CONTENT: Databases search of Scopus, ScienceDirect, PubMed, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) Plus, MyJournal, Biblioteca Regional de Medicina (BIREME), BioMed Central (BMC) Public Health, Medline, Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux (CAB), EMBASE (Excerpta Medica dataBASE) OVID, and Web of Science (WoS) was performed, which include the article from 1st January 2008 until 31st August 2018 using medical subject heading (MeSH). Articles initially identified were screened for relevance.
SUMMARY: Out of 744 papers screened, nine eligible studies did meet our inclusion criteria. Prison and housing environments were evaluated for TB transmission in living environment, while the other factor was urbanization. However, not all association for these factors were statistically significant, thus assumed to be conflicting or weak to end up with a strong conclusion.
OUTLOOK: Unsustainable indoor environment in high congregate setting and overcrowding remained as a challenge for TB infection in Malaysia. Risk factors for transmission of TB, specifically in high risk areas, should focus on the implementation of specialized program. Further research on health care environment, weather variability, and air pollution are urgently needed to improve the management of TB transmission.
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A combined cohort Markov decision tree model was used to compare booster vaccination with an Omicron-adapted bivalent COVID-19 vaccine versus no booster vaccination in Malaysia. The model utilized age-specific data from January 2021 to March 2022 derived from published sources. The outcomes of interest included case numbers, hospitalizations, deaths, medical costs, and productivity losses. The population was stratified into high-risk and standard-risk subpopulations, and the study evaluated the benefits of increased coverage in different age and risk groups.
RESULTS: Vaccinating only high-risk individuals and those aged ≥ 65 years was estimated to avert 274,313 cases, 33229 hospitalizations, 2,434 deaths, Malaysian ringgit (MYR) 576 million in direct medical costs, and MYR 579 million in indirect costs. Expanding vaccination coverage in the standard-risk population to 75% was estimated to avert more deaths (31%), hospitalizations (155%), infections (206%), direct costs (206%), and indirect costs (281%).
CONCLUSIONS: These findings support broader population Omicron-adapted bivalent booster vaccination in Malaysia with potential for significant health and economic gains.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: We conducted a descriptive analysis to assess the spatial distribution of COVID-19 cases in our study area. To explore the relationship between temperature variables and COVID-19 transmission, we employed Pearson correlation analysis, examining the correlations between daily average, minimum, and maximum temperature data and the temporal distribution of COVID-19 cases as reported by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia. This approach allowed us to comprehensively investigate the impact of weather on the transmission dynamics of COVID-19.
RESULTS: Our findings reveal a noteworthy correlation (p<0.05) between average and maximum temperatures and COVID-19 transmission, highlighting the influence of weather on disease dynamics. Notably, exceptions were observed in the Hulu Terengganu district, where fewer than 10 cases occurred in each sub-district throughout the study period, warranting special consideration.
CONCLUSION: In summary, our study highlights the significance of temperature in shaping COVID-19 transmission. This stresses the importance of including weather variables in pandemic strategies. We also suggest comparing various cities to broaden our understanding of how weather affects disease spread, aiding future public health efforts.
STUDY DESIGN: Qualitative narrative study.
METHODS: Grey literature on COVID-19 art initiatives and programmes in Malaysia was reviewed.
RESULTS: The art initiatives and efforts in Malaysia to promote health and wellness during the COVID-19 pandemic were compelling and notable. These initiatives can be classified into five major categories, namely performing arts, visual arts, culture, literature and digital art. The main health messages conveyed through these initiatives included public education regarding COVID-19, health precautionary steps recommended for the public, and solidarity in the fight against COVID-19. These art initiatives cultivated positive responses from the public and increased their awareness of COVID-19.
CONCLUSION: From the public health perspective, the use of arts to educate and create awareness of COVID-19 in Malaysia were encouraging. The public is made more informed and prepared to face the challenges ahead.
STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: This guidance was developed based on a series of methodological meetings, review of internationally renowned guidance such as the Cochrane Handbook and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis for equity-focused systematic reviews (PRISMA-Equity) guideline. We identified Exemplar rapid reviews by searching COVID-19 databases and requesting examples from our team.
RESULTS: We proposed the following key steps: 1. involve relevant stakeholders with lived experience in the conduct and design of the review; 2. reflect on equity, inclusion and privilege in team values and composition; 3. develop research question to assess health inequities; 4. conduct searches in relevant disciplinary databases; 5. collect data and critically appraise recruitment, retention and attrition for populations experiencing inequities; 6. analyse evidence on equity; 7. evaluate the applicability of findings to populations experiencing inequities; and 8. adhere to reporting guidelines for communicating review findings. We illustrated these methods through rapid review examples.
CONCLUSION: Implementing this guidance could contribute to improving equity considerations in rapid reviews produced in public health emergencies, and help policymakers better understand the distributional impact of diseases on the population.