical structures with linearly scalable computing complexity that offer performance and flexibility at various scales. In order to extract the best deep key-point features, the Swin transformers and residual networks has been combined, followed by Feed forward networks for better prediction. Extended experimentation is conducted using Plant Village Kaggle datasets, and performance metrics, including accuracy, precision, recall, specificity, and F1-rating, are evaluated and analysed. Existing structure along with FCN-8s, CED-Net, SegNet, DeepLabv3, Dense nets, and Central nets are used to demonstrate the superiority of the suggested version. The experimental results show that in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-rating, the introduced version shown better performances than the other state-of-art hybrid learning models.
    Matched MeSH terms: Recognition (Psychology)*
  14. Zaidi FZ, Lai MM, Jumaat A, Lee Y
    PMID: 36834173 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20043480
    This paper examines mindfulness as a costless cognitive asset in reducing stress and improving subjective well-being and psychological well-being among Malaysian bottom-forty-percent and middle-forty-percent income earners, known as B40 and M40, respectively. The participants recruited for this experimental study were divided into intervention and control groups and completed pre- and post-assessment questionnaires. The leveraging on digital technologies during pandemic times from May to June 2021 enabled participants in the intervention group (n = 95) to undergo four weekly online mindfulness intervention sessions through Google Meet and completed daily home mindfulness practices using the mobile application for mindfulness: the MindFi version 3.8.0 mobile app. Based on the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, the intervention group's mindfulness and well-being levels increased significantly after four weeks. This outcome contrasted to those in the control group (n = 31), who exhibited lower mindfulness and well-being levels. The PLS-SEM structural model consists of mindfulness as an independent variable, subjective and psychological well-being as dependent variables, and perceived stress and financial desire discrepancies as the mediators. This model has a goodness-of-fit of 0.076, proving that it is a fit and strong model. There is a positive relationship between mindfulness and subjective well-being (β = 0.162, p-value < 0.01). This model supports the mediation effect of perceived stress between mindfulness and subjective well-being variables (β = 0.152, p-value < 0.05). The overall structural model implies that the effectiveness of mindfulness intervention training not only enhanced bottom- and middle-income earners' well-being but also lowered the perceived stress level that, henceforth, brought the mind and body together in the present moment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Psychological/psychology
  15. Siau CS, Chan CMH, Wee LH, Wahab S, Visvalingam U, Chen WS, et al.
    Omega (Westport), 2023 Jun;87(2):469-484.
    PMID: 34096373 DOI: 10.1177/00302228211021746
    We examined whether burnout, depression, anxiety, stress, lifetime suicidal ideation, self-efficacy in preventing suicide and demographic factors predicted the understanding of and willingness to help suicidal patients among hospital healthcare workers. A total of 368 healthcare workers from the major surgical and medical departments in a general hospital setting were recruited. Participants responded to the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale-21, Self-efficacy in Suicide Prevention, and Understanding Suicide Attempt Patient Scale. Those from the psychiatric department, with higher suicide prevention self-efficacy, and lower personal accomplishment indicated more understanding and helpful attitudes; doctors, depressed and anxious healthcare workers reported less understanding and helpful attitudes. Suicide prevention efforts must be conducted in tandem with equipping and supporting the healthcare workers who manage suicidal patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anxiety/psychology
  16. Adeyemi IR, Razak SA, Salleh M, Venter HS
    PLoS One, 2016;11(12):e0166930.
    PMID: 27918593 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0166930
    Comprehension of the statistical and structural mechanisms governing human dynamics in online interaction plays a pivotal role in online user identification, online profile development, and recommender systems. However, building a characteristic model of human dynamics on the Internet involves a complete analysis of the variations in human activity patterns, which is a complex process. This complexity is inherent in human dynamics and has not been extensively studied to reveal the structural composition of human behavior. A typical method of anatomizing such a complex system is viewing all independent interconnectivity that constitutes the complexity. An examination of the various dimensions of human communication pattern in online interactions is presented in this paper. The study employed reliable server-side web data from 31 known users to explore characteristics of human-driven communications. Various machine-learning techniques were explored. The results revealed that each individual exhibited a relatively consistent, unique behavioral signature and that the logistic regression model and model tree can be used to accurately distinguish online users. These results are applicable to one-to-one online user identification processes, insider misuse investigation processes, and online profiling in various areas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Identification (Psychology)*
  17. Swami V, Voracek M, Furnham A, Robinson C, Tran US
    Body Image, 2023 Jun;45:391-400.
    PMID: 37116305 DOI: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2023.04.005
    In the present study, we sought to position support for weight-related anti-discrimination laws and policies within a broader political and socioeconomic context. Specifically, we hypothesised that individualistic (rather than structural) anti-poverty attitudes would provide the basis for negative weight-related dispositions. To test this hypothesis, we asked 392 respondents from the United Kingdom to complete measures of support for weight-related anti-discrimination laws and policies, attributions about the causes of being larger-bodied, and weight-related stigma and prejudice. Path analysis with robust maximum likelihood estimation indicated that greater individualistic anti-poverty attitudes were significantly and directly associated with lower support for weight-related anti-discrimination laws and policies. This direct association was also significantly mediated by weight-related stigma and via a serial mediation involving both weight-related stigma and prejudice. Although greater individualistic anti-poverty attitudes were significantly associated with greater personal attributions for being larger-bodied, the latter did not emerge as a significant mediation pathway. The present findings highlight the importance of considering broader political and socioeconomic contextual factors that may provide a basis for the development, maintenance, and manifestation of negative weight-related dispositions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Image/psychology
  18. Ramzi NH, Auvinen J, Veijola J, Miettunen J, Ala-Mursula L, Sebert S, et al.
    J Affect Disord, 2023 Jun 15;331:1-7.
    PMID: 36933669 DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2023.03.026
    BACKGROUND: The fact that a complex relationship exists between alexithymia and body mass index (BMI) is well established, but the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. Here, we explore the relationship between alexithymia and depressive symptoms in relation to adiposity measures, including the direct and indirect effect of alexithymia and depressive symptoms on obesity over a 15-year time-period, in the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 (NFBC1966).

    METHODS: The study included individuals from the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 (NFBC1966) who had available data for adiposity measures (body mass index and waist-to-hip ratio), alexithymia (measured by the 20-Item Toronto Alexithymia Scale: TAS-20), depressive symptoms (measured by the 13-item depression subscale of Hopkins Symptom Checklist: HSCL-13) at age of 31 years (n = 4773) and 46 years (n = 4431). Pearson's (r) correlation, and multiple linear regression were used to investigate the relationships between alexithymia, depressive symptoms, and adiposity measures. The potential mediating role of depressive symptoms was examined via Hayes' procedure (PROCESS).

    RESULTS: Positive correlations were confirmed between adiposity measures (BMI and WHR) and the TAS-20 score (and its subscale), but not between obesity and HSCL-13 score. The strongest correlation was between the DIF (difficulty identifying feelings) subscale of the TAS-20 and HSCL-13 at both time points (31 y: r(3013) = 0.41, p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Obesity/psychology
  19. Hemanath S, Robinson F, Pang NTP, Lim EK, Ong SJ, Alyssa S, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2023 May;78(3):336-343.
    PMID: 37271843
    INTRODUCTION: Effective smoking cessation programmes are essential for assisting smokers in quitting, indirectly lowering mortality and morbidity associated with smoking. Numerous studies have indicated positive outcomes when using mindfulness treatment (MT) to treat psychological or behavioural health issues. Although to date, no study has looked at the effectiveness of online MT for quitting smoking while addressing mental health, particularly among the Asian population. Therefore, this study compares the efficiency of online MT to traditional counselling therapy (CT) in aiding smoking cessation programmes while also addressing mental health.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A randomised control study with a two-group, single-blind design and baseline evaluation was selected. Social media sites were used to advertise for participants, who were then admitted after meeting the requirements. Participants who met the eligibility requirements were randomly split into two groups. Each group received a total of three sessions of online therapy (MT or CT), once every two weeks, as well as one phone call per week as reinforcement. At the beginning and end of the intervention, participants completed questionnaires (1st week and 5th week). Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) statistical analysis was used to analyse all the variables.

    RESULTS: The MT group experienced a statistically significant decrease in cigarette consumption (β: -3.50, 95% Wald CI: - 4.62, -2.39) compared to the CT group over time. Furthermore, the MT group demonstrated significant improvements in their scores for the AAQ-2, anxiety, stress, depression and mindfulness compared to the CT group.

    CONCLUSION: Online MT is more successful at assisting smokers in lowering their daily cigarette intake and supporting their mental health during the smoking cessation process. Further longitudinal comparisons of the effectiveness of online MT should be undertaken using online platforms in future studies.

    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/psychology
  20. Geddis-Regan A, Fisal ABA, Bird J, Fleischmann I, Mac Giolla Phadraig C
    Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 2024 Oct;52(5):660-676.
    PMID: 38680013 DOI: 10.1111/cdoe.12969
    BACKGROUND: Little is known about patients' or carers' reported experiences of dental care provided using dental behaviour support (DBS) techniques. Qualitative literature can provide unique insight into these experiences.

    AIM: To explore and synthesize qualitative literature related to patient experience of dental behaviour support.

    METHODS: A PROSPERO-registered systematic review of qualitative articles was undertaken. Studies were identified through MEDLINE, Embase and PsycINFO. Abstracts were screened by two reviewers and data were extracted to summarize the qualitative findings included within them. A thematic summary approach was used to synthesize the qualitative data identified.

    RESULTS: Twenty-three studies were included. Studies primarily explored experiences of dental care of children by speaking to their parents (n = 16), particularly regarding paediatric dental general anaesthesia (DGA) (n = 8). Studies of adults' experiences of DBS (n = 7) covered a range of techniques. Nine studies explored broader dental care experiences and did not study specific DBS approaches. A thematic synthesis identified five themes applicable across the studies identified: Trust and the therapeutic alliance supporting effective care delivery; considered information sharing often alleviated anticipatory anxiety; control and autonomy-reduced anxieties; variations in the perceived treatment successes and failures of DBS techniques; and DBS techniques produced longer positive and negative impacts on patients beyond direct care provision.

    CONCLUSION: Qualitative research has been under-utilized in research on DBS techniques. Care experiences of most DBS techniques outside of paediatric DGA are poorly understood. Building trust with patients and enabling autonomy appear to support positive patient-reported experiences of care.

    Matched MeSH terms: Dental Anxiety/psychology
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